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Libertyville Independent, 13 Dec 1917, p. 5

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iSQi 7- À "TELMO0" CIIRISTEAÂS DIINR That munda Iuuu3r. doeanî it? But it will tnste rnigb good if you foilow -it out. YoIl can buy now and kecp ig until Chrwuiu. and you arc smm it wilI be sood. We bave a complete. lir.o ai "eo"cane d i pfl 0go"s CANDY AMD NUTS& FP»IIsAND CF VERY FoWvls: By leuving your, raide dy. you can select a Turkey, Goome or ,whatevee~ you want aqdwewîllhoditforyou. Bymodomng. y-uwillot be disappointed in your Chriseusdinner. Corne in now and make arrangements. WE FURNISH THE TABLE EARL CORLETT MEATS AND GROCERIES Two Phone&-334 andi 340 If's Up to You RKUIT NOW RAISE MORE GRAIN To Feed the World and Its Friends TILE ALL YOUR LAND It WIII Pay Big Interest WItb One Permanent Investment OUR STOCK IS LARGE Dasea f1 yh.OUdDep.. e .. ý tii, e» » y fPh...47 E. A. BieLop, Mgr. Manure Spreaders The Best Paying Implement on the Parm Nisco - Al New Idea Oe Emerson Oe Caine in and look them airer. Priced Rigkt Sw.CHANCK HARDWARE Pheasi,. COMPANY uiset-vlle o PPORTUNITIEM, like senaippry and1 barud te boldsunie.. frmly meszd. They $uIwoe throug» Ibm gasand ame gono e e sla swat.d To make themuSot of opportunltlm thi aY b. grspd by advmrlimngnueThé Iudependmeui'm me- sjfied Peges. t id à mlghuiy elumveopportunty ilth" «Coapes thome who ad,.rtimsini The ldIndensut. tuonlshboniaude 91 roadrà The. ndep&gM ut ia p-oblo sure la afford tii. &dVotho..laut lb.opportunitie. iat b. e l gf. il YOU xi Local luti TolopéLon sagraved cari James goruai Griant. Barry Kitchei Bidon, bore. "Ca4p" Boyse over 8onday. Baumet Bockt over Sunday. Bay. Smith 1 Cbleayo Tuesda Robt. Nibolis Bîne Iland Moi Gs hlm a Wi for Xrnmm et 1>. Ail the. lt.. Chrutmue prose Roy litauctilf visitor bore ors Verne O'.ali on lb. largot nes Mr. and lire * FPred Fftioï of Chicago, ivtil dovS sonda! Iritii tuaivef erp rt~ i e han Cam:ra Peker. f Fraucs. bIsai, bas acceopted a puthon witi tihe North Shore Ga& Co bore. I>M MII.Mri'. L Z. Protin. and irei J. Simone olhmovWmteLiativee and friends - Peter lohisteis bis gone tu Wldo, Win, for aviuit of a econtb wlth rela 0.w 0 f Nown of tives nad lri.a. de a fPIam a l MOrs. Aime buion and Mre. Arthur a, Number 1. Fullsr inéTbrsay Fred Roder mccompaniod by bis --- ----- daghter.iMaud. expits to leur. dutur- rd& lor Xmu ast dai for GmIiflolm on accouut of tbe lat- n lait Tueeay for Camp 'reAnaglie ndMe Drl Kaiser vlieted Baturduy and Sunduy en a vlaitlag uith his sou wlith lire. Kluere daugier, blree. Blauch Webher, la Chicugo. Dvisited with relatives F. D. Battermiiail bas an ad vertlsemnet on page efgba of thio immue. givIng ,Où of Glary, Imd.,visiltd ler. rnany suggesîions for x\ueas gis. Dont trunsacted busineesslu ay. à made a hugloqsa trip toi nday. Ftorman or Parkor peu who'..lit c It books ut Dzker'i. lice enit tof Woodetock, wâas a r liuuday. - le vlsing wlh hi. parenet gr Frernt. a. Paunil maeuffin wero CUiaggo caltera Mouday. ffb. und Ilie a box of Morses or L.grette candy. Docker'e*. 1 I Roi Joues 1.11 tait- Frlday for an .xteuded atuy la Florida. J. A. La&Kun. of Elgin, wui a Liberty. visitor Sunday and Monday. Jas. Blan of Wtnkegan. tr»uated buulues la our city Moudmy. àdre. Roelifild bas ucoepted a position en Cook St lipring'i reitanul Edgar Spring arrived from the udet liaturday to visit relatives bere. Libertyvtile merchants are prepared to, meet you ou your Chrismas shopping tour. C. Hl. L). Nk--olo made a trip 50 Chicago anid otber pointa Snnday and Monday. We are informed Shat the Meredith louer and Vegtuble Co. are aguin operuting aud open for busineuss MdiesBenu Millet, Who bas a ,tauo- graphie position ut Waukegau viited ber parents uorth of towu <unr Suuduy. Ums Ethel Spriug Io apeuding thie wsek abtb& home of ber aster, lire. Louis Lurson at Waukegan, uhere ber futiier, C Spring of Foi Luke. ie eau ned ta the b.dt uith paralysie. John lieCurdy, residing two miles îouth of Grayelake, di ll ave. a publie sale ut bis borne ou Satorduy cei. December I15. See bis adrortisemensInl unother colun. Jack "monnt of tlitineeoita. arrlved be saturday for asi uýrt vidit uith relativesi. Mn. Lamant brougi soverul culoadsofai linosstock as far as Omaha, and ahîle there took advantagA of the sit.uation sud umade the t rip bore. Enri orlett bus beau making nmre re- pairs and changes ila hie grocery durit« the tue pDute w days. Among tbe fi-. proremelets le a bookkeèplug cabinet, 1h le very nice Biture and adds conaider. -abIe to the. appsarance a isi.lready nestly kept store. By aider of the village board, It lit ,obrlekly forhidden for unyoue 50 nids ou the r auto but tles Mareleal, Assistant ManiaI mdlii. lremn. Anyone riding onth l.irs auto bereafler will b.Iliabls. 50e2 Juline Treptnu, Villagle Cark. The choir aoflthe Preebyterian cburch le planning and releareing for a apecial Chriatne g ong service 10lb. giveR on Bundai pveng, Dec. 28. Choir practie Baturduyevoning and Sunday svenicg. T'us iret National fBank là detlthii. 11 ÊEMGON CARS I MAÀY flELAY BILDs IN O0FNEW'OAD~ Charies Russeil, County Super-1 intendent of Roacis. Ex- presses opinion. ARE MAKING SUR VEYS NOW Says Bids for Work WiiI Not Be CaIIed for Until Next $pringAnyway. That the car embargo'may bave the efect oft holding up the startig cf work on the north and eouth road be- tween Chicago and the Wisconain state lino. Ia the fear of Chaeres. Ru s.Il, counily ouporintenderei of road. Thbis road ii the one for which lak, Co unty r0cefltly Issued half a million ove riook R.tumt 5011W. dollars worth of bonds, ther Morris Proctor aud ilifford Faupt ta ho speut lu eocnectioei wilh fi bauve been traueferred irtu camp tirant, and'state appropriations. Itackford, te Fort Sam H o[loaon uit San 'At the presen time," lir. t Antonio,,Tex». i, uiithe aviation corpp. eaid. "wo are enga.ged In makir lir. sud lire. 0. L. (lýuDser und two nece8sary surveys. This will cildren of Valeenead. .Siierta, canada. Bomne tume longer. The sale an are mukingau azetended vipit wuhb lre erriment men al.o arc ai wo 'ooneer'e mother,Mtra..i S. Wheeler und ,urveys. daughie. 'WIth regard ta ealiing for bi The itOrvll eb'.kahl idge. :ut col"'tYflot do thu. béfore the fi thir regelai meeting aFrlday cveuing Ta ol lo i;t of ceaS week wili hale an ioserepting tIi, work of construction aboi ILtrury sud musical program mcnd 25ec irr' of May or June. Th.sw box social. per! mode on the car situation eî'on. If the situation ha. flot it laetaated ti"t a dri.ion ha. been ed up t0aunupprecialile cxti simde %0 closes Le Foreet college aun proeably wîîî not rail for 1 addltlonal u'ek .durlng the Clrltmae s rsbcuew elz b holldoya la order thut coul may b. cýp=h bcase nw l ho dii couseved.mlght be ta move the material, Mr. andl ire. Willis Seihoi and baby nal glve us the bot bide. We lit lait Ftiday eteaing fur Kansue City. lt wilî nàt ho posibîlle ta compim Mre nd. Woodb o utimbenlilngherParents, north aud eoutb rond inside ofj solr n e. Wo oel ftown, for This would make It Imposai' sorneime.start work on the other biglai It uilîlb. wrell for thie motbons ta Lake Coucty for s yoar ut le, wateb b.ir ebuldre.. or rallier caution tii.. about vmetring onto the luke Patniotic Mee ting at Wadswe lha »eýP dae, t au bu il@ earttertuhea .Senutor R. B. Sift, lu compaun aie a crratny. e I e ote-a ethe Reverend Father Foiey of saletha soy..wortb, uus a welecore rîitori The ud-t meeting of liii. parent rpcul. Indel,,endent oiiicp Tuesday alti ers assocition vwiii b. hld In the IGrum. Futher Foloy laeaernestiy promc mur sehool Friduy, Déec l4tb, ut 1:80 putrlotic meeting ho he heldi nu a tory flue progra. bue@ tien prepared, aunpleces of the Knights ai Coliri and a cordîi Invitation is ex tendeel ta hie church un Weduesday ovei ail parents. next weok, Lecember 11). Futher A number of yonng ieuond, seveltleele doing hie part lu hie commenu lu ail, prpetnatsd Oa surprise un %lie@ aronstue people btan unders. (la Monde., Tue0day eveultieg The uwhat the burden ai winning tl puesed rnerrily, withhVaumes, muëi,ý and meana ta the peoplie uft teat other diversions by uay ai ente rtain. qtb.r countrie. A Red tCrous meut. SanduIebse cocoa and othor held la Wabdsworth lau vweek dalnty luxurli uere served and ai l res. $100, and the. meeting neit ueek eut seeMed go eujoy thé occasion. Kuiglits of /Columbus I. for th Lut atuday veung bouttwety.patriolie purpose mmd l le hop Liefue andut rduj e veug avoet&tuety.clpée the former moeeing, bath1 le fiads oundre at vre. Heurto a .ofa! terest and rnoney. Anoi fildasabnt surpriseth Olins' erry L. speakers wulîl b.Senator Salît, lioid,~~~ ~~~ Ct U.be iu mevrar.A~~ Eduarde of Waukegan, au( uleasant evenieg wu enjo.yed by ail entetîigtles obre with games uand muoe. Ail partoukof ai ay. iire ullbaxcelert a tountoos lunch sud deported. wisli. l a.tee igiuhoeucelent au e Ing Mire. Lltcblioid muuy reterce ofi l ameliigmyb .r ia l the occasion. ie A thaniael'ing sertice. folouing tue Mystic Workers Eleet 0ff dedicatory sierte sof thb. Sratfew duys targlrmeigoâ Sof the ueek wu@ uttended by a large au. LAto a. 131, rmeeting ofrc( dieuce ut the new r4t. Laurence Epgeco.Toedae ou131, ti fowrke pal ech#ch lu thisetcty Fride stening, uer.eeected for the corning terne: teddreus u th. occasion b.lng delin. Jh udipeet ered by tue right reteread Churles JV. nFlan Ege ront. Anderson, bishop cf Ciilaao dlocme, sud Editb Wheeler. secretarv. the entire progru. carrie out sas r- Charlee Kaiser, bunker. raeged by the. ommitlese in charge. Leo Drery, murehal. Bertha Lundis, assistant ivr,] Mir@. Oscar Kaiser and eciuie, ubo Auna Drury, warden. bave been vleltiug lMr. Kaier parente, Edua Eebbard, sentine. Mr. nd rs.Chu Kaler luthl clty, John Rusy, supervisor. for. ememd ie e.Kali ser IM tfsrcih&r_ They wili b. lnstalied at tue lotte, Ujel., there t0 join Mr. Kaiser, meiga aur ,polo uho bai tles contruci for lii. construc- NOTICIL flion 0 a large Posltofice building ut By order of the village board y that place. lr. Kaisr i e mssLam- forbid ta dump ashe. or otheri pletoda a elmlar gonernueul building MiD or refuseibr leue on the etreet Tuyiarviile, Christian connty, 5h15 etat@. villa". Pleues tuke beed ta thie D. G. Whilte, who wu neou of, the and vold auy fonther action. - ---"- - u.im. Ath@ ons c.a ss Sh. f.,au ue four tleousand four hludred thinty- rny jours un the part Ouner and tirs doflre MmW ninetY.algt Cent@ 1tu th operator, sud who for tb. pust feu membere of iée Chrietmas Baviug Club years Aad reuted theeaMM Imm nthe. thua week. Tb. deflie plan wvice th. Cuiagaovuwers; hue given up lb. hIem lub syotem offore for eaviug mouey mesnsd ulli no longer lie cOuted vith to b. popular. the institution. The siiova Ibat vers A. (3. Waieonliedsthe mimortuug to conducted.tioesweekiy bave alan beau ,buvebla rigbl band quit. bàdly injared discouinued .Indeliiteiy. - <raystaks lait Tluenry ornng vil eat vor laluTimes. - 1 hieéa@hop at Antioch. lu ions mmener "Thé Firet Christmas Md thlb. 0lbr hie band bee cacugl ilb.Meplanehg Wis Mun" wviLb. lb. ubiel 0i lb. macineand an badly vers i Supra illatratedesermon nexl Sandar svielg, magged thattlb. scnd one bail 10 b.Déec. 16, aI théi M. IL. eiursh. Tb*. illu. ampaitated. The Ibird ose wui 6180 siratlone are from boti mu ela ie badil maagiedbut lb. doctor bai i0ffl 801y Land mmd froue He.7 Vas Dye of SaVIDg IL. It.was a veiY paifal 4061,lameou book, "Thi er -WispMas."0 demi and oune vic lc iiomadoubt 1«la ~addition ho otherarsppplate muet Mr. Womoso p for @OosMlins, iie soug,"O Lttis Townatb hibeamll" From & ber Itos Wm..L , AWaeon vli b.e s iue M ead Iseses. Tii. wbole n»w la Colormdo, la ubIci b. pobli lacordially 11891W. - rémeré bis subsorpliotg10 lesladePoa- Tise greai drive for W iCrSo mbnsier- dont. éte pub» tlhie folloffls: "wes aip vii slar tuna. lie hbsty- aue voi i upplý*d di at. prote dsvIlje uiluy le .knig a hold b! lb. butj.>tabandioapped for hie vans of von uli geal i S.OT-. aOli. abîppinag 1 lilles lauiisaià U 0ol i Moula..,bui b- 69a1Wist4 a.MPOa ,veut under irtiglit&bout ou thbrd of amer fuer Ibisle oWmip Mmd vii lb. pe.liabatile bru produe ta 1 o to bavre a ettqsg comuaittee Io support watte. llantlon la efr Mora eMrtaIMmi. lit leboped lhaistwy Onl R b. Mud of heitqueâVIet lienIifacle"- ertivillé vIRi Ut bebimd $hW notaie W.. Atkins« oUClbras mïMm 0&, Colo. Wa l liai ibté» Pô: ,La 's- Tb. Dramalle nai of vàivi li *Ive Cross ceadi lu svrY Roue. aMnS aladu isesnttel as liaI plaus Dec.,(>Mose uer ia sve, bdiuÏ# a mpo meu5001 ne bobre.. C/irc/ Jeuic.~Il o'elock, 11ev. T. P. RUsas w% prrl St. Lawr.noe Upiscopai. ~C leritim.ý I a t aud âtta iipe Rer. E. S. Witue, Prent lu-ebarge. CvsuU"11 u ittrm ilerylces ili be field lu the VillapHallont ail the. world esong b<th Jeu. u"d outil furtucor nollS.. Md Chrutianq Sbef e hgrest joy b«&"u Boiy CommunIOn except tiret S4unJay Jenzsallem le nowe a Cblbwialia ty th, luI moelle 7:800..m. t* 1i basrepIae&d ith.e osSm" Lm HlO,.?Communion, svery oucdai il1:00 theeveniig at 7:80 lb.?. *0 1* * ,~, iluttrated sermon on thei. ebjftt "ff Cbureh .4hool 9:45 a. i.FIlaI Ciirfta s mad the <wM Mdan" Spfttouis!,meiii llb. rnme Preabyt.rian. tua s ervice.. Tihe publie W.etkt sunday Oebool 10 a. m. This Bunday tnvlted. sehiloilmi entering bearttl> loto the opirit The Sondes sehoel commlU.d*W on of the ll-d Grooëie nmrshIp drive whichieCbrl.tmas exerclon ura.pj"ncsanlng . bogind thim Suaday for teen isys did program 50 be givenu <?. OM Monng worsblp atiIl a. m. peeli oree. There wlili ho Crisequ -trudasud mnislcby,quarr.eaie. sermon b, l'astur. .oeutbing f or eveymesplbof 01f-:t Cbristin Endeuavor mneetin.g ut ii:jà. scilool. 4 Evecing oervice at 7:30. "M' ber@ li A $long service of Cbrustltgulteu w Fleaven and lion May we Find it?" bie giron by the. choiron Snnday evea Anotber sermone on the Fmlhoto1i g. D)e-. 2iird. MiWs alon Taylor wlfldJw ilhietrateli iv a large ehart. Siw,-irei re.nelr sortie be.autifui solotons ois t* mli iv tI. ittlhir.. buhrp. Our I ii i w, ek servicerrare eIl"d nt1 -h.. lirluof I Doonent'** wilf Iý difii ci ot,e and wiiie airp,,înced th ire t aI tthe Epwortb .e.ague e b mi S,' Aç cordial invitation toauai ng noxt Suudayeveangati5S0. MaH" C. A. Montanus, l'insta Van firgên wiii iead the metinml. .1 SetMe:hodlst-EpiscopaL l. -- Siuoker'@ met an ideai 'dflu, g3* I*Cse:Sndysbool ut 10 O'clock, cîa,.sesfor ail afis. In the nmorulaiu h Iliaet1el U Jtarting Without With but 25c to start and 25c each week for 50 weeks, deposited in oui' Chrùima: rcS«vinf: C/uô you may accumulate $12.68 for your 1918 Christinas. Visît our bank and Iearn of our Savingu plan today. ucli s --l--..- . - meetini knotle 1Cms a pleasure ta use aur Tml .cI~.s 1 fire, and leaves few ashea. Do flot miss the advantages.of using it, and thé satisfaction. of the saving in moneyc. Quality the. Highest Fuli W.iht Always !OUbi u?. W. F. f ANTZVLT JR. 'or the Telephone 5 Lîbertyvle ie notice ---- ----- ------- - -----.:s a: z::s s a s--- -~ B-Iz2v Our stc a lankets iastil in ugood shape and we can aire yau mofiy ou goodi ai titis sort.' Sazon WooI Mbw&dBlankusthandaom ink, blue and tan plaids, fuil doubl e d auic an ud oweight. a t.. Pany eah kpkmb wderan Of colore, su varsous $~ Styles o Id& bfui eat.... Genuiue Numma Wool-Bbïdmlse.chokce a of v" al mdo.uipmok Ili$ is a - pu ma w csMdelb e o W vynum nd emmqto w"sand huad " f.stur ofa 9awh ai tln p re%pu, ffO..... Good quilq C MetaSIe e Blket, mlu it Thbemeare huvains, as tha prises ame boned cu à* ooê wlu many ïmpasao, which wru la, 1,ow die i pustv",a Wo . CRRL & SONS< I- 4.e' ti ci to Il es a r ti t p

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