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Libertyville Independent, 17 Jan 1918, p. 9

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Lafr.m~/s»g Wokl WAUK£CUUN WEKLY Sm VOL X VLKQ 3 LBE---.7EIN 7 E 4TJAieM- Y 17,1918. FOLTA PAGES $1.w0 PER YXAR 1K ÀDVwâi* ,ý * seA. I usines OnReduced Schedule; Garfield's >drI Ordares O Od focijg pan le î .ves ed Cuq. - toan. l *Srngs Mani' Radical Washin t, 1D. 0., Jan. 16.-ThtlOrder Of the United S3tates fuel adminftrator directing the cur4dilent ChOnGS.in»conatum ofl-ô-Md prd ub4t* yIa fomw:- 1-Untl futhar rder.1 th tin tStasfuel sdeIlstrator, ait persans wher*. such papers.do fnot, issue àèn y..ditajion a holiday, they Art parmft FAC1ORIE- No plant shall lis ling fuel fIn whatever capackti'$hall give preference te oriers. for nec.. tdtomse on edition on tiie saidMudy. fuel front Januari' 18, to Jane 2 " 2, lu-sar requlrgemnts: f -Printinq estabiish ment* wiiich May burn fuel on Jan. 18, 19, 20.,2 A-Cf railroade. andi 22. te such extent ai la neceseri'te issue current numbers of magazines - clusive, or on any of the nont aucce-ed -COf domistic consumera, hoosplalcharitable institutionis, and ss'my and oter publications periodically isbed. t - reg ".Mdays, except where <ontîn. and navi' eantonments. On each Mondai', beglnnlng Jan. 21, 1918, andi coninuing up ta andi sou opibtonta eceeay bavol CýOf public utlities, tolephontes, and telegroph planits. includlng Mondai', Marclh 25, 1018, no fuel &hsallilbe burneti (except te such oecrioai ujri tla nt osr c-te . ld D-* ahi ndvestaie for bunker Peo.entent as la essentiel te prevelit lnjury ta prope'ty f rom fioeeiif) for the. E-Cf thé. Unitedi States for etrictly savernimentat pupomes, net incluti. porposa of aupplylng Mlent fur: Maluufaturfra of periababi food- ingi orders f romt factorles andi planta workingo jmtstsfrt e lt A-..Afly business or professlonal Itoices, except offices used by the Unted ét ued public servic1e coI1ratlOfl S tates. States, elte, cOunty, or municipal goverrnmlflt5, transporltiohi comparilez, préexemtp fron the order. F -Cf municipal, county or &tate governments for naeesasy public uses. or whilch ore occupled by banlcs andi trust companles, or bi piayiclafls or 0--Of manufacturera of perishable food or of food for necesuaryimme. dentste. STORES - lnciudlng departnu-nt tiatc consumPntion. Ti-Whoiessie and retail, or ssii other stores, business house* andi buli. stores, ail mut rcqnain unheated on * * 0 nswa.eecetta o h uroeo elnlfood only, for which the ton Mondiys ste<rhleti, f tireLîl The. order furtiier provides that on ,lanuary 18, 19, 20 21, n 2 98 purpose stores may niaintain necessar'eauni 2ocOkon:atfr 'Wet'no fuel shal br deliveredtat any persan, fls'm, assoclagen, or torporation fo, the, purpose of salling druge and niedicail supplel only, stores may rnintaêi &rcartés,. laksries and Imther sheina .*y uses or requirements net lnciutied In the forefoin# iit until the require. necessary hest ths'ougho5Jt the day andi evesiing. Whichts -an romain heateti ns#li 12 -ent& lncluded I tiiflot shall have been fIrat deliveW8. CTetrmoigpcue bouses, bowling alcys, billilard roofli, pri.- 'e Interests Getting PNti; - 000knen.Dru stores <vin b CTetr'Mvn'Porulthi iso msmn Redy fotSib e~d ady.No stoena viii cle i On January 18, 19, 20, 21, anti 22, 1918, and aiseen *Acacb c er' Mon. On the above specifieti Mositiys no fuel 3hail bie burnet for the purposelWaft$JiI9At0n. D. C., Jan. 10. -j tiisRed Akigf«Sü- duilng the ftirt fie heatîcsda>s ex-dsy.beginnlng Jan. 28, lO18, andi continuing up te *o lmioidini Mas'ch 2S, of heating roonis or buildîflui in whiCh liquor is solti on those days. se iroiermenta- ord., Ai ffiso eVotera. 1918, no minufacturlig plant aol buta fuel or unsapower derivet f rom *Ieoîtey opitewlm lTllSlOl 1 - elt on next Mouds>'. fe o n upl lçCt ofe hhb urnedt on ami' of the foregolng &p ecified Mondayl for Opeiybcigth OPFICE *UILDINCS-4loall net be A-Such-plants es fromt theis' nature must lbe oontlnalausly operateti saisn the parpose of supplying power for the movement of surface, levatc1à, tub- fdal ush'rgo a t NED ,10SINES CIT. tdon fileions M3onday. Hanli- days eacji week to avoi* mrlous njury to the pise. It.eîf or nte contents. way or suiaurban cars Or trains In excesaof the amount usti on the Sunda" 5sioeSipti and ineiu dlng ail of 5MI* aED110SGES O hott .Manlactutesof shbl fos.provients etî.t a andi Loulsiair-, for ai rèa * Ing 81Md1tr-ust coinçany O081<s -es C-ManufActurer*-9f foed net perisliable and noS len immediate demiand. The order provides that nothifif ni thii order shah b.o helti te forbid th rioti. begining ut mldnlght toito Wîii Be Filed With Town Ckerk quarter. uéed hi' pvernmental ag who msy burn fuel taesuchian mtent as ls authorizo bi' the. fuel admînis- burwng fof fuel te licat roonis Or' ssch portion& of building s arae used in nlght. w-se Issued b1» Fuel Ad=lî s eoeEot o encles, transport'tlen coinpanies. fuel traterof the state iw"hhsuch plant la located *. Iy lbis representatîve connection-WlUth thproduction-or istribuition of fuel. »r- i h>Iri9i 1) TWyyeDay. dlstfttiug gils, Physiciens And don- adthorized therefer, upots application by the. U. S. food.* 1 ilsatritor. TesaS ul administràtOr~sare *ithOrisd te issue orders on spatial tor etld tUidicio o 0-Prnter or ub1ihers of daily papars,Ma'uay flàl as usual except. appiction eif leeeesari', te pi-aVent lnjury tete iath or de. PresldteMtouigat. NEWSPAPERS-Not required i tthey May basinfuel tu such extesit au lsneces5ly te Issue auc teiltions The. os-er laeffective in ail tsrritory met Of the.Mississippi rive r, Inciud. thérryate ey antewte the - OFFICIAL. VOTE, WET.ORV suspend publication. Not affecteti hy'3as uch instarsracustomarilyi ssue on Important tlea lihoidays, and I,îg the whole of IousamA and Minesota. rSda .llcksmi, w-lljie oreqii ISSUE APRII. 4, 1918. vedy AË_od.r iC 7Ž'ti I.;sht down fer ;lie ove "y p5ertil Wt Dry. MoabtY. On that day andth i net 111 O@ gxeINIl Women .... ...04 201? sue ou holiday 9eheditie: t! _____________I acur JaJDE1DI S that -Mai' permit thae great Ci -ai............... c il h o n s ic 055 i l.:. -VIRON STORY 0f IÀT T E UTIII w "' NIi assvwawL 1Tr,:iug rlants te i-unon patt ............... 2U 37= aYA aY imnt o e dition. oher N U L l tt"maucura«Pb Majority .... . 7its tei eeul.i I~STORES MUST CLOSF L4t0aNucures tlari S"HOCLS ANC CHURCtiEB-The 15 EÀ L in"myonie fl t *Iý . Th- es" ar a o sbm t sTog w lln tJ sp ar, a mnatnearl y y ars S ca se of tTifelre -frn lu addition te the ve d" ,y l Tic saluo s n are gon ethe suml'0 aa hiecla harge ii net Peter Emmions, Weil Known %%hbat ever)Mcdy la doing in pchr colin cmnhiig over next 'rusey,* Ing apri-g lueeetion. This tact -le- 1 oeeday.ni tSunda>-. If tîey ha%é e e ol relaled hi' a 15-year-ald t Washington, Watskegain stores will ail Resident of.Waukegafl Maiiy t>-te heip Win the war. %N'pmust u.- wJXtèe &.Ieeday bo*evo'p eale known toda,- w-henuben ttVan. ase cot hiy emnoget o unes1 girl. Thée girl Mary Zicismi. w-a Years, Passes Away. tsrI-nh lekrs v lckr 'i up te u"à Tîdlg aaiý degrifi. oprater cf Uiche'er clUb'there te18 ualuda-e n S' is rthe roght back te Wauliegan lfront fh, 1 beeclasetiMondai', Januari' 2lst. ,-Di.1 iSIdepct 0 v en Madison sti-set q&atetd lo ww Aprier cUdis. 11 they have ceai they I Paint RIde :cbùr<i uat'1t h e couli Monday afternoon ait he coua"tY ituicîcerincvile.or of Reig lt eueUtan sîngrtheny: cei ri aee irh~-<~~~ta-aiiLbityii-ocrtdthe ahould. lieallowed le shlrk thtecivil The tuai ,rt fWuea eiet n4hély h holb oad h r r, 1- Ietlouiiitled anti sacrifices tint ask ailtgevernoiw c -fli Wadl cloe te shoos fr te tn fiplês !n tWre flie Mgisrat W I .I ANV WAUI<EGAN PLANTS Hi-T dvati of Peter rEmmen., a former well masst le madtir w-lu ic hewa.-" et Intedenture the lioaiey.-f pr.ooition. coetcsîesfo i e aela hghtr oieMiihah at- now-n rvhient oet Wnaiegan, lits t ac 5 w Y The petitons mus e 'h' Oed withh Montiays. 1 Taylor. The grl's ator> w-ais a sOr- NMeav factorle',vili 'e affccted ir. rhis wasthie final message et Bais- nr2 eMri 5 icuI8 I ~~~~~deatli heing due ha ohai ax-e. ~~cara ttc8holdays. tic tow-n elerlc hy Pebruar>- fat, anti1 AftsSEMENTS-ýNo shows on the did eue.Vaink denka l fi, as- ~Waukgcin tîan ijîl aeEmmena at oeeli e aswil Iunll cf Dfebe.as li-,te tay Aeomvo$uylig tIo eder te put Uic question on tie ballot 116') eu Meudays. Thr " net icat " o0i- sri-clîg Liat the girl must be hcaeft by the govrrument oider- elozkn'-nhrea tim-as sal a ae Ijîlots w-as of feencoa m e te a misfeuk nutist sivattar« aenecesaryilltesbetng wl &rt aWukegan t .j, î<molletsnses te mako aeu<h seriona ,Il - hem poiss of .eicew-ok." 1do1,iig rqet Io 25 par centanet the vte e et t niontadeilhhue iltnebheault hm.Depite thîts xîates are that at Ieant 20 f&e'oriee. he a man of moenue. A relpoit 1 close Tuesd'ay lu Chicago anti Il gumn- dw 11g eus b 'e adîlebuealdacchre&gia l.that w"comeboiniloted imhlm r,cofetentpioyeail oa nudtbe.Uç electiOn, Tie petitiena muat Z lled âhalo, b illiard roi-rne eoter-places blctlhe was îeîd te the gliuntijury ln are mailnnretals w-Ue ony msrlzcd thie day's proecedings sud i.-aecuiudootsr 6dar bolore tic electien whieiwil! of entertsiumulet fer ticheu Mo- bnd, ca $500, w-tci he was unahi about five iu the factnry aubismet'e u aatretcasoprlote-etraîoaourucetb> - T h 05 i ort uth au bc on Febuary 2.i. days aecitita furnisi. Ili@was relfLuded te th<- duclasg materlal which w-uItdrmand itodlu Intic poorhoutc. Soeleime ci-si enferenco and i al the divisienalMIg otInheau Coatheiai nCon.hunntred eago ho was taken sick, rrmovcd tOemeetîngla whlci hati bren d uring paitrotlc i-e1leiet heousa teI Wuea etdry Ioyer glTRANSPORTATION--Ail surbura.i 1'àthec <-o lbe.ital andti tlaiken te ticfdeld ment hms ne autiorlty te esntem hi' a majorltv cf about 80(j votes, jIlium, W-tt Se opeasid on reduscedtu t Mai-y Ziethami came into tir liime. ,amen are t'mpie>ced ln tir factorle 'tes oi&fr. m a.- emd 13eiow- la tic petitien w-nch Van- 1 Buaidy aci4nicae for ten MQndays ligt a few- wceks ago wheu ile was whili, il la frared, mu>- lie orderetidtin., . ________ i i ed b te o icefloingto- csed. Years ago Emmena was a gati n he* o$iroll t w-ljIh. degrifi la te circulate lu c-der-Ln AON---"oeae si i ereei i etoc cii 0ait Watcr etreet c-wslug of UshertrLET-S0FFR E EI-tEfuWW lta'lithe 14 dffl, brlng tho matter un for a vote: pears te Curcage', 6,000 salcons w ies tha t vl uIt s udlb.er om e f toiés, ilta fba Mît uldWestern.Tt was et thiat tUme he an.,- t DNS0 W UEA by *o oreder lif ho tlig uamp Te tic Town Cierl- of tie Tow-usbkp resuit In tw- dry- desa sw-oct. Sun-w-se net W ~~w> >' i hs atres ~~w<~~nounceai eue day ho lied inherlhed DETSF_____ N.ori-lidLi' Ji-e éutgoyed iý et Wackea-, Lake Couny, Illiuois: dsy aud iiondsy, for ton w-cota, change, against tie fatier w-ais dis- be li the one under goverasmieut cr- -1 i__ he u d ai u t e id ti su le i-_ _ _ _ _ _issed but a ik. a o hder Lu t ic d4 's t e close: N ational E nvel pe (C o., o e n i e $ 5 0 0 b s d h U .p at.r b t d " Quiet Littie Ceremonys ad ingChrit , fr nny lew- - td ehae A uncein avenu. M.-exier Cibi. e- uirtcapilaetUs -votra c ticTewuiiIacf WukeZit, -cet , C., W H. ow-,Sage 1~kCo.,uie rate lne quit work sud neye ur>,Jen 5 t l eirue 5 Thura-t>morning ut Liber lu rs fths e o wn shcf of e. uanti St uiet L eC hapem oyZiieM t hm i hom e, w as placed un ter a- Cyclone Fene Co. A lsu er G rm ent c-Olemn Yitre wavs~r~ td t ~ e rBs M urty a Sai hie eshîue r C . Mc2 Dflblsye>utuiiiimittu ~ Church Ial-Both Weil Tic girl was trird Lu Couflty court Blatciferd CaIt Mpl Cc, Marshall iaitew-iiis rthrG org.Dners Nt o-. ,A pR aealn.ai nnedo, et Lcm indyvhlXbpO tu, ho sihiittetIn lutic manner 0 à - à 1i o aai g ~~lql-t~a-ml-vs- Maia S". 1, - ie Aikj DeGoltztnverO5t dNo.. 573 .p .R autcgael' Kanneudy eu p Ms prdvled b> lsw- te ic vcers tere ciniultted te tie state scicol for Cailti>-,asd pnacically overy anc of ~~~- et, et theicut électioni. tic pIopoi- wt%"ukegan,. i Irat Park Rige. Sic w-se b-ugit Lie 20 Amati concerna aperatlng lu tir-e -oC i ety. euemoentuh.e* Fard e eisli w Uti tIen, 'Shah ttis Townushpcontinue This moring t 10 o'atiock aitirec acit so tlat elle nilgit testti' aaSt thei nue ThsWterminal. Hie remaille vert' hurlec!Inlutie tamb-llrs. Aizad abw- !anti his e i l e l ia - to elo nutl-saloohi tei-iitolT?" Eptacic l ta.9etocciaredth Le, mar-i a .Tctce-lswîcs tl cmctri-yai t hierouit>tai-m.thie late Edwand LLa.9. I t urBahday, iavlug their homo ah-cedy - t - Rete ~,,, MRE SOKIG CSES vouli nt le icludd l ti orers Enameus fonmeri>- ived eat tiecacon-Jautaia--12. 'Funerai traintslt e The bride bhooben epoyei riage ef M iss E tna Repie te W ilhard T e f co ts w ib t l i u e Naine HeuscNo. S. e lfan of Norfltd u tir pbre-acue c i D8iSO NCRUT O__t coelcld:Cicao}a-arlier of Watt' anti Market etrects anti realdence, 43(FMageun avenue, ni- n cahool fer sanie, til- Nlae ous N. St. Dae Pondy -o. A S.& .-o.,lpn-w-sasait ta ovu couaiterabie pnap- day. Jan. 20, et 9 a. a.;hurliat WaO- w-cIl kaiow- n luand'bom4t 1*4 thi imcdiate failles.. - ntelte tre.kgnhvn ivdS teveat, I ~~~Miss Midret Iapple. sMater ot thc ZIon CiL>- sankere wonanuotion te- sel l ecctric, Nrtiern Bresa Werks t>outeltrst-eien j bride edHars" K:efe brothe-otth iive vicier>- to:ay w-ion Wr: ilder amiry, lW,-otbl.Pil . .vl .le. . .vei.ty- t ~groom, attend ticitem. Jutige dwarda disaieci48 me ote elgttermuhnvew-cntdoriimore . _________________ t 1 c kM.adMs ef mkn ae.Ti aestta l fo et oea a ok r iTat left for DeKalb w-ici-cthe i>-wlu ie- over 70 cf these cases thet bave boon Mgmtna -tr i aea ....-.-..... --. --.-.-..... main util Suntai'. Ieturning tiel' dtemigset vithin tic let tw-e or tii-Oc ment requinca. are tc reside ln ai flt cù layton St., w-eks. Thoy follow- close on"tic de. tmtac i unb-attc Tisl la taeecWtfy that I1san a roi-cl -oetcbieadin lrbv ei diitret tc Veuiva with i-o- tories anti numbêr oet jean wha will dent cf the Oounty of Lakte, in tic tacen teeanieurtonsft r v e arit a ic n tai-orentetlauid offinaiotre cilés fllow-: f3tite of llnois; liait I reelde aht-M' ,eofe plans te continue ici- clauses cf tic Zion Ciy ordinsure Eluini, 23 plants. 8.000 persona. ....................--tit 5Jf*ltoin. I -thc cityocfices wheno tprohiitlug - tebaccc dxuokihg. Tic I' PocHa, 12,000 mien. e b lntae n~hseeie lldae bas been employeti ton a long cases vore t¶iase lu w-îlotjudgments tefr,40b»^ 1,0 INL k Con petition açe genuine. and tbat10te tichne. Mi-. Recto, chauffeur ,tor 'Irs, hait iccu returnedt u Zicis City but llyopcit.511piui. 300 pe0el1 bsetMknowlcdgc adi ltihUne rleil i nx ri.M i i lliLcecipu lloltcs-c el-itre.0planta., ,0 personns. Dazi sgig eeettetit evidelo, 700pana.150prsna of th dalid g s lp OfItIon lee otrseoud son cf Mrs. Chiarles KeefeOcf liera lu iriu- igit, hoit repreentp Gall>ba-M. 00 pet-gai. et tc àd Tw-nilp t WiuueghNo rth Utica street. The bt-tc was r. locaily hi' Attorney- Beaablen. Attor- f. n,2 lusf,0pros cretiy tat e their reapctvn -ad tenros drugiter nf Mi. and Mrs. George Rap- ne>- Benuhien insisci upon Immedate Rock Islandi, 12 pieuta, 4,000 pep signer- signethticsaine ou tie date pe' rasae bU twhem died ltriai eud Zion City- offielala ecliet sous. setotpste bies-ame. aot er g.j epracto irevs oliagltt Dctur, 25 pats ,1 e-su.- 'comPlaftd,.wlti Use order et Use goernmen% fuel admlaletrat.ha - jbute lîmis Le 580. 1 pana, 00pesolu,' sor wiI a ho-119I 0-Janar'01, utonTus..i w w

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