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Libertyville Independent, 22 Nov 1917, p. 8

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choo bomé o Frday vuiug om vtitBouotr n bmkv, repie. MMUF9 log.for tir seACt aauauDebera ~oefteetumdereotmg an oprraêionfor@. vattoed at 4 U Bl Crus, ut Obtea bi. ~~peisSlet5lé Mre hlaAné utraio cupar et. Mr uce Bimeo melron, li.MAMo.Ua 1rctCr r iibe ,bldekoan pis. Nef- Bled.y. at i .outh oke lowed by a, o, epeat Stte G es TkersMvsa MaryrRmpsoodil ofmdvneasat , l h4UsJ 8aéi h. ldbsou m rday Ii exi még ot- iteing ulultbriPrueeday eveals. L. is o e.Bh Mr.arins Mmd obCtend&uretaverl mdIloe Potin lbrurn M1tr. ndMr& WB.neeaylo. dtd,* .UU M DoroEliby mW Uté Ast 0f ,.,bnfl ofer oder o mmdau lire.Eion r ie. WrnScrJouet a uilTUsd am d irP71odvers hmm»oi Chicagof. I&ed 8o4s~we~ukga cMer Mudy.Wedeea. luChcao.Mr@.WBdela. tCbu Vu. lclirde am Psit RoU U Utméd hurcbcmrou iieetai thé eoipp"mA Mis Jree I&W ut CIamp Gréâwt, e,ý WM Mr%.i Jaohnuses. hor etMrd. N houcay vs-vmrma bt buseaiMler b Stu- es oEmCim lucher@pet Fida! st th Dbrtd Msa rigod ltenisses ort Ulnm g. âân. DoWra Ut hfeld retrédvu-omeprg iiben at hebc-orn f r. Butte. . r- ussolr md ra. W.«A. Witln o sieur lt Chicao. W.Shneck v abuenes iitr tltortiedJos li reBnlappeslu FMMt ctrI ltu " Crdwua Lberyvlirwoee. risthéyod sd anCal0 taoel renochertatndarotdJoutct Tudy. gr.ho vesthé mmwax gtoesmi el:o Rodnn e ertofCa o, Sunda @. ________________ ndMM BdBI«%m0fChcaoTo Mn.Ob; Jue sentth ey. endom ____laChicago __ Md hom fGere 7odin wtt br anliéraS«lnmier. ouMim s Mdaret Kreeaetrt ad a andPau Rose offur0 Chrchsurice wil b bed a th ub g oue of junior gil a atu O ta_____________onusines___ liore. Pa Bner vlslted aI orr Pak, aturdmevniig. Anlingon Relgbe mmd «urnet, ire.aOtwo maaa Matertaanddthh §ulutuMd ibl.. et va le mre. ndGaiorEe ! Rond d aMWoande MsaLnlnaryettltyaIh itin. ad ige. a ROUI With b l.erenlt atu 1ev 7.viing vt Chicrago, tsranchrhlhtrd7mtriOD ~um la hag plîtoWinats. S mmd Utws.a C. Dorf irneit!Bet ecMiose Mfrun RobentE. SClper bnd NonbelGren eteraind Hrod Jlie lat TuroipouM T hari'i« lmedsanda von sGaui01 lgg V(s.0Frank and iaughten bave r- turue tram a Vtlthe CItecl - nBlacssury hbc goné to «annulle ta vist Vith ber dangtsr. Mvr.liteaanmd Famlty epent Bal- 7 danmd Bandar afflghvood. »tSIiiMaSth, otcinp Grant $put JO& B. Wmetenburg bac retcued fri. * tva veshe ieilutBEsc'!. -b T*cevio vlsted Camp Grant Sun- d"y wver. and.mmlrW. lichurnaker, Mss. 5»Mer, Laura hiler, àli nmd lire. ,q».. Liatieumanmd M. and lire. Ch&@. Ut. and ire. . Sehuliàandailtrlsmdc of LlbwrWvlle visel briende and relatives ber. Ronday. 8111 enie is hee q abusai tht.véek. Trho.. perleci fuspélllm lait vesk vue EvelYn Wuestenhérg, Ri.. Frank. Mlmei.Frank, loutu Rainer amm d Mmli Tbte cecoml grade are maklug homeé book&a&aipressaI. -AÀaumber of thé eighth grade are tend- lsg im-penmsnsblp tspetîmieno.lor criti- IM.Igrmmar toastAleliaNorton, Ayseal Slàols Bsrnlm e l i li" Baud, L«Ory RleL-7oyW ienhérg b*ve had a psrfét vesk la apeltîns. SAdvaesd pupLIs amrerparing elalior- au e oies0a!the laly prograin ta poet ltberoa» lim. orpha Bardlmg d Geo. Brainerd vrers ihlfgo viilon s aîurday- MI Henry miGabbs had the miiforiuneE ta L faitd hort hersitquits badly oi long go, but vs am gimd ta report ta 0"e 44 cogaalas ly.a ir. m»d -Mrs. B. Smih and son Dérreil o! W&Uiefflt. ves Chgueteofreiatlvos bars Che brt of te weét. Théech"r are plaing a concert and1 sola tulabe given lnith nesi futurs.J Mm .C.li'hammas ls viitimg ber aiter,1 ire. J. rass. lice kda Kueliker bas heén bavlng at tes dey@ vacation and -.pémding Itiat home.e lire. Marl Jeoby vîiollir@. Deau aI Ares FMlay.1 MieseElizabeth Vit ham been &pend- ug a vaei witb nretire@ mmd fIlendsatae Rogere Park. lilas Hartlet Braluerd of Watermmm, iipo te week-end vlli the boumé Kmre.P. S. ilpi, lir@. C. L, Doipli sudq Umes race vlettsd the former'@ cousin, lire. Bert Lusb, 3'iday. Ids Avis Payné cpent a coupls ot dayc vlt h br cousin, lire. Bol Joue, mar ilelos reootly. Mir. Stark sud con Boy vers Wankssbe vistors lat yack. lir. mmd M@. John Winle and baby visutel Crysta Lako relatives thé firt o! fast veék. a. C. Payne $peuSt ait ve.k la Vauke- gan as o»s af thé juras.. lire Nelen mad daugitér spenithéb Mesdames otbeihit, On., 8. P. Hutchldge. Glding, Fred Haggis sud lUlas Jo- phine Woodmmn.. If on8 vlab & réel réaicorne ethe acioot houes Uaturday etafest aI2-30 o'ciocband si 8 o'otock tlte evsntmg. lire. Bmuteur mmd cau WUItiaofChif- go, Marie Kil en4*-GrecMVinlnon a Wilmte mmd J*'. M.oodm an d sonl iu of Waukegaa, vlulted Mri. L. P.ý Todi, Sonday. Thé Wom*e's Mtsianary l 16Va0 the United Mvangeiucau~reb Wini" iv a play in thé churci, Titunaday éveng, cled "Mm. Bmntte Mite Box." A public Mielonari Thamk.gtving eervtcs wi Il be héld Snnday évotig. Dr. BScof aiOlivsC Inatllute, vii gi" an imahcratedl lecture on thé vork lu '%Lttle Heto" ,in Ithe Prebyter"ancburch Ruldayevéniog. JORN BLAKI3]S. FRD BY À WRIT Judge Edwards Holds That No 1Judgment Was- Entered on Dooket of Justice. MORE CASES__MAY FAIL. -ý ý - uek-menaG unvakegm. Tbà pupie o theé ihgben it-irs Air.Mn. mLb. 1. i11115amsd Mmc. P.Injunotion Case Brought bY -taua g tag diey. M, Dolpit ves, nkegenosilera lday. MashaillField Lace Coin- ______ -ÀA cmmin tle iyauugmmm hae biesu anyUp omorrw. 11esses' md cki" a uppsr viii hé gv- seililias ubmdcriona for 1h. Y. M. C____ me @à Is Vgbp b all Batoy rla insg A. tbroffgb irfonutownship the peut John Blake, a ZMon CityYounng Mai l«,i $6, hi th. Ladise nid of testS. véek sud mt vltb gco<i scinai. via&basbeau lucarcenatel lunCtie Pelors ehgrch. SeUessgbéef aI st6:00 ZMon City jlU for Walure to psy a fine p. M. bltitMei, chllres20. Every- Mlire.inést Barmieable of Ourms, of 8200 manacca to i n mualieged vie ody' V ea. slared Thmnday aiternoon« for a tnIp lation af the Mlon City auti-tobaccu o Omaha, Nen. ordimance. vas given bis freeda t te rmÂir~ja Iday liy vrtue of a writ of habeam VJRW J HAWTHIORNE SC4OIL NOT ES corilus vhlci vas fiel by hie coun lira E . Kedté mm so ye clC v of c livemihér 1lita lé sel, Attorneyr A. '. Beauiblen. fi vs Eli-oS, onédrand son v oéb. lia&àr it aso,, Eltree. contendedI y Mr. Beaublen that Mr îV1l oct dy lt wek.Report ce V ers givén out Monday. Blakea lncarceratloù vas liegal .be Y. J. Wells and faniiiy epet Sunuday Bol=sU itworth le a unov puPi. cause the justice o! thé peace vhi viti relitivee ut Lak-e Forest. Arthur mtd Phoebo Bekînger1 toit unr heard thé case dld ual enter judg liut. and lire. inIou are spendlng a district thé e ebk. Théy viii live luaC!.met ini his docket ater . eluri irv dalc ti lier brother. cago.. "- ad returued a verdict. Judge Kv Emlim Stanclilffi vle-d t Laike Bluff Tboss absent tbis week were: Marshall Iwardé todmy llstened te argu>neni t lieta o! thi e m. Welis, one day; Pbylili Cliii. une day;I by Cty Attor-ney Forby of Zion Cit, Ueo WéeuivnwWnusudTedKeeterHelun Phlipe. une day; Wallon Herzogjdthn uI whAtoiy ei (Mo. ebemeiutu ad Te Kno ivrto laye: Jennia iuncan. one day; Nota'adtphl it tonyBa sud En Iddy vere tCampti trant viellons Wells, une-bir day. bienj. Buntlay ' ~ ~y. .îe leoti a ad ,,i iTtiirii are about cight or lutte oi' Mr. nd r».A. . Rchads mereSun da inrnIig.ZiOn Cty youeg men wlîo bavei- i linsdlitra. .o.ficrd r Sou- d.ay Rouleueg. o tecnts y o.fd lu ainilar mnentr iand wtî ds otre ol ber unl, R.lqstr t Re oud e i ots i~c5were tb havé been iîîcacerated i, Nortuisi, Sndayieettug the Ilargeet nuinher of v<tec fon the citv tjeu. m. Forhy today,. In lire. Fred tGerbert and soin vire cty th@ ail panting. She viir e awarded v ngfthedcso o-h jde a vltlors Saturday. gelS medal. lIeoc tn o hrdge, and .Theacmotary eassocation liav.e post- lI-montbiy o'cnminaîlons are river tr el okus i --neaSv poneil hein meetings untIl eruary. Portect papers Iii arlttlmetir- vene b',: whrthî-r or notthe judgmc'nC lint On Tiuaday orening Nový 27 the Hall Thotmas Dutn-an Rirse Kennedy - ther crseslias heeti enterî Iroir- vii gîe a eteratuetMary Kennedy Fdytb Thonuîgren ly. lie calS nu effort wouidhom. ID&yebolwl iea etraiieorothy LIttIa to htoU he young men If It ls îoîn "d basket social, at te town hall. Wearenrow plannuingfornThaukoui vIng. hli uieraie asîrilar 1ýo hat of Youuî & IL.10s. m. Titaukcgivlng servie at The report is current hat we are Ci. Blake. 11M00preacig t t$ P. M. have a uevý piano. Attoiney Arhur Dulkley today t Mary Kennedy gui tse bine ribbnuéndi guod a motion to dismîme the demi klit Dal Congregatlonai Church Blen lIeuse the red. lu Che compo.t4o rer to the declaratlon iu tho case î$sdg achool 10:45 a. u. contnt. Former Maor J. F. Bidinger agailu , Uret ervice8 p. M. Sermon topie, Attorney A. F.,Beaubièn. il belug p b&ts va bave, obe Thambltfon." ----. - . case viere M. Bidinger la culug Mi C. W. Warren, Paston. F .j Beubten for $5,000 damages fora ________________ -leged almuden.'Te case grev ont Malillîrél Blertadt wàà the statémeuls mlegél ta have i>en ma( - ~oi'tr err~i. vek-ed o ittféeltrlu theoy l u mt mâyoralty campalan, Jndi Raukia aiVIluitieEdvards ltmaled that he voulil au !thaai md aswi vrs Rau- lMre. «songe Goodmuan la stténdtng a' tain tie demýurrer but gave Mr. Bul lait ve*,convention aI Springfild thia veeékai Mce, r Vgur anlehltîren deiegatâ fromi the. telrea Lodgé at ley lime t10goa mb ite malter fmn ahle g ds .cth ustativés lu Righlandl Park.o. lestWsek. - Juin Scituieder o! Chiciago. vas h. Theii.imuntlon case lu vhlc t t Qse. -Hertsl md Mm. John week-end gueteof lMr. sud lire. Engeue s MaRI-hield,1 Lace Company seel àpme tcpetveok la Chicgo lEmder, ta rastralu Volîva mmd hleoffilcia us c éied by thée sreou UVi at-net (lynch o1 Cheago. woc from interferng vith th. emplo> Unté-,lc. JOgDI " teé' h. week-end sgues of lier RsuCer, lites of thé lace plant, in set for heaIng1 »» t i ep$0;4o»MiCLiMr. Los (lynci. morrav hétoi'é Judge Edvards.A - 1 c, i w«M - sgu. Mies Mdea Rorembergér vas the f eek. to121él'BeStibicu la aseoclate caumi M d g al ucelaiMiss EffitoJacotn or 0fofantOe lace compaury. UvieWiiYCN eIf lt' s'Mr c MC U rleyu- vii hhul Se . ued ~taeCotikon 1 édtu make nrcisSea cause ter die- te titRW ofl u4 ILf ntmitilue M cmér&c o BELLOWS-EXPLAIt4S AFFAIR a a . 'SJ ndsr's A00cnt, for Sita. drite? chm' A WM a elg ttér s - vTlhsé m m r hte merl on- Cam of- a lge re. .d r att.oZ piXmw oueiroýmég-l Wanult, N"0. il. <t5ttlabgof," 4lboutsde ie aate 'Usf.nutng te the articte bei.w, whLoh the OOMet of Chir expérience in ail W&O sUhuuiti byEILW. Croi, lion tfeSIMiS 1113thedraftnoOnm u j et a City 00orrespfflent, Duncan ISeilove, reallY mti*itl expresion on &il 0011110r 0 C1 . ie nState has, ex-I bmu . PlaItned tiMmI aCs position as folows! A number or bianks vere receiveda tii atrme:il hrs la te, heti'thé exemption board todey for au.1 banki aide o#Itlea t 'itoe.aa à lwes..Tiie PrOyOnt marchai gênerai oaUlttlhee agant Mr. 0.tramwdro W-itB to ktt0w about "faknr ta rnon*Y1, &md nturally 1 coulde-t pay physical examinattonsanmd ln etalim out any of tile noney untite fga.- for. dlocharge and exemption, 310w b niches l0 CAken cars of. 1 und.retand they were det-éted and vhat tbe sen- theywaned o tke te mtte uptint of the couumunity vas. HA w ih hé wat sd * & t .tey a e w nt c t a kn av mica the attitude of wtth~llns Ch. e Ce'.aenpTy andd attsnpt te cim0s the nk, but te benk t lénht1flnl adee Inl ats Insttution and we are eompjly1n: tact he vante the experlence of tut. wtth telaw in .evry r«et. board un everI' littié détail. The holding up of a bmnk, account by Dua«n G. Beltove cashier 0ftte n, A lIII y'lrt liat. bmnk at Mlon, brought outI o ÀT ON a thret thia mornIng by te attor' 735EJ DP N t ney répisénftins0. m. Outader, R S w f M avitél of thé bank accouat. tu tels-. 1grmph th.e tata auditor of publi m- &JsN JL 1P A coauns tari an luveptingaicn. O(- trndr esttethe iire haLo bmak - 1tbhsoralusgtedraw aul bis money TIS Apparnt Contion of Af- 1 ad 'Mr. Eelowt refuaed Ita rcIL t~fair$ <8 mot UIlWO"Stod Sn- r ver to hlm. Otrandér thonan sked 1 htthe check hb. mrIrd «'"a oi. eOr In iiWaikgaii. e ient funds." but this vwu al» e s. EC DSOVR'I~ 1fusil. W L _____VRS LW Until rec.nliY Otrmnder vas pro- Whîîe tie man vito couductea ,prietar of a lacklmlth h aop Onbttmd pig la amendable ta tii.1 h w Tvény-éeénthstret. é ent te sadcan lie punimhéd very aeve éy, bBettovlnt nat umer and asksd hlm ta the man vuto patranîzel aucit ý place mid a buyer for bic property. Bellow* 1e9flot taking much chance af arro t ,found a partYtun Mlwaukee vlling ta or prosecallon. .e1zchaugO a lot on the. véet pant Of That thus ln the law wlill le a aur- àtovu for Otranders equipimeit. Tite Prise ta lte big mjority 'or Waukp- lot vas worth only belvesut 40 and gan citizen.&vWho atwa&have been $60 and Ostr-ader refused e, oelder of thé blief tha1 the man vho pur- tie propoosllon. Belova théeuffn chmsed Ilquor lu a blini! plg vas ai- delaréd tb. demi vas off and hat ho mont equallY gultY vith the man would bave nothing furthbr ta dýt vîit Who dipéuaed the, liguar. lstte'.g At- the matter. tOrney Jamie G. Walch dlsoovere'l q LIter Otrander found a tiuyer hitm- Ibis rather unumual condition of «f.t »elf and old out for %M30. Athcugb, taira whlle bokIum p buiger court Ihé deçlai'é e B a bal nthins cuBange In a Minetplg case lie wan vimiever to do vth tie 'dea, ho ProsectItng récéntly. )conteuds Iho laeéntitteil ta $100, md The case ln vhieh the ruling vas when t:trander vent to the bankti enteréd hy lb. higiter court, accord- mrnîns ta draw out his money ho Ing ta Mr. Welci, devetopedin thelb vme refueed. An attorney wus acur- city of Evauctoti viate a mm ansuai- ed and he vent ta ltée bank ili()@. reted onuta, charge of canducting a .trauder to mare another attempt e, bllnd pig. An effort vae made 10 drav th, money. Mr. Belowa bailProve hat men Who bad purcbased ygone. and hic vile, vho vas aclîng liquor for thé calie ar aecurlug evi. 1toiler, tated cie bail lnactlafla gdence. ver. eqnsily guitty. Tiie casé tram ber hugiinil t a py mahing e,. vasAPPealéil 584%Il wactio en Ostrmnder durimg bie (Beliavag) ab. rûîîng va. entereil. souc.. The point la ratier a fine one as a A third trip vasmmdé to lbe bank. I nvolveviiether or net a manl mm ad IL vasfou"il ht Bellovw%'h" purchsslmg iguai at a blind pig te a heen lu Waukegan vioré héoeed bfot taking part lu the, llegai transac- "'hé sécuresi au atmemnt suit ta tictlion for.If he dd t ma,%e the pur- ýup Outraudareao mt- chas. tiekeeper ebulil not héo<golf' > Suit vas atartéd lu Ibis csNov- ty af a samie. This point ncay ho of 1emuber 10 beforé Justice Buahopbut a.aluin future blU»d plg ecas that c - ,, !vns a geOK . a.'r-.,rougt up for'trial hère. s- n- ty U-t Al [in n. l- o Ise k.A Ige u- ek- t-e l hA fi 1. t., t A4.... ....,-- 1 )Mas. Thé chantge vasgranil aItd ltee s et tai Chie utaritn. V. V. Rames, represeftiit Bellow$, Moll-ý eil Cie court thal Ch.ecase imd boom called off. \ In vlew of Ibis, O$trande and hie attorney tien vent 10 the bank to draw tie funds, but refusai v-ne mîade by Bellove hi.mcelf, ie de- ciaz-ing holiîadsecnned ýwrit or at- tachmFnt. The case will now coniO Up ln Wau- kegan mlt hougi Oelrmnder alieges Bel- ouoii not ontitiel lu a cent of hic noie, ai, lie diS not sell the proPértY an(îlip henpthing to do wlth the Irans- POIL) a"Iigthie receilit or a report by ait in ,, îevgiting. cotîmitîe, the An-I Clecli viag? board revoked a saloon liceorre or Fred Klemenne af ton +1 vas ehown taI h. tritd bren keeplug hie saloon open on feundayc. Accord.. lngly the- place vaLs closeS Tuekiday evening. RtEsTAURANTr MAN ENJOINS -N ORTH SHORE ELECTRIC. H. P. Caunron. praprieton of lié Cameron restaurnt lu Wmulcésmu, tinougihbie couflel, Attorney J. A. Miler, today filed a bil ltaIjunction asalt li te Chicaga, Narti Sitr. & Mlwaukee lilectria r4llraa.d. Camer- on relates tiat bo bas mn auto bus vici le fitted up au a lunch. tabacco mnd cauly 'car. Il répreséntâ .an In- vetment of $1.500. Tiis car, hé maya, occuples a point al thé aide of h.1 roamiopposite théeotranceta th -Naval Station, permissionfor Ibia havins basa ivetly te b»oafise pervisorp. -The, streél car comPmmy. hé changés, hreate t aCMsthlm ho- ca(cei 11e wmgon i. on land that ad. laina their vtabt ofr bsY. né mked itIthéeonepu y b. veStvalfod frIn 1 4b- sella.. Aàlt*bwuY amitI»d NORTH SHIORE' LUNE rite jcit, f onvent. (,clati enS Econcînîleat wvyBtweett Chicgo and Uit Northt Shorei To wns. 30 LL-TEL LIMITE" 30 30 ANS DAILY U Frequent 1"Local" Service C.onnpetioti i wtiî levated Express l'ralns i tninrCi) alil parts of Chirrugîs at Cntral Street, Evaflhiuot Dining Car and Buffet Parlor Car Service CHICAQO TO MILWAUKEE Roun Trip,- $3O0-Ttne.2 houri and 40 miaules Bave S$1.06 On The R*Und TriP Bave $2.09 The bseC va bebveen Evans- ton,, WilmieI, Keilvorlh, Rnnetba, GtscSo. "Banni, Hiighland,, Park, Fort Sheri- dan, Lake Forset, Naval ts- ion, Vaukégan, ZMon City, Kenasha, andmdMlvwan- kms. NORTH SHORE U LNE- us-eo ce ili..ck Giffl lhn B. KukarPiOsti tndor SOMD<T AT 'LAKZi BLUIrF? ý %m ao iv.SeWhVwat' John B. Esikar et I*ke luff and1 North Ochlg, vas pil am mder ai-1 "«ted hi Wukema police odlel&iaI1 i'emy nat about 6 o'clQck on àcharge o ai svisolmaI« noxlcattngr tiqoai n anti-ambon terrltory. Thé ,llegéd, offense toak placé lu Lake9 Bluff. Kukar, accarding té the chargest Drutrred against hlm. nold a cuse of beér Wedneeday éveeting at thé bouse1 wiicb vas ratded by «auke"n po.1 ice.officerc Tuesday nlghi HHie case eau armigned befare Police Masia- raste Walter Taylor and thé hearing me-m et for Navémbér 22, ai 9 p. Mn. He vas relésséd In honda of $500. It la cisrged that Ruban dellvered the beir at the residebcé and thon accepted pay for the. Bs.,, this cou-J stitutinga asale ln anti-salioon terrti- tory. Kulcar. It ltecaid. vîll ondée, tr in prove tiat thé beér wac ordered' sad that bhimply as nakng the teUv ery. Tii. tva womén snd the cillai wvbo ver. Ca'éen lu the raid at thi came bouc» Tueday ntght are ta. have a beuriosns mxt aturday. la the mématime the police and officiai of the naval station are lmve»t1gs*lug. reporta vhicb may lésil b sériïo, cha&geahein& prefréil agamat lthe naval recrIts viio vêeetmpvitéd. Tva of the thi e vomenvho ver takren lu Ch. raid an the Fox Hotel Tuéedmy night bruire heIn promis.l ta thé police vitéuthéy returned tu Waukegan Wednecday nlghl. They hail prommod ta remain in Chicago until théi Cime of tbjitr triai neit Bat- urde. lnstead o! that Ciel' attonded a dance la Waulcegan,. Wednesday night mnd vere. lacated by Détective Michaet O'Halloran. vorking ont ai thé at.ate's attanueyse office. They *entthe i.tgit lu tbe ccunly lu. IIIiILÀD PARK PUPIT CANQIDÂTE REJTD 85 TO 7 4JOTtIN SLE FroslIté & Slacwk, Apctiowseei- Eiaong UoI&d mytarin. Ivtli MUetia Publi. Auciom on ihe p remuseskméva in thé Mire. ToS. Geary fan., 2% mil» 001th 0 aimeduà,mandem-38 ile»s erth eohgglqs mp S 9 -dhllriDUbU$ le1, lyr-otd.-r 7 lea a anoe.? 1155k Mfaie 4-poli. w$y#oWwé awsk bd'um anvslm0 Black Maue Wl100. Te. Shap,18 lb. eh"t cocs sad Oas-20 M» t émialua hock, 10Obu. gond b" m ee ocu, 1000 bu. 0.1*, 100 hé. vbsst. 5 Milk cane, pls aib à"streler. 20 tom TlmotU y lris a, Stack af Straw, Furi oole %ad macitaey of *11 kimils ood candîtlo. nous meiy meW &Bd mmsy allie artil«es eum- ou, te meton. Tee of aki -auxmal I0adumder, cash; over ltaI &Mount a cedfit of mg sucatbe viti hé give., om gond bàokable mate being 7 pe eat Itrat .No properly remoirsd mmli U onttismmeta MLT]30«" GILET. propdlie0 . Thé Highland Park Preabyterian fiit cburch rémains pastanlee.. By a voeo0f 73 ta 85 h. comuitt*é Cae of thé caugregation appaitel Cte- léot a mev Pator taut nlght rejecteil JS thé ogudidacy af lt.e1ev. Arthur J. HI - Hmi. Nele a Cattgrffl5tlipas-' tor, il vau explmie; bile of thé churche oeieed le desired. The Roey.a. Calvin Dobcon. forme: lacumbént of thé $10,000 a year pes- lovaI., veulgnéd lIt April, deblariag tié "Bomck" vas old. seelh and oeil- lm]." He alec obected tb Saadal golf. No cther cndidate la lu viev. it vas sali. WeCFor Saie, @teacmlu Inte IN- DEPENDENT racit 15M00 peresn veékly. il -q aI 'III Bell System A MiJlion and a Haif Miles of New Telephone Wire! V~1iIN(~111Epast yedr, in oî-der to I..J ieci lier :îpitlly lncreasrng leqtiire- ieînts for teleplîoîe service, the Bell System lias added to its wire facilities alone a mil- lion and a hotj miles of virel' Tinis NEW WIIIE represents an investment of more thanî thirty-five million dollar8 and is sufficient to encircle the earth at the Equaîtor morei than fifty limes! THE ADDITION Of thiS telePhone wiire rep- resents but part of a tremendous amount of work this cornpany has done to prçpare your telephone system for w(r-time service. Y~Voir-operaatin i dmcare aofgaur 14We Ph-anr ppratt W t .11hepS caiwqui>- &-uu iffleuui roplaceai th e reuo ime. CHICÂGO TEEPEONE COMPANY lai Ik bc É t t"Me 119

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