________-. T.~T~EW$TVILL~1 - I > ministratol' Erskine *Mtion to Law Per- -te DWpay Signs. Èg()SECUTE OFFENDERS. - thb Pesit in Volating h tw 'ey Niay Have Coal Sapply Curtalled. m osna f fuel administration in %aqcut'. J.. P. Itrskine. bas mail- 1tl Iée ltter In every manufacturer li Ia"e coimty: 1 demra tu cmii. your attention to -mter No. 37,limeud hy thé United iutim Fuel Adminliration regulai- tlug the uie cf coal for thé pUrPoés WU geating electricit for use In i#rating iiiurinated advértiseméflts, tu$msigne, etc. - rblea ider piovidés that no power -aian>', and no corporation or pér- %n s upplylng théir own eléctriclty j« illisminating or powér purposés *ll eo4>l7 oruse éiéctricity ,pi-- d*Ced la wholé or In part, by thé con-_ iMWa ptof f ou. h efore thé hour of -iI .Mor after thé hour ofilp a. e eticaily Illuminatétt or for diogbly m*veelieéméftis. ntices, an- a*Mcementâ, signe, desgnaflon ùîf thé iooooio of an office or place of Ibuor of thé nature of any hus- qMlets éectric searchllgbts, or (ex, ltoram) iluminationi or ornaineuts- Gon Of an>' building, except In thé letumior of buildings. % 4blm a«der 1dos netappl>' te thé VinltMd Btés govci-amnfit. Staté. Or <(OUlty, cit .'or towfl; It doeflot ap- te tthé maintenance of treét 4ghta by any cty or tcwti; electrie ggg aDXed te thé streét fronts' of ~iiuOyer tréet entralices to j*m.ehops or othér place of huai- -esse for thé purpose of anlnouniclng 'Ige n»meor busine of a retéi shOP *' store, or thé name and location Of le ticatér or other Placé os, amusé- Mb t, may ho ligbted during t, pe S>.4frosa Ome-haif bour ater, sét sncb tillé. Bor latér tiian I es, lis hetie venng t whlch time In th»cuméof a place of business thé CIOO l e loft thé Conduct of 'ga Me id In thé Oui? Of ptlacé g&4 Masetand public amnblY 0&0oaéhaf our atter th, ,Une l$44fté thIb hgling of an enter- ýe"IW 8I.eM etc: i'rovtdéd that the sizé gyag Maya>bhéreduced at any liss %~pn direction o! the State %*ais liatile upon houées or botéis &L entrace occsapled or open dur- tbe niglt tné. or upon priva-te V« sor thé wlka or gtound% foi-5,io! rallroad stations, yards $*Vmachea théreto may hé exclud- ,wbo autherizéd by thé Stte ni- $dWtmtatr. "B rder netm forth that thé née mur fr Dy0f thé purposes pro- Kai tes at4n and la prjudical à h1,gàuu% thé national aecurity lui) ilk W tM plienb4. this pîictaro sbo*sm à girlwb lunneand hat bir OVu homme, an Ilalian villa o9 tbe an ftheo 4apstiqek. itoid i Cloanotai. ?ba plans wormý ma" by ooy bit of thm; «grkmo a rder ber direction dtd the neceosary bevy woik Sel the painting and decortatin and planlag, stalng Mod pollming et the SoorsanadiIthei.Uba h*did wu w bAsown Iendsa7 LAIE COUNTY TO HiAVE ORPIANMIE 9f PAN SUCCEEDS, tflotlaused prom Page One.) $500 a month toward thé Red Cross, one half te go ito .thé Wauegail and I .jorth Chicago chapter, thé othér to go to thé "Like Connty Cb*aLptr." It ls nmade te iun four monthe with thé understanding that h wIl hé renew- d at that timé 10 ast during thé wer. it la undcrstood that this saon- ey hé dtibnted proprtionatel>' to thé ansount thé varions andîllarlés thémelvés misé.t The supervisors havé hééi n ivitéd to attend a veelson dînnér at thé Ed-1 mund btél, Thursday at 1:30. WON'T WAIT FOR PATIENTS (Cotinued Promx Paré Oa.1 ta Wankegan and opératé at thé Lake couety général hospital. "Dr. Mullér baashéén lclnd énough to Lake count>' 10 operate on onee casés vithont any charge ln eueés wheré thé patients 'wré poor pat- ienta. ln ooîy one case 7je haî be flult ne vii k réportéd 10 thé particular grl's casé, Dr. Mullér has 111Mi Admnnitrator andi apor- agred to opérate but 1 f eéi as tsongb a, «ýof édcoSi to Ihose violatns hé shouid hé compcnsalmd for il, 1 *order mu>' hé reducéi. -am m ure 1 can get hlm to, do It fpr L. P. ERSKINE. $100 lat oui- Laike county hoapital and Fuel Adms. Lake Co. then wm casa tare for thé girt for - , - about tbrué niontbê," said Dr..Browh. * * ....***..Thé board ,ubseq.e!tUy order-ed Dr. B frown to bu-e Dr. Mulier te pértorsu Wauaan oc~l Qthtis opération.f *Two Chidren ae ~ * * .*. .* it wae net, howéver, untît two mcm-1 V bers o! thé board had éxpreméeti X.ttm have béen réceivéti he a- thecutlves t'ery forceful>' o, thé melnk thé death of Chartes Wes cars givén othér chîldi-én wlio had rWalsser, wble c OrUléd ai MO- bemu opraleti on b>' Dr. MuOllar.Su,. la, Oolrséo. on Iaet fiaturday. Mr.pervisor Maether polatedte o ase Ituer 'waa thé faîhér of Mrs. Elée- of a girl vhe was takén care f hyI gwlb. forméi-ly of thé villaxe of Dr. Mueliéu- wherétn $150 bad beén unI ,and widly known te La.kfetpit. This, gi-i. hé fiaiti.wam ln ai *my Weple. Thé hurliwas aI téi-i-ihé shape asad probahiy bld bc >,gonO, il 1. not béee operatcd on voutd have1 W~".B. Clow. Lakte Foiest mil- béen a fflit'y eharge fc' agriet %o& Mimd lu hlm yard with dlay ssany yéars andi thé éxpense ln thé i4Wd 102 10leasfi-o,» thé lot Of EtI- end wouid have bée a gi-ct déni Md Âtteridre, Mondmy Attcriêa maoi-e than thé paymént of thé $150 hbdgg*.j dgment ginst Clow fui- fee. Hée said shé nov léoin fine shape po- gter clalming thé bill had Limd laflot ciippléd et ail, mérely hav- W« bon pW. Mi-. Cow a' 55de no mg aallght llmp 'ýi thînit thé cou»: 01ai nylag hm was tOoc humé' te ty Nould hé money ahéad 1inhmdllng mu tue trial, rases in Iis manner." sld Mi. Mac- tP M spId> woi-e ont a warrant ther. ýtS~T ot f IdSlIDieyér Of Snpérivsor Whte reférrédt t a boy *,'âti, barang hm vib ho was ln çuh shape that It vas bMiaterr. Thé case will be nAcesmaré' for hlm te crawl on blé, .b440re policé Magistrite TaY- knécs. This affliction ait.o hait béé» ~nAldS Oiétîtaken care of wthont cost b>' Dr. meo at 2 'cloclt la thé Pavé Net Vomr Parlor Wl* tis. Ja r. -P onn The moSt expenolve n-cou lu the 4ý(& bmpnwil serve. wesidle ai to hé the boxvood lm- Obmurdaî Eveaing Girl&' Club perted fi-oi Tuhlkey for- thé usè of en- nfj t».Prakfos toaosmrw Préeme The coet ranges tront four at 1:30 ~ cese a square loch up le Imo cents a lite aolflthe Peérieuns qm Inlch for thé bét gradé. A. amd ode W4NI L théTér wo adgo na» lausd ollars. A jMdModl WrkSat he er-woudSr«' agOn loua d doars. . 1u teÂAnttonPur43 oédstrig of be" odnide o! Il wold bhé 21 a efairly éxpéneive plécoe4Z jWelU. AT VULCAN PL-ANT tThousand Dollars Odatia e in jFire Whioh Oct'tTen P. M. Tuesday. Pire originiatlng f rom an overturfi- éd BaalanldérIn ~thé littie house erected about thé artesian wel ln the Vulcan Louisville Smeting workm ln North Chicago, tippéd over Tues- day night about 10 o'clock and set fire to thé woodén structure. Damages to the citent o! about $1,000 were créatéd whén partof thé structure ln question and a 60-foot derrick whlch la being uséd in con- structing a ne-w art esin wetl was destroyed. Thé Vulcau company lé making a big Improvement ln thé malter o! ar- tesian -watéi- and It lé dcclaréd wti spénd $10.000 in getting a suitable wel which 'ii frniBh it with amplc andI safé. water. The conlpfny meéd le use tis ýwell but é;ome~ timP ago it wént out of commission and the. woknwprcgressIng lé, for the pur,. pose of revlinrg thé weli. Thé report prevails that the co,»- pany did nfot ýinow tiow thé ire start- edl>but this proved to'hé untrué andi a.aone of thé officiaiss aîid it waa due to thé ttPDing over of thé salaman- der. litel said that 6mre of the lran5-. formers or thé North Shore Eiéctric weré burned during the ire resulting in thé cutting off Of certain parts of the North Shoré tempor&iily during thé evening udtil linemen readitiat- éd iwttérs. Thé volunteer Oire departmént of the vulcan company did vallant ser- vice and it wg through théir efforts that the flamewére stopped hefore thé>' spréad to other parta of the plat, whch for a lime lkeeémmd ln danger but which ecapéd wtbout any damage. ii E. w th Ti el fil b: >Karriage LàcennesQ John A. Swanso n, La'e Forest, Sig- d Johnson, Laké Foi-est. 81km M. Roth, GreaI Lakes; Sarah E. Moore, Waukega. -Fritz Stevens, Waukégan; Elin Wésterman. Wàuk egsn. George Young, Newport, Il.; Nfar- Lha Sorenson, Kenosha. Frank S-chultz, Chicago; TIllie 'aube. Chicago. Herbert M. Benett, Chicago; Hel- en Lambert, Chicago. Maraden H. Hunt, Chicago; Ruthu 8Judd, Chicago. .Robert C. Knollehcrg, Nlilwsukee; Bilés J. Schultz, Milwaukee'. Frank Diagulla, Waukegao; Anton- sa Garighina, Waukegan. Harrison W. Greene, Racine; 049a McCarthy, Racine. Vémted P. Jensen, Racine, Eiza- beth Black, Racine. Wlllkm S. Hood, Racine; liza, bath A. Bchevlat, Kenoxha. Edward Hodgmu, Greît Laites; Am. ,nda'Mumîler, Waukégaa. . George T. Huffman, LIhertyvilie- Eugené H. Dempsey, Great LWcee, Olive Dempsey, Béansylle. Richard R. Schtséfer, Milwauke; Anlta Splckerman, Milwaukee. LaVem-e 1. Wells, Waukegan; Ber. tha M. Rhlnebart, Highland Park. Stephen Manel. tMilwaukeeé; Rosé Kaéstner, Milwaukee. George Pi-ather, Chicago; Stella Smlth, Chicago. William F. Crawford, Wilmétte; ilitAlda G. Chrustmammu, .Ake Forest Chai-les L. Homi-ninS. Milwauikee; Loulise Hacbbarth. Mîlvaukée. George R. Raine, Kénosha; fFli-id Vtllnow, Kénosha. 8téphen B. Nichois, Great -Lakem, Dorothy Dyer, Cleveland. John Déyer, Ashlani, - Wim.; Julia Powoser, Milwauke. OFFICIAL LIST 0F REAL ESTATE TRANSjERS PurnIuhodb LAKE CO. TITLE Aime. rhT i oî Abstracto of 1111.Titi. Umwputi* Miuonic TemploeIRdi. P#9"ue4. Dec. 10, 1917.---C. A. Newcovpb, Jr., to Oanst Yenkus, lotsIl aud .12, hut 22, North Chicago,,Deed, $225. -Emmia Cantie tb H. C. Cantie, loti 38 anti 43, but. 91, andi loto 19 andt' bik. 105, North Chicago, Q. C. D., $5 M. Ailette iledee anti husband tu Ida M. Price, 1qt 14, leilcépt, auth2 feét) bit. 1. Pi-t Add. to Nor~th 81i Waukegao. W, D., $10. Oopouon mer oi. Mut-mu (to cook-"! bave dome Crien4e ceming Icadin ç-toda>'. Mary, me 1 vant yeu te do rour very boi. Oeek-"Ton kan déend upen me, mum; r,. Sot smm friane b mowa ~naW~'PtrTTU5iflA V Aboie, tIIG 4nDOrnajsBrinOf Momoof., 'tL A"dn» wmdelr hals giun, 46,*Ioça ë trmta GorWa~e~U> ad roab,.d bo if ïwt en81IlD8mpa TO CO ,WIN USE AS.TIAlNe POST Washinfton, 1C.,Dec. 12-lIt was dénléd b>' the nar départ ment to<ay that Camp Grant viii be abandlon éd a. a sitiosi a my <kutonsuésat. The camp la ta hé oontinued. ilu as statéd lhougb fricm timéllime selécteti mon may ho traneferréd tb thé other campe. Thé rmsr provalllng ai Rocittord was that hap Grant was to be used as an taternilat Camp whili4'thé soi- tiers nov tiseawoultl hé t-anaferreti teOsnp OM uter, nemi- BatiléCr-et. Thé rumor vas 5iven .added ci-éd- éncé thi-ouglu the fallure cf thé var department te 'mate statements on thé Situaion vhen It vas tii-st îalked of b>' newspapérs. JUDGÎ ERWARDS iVommuge »m Pa985da».) iléts. bécaume thé>' feré nt in ac- cord wvith thé company'm idens of public merals, and It vas paramoUnIt pe aylng 'You moe préachlng agalat wht oui- employés Iselleve ln, an-d you oan move out and ifind another site fer gour clty and stay therd." N I INNES DY GOODS COi. The mostjfor tho leat j but aJways for caah- The alogan for this year1 We are. showing an excellent liné of fane - umbrellas, fancy KI Goôds, Skating Sets, Boudoir Caps, boxed Turkish Towel Sets, Linens and fancy Hos- iery. HandXerchlefe NWe are - h«wng our-ý tîsual big line. ; Our stocks are most, eomplete now. t3nusula values in all Li n e n ,embroidered. handkerchiefs at25 each. Big varieties àt 5c, 10e and 15e each.-" 1{andkerchiefs by 'the, box, fron- 15e up. We will tà.ke exeel-. lent care of y(ýur holi- day wants. -lis Dry 4 Ambrome Lee Young of Lake For- est bas started Lsuit la the Circuit court at KenCsba, demanding dam- ages of $10,000 trom. the Chie Io North Shore and Millwaukeée I fie Itailwa,y Company for the death of hie mon, Jamee Young, who died an ai remuit otrinjuriéewhich hé received1 wvhen he was i-un down by oneé of the cars of the defendant comp.an ea- the' Prairie avenue cromafog, Kenu- Bha on July 16th laat. la Uthe suit the plaintiff cialmu thât thé death of the son veacaused hi the tact that the Company Operatedlils Cars ln g négligent manner. The klling of Young was a matter for Investigation by the Ké%noeba po- lice departnent and It vwas cialigd at thé urne that he had been robbetl previous to bis being atruck by the 'train. -One ai-iest wae made in the case, but thé man arrested waé i-e- leased witbout a heurIng. In an an- swer te the suit . fiied- by the cono- pany. thé officila declare thet Young was -caraem -and that -bis careiss- nomns and not the acte of the Companly was responeible for bis death. Thé compazny's attorneys appeared beforé Judge Belden on Moncay att- ernoon and demanded that mcurity 7for the Cosla o? thé action hé gtven and thé court Issuéd an order ln- 1structing thé plaintIff to give secur- 1lly for coatm ta thé mui» of $200. Namlng iindu mebies. Blodu Babies are naaned whén they are twelve deym old, and umnaliy by the «oeU»eit l ow iying country dani- med on mery aide.' Do you Icl0w an older one, flot 0 -Bdto m: Tou 11k. good thinge good, which 1 heard two years RMO? for Tho M~. Do you waM t pub. ilsh thie, wdbi heard yetrday Wbtt la th*dfl&endb I*twesiilbn. throuth ui bother la Boton? gland anld Qrnmny? Bribilila ru.09 Wby 18a1,11usd liké ormwent Be- the wavés and Gprmy witilvmm the r _____ The work ot women on'the battlefield or l n the hospltals, nursing, cheering and Scomfortlng the wGunded or dylng, l aa "\very smal part of what women do to pro- î mGnte a country's fightlng capacity. Many of our American women are not troug enough to en~dure these hardahipa. Thousands of women in the United States have overcoane their suferings, and have boen eured of women'a ifl by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This tempetmc medicine, though started neariy bai! a cen- tury ago, sella mosi wideiy today, because -it la made Without alcohol or narcotics. It ~can now be had intabet formas well as lfquld, and- every woman who sufera fomn- backache, headache, nervousnesa, ahould take tiis "Prescription" of Dr. Pierce'a. It in prepared from nature's roots and herbe and dom not contain a particie of alcohol or goiy nari'ci. It'a flot a secret prescription, for its ingredienter are&printed on wrappier. Write' Dr. Pierce in full confidence, and &end 10e for trial package of tablets to Dr. Pierce's Invalida' Hotel, BufMalo, N. Y. "Favorite Prescrption" is eold by ail druggisU in tablet form, sxty cents. A trial of this reliable herbai tonie and nervine will -zznvince you. A Real Gift Why make a slave of youîr wife ? Make her happy this Christmas-giv'e ber a T4,or Electrie Washing and Wringing Macbine.' It will save vour eeclothes and nîoney. -Nùrthern Ohio Wool Robes; 54x e72"4550to -$1500. ]Kotor Weave I&Wool"t; 6ox9oQ-m $67.Plimh Robe"-18JSO. ,Storm and Wool Horse Bla$ets- -$2.65 to $9O "eCh. Usofui 'Electric and.Key 911*Wind- Trains. RossiersFor the Real Live BOY. Carvlng Sets! $2.35 to $5.50 Casseroles____ ____ Servlng Trays Chld'i Sots $3.50 Acjusta ble Ieý1LMo- i I ce '7actes Aoumn'O m Nicle plated; a fine gift for Mare the heaMty boy; pair $1.50. Kiteon Ware 1______________ 011t Heaters Food Choppers Saty Razirs TolletAàrtlcles Uanlpure Sets fjolet KnlvUs - -shears S' ied Câges UverislLunch. Toït gindors * ohnlt'5 Carpenler'. - ToIls* ' -f Mec ca no Toy engineernig 'for boy. Trher are dlock work Xlectric Mhiors wbich run the modelsa aii glve- life to thom. The Meccano Manueliiistrates m26 diferent muodelo. A spletidid gMf-- e"$1.00ad'up Goode Co.- G.n..e t Christmas Suggesion-s For Serviceable and Durable Holiday Gifts Prom * the North Shore's Blggest and Best HARDWARLX STORE For Serv* e and Pice Get In Touch With Us 1 1 1