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Libertyville Independent, 10 Jan 1918, p. 1

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LBR.TY VILLE \ ýINDEPENDEN»T LAKM COUtY m.INDEPENDENT Lake CoutÏy's Big Weekly- WAU.KEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXVI.-NO..2. ZIUfiT PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAXE COUNTY, JJLLINOIS, TRlURSDAY, JANTUARY 10, 1918. 1~~~~~'~ COIJNTY 1IELD IN 18iormeI1 KIIl LIBERTY VILLE TO- fiRASPOF WORST ~ lfWcdNO oe DEDICATE SERVICE BLIZZARD IN YI3ARS e i~ikrneii FLMi JANUARY'17 ___________ glu arnurirty, buit naw l Gtages Lake, bave -pen arlvisr- ofai tA- OP40W IN THE ENTIRE COIUNTV ip th "' tlieir sou, Evarli rrr-utr l Seventy-six Men Serving Col- 14"LEDCI 1N [IR FtS PROm TEN Hî-absyieî4 ie wu@asi titi.ors From Libertyville-Are .'- TO TWELa PUT H1014-. vart@ i hri tilis arniy. Thie sari rrîws to Be Given Honor. Wax conveyed tir tire pairents by th foi- bu TRAFFIC -' .- PARALYZED. .àwleGi Cops 22.9-17.ticar OR. KAVE TO GIVE A TALK. ______Una. Lýawrmoe:-I arnexcolgl sor- ATENANI T MUCHS NCry ta have to couver bti nesu to you. Ch THEATERS SLIM; STREL Lvems ibsci- Ceremony WlBe Fittingly Ap- * CARS MINE FAIL TO RUN. fflyvu 'klilsd early ou.Tbnrsai rnotmlag, Sbet5enetilt. in u et. propriate With Pcomintnt - tact vhleii:tarttd thon. Ho wu okilled Persons In Charge. Waubkegan. Jan. .i. liMtsOoiOy by a @Shol, aud te b&ris Wacugan wu& ioawbeuiid OIa.ay ciasslo th.@pot wb.rahgofs1 i@ j Soi and g.deyi0 lb sortl it HaBllobeke and met (raiJÀbertYvilles service fiag eil ho coil ionlm he as m pros. legias. Is rnrksd. Athaugit ddicete in tahie hlgh schoal audulor- ec vib a n "Yal aiSunday vil ,i 1a fotyoisr sou n'@ation offleer. 1ina an TirursaY evemlng. jFanuary 1-4. Fi thoei Imoue scevere the Ciy Inas abat houvws a t and triist- bu bai la yusm. Not incet te nîglil soi-lby oidior.a&" em behalf ofl ail An Impreemîvo -pragnsm ta helng ar- hobb àtmg Aaolb. Ovu" by lhe nabs. 1I aelo-syml m i urtteftcondol- ranged. oneatla vii onon tire *il- tbaub PbmbComspany vent bavu jusl oulola Cith eal Mpot nseao r1c 2 mnla yaur puai brmavootl a u gl fea ha have gaie folrir ?o yaap san, emnylag davaIWOammfovursafathinlly. lb.eckaslcy. Sc.-seveOUT caunairy. Uim of à@ oees. , b ter, houa a LIimO Senatar Roduey B. SyIr wilt ne-t xScSu vbleb aayvbere aupproabed the_________ orne t Smaag. s citarMiafl.and te Rev. t. A. Mon- -, have lvai Iii W&akn 52 avi~ tenus viii oeil the- rol of bonoi; Tir- yc se p0.kolrge«Isldo n My X vuv Rev. 't. E. Ream vîlI reupond. prvrig 4s.ney uvelgn, "and nover dur- . * - te pieeent addrsa of eaeli othbe F saver. bllxs*rd here. Thre. mair nulccioacihgmanin- h.,arne Ieidy r Farrv u' have bec.> imes whOn thre fai ftearyo iai ta anse equatied this. but not wtie#i yl hli a blue star on the white i-eld. tai eterm éaged su lI.rcollv." of ha the beauU1fui flag, wblilî yl o a Vivifie Paratyxud. ,.,l'ullav ng __'_ dally remnldpr ta tire 'tfolks, birlî .; net car Unffein hWauk-gan vas dedicationuof Ltrert.yv;itr-iervc oe ibtsmwec h fet ail but paralysedl by tire sforrr. Farli la the biiih msif-b uirr rhirrmri t vle uo mnae OngIiirb' in th" mornlga fev camr ianon the. 'nhirs.ay eîenlng. if on e red!gterl' Wasinemn taireet lise but tire anov for tir. naianý vllehdrI-led hack an tire rails ater hlrmu - W verilThe dedicator3 uddrrrs ie a ! e 'Arnrica'-IPad lry %I@@ (liard andl tIo big rotary r'nv pbowqetr.s'r ie yD.Ky- eIkCOi matie I Imposible for -Rrre iper the. band. i tunb r,.a bb aSedon ehool I r ui The saine was tru mctiti nreirr Pn-eentatirriri I»I Srvie Fta-tiv &. n aid o 'thCahlmblaswiiiliir .,n ii, tie NatfitBide flne. Swift. wr.ied blv [nGel" sam rIld 1Sa"'ndrCluri"irrî! rp,ýn on rire mals ine the' f,-merarmintt leti n corturne, vîiîch. witlrth,- pri ,- von. apraflng carne incr h.. r-tv hlmence of the Home Crirds in riiîrrt.. f romno ene in vo linrrs baie Ralibli 01 aill 'rr-imr ioiirn i F4nrthwpe,ro iitraîna wî'r- frai;. rrne lanider'v. ft@aiu. --r-. anId aroî uhw! i L '- -lixlieutîm fliePrît i n rît tI- lit ilnil'fth.CtW t.I~iI.1!t gatierig a nrlltar" ;-r'iur nliniffl îr11 te C r ! . tri' i ý -. n'. tri.,ipa 'î it'r t iii preslr-rtt1tlir lag 'r. na, r '- Io ' Tire' rnor C, .' r-. o irr r - I-b r,! Ca ' rrrf- uir r u lbtrtý'vilr'lRed ('ir r r.- i,. r* . A, 'l-p i oir I tr-'.Chr! almL"l orr -f 1) cen.ît, fo,' - Iîli'; o; Drits Are iîgir iir.. a . - eril r d 1i irr let«, ;2t 15 tir;'l-adlir:.-r 'ill b- r. .rr,. TII i' ' r iaarn vîripiredl t hi- f I'.'l t I lit. H mn I - K.-ii ' the PrVrr'r'.ds t r !t tr ' r; '. Jr fte ;o<r md 12 fr-t 1ghtrir places. ' uei1 a o iefa oe, rît iber-irrmnsne drlftpl oeciTt'd Wursir fr3 tii. Band.ri -.. Ifr hefig ini front f Tii.' Sian ofrice. Ilbreacit Tii. Horme, <uatiri- Aül ti;r'r ~1 TIr rni; -a tia!i ii ier, iri. d cd li ir rî a hebabr ol br0iio1.r utihe flag are gir-. tî . ..r- fr-ont 'f the Boa& h.rbership. An- _________ oîum n or ber immense drft w" ' lcatet Inl frot ofai, HMoine bektn' on Madisoni Et ln noiceale tîrat mont of the Hoi...,. ER IO drill% ai-enosathe euthaid.ecet(lenelueigii aaduMrasaaa stillet andon thfie norlia .14e of crosse sreef. ,Saavraouite vaniâ ail avér T O D E O lb. rcty le irlffed ta a epth of frt Brrrwgeramotnile e. T à M F Irta fisle test. Newsboais ver n- sho sas ta bavelectoned et lie Fatim- ail ta colpe viitte tarm Suniay MciV lîtuta. shieb vas postpomed on JM IKIIK W l ,uornlng aasà%& a iutt tOuflaiti5of baccua Of alrnt Impensable roade. C M R R 'l people vrpeadiappiolt.O. doiverd an address o, "Carmnruity____ Puy People Out1. ' Nss'-a sCrna-llCu om lavai, qultu mtcieabla Sunday thal ta" f h omeca Cu om lhr. vero extramel fev people an oDndas evenlng. On Tuo.day lhe ad-I Lakeside Cemetery Assn. of fse ite toaThtas ito ver not cait- d.efflid the papils of bath publice ietvll a ern *i out- b! business matters faund If sehools, and on Tus.dav evenli>itmademi e rtin Court Today. fer mure , eueit t 1 pma et au, aireuntet i.Chamnier u oinu- inCutTdy Attesnme ai churches and the-.. r basques le Waukegai. i -_____ aIes-swasxsony allma-I f aci. the telita- lbl igavesauotiller address et tirs mets dii sot mai.e haongitmanei' ta Commercial Club rnacu, bis aubjeet tic- OBJECTORS ARE HEARD. p ay ta. tbleïrI-lights. aidpaaloe a.ivre ib -Liberty vlle anddfier Jab " WMr.____ fodb! "e mail oontr.gallia. dcK la àv.rytiorcsuul speaker. bay- atnîa pmgbyt@ ia Sebrh.li fe, B.-st i19 dos. couiiorablo lycum nd uti chaPlann- sesMos CWhtd te r e ctor. asose oas-ie SnSu. asvon. s mue ela sorfavor- Strenuous Objections Be- r A& ma.ning ami celsi up Il moim- ibls lmpisuuion on &iahi@iiiaudienes aisa Poliy banr. ailshlm ongregain. lamoing lLhure.casofP xmty ibere veuli hgle mearsiqse. i «Thugs ita oe Sas-ve audit a lis, saditoi attend isl o umat&s,îaWaukugan. Jan. . muy $f poi-mtel ta reualint - m the nJ iiU ofb a labertyvivmu Jan. 5 i VM PeU- 1h vs. quila natîieltaIt tée-mloiclu ai yCauntr I JuigeP. lI& PMu ver. no taxicate ai- ltaaeys au on ta 10fila a caniomnaliela petili Sunda".rTe drivers a! titesa vehicles The. speclal tnornberaip divsu for nev iteceue ar prapertie ovaed blai Ni .sidoitlhy etIflbwould ho usqelsitai-r Mnthn, i-a eb vax a Nation vado c, W. Bond. viticitla vamls an a f1sem toattemppb ta maie fthein wai oovent, roeulS.d lna .ubs4tflai addition fa tire cemetene. Tiis actiai ibrout thredeep drltta . Icrea..' rîf ,erber»hip ol the, Liberty- '*as italien by the court mter ail ab- hIn ffhland Park. Il tir saiti.onl le Axlrre r pt ilbu etr dho is tazîcab drivýrr rftsed r'26 ifccon v o h erdin he h etr a enbad te grounti that lbe omlght vwrcclbils B91Lia f h.yerduin Évi i i. der the provisionisaifte. order - caarhrvn-f0acr iis s deotiatiOn, drve vas rarrieri out, many wiiîing lsqnad by tie county judge,lte P.li Wauk'ga uttoisa dd ot ateflpt entr, 'vere farnrl. 'via repiv and lIon for r'rndemnatioti muet holielled ta tirke thiir rcars out, realizing thaf gîridîr gave tireirlimie for tts,se<idi bls hn1 asnrmr ia tirhe , tpîace., for tibem was ini tiefre 10es h nmbr4ii i hsýinntl sta 0àasni or hno gararps..'.In revecrlInstances t î fot tgo-ireiti. ctitiiiit60 Fý' aIdi autrsiro s'ia rintosr'ow drIftri nubieorgarrleatiaiî Tlrnerrundred ani.- I)ëtewcprn W-.rjjeg:rn n rd Highlandi eveu iriauturbera i aIl ere secnred., Thei-priipal ribjecttilta the peti- sa~ Pil rnigtr ne m'rbnhî amr ion heard trrday wae on tire part af r Marquette laSallfe. than 800. A notbablerensrlIras te.n % bottllrlg workur wbleh 19 located near 0 érnoon tbnt sorretbfng migt have acllevrîtoouthie îîrwtlrarn-farin, vu h e eeen.Tebotl vok e îtapperrel to tire Mîarquette o! thirMIIbasearned-tii. 100% efficiency tiag, stlice clareti that the nature of te va b ise hnavedl many tome. lnquîry. and a% thc hoardinghouees everyane bas off tire main route ai trevelta avalti lover. rîlowe d bhathtfie steamer tîrtome a member. Nul very many unniecensary durt. Il vas feanadthiat vas lyfn confottrbly ait fber dockt renewals sure reclveti utI hic ture, as If the addition vere matie to te coma- in Chicago, tiré captais iraving refîse w.ithbtomanl the Sannuai membershipAdeue te-i lb vould brîng it 25 fieet pearerc .,Jn -Wankegan andi other citiez anti not expire fiti May. The undersignud the bottling plant and bnlng Imire tavns along theb nvortb shore the tele- vrieS h, i'faik the wllllng workers foi ravel there. 'Tire court evldently toit platne optratorrr were unovitounti In their eo-operatlon âa heilocal papénilte abjection ras flot vel talleu. sethir euane tortnde Companye for the. puilciy givun thé campaigu, ,Ail titralle riow ovla for tire coi- l'iNohir elatIheSin. totwihn uhrsuifse coulan 4 'emnation itearlogtfoire held ti hl cht "hlrNa of he tyaal"Sons. ibn avhcitho seh i-ectu tiO tii cirole aebel nacrni.e. to titre, limeajury vttî place a vlue oa tite 'taîdre e-n "a!bmUe -verAes ,- .7(CaIII'ui o ~ ~ r5Uflh d' OSI A.Monais. papery '- " -'9. Libertyville 's Honor Roli Men for Whâm Stars Wili Be Placed oni "Service Fia@" and Honeredat Dbdlcatory Serv. ice January -17; -T-he-re Are-76 Stars. jofiiW Alien, Loo Amian., Wil- u Attridge. IB Robert Bron fidbert a. Bond. Charles M. Sormalrd, Pi-pderlck Do cklemen, JOoph Soyd, Clyde foflr, ciasurmSoyd, Irnoît Brown, Richard *rookhulam, Bayard brOWR. GO«rge emilbeol, Cori Cari- spl, Lawreflteuvioer, Berger Carileon, NIOR Chereovlch, Floyd Carr. D Leo IL Onuny, Wlliiem M >owde,Hubert C. Dewden, Gearge Dodenheff. Edward Elliq, Lucien ElIs- worth. llowarcd W. Fiagg, Clifferd Faust, Mr. Fleming. G Charles Ernet Green, Marry Qotti, Irving Goldonberg. J. F. Gaugar. Charte@ Hoskini, Glenn lub- bard, William Huggerty, Fred- eric< Harding, Charles A. Hutchincon, C. W. Harn. Fred Jacobs. Raymond A. Kennedy, Frank Kennedy, Raynmond Rrsanui Char- les F. Kulîner, Louis F., Keehl- mo.. L Clarenrce Lovril., Kanneth Lavcii, Guy Lawrence, Walter Lightbody, Frank Ligirtiody, Ralpir Ltweîler, Lous Larsen Howard Morris, Orrin Mulke Jlosephn Mancjak. Norme.> Me dois. 1- Mark Nevile. MarrIq Practon, Frank Petges, Byron Prosser, E. Orson PUaI-ce. Vernon Wayne Riddle, Ru- deipli Richter. 8 George Steedmnan, Willilam $tapit", Mari-y schreed.q-, D mer Stoizman. Mari-y $pool Dort M. Steir, Thomas C. sho.f T Lloyd Taylor, Tirompeon. v Georgo Vlpond. w Marshiali Waldo, David f 1ULlyd Wi lae, %Wu.lon W*Ido, Normi White. fi. J. Word vus recefved at Libortyvll. Jan. 7 from Carthoh'tlCe, Ill., thal W.P. MAiller, forner rana7r-i- of the F lly [i-arr at 1ibprrilie, has 1),.nc ho- sen farm direct o tb"y the dîrectors of the faÏn board o!' Macaupin -cou ot! lfr. Miller la 'vetiknown Lt Llberby- ville. Hec vill riŽcelve a salary C $2,500 the .rst-year*. $2,700 the sec- ond yeai a.nd 1:1,111 lte third ypar. FLYING FLIVVER IS HENRY FORD'S LATEST. Henry Ford bas zrodlcted a amaI cheap, but efficient aispane vltl the range.of every m*a.pockethaabi Heavrns!- . Anti, itlalururnored. the autaiioblg wlsart i yl lutruhi§ attention tId lb maniufacture aof litng flUvvers atai the close of the war. tndopendont. BIILPS CEMENT RtE. LATIONS (OF ÀAIIFi ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ÂDVM ONLY BOUIT PARiS À RIIICTI4IN I - = ' ~Owin ho the omii avaeblizzarn mI à'-- '4 TR OP I FAN E eas, and the oaqu::tdlffiltnd SOFT GOAL Pli iil -of news.leters and otler htl-____ ahsips lIait makolnuwepapur maidg ad That's What Dr. Besley Says d.eydfiut huuesduti1akes Up Wth Dealers P in Accepting Gifts Sent ta 1 i;«à . oul EIGIIT PAGES. Th. usel posai to Cut Gros: Mm'g Him by Waukeganites. av nt baueomitsod. r.' ý iown ta *2 -a- Tn. ____ ýWskaotIi. l he foraviii bel HUMAN- INTEREST S TORY. f -a n-"«m@'ITHE MARGIJNONW IS 1 r . ________ a.s and viii ho ppramatd hy &0 ver- Dr..Besly ii Loer t ne uai a Sruiml w"» o. rdumo Dr.Bele i Lttr o r&wabeni ua lute sasd by ouf Dealers Inolioedto Munson Tells How Tommides ~ tim Move Bou Like ta StayVILLAGES CUT OFF FR011 MAIL. ___ A ninabes- af Waukegan vomnen OWPmmntfw&» t [sent pakes la toDr. Bes9l'smedi- Lalali PeZuic ndo 1eeo. il,eftdi etb 0 i liaiut l iance.. Mani have re- icouna at ulb ndaliecnt.l eamiaU celveti persanaijettura fram theo due- WSitcanda have hati na mail ar anv seetlgatian of prla ma& by toi-. Ainag tbsea vWhoen Thuriday kbad se thae uat of tire Pajabne &i gin dumiern slfusai80VIIII o rucelvoi lttera frontbita acinovi- Waucanda ,allrosci helirg oed un- thst tha-e ie m bu 0 W. J. Alen, vito. villa itr daugitiar dr h tl aIcdha h rm »e Mm.. '" "4 esnt hlm qtie s paci- eedeti as yot la gettlng ' rr it ea Inh WankemD a ' M11; age of ntr:4.r 'hefr lebler iii a IMalit i le ecteti bath tovnîs vilg-1 Mn. IÏrskine lu deohrow ias Ut 'pie of others se-nb oui '-Y tirh-mer -r t.héonhog d"lyeti mail bodeY b%. bob,- bits price ramn3. cents te 45# 1waukeganIte: 51gh tram Barsan If irte bobo par Ma. U. S. Areny BSmIoaPîtal Ne. 12. eu get flarongit. At th.e ps-usnt tih" lb. e canerai HopillNo. 1&. g ia rueisi Op..loe eea l ai 3. E. F. France* - r . o e >t ,000ins b» »« ,t»a.:' I orlmon M luear"prL ucm M « r.Allen: eIII.IU IIMd eani thBTer u" c» This lua apreliminarynt oar Uuknla e ndoavorhmg tea4811 knowledge the reoelpt of the gtfu r why te grosa maridn co*U 1 wounde<l soldlers wblah sou bayet o11 1tot-ad u &l been kind enaugi tot send t hem. 1 feel u1iII . LT~ u a1 w o i li i thât worde are lnaAlequate tn nianirk YLUU J J dealers a rasoMa an oê ta you and to express aur appreciatian. out tbat la BoMlnteu. MI You may knaw, however. that noth- D1rI' v oi a i t M 1 pr li; you posMally uld have 0dOne intéaers bave tlb. wauld bave renderel a lrger sev- IJ I8J u rk era ti ns d M tee toward creatlng and maintadnn udr BaÉeala u i a coa reatinobp etween Am: D 1Î4dIU malter np wtt: the fel &4W tallodl account af everything that la Libertyville 'va. in tie. grIP oi the. smevbt tdifferent tIban he, received, and vil arrange. Insofar an woriit blissard i yeurs Sunday and oio ilsadt. nIs possible, ta, have Pch I ndividuel sol- ot" twaT«ablrehete ite»âhr&M " dier aeinowledge lis gift directlv ta omuday wa u..dodayth beiotr tii tbfk th I te 1 .Ul te gîTer. cmuitwsrlxkeloi hutr.eut ita12 titheir aa. 11X i arwriting aIt! .ti inc tuwish ,$wel)tt)y ahlbrb widandmniow, wbeh be almoot egiliq-blo ~' Yau te happît of Chtisttiiase- andu¶ reports .qry ularted tri th#-. Xanthwewtei t wunîbeh, ton. snmallte ah*ii tb acquaint you wih th,, hAppin-siutevl&r wkeftdyt u t and Joy that i know Yeu have ijade ie , la wke hurday t Tco n-tsItable ta vemain Ili busieskum possible for titis organization.and the street-."Il" %a alennaii,. i.CTi* he heavY long af Ceai lu.M natiruls1 in lis charge. ditions bpearne worst (turion the day, from the mines lua oe et Un t Very sincerelY, for the. sîrori wind, whit7b tlew krhw ti ivf.n hy local dealers h,,5i VREDERîC1< BESL3EY, at the rate r t ortY ues agilbour, packmd Mai. M. R. C..t. S. A . po lhad ad oe rofits> are eut' dosa. ?b.y ToMr. un..ouvemlng Sonday the, slnd less.m.d, but c irtUmafit jeILI.luel 1 Mv DerM.n M. Munon. the sow coutinueti essorai houri late. Oetne aara oa h 1 bave mat received the fine letter A@s&amrunlthOre WOrm at.S"De, IWO load afcoal h. reoulo.@M, fromn Mru. Munaci andi 1 hauben in trains bi.g abaadomud Sunduay, wi shlcli kaf orfroat 1w eMirs -y s<preciatlan. We are i caumd i 15noaho. ported l tIn a vo1ruomer te uiglit Lt ib Ule a Itartiearly is.lated spo Ot ai j bdprmeaatly dl.onu dd viiero I nce" and lit lumont de. loua muat b. awteir ytb M ligitrul ta recuive letterutfraid Our IsalU, vhih WoereNo. l40, Maibmiilin gond friends et heff. Chicago, du. hure et M07%. m.,naid 1 muat taire adyatae of tiisde No. 188, Walsorth ta Chlcaga, dm. ab Partuntty tO exPress in you my a&p' 8:27 a. m. loii preclation afi viat yau andi the @tu- dents or your uchoal have don.' for un. %Fig t4,1hqnow vill mai-e or lm. 1 have alruady sent a format achiOvI- suces..ailday Suaday, treill on 9» J A iptw.t » e edgenent' ta the fftUdenta. VOIt CSZ Ubleago orth Shore lvaqhes .ATrlaiTups readily understaaad Ihat yaur tbbughl- detr Nflod ââ 14> ýbe ..>.pai. funiieu. ale..ha. mr fulness and kind &cUtitS. vl ganable us ta give tueTommbwe, aspiendid abandoned la h. oning. Thoxo va" emMW ANsal01 ldie Christmas. Let me mentian a littie no irage ail day Momdby. for 9»ah. n u 0[ Nia.. Wbll glk bumîsa Interoot atary ubicit may ployve aued an lb. naJam" for UbeMOVI.Twl b~ prove af Interset to you. b1rnaclng »U U logdo7 ew.lmg. TkweBrut nu loi lte m th ab rowa " a l.mrng. 1I-wua kei laiet bo»a ve0' 1Tfl Ns Ia" »w îîteranýr dosa»en it theo b>078If uieye ut Srââ dW 4 o'**MTuu.q-p ÜpIq ffl- migt am etay boea andnt ho sent slOfalgaf In whleh lb.e^la@ev.<l~ ta Unglonolbute.Chrlatunaa. Tis ms.surnud.m* .to la certainly very gratln. for viten o1 source. glissa wasnorutal' ovu gUravepmt ma tel] v. Br-ut aoe>.tiey iooked up'D n usf mail, aad'evun lb.villas. bai- go de ule' vb ms wlth nom@o mlvlnga. wvtbnt mlh oatbuauIyMo-tnarml 0 The eSprit..deo coind mihéalMoeila utnuui .ue aim1h.ery bilrlag mai in -haouisto .ocletad 8»d 130-11M nos.Papovm a2Ui et OUusmu aMoa*0 uvery mamber c« bthe maitl »esOma middleof ai b.atfornoon. D. iD. Honlb.osale rii eUpU Ioab llndlng thoîr but, iuol ta wbo brim ago , y morî, g mailhmu di me t.he big ao ela the largeot PO&a o-i<> ludonS s, wumablo ta ma"@ lhe aifeMW. It la surprlalng boemeu p a byeul.Nbdjbog if thein bave iuvol"Muiand ire mlaev- PWJlsco.N big la bllg n reurosoluothat Theo <uni r i m i-.William Weil@s,M. D. deuiI*9Pul ah. du voCall S uwMtmtlolpatu. bis bIpu, W wbl s. go ha. houabd'Sm.. Iho oa ti«IAy tee t th otuon. AMNierlte il onu. v.Dt bld »g usd Teay ibru ,oeÈlm.u Om é <Iý SUrit and attitudo that ho wvamon aSr<a~ nacuia h mambe~iIhV l are adapting talardtii groat con- road.. hsbios aeoo Blect *In iny Jutgmunt lhe chaiacters On MandaY Mlwaukesogeuu l u iWO.ba o>samo ltat the vomen are dlalng are ilke a treetf iKondyjke. Attrlho id@. mch hluh vindi -OShUsea making lb possible tansecurs a dent- valu hadt boom cleanud ani a pat "9&d mol$dneWvOU italieu aid o p er an oea he aeuI cloared la the. sireeto, no vs. pliud opinin th halge bhua etire unit and wlsb you the. hapPleut tght tet bilgh in nmre places. Il re- thoy bai oser expeulgaiowk. or New Ter'a? quired four-horse. uaols la Omette he The tl-lga y__________ ots ipassable. Churcho. had anosMr. fmta oaaugh ita go lbruI4 vices gunday evening, but about thlriy Mih?1i1daha<f ?a.ê I)ff(lllIpersona braved te lb. enels buee tbe tiiers lpsno ttrutool FOI e~'IiîIiIw P~1~agf; rovies at the. Liberty Theatre. Lhrysîtie ws. fortesuta- Ta lmn OanIIId laa ors.. ta litcb 10 utters and "bobo" bad emsOugli coa] for' ber usi lU flI~Dt~I WUf êfj fe lu great demand, for even the wily vnwws.fluwdb on giraugh the, show. persans fonnd it TTns.day lghl. Thre fameM' lnstittU planned for dificuit ta obtain grocerles and prall. I-Mafy pict0rue mort ib"met the 10-Ilth bas been pffltponid ed @sius, unleeé tbey carriled themn, or wure iiaWslbsov 00 ai00 n e llU cause of the 8uaW-bund conditions vrilug tau atpteiyoîitua eis eûbi et L titat prevaîl titraugit the conntY. P re!i Mechants [eivry Co. could makee e amas ilIo Ih m ient John- Barrett makps the - ~dellverles. k! nouncemeil and lter planso will b'- Doctorti, Inparlîcular, worm placdti o The. tor. epe tmq. madeto a'V lie Iatîbte iro Ptha great dleadvaratagu. for iiavlog plnd began Ilie ras. le veather lamr rptos heir faith i 'autornobiles, ta the cxiii-vlcoafl W vbOaiab bc @i oof a ithorse, thsy found _therneelvU Ira mpeofip5l or__________ithout meah, dl conveyaaace. .Thoy [Wta llml b a Want. For Sais, st3 &da 1h thea IN. even bad to, go to neigbnb g siatioanad elsteLLake DEPENOUNT rmacht 1%000penson nIrregular rains sud îry ogo pi o 01abbceom. th»' m Po' U 1rmra illa. ~la4taJtsLaU54 if.Ï lin k Ilb ti y il t t h 1 1. i r

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