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Libertyville Independent, 6 Dec 1917, p. 5

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1 J TVULE LAKE COVNTY, ILLINOISTHUSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1917. elasker fot a ë lanker Finit tu Boy Thrift StamPs jim ars-au, sho va. nported îaat liandaN morDing littIO Wayne and we.k a besg p icked up a. a larer, at Moili oward, aged 6 sd 8ropei- les Lae.e called at aur ofti<e Monsa,]y .eampersd tram Ihoir b.d and made a osé Isfqnmed oe that b. a true Aiseri. hrry trip la the pa.talllce to b.olir. un, and ha. lii, ord (i regttration. Alleman'e tiret tbrlt tamp cetoflirt. Mr. Gorma la weil known îlirangh tbis Thir effat cannted for they wene tihe PaiS ?1 the canaty sud we are glad to fini ln Libmtyvilia ta gîve their maîsl laiera hi. Irlande theitilmakes .Jim a svne a cle $&m'a ibrili plan. Tlier aagtY Whhn elùekd ator eoKen -:aia ,",purebaed for thetr ltth e lter, as àa8WLnkr. .11e aaked un to *rlght" Naomi. They I.li a. proud of thir U. f8. bet sud ve pnomsead w. would. su th@ tamps au tisai iwoold ho ai a liberty naît trne yon Cee hlm forget the re port. bond. lu le thse belgisi of tWer ambition _____________s., ug-t Lisir carde Wied aud bave a big The Libertyrille inndependent con-savinga account vîtis Onle Sai. tainir the I.ATEST county news. The Ind;isenent laade &al. À "TELMO0" CHIRISTMAS DINNER That sounds funny; doesn't it? But it wii taste mighty.good if you follow it out. You can buy now and keep it until Chriatuas and you are sure it wili be good. We have a comjîlete fine of "«Telmo"' canned and package goods. CANDY AND NLJTS. FRESH AND 0F EVERY VARIETY Fo l:By leaving your'order early, you can select Fow ~a Turkey, Goosic or whatever you want - and we wili hoid it foryou. By so domg, you.will nof- be disappointèd in y'our CIristnuas inner. Corne in now and n»ke arrangements. WE FURJ4ISH THE TABLE EARL CORLETT MEATS AND GROCERIES Two Phons-339 anid 340 IFARMERS!0 I1 Vts Up tu;You RiufI-r[NOW RAISE MORE GRAIN To Feed the World and Its Friends TILE ALL VOUR LAND It WIII Puy Big Interest With One Permanent Investment OUR STOCK IS- LARGE OMM 9 01 60ou aai asam uo Ph.. 4l ELA.XDé%lm &. i m :-------------- - --------- Manure Spreaders The Best Paying Implement on the FWrm Nisco AHl Deere Gôod Niw dea Emerson Ones Cor n rand "oo them over. Priced Rigýmt SCHANCK HADWAR Pae3.COpmPA Y - !îibertqviIIe Yappenings Il You Know of News of Local Interest PIease Cal Telephone Number 1.:: Oci, fil teen shoppinordayo untIllXrae. Mail your ('britmam packages early. itptd the &do in thp independent for Clrlalmaa .ugge«tIonaý Fred Croker was In Chiago on buel- Do"a Mon ". Lari (Zôrett wa& doinir buminesin Chicago Mudày. àiro. Nellie lioebler returned home thim week rain Lacuter, Penn. lir@. C. A. liontanui la vioitina lber mother sud aiter at Iarton, Wl.. Mir. sud lira. C. F. Hoagbave returned aller epmdlng aireraI daya lu Chicago. Mir. and lMra. Barry Peter* of Ubicago, &pint ltunday wltb F. A. Bock and .lii..lion.Trlup ,f Dawnera grave, i. apeadlmta a ev daye vwflb lr. and lirs. lira. étany Baon and son CII Wed. aa.day for Oléana. N. Y., ta vlst ber parente. âne. T. . B.amsi and "mlly entertals- ad relative@ from Bigla aver Thanka- sivlag. Rev. C. A. M ont&aun vas la attendaace as th. Deember meeting of Chicago Prabysery Mondal. The W. C. T. U. '.11 bold tbir regular zeetng next Tuaaday, Dec. lltb at the boni.ofaM u. Ban.tnger. Richard Brookhulzen. PrIvateCa. 1). 342 Infantry. Camp Grant. va. an over @unday vlietor ai tis ane.. Chase.-Kaie.r-hanlowerad hie dleplay I indov and nov bas a Brie claplay ai soas tiserein. Tise liiees Nele tilod and Mary Ranglit vere Milwaukee vîsitore on ITbauikegiving day. Jý H. Halli r?,u-rvl itbfîagîî.ii; d,,uîng :bue ici, l in ,us i ulir w,-ek f.r tie, Zît- Ho Slîtr.niai-tiirîiiwtio. 6 tiio. Hing and Etta Vîireecauiiu- parliedl'y theii-latter e 515er Rutvh, id j Ubiagi,. lieut ie week-end lîcre. * Mr. ndilMro. <-o. Eatun and grand- mof Gî - i rge, Ipft W.duedav for St. Perturw, Fitrida. m here îliey wiii epend :Tise ladie ai tise Aid dociety aiicon- Itinue these e.iug vark ahicli ihey have on himuil eaeh day tht. ai-et aut i-e home of Mrn@. Wm, Wbeelar. C. Jordan, aur chai' euaîr eau nov hi" a heiper ln hi@ placeai tuinîn.sîhci vîli atlltai,, hieln tutnliug ont .work more prompiiy. Cbnttma% decoratlng la nov occupy- losg thea ime of easy ai tise Lbertyville mrchants. some very prefty vlndov diplays cuisb.sen. Acme Camp No. 176, Miodern Woodmea of Amutavllbold Ibeir sanal election of olkmais.atisur ugular meeting os esît Tbnreay evmona lIs 18. Mr. a"d Mr.ne. measSos of Dovacers (hov, md Mme.Floyd BasSon, Mr.aid UMme &.L. Tripp ocf Art, spolie Thans. #Wb« vllb n. ad mai. .TL pp cn IsalaiCourt. lloyar Mornk, RarryGotil. Rubant Devisa, lalpisUivllsr, Byron Prosmr, Voiler flbboiy. Imdors Goldsusher and DBd a of Camp Great. Rackiord, speuf lise vuak.m ema A large numiser of relative. and frsnia ImuCisicao attedd tse tueraI of Henry <luake viicisva.ne betrm ths home 01 A. M. Caaey lutes uuday mter. noon. Tisa Inlermaut va.slu Lakeslde oemetery. Bave lot aven r rallad your advertWa tongin maiy instaces la-tahlnot he Plaue of s lange swovm aa.otment.Why mot lt te b.ip )onu ilplay t toa aiant. oMsenlb.theIndepndent. It ha.t the largeut audience. A brief ltter eclved isy fhia affice Weinaiatsiong annouace the daulis on DeceSmter 1. astlionon, Colo., of Cisarley Weliy Wauar at the ego of 87 ymev, 10 monts. nMi 28 deys. He vus a naf lys of tlb alat e afVermont an" la suffrrirsi by tva daugistore, ElleaJ. Bidy end Mueta Colby. Bia Smea viselaid 50ar"Ob st Wbeaioa, II1. ne ha.s semvou mrlative. la aMi &bout Vneiatesti t se parani.lsah eupslstiom .111 b la b Ormmer. osbool, lntdayDeu. 14, ai 2:80 p. a. A Veayî»uaprognait ushtbem ;sangsd. ne e mnts aMdalgitigradie.vSi foraibtvoambsta. Uu.BiILAed.u, prasidautheibaCisso Braisais09i b liatlonsi tory Tui Lerat-eue vii aI on -Thea Valve of Ke.ptw tlbTboutisi of Cbidr-evei aMi Wholaoin,"'Urg.. Luadars lai vl! b. Illuralai isy vo emlé.ikoulfailavi»%"«cale asiai ba aul pavet, vbo dse lbtuvtbsr lm4htobeat slexpert tnovleilga cou oun aciool. Nov If te Up to tisa PUPls 01 ted aur amn Rigi seaboal ta do aili tistaie vîthîn lboilr over to keep up aid have ILLUISTAeISM §loN T aur sehool ramisamong the 1h111181t-f. s L .CEUICI SUNDÀ U Parhape VWIons May came ta vili e *DA Hu and It thea hmid me aur nev building ecratebed and rscklee.iy iarmed isy care- Neui Sunday evenlng, Dec. 9ti a% the. jets pupils vanggteeY take awaY wltli Libertyville Id. E. choncis. 8ev. T. S. thein a rery good opinion oltise tudente Beae viii preacisan illuef nated cenoon o of L. T. Il. S? the @abject: 'lliod in Amenîcan Hitr,." 1A vielton by laoking arîîund in a mcesuiiil By use ai the etereapticon more than building can tellinl a short tiniee met thirty-tive Epoc-hai evpntein oir National wh. fin kouda aspirit iio puilun.. the Lite. wilii beIllusîratc-d eliuaing bow ivýo falPoste«e. ljd iutorveiied lu fuelînît of Amenîca In Dioi ou t]ink that n- i--iar. eotrig tigues cri .Aid t.îuay tise pret t> 4- omfiitg tis ete i eul,%tn oli uit njori iy of thle A ieric-nu peuple have e tntpo t-fIlimoas ould hii- j 4vi uiiîiip1i.hli li tiita e Go ii lid'm Mighuty lunv ti, il n t.received cuir cil i-nii i n aitedirrcitvg thëiii- i i y o aI <liii rent e, iii- t lît was uaL n p ti»thlee i iîîit unird! eljut Ii. ainl Llanit,;"il bahua -ilid ne to it i iiid be imgpossible f,,rus t-, 'tiii nubie etreng iii n i h4scefor - ee naine very miuî-h or fhe proper learnîriwlaua, ne ibis.-- A cervtl i i ekiud l1qut-eded building titnt 01 idy anuil i-irai1i- tte arnîlg us îoilay '0 etrengilien vOur faits mhould it lu lie as va made IL am in tiod and hl-p us ta cee Iai (%d Je lNü! as conid nai do aur btet %% nu-k n uong us étih. igîýere aili he epeciai echoinne in a ceiool tisat le not up iii le nintie and anuoDg other apprapriate hîgist mark, alîhaugis ve coutl i-rn elet.o.Tise Battie EBymu<t1 tise and get an education we, voulu nov Repubilc' vli liaeiu@trated whlite ung. bave ibis thonghte in aur minuit ta TI.e pulieiclà cordiaiiy luvlted. Inspire ne tu keep up aur achoal. Su for the benefit aur echant ibe aindente muggîj NOTIOL jota in making It the Wet and fineti Ry Ordler ai the village bard you are secool in tise @tâte by ke.ping lu lu the iîorbid ta dump ase, or otbar rubiia beat condition. orlu.1n eseaun tise atreet of the výilla=er. e"»e take heed ta Ibis notice lu la de.lned that a number ot permona ad rId any turtisar action. 49e2 i .au VI' ta tIsa tudent body of tisesciool. Les Wednseds B. 0. Ihuler spoke for torty minutés on ""avne.Oa Pnohmaon." iB@ devlopai hI. ubJocigs M uinlDy and gavep agret mo. B* Utold ofith Couditiosalun Egluai la tise earl dajo ani .tati tiat nt ibat i de a peraon bail to b eallei iselbheogalproitelo ani cela l ev cntepromUes law. Laier tise bare vers lowessi adIt came ta lb. point visera aluet abody soli pnactlal .be. outiom bhuxanln tibm. .mne lr et"»eeth"aithe lIme ha. corne visea lbbarsa arabolng pot up &u anad thiaIbielleve. tisainletbe ne, fture no oue@enm beome a lavyîr nnl. e bha. complelsi course. Prom tisai b. ahovsd tu lb. siedente vis tise penson visa la intsjrnilgo aMater Ibis proteslon ehould «scurs a very floodl lopjndation hefare entertng the 1mw sciool. Tisen lin. Milletouchei tb. bide ar lire expanteueed by a persois alter be hum enterai tisa prateesian a. a lawysr aid ahoved to tise seool tai ties eva oaiy an@ reason for a yoag mai or voaunta isaccue a lavysasd ta vas iecaum e eor .1W sioul filtisai the ki ai vans vk culd bae o uh nature tant b. vante enjoy Ititton a lIMe on aid tisai na one eisould ester Il vise. Intende ta amae. a great fortune. We feel SiallMr. Miller rsadered a gmet service lae oming tO se vllbhie leture andi va fuelà&& ai bé. aut&aven I fis randaui ion the folluvlug epeakera ta follov. Mnr. Uaisrrink vlaiedltba Lakk ornet Amadsmy lest 1la ereo Uhls fonra» e«b"oouandmiobrerte a uha huai ibm u bummil. Wbhthmbe tditei tbe Com"lloreainsys 0" aipoli svofu acteation ta lb e d s lanuIMari ral- ine s e otisaitb. ilgisebeolo a bars military tnal.Iug Ion ailthb bels mai 7mai. New psicll sharpener ani »nomergaeey ki% bave ise. a prehbiiy lbstudeat body ani b.sldes b tise sa mool board ha iunabaudi »wvmapil4 a moyaisle bislnardaiand pa~ à alange numise af sieire. letise relit mai of tis e mily roorn tq bol usai 10ld bockik mau,. alneasand otser anNulesÀA mevtable ooupltad tisie eve.k tebplaeia&Mo la thb rear diof Iis eroom ta b. eniia.à nWei.g table. Application tonrtthe nea 1918. auto lieise. con now eb.pnocured attise Village Clrk'. office. Gei jour applications la uuly. Jaclins Treptovw. Clark. Beaket social at Bua cshaol Fnlday Dec. 7. Ail laits. bnlng baskets. Dvery body lavli. A prograsviii b. given et 8 osiaoek ami basket *oelui aiten. idMb va Wllllame, Taeben. A Chicago mu,. Bmer Beachh. asiumei possession ai tise Naher manutactering plant auilbertyvill and fitla isclarai ho plans mmtn f uring a paient gaz machine hii vil b. earlceted tram the LIb.rty- ville plant. les a'Ipleasure -to useë our cool. . ls clin1 .,nu Are, and leaves few uaies. Do not miss the advaptageaotusmg it, and the satisfactîou of the savmg ini money. Quaiky the Highet SPvic.sthe. L.wut Fuil W.sght mwys W. F. FRANZEN. JRe TepIOIome 5 LuboetlD. ----------- -----:us: - :: s-----:u:-- --- Our stoki laktb.qtl igod shape and we can save yoi3 mon"e ~ ~ B~? good of this sort. Saxon ool Niçd B et, hanclsomne ink, blue sndta plads, houUe Led sazeand goocweigii, ut.... Panay of colora, hi YSrwid styesof plailaWderM~etc,ýc.dusizeat Genuine Nashua Wcxd-unp Baniiqibcitis .o vumi hand, Thtis is apure cottanlnkethat look@ and f"e.I O0bP verwar sd esyta wuan~d bu s .1tifthe hWwI- IBa of a wolb;2aukejsPam Paif ne pir ... GooclqualisCoton SbeeeBlankets, i whits $' .$t %m Thiee are bargoins, as the prces are beasd oL mnany montits ago, which was far bè A l1 S sWr ptUED lie.ff W. W. CARROLL'ý I eeeeeeeeIg 'Naicp.ia Parents DurnnngCeai ^obs. 1 Ch CPI UI Î rvice.s yucoplainte liave bf-en cuîîîîng tui. This la a chemlst' formula fer~ f IH C D L O E 1 St. Lawrence Episcapal. j..i hav tsowlng st one, about $te' îng cool Robes: DOne ~ e«WOG 8 Ra1ah thiLTilte(a!vh'Rb E* 1 While, Priescbag . s treetY, nahisee, huildings, etreet lightg,. -n Salt nesr. M ll Bd oist i Rl Rapé a-WiiH. eU.nhRSEItu n vicesltZbe ein uthe Vi:g,. dali H r.t httret t las, 1 tnai t er Mx nd iat w10 1-os-s-s-m- - - - - - 1 . Holy Conimlunioni eleept irmt Suîî,ay to thir h b prentsbogulis- m alte k di t b. bpatrased. ahîs 1zfw Lookt ^ Doube Hoadori Ilamontis 7:30 a'. e. otorcideabu hsute ndcsm ebre.Vlstte Lool Dube Madrl Bay communion, ivery Sunîîay i1i oo sen thal toppe rs-iîe la siopped; othé- upVon being Placed -upc-. a eW Frdy@o lai. We7,L. T. H. S.wiee 1 hah le -oîup,-ted ta net un tlie'.efuse inoa acokelike mass ani*9 'n but Ittile realdue. (liaroan and WbIt,.î play AtlocbTown- cisoreliSi-haut %:45 a. m. I________ ehip High achool (<Jrdlinai and Grey) at i'u'MS S 1.IloiFlie. Marchai. the ktigb @chat vni hpre. Corne ont Presisyterian. lI flWae To Bfle snd see aur boys play. We eau vin If Sunday echol 10 a. ni. At Mount Pleasant. Te%.,.ia Iman came Into the publie telengla" w, have ihe loyal suppoort of everyliody. Môrunig wrehip at 11 a. ni.fe u nitd htfos I Letd show thse Anioeih vimiture i tat Clintisan Edeavor meeting ett i45, Texas Once Wou Larger. itand for lm ot ba*n 5014*1et Libersyville la on thle inap, Ivtlil uia Eveung srvice at 7:30. W, invite al f Before ifs annexatlon ta the Unitedl wonîd have *ta do bis "n t both gaine trom h.i Admrnieiîî15 nt having nuy othor ehuncih ome in the States, in 1845, Texas was an Inde- apace ietlpin.to anîl~ji~ Ciiiiiiiliii tanurhîp lîl m. pendent republlc wlth n mucli larger tir rced ver ,ter tnrnlng itk bande nnd C. A Matanue. P.eiîir. orea than the present stte, thibigh I tw ortreîmsade lu Paeeîile isen rinîî unl tli the largest stte In tise Union.i ca trey si:"Bes adont bÈlx1 cheer tîtr r... r. El ~~ItIs are, as a republc wus 376,163. hkmgtdo aht:gnma i Mondav uiornlg N11-, iînîî'rznlMtoîs-psoa. Isquare miles. T 30 te itceded twu maibtes oftli. ituîfent Civuil -Nei ua'uny eni i.,, l l e hi-amia"thîe United Sfauts ailt trrituury b-- visited] Deefed.8lîi-;d- iigh 1-i îi fuSuaw: LSunOay sýii-hut 10tIf) clotit. yon l its present Ilinits of 274,3M ^ il Nickela. MismSanderi andMi- Haeloy c-insee, for ail t geN-s IuinIt reat'hiwic;squiire miles. in conuideratian or $io,. luuulclng by the looks of tise lu.i t.o Pisysicat trnîiîîîig c-ta.i ýTht' asevce ai81 'l c-ii-theutii-v. T. tE.!000A000 ln bonds. with the proi-eeds of dn laetatpges uàat cli guei)lwblc-b Texas pald off ber stute debt. ne "Isa b neues fts etdnsa awst -uytadairh~u ilîm~u is ittiluîw cgtion seemi ta tbink thth iliat baur coins@e you -fi wild race for Ihitasct htLiewCags th y ro Pvii oy4 i cîts uth eirî u t -4:30ntbiee ihlaue l niseveu squares avay, Mg . thegy foo. iaivt îoy 6 inueluo th eveigmoau :&>tie ah le au the cburch IR a trolley car.tiat Mas th ieI lntdbut w, du the hbnt lt uae eînn ne niecî<ld FIRST IN LAKE COUNTY-Thethie saints at theamai rate.-*ee teumel lle lu American Hîetory.* Mote thau thirts- I ndependent. Pont. eau. li~ve E1iochai eveuue lu the lr t 0 1 _____________________________________ lnklings and Twinkiings. nto dileOiuuae i hervle M voterlou. long dianee telepisone cal lu. fpeesai muéi ntau ule serrice. 1 amn lnutedv? "One tor Ail, for Ail are (One-viii fio Why di dno% part of the honorabletiaabcuo hEpoîseaeme- aedlna e arID .ngyh iisliung nat Sunday evening ai 6:80. Tisere Wednasday. vdll bi entbalaiuic stuging adts Witpecs vit"vale, béear comlng lb îî ie aandan ult he. train thée mu elaie, vonden visai iit@baryadultig theyeaube.Cu Ob invitation ex tended t0aIl. bbyans. r rehearaaill lit ield Lii we.k I Af R T Why vua anal cur School ta Appe»ar ni l MUireday evîning au it 8o'iock. Ifs Boaf. 11@ Woman'w Raine lalouary auclety ~ Wseaum nou" setga agond luesa ofthe vîli houliste Dseher meting naît ý & r -occupanita of a home by the a...arnc. t'ireday alaron, Dec. ISat lb t thei*a af tise bona»Ikei. W. neyer expect a home ofarein. il. il. Cooper on Lais. puraonot bigdIslsista îîva In a bouée. airasm. ln.onha Prouie and liam vhleh te uuddy in apiiearanea. lThe Cooper vili asta. sasiesses. Ahi mani- mmponAaa at a sehiiol. snv asisool. bersanad frends are cordlally lnvted ta .j .<'....... JsL~.C.

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