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Libertyville Independent, 24 Jan 1918, p. 11

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LIBERTYVILLE TN>EEDENI, TIIUBSDAY, JANU4RY 24,11. coute Indq*.n'un' - Wu gnWe yun1>W uwUI ~Gfiu ' bau nalUv as1ni.twisat êthéOebPIRVIOUSWEEK days' on vuafailum.Rea9hs"Y expetinen- talion,we Id caU 1h! It look&s34s thouglithe fiieflesuMpaiday dfdn't relieve hie l cciituation a gesatdeam, for Ohicago nov fi id tb lie fi Uic>»vot pllgU hm abeenthila viater n far au coai lu oonmened. Wlth Dr. INidezlck Bougey major1 of a nudical unit lu Fnc.and Dr. FP. IRBarker major 'of a -division lu an AMy tainin campWaukegn laswonil résnte intheméd , ranh.Andvwui col Aý. ltt second in comnmand of the, artillery unit in Franc., It le seen that Waukegaa urely as a whole in havIng its band In the 9.The <cd part of 1h la that its miare D r. B ï rk er in as le>vgh as h m g o i hlg i n- nyhq a n ol SOU Jila suoo.d utlIon in cMMndof thé.fat amil k7 msent abrosd. k mMay WOU be proud of her sousWho bave enteredi the branches with onfy their coun. ti7's volai, ft stake. 14cd? àe;uIot credlted vltl*ba4vig any presidential as- Of-mmibitis order had bec. lsued by the. of heralaym 1h voudhave ý beau a S-r ar hadiapla Uihenext campula. Pomitia uewe-mbpUta sl yfoliow acknowledpuMo nt fcompet- eno. IP:ZWUlblybc Azric4a people before tie sud of the. month *0 ib. able ho po.ly h tithe biams. It docil mot ake a greui deal . ference to the mu out of ern- ployment vhimudbthue order and viiome nogligenc. made the order nceumary. It may mean alot mre to them viien smre mon cone p for poltical preferment later on. Senator Loginsiat, lu reply to Senator Stone, that anrnan. Who buastrled-n bard an&d n trequeutly tb get fecral permission to qrgaise a division and take it to E.'.2 w fl ha t=UMbu11-met obstinate refusi ecdi Uneeventhboughi hoe would do vithout eMpena to lhe government and vould bavn the piclc of the land under bis commnand, any mainviiome focesons-=LLhoie bs--are nov servlngthie clon aand are provlng valiaut olie, an mam i ho ocm point ho thie.conditions canmot consiet eh referrd ho lic an UNoyal citizen. Tbat'a Teddy loosevwlt, M ratet w er. lnclined te tbunk Roosevet vas dlsplaylgbtal te lu crlticiulng the governmenh as hoe bas;wvs ho wuva ahleut very ludiscreet because of bis co re..qV I rein aubsequent development.s lu lWamno n a9wl gthe lackof preparations, thc short. wlm&c ad'tohers, it oks, after a4 ,an if Roosevet kaovi va hobeLau allng about and smregood -4nuh pood-may corne as a resut of biqfealesms. ItVs a chacb gtt sd anybody else sad -the hbing about li reW»uldflM*iooseet Lba ad lie ould. ha fint- ad for the var, but 1h would hardly do 1 minern an ex- Procident!1 iudge DeWoIf Takes Sumniary' Action in, Càse - i Mms Bertha Fegers. A iuemch warant vas lasued for Mrs. Bertha 8'egers wben ohs failed to a**er l In udge DeWofs Court et 1Beimnere yesterUay. tolovlng Tç cèotlWou on a charteetfhabvlug sol~ tntoxicatlng lquor la &ABi-seloonte. ritow'y. Mis. Fegers had baesa iltd f200 and coaei; aW sImce tha i in bai been la Oook »unty. The Fegers case ta one of, the moot noterious tissu ever developed Inl 4aie eoty. Joseph Fegers snd bis vifo, .s. Bertha Pe4era, forxneriy cffodu te iaAuditorium Ifotel lun Northz Cbiçfgo. Durt thelr Pro- prietateblp Ih as couducteti la sncb a menhir (bat If becain notorlous a,11 toig the forth shiore. Nuanerow i" s'idwere ecMudtsced teore andti everaI penDis were talten lat* Custody a. a resuit. The Pegers Pill iSt t o p eratlng the pland1 We ýWde deteudants lu a eriminai l»i' lu led 14 Couaty Court lu Wtdun. a angt hem wittisviolet- ing ta _antiloctt option 1aw. Ieger sd bis 7Ate, througb their couciel. lmuediataiy 4eilltedl a pe- titeon wl~ theit pu'sented lu court, #o~a dr! l*aàge et venue on the. gnqij ~lat thémamella.J lu 0. titiedanextensively that Il would he aurpoastble to obtain a fair alad imýPertial Jury 'inLalke conty. Judge Persons isiened to the arguý mente and then grmlted the venue change to Bonne countv whûe thlie cas asa heard before onyJtg l)eWoIf. if the eeaapceil gel scott freet they were dIsappoinieti for Mrs. Pegert swas given a ine of! $200 anti costs. MICIIOLSON LD TORAN1>JURY Catilcblnn get 45, vas bounti over to the grand jury lit donda or $1.000 'aben he vas arralgaed before Police l.tagi.4trate Walter Taylor on Tuesday a! ternoon on a ehdrge o, wkfe andi cbidd laudonent. El 'atte teKetld that michioson has left ber auduha failed to support ber or the two echuta-en. Bile said algn uhat abse le lu a tielicate condlition, aud that tiere scon wll be'anoilier littie uiouth to feed. The icisolsous Itave lived l taWeukffsn for yeara andi the charges cme as a decideti sirprlse to their majorlty o! acquaintauces. Cleoaslng 11Frames. GlUt ramnes May lie cleaneti hy vaali lac tbem wltb a smail spcaige motet OUed wfth OU of turpentîne. the apoogo belng oely suacient wet te tale oU. the mark&.TMbe gii g hoold mol 10 wipet oX .but lofti tadry vitliet Mp. lnt. VarMlabing. wtb the bo01ýegI' "arnmb «a. o litfue$# -Am cm yeau bM i i abd Rofqi a lS Manogé. With 109 Instrurnents FiIed, 79 Côâvoyances Mmdc and 17 Mortgages Reoorded. Business of the recorder's oMfce for 1 he weelc endlng Jauxsary 19, 1919, 67y A. K. Bowea, assistant secretary of Securlty 'lte andi Trust Company. Nunber of conveyances. 79. Nyamber ot trust deeds and mort- sages, 17. Nunther of chatte! mortgages. 13. Total numbier of Instruments BlIed. 109. Total amouet of lmens. $4,62;.ý Business Is stili quiet and loans be- low thé average. The followlng are the more iml)ort- antt deatis. ln Waualcegn Elie and -Bertha , GoOdinan took title froin John R. Conrad of the pro- perty at soutbvest corner of Wads. wortb avenue and Tenth treet for nominal cousideration and gave back trust deed for-49,50. laurece I. Wilder asstrustee pur- cbased two lots on eaut &Ide onZ md. laue street ln Oaklagd aub., f rom A. P. Be«Oileu fer nominal consideration. Ol(les 93. IMâsmer took titie to the go- 'phls Wallu lot on North aide Heim- bois avenue, next t.o corner of Sun- deril astreet for $1.500. 1 ffn R. Coad bougt the riurgt, lot et Northwest corner Sunderlin St. Heliebolz avenue for *1,500. n Lake Forest David B. Jones deedeti to bils daugh- ter Gwethalyn Jones i. esiste et 6 deres -a oitWst corner Deetrpath avaeud Green Bey road, alan 40 acres on nortb aide -DeeSpth avenue, liudlg 1the 'ned M. Steele andtheii lames S.,Hanlan propert.es, also a lot 190z2l0 feet ai North west corner of Vine andi Oak avenues. AndersonuandtIindlay Company flie a certiricate dlasolv&mg sud col, poratIon. InlHilghland Parke William AX and RiChard 18. Church. lit bougit 110 feet on northerly %ide of Sheridan Roud, south et Waverly street lu blocke 69, fromn Edgar 5P. Churchill for nominal consideration. Frank J. leuer bought 50 feet at eorthweet corner Gien View avenue and Green Bay mai from Louis N. Bombéeifor $1,5W0. Della M. Gray conveyed ta Muncie Gray Sttitis a lot On NWesterly ide liezel avenue east of Unden avenue for $8,000. Wyllys W. Baird tonk titie to tirêe iota o0,P Maria andi West streets, Pont ClintoL, front Charles F. iarsh. ln Llbsrtyville Marlan G. Wilzinski bosigt 100 Mi on, southside Kltis avenue fron Clas M. Colby for $400. ln Wlnthrop lHarbor Charles W. and Clara Von Osyen bought 4 lots ln hloc,[ 6, ln Kellogga ests. <roni Chflg Titie and Trust CJo. trustée for $580. In Newport Abert N. Ingwerson tnok titie tram bia wife. Mata uA»!Ii6'erson o! 75 acres ta. northviest quarter section 24 for nominal consideratlofl. lIn Antiath MBary A. Iloyt boMlit 40 1-2 'est en eut aide Victoria etreet frum E. Bl. Williams- for 51,500. .ln Lake Villa Townshiip Thomas A. <ager conveyed -hîs In tprest ln 80 acres ln sOutlavest quar- ter section 6 to Burt J. 0511ger for nominal eonaidt-ratIou. William and Emnia Shunk boUgbt 2 kptF ln Criblm. subdivision où Céder Lake from Joseli J. Kubiman for In Round Lake PIrata State Bank of Round lâake fiied liat of stoekholdera and *ao is certificate t rom the secretary of Mte autbonlzitlg t ta commence business. ln D.erfild Township Joseph' D. Purteil bnught 40 acres lu uortbeast 1-4 section 21 from Hugh Magilzrs <Or $10.000. 1Noesarow. MoesIof uswho bave't aey. tb"k le our pions way that allir~e s$ant mon«y for la to, ho Independent. but ire notige. Baya t» Obis, -State& JournaL that as soeu sesu3ons begins to gt a feu, dol- lea hboa& ediscovers that bc ne«z iota more independence thaW' lo tbought ho dld.' Copyright Pmt&tle. Tii. copyrigt Iav limes an authef an exclusive riliht to priait. puhisi ati soit bts *dringiand goumraliy tii. oeclve right to dramatise tham for a totm et - Meats .nd Proides for a remv ufr easumd boed~ bq vol a liigb bat vth a ma ccotv'I Tremendous -Savin gs iJan. Clearace Sale -What a '[ime to Shop! COATS. FOR WOMEN The Store Of Re-grouped for Final Ciearance-Presenting Unusual P>erqoitaiService Savings There are s( ul of mats ini diveî'sified nu sh*ls that reprienît the newest ideas, plerlvitrav'cd inith is wîd*flolcinof cmats that gre so rnodýèrately prieed, represeintiiig tvvr 'v l style featiîre Jii dulvev- -teule, hducle- eloth. velours, -heviots .a nilponî-iums. ,;,saita phush. Coat making that forces one to diseard last v c oa wi h extreme beauty and low pices quoted. L.OT NO. 1-25 COATS: VALUES 70 $12.50 LOT &-n0 COATS; VA4%UES TC 125.00 olearaflce O!aIcoafEti, 8l tiuFur trtxmed; i s, burela aiso to $1.50; ail klnds of mater-Q ~ includes plaids. new ahades and Lf lais .. .'..................5 styles; large size collars.. ...J.5 LOT 2-M COAT S; VALUES TO $17J&0 LOT 4-15 COATS; VALUES TO $W0.00 Ileautifut lot ot Coats; plain and fancy ma- New style creations, beautifiaily trimined; r tefais, suci a wool velour. cheviotx, bur- includes pom-pom. broadcioth. wool v.' elia. fur and icerami trlmmed; gf lour; fui!ll lne<; asoo fur tri2n- f D ail the favored colorq,......512.50 med salis piush coats ......... 1975 tA$udden and Drastic Reduction DRESSES! A -,wePiiig rleaî-aw av Of 150i( ("ýs at sueli large reduetions in ppuces that our cuistomieis wll lîe glad fio takze these dresses iery quickly. M. They are certainly rare bargains. LOT 1-.25 DRESSES; VALUES TO $15.00 Hem la aà wonderful group of serge@ and smii. -The mfoitiir atone rnuldnet lie hnugt athé prtce .............. ............ , LOT 2-28 DRESSES; VALUES TO $18.00 Connsstlng of serges, taffetas and satinsf An exceptionai Bellling .............. .97 5 LOT 3--W DRESSES; VALUES TO $M250 Men's wear serge, satinm. taffetas. crepe de chine and georgette. A-1 lîhe smarte 1o '> f styles, in varlety et coloring-d...... ..J5 LOT 4-30 DRESSES; VALUES TO 13.00- Plain taliored and fancy modes,. alao party and evenlng gowna. An elegant selection; specialdy Priced .......... 16.75 50 Trimmed Hats for Street Wear CIatrance of Boys',57 School Suiti ,7 These are excý-ptlonal values for al -wool achoni suits. Cashmeres and chev lots. Beau. tiful color combinatins (Second floor) 7Te Final Clearance Brings Remarkable Economies in Men's, Womsens' C& Children's A atrlkng group of amartly tnimmed lista for street wear. Tbose hats sold a few weeks ago for asa much as $6 each. There are velvets a.nd good quaUity bat- tera plush and other desirable mateialB. Your choice....................... Final Clearanceo f Georgètte" end Crepe de Chmee Blouses s-tyles which. open nlpctr4 îew pages i luemds Tedaintiest of georgette aîîêl ý erepe de chine blouses in the newv suit shades. Beautifullv t-irin- mle(l wvth t'flhlroidel'v aËnd beads. !Maîîy îew collai- effeets. ~3.65and 56 (Second floor.) Cleaîrance of BoY-.' $4 t Mackinaw-8 4>85J I Every boy lîke sa macklnaw and especial. ly during this coid weather. These are ex. eptional value". AII-wooi; new styles and cooiî ombînationa. Shloe s!l Ovri1,500 pairs of slîoes radieai.r rcduved anîd gi'oUped iîîto six imterestiîig lts-ready for the final cleiarance. The gî'catest shoe values of the year. 150 PAIRS MENS HEAVV ELKSKIN 500 PAIRS WOMENS CALF8KIN AND WOR SHESIn lacantan"" VICI KID SHOES Lace or hutton, bigh $W.50 val es - In............a.n .69 and1~ow heels ail szes;$3'0 $4.0 ad $.f) vlue * .00....2.45 BOYS' HEAVY c.ALKSKIN SCHOOL 600 PAIRS WOME!.dS i"REO ROSS" pcdaSHOES--AiI ,iz(e,; $260 valua £.U7 LACK AND TAN SH'OES Al3 pricd u . ............1.6 ,sle.4 and shapes _. ... 5m PAIRS WOMENS NOVELTV SHOES-Malofiyucskn. l liteel: lace, gray, brown, black and] two-tune ktds; lact! style,; Ç S j $6,.$7 snd $8 values ................... . ..........4 95 fZ I CHILORIENS BLACK PATIENT ANDO ULL LEATH ER ,I SHOES-Sizes . lu 8; 1-1 salui>...... ....... .........1. 9 Specials from t FANCY SILKS, 36-INCHtES WIDE-Iu lacautîful plaid aud siriped cotnr combtinatin. Taffeta anti miessalines; vglues to $2,80 yard: ,Clea r-. 9 suce price, yard .. ...... . .. ACYRIBBONS, t INCItES WIDE-2atost any kinti desireti; '15e value;,lJanuary Clear i git ance price, yard...................... ý2 t DRESà rlIMMING-PrleeS raqglng frorn 5c tn $3,00 per yard, J14imaary Clearanc prie., yard...................e. j Off EMBROIDERIES AND EMBROIDERV INSER. TIONS-Valuets up to I8czyard; January Clear. anc. price, yard............................5c, A VARIED AS8ORTMENTOF' LACES-Regular j5c value; .Ianuary Clmrauce price. per yard ................................5 the White Sale. 35e LINEN HANDKE RCm 1EFS-SulghLls soli.] from lhandliu; extra qiuathty; .lahuary t iaj Of ance price.each .........................dC. FOR THOSE WH'O MAKE THINOS.-Plaun Whlite crlnkly erepe for nîglit gowns: 30e Value pier yard ............. :....................21c STAMPED LINEN IN WHITE-Ttible Scaifsa Cen- ter Pieces, illes, Dresser Scarfsmf at ..................... .... f LINWEAVE-Whlte on sî-hite stripes suad check.% regular .15e value. Jamïuaî tirear- 1+ sOc.ple, yard ...................... 1 1 'VOiES AND ORGANDIES-An eaceptional ultar- lmîg iMat shouiti appéal lo auy voman. 25c vagues ..................... 17V'2c yard 35c values ............ 23c yard 50c values.................... 37!/2c yard i~~~P GbeDp.Sore Qpér e Pt..closes at6P. m. sot -Ev"g Op.nUntio The basement is doing some great clearing in. Housewares these gay s, and aska its custonierstoi "tep down stairs to sec thepgood things.offered. BREAD TOASTERS-Wiliî cpper wire; J "nuary Çtarance prIcte. ...8 HOUSE DROOMS - Viv? 1 l yt 39cur l -uary (larancp. UNIVERSAL F000D CHOP. PERS.-Witl l our. .1.39' WASH WRINGERS -lOinj. rubber 1.0iN, guar- d antee.] One year .. GAS 8LAMPI COMPLETIE -With extra gond mantie and globe.... vc KEEN KLENZER--j4st ary Clearance speeîsl, *. lhree boxes for.. COMMIETS WITH 00v. ER-Extra value for &Ib January Cleare. SNOW SI4OVELS-I'&t«l acoop; lotIE bandle; January (learane. ... * - TOILET PAPER-larte l0c roua., sae prîce, four for .. .. .... CI4ILOREN'S STEEBUu", SLDS.-areaime; dI Clearance sale ...... L ENOLISIE. CHINA CIP1. ANDO AU"RlS--Six-pair tW a tustomer4Per pair ................J~ ALUMINUNI MILK PAM -Six quart aie: Clecarance pride ...... ALARPt CLOCK- Janui?(learalice. - 7 IJNIVENSAL iL U gN tt -moRE, - JoMpieto watt therniesbottle; is.

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