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Libertyville Independent, 10 Jan 1918, p. 3

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PAYlNG ANINCOMEIHAIR CAUGHT IN TAX IS MEANS Of MAClIlNE9 PULLEB LOCATIN6 A ÀLEAl( OUT BY THE R00î Waukevan .Mernh-ntin BuIsi-'CHARtLES SPARROW OF ZION (À NARROWLY ESCAPES -DEAlT nes anYearq Qiys In- IN KENOSHA THUltSDAY. LIBERTYVTUTE INDEPENDENT, TRRSAY, JANUARY 10, 1918. 1 due to t*th af t inany o9th SDOWN A CUTY HELD DIN n b j':ý IlGI SWBILL 'URGES •flNDS SON IS 6iRÀP OF WORST 1 ;t1(11 j tarnrh, monin.,ARTHUR BUI REY OVERCOME BY GAS BklZZARD IN YERýÀ Si,,'.ý dIilC whý7 Cont¯nued From Page Oned G.ARMENT FACT RY CRIPPLED. Corporation Counsel Writes to teý 1 V ' '. ' r-'factory i e o mi so f rI - P lery White, Ir.. of Gaqrden a - mlte omsinfrIf Gen ben of the cdy of Wauike rncetrmsthis orderprode that the new zsc ecs h!.g nto effec, 'aî ,',Det t AvneH s !. e eterinrtation of Ruling. T re r yetr eel os F Deah To ue ece --noin vnso relaig te presentmiics..1 rom ay. ~~~~~hl CENSURES GAS COMPANY. oi readting merters, etcCNSO H EKNW EAL SAO 1 EFEC VE -EATE CAU E escle u hi uis etgi. n d erur b n11,a%,Thinks Gas Company Is Trying "a°,'or ty ofthe roYOUNGat MAN'S HAIRIl CAUGH1 - - 1-. as o ave Reprte fr 1nohot n thm hee ou p e r c entdo o I at on bus t ini 0 - to 'Slip Somethinq Over' a.bove entiones th-e ,i o Many Never Take Inventories,j ROLLERS AND LITERALLf Wa t Hve Reored fo ,a od n"" on Local Public. l pàny os maiing out billsimwhich ' Govt. Insists They Do So TR U YROS 1, Duty in Navy Today--Will1 pipovoid in North dhcage factories1" REARDON BROTHERS. - they ask the new schedulIe rate aneasAr1oud , Be Delayed a Week. 1wa "dlfromt their h omes to ecor' ardon U!rothers' wrappier factora Te ser ary th Jai ;.1 for gas consumred for th, moth- a dL aktrlFud 1 Ksa aln ostlai a repetitionq "lnlir or Ge(-nse-- and \Vashington a ree n itIllg l ott 5 perce ntgIra.s he omm ,i y l e tody w rlthe ly period enin,;Dec.-E-A197, Wad o r.. n ven i f hn C alsSrir o w of ln ', lU nr>-'%'Ilt.,.1..akegan . a rni n g. or net ro ning. Theyi yilt,.l.;,Di , at e it ljoiti RIeardon Waukegan: ,"rThe new to ,lliop , t, i n ter w rs;anaiiThe cóllee Iubn of tI oe ' " tax _ lcIa rt i2,.agd was cught bythd bd Henry.W it 1Jr. aged rIre uanPd flt eir homes ratheýr ., , aes tused after Der ;I? T i ;o that by reading th ,ý!n ter ,,rthe ,WMauklermn tit lsewhepre is fnot only n rthe rollers or a. large steel pse« deta yeiuk uc gg M;n ( rn1,r Pwaok alv a ortir D AREFOU DRYcomany carnnot aply -eNPit ..ý13th, 14th or 151h of Decemcber toaprtovl zIavatareous to tbuinessln rt th, Naish Motors Companry. 1 ort yf r i tt he. Naval So o i n go, H,'Iai ah rwre Foutnd y bills.'ontpa .ou asband subsequently billHng ,t ou as 1the futuIrI That tis ,ii i afi( ýlr inI asw oap n ou de sh-eo-i 4_Lâwas intutltod whr i , -11J 1imrk ian iv in t ,; r unn e: a ,"" .7 iaccord This lwas tIýo advi-e duJauay 1 198,there-e how by a tatemeilini nal y onelv,,s and the young mn W hat qm ore a eml__daya ý . " a i . ro -es r'th.ti e , -y ,%Iiaz,,--T ii -d fdttheme t dh sikU ge f i-o . u m ,M . e ut ft ewnyofdni what.s1ore he.wl!Iln so thýiat c rs coutld frunt. The .; warJ C -'!ounsel Arthur Rulkle t , , i ng this sichedur!e into effct as Mr. ily;,v1hz7 w in>i : ; ! 1 i h - !Itl t i'i - av t1hàt he a ý seural1 elayo to cL-m -a rugc t h oevrl. i ndfi . lo ,,, .,, effort of ft,,. N rth S - 1. li, of. th- m;Iddle of Novembe, r e p1olff:(-v w re l he o m ad,,, , o o-ýI f h, ,(i nn 1he byh-s avl leo- -eer o tru oput 1ew 1 .r t sx w eprortao Dc. 3fst ex- to boun< a mr n. l i,hiIdim1 anl to, The a i iet h pend ain be.h Fr.toHenry,],i1-,»inlær r (or weriii :re, ,ire,,I;,f port.ed for work thain ,,iers wwihh r- trd 1td ,a r h ich pressry proý.ded fo- ri n te or OtI·rs. 1t-1l' ow in one case .a n an 'etoen k Ttry,, evvenfing, Wheu ÎOi th- you 'an d y ' Id rowe rpot hatscre ild t.o ff eals had (Nepcteid- ates from i!- middle ,of Nov, mb - der. lwholihas ie-inith,-tmert-intilu buisi- row wl o 1, tuployed. lnilh 1.u. n1 from thev bllthrfoom -wher nb. an1appearance, itaodaym-PERoCENTetATk TANNERY Wou,, dr youakindlyif-adviN eme ifC-nessTTinNEWaukdlyanviform1 ifyearscaca.m le. lpperdepa intuent heong e U g,ý le a s t75 ly half of-a]N h to1 Decembrserlie1e..1Thatmpit Il'. ýa; , t am. l Wutlstoppfing, then; machahinne, mI heri s iw stakig a bah . rl H-N aer eivrdthph w rac hatinIthe Wil Panry dolilrately is trying to "-AS p the proviso above referred to, to' himand told himth at as a resu tlt O to plewihs nterolr monigsh4týmpaare. ,1 . ,iio papriceli l rlver any morn h use t as opratigasmingnai av ir," endeavoring itotakeP roperly construed, entitles e thehesgetosh hdgvnhm otapany wanig h s hai wa fear inreardhensherl-elvd ioday. lHe notified the cir d a5- Cn o spc ty.Itwas ativantage of amr rlsseimtc company te apply the provisions hie has been able to locate a leak In n th haver.ar..th ,ý reply to h, rfat pudn nt uaindprm nsta t w , si o ssib er t et g ouh aci y dd prvmsoirt e or of h S atPb--o f the new chedule as above in - hsbsins whc asg eo nll a ide ohe cide n a t causedh doour. or teolier catis. !poIssib)le tolgel his carriers aroun esSheridan road and the men iSn lcUilt o miso, ste p in dicatred. The date upon which thesne 16 ¯years and which up to now dl f e xTeci ent nteude Th o ate wocoduesa onohngt ,d h own tw estv go i hto.ork idtso wPrP h but hun ofMulpy the penalty attaches is January hie had not been able Io locate. He and many of the woitmren raaW lteg ro<ryand confecrtionery ;tore' oe und tfpdérihe h l nStrP Th drits e ehitheir way o r ullýh utn as10th, and many of our citizens sasie nveakeo ofidteassistance of the Injured mane at 63 Gln Rck aenu , s ppr>-1that the regular "paper train" leav - ugh. one report this mb)rning n i The ruling under which thie ga, rih-odnSayettrog ekhefl xsted and never thought mediately alittetheaccident i t e t h e W a u k e g a n t o w n s h i pt l un o p r t n Il i e h 1 I n g C h i c a g o a t 2 a . m . w o u l d n t u n - h a t t h e t a n n e r y w a s n t o e t h c m a y i9at m p h g o p t t e t h e i f t a t h s a t o f t h e o ou l ï f t xi a n e t r y e e p r w e e ia s o n t a i - s ý chool ,was æslled home h ast ily idertake the trip. The later ni hut inquiry at the plant broughtfrh o ne iattemfeton odpbills, as heany is unwarrtatobythe od e aingsted he ougttor h e en ernven- he en tle out by the reòtc-1tanfthpp" iopprme r ri e a,-fleefeto l .bls asrln eunarne b h rei itte leogtl hv nIve.weeitwsso PLactnehis shoroerbagainst theetain withepaperilow e.deniasieNGof the commission. tary and that ls how he was able to even the ".lous of &,drp dor f he bbàlonl e e t i6:46 o'clock E V LO E pt N UNNI•NG ntered b the utilitis commissio da or o the obathroom.h- senti it f ire Trouble. P o sri osilh ortte a gF e of pde elopn ;on December 19, 1917, eing in eff ec-t very respectfully.. locatthe trouble. Tr nurwi e g crshngfomthi . tso er pIt tewih ft n tte tonal ii veope fComthat 1that the new schedule of rates shoulld ATÑRB L LY r yiwc asteeaemn es u po ring from ad fecve hoI wte wrtrouble i reportd.ae uff la rge perenage o a ttht -sh wing tat a y Hs êeaMa ill nw n t ehei s nh omea heaer. Dr F. me ftas ,,suiret oier a d ,ofte olizzrIttl r rN eromn .nc ha ea HE N S ARE T BE M D ."t " a - ne ote r r F . L o u n l W o asl e l tt e r n o a a n ye ho liv g te t»o p u thero n e w ý r t i nt ef ect D - i or bi 11 r O a i n C U s l n u r e s e h w e t k n e p a ro g sh o e n r i g t w h ib h e mantocoseounes.wee utofco mi o r k. racicaly -ah d rons of th: ; eskn. n a lo ser itha nvstigti nbin g a n årmd te beM With-eturnng cosciou= .'si ' .nhalfthén eelp out th i r a d omly he th e ord, . Dcmbr of Mr-orh e a €o ypalrg.ben1mdo hesiewrknsI.nuie iotd.o woud e bfoe h wtil b abe e mw tis oringan asa s L e cmission ant th at h wrt 1 fritestfoto-y w i in n y p-r blacet hr e 1)do tI ey; ith fethe eloss of no dthg r11eport hor uyateNan Sa t or - RACKS tcm ars wrp eevt rsu pp 'rnih bc m fetveaih ae urnnh othgfN v m e. a aeiprovemets m an 1gSevetral lo- kof r h ami oe B j-b ewai m ie h rii pr i n H orp hAyrnc1VipofpA R DL ARtW i N T 4in l ei i rl horslate ve al d-- rt, cmbe r 'D'hoE wo haE AD bi itE.r afir hch o ewi w- .i0ti bal m * a e T1 W.sr- a om ay rk et vty ferv m arngt i r omwag emsPof thenowre- oin otherw t hat 'hi chwel*ad otatth, n w a nt hal.l e e n rof e earl it. suf tfie t "safeydt" ua rd t hman !0 c si o u sn e m. ý . r e o t o o n nf ur na romtnht o1s Ov e ' th e m b i s s u b i s u squ em c witee ei e ef nd f o m t h o. B u s o f th e e at ou e n' t a of n u e s h "c and f l. "1 c h o l a s K ee r wa n a f t ù n r i g U kra t W . a l C Kt, n i n o e k s - r e d i t e d wit h a e u t i n o l Ja n, ha s ben n e r y t e e v e - ta k e c a e s e r e ft e r . Road ho ret mach on ,iu-ii,ï rdno hsa ftenon tat th h rr cubsDIentat er Pl. msad fet.ke adepa lsr t n gt r G e n wh i d me n i n u r n ê a m t e o o g i h i v l n w P O P e e o t t l t hé-N Pri c e t o h s r o nwa .s g i e o ur a s f o r e rl y e p u t y o ll e c t rba t" " " , l i r i l i rno r nle tw H ehom l i ln o" y n d t an d t h a of ia a, s ta.N o t e mh o e n t Cf r o m C o m p n i in Sa a te l oc a e o f f i t h e p ostil o re - i - Theye, wereat bita lg ila k I eu o UIkIrrnsi "lta t l , back te ýo rtnof .h tae tlit i n WaComisininl e ui nql u ies uqtothe o .pr le l mntgtte. \ooul d efr i*> brid ie baefsulimlpa1N yia pa1dte rng9n91ti eha)ben nu oun o o dnt rv H a 1 r sta. -- 1 hm rigada eut the odr . ntr a ,-1 non nt Ille no i ss e io rer of i al tht e av ee xp1e r t 1 11 o i.,PA R T L Y C L E A R E D wi rS v o m i iF io a nT V i t e , ý c he n tbe fr a t esT h e r g a ý ,t œii i l j w l n im a r ei p i e p l r all y bn d e ri. E V E n T i C K e r l e « ep t nn duad thaoohttps o rect threstan0thatofman w h a fa ily h HAROS ela ,i tl;,IIr-'rov- mih t eci eie â, I, a d rng some ntaese o o inlir I ,cto mtk irnto vac onts tnhi a n in n erlIcu ofb t. q .« .W ,fie wa tiIl-tl di0N Cm TY 1m. - er t11,1 CL ARINGhuACin-IN1 THE T..ME OP S NSA.N- ,ro- ti.--t ia r ,,,i, 1,;,I.v 1 111ki l -fi m . w gon S ber. hos w mha e id l o l apr acfiy s w el shi o w n , - m tl oi i n 'titEW O R Y_ N ;.iart.- I nt,:r, - «prug et ': g w ll re ,i i, a r f t l fo nr ilk I 0y _ T pert s e of re it r t o un o flv m V O iV A P tU R E S S C n - Ro e m >n wie sugestin onall ---d'enrnt'm n u i d i t .n , ý a e i a - tb o e r o y h e e 1 or s w hPi c M d ýhpr e n th e il d u sa A r d i ll t i vn a t e 1 ý, -, lie n , V !,ft" . l" .- ý" I't h o1r1 1b e1 - ah l, wi, \h eI g asac o m paI! ,mo n T h e l o c alIt a x 3x (ortde xpl ai n s 1h ar toecb eria n g h t hu pfuntoeta tIhe o o .ýl rl1, ,Tr con ruc ionlose A non iC rul ratified the taý cetem n l il w ofgtheisecre-ness man m a inot have een in theiefect onthem The rigor Ilý...,,,d.w (len t a. ne a rý by pi . o 1wp- - or t r . I f t i o1m ha ,t of tin g snen t r y o h e r,- ,k .e n oc haeswi h at itin ý_ " 1 ,-frý, . , p I i n reachii oi ed CapeGetMa y C npla ntsau r a se e e r e ing t rc te AlN r es -. he xp rl w 1v n e ec. - wh, e % he ,mW ".. ' mi l ir Ed, d , :mi , orin n or gi- ,ý 1W atG o as il W d a hy wrcrfomtedaeo hels ra m uso hssleo.diyrceps1 1tem o-hesmlera 1 1 a s phyxae da Une totheIourt hos " i b Thv M ab"ud car o ra d company ha<_··n .. ò outthe theTobdeate. Th winleave'the wa r .forhfmtoblood, anwhere tber d~ to th, ....an ex r.s.ag n.an t e a Ien er w r hom m n serr ci lelar o t e gavom pany to stei g ar 9it w hi o ak e veryn t he e an b n th ng t h Jam1 r e s ; r,,! ,, h- ,i,,nn hm itez ,III fiIi' ol F llt fowng sthc lauil roni tw b a or hs lvin; epenes t-Wen he ai ts o ebe ir oi f ,c --, ý .l , a ll w Iu " -d wn1f rnan yI ' , L . 1 , i I.,t er l a rn n w h a t i r o u1 i, , P ovi d edf,: o t at si d- c o m p a ny is ery ard ts e t t h a nt h h s wi l n t I t h m "n e n 1. il R1unthc m pa y -s sIr ghto pu 1,h re1.uth ri.d o.en.r b ll t o 1 fi t Ian wi a upon l% hi. a el B e a u l t i t ý . a ltod , ý :ý, a r. . . i r h _ M N dIaY.etr totheUtiiti co misio, ak- entmetodof eadngeettsll e ithackortfbIiwill have no 1 ,ý 1 1 .erm w rIl ractically -latl i by- sa I,,ýIid ompan, iand thatal bUst o ýIN THE Tr EOre smay 1 E, Philad...1. . . P1 nt n ao rt: m r a h igfo alc_ ntrreaio f.h rn ied subsequé n o hd te of the lawless ones, and bisown sephus Dni, 1 ta """ h iritorfron,!Wa ln to na B praisosin uestion lthis oder shal be atheirateand be seless. urderet p a v bfr ,.1* 1 -he 1 war . .den n vi . A roa.Joiean " ont ayYorll" ndr hetemsan1cn iionsCo- mgtjuta wl I t 1,xi c ati n gl.qu o r.. r o m 1y1 ' P Uhe s b a sics,-da f n d t d t nd d tIn s h o l d g et-1 a n a n s w e r i n sid e of ' - t ai n ed ! i n th e 's a i s ch e «,dB11k1evrathil, 'l - or r11 ,ol.' d u rin. t-, aId,."- n Mr.iiai.ls hai approed no uetry'no ednf1rha!stel horsesinlthe ivery pying-thirrbill, at.le"t'unt.,the -ne, pretngiit te.way iidid.,W rren brnch of sukeganNort'h e la op; cesi thesenten . w en-n ncl tthe Thi,,tuaion wasthef-st f ,1stblewoiGryt.ke.Librtyie ad 1thsfutegontswhnon pealy aiTl ga co paymkesadtaied hiago ChaterRed Crss n lst art. gie y u ntic t b' s cmeto my husband's, office- and kindihe i aslcountred n .theyea 1oher owns. Manyfar r, attempti - add. I , peop , l , thir is n w exlanaioin nohr1 at f hs ek.en n h fll wng1re Y Eat . COnc, .o k ow w a i qu r wa ntl he .d - 1 1ma rI s t a k g n t o s e saled int e rft ng n w he mp any had no, r , I ght toa ke"PY!O R-IL S w lv w isl t- t e tobacc oi th e i anls. .efintothe'avyil huban.the "toget he m r it -ithrough l,1 an . phu , se es he 1 ý bld ,n te aditonlochalge it might be onCor ra n u ynot tobcT p of socks.o"Joie t h ne- w-ý ý Il 1 '- .n n the, elcri e i e. Th!- y . was dec ý* ided to os e t he p bl, tic sure w e il re !iveanpnswerl, J N AL O W RK .7 , : l o in which hsi d' uu ithe peop ln ew orFifty-e ven amensfthe att r her bes. a fum b l n , ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n rc r i lde ,sa Io rs , 1d Mil w auk._ ee c li,rep t lo e i s reO cM . ;ved 1"before the ,th th atIý', 1O ds l i u l p w r h e i ,-Ii .11T hi s conce rn t ea d s a i l yof paying P et e d s of th e play , T e a n- anod resite wl in te1 .TRE GOVER M ENT " ,--li,- W ne or-i 1e ,FI 1,e da1 c iynSte»;rflhe Nor-thnsucnesdayI afterndoon t'Mrs. Heilen Me . There is;i noiIsignP' of a de-titr Colordoi riniC-ria l anstisri. -Diig i r m t e M. Bly m h ze h o u nint old s ed re l onsumveer r ng tak• fte sae.mh x erorW nt pase s.o The at i k % Ano uncement was ma. -i - nd t ivý .,, oday that ----- lke If,!.e Nst or p ni d d rte nt hWatkgas osmrrhudwi ni\t hvh e e teat Cl atsA yn oia e on sptheantens at he»M dern W ooden f A m rica-op-i W ukeg n]fa tori s a1aIwolme 2Sfeeihigainrhetstretssa dcartN,' thelasain nete evrionghe 0thutefa ebof the rlbce anathe act altFiday byshe lesid nt t ,b a b igaWoidu ihgthenille 'ti m an , orth ,of i)here, h av offered o ,he work m en o . F ,i, bein una let r ah e'd ino rs T e or -Ihr e was i as e the tilt ies . c onnM as - .- ýion h s o d a e al ß e h m ag s - a d n fi e f t e s c n e e v u t o - h r i i Pl enm ntma dret.bengunbl t- ge, troghth difs ase.alà xtelsth wrnng no t :witfaorfthe ate nsutel s ira d ue to dan 10 rad. ake ores,'middi theme onthaiu aorealheprpaae.r fcnginow had ade mpasabltalt, whlhwill ermited n ese blls u lloUnegCoforUited Stats i Proost arshd F 1swa ,-destoye 1.s o Ale, .BllRse ay oa Ifr zsw ag n. foundit n e re tat arcevr r ntpadonte 0h.t t ate i o elokdfo.GeealCow e'setiae nhi e.TW11 1l Stm t plkn e l et, x dlisapae tengt nlsn testato nte a okepi noprto. evc anusty , 1 RHU UfEY ottoScear ae. that col- $ l,00 . The re dnaped.eT-NoTake Frest-polie wrre mi l s n nie today, find1itM.in threLtbertyctUg thedependt ntloé0 te td, maintheWbiggestcharreulatahiin'r,ýa co aty il pedthservicenwithout beingracaught.lle. was shot e workingtoe teacate. libutlasvieryeshotteanded.WThistha

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