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Libertyville Independent, 22 Nov 1917, p. 7

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LIEUTVILIIINDEPENDENT, THURSDÂ?y. NOVEMBER 22, 1917. aeSW G.ÂT SA~G TE . Sg.Uo ulatil frpd a rttvs IBOARDS ARE MORE EFFICIENT PRISONERS WENT ON STRIKE PANDT AECSMN ACIO BLES I I MI ~A fammber of friand of Arthur Bock P ~ - yaaeiSpmmaêtorptlWéet bis home This le Exph5BBUOI Wven by British Hifuosd te Go Sack te Juif Until On* But Daring Spy Work cf German Offi. This iaLatost Spfft et British Avis., Nup ~ ~ B u4 de bw B t W #vsdo itfm n Th o rsuofgb s sE M , m . *5r4WO*WIU S Peilfill Proved f N o Avai.Tae Fr n e ch s phn u, w. , , p~~~*tg:Oo r enj l a recent IfuUte by a co.- Perbape u uratsrk The. sory of Str Roger Casements In a London newspaper la rns -nul~ us l . , _1- lest. isrved. Ail rppolt a mie.t. ~ fcn~ ~~capture anid execution la wideiy known. an ceunt of a Britisb avttIPIs " Ot bu theb efforts of the Berlin admiralty ovor the Germas ne@ou a&i eSh tajmou su Mh FrkIr*00 *g~~-N ecter ««semi la Delaware monti. InianSIa, r«e»Uj, to belp hleu escape frein bis Engisb bullot thet butd "stopped 4m e9. 01111 iaysoSd d MWFraer tok e tb »j CR wbec th"~ reifused te roture te joli un- her *ShtIStU 00klth llatil M - ov ~l tqu ofs et1he Blgh clau tfot wW t1h ispa t t ha ten eoe o f tSir number recetrmd hi Prison JURot before bis destb bavs not the Msitient fracttloo ý( IT 0 tbeeu toit oe unn frmauli ~~~~~~~~Of hi teoe ho Ires Arter butui beC-eo ~bS ~~~ ~-- Au ellâcer la the uavy. who Celli descendlng missile. Aithogi 01,wu lii a*Ulsh &MFroa s a -m @Tihmt efe, tur u Peak Englsh snd wbe bad risiteil paper prints no photopapi st1 brother Dr. A. .Iobnstou, rets Daàlla. basf o nos, irrl-- «U» tuer wlh te ho f o i London freqnentiy blefore the isar, buffet, sor even of the poekel 4 Smàtd t uupw ~OW l oViiil .- i tie poasdb b oeraa 0e~ turnished wltb a fatleo poesport wblch the aviator plaedt l Se u Wjbo oses éhe dflfulpo MepM . dIb ok and landed le Engiaut, maya Carl W. .tor7 a m two oekdrte 1"1oerc r'e t * basl mygn feioeswyotther elements et ton&~ *aaka -~ba '.tsotre yYrtww esu OU a ountryj Ackerman lu the Saturday Evsulng Selent tove ti uhll tS yards, b.eapeort bo te soUlage fer «Wbsn ti. war b"ak out men were roend that needed repalrtng.' soit! pry ~*u~ rvddwt niie h arte ua wrk te --~~ u.o~ orOm.~ e~, ~ ~~ihd iaa<bter bis »wi de"n hl the 101ho uthéb Mont1à. t"e f.. soeilij,ý9amiuotion te W0 Jamo* le workboeae superlnteutent fOn, ai hpaotdoftsYr rI. I a bi M " an " mal pcIl ws, bo could net pu- aordling te the Indianapoisa Nes, Mernt te brilla Casement bock te Ger- ~b!es"buu '~ pouilots 09e tellik.nse ti vs.IntcdaottiD O10. ay The foreigu office watceitpgabe, beeguie tua<la - .i ie lib fr0. daueanc bu usrelbo ti the constquence thueiloito the automobile and bring Brl*th reporta ve!ry carefully and wa& charmrstle. of AU L M1011116= 1 *1* W& 1 . _ 1vaw that, a o8é= r of mon wan tuein bock, that the prisoners we1-O amazed wben Il learned that Case- ove, ince the, battie et b Th»e *ts" ~ ~ musl e Uui*t a notle -I lb. ON ?eUIted whet file SilîhorIttes would banglug back and talklng amng turem- mn atho zctt lwso-hteGrasyu bot bavey cet.li me conldeln thn sore. ln y on hit temcarne hodot thon) that the naval ofiler's Plan filer; hero la the typical Teutualc at whkea«W bou $*ida .-,t .Pouce Umnes.' melt h trystsdmn anba falletl and ail hope et bis roturi tempt ho indue. uiifferlngf thmgeNA Mi -.tr vas , W OOOL NOitEs Wlth s nce a Corps of examinera. Il 'Tho boys bore wonIt go bock ta waiq giron Up. h lý»b ftli Eo wu@ "buet Frtday wtl a BirU A~usI lfrAUed deele, ft wu,; Impossible Joli villa YOD unie«, yon lire Danny. Six weeka loto,, Butver tue gratr erdee t rth oo -et thé -ObdSsu *, -~h»dcb. ____ te attain a cornass standard, ond tutu tuere,' oual the spokesmana. 'They won't ln Germany, paie, exhousted and nerv- lbe final sentence explining boer 'ibe ?raats Ssac; et ~ saue Kssiy ia agln.iia.d Te SH dviersay eplaine th et t lat frequently men ride back le the machine wtb lmtr be- oualy taroirn deve. ne bad suceetd ovialor reachet qulckly, grabbed Se 'radiiezn tis 010 9* 00 oil s ey ahm sseeruw v T he. Dul A i e ays~ Ihr s rejected by oe eWérdwere acepted cause obas vermin ln tals hiLr and ln confeint wlthir Roger, bcr- ballet and put It le bie peketY He @ebmLa*1laa bdau "ut "Yeuhwroug Grâve Danger one hie body.gbbd" quickiy merelY beca.us »Mrl«oo V«o m arhha DeMejer sud NeIli. Portsgy ad vii. oightmt Io bave beon paso- no more juif for us. Wo're agreedta 1 hefore be va& ezecutot, but there vas ho vas flylng nt the rate Of 11) il ~ Muh ? IsuS Upui a e peuies la selîîn for the. vssk. iflg Soft Corn. se, ho aditt5d, 'ut, on th& other inake a man for It If yen don't, ont no possiillt7 of an escape. Thon, an liour, but be put It ln bispe~ las.eueMis MeSmaa tI. hoi rseirng on-hlserlg Bais- bud.o put moilber of men ver, ye canlt catch ail of us.' footing tiiot bo wan, undir suspicion, because a whleteg emnblt£4 a.- ~ Anse, Nlll.. ortgySHOLD ~ ~ ~ rejcte wh d~ h.hav ben ~5- "0f course, I huit no rigbt ho atiow ibis officer underwent the mont traStlc huat been fired frone a ri"l a"c ei MrU. sud Mns. L. Y. èikes are lspnhi Sblriel Thom&@, Cocue Amau andit U MIA Il WIlfl OATS. adi ualer the catbçMy symtprm. Tt won the in bis freedotu," Cole contlnuod,' privations until, as o member of the gone througb the Buperh«eat ar ami'. às dois lasa at he Wegdsr MuINt y ain. t< very difficuit ta set the mnedicai Practl- "but the tollow iumped op and rau creis of o neutral ohip, ho reached the roundîng tue arlotor vas ak white bot *gi.ap Ato, ii.witb hé son10 The childrea sajoied bot bakod pota Declau'es It Will Lemsn Danger tlef te Iin45ftw tua o h vyJe f a 'nbut oamtcniet as Munchausee wouit ho If ho vole t ouwit thor danéa fat wek.could de aoythluà la civil life coutl vo tldn't try very bard ta catch hlm. If tis story la true-send Il was toid o live tai cootigate tuose who doutat thé t atC. . IhM~ oewh bi iar 51wo.if Farmers WiII Mix Corn do tia± ticu ta b*êamy." Anyway. that broits the etrike." ta me hy o relative of the eflcer-tAt 14 iaewest taie froua th@ triench,,. IFé o re e ihdu -The tact tbgt thie proportion et monun ue of tue mont darler lnntànces of ________ i. T. lseadc akge Isti . . With Oats for Feed. pagged by 1*1erý boards, alter brvingIP okl nln uigte- la.LIJ, y Clvln fWukgu We een rejectol by sxgîrst "TOMMIES" CALL IT "WIPERS" syorln ninduin tb r.CASE OF BROTHERLY LOV9 gsskseMondai. *'________ ....., Th"t tuorS le grave danger of an glnnteg ot Se *'r stm1t boa Ie- al1 proof. ton, of tbe emmqe wIîta g a~IS6 Paliner wu@ a Wa*,kefa* visitor M outbreak o! bog chotera due te th,, crosseit iterlg the vsr. Sir Alfredt. I rlts oleuns H-ave Oîven Thetr New Kincg ovf Gerinan oOner go tlEeg 9 r sali Ir. bi 0.rtyrtl e la s n feling et aoft corn la the hellof of trbtedt t ds lnoeeaied efficieecy or PoulatIon to the Little land denrieg tho moat criticat days of Chlln etn cf reec Ornce, Blutl t0.PMrh.sdiv ostss Lier*vil fia wegk J. 9. Collier, agricuttural adviser of the beards, but veiamently tenled that Beigean Towna ot Ypres. the_________ Lutter Deslined teAcet haiulsae #0 Cdltgo TOU5ia, topota anI~dyvla r -u <1 e ~ mprwemrnnt Ag -- thr idhmm îovering of te The 11111e Belginii towi.of Ypres la THEIR DREAMS COME TRUE A agoit story ItltOerlgh SToulon rlsttd relatves and Mr. Frank Yole ut Semer. Wl.. mociation of Kçan cke coIynt sadr o actoeure, enougli a Platce le laistory; but, new King, Alexander of Grasce. be- a . u~olielteA tsve. Ciao pn .Weee !Hgln ak n cording te Mr. Collier ibere are tbou- le.gland, ut any rate, Il viii aivays Madam Breshkovskaya Recetle Meet. tveen vbom ond bis eider brother. Ç. QLoabgl attbses lilPark, edn-a ilm of baela of frozen corn being RUSSIA CfLOE TO ENGLAND 1 bc speciaily sure of It nter a nome trip With Prince When They Dis. ice eog.toel ntDTam a nhaui' vill bis mollior. and TÎureme fod te the boisand as a ccangequence i h no dlla worker of FMandera evOT cussed Hope& for Russta. bas been. any love1..Ooie AudtsMor.larsflngof lisPIudr rs Mia ller sd isJ.E og ae etle ~feed" and are Foundttion fer 1111111mate Reiutienthlp beard, and woutit certalnly neyer rue d&rl fe astaie' ceao bis More je sini ffbékl e ogseptae eto leae aI yReflMsrse h ognîze. The Britisha "Tommy," wbu Catherine Breshkovskanya telle the the turono a shoot vos in progresse so*t t,, ts Dekonner andt Geraidiae tloeaer opet Inlsvssce E Century. t for over hwo years bas beit ep the uftory of wheu, an a girl, site vas go- tue royal estatea near Atues d m . lai bMaoe v ilo ber daner Wirs., Tueadaywvli tilra. B)roc.Cuiver. nets-ecniin Germun forces arcaiet the fanOSIonslg Up ta St. Petersburg wlhh hier turing the Itancheon hur a ittocusal lavWb br wthWdasfis idamieTruttrof Manovi-jleOkia, art wormetas e nke- Dues Eiîbe 1100? know Riian? Byl Ypres sellent, insists on callteg lit mother and user. "a handsome Young arose on occidents et shooleg Pa"e la C. A. Miller. In vlsitiug ber *inter, .11m A K Bate Baye. le soins of the western cOuný no menus. But tue knowl(-dIgp cf Bng- %Vipers" and tbe naine has 'Italien prince returnieg froin hie oftlcial du- hies. I Tatlsîy verelire10 ti mut tislies of Indiana practicaiiy ail t of te llsb la no vldeopreâi anong t1 d-o, uevui a.I rvitOS-îe eSbel, eoe hl on N a a vrppee e1 i.& VILAP.-c- blet-n asITu.da~ Nv.llib.came vag caught hy the early rteeit- calt classes et Rues that we hegin ta ta Engiand. and 'Wlpers', bogu ne- partment. For bours, sbe emys, lbe mistako for a pheasant," remarksd te Ir.AlÉ VU.LA Pete Duibb ied.sdylNv,181 whitle le Kankakea county mucb. of enderstandthIe reports about the en- 1 boy ta Uc associated villa "bot cor- discusse ill ihber tbe problema ot Prince George. "If suyone vere foOt Mm sd n. Bre.Klk l rm, A daoglher w-as bote lu Mr. ond Mira the corn vas matured betore the fia-at thuslastie reomptloe! of ur tituasse- ners." The proeut prime minister. lu the Russian peuple. "lt word, thriil- lob eeongh 10 do su I vouit about hlm là Mr. its Md t M m, . B ac Kick. ArsHrace Vl'er, Nov. ibîla. ()randina freeze meine. Indiana fea-mers are cil- does cloquet attisas hi hi s audiences the course of one of bis speeches, et lîke lire, Our excited voice« Tose dent on tue spaot" le pë"onal i Mm£l Kik. Gilîbert spetat a fev dois wîtl ber lIng Iheir bogs ta Illinois ferme tac- le Petrograd ad Xoftow, amy anex- somne monthe ego. alluted ta the place steatly higlier, until my mother Sburtly otrvard. vhen sport ba4 la Uv. ud Ma-s BonsceCulver e. T5.e hangehius nome, ant "Wlpema" It la lkely beggpd nle ta seafk lov." The band- been ilumt tu e cm.eprne i làsuivie« tgratlatons on MW. arrive, itugbter. ctun »Of t-h tac Ibat tiei or ith15 There ta net a notable play or novelte1 remin, ond as "Wlpems" It la Uke-, soin. Young prince vas Peter Kio- aboyer of @bot ratIte round bis gaiS' la of et adugWte ou Th coaa, Nov. 151hi. Mn. sa iiMn Edin Denin ofl ubmnty- a ut etitdt o vtoa prduced lu Ion"o vblch la et actot ly te b.l itiscusset fer mui yeftra te patkin. . red les, &Wi, turanlnl a fuvp tO Mm.. Adtie Massrin utreo a Vile, pOnt th. week-end a lth bis pae. gced results. or read lnesouai. The Ruasian le- corne, soys the Chlristîme Science Mon- The yeors bave passet, ant tue lied vheee It proceoitt, osv bis slw trou sembe, lova Is. Mis Ines Poltoek oI Chicago. apont dix With Oste tallegenala knou5l"o cut Fronda ant Itor.-1cuet hhtetwarntyngbobrwi aS lelelafsd- Uv. Mefi spuueusî. atardai Md Sondai vIlta b.r aunts, Mr. Collier Ointa oct that tihe Germa, but a&»Is. s 5agi astory met Curlously enougli, lb la net the limst pclletiens la tbat Runslan raltvay rection. Mr. ew ut l th e n uera sent t Au«>e the ism Watso,'a. Msi5coru n* a teed safely bu bongs if iterature tuoeosigldy. oflr Ytpres leto tue Engishl lan. carrnage devohed tueir lvea bas bsee *rTe got anotuer barreI readY.* dekea boUt lae tonr 111sorud0n hi lof b r, su . . Me tI lb.t thete rWglt pruces la aised. Corn and Glytua, tue deejter of Klng bar- ingol tuls, or et oui rate a atm- vîndicalt. Madmin Breshkevskaya, satl Prince Alexander. "Wiln FM gie vres takea mmsdlatei te a bmomaie fore pari t 1h15 vsk for Northa Bent, cata, euxed in eitat quantitlea andt *It wbo vas Wai eah stings <lo86>* Ilir fouie; for it vas le tue loom of honordand m ee o lner or Coucentry,abu" in o.g am a ai epot ~. ~ Nebraska. cs ii<reuaitrcooket togother malieau excellent th-Ougb ber marniaga vitu the Rus- Ypres tuat vas moite, le tue middlte la leatieg, exlaortleg, advlslng tue The challenge vun net aceeptet. w.a ue lb.af sieKîttetetat iplae dne ln Prince et Telluioi lai lb ages, tue famnus "*telles typer" the forcez et the rovoietion vbtci he ________ an iwts Mid *lght b 0ev able te sletenrtfuadatou te th& Close relation- costly table linon, or iapera. h elpet so powertuliy te moite, ont Mald of Orleans Anneoe. euprasud sa6rtamnsthie vsek. choiera. White there la at pa-esant abip beteen, Grn M l an th et Prince Kropehkin, atin le Engiont, bi oesnxain hI leS Andl Norton «tehentd a emlaen clf Tventy-flvs beai n re lia< grarol net a single case of choiera as far pi-, o thSe esara. _Tho ruI BEgis Testînq tsé Eys. refuge froua the pel-scutions et auto- German yvctin la Juan of Arc. Ye. 1111 111- M eS a "0"Parti ah t-h oue et1O on th Sts os la keove lu the count tue fed- "itLacorer or guBs"l l. e ofCourse, Lecturbeg on tue "Effect on tue Bye1 CTL<y. la formlng a committe. for Ibm Germons are actuny clabmtng Seé à& -~~~~~~ Mv s ia .Kpl estedalo y Mir. sud du. Bl. C. Webetel' sui dauga- les of cure viii greatly lncrease tbe mucuard Chancellor, vba, lirughb lis et Varyleg Degreen of Brigatema. and botter Instruction of tue people of trount et of rance as a fblov,-e.e Mr. d MA.1Kpl - er. Un. sud Mru. L. té Webster eut son danger of an attack by the tioeasc voyage te doeow lu 1 etabliabot Contrait" befere tue fllemlnatlng Zn_ Great Brilaîn eoncomnlng 1ha1 PflCtLe tryvonian, saya tue London Chrod7ms e lsity aInlao mvrly epssd lira. 9. L. Webstier of Highland vblch vili tac mach more deadiy aolii comriiif al connectiona betveen gineea-Ig secieti receetiy, Dr. James' 811y Unkflov qumetiti vhca la e They have acquiret largo quantitles et Ruà statette oft Images Unfversituaieopl astauiybtungnovtlil.Park, @peft fiunay villi lle C. E. viien îî oece gaina a roothoit. tue Ivo countrtes. Kerr et tii. public bealli tepartnentl lasi. The oit vontd mai veli ait saute n mgso h Mà -ptaudybtadD nOrvdlr Denusau temly. Kankakoe ceunly fermera bave And wi shouit va not be remînt- ot the London county coueicil. referret' lu, tuba Its eyesaont stare, for itreanis, tue French tavus vbicb thei sflë os. Mr n, Mmi Firaenk Hautmat su" n .EeahD fL~yl. rn as rag- e ~ oaeo hi et, ou tis occasion, ofthSe interesting1 ta saime effecta vllch mo b. spris-' le the tivenhiell century, bave a vai CUPY. In ene case, et Toast tley, MW' asi trip to Chicago lant vsek Wnitay - . B.ts ealsl tLiarlcnty8ae re. l-aiste rng tar tair te ftieg tact tuaI Peter tb. Greet'. molior vos 1 ing. Having te examne long lista of of ccmIng true.-Chntm Science deret a mnfa cturer te maire dopbi tira.d A.M. Le l iD ne trs vchtd busaue. e on ca tten T curns ut fi t at-e brougat up la &Seottlsb b0iseiild? 1ligures le back type, bo triedte 1la- Monitor, cales et bis ceats. The Frsebue tir. Leo Barustabie, Mr.A d me8 onrtaslbdbsns nctl.Tosnso iâ tctl,!cilitete his tank hi trawtng vertical was astontiled, ont aiket tue résesu » oulgla, Mn.. P. 8. .Dsnels anit Mma Llbertyvill. Mondai. have been shipped Jut tht coiiXty Wh&t One Knot Faster WouId Sean.. and horizontal Unes le met laik, but' And the Jokeemitit Dodged. fethule deverion. "Oht" won lie revér. C"&i naalu St5itdl. idVil W. B. Steart anit Miss Vivien slnce the coming d! the treeze. 'Tom every soutier tuat ve lantdl Inhe differont fucuiug of the black ont fbyvr lcsse utjk roua a Bavartan officer, "Juan of Aue oeveatio et Libertyrîisl fail Salw'itay Bouger atteniete ReBd Cross meeting The lat few days of wea-m vea- Franc%," sain tue SCIetenfC .AMeican, red sîrainet his eye ant gave hlm a about gettlng dovn off su elephant. in net Trench, stc. @ha vas a lac- aM4 raport a - Try enjoyalale lime, et tbertyvw.e Fnld&y. thIer bas dune zeucla te dry the corn "2= tons et abIpplug -et plov bock heatache, wblcli dit not trouble film ' "«Huw do you gel dove?" aaket tue ruiner ont Lorraine la Glermas. OMe FPe BartàstI nat Jim Meîenols 01 andi ma <e it a-eaty for bhc husking ont fortu at a ateady tS, riote te when ail the figua-es ont lBnse voTe joktesrulhh for tue tourtu lime. tainly eé prayel te heeveit for' 1sm CapGat, Rocktord, @pent Sendai _________ seppli bis neets siens. For 25,000 otuer black or ret. Docler Kerr ques- "You cllmb ituve." »Ccesse et our arm. for tiiq sen vue findis andt relativs hem-. I " J 7 ~ ' mon tbis menus 100 @lipS-. nember liens vhetuer a target la mrtsbnb " oe rected againil ber mortal eaemies; Me l'bmeu minlo of, Chiaso, @peoit SU.- L............,.... liI3DLA" that ve voulit b. bar p ,o1e0 te lied. viien o ta-llllaetly lleumintet tlsk Hp-' "Yeu greas hie altes aet 5ilde Frencha, vhe deliverl ber Mp sMd tw 40 lwth the'hem folks. Ilbe <.imary ruonsm enjoylngsns AII.Fur Andt lis mense cirtligt of lb. peara onl a jet black backgrount tuan dovu." ,Engliab, wbe trmei ber I», da -.. ..~ vital supplIes 4e aur ailu, vhen the surroundiegst ver. diffusely «'Wrong 11" aise. peiner, rester, ve bet peet selut of mal chairs vbTch vers ai"c ont ~ Uj ~ E "Nov, conlit tue averssae opeet of iiiumlnateq. 'Yeu taire a latter and gel dove," Tb*. Pesfet lmeke* - se ter"amet alan seool bouse mse&&d Gu il '11>1 X lts le Ous b. ralet te -I %n1aets and "Wroug I" csrf W. lunch,' a mieosire teor Mid rosi bus bs ow'usod hl Miasse l'h. second correoas lus pemsushp- 31 J' Coul the lime le port lie rodocet 10 Joker Drue as Oser. "Well, you taite She tnl fine saIt la COuelumu: to$ $e un 5h. utatalineut tit ri- elt 1h.Paust ayotom ver. recelvat liii UgjS prCet eCnftrMMto tr R-p,.jgjtmfa ba hy dw- Mr ev t e teM ist#iruig. Dec. lii. This t. for £5é vsek sud the. renîts ver. rory en 8-rlc ae 00000 t1oli At *tpplu. la emit te hure aunoyet tue resillente "No, net gulte. Ton iton't gel: dean Germay la honnma fo rre as upégUl mOtS 09 tIi. Red Cr-ja eourng. - I < ~ y ~ l te eiu ou - Wonte ln- Of EsttOU, Ii, a 70=9 mon eft Set Off &a elophat; yen 9M t of &R 9-0" an tue Ochiimdt tmy. AliMain, Lakeasl CliaI Whou 111*1 u tonle- village vas miiot at anti badly boaton -Indnuspoi Neva. wm &lr, cmltt yent liaov.t* a lie coucou givea at 5h. chaini <i ~~~RHuis -or Use Ex)oeies ase, w4 ad4 At te Oeil mq~t a- luefoire bie dU"tiy vwu dlacveret- - -.lroflie chteet S al *Medoy er.elag anth Chlme<e Mak laO rige.' mott"Ili lm but (.ègg.= A tle- For seversil weekg restitonts iet Bed. Portffle Vlus fer settlora. ot der. A"d wheft luc 0"s Cambé #qMstua vas oset of tesu esneais __ Must -Se Licenses. day anay b. fi9 day, Seà véit 'ay,' lie den declared liaI liey hait no a hua A compact portable mnateril fer :e ledt1 e li p àu. aseoamt ové ~ ~ ~ v ltoite yaaprlaiSU&i day the balance Wini sétilte. la sections cftb. vilnage. Takleg ad- building a susi ooelng fIre lasa ble- "'Walter, 1h asalt M eI e % hlo «Ur. men is teflhiban ob .,a-lew On trday, NOVI 10, FrsUk Din HEAVY FINES RO DE.vantagle ofthe fright lu the Utile towu, Il# te Seé salle lu She "el lu wtuter. steak ant savon plates. aqn X.artly ncbea vuvaidMdwo spent lb. summer et bis cottagle ai PRVI-D A-genulnea Wiieet cois. cm. yeiang man itresaed. bimiei up te Yb@u Italins have devisas homei "The velter gave a start. "ho, hmtt8It C«ereascet e.no u. Channel Lake, passsitsevai la Çblcage, Violation Cames; Fine Up to Reports froin the Argentine gtate represent a bear ant atarlet eut te 'Ifre ratio vici the peuple et home bout ove.ra im i suWda vhiOtut, csEdCrs o etyhrnpi Ue-si m the revol5kI à. bat cas of pneunmonie. OOo asYari ai, St vsther conditions are tdsai fo tate i villagers. Hia practicai prepared t ainteir for th. mien lu th. r«es tUIy: berhuil 19 tm m be Sopele Mde $5rO Se@rin gort etoàO viioat th@> g i- 1ek = tek the vrong turu vhen a nuan- 811Apn iss '.Iertc a "Egprt asbtI genill te ouo b atce t e wek-ndwt Bouerviuis fl haem p or Possly Both. iinery estimate 14 for a emap of 240,- ber et mon vitu gens sud club@satarteit mate frol<d nevsfppe. sud cau. and your fa.ly won te talke that Of qusstua. Thialsan mita Paj5mea, 12 lie Warriaer vma soIiezgo pasnger 00,000 bhe a The large Crop eftle chose hilm, Before bo cult tell vhu' dis Muda, or otuer WmraS material. table by lie kitches ducal M «M ,Sgugpom, la bain heepital boit aocke' Wedn"oy. County Cleri Rentes la nov the oft 11915-16 vas 17&.000,000 busiiel, suit ho vas ho vu an hitl pfleuq tetvI The newspmr ar ecut loto Uttle hart 1 think yeu'l Cet more et a »b oltSi bag evers sand 25 paire The. basket bail ams b.lvsee th. §Cis regelater Of explosives le Liake the average fer tue Irve Pr*ee&ng clubs ant came vomi near belng abaot. cylinitors, vbich are afterwards bolled meaM" cbuid'a miose, tiselds 18 &Westera, 10 Uàb@rtyvilie sud Antiacli boys et tb. Cnenty. In et-ber verts. if yen vaut yeare von 149,000,000 bushelu. Dora«>- tu »he paraffin. This producè. a hlgh- eatta. 7 Paire vocus suit âO palir vnlsl- 1Bigla scool FritaY niglal. provetl quît. 10 boucla Off a few bome enter somne tic. requirementa are about 10,000 Movie Film ne EvIdenc.l Compct an -cobustfbleting BiUy cady bl aera St iets. They arn nov tkung Up tue excitng, tb. scre ben 19 10 29 le pa'o-ea-man, Yeu']] bave te se Ma-. buahels. The large crop nov VNoving À moving-picbere fim la te be Intro- >, compc sute -co bustifrblea 1111. cyl- tot Caorti. Civlia Relief vcrk and maktng air laver of Amîlocla, Hontes about it flrot. viili ho available some. liae afinr Zone- ducet mIet court le Paris as erlitence foot lu lh ieldoI. fin lunceom about an saistbetlo IO letbing for voine iont obIlrea ln the MisAv ein pe b ked The. officiai teslgeablon o! tho ca-k Oi'i 1 if tranqpetltion la tu e in a div0oc case. out oîmw MisAv elosetth ekedThe Argentine ote crope la entlieo- The plaIntIff le the actioa on a Mit CIOoe ta Home, *"Thimcha proeeher,* h. aIl var sînlakon coueâtiéh, se If Yeu bave le Foest Park. - as *'superviser of expilosives" came, Tha 80000bses T~Z0I00are uhebuead Ie toiiovîeg stery won toit by n "ias wrastled among 'a for tSirtg'. atajtLiog out grose taY your famtly sud aemd Cas 88peet00 os-orls oura vIlla00 fa-cmn one tehet a utlvad phine -cturh.'th Reie Cse@pti oerSuda wbfrtt te Buprtieuo-heler31 ues more thon the c"OP et 1215, efthle procession et ][talion dolegates officer stationet mt Deafordi - eveu years, an ouI mer au onconraglm laidava, $lau Ret Cross society viii hos home tolite. at Washington, B uto Mines. vhlcb 57,000,000 tausels ere exported. thmeuga tue boulevards lu tbe Placet de A ratuer alinple-bookzag Young rc- word but oee bas ho g01 lu ail flât slad al Il te us. for Ibla vork. Comîcrt Mie»______ lat@ Conbad hobsbe lprvdsta llpraswocorde ta lai a vrentu upon tue cruit va» seemîngly bewvlleret by tue turne. klt are sow jne malute vbal kî vlsitfng a TrIend ut t-barles City, Iowa, vieh la aime or bandie er stars ex- Aia-ing Their French. Strastaourg monument ae o f cmem-qestiouing hoe was be- "Ho toit mn. about l vila tor* la etlgoteg ou )n otrwa idfor the paut montit relurnet hume picaîveq, anust have a permit bte ogo "We are ail string ur Frenchi, nov Tbe pa-ocession vas followed hi a lng aubjecbt te. Theit came tue que. bis ayez. Se malt h. vas ee Seé VU of yack you con du, there Io somolhlug Baterdai. This per-mit cost. 25 cents mudte I~n VO are Frence's ahiy," sait Robert W. taxiceab te wlaicl, te bis astueisllmeet, tien coecerelng the allotmnent ot al- home te tinner vben a itecon bafla Tt Jer Wommante hhmeslm eiYrknvls. tesetto a i ie ete ihlwne.be. The leacon shook bimte Se snecb te do. Monei bas been rahlt e rtWra u ainI Wuethp fa)cn bor hoe lke t'> bey yarni for hou hsia endyble 8ultsainat mca-el- ho keep truc-k ut vho bas e.- "A man eut bis vite vero seeln< m o stranger. Hoetacuglal lb. filmn, ta ha "Next of kle?"l anked tue ufficer haut ana lien actuoll;y sait: teau Wedees9dweaerayrr fient off for France tue ite dy used ns the liasîs ot his action fer dl- sharpiY. "'Ah. persan, Sel vwas a b«cut»fl tnte our room a retaprel typhitui lever. p>1051vis lat a commuelly. "'Bon voyage! al idtlb. lady. 'Blon ivrace. -The a-crauIt dropped ieI vole and et eue preached front Suntar ove- wrl:tietg et sucks [Or eacla of Euaogone ChItn spetit bLe week-end Violatoirs are puiushable b la f ine voyagei Itl e utst'o a l ~ M N became confIdentIsI. velSI."h boisedtys- Th. loîitiwlug bavQ e0l 1e p laîe or: Hlamoit Cr.f t, tuesel wb ber parents le Kenosha. o tovr$5,000 or e year ln jail "'Teiis,' be"îbn,'o oy igH*Mn NmaksNw l'm ouîy vearlt esar"o CtamsI Ms INHrtnetrane h rbth sodfelw n e me att, a His aîîtaJesty ban unetry namesaes repliet. "My shirt', aI tue voaa."- social Ceoters, for ltiase,

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