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Libertyville Independent, 13 Dec 1917, p. 14

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ertyville Independenti unty Independent- Waukegan Weely MM O~Iie sultan o! Turkey sat lu tins harem amokhIg bitsJ )gg-iotl1e pipe. Surroundeti by bis wlves and lnhahng t6i beautiful aroma, ho was at peace with hhinoelf il noti 4fith anyone else. Andi thon, o! a sutdoen, llke in Jo. Rlow» àzdls faiious sopg, lis pipe went out"-tho Britishi had 1 ppured in an eAinguisher andi his dreams o! continuns1 Wse of the. Holy Landi terminated suddenly as the lait1 èpark of the ptpe-dream wafted to the breeze. Foaring the declsiou o! Lake county.juries, no matter vhat the. evidence, 1tate's Attorney Welch likely decided-' to push the. charge o! mansiaugliter against the. Greek Who vas found guity Monday. However, if that wasn't a elear caue o! murder none bas ever been perpretrated in Lake couty. But, probably the stato vas will g to make sure o! haUl-aloaf rather than Insist on the viiol a=ntie nothiug. Lake county juries of late arq aurely puzllg -they're enigmas wicih cannot be describod. For In- stace, ai one court -official saiti: "The evidence in &8 murder caue wasnIt lai as plain sas the recent bliudp1g case whereiu the jury held the defendant 1 ' guilty' viien there didn't em à chance in the. world but that they'd hold hlm. go,'you se., one neyer can tell what a jury ber. Àgoiug to de, ___ Auybody who basi any doulit as to the efficacy of the. couty hospital work should have been present at the Tuesday board of supervisors meeting, wher. two super- vsors explaneti bow operations performeti by Dr. Mueller o!~ ~ abcguo eueto r r , restored to good cliidr n ati afecton o!ti. l g nti fot w h m ade L m d o su ocW lop r .to ns aith c h re n tr d itren iio ot e f e d ih ae etr onhi!.ar thenw _____ day syoit erea of ! I?m a ocflexmlso Me lousray eel ThutnitftLakeilt e vermed n a- thidg*euqb tit. plan lth eas w ay i ii.Ti.ereton o! who1 qmheris i. rebehaveagatuatthrogh life rslu «MWa*om evta o vi do more odm tanin dae mhoureale onte of atheuavmo!ntusfoftry tapiy.o m~itadiciupal ha ve bco ny conld have ad tLe uIf~ ~~ee volinth the effectin wlthe grnm navileas- iltrg ozo h.nt he lanfinicers ay ti& ereslto hition #Me 19tlt càapta ýbIsvalled nea the g ona~MontM Texkas actimon sant ilshdt emo as hyshu t#b putIed t o.dooul d have been ra mpant on iLe Wies ond i. rmy pant madfe olthe Predltwa ii nt m oome uigh t b b.Hoee the peed vatiavbthoefas *teof t eu e eogrto! tii. prng thmanto ail ee me ok. ar %1 u *êtoe rand heseretft air ain , bc - ý= ëavais caedou, ille go l tegwaorv-t Iag todrati, eac tn ayandni ilyth math timeo va bà erunis b. osbei nti tuldhave beiopnstons lll ie pfthle iasr ely a thoe Iaw prerni.t w. eoty.o tuome atue. Rv hvetoebpe daith ut tho-Gr2a ernlt at, mterowers t othe rshif t tocl e u iuals thlmounths oounandy arev~tly that nat.f ro Athe. morale andtheii patriotiam o! this country mustbe -maintained, no matter what the, cost. A BOARD WITH 7HEART. *prton of.lke exUc1l8of theê cùÛMý and aso thiede- 0dIe f' tii. patients thoielves to, take ativantage o! this important tretneut. Thun vlth the bqard having doneîts pat and wth the county p)hysian and a 'liting nursé e ad to do titr part,ît ralresolves ltéa ttbouhr ft ilup tothe peoiple andi otiier phyiolans o! the cou4ty to do thein.I! they don't thon tiior. ls neo wti t 4 ngagainit any- body conuecteti vith tiie couiyfficIuy. ALLIES RIPOYT SPPER= JOR CAMBR. .PAI $,OSITION FOR PReSENT-W 'INTER ALLIES' POSITION FOR WIN- TER IN TIIEIR PAVOR <By Unted Presa.) Lendon, Dec. 12.-"lOur P"oilen1at Cambrai as ta comfort and aafety dur- ing the.comkng winter is enormoiusly in Our favor," declares Gênerai Msur. ice, dîrector of operationa tItis, ater- iioon. This ii true, despite the façt tliat the enemy hoii neutralized Our The Brtish paneraI frankîy des- cribed the German succesof Cam- bra a i ~,ndue Sa Iack ef ce-Or- GXRMANY ISAVO ALLIES LOIT MORE IN NOVEM8ER. (Br Unted Press.) Berlin (via London), sec. 12.-Dur. lng Nqvembér Germanys emrnsa lest 22 captive billoons and 206 sîrpîanes, agaleat Grmanys* loueso"f two cap. tiv. bllions and 00 airpemnes, an cf. ficial satement Stated today. TO PROBE COAL SIT- UATION SEFOREC SVGAR.1 [DY Unted Press] dnation. Wuuklflgtoi Dec. 12.-The Sonate Investigation of the ceai @horoge wilI - bogin t once, Chaîrman RisC an. VIOLENT ATTACKS CONTINUE noufloed today. The cool inveetlgp- TI4ROUGHOUT ENTIRE DAY. tien wilIlbo taken up before sugar in an efort t. flnd an lmmediste romedy <ny lUnted Pre»al for fuel famIne in Bt"t whoré thod- Rome, Dec. 12.-VIolent att&C!<5, 1511ds are siaffeing f ram zto wether. continuini throughout today, vwere made by Auran forces &round Mont1 LACI< OF COAL CAUSES, Spînoncia and the Calcina Valley te- MANY SMOPS TO CLOSE. day, the officiai statamnt .ald. The violent Impetua of the enemy, thé wl' (BY UnitcrO Press.) office said, psrmitttd thoir occupation Baltilmore. Mr., Dec. 12.-Stores of of a few abandoned positons, but Inter Industriel planta which are ualng Con- Italian forces retook practically aIl fr&1 Station power aupplied bythe ef them. Conaolîdated Gasaund Elsctrie Cons- pa3nY, WOr cempeJled te ahut dowh 40,000 STOCK YARDS EMPLOYES MAY QUIT. [P.y United h-m Chicago, Dec. 12-Organized em- ployes of the union stock yards voted ln favor of atrîke If negotlati ns with the packera for wag. Inorea"s end other concessions full, it was de- clared this afterno. OfficiaIs of the Stock Yards Labor Councilisaid U8 per! cent of the union laborers voted ln favor of a walkout. Btweén 30»W0 and 40,61X) employas would bo affectad. Fifteen union officiaIs left today for Washington te confer wth Président Wilson and Samuel Gompers. EASTERN MANUFACTURING CONCERN 18 TO DISSOLVE. [By LUnited Pressi New York, Dcc. 12.-Tho Eastern Manufacturing Association met hore todly and adoptod resolutions formaI- Iy dl«uovlng thé association. This fol- loed Federal Judge Mlayras rulînq that thé onganîzation wa» opérating in rstraint of traie. thîs aftunçOn when the Company . tiflsd them thît becausé of Iack of ceai It could net continue te furnîsh power. MURDERER STRANGLES WOMAN TO DEATIl TODAY. [Ey trnIteG limai Chicago, ODe. 12.-Thé body of MM. Margaret MoGummar, 4P, a bourding hoisse keepér, waa dlscov.réd ln hsr bedroon, lat. thlî afternoon With a short rope twhted tlghtly about her necic. 8h. had been dead about four bos. Sh. <as cîad oniy ln her un- derclothea. Tonm Nashi, 28, a boarder, <sho found the body, was hetd on suspicion. U. . PIRES THE FIRST 8140T ON AUSTIhIA TODAY Italian Artny I-eadquarters In th, Tiartb-i part of ltaly, Dec. 12.-The fIrat Amertoan ahal agaInst Austnil was ftred by Representetive Tlnkhim ,i Boston on the Lower Pla;Ve wlien 'Mr. Ttnkham pufled a atring iloS a jar", 149-ulimlere un. edtng a 1 shehl hurtling acros the Ptavb ta, the Atitrian Poitons at O"go.- The Lake coianty board o! supervisors siioveti thier w fot fit ta ho drunk hécause she wvlgesu ou Tuesday to do vhatever possible to combat 'ROSIE, TAYLOR I aid ltt was frozen. dilsease lu the county viion, by a unaiions vote, the board Tim.e las whea "Raaie's" story votedto i hre a vstilg nurse for Lake county. The duties MIVN 0 DANS FOR mlgist have avalled lier somethilng, but o! this nurse wl et respondt t calls by supervisors to the police aay tbey have loet ail pa- .into homes vhere there la sickuesanti viere the fam- RUNNINt4< R11IIIP4 ice 'tti er. TlieY aoac lba ilies canuot hire a nurse. 8h. vili vork, o! course, uucler 5I4hf auaed them go xuchanny ane aiMe the direction o! the county physician anti one o! the pri-- that they ca:not bellelier any mare. mary thinga mihe vill look after la the condition o! tuber- Six Cases of Beer Found ini Her speesiy jusuce was meted out to culosis tbroughout the county. Home When Police Staged th. defendant. Barely tan minutes ai- As Dr. Brovn expiains, it will be her duty te, go te tth. Raid Tuesday. ter lier arrival ai the police station manyplaes vier tubrcuosis~xits ati uggot mtl-Police Magistrate Walter Taylor ha manyplaes her tuercloss éxstaandsugestmet- bensummoned and R"se wau béini ods o! treatment for those cases. 81. vii not wait for the. 'ROSIE' WEEPS CPPIOUSLY. t vn ber triai. On the aliowlng made patients te come to the county but viii go te their homes- the police magitrate fried lier $800 ant do wbatever possible to remedy conditions. Tears Fail to Move Police-ls and cogs, $20940 in all. In defaut Of .,By their action the supervisons have shovu a very com- WelI Know in Waukegan V'j, h aiî f or y d the medbespirit anti have shown their destre te, furtiier co- Police Cirols. The 'oiesyta vieieaaia oprtwith Dr. Brovn vlo is trylugto do so much for ti th olian w at e c e a mai m poo o!tiecontyant wb las atian p-ullro~ o!itWaai<egan, De:.-. hobactaimed ta have purchased liquor bcueo! opposition vhic~h develops every nov anti thon Nrs. Rtoae Taylor. 212 Touthetié at lier place. ggait buls efforts. Tii. supervisors,' hovever, displayed wbo bas beea more or Wons couapha- Returned Home tbsir cotfdeinluhîm by backing up practically every ,, 1,~ police cirelee forthe- s.t . t developed this.. morning tIsai zwimen hepre te o te bardforconideatin. his,,lyeas, " pace uner "Rsie" las not 031f luto Wml Iflafe niovuist i prseuutetii bortiforconstieatin. ilas-ri yars la plced UntrBTentdlately &fier lier triaiTuesday niglit. listést move, vhereby a visitlng nurse is te, be hireti l one late Tuegday afternoon on a cl it 8.prtst thwahra-rpié wblch but a fev counnUes bave folloveti, but la Ono viciirant charglng lber with ali Volatimof Sh a e rore otedtl ethea thé PaP je l admitteti brings much relief anti much assistance toIte city ordinance whicli prahibîts tihe liecntsta lier hm O4frezero hie -a - ei y o! the county. Therefore Lake county can veil sale or lntoxicating iiquacr witbt a tjt mtAbe could drain the water ou prout o! ît.s boardi o! supervisors who have taken tim. lcense. ix ful bottica of béer wo5W of pipe, and Oz b er homeé te with *9forelock anti assumed the. attitude o! b. - vuuing tfosnd athe oles.tatuo q laésis ed«ffl,&aula s'ige of col westu'er "Rosie' the diseas. before it has taken afim hliolio tithe e. s h ~pnièaftel retwn ta thé plocte et? o! the county. lice, wePt coPiouzly as usual, anCd- lth aut<d. udtk -- boarti recognizes that it is maintainlng a Veryftei ly protesteil ber innSee She. h.mid acl ntécut u luopit i "eetubruois cssaubpr y ber own une-tb.t abe hst hai it Questti of Rhta.. aidthn.!on Itlaup te, the public e to, ke funiadi- thére for a tong time-thaLt %b@ drank P1ecee Seralsy ssadentand tiat bu iteof it, end tttan l tis tûisdllu tgbW e «dae'théeiOm '1« T tl ~. tblng ufuat b. remenibereti, namely, that tue coUn- ber that wlas tak lu l<w paoouc other nws e;bég; lttietob -' - . . ~twat pott-Eciap poee4blia Il. i an 0 élimeel1po 11'99brought DeMAIWlMd'iniit$Ion L.ItA4Pf. S here frrno mre allier City. 1 imritation Isathersof certain gpaded * Mçu Tw« officers Itmhie trab ita. cd04 gpis h are a roaimark*t lu tion have, aiso been la th ciy inesi-VSO16 et t tilflue.and the'trade Il AS WI~LL thcltyandahamtiiliy abuadtbum. turs7lmttJFor, Ut) Thé cater alitr, t aor18 $&to ctu tifty ackleacame t@Racie Oo.té , t i11117the deknows wut'îer isaafemtyt tra th Grat ~ke Naal ratlng "I ln adu UUD guofty ai iar.v r ober, am leen tne-uake e r achol Snda. De Ac : 'ewre thek aC ete nce hm-" Klaue tns u ra u e but Bide byBide wheàee-) iy~ ~ ~~~~~vr dcalé*t athîorhoo. ase rudmado the eash =aroot fo tei udrie- these YounKmen, * judg." "Vety o. 'm o cyu-tio m a luaS but whe artclterpoflrbY tiW3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~np obetblgtacrranwhr ilw ndli rariesýu w osmef emart eiy re imenfo th brnSena4 ha alo m nW er henetaé obillmae tta chanthete bis skiaIl Fen g e m otheFI W tuIf a ntht ofs ru 1o a n brflo t h. nture to l eav b a d wer b ug l b i vate pers ns a C H w lo etar theu r portn a. o t lig ao n . Ts 'o e pr tn o ra l.nw aenye eie ae i f eet detetivs c uld flnd out . o igl e12 swy hok l . Cet He l lae Aiavelln Su. . drint k s am ote Jnies Rinem-mrTtahtteoeonte istldr D 7fC pi we re mii boythatuh pie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ug ann.du n o o ften rstlf, rte iiBi iOr, ralpts . repr s td t ethe s atortin frtte reaitoxics a val.Tre ainig IOr dth ver sue yof l s re m nh l uwio reveant cholre cfoPn bcb11141Yeb- schol undy. etctlee erequik adsen c banda Keqano. orkd old ae to tailie han a ude" - r 80- 1' A ot' du-btwe aenrplr10 y wm, AuXII 1 H- 1 -s.' gans Real stom C1eanmyj Sale of Millinery -in three very speckslly priced lots L wi be 80 lot- Trimmed Hats to $4 Arealîy vonderful lot of snappy enter ;styles In good colrings and ecomingli srnmed, l'ormer y ld tc $4; now aIî98 ., Lot 2- Trimmed Hats to '7.50 In this assortment are hatm of halters' plush, velvet. gold and tail- ve-r laces. and combinations witb fu«r a nd feather trîmming. at 348 Lot 3-Ail tailored shapes in blacks ami colors, this $ 1.9 8 seasmn" models, vLalues uP to $5 now sedal, at onlyJ, Gift Suggesions- We've a moet camprahenalve aasoriment of band- morne aigrettee. paradime. plumes, buttonleres. and ather pretty noveltips whilI malte approprîate and very weicomne giftt., Advance Showing- The '-new' modes ln satin bats. Including Damne Fashionai ver>' latest cesation4 embruelng a wlJde range of béconsîng sbaper, and colortugm, ail mod- erately priced.1 We low have'a nuniber of iîew anîd uset pianos that we are going to elose onit below the' wholesal'e<.st. $225 Kimbail Piano $295 Kimbali Piano at onlY $95.0 - at ouly $175.00. r-! it >0

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