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Libertyville Independent, 10 Jan 1918, p. 4

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k tyville Independen t g y Inde.dt - Waukegan Weekly San Office Telefpho N umbêr 1 iLbertyIlie Exchange. &il the Poiltofiios et Lbertyville, Ill', as 8econd Liapp Mali Matte $ Officiai Publication for Tihe Village of Libert-viéIe. jWl Publication for Lake County Board of Suprviera Proceedlnge svéry Thuredav. Adxertieinlt Ratles Mdade Known on Applieation. 8OPTION PRICE; '81.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN -AOVANCE PMITM.................................................................. .. Editar ..................................................... ............ Mnger 1000. JR............................ ....... Red àt aae VUtl over a hat million dollars appropriatodby Con- I fer the. nov aviation sohool at Great lakesa md wth t. Xortt starting work on the, new station vithun boms after ho haîtrecolvod the. telogram fi%ûlraah- Ô. Ft1dèy-iïform1zzg hlm eoftthe appropriation, it la * aparent that Great laku soon *M1 have- the larg- Md' mmimportaget aviation chdoolin the country. mad anotiier Important factor to Lake. county vieh kMt question at the present tine la the. most lm- tU ary county in the United States' for wlth b Sherldqw, with Get Laki, vlth Camp Logan and r vtti thé great aviation sohool under voy, it la hird Motilve hoy ' any single county i the Unlted Statu' 41 bave more varled and more important Institutions Maug wthin its boundâries than ane to b. found right uWonthe north shorel - When an aviation achool vas Iie re .vOat.IoXoffett some months ago ho made thi ark that itvwould cost close to a million dollars to get ,under way vhich would fE l al roqufrements needod M.goverumont. Mt fiat 1the govornmont açoffed at suggestion, but later h. vau able to show the. need of 1 a shool and apparently, h. persuaded them to cone do vay of thlnklng. Nov that the groatoat aviation WE In the. vorld la going to, ris. here rlght at Wauko. lu soutii gato, more credit thus go.. to Capt. Moffett bis insistance on enlarging- Great Lakes station te tthe itwhere ho thinka it ought t b., Et behooves overybody to get busy a'nd mako a study dop inoome tax matter, because by the. Urne the. first of "I arrives there lIo goln to b. a lot of miu-up. and ohare golngtoi>behlnd Urne. U vil be agee iwhere ont t-_ O lav excuses no on." and the. goveri- *MlIn matipon Ita feu in order te .meet ar ex-' LIIt la unfotunate that theg.vammU nt lt.fbas » voq I« itua icorne tax mattw ltuaI âtIt bua tue' m ry amouat M of m4.u, binise, ,vub7 0pb& Tspmmtls tmu* hei I Dc t mate-M kw taudy n ci. Sm m ay Itiaotaougtbeaic.afor QMyn * lbs MEur tth lapto te Pepe a 0":rv en% s heieyw s ml to Lidpro- uabad do iot b&'vawattfer gomvw i- Mtâe uam 1to uMIL hrearee M&»y dr&.- 4,0f,14 id obodycu sfford lm-ec yoaÈfW-Î.- a tuMY io 1ot - mé.va ulie M.7 vl ~'1 M- bya fdrlaet - ~-s do **iisbprumueof gomuch .1 et <ed sE Mdtt a u t .ulgo. c r p mdgeurào o*0roie u Id h"" M fa M ov viiibave one offot MofevM tot, cornn ty.1hwIlleradiet. the e re tisa a long &Ietoh ofc .014 vtherviol wnddo. Ny ttiUre "i ~psesaa ur b.aYthhg leftla the . ai of germe lIai ay E om la exitenoce on Iii. srface orn rthe, surface *9. tai carne.Thouef.rothi l tora ufulbave a effect « m ub Itcasemara t demi of in to tii. peli. le~,alloousdethst the storm Mf hndaj onof about9Oo25 «2 'Yomr.g.Polw ~*MU420hbigsmaltbtatijbe aors m U.f ýwWrs o.tbui ov., Thel ealhu pmrr r d I#«hto9MaM l f te dmaiuvita J _18ae' liai cttIn M ulr youmi. v= VA* Qt1u xO GB, Oms toit l Iý'WboomA& meverw u"ii ther. Ri CIO R~ iy organisoil work of our local Red Cross va. beguhu. 'Reports have heem ivec trom tigiioto Mmte, ln aur tuova papesm, retardtng ire ntivities, number of mem; bers enrolled and Item@ oi epeciai Im- portance ta connection wif h'the work. If wiii be o! interut ta the public, uno doult, since Po many have assieted ini carrý lng on t-bts énierprise ai' relief endi iiercy , to bave e briel reaume of vbeit bas bren aceonupliibed up ta Jeuuary 1, 191& Duringtho iraI montb, July. only aur department-tbat of bospital suppie- vas et t *ori. The second veek lu August, irs. ]Kva. Merblinouganiized ber1 ciao...lua urgicai dresinga. The knit- ting Ispirtmeal vag orgenised abanut the ahme lime, and ln October the departtuent af cllan relief etavted lu sevtng for the Istlut lanlbthe r cane Thestour dopaituente arn nov laufulli swing. There ,êre over 125 vame»p kntfing atl presebt sud a kltlting machine, purchasodby tii. auxilary ila turuing out socksa@e.fat es paru eau bho auppliol. Up'tb date, 700 hospital germent. have been mals, 1000 surgicet dr@salga, 22 -baby tote complet., 15 youthh'aset complots, and a large box ai eloth ing far vamen and monhba been Olleedehdippel. The knillng dopait. ment has mades lO&1we*ters, 60 belmele, 25 paire oi wriatlets, 70 mufflorsandu 100 paire o! socho. Nul e gearment or aurgicai dreslng bas besa !ound-IIulty or ont up tu requîremoute. A committfe liq nov et work ou a service fiag for the boys oi Liberty ville vho bhave eiioted. A heautintl fiag bai heen purcb.ied, and the stars. eventy.eix In number, 'are being eppliqued on by baud. Tht. service fiag yl 0e presented at a public meeting, Jan. 17. The lunule for supplie. neehem raised hy entertatnmento, ball*, donationq, lndivtduai oubicriptions and hy a refondu tram memberobipo, a. tallas-s: Contribution irom Atpha Club-...$56-30 Contribution tram Nezrvi iakere.. 9.19 Net proceoeotom lRed Crôossbal, june2l-----------......--..........8958 Procerd ftrnm Japaneose tf.-.....38 25 Ontrlbuition iromn baud henefit .... 7.25 Nut jermu--ds fru rin lied Cross bail Dec. 19--------------------............ t Individual contribution@o-.......80.00 Amount paid on pielgea ta finance commithee ........................8M25 50 Amount receivel for memberhp.925 0 The R.d Crama qýuxlliery nov boas843 embers. The emount expendsd tor suppie@ for the local vavk ha. heen $850 98. 0thle memberahlpe eespto, 40% ia returued for iupglie. Tiié Red Cro.. Workere aus Yery ppre. elative of tic ortoey sud goueroolîy el lhb me mmn d otrs l bueis-j vile sud vl.nlty. The . le- liIlI Co., baveprid. elieb.xeel vooms vblhh- lb.y boy o..upy. S LiimevlviollpLmber On., Trplow mlinnMd e»Verni taditdiallecotwl butai materiel andi labor lu fewaa bu roosse. Mr. Jas T. Davi.s md«oue le,.. amobunt of dra>uagm4 vlhont e The MembeateDu,.,7 00, ha. no ehage, Wb"~ edoudug lb.e ,li rumsti inteible -tbc i tâtres of our emms es.Nes ou Me t. our ,bu - )mm lava pageas bave et veiluuat"' ebave boh m dviitu Peauss rlha bavei*&mvO isi lape vions aonoscà#"tepaper. Sosai 10 «« I, hme base sade vth le rq *thé lb.ior ahcoo ot bse ou pubIkW. The. UbutN SMadCrose. Atxm viabes la expisas. appuolatlou puabtim t te &àvbo hav e duuil th.put pas 8 otribtsi Usai sMd mouey tovard lb mr di encsauork of the. organiuation. Jeauai . 5Bond& decretary aud Treseurer. flav. ILS. White..Prisele-îrge.M laow omumiuon except alsaumae la tmoth7:80a.m. Glurai UsOl9:ea.a mloJgervloe11:S m 0 1b.avpvlos M Pe e r Vuy cadiat s Itee uminq boaU1 e eaeame ouD.F *0i te la Fr"" iet litisai éof aedîcai unit, saowse*0 Or. Do. Ud ý» heraumesbamo« e h iloWaukogea poem arenfdinsgMm . di 16it V&M sUIS»iake-Or. a ittis 11bit hosne.lcjcafid miediail Me pqtweatobm e whea tho ecivec lime.*fiai 0' ta aa d is id et Mie eh finnda preparud thomem ndi havesent tho e t.Prumap Ib WM emtetiffl ite falit is Iehantis. We'ii 'wager mussy a am #à Mho munfka ýtiebmt.. tét Icorne fron Wakeffl. oy W* Mt irinqbok iremiinbÉnoea ta hlm as ha opin@ thème Maim difria ppiswtunib.knew ilin ho tîvedihore and fntltuee * doas bi er lm ntihi.assistants. Me la otuiy humuan, thorofene i t Rin-an OUtwedi «Pressio, otapprectati to h'ilm for w*~ n iiprfdnn h& coufttrY. Thise0 Who have takin lthe * qs~hmmarMose 0 Sti nature may ruaI asaured he ta fuily op. ~ ~$th#.4vu'4 beyhav epnt i.n Provldlne ti'eee thînge fer hie Mm . tb x bs Oe lmr mdbfbatelle i tWvcI*. ami, <i 'w *dm »Vapi ho aile au mia in àesamm. km; t 4*t avr b. latin« tdhPlaed nei Utirtgl. 815. Clb esewsti ffoivtsgofum m ceTui.a ssi Prealdent--LyIUMorris, Vle. prsidetl-Otto Eoeln. t4cretary-joms. MBina. lîu.ctls' osers-Wn,ruaus. -, 1' 2rÂTI71r ADV lii lOin - - i CÀrc - Jervicp$ Our servoIt., vii be belId a. usuel next Suindayascheai 10 a. im. Moranig wursblp et il e. iM. Chrstiau Endeavor meeting et 6:45. Evsning service et 7:30. AIl oui uembée are urged to attend the spêecal meeting et the M. E. chuirch next Tuesday.eveuiîig et 8 o'cloek. Ai. Sendoesoutthe i.liltvSutiday Evaugelettie part i viii peak. C. A. Montanua, Pestor. *.Motiiodiaet- Epîacopal. Services Doit Sunday viii ho hèlaet the If.,'K.ebrchv e a@fliowa: Sundaî ecbal et 10 ailoek. Mornlng pr-aachlog servies et Il o'ctock Whounthe Sacerement a! th Lord's hupper wviii hoabaérveîl. la the svening at 7:80 l.î. T. B. Reem: viii preacti an thue topic: "Jeans tbe b. apocni e eatieesveug service. qà"w tii. Place of Tour. Tint" viii ho 1l;b. auhjuofaitii.Epworth L.égu meeting neit éSunday eveise e at 6:30. earold Heérl, vii lelà"tii, metin. Choir rehearsal viii ho hld on Weduo- day evenluge t 9:15 during the monthe of Jàauar.ud, February. The Women's D3oms Mlaioury aociety viii boltiie Jaaaary meetng nit voek Thuriday eiieruooaut et .homuofai ibi. L. B. Whuleey. Ara. Chairle. Cheever viii leal tI.. mting. CARO 0F >tHANKS. Wleh la express my bearttslgratitude tu My relative. and hast af frIsaIs for fhil sympatby, kintueseso aud heauti. lUt floral iferiL9s01nmy ltee oreevomesnt,. dl.s tofMimy hloved vifle, Dora h1Gaie Weits. Win. J. Wels. The tStmpi. Breakfast. Over, under and Irough ail eatlng, fihe simlrpe' breakfast sti111-stands du- premne. dsciarea A. J. IR., ln the Manne- apols Journal. A giosaet o!ater,--e cereai or whaeat biscuit wtb cream lu abundance and a pencb frn Coorado ilced ln, twa elices of bacon net so i rlsp that tluey break. tvo asuces of ihome-ruade bresti cuunfrrtably tonsted, il i'. o c offee poured ai lionthue ceata oui., sugar und stoplieti ut exîttythe riglît color, two of uiothers uiugh- nuis îand, sa you ten-e hthe ble with a sigh af re, il If Le possible ta get the býok» on one of bb y'S bils o! choc- clate cundy for e tapper. nu greaf harm la dons. Wlth that breakfast. one îuay ieave the bouse feeling thet ih. la fortid until the noon bour rolis ..eround aau Lake County's Greatest Store for Woten 's etCIildren's Clothing Now in Progress, Our Great Annual JanaryCleara-nce, Saile! Our Greatest Wmnter Merchandise Event U'»Offers for Your Careful Cornsideration- Children's Coats - Suits Children's -Furs In thfs Sale You Will Find -W-omen's--Wmiter Coats, as. Low as $2.98. -Children's, Winter Coats as Low as $ 1.98 --Womnen's7& Children'sTurs Low as, $1,e98 Womien'stWinter-Suits as Low as $8.75 %gag SPreCI»AL ASSSSSMNT NOIIE;---- 0OCI(ET NO. 122. A A M 'T A n Notice la hereby given té ail per. W A N T 'A D l. £S J 1- sono Interestedl that tbe City oý North Chicago, County or- Lake and îit ýe-6fRIE'iiCu od ttlrcin Illinois, iiaving orderèd that a lueca Ne Minimumn Charge Improvement bie made in natif City, 0011ilil»u* the mature, character and localty cf whlcb- lmprov0m'ýnt le s foliove: FoTh SALE +FOR SALE-0n.pairc 'of1115vY bobs That the roadway ot a portion of -------------- ' B...T..p.,w21J Fourteentli;Street tram the Westeriy MORSES SOLO, boUtult t<IkiuMd AEii.eui h.rpllg fine o! Etate Street, ta the West fine Kéccnd band harnesm, and %Nttiutîe FOR SAL-owsadto earn of Commonweailth Avenue ba tmprov-. <'eh or terms. X. phoneuAr 4,tr.î laraie hep ed té a vtdtb tnf thirty-one À91) fret i ruutIot f work, oîîîî li 'o.p 'An t0iii together vith fthe roadWays of ail In- lie d tiompu-tiWlt peopIe uo tersecting ptreets hetween the pointe ii agl abesal >,y'lv mnentioned toa a idth of twenty-five r REAL ESTATE +slie -dbru'.a fi î e ha'a-, (25 ftet, except Sheridan Rond ex - - - ,- P.-Milrd. A -, i tending North and South of Four- FOR UALE-CiloIC raldocp lott, on F014 SALE-2 docemi Rhode leland 8MW > teenth Street. which salititbe toa #a cKlirv Ave mrti.arimeuq '.J41 Puli.t,,,eral Ithode leand Red lad 1 w1ldth' of tblrty-o ne (31) fost, saine Wr té extend from the proposed curb FOR SALE-'l'wu 50-acre feu-ai., lem#Wfi '.iuîtflokCcle.iî 3 linos on Vourteentb Stree-t ta the than 3 mile. trom Areas avraleiruiitorler. lu vare of ihi t.,r North and South Street linos nradueed tirme. Possession In Nlarcli.F . N ii. ii,, Yle'r, Il 1. aérons sait! interaectlng streets of the Harding, Ares, 111. sald Fourteouth Street, having Itz man. ___ ___________ FOR SALE-iDurhîams huileset a" tiY~ - boira andl catch basinm adlusted. drains FOR SÂLE-40 «ares of land ituieilJohn <jitàU'r. rce.Phoe 99.12 - 30 ,rtW- basinkand seei,& Ï-fl eûti o- on tvamai& odj >;Tufonesé--_____- - atructed andi a concrets, cosabination iO AEHutadtrelt cur1b andl gutter set on aix Inchons of mils. veet of Lake Ville, near Fo% Lait..FO AL-> eoan his oa u elailers and oau-Indu protec.tion' rurbo Splendid location. CalsRme.ltleLiberty villm Wiliiacceptyoig hors.O six Inches tu depth; sald treetxrxded Villa, 111. r,2p3 tem lu parmunt. Uâfla es ytorue dralned and paved vlth vltrilfed pav- iPied tC. Brqwu, 314 M. Bntrirk èIt fui bricks on a one and onahaIn ch FOR SALE-W. bave as numbor of!fine Wackentan, Phono 543. sand cuahion andi a four-Inch concret& lutme.îor"aeor vent. Upaicugi & Austin, faundation and otherwiso lmproved.,. MONECT TO LOAN, W* solcit ùsha ail la the. City et North Chicago, Cun:Ubortyvlile. tquiryof tiioe desil u 0borra w naOsey ty of Lake snd 5tateofoIlinlois. FOR SALE-Banse on tionlh Park Ave on Farmaorohirlmpro-wed LakeCousy- The ordinance for saine belng onl vibb &Il modern conveniunceg. jj oi Rea l uâs. plrat National Saisir. file In the office o! the City Clerk ani Albans 86M8 Cilicago. 27tf Libertyville. Ililei. sér havlug applied ta the Counity Court -___ of Lake County fo aa aeasment of FOR ISALE-Parni, 48% acres,,1 mils WANTED-100 corde 4 It. card 'woo thé conte af sal it Iprevelent Iccord. northii iLbertyvlie. Chas.B. Peteraon, WiiI pas cash. Cali up 47 LlIt.rtîllli.1 log ta thq. henelits and an asaeameut Libertyville, 111-, Rcute 1. r,2 p1 Lumber Co. 40ti therefore havlng beau made and r. -__________ turned ta said! court; the final heauring FOR SALE-158 acres on. mile d SALESMIEN WANTEO t'> soitritordips tiiereon viii be bail at test aclock hait morth of Lako Zurich; raiirosd runo for luturlruent'itoh.. greases eud aus.. A. M. on the 28tb day of Jaauary. through premiss. Electvic Illbt and Sle!or tt imin Adîtrun e.ih X. D. 1918, or as sono thereatter ai; gait and living veater. i4ervitceespffaim llarv..Y Oit <Co ,l:lev..laiid, the business af the court wIii per. buildings. easy terms to the .rigbt. :par mît. cluapr. Inquire Paul MaenUliln )MIt Said assegasient la payable Ihotir.NOTlCL-i i.r.ly îithlv pubuiu-thal I InAtaliments and-said lustettmenhs' FOR SALE-A voltilu'I roreil 1&-erare-wlil îîot 1l,' r,.*I)u.noelte fr loui-t xbu bear Ifttereat at the rate, of ive per farm 2 iles front town, with stock. rra.-tmil t.% ,îul' ut nî,m.it cent (5%) per annum frant and after feod and Imptcuienta. Souaili u'as. M o J î ac.Y the date of the finit voucher. ment, balarnce easy tarmes. Iiiîdate Ail persoa desirilpg may Ilite bjfc- tions In salit court beforu. sld day and li sUiIl deaired, F. .11. liardiug, WANTEO-ulia- ,rt lauiicîit.-iiuîi r<îoîn may appear on the hearlng and inake. Aiea, Ili. . fliuiiiit ,4.u t' y îîîi tMoau iheir detense. .nt.t Pt.-7, this lth day of Januarv A. 1).1919. FOR RENT NT D loiql a sl, 1-AR11Y MrKINNEY. FOR E -Fit(i ml t prned t « lag Offteer appontied hy 1îl(' ETFuunîîtilu' .. p'itnct ô ag President 0f 11w fBoa rd o ainiiou-u-OC îîtu ' ; nt i v t t ut ii1-7wi tiifams- Local împrovprnts to leFcg. lnurAl,î r ail Alluuuuý S1fsý 72tfit1 %,. mako salti uaeqsment. - Mis spe t i elife on why Jan 10 17.-~ MISCELLANFOITS eceptirig two vearfi -_------------- %'it )inic tk and tile yard. MOTKHEM GRAY'S FOR SALE-Tm. hgi lo! n-' au fUriiish -best of refer- '#EE' Q e~S w-IItt~i&ti. 1.a uar-O eices as to capabilitics anîd s" w OR C LC au-.-ea an iticiencghasi,,î. ager of big farm property. _elsF aoeiit4oi.Àul ,u . ars îa tlenvît lJuîî.,;Adress W. O. Gourlcy, Fair soitC.0* Lu_1. 1 0 9,u x R i. 2 -:J; O a k s , Im d . w y 2

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