I - I son îVeUti7-tore- er, twyý suceedng ea- TION-OP FieDaYs Buretta, vlu ra ctrs, ç~t'1~gmx NÉvy, bul'guad, bast roci, brawn, s4%10~,'.taupé, gfftIl,pien84,bq ù*il1ý neow merehandse. Today we oi e ouemiona onouretieaoç8adLats p brto igeifcance *heu cormpïtd toe c ~: '.!, M Ix Lo Y. l14 t6-'W W$12.50 A-lévaee.~l -5as;-f Iôer vélusmta $1250; all klnd of Materis1o ............... .......... Lot 2--54 Coeis; Values te $17-50 Beautiful lot Ô0fCoati.; plate Md Ifancy materials. -sucb as wool velour. chévlota* burella, fur andI kerau2l trücmîed; favored color ....;.............. lot "-7 Oot; Velums te $25.00W ftr tdw idi - c;o ie h.burWlla.&aiea Includes A plaýida, ne. Olsdés Md stylsé; large aise collars.. Lot 4-84 oas.;VaIue"to,$3MO ~oqpai, bosdloth, waool vlour, full lîned; ualo mr lnsèd l o"PbS - < - - .................. Broadloth. wool velours, salis luah Boivas and .8re .,Frr40,# el-UIi trw»mod.- .............. Lt6-14 Coa; ,V*mmsto $5000 05msdchth.-w o 'léeU. a iftplmb.Bolivias and ue~e. CO-anI kaéga.tui~sd.............. a-. i Lot 1-3~19 us;Vle AMII-Weol plins snd serMp Âr A Ible falue. mast ail rcoor. values to 1tjo. lot 1-2213uits; Values te *25. Beatlfl pplîegabéhunes. tatI's vear Serge, benla c-lotb. Fur and keftiam 1 ...... -..... Lo -1 uits; Values te o qiuklity. Extra value ............................ . Lt, 4-14 suits; values te *37.50 ýý"Butfully trimsned witb fur and keramnl. Beau- tifully tailored andI draPsd ............ .......... 2 Lot 5--18 Suite; Values te $0500 A spécial- lot of fine vlvets, exceptt0nally Weil tallored and drapet stylés. Valiés te $44.00... Lot "-OIjnportedsuits; Values t.*$"-00 SAU lu tbdM lot are beautiful, lum*ctWd floâM&s ielgâatly',allorétI and fur trimmed ............... Lot 1-38 Dess- te *110.S >Hère la sw;"dfil pw I lie. The matérials alâe. udf' eio t i tlkeprice.. Léit 2--45 Dr, O>Vïlugtg $18.00, Conpisting of serges, taffetas, and satins. An ex ceptional seéflng .................. Lot 3--W Dresses; Values te *$am5 Mensâ'wOgr gTar Se, U. affetas, ctepe dé chine and georgette. Ailtithe amatet of styles, lat variety ot coloringi.................:.t................ Lot 4-t7 Dresses; Values te *30.00 Plain tallored a" facy miodela, &»o party and evening gowna. Au élégant sélectIon, ipécWaly priced Lot -3 raValues to $85»0 An eléafft.t -or fineu dressés. IýXe*u wear sergea, 44 charmeuse. georgette, crae metéar, beaded andI fan- cy trimmed. Plain andI tancy atternoon andi evening gowas included................................ Lot 6-20 IDresés; Values te $40.00 ' Tbluk of buying spring. 191t~ styles ai, this price Tbey *te réaRy beautiful. Seble scopies or Importéti modele. I8Ltraspécial ................. ........ or Fashionablèness- Nothn ~ Great Pre-In- ventory Sale Extra Special Values in LOT 1.àt4t BLOUSS AT $2.15.Splendid <mai11 géorgetie and epe de chIné iu lesh aud white. Véry special. Vaués ta $4.76. LOT 2-100 BLOUSES AT $3»8 Wortli up ta $7.60. Gefrgetié, crepe dé chine -and silk laseetsa. Ait tlà ir ewsit abattes. Stout sizeq tu 63 LOT 8-119 BLOU4ES AT $fS7S.iJl, *%Wbhavy géorgtté andI crépé de chine. Btattiliy trimméd wîth lace. jpad andI smbroidery. AIl néw suit shadesansid atout sizeis up to 63. 'alues ta $8.50. Let 4-es BLOUSES ATr *.71j. Very beoý quallty georgtté antI crêpé de >1 chIne, béautiI tulyIvinmed élth beadé andI embraldéry. Ail néwest gbedes. !at sio n. tsI le fl tîe t 8~VI~to'.10.00, 1price ou vety article. Notb- ing ielu Inréservé. Gr.ét!Pe-Inenti-ySale SKIRTS They'rée plenýid akirts. ýtaIlored with absoluté correctnpss, and of auch fine fabrics. Pippins and serges, ln ail newest colora and checks and Plaide. There's a st7is fr every teste. Uon't let the doors of thiR store close. tomorrow without making one of tb.pm yours. LOTI.J-&«ODO AND END SKIRTS AT S2.9-Fancy and ll-wool serges. AHl ',yalu4ea ta $6.00. LOT ýI K RT& AT $4.76--.AII the newest styles ln poplins'and serges. LOT SI8 Te A T *.75-Gaberdinefi, men's wear serge and all-wool ve désIrable istyles and colore. Values up to 110.00. LOtIr ,KIRTS AT 18.75-Thé very beRt ln the bouse. Broalcloth, vel- .,ybi t$ny plid matériels. Large aasortmeUt; al iwbndérfully tai- A= 4" Zi>d. Valuep t $116.00. *-Iventory A I ifl al the new- est>'!lèadapttions of the sessonsuxaB and lar'ge s4Às'. Plush, crown, ~,h;sone fancy crowns and:brims. A strîking dis- pley of ab~out 75 hats for street wègr. Values to $5. <Second Floor) GirlIs' Stylish Coats' New modela of velour, cheviots and mixtures. Belted or atraight lin.. plush and volour trimmed. Big, deep coUaris which are convertible. . LOT 1-O45 COATS8-Fancy aiba. Unes and mixtures. Val*.9 ue u$6. 2 ta s yéars. 29 LOT 2-M5 COATS. Fancy and plain matérials. 3 ta 14 yér Values ta $8.00................. ... LOT 3-,42 COATà. New matérials andI colore, including plush, Sizés a ta 14 yéars. Value b 112.50 .................. ...... Girls Al Wool SergeDresses -Attractive mocdels, for girls front ý3 to 14 years. In navy blue serge. Most practical and serviceable dreases fer schoolroom wear. Trimrnings of narroW bra.id, fai'cy -but- tons and taffeta sill-. LOT 1-47 1 RG5 DRESSES. Navy only. 3 to 14 yéars V'alues té *.00.................................7 '45 LOT 2-35 ALL.WOOI. SERGE DRESSES- Very neet waletline andI Pleated modela. Sîe 6 ta 14 yeara... -Elverytbing as ladver. 1 ised las ubstantlated ln this store. p.- by, ofloS 8 possible,t k i F-.% 1 1 , 1 a uits