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Libertyville Independent, 24 Jan 1918, p. 1

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L4KE~O KXVL-NO. 4. o w- SECRETS ~~t%LIÀN GIRL TAKEN TO LAKE * ON AILt IVENý A MOSir ? 1MftOt9~%..SCARCHING. ffVER ME SO PRECISE. UAfos op ORESSES EvIl RP PROOPE: WLLATTE#PT BE MADE TO RESCUE ment gusul res atratin fa Cbleagmmi *lmrnite bave a suit case contswaag 10 odu eso dynamite ad bomb. vau ai t15eN51 part? f0e the procediag. Lte, be.lg oN unis, 12.»0boues 1vV .CaoMmloor Masos l the wu t osbrqo a die bc 111i l "d a ami -telbelmg ibisd bus bL iobeu dccliii abe la i ' 30gli Lail et youngo.n'-'O. so emmaisila bth e rtmuet Of-jmtrSte rua dovn the facta tuat tâasve aro ordri dar nîist ta bave iodé serd U utborbogbW-os os- Mése. As a rusuit, vilen abe arrived Stt Io yaukeBn jail dit- fint order ta ber &A 10 Imdress. lirs. griots. vif. af dies ahuIR. tisa ot ber ciothea Md »Wipled ber viti allier onea9. Ptelv gthItIsa minute seareli vos me l Mia Griffifi goîng go far sai tea %O or, tait dova ber bajr and oeUb ilt- iThe lotbat vere taken -avUt sMd cctryliinag amgi eaam ln- Vetapisi i la imdowgtaad that the reset vae noegfbe as fer os a cv la .mue okIUrfa onsalahe vould oDt h. mutlSOSIf soin. attempi vwu mae te tramte thI Lboe Munty tait, ob«s t'i unite" girl le bing heuON Uaing frier action hi thc «M sliho bliedgwada e-911ild vioN lu* 'for na futber Protection lia *1*5 i tended ta taie e*ry Pro- - 111!.mted Bttêz omif4mloitr NY1un qald Yeterdsy tuat there vere nome dessU. s of "an extremf-ly dangerouâs * ae'In conneci ion villi bbc as fIat fouces tIt. governîment te ee ethat si>a OPe le1 r"litted Io :allta er." s JuI tsthes. delili %arê e le ould jlot gay. joule j,. .iterfiil and ffnpoe'd. Her iemctaar apparentlY uubtaftstem ber taterniptl that she "daeu flot carti what thev do' vith me" Hel appt- tons la entiaWred ad ba "«lcod tbe 'sier lesa' wbeserval it hMa steamicg dimner of portmiedboss s"&F. RIe bas autel ta 0 me m, MW bais le nreamsurami viN v«. lKr oicoIi*tIsitBta Ansi is -* agoviiult bv fleesl 0"ouilhier timl. -WU, as al ib, lotaMidrubis g6<MMi 4oL» »0 iii Ai vàd "ice OiMMste se .a -Me f t la anch for a&.lie - ao md e if 1i he.in111116 5hdUrl. g~Idem i vasa ce*$" I%. st~'o.gi-o but Ifl a555ii -. i MeWoeRLn time aIent tsi sol ed u wv ei asta >1." -És nigaotod committfe Of lie 01OaoIe defenqe met asmur- 4ealte»Otatte cfourt bouse la ::aitgloven plajus O ,m me elne ulupot ci, overp iwdmit Of, taxe cauntyfo Samy pa- '-= ctawmres -bat -May lut tartd. t an 40 delugatet tram Wau';OM!> h alit ownsbîps in te caucty varepresaI.Tiare are oly one or tot t-oahia , itu cau.ty which b& Vavi ne -iareientâtian t the present tomle *nd themet ommuniles plan ta t:o Ilauelmmedial.'ly. I laludeffir- rt have IsY a I let flvt caminitîel mmme.frntastitownsip. - Tbe meeting -as! Informai in înahy rsmgtCla. but tc-iattve plas, vert- - 4dç vie loiii e varketiout lshort IÏ. dguafy lJdge P. tL. Peruonu - - - betUtnof tht connmitloe andi ~WseAttorney J. G. Welch-It asc b. abject lu ta have te commit.i ce0 a clsttrIng hiau8tfor al pa, 08 acllviles. ln otiler wardi if üumunlty dosires ta0 lie l pS- liemeetng the Mater lu laien *I tile neibborilaotlcomattéee 1 ede mater lurnel ovur t10 lie joua' mmlbhe, luat a uy WilIho arted. il * il pueileàaitl>A iQer OiU, ,.trtflO rovftme8. ts. t~ a ll aotitr iii eblla l e - &.taW..ASe ýTYVI-LL y Lake linder Court Ruling State's At- tonyWelch Must Vtavý.- j -Acttua EvidenceFirst'.' the pont veei. ' fIdent ta uuppli htT.CHANGE R DATC inme"lte rnode, eltIzoe ssabuid nut feel ton, optlisis hont th. cal situation, Aecavdlng ta advice givan at the office of Paul Maoutni"fuel lf amntad.In the Past it Has Béen Cen- and Lient. o j. Boehm: ai th nome emon to File 'on Informa- Aoording ta thaso gostismen, and ' d hie. tberoy ab hrfooitbs'y Ob, ite dagerha. mot pamsc. 'for Uhortyville la tb. fture vian State's Alto!' nuis thrty elosa0 i itouh lWh&% auy James . wee Ilie crimlnal ia. la nov n ond; i~te lest the ca--ueitp formations la Comity Court bo Wlli iati @prs«m. 11*0 nov thora lu DO he WmMe ta do wno ly on the strualt useeMny th tilti@Moumt i viiho of Borne cyt-vltu oso theUiccrime avgdloilo, for a Ilpsuassmap othor placs citergeti and St on biseuyvn informa. Sa j" se mai aavitbout coi and their tbon and boie.,is basu S imes W Mbt. a ss-I sue pflaibeloe brougihtabout l>y ruOstlY ruIngai O Ubwtge'tplloi o«Pet Mmn0-1a. thu tataehiupromu court. latiamulwvoodcttion sitanid Tee bave licou a numtber of In- hos moorood à@slmach as possible, andi stances ubere latornzatlans bave «M 0 co.praiion should ha igitan by feen fileul alingt certain Lake caun- tIs public 10 conWuvs cool. and thus do ty mon, meetowslytutow aulpeced oi ailthat i.pocubi. to prevent ouffering hvig ioatd helqior lava, and la %ibe ami'fute itepre the s-tatë hagi no iitvieti- On amnS 0i the fsel 1Duai:ta loci dence ai gult, byt taok 'ha chance de.ale nocredis fr0. tht co, ~1tait ilewould devplop during the tmlsltrilon for the coul lhaY "gil iluaring. Bomne af thffe e abes have persas vio havo Dot beretofore bougt reauîted ln can vctina--othters have thiri ai Libersyvatle, a rulîug bas bern mùopai vian évidence eaculd nol boue madie liv liecon] adr.,iintrator be procuregi te atubaaiate charges- tai aucob pesona muet ba danled coal. iumaay lnsiOnces thilametilagibas This..ai connse. appiies partlcularl ta resùltugil inte conviction of men Who pesome.0.55 ersfrot ~bar10v. ouli ot bu reacis lln t dluarY snd haias coo; uhon iormeriy liber a.i hsrspc tw ,n bought'bWlni Ibor bomuutvn dealero. agway. I n the andct ofltvas a.ova- Thie t lebîpW' 5.115w-ou tho primuPle al vaonl lcbnd i ie ru t ' enthomo 'eeiq mut ho suppllsd lirai! cuTor aétohraiew hme Th hiu.tribunoe reported that% Titre s notMr aie vh acdtou thtcou aiof ai Bgitad Park, Labkbe CoIciOd- tir. eCh said e Fo'rest, Zrqp City,. rayat.. lâA il î- day. "itre me ntaieave' la.n Antiloh and Round Lake had Igen a no t just right t fo refer a chatge take.' care of N &14!nqt a Otan when lit may be Inn;) Th* <tIlla'kit ie lai.aiif ual adiniitrta- ý, .I ut Ibiririug tibal hiîlar-eport wage otrue i. ('hu bac hei-îîrter'.d fur fias. vlaa-u itâ dluery vary uneersin, tiers tiîug a pomoitility of lic hslug conflet'ated ief.reit igelsi tiroulu 9hlcaga 8m» homme ptemamleri. la fcrlpai ne f b Wt evunngoM Uta»Vup Clilia nia@" s tla 0%I lasu bous.t am pe aBlo». Mfoi p"ccyta c emiilatmai voer scl ir larer b otfla «Ur mi4t.aM -aoW T is.smaq epm vs'be eut. loio* or, thy mestations la tovrs. Ulaêa tbssen soe, sxcsptibg the Pms Omo. TAMES0IFOIIED HOLDAY Uhonlyvflis rlgily obeydi lbema. dafthe ailb. oal mmintatton durîng1 -ve t day ehut.davn punledl. Tic osl.y factory affucteil by tie arien vas Tht Ageican Wire Fente C. The eanalanshope. lncindIng the lab dopat- met of Tht ladependent, >van closegi. _ -On Dtonday tae r fint iten *"Heaiess biandapsi" vos ehicly oluau!ved. la tethtadoan a&l stilt@tores and liaise vers laseil. Tht drug -Mores vers open from 4 o 7 lu the. enlng, vblch vOl btruie ut -hem during lb. nt Thiiuuh le effort@ oi tbt local fuel aiiî~lisiata'aoffice w ptclon le heing obe.aShii amog lie eorst, provldlug for**e ebaba gevuuîy ovonlng t mlx o'iela,eumpions on BetUndqurs. Up Sali Eu .1oJrgolug inp, mie,15-va IliIl~oW trstbo àlbpions vouli àou te o* t i-e bhournautil the ersi uholae ob0"bad pws.d. st ,0 pro« -of guil. ana rh as coula ho bmn lshed by sorne epevîitns For fex- amtple, in d liquo.r case It would "be nee8uary -for some persan Whoa ado- aly witmpu.ed a lawvviol1ation ta 919n the Information."' 'lhls nov phase ofthlie lavfirsl vos notlced lu Waulcegan a 40W dapu ego0 yien san Information vos fIled agalnat B. a. Howard e<tlteMînuoiaMtel t, Ptaz 4e i n vich he 'vas ciatg.d viii ooomutlg .101mblnes. UrI IJKA Jahe09'C. no SmBniat Ub. ertyflI~ BU*d WrHunt- IngPa sawday. S." , dii. . v ae born la LlbrtytIlis. 111. c. Octoiber 2, 1848. l 1874 -ville iuMttlug hoelenl bis sigit hi an goti- dm1, neservei otutu la the 10<. Moature from thle f«sesuaorw a. i triet t c OîcSo. He vs.luslremon tai ln.aving t bill pased he ticSI general emenxly agpptprlating 8100.- M0 ta Itmli-an ludutrIsihm. for the bulnd. bottediait Nluebeatb strt andi Marshtall boulevard. Aller te ot hie mglt ile kePt UP te tudy of musi andt atbohoutie -vas (blhld be bicame onteaoflite leati. Iig insclahu ai Chtecago. -tIr. O'Cnnnor vas anc of the foiun- dora oi the Chicagoa Tedemtlon o! Labar and the Chicagli Pderallon of MuséIans. servMig as vice presldent of eex'h arganization for a ntinubtr of COLDEST WINTER INFIFTY VEARS. OFFICIAI, DECLARE*. Wa ahîagton. Jaa, 18.-Tumperabure fur below ite atasorial average diring te nuit four da"a vers forecast hi the voatier bureau lhday for terri- tary eus t i lpimaIsS î55R1ef by tilt fuel reufdlatiOnrder. Inteffle cla na-v heîng Uperieucci la lie Ohio Valey aid loto teggl n oI co- tinus andti muos .<aforeat for, lhe laie rugion. "1." oiiItm T lehir, A bav#,. lsalirsqSft140 fui 1NDEPE.NI.EN "Big Weekty rWoeuiI nComiCombiWe RSDÂ,Y, J<ANUARY 24, 1918. Proclm utlo j Nve ar17, 1917,1 p aeru a aof f lea , re id ii .g lu tiel postolaw m *trlct are rpquired ta, reglater u»W rq etcion af tht pose- iasler, vho ;rlea appolutegi Agit ant fglré f TilsrgeL eu ommeng>gestaô a. ona Fbruo*Pth. 19118 snd continus ectI dey u$i*toneater, t vus thseofn 6a&i.and 8 p.mo., up to sondiIoldia* Pibday ai Febroul, 1 1918 et 8 0.W -1 Panns eqobsi ta leglter: Auil »aUves, dioe-telaor oubjecte of 1 tbc Gems~ or l.nperial Gemmn Govermnet, ýMîlg w"Pu of thte me. ai bur-enycaruaw 1~~ riwcu are vîthin te Ce" ta tlesud 1101 it u.- ally baluraloil. Amrica.c. osare raquirad tarueIOefane &ieun enemieq. Ti fait ofai ttglatOMr declarent papers.4 or permt bfosrÎiatt--d zone. imed, by the United SêuMarchai, dots bot excmpt tht olisse$or theréolf from rn iteing aeba mn allen enerny. 9 Gearmen m"alboeearo hereby direct. ogit tarepart 10 uMe pactoflice lacategi lu the dilrtet élu wbfoh tbeyreoide. 1 Each GermM allu .euerny la rogulnd IoabrLag viti to thtpe ni ofreglisre. tien four pbtoer.phs nui lamroh«s 313 luch@ie. aW 1111,11Paper iitt Iifft background. Allie plac of regeldtin hoviliibu gien mi liueructiofs a.Il pracedure lu iding at)plaiano for regltratlon. An alleu tnsn.y reqîulr&d to reglstcr and irbo falu ta comptat hblé»reglara- lion vthin the %me, lxI& bluebor. là s4iition 10.1&Halter î-ialtlee pncribed by lav, Ile hable treetrblat, lmprition- meut andi dpe.qto't lotthe giration of tbe war~,I aj .ttieitau For Nonurbau n arau itae Nrîheru Disuiict of Illinisi EQi6SNOW JiID AT SEVI3!ITENT Io Hghest Prie Ever ChargeG .-Suply Ios saitiBe Shorter lTha# ual. las Prims or egga. 't tih a nd lb ebenoge varicty, IMMA ruacii the biIclst.ma*i lo btes' p Feue, »Wout aib Cent.mMaI. TcMev de s. afela* i 0d oln wamomigtale le i00«8 aper isâse: This Ia an û(surea e ilu' certs per ioseu. TIs eie of ator- sgt,« Veas aincreiel b o57 centa par douen.,an incr-osa c« four cenis. Tie ltmItboi upply etff a la-'ou storage in Chicago =4ii lis numNsc icatei ldemadue a Mtehave in- cresed the vbctesslOtlte. lb. price of chl*fl alto va. lu- creaci to, 34 cents per qponda In l- crcase o ecents gw pownt. Tii priSlen at veet -w»a U3cents per pound. Dealers comPUaenut laI iey ver. eylanuomac for chicken tai thoy could nat aftari t6 sel] si titi prce Iized ty tht' food çommissloui. Theo price of potatoce bave mnras- of slighlty ta te dleor so thie re- 'tail pt'ice witt t-tanged tram a stralgil 43 ,cents per p-t'ýk ta tram 40 10 45 conta per peca' yelov corn imatil h i as bot. uling foit 7 1-2 tentu per pound -wai dniopd ta. 7 cailla. White orn me.] rouainu ai 7 cents- Dealersa say bibI puy te sanie fur bth varittlucand 1tiat Illere should be Do (lfferenct in the. price. 1 lb vas reported atheb.meeting lta & Chicago cSace-rhu vbJci. aiips brusd lto Watlegan, luinceasod thb > hellescle price in, 8 cents. Tley bave buon slling qet 7 1-2 cente. ight cents, ls nid ta e he b.prîce local 'ha ker charge. I OpimllloTbo<7- 1- ~ ~ O Wbter ru l fa Provilmu"q it 5i n v L. WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN,- MNYCOULES CôMÉ unm.ToweM ,Then* 'Stand Off' Justice for Fee,_Leaving Their Jewel-- ry as Scfî? CONDITION 1S SIJRPRISING. Justices Say $5 Fe es Are lot as Plentiful as Màny Peo- pie Had Supposed. Whaukegan. Jan. 12. Afflunt vi imagnes titat lite af lie marrylng Justice isla ust te Cal- lection af one Ovedaliar billliter an- allier, bas "another gutass canlng." At lusb ucli vanigi ppuar ta be tht eaue, fciiowing the queionîng af tva or tire. loal Justices. "W e dt e pîas e bg hg 'e , a lthe average Ij<0(." O tafi O~'ca True, vi da receiie fîvi dollars w4 a tee freintbptsmu.josty af coupblet we IIIIly." one Wlankeglfl Justice uaid. "()oceaven gaI a Lventy-da'hlsr bill for perfaringn a cerautanY. but tilase ce,"haplWt only once ln a Ille- time.", The Justice tilen vent On ta tell mauir immarous Instance% which oc- cur and show lthat Justices douflot ai- ways gel big tees. 1 Hie pulled open a drawer in hii deet and exhitptd an aid fatibioned IMatcit, conuiderably battered. Se that vatcit," lha nid. "That beongeti ta A fellov i marr-lugi % mout ago. H. didu't bave amy m0- pey ta puy a tee--tn tact bu dI.In't even bave enougli money for cariae back haone. lHe tld anti a pilt story ltgt 1 Iaaned hlm 16 on the rvstei. Ht promluedti a rudçain tiN valcu. but bas nal dont e ..ffru'u na1Mlle dlamaondt*ttick, pin rI got tramn anaîber fellon wba could not pey for gtbt.n; marrled. Hea It -tht pin esau eit'.but bas Dat Yel releemed it. "OnIv recently a Jacitie ftramlie naval tnian asied me ta marry hlmt. ilHt nade twa or Ibree en@agemente. for lthe atoll' and flnaliy arranged ta bave ltinlthe etuning. Wilen lie appeared -cith tht girl lieliait a, num ber of hia Jackie friendsls n tile weti' ding party. Thet girl carrltti a large bouquet aif fors. A"Pr I1ilad Mar- ritd tilein the jackle gave me a quar- ter. Ht ucemed aurprisd -when 1 told hlm tit as Dot the tee, andi expls.lnud btaI vilen bu came burs ta get marrlud b id auly a, dallar. Ht speot 7f cent. for bte bouquet ami liad ouly 145ents ltit.0H.sali i vouX iM âimore but nover di soM" Local J1 ,«. , SMy 15 la sutiralDU t0 jise boy mauiy couples vb che boreW» h sroY emonit meas te buy a M ~Uim eenccse ami4" aVn*151 trc b ernfe. Maur MRM.. th asm * f i. Cs t 0 u tlir «WmarIMOe oai ouc«mimmisoulointy ou imar 891 trosia. dole dgbsti"' st4flsoe tee but otiers b=nibia r e bing u'rALuiiif he site o»sor wo dolar. AUML UT#No NUE Ibo m auel u.tiug etielaie Oouiay fMuProituw m odation. vIlb h kl Swdray alroo te lma ce .Jaaary, le il eti au iaS ia*m'WUe- Aà toireport of lic Mlk pimurs uît*atlo iiibraa sisuisa ulet ban been done la Chi- age,,e ig vitici propesa- él t is m ffl -m o ita p uit. T . e u t- img Wiin bc oe ofthe MtsSImp r=tn avM, heU hi the aaoclalloanami ct -form are bing mae tot bave a larrge attenuac. CUT$', PRODUCTION Tbrongi a remet gov-rumual rullng.i Iemunngthet umunir- of.."i vitt er@rea praduc-, tilt iouîds Mililng GO le oiiiged tul ituît l soulpîist ',70 pan cent-.aof hatIi vas durnthe i.'finl tsix Muthle o 1017. À&thle preneltI oulttlit 'mati gFebter than dîrln tînt firs naî ot anmt yeur, Il minesab'.î'tl e50 Pmr cuill, ns. duction, Thu abject f-, t" eutOduleg a more gifleronsua ai ltaepruductaaf athar grain. 'Pie compauoy Inormée] The Indepan- dent tbilemorng tliaI iwelty empiOps bail beerdimpt'used vilt sidlb vas feareil thaItltu smbr @avon Pi dbu lncreamed bullîlrty. tultiflO Tompetp o Cîrcum.tancsum He le tiaPpy vitnse circumîbances sait bis temlpor: lut h li mare f» aetmi e mausit hlm tàeaueté-amy- ORE TO.EIGHT. $1.50 PEU YEÂU IX Drst "Stp-e1 1W M ' isuse of Clothet, AtVnd.d hy on audience that almogt Ililed th#, high tnhooi auditorium. and èRSW RT0 wll patriotit prourax worthy of the oecaion, Libertyvtlel le' evce flgLW @lolo. cntre bowen ivr 14MDistinguishing Feta Am»ie infage, the beautilful tr lag 8O BILo 181%Wat oruod prolonced appiau enh Sb v ai neThfe Sl h nonforied on tho stage. Klgbtp.osis teis gesceed flraaild ofiti, euch np. reotenea boy vho bha. lt homo e" Girlsviele teogo fortbbSa do or dieon Ibo fild ni frisais la the qVy' bonor. Andil m m tirlads0 Anale thon von Seita. 0i applauco vho have @Sri frite*s whs. the hom. guardo, ln cammaud o ai>-a.. Captaia Paul Rap, Uoemtenani Gisa flas. 1 BEWARRI Metînd ud ouiêsEUttoohtp. im&,t1 Biz.torf pent 0 og inl ta etilamodUe Landtockak Oê . nY U.iform rvpovte 1 rhha< 1ittw. el eretifor tbkI Lakestation, CUat.IM urkltobnieg ndsr ad aubeir ais4lesUthe elg fanîtestl a sam erofrv a oléto ie i ltis oistpryuli endevuelna roai grham.éfrlQpSl h vëiepo grm. en ir s ioatlnal ieaglng AmeChaud"bdise Caud'.nce la limau veile&ud ietorch aya vole commu et n"d t obu supnoaq. Mus corment raud va ccmpaplbua. rs Foe alit 91'da o hma liteni Uvsnt.e"oalqmtof.ia,"prradCharMesa Kateillr*nolqmbi, e"Uncltaydbahy KaIbàI Lirot«i. ud'*sdetue Usi. T Rotu C Art. Oaied he ud h oiTai itoforC.iA Rsm Wt he. . . roluof gintleS ioca T. B. a eech mn ies astI UtAcfr.b l nuice o »eho rsada. latbMya.PauSson saelativeso ettis Hyme of bic RopuhIle." belug aulsed lfa the chorus by MWsaChard. Tili aumber vas vWrniy gpplaod@4., -'i Benator Itodnay.B. Bvlfifolaved viii th. preotletpgn speech. vhichaboanded vith pilhy and puliiotin ulteroucte. Re appeaed ta every m-an aud vomne Sa support the govarbucent dnrtng the var crible. The guard tood t ot ainte wvilaFilas ('bard sang "Tht tar-Spaugisd Benner," acconpanlud by the band Metb. choruse. ,Dr. Kae, ai thteBitcdon achaol.-wbo vas ta gîte onau sueos "Bcommie Conditions of Europe"sMWihb Vai c SaIv kmv bt Ime Bp Dr. 1H atin;u, 01 DoBsuvUle r. vibo vu. laub u-e mmOty cOl, forka bedes.toma.Lbe. t beovlg souse compdauuia * on DRt beltu ,De. geg la*oiosod l gliai~sbe, **MWlus c. ehut etalo*aiiru o Byw. May Do rou, as" su lix -u t. toi ernors af the toof aitIC ritaskifl e h ttei4 thc navy dopartunent la $* being amoag telni mcce &Dy part orlte naval .tiâ reatéd ami puaiai.d. it tonnd titat girls Iittt BavY blouse, aiais. bu8M err adorumeata. OsX, -Mollit 41M ct 0 to lie Wauiegaapouie c dcid the.prusemt h. lii0 ing the nue grtsIula 4, or aavy nltma by dvM stated at bte sation *0 mm .violations of lI4 ai untOnia-wesslg, la wîà WW otite, pblat» ble lte mant<ofmeilormU9 Wauikes. "The crier ln for 'tl couidurste blousea, et 0, M lag wora ç0ntauiy te Il and ie "osb alo bhai vlesîlgators fro. tho5Mat! Icegen. we '?II mtI ax »K thte presont but vl lIMe t ain- loffett'u rrtaff .wharth le NUie WMIlaabs e dg*6ýw M4L 6ma». *W blrOdr?. ..T. flli4cs 'm UbeO the il5<lgiewm" feuéi In-le M Il t au mmo*uth mi-W - s%, to as temow* o 'i lobe &; the COUir. I UVl âà;s te h mave & huft Incuit -re1 lb idedtàioa ve ltoai puais.for *ë &-t theteoatm et R. Miller steppei aunB nnoeuncegi ltabe b vo014 ivîe i concet b oin ?mureay emi a DIIoi owkha miel.«*hi Miller qusedfor-, pVpibt a metlitleoubc thma'li fit of tse bamid t wI $igo ry mrdu 1 us iahur. MdLO. "W us dmt »Ma ontDTmo aom ui Uu butu - tei te laseplà% is. etMa Wâc ho pbicualove'rim MW, m q doyar.v *Mr. oMa.-C.A tIbo a Ibis ortauet %b u y.ILa Acou e liai à tbthbbaea .mtotitiaihiccaU tus t "tba Umoeclen am a isuoe " ne, taW do . M.,C. . Cor. A tenwt -lMa, liaitmliaI momi. $ Pcil In lb ori vho ae m us.. dari-eng talti om tielie edu.H r oon eis *ntsa vane dNrng noe cVu"tisColte lit eodiDr..cKee' ie d ils audIor«ta gisle th$o,Y"a holàe at lIt butl vaua ostht bi.09Gnou ylm te I vos ruliti tin vs scb sholmg Wof natîa t. il admannt nhWubiseau abendeoas abo eraan altistldu THe eaker eed hi. audieuc%>tRed rs tlitbgernsut auerrdtov usaute oeHauifne axyaitb«Mdrastit n<.estfr.i e Iitefonds. eculai odate r.ioagcdaiauogd l uIs u Tok0 h Rogae Coui viii motbî lb bnd'rets hi wgac bro of[h tr xouipWt a'tietmim tiéli b ai ri IL

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