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Libertyville Independent, 24 Jan 1918, p. 7

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!~141S1D. - Te1k*#% for' Job Wcrk.* t~~~~ru *t!fkgsieon p 4Ik, VimomnseCondeased Wq Mita a. 4~g~mOIbot~tgaugar,lbu pap ~~Oaa «ï omd thit wuv. tieit tat Loti h eloIteddwrig ithe yul bWàr tanur, Mrsllliert hoevlIhu, O80640. 4l~r~.* ireOesrusWilbur visitet ma~eiomoe5abrol.,, laed Wllbei, di i. stMut. JmsDeo Ser pObyïig. ÎUloe ser. Ibi.wat esaqau#.leu Sa tile. hep -wI$j etOrs" m ýDuo JobsPelim, Jr., vas a Chkano ,.AP0(d ie ittro ir. ateded thé Cnes .pper as bruce LebesWed. -'n.Gelden oChkamgu.spent llonday The "l a tC aompany etartea i llilnx thmir bou,Jduary la,, vîth 16-int- -I.W W. K. Kintali wa.rt tîî Round &aion ltriday, aaaauipa1jaart' ly I-e M.t r*. ireFiltpaèral.l, utflîighIalat PhS, aWhoudbli-ciilia-r ga- uot u a-v UBra.sî Itberta lo varklî.g tor hie Rub Lm campany. 1 e 'Wiiiim iKirîbiamata, aof near Vala, ami auiessaiit calter att aineburic. t rid-y. 11WThe ds are a'taaed tu >a-u aex- mat tulie G. Id lltera amunnail caa~rien, eai *Oer ieé route. is. . M, liendîwrkas ran#àiact-ibni Mmla Chcleo, Tliuraadav -'erulouarable Jutige * William I. »rio$ retorned Frltay. morning wattihbie ff"ite.As rie lo .u'arrea'end aomevliat ~-Ivw.ve. tve conearveti the food sauppi> 40deeultu.ted eshowsieliw" cbeap -4Whieatiu. e exitedtui ho hm -m14MOtlW velcome, vnlshilng tein loy >,-Iom lee tam.rougbonî 111, ir lea -ý Me. .WWlamNec tal departet ou Sb@ ais. Viefor Oicego.lIbere ta bbbtdmg eurstd elative. - hd wm h v omc fer a day- Nlr eriett. t e e m plly- vIlite oul su lie bush id a q.u'éoom, gaisg ave rti e. _____B 'entaituIeChtego.UaiVo ýà,day"Me. emueu veutt . 0WB bbte es.e uavdayL viulhW momlirtlaIuUsua #wjfo abaagb Lameshr ampeuy ru. ltér oetBah s". Wsoday. one. Po ee ied o 0.bell for flic laS ard. 14 ceaI 11h.bot cabes, né "soflalon baus ud st ri' - a.TheyM11119» $W Proite ot 9. U,«,Shroed Wvas la'WaOnk$. i-i. ~ trfi Cbefl .fP~Jum 8 sM.STb »i1Mý, ua%,4umw I&té r.Ia ïmhe bhiaugMt.ote om> ebou. rda t a licornt d is. M.wuKrauf au. &bOdoteoosala as Johns *hu ipmi usty d i Albiert TîeaaY *bd Win. Hascoeh1 lu W-0";»u on buehneesTu.eday. -MIise, Meoenw avud o Uniri as km boue ha ire uta.ma ionsa - tesbebç t tb. Ausloci E sehol-me bo elapafber wôrh Tic émiésobool *6as etot da41111d 10otlesoalabortelle. tb. )&pg oWbbare-éttqr tb. use #od buSs mesved - heré t garou !blaer*, vihIbs",quit lie two ep t l sreat Labos h IetMM dkW *a,* e W. A. au love basaOh.ww Tbloiasé %ulld ose~n mon !he homo .a~mi.. » Wsai ass.uOW es. "»rsetausas d ouleM of ber sW E.p usow cherce« uey la, u seen o tebosaSea.e0 bpem oMs . belKd alOn audslog viii m boehi asil eoy se b . Mnis . K evait Silenewdthle *io5s' Blthe m lb. ba. Airu.6 Miue. E. altmui. saytemo Thpte.pel Horch S.utay, 18 to eplay tphalltoilbwM od thT pc e r Clah inviiicli ha.t ffieua ofalithelti Ite Ov thépata Wodmss %liait ednedyeeig Mre, P. K B àgat eu0mrtalne daC Thuretay aiha'îuaoon Th tottuci ilii i attnnehedi tha le 'AFriarYvain bu ILAKE VILLA au attaamt ut arippe the peat week. G. A. llît,-lîell, 8. iuàter auid ie tuIla Kr, uaid hiabel Fait-h ppent $ ia~y ini tlucégz Mjime 'sPutter i. lovli mprorial. Mir. andi tir». ti t. Walt êtated 1 vert tara tsu 'rtiras.t-aeeî ay Fiurida, athaat- ili.' lavce suant' Lot. Mr*.. R a. ttlerwot lhan been doritig tic puât wee. &leiu A. ieîara About aine o'cluck Munday Mornl Our citisenswere calle t t fglit i Wb" li atietartedin luthe aille ot C. aiae> bous..It vas dusov.eid ie. nautile. *ho gave iii. alan., a la a tuer minute. tb. volate.,1 departmeaî vas o.nbad armed v ie. eztiubsahd&"baskets and ila bMMaS u ur thee v awout. Dam vas dome la lb.sont, lb.ie bc roon-imd bail. lievolt* ... s«W di aPieadid vorit. snd Ur. .id 13SISf1làaire teexpren due upWe liasot6vorkruodoge. Wfth sa halà~ heurei. d lr, *Ib«Mpe vould bavegob.. lire le tboabgl bave heem tbae.d hi, crosedvire..1 Ilote là 00oteuthi bler»ss. l'mi iSdd Ciii. *amllnF. Nair, CitPUaid B. Millier spont tbm veek-a piIlbi home toiSe. Jian *uK.asle and FrOt liartlott camp Sisal, vere home aoe Sandal. Mà-. overu imet u, Mie. Am Jaos ead u»is., Ruth lNcAvoy, M6notWsai@slated home Wedmesd att.,a dir. mothe', vWeil vth il eser. hUe. ati VasPesoen. âmr y Vasa sud Mother, Ma'. Tobmaon &Me pqaaed.ioteCaicaga. Mm. ?. 9. Avery epqiab Sunday w bsh~~ la <clémaga ffm. S.~Iaou Atiosi. W»la *0 #11l" hTbâiép. "» mohewasai waowe lusttuts spoaere bave lissa aseuretfUr bi mese. M, U., Su.m adotl 1 dis.sptm prabmala mutIMMllr ei.mu »u lai attend lotâi"e hM ibm ebm dnuya ~iiA5C.et14W ZION 01W OBSSRVER Th euliti bédSlerreporý eside meTS iiRovI ULgSMh wltb thi.e adbg fer tb. fourth moult.1 :Illr 'b ufl cide eqaléibeiîcoid! Fartorllseloged, offices cloed mi" t'rom ocol. jhey lire aaT bauIk fso and onlv thé, gmrpcet-yand 'restaursult trai ecool 'J~he lie awy bek roi, ~ -~ ~ -' were ,opero:a tinthe blgidepartmst i the rosit]and bbcfPot bilaniuloveed".tJ *.e,-' ~1IC1Istr't1i adminisitration buJjdiDg wer Lttle Margaret Ui3Carttak lives goI with shadpq dravrn end th* offices 4 fer tram Reshoo that &bu vwilnot bry tu 4oa ol.with the' exuepion of the Ib*ttedd doriqu the amiere i.wnter 1 ethier. Mrs. EÇpg*Oth Sutherlandr goyrortnent tex advlaor't' offic-lce dd.Younq Ex Incident Re- ea'erYwhe re -surhila Zlon C<it dayý IlWb 0O. W.- Fgtb-v's offire ait-the admin. ~lg _________________________ centi on gshingtori St. l'-fration building waa oecupled by G. RUSS -li. Jn.17 <0 %irslil lieln Zintili!the g4th 'il. 'Vul l6w attended Lerohb doit odr.. EditorW¶ot,,i.in.1. and wlll heip Zion folkma liiout thoir Mr. flartsvas getertsin.ed et »Me h tteu*o heD itex Papers, wbte Mr. l)ynlewili i The assiat tiiThe Daloy Sonenteu witb au office *i'ed Curb. of recept da* te edtg that Mr. Green. ssste y<lg ae au.Bo e nbgo-e tg the.Fermars' Ittue lIISleaf quotes -ov u saylng that the, have hotu Lnukaiegau qperal days T ~kaiser could mg hlgs as weil as 1% PpIqr to.galngta Zi on. Tb omdsy, Iaq' 9th. Tii@ '*dl" «III11beng don@ fi Ii15Usd ]eeglvre.iil Slo tbr ~~~~~~~T prwdascihspi ln~ va a*.*#d4sooklng for a mis uaiea. s uttl daY. Overseer Val- le il Tii. .Oclsy *t 111r& Di.'ords' vW« WOUligudsrtaBdUala Wb.ieaccumed me jva vau fUtniresent, bosever, for be mi>. Ittueff. E.7. Kuifr.look à lied of (i or iogt th. t*. took advantage of the fine dey and a& *wl.laisbo ai eil>y.d 00 Thn ae Od:"f lbed a home vent tg Chcago to deliver a talikt t deeft ~t1rate emillibrandi çhtherle. 4w,' CMSOd elCbriléfit~l Q a " O' or M it#ed ity lo se le, turisY. R e eiMSA à0W01Do« 0101111% effl 9111ou M ti eoot Mr padbiess, 0f rpep tedsy utthe-Zion tabernacèle mmt Uuibbou esam »g4b oe odm. vb1 bid ta gire fiNe. j exp.ete te sbpeak la MnnsPalu@ Meaa.O 0o %tom ai qut. W. 0iigtevi . fVmlatU orvf lauaum*o dayjnsucesslou. 1v eau laltee * Peg . - y. lh. sussl, ~w~n-ke ORH MAIN 'W" mu, b goà*ei 01* buw eW asê~i" ý îme i th bie 1 CANUESMEASLES TO npw. Vs UUy.vemi sypsay poe u eempag li BOYS in CAMP GRANT. I~~l Ors _______ aa gspace, îtaY. GO" P»efrd, Jan. 21.->. show tis mmd rnaa-.eil .ern - 0f peeitimes. vwu ta b. staged li No. -àS'"Y" ibis a.At ibiSle aiS' WegieU f teffla1» eek by thie boys of this oompmn7, MIL R ram aflotiier Re flid: _"Why under the. léadersblp of Corp. Meb doe't you go *% ny"' sick af Wankegan.bubai tio pps Ai. J. a. fosse,19e gq.dsg lg 5A" j 1 d, -I l*wnathlng about Ger- cd tcmporarlli. on accout 0f quSv sb. hueqanad viilieuhoutetu.avoek i.85-but DPeOaU 1wouid flot b IllewW- orr '-- dayliow.'Th- boys ltnallyyfint the messlis or or en dayH.Ne ev uap JM ouofn ndrinble"' vere begnnta tblthnk -tley11 MrN. sod Mre. E E. Deuman of Lii.taitnding, wv U e a nd collet! me a vere bolag alighta'd. Lu~t Frday they ville, eposqt several deys vlth lb. home Oeriially 5apy. 'ër *bat else 1 dont vent Intel quarantine for ii th s8 Ci jst folk$s recenUly. xfmm ad tp taifisetirme uhey bolti the î ie The- Red Crousle planning for a id sent an ecauaon ta fr. Swayer, prouti reputation o! etan ofa!th@ police commliobua.. relating my LU, two compaule« lu the regiment vic Party or somtblong o raie.sino»fur loi lilty ta oomjrébend sueh uhdgrý bat flot, mny tinie been quïfiimeda inch MWe Cro. vork. % standing of Pbgin Engilli has Mir. 'be first vieitmwats Private Pauel nu aVck The tolephone meeting was helti Mou. Ornenleaf bad*takeli out of what j HRond of Wadswortb. Ill., wha, contrant.-Ou da* alit ai, uhe eool boumelaisd. Mr. B-wsyeg r.fused n give mil, d the diene vilie home on a vaca- ap, EN Cîîooaîd amiyvii ov ~ lètter f'or inMe action t 0 eltier tion aild nov Pauli la in "Dutch" vlth athI& eat olthii, eektu tohir t-w hon., 1 caP nnot WtUkmeZanrx;ctlv the jtt.rmio i. os on baviog rented ttîirtaru Io Amblie Webb., words ln Ijiat letten, but il was Rome.tr lied Mr. and IdrMng eux ~bb and Mir. ant thIng Dite thl. If Mr. Croonlnaf bad ý Mire. Art-hle Webb wîl mure on the sa"iId vas EBritilsh throiugh sud enIiER E ne. that 1i aaiScotch harn snd hra'ugbt IDOC. The, Cçoo Writ.-r lataiy vili Louive. on up, that 1 avas a dry work- andi for VES TE RO : ýdthe Trotter tarin am àsaî.n as Ara-nie Webb goot i cvie govrmpen d hati racatel-..feught many s day inhîl IMichigan A desu'rter front the N~avy af rL tai. tnd ire h ai riaez pa-t led. wst dy. .,iLa.es, Virtor Schunake'r. x-tit-d Pe na'sday andt Tlîntriiay with alatines lu T , rgahlg an a,,1,1- In tbe,,Zion last night.and attpmptpdtintrirr. Waukeg.in. Chircmo Tribune abnui P"nshlug'i., rorize his brother, Ray 8rhumnak,.-- e urrv. 1 elleved ever>- .ao f il. 5and Ot909UEzraavenue. wlan S'îae"- 1 1 lire. S. J. LeaVoaalsfa*îa iliifor about 1-'av righat ncw iait tr-.halera o! openeti thu.door hi, avis confrnted Ot a wa-.k, but a.. tttsr ua irmreut maîu ritio glainul are flot lumai iwirj thth av o nan, n of thion bad a h 'm The M&lltturii iaiutiaijl LluretaC. .,for England andi the fi, S areonue.19 loi istadî'1h eimts vii ktii tc tilutl lerlig Ju.26thlq a ar for civilisation. And aorry hna he re i.timtt' jeweatthsr parnîîttligiim. iu-r .wiy b avilibe the day ln tho 1,.S. vben Handia up!" but the brother retusl trAp prf," ;itn -e maocýi-ti saurprises- taooy. Tht-nMrahm aaXru-.n unâerved b> the, ladies aof bue -btaîcl. ed and whon citizersni)nelner have ta lihs door and sha' waa aliso aakei th1A right to, denoixucA rotenu wemta throw up ber banda. Shu- a!molut'ý ment. whleh viii brinlthe U. 9. po-iy *rfused intado so and the rootira .a. Annual Inaurance Meeting Postponad. ilttenallv a in lIf nIil'-'Uns dtzs er O le min ng ilpostometftrieian la do not 'organlze anti flzht the.venyr eth.yugdsierfoht n O actouttaf the. storua Jan. 12, the dcviiltuedhY!hi l y anda trembiet and thé' gun droppnd au m-stiug of the IMliburn Mutual ai Uberti rlghi 'o talir tht.s tand. i b i ide be iln Thc ouîyvi . îl al. Ibv ea i otnba.cie e ersan vltb Schumnakei'laebe- ri.luovran4ronpti &wiliapjhllitaher 1 ohae liquorthrafic. i hava use gv- Iavt'd ta ht' Prank Knapped. the lacky. itag lowe rouait.îd iiçicay, , b 1918 n ftheent for tlb. ep1 jha e leusoy-attachedti tathe Great Lakes haspIta) ire, Il. nsuraJniay2i 98 tad demaorailtziçg as the poit cacrpe, e-ho vas trteti receutly far renu-e 10I:liO sm.,hleur tii. oMeWc reIpot of liquair trafice cani sake It, mil 1 vant ulng avay wlth a 14-year-old girl snd b bl the Company. tota rasact aby otiior every citizen lu Waukegau Who vens fie etna maNae ler e O thefo 'iy busieeth&%IPlay h. broug bli tifi.e ta se goverlimeut exlgt epectablyfae rtn.Ntterbnoti admeutina anti for thée eiretton 0, sa te set igla up anti fight. Neyer min gr eeofaeadfra ieI mM lireoffcensAilPlomier pli boktt@d. hIssa. Pleut of lian vm bu toM tboughKuappen vauld go to prtao". in olaboure Ail Wnembork. pies1lam one de e "Id istahave made tirestsai hm MlbrIII., Jeu. 14. 1918. gone tbrough the miii..I1sam tira the parentp of ie girl andtIL1hla bel d 3-& J. r3. tienuan, deltar. thesait, and ]Illinois ni vIN gModry.- Iee h hl-p etn tvt mm Ur~~~~~M. gSvsyr bld my letter, IL vas tonfor the o. a f ntiidton& mûstéQ Buos.- t robbery. .Rûpuec -FtfbUrY, Both men ba0l andlierchletoveS - ELIZZABUBilIUTHERLéà» YOUNG. the. laver Parts of thOlir facée. Vesw~ ~ AW ' c UK _ _ ehumakerpi voie vill dteteisi tj beu W.I 'T ~ 'f as tuandt viit kqetiobu t se ho go M'N FR M0»,TIMRS TEL fused to tali.VicoriaS butr d vu *« STlen from ashsed ner-. à.oîtHnofrFo I f ~ W R T S P An, oteer tram ZMon Ky lattaiW Wau<* H oin B*on WI TYy1W of a a h.ueap oin b 01 nu of Aviation, Iu bandi net vIEpubthon ta tho Sil F, - iteboui, 8. D., an,.14-Jja 3 mit the. Penalty for deetiotu bel319 .1 -le nlu~~I~Autrnv anil amdit! vurs as-jan. 12ii8sgR5--cetuait ~,a severe aiedurugvar time. 1,011 Ioan 0le 091. lue oa, I jobieinsie*ug-,Mi o s hie mudwJOli mai IsehIoa . Mlls màtw &»», sbasge fata ". tu" 04 "fieelqto star Oe soupés si viôuthe. -W KaMaà t *" wu a" 'SIcéfor a vief. -bhOP@ O ibsd oq"lla vitla w'sr WiiI Enter Training and iWiI tafestrr~ niio réged oJJ DDIA'r Smo Be a Second ueden. the central we.ttai à o À T Ra Ppau. MMthan 200 lîvea anal klllu thou- f' yjneut i ant at Omaha, »o. sua m fnsaiai.D8N -SC t'i ime." msenieti- -Gmtthoe, goar thuue Cod. Ii wom e là e di. vos. Iat»relons lu Octofier, 1880., TTP1IM 1% !fi irrU e, Mini t b ga fithora reno detlite tucanls 'ou OFîfÀm8 shoit tise OavdAiand 090Od altbé St» lret items, and ti h 5 hova ta o :ft psDs~Guaeté. mm: - bava'bffl mmr cI"ly oaànet ttean Wfh theuagriatntgai, Bprnileid I i ilnà te -tut> tehie ' éts'~a!f 88. parmiaon teogan0 e tcé Vint state o! --atlas e *" tMr. T6oi oý sezuta oricglu- mt.PaIe =Ron t beue or the few t i. Lu ht N4~ e a'tfak at et taeeS4- romalng prilvato Ois lit -Lshc haIly 8opiodr 1 vm e*O>DesIt tvQý l"a" mat _= essivar -bu adot Cies*Xia MMW t ub =w lobtire PWý1 1 > .aali.aiowuThé e ti l hseety vW- Qi sut ~ ~ ~ et va en ou a 1-r aU h Chaud s ,ýý pamras ofte uer beuatare John l a» Imm tstsUng are----- ,sariva Rot the vainbek.Th'lnor I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o hae en uutn su. oeu c Si 1 bcnItmesu hbad W. i#art, Oitver Iok Mat Affret W, anti ou Jauary168 g1 idoi M*S t 5egreea lalow sera, Mesie. bars. 1 ripoit st the'>10.5ll~ 55 aS.N D., retiessaiemt.- Tt la soIdttit tuere la bgrely ont, q~om~.ai Ne1.0. ce à eSa'1 pi0 -j 3degnees b19wh- ite peris itva, pliIvatei *o la ['mi anc vil! éàtaift traiulng, 1fic ieed ê lamt t o tffelns- ta caunt y;ant Illu a expete thâit tihe» *çibI »a a11YI48 cdet Md ma uv. l 9oiet oly 30 dtqsa ielov. non vin becamo lactSprgtr'as et ourap vilci ateshout t*simé i w» 2e 3 hov Il vas rc- milte isanl se thi'i r5eiitof % law Uidmfie. Tien, chetotI umbaby* I1vM posrtit& -reéentli Pasaed hy thc Illinis loe. uecmadus ee5ieoSi hlenua, .'.laiue. bieb glaces te books un, I u~ta'~v ,lm-i iss uP.NMALS.TOIO der étaie -- .MThiti giw 1 lin -lve M P#W%:: ý " KA W11XTLE Twétal.«Meautltmrs sngpporiulify. ta, visit trti Ieteuiner y iv spic s *du i U.AND WO WHIAb*US DAVS. uiie .Institution@ ,erlotically andta.lu ~ bveieu . 4-nue il. l . -_ - aVolgwate mithcroato. tb. »asmer. 1 ns A!te asill sta "sblss, D. <.. Jalýzs. m-wtltii 'ha tte 15v vW» Iasst. Itl lasait asise ata fie iMgt. Amrb 80>a ene»W4;lppaalta A*WIM bousse fMlëw-fe erevelâtionjemate di IÎubi 1- ddtluit eitwarla Ira. gm , te 1lpÈe 1ho< l- aul nat(htrovn ssisaco Mo alfiTle. ~ Oord te, h vas duovu la àMe Iarscefr six moatil> emUe. = i 8lbaatmwmm ptmWn4* is b es.sunet1it aultsn- liai Ulle fi.Onlyose 0"blnt tibat'à *Wu- veebi& uifoot' d<c fe' Il! iepslar. risg 10110ouvdo n th lvo Mmd de ë',os't1n ,day, tt he s Ta ribrmetofi piva. b1. his lut.MY fater SeuInenito*"t rtbeigripiae4d lave me the central of thesavpae ud ma w t a iebg» lAke e ontr rànebecu lltcrpoira- - tt~~~7'. d'et a tie Ima, filiovlng tihéOp tue Ai af theo Ysam bt ut 06m" V l din~a poro th*iv. ljréeÙlttoIs s' 11s in- aul annov. se bu a gof..4 MU.ii- flo daitt ti g0O5i Ief .ke aty smanmay net lisr. mau tô tle MY Place ftibe ttu~e le- aomyabout il for bousetws 'altingi antprivatpliai. lue.an mtIf 1I er rrfr 11ago l the tiitor at M b SajM IL 'bili 1 alii- PedIýct ioi e fCommander James v.'Gimie, s«M - - tb d ,cftels mnd.lg oy ho a-lnndlng hoarda, M courtsa ilt Orct _pf» e deiallna&doLatS bentenedt fis Uay lu-,136 a&# @a"ot jisèrnPrmëp" i~a «é ietola, iS taafsuad otW otB& w-Ithcil ékn m wâr- rle d tô nv a itetient1,1 lidbertsaon, a-tint as aidt ta omeeii 14' t. éUerivil _7t ~ << - tJ è 9 Priating that will attracj attenion and putyoir adVertisingin a clasa by Itself---- Printing that 'shows originality in its conc4ition and excellence in its execution. Tbis quality of origiiality and indi- We.turn out. - i .Cft~8r<yud/e fhdependr,èi' Çali Fb... Ne. t aud a Rqmessmeathe Will Cali suies-' TH-E COU *LINIE Mgealm 4, i 't 8;54. Sod vie resideumti Ooflvenlent M'a MIL WAUIC It ~ aesot of the Cty smt reot o&rt i I WAT. cI servioe hoffly Lake mIdJU t trop 7 ý64 m1 p M. uii ,NOR il .àl 80W ON- An- anégé:e aflnapiôWe iremaniti-4 sued lu a Nanti Chicaodnug store Bunday mnonkis es follGwed by n speedy punitmeut. jaines Welcb a! Ninetu'euth street, Nort- Cicago, propnietor et a llttie machine shop, enteust the Sauhievîns dtug store anti'ipurthiased a patter. A ittle inter Robert. Cudwoi-th aleit eterei the Idice anti -gianced oyer Le headliuesiol a papen. .. "The kaiser bas gatIlh ail oves Wl- Bn," bela19saldti tabaye- aauerted. Tht-o Woieh gati teto action. Ordinarîly he t8 a quiet, ea$Y-gatu.h person. nover iooklug for trouble mut aîudîng hits own business on ail at- caions. Ho vas etinred tri ngeli' by tie word.. lie cansidenet unpstr- tic wAn-d-Atnrkan. 011cr men i, lt store avere. oblgedti tapull bina ýway fnom Cutwartb. The latter le! t te store -precipitately. VACAT'LESS SATIJR- DAYS IN ROCKFORD. Thte elty of Rockford has andoreai te acbaols t .o continue an Sattirdays and Clone Moncixys. The Rocktond Reglîter-Oszette oppases tic, plan asi elag o! no,valsuo. il Bae:_ 'Tbere lu mach conepiain'tovr e plau a Ithe sebool boardteta eep the. Pubieo seos open on Saturday and lose lhon-u Monday. Ne fuel eau be savet by ths ches. sudl t trous ioliOwed na long that ibe mind of man or boy runnotb net ta the csa. ry". 1 i *%ehaoi boyse Uke ta bava Salesai, "y as a kollday. In faet - uany of - Mmf% lave lituéta olutedo Mi *i «Q. 'lIseWvho ais o#ss'5rdS. *W bfflaluhe -thcr Welenliee dma suntha Ury. Oum« %k tgo- t8 b the thestere %Ad Malle i deSatan. Say . 12 hi. oméGo t ita, b. kep hssamon fiatuite's ibcy vOl b. entai the Smnuoemmt priviiego, fur. tei thesiterusuad isevie. muet cloqa ?a Matys. 1 na lol, it 14dlfbti»tgt g t bd la t be coWUr-th, aknag .,tlaa iaong-ecihlied oriler ai blapm la tihe saboole. The% , 0.thé, echera ureabave their cool- Md holIday coa on -Satursly, lik nesdt oRtoahy. Te Aebl boa ord bught t. thluitthe.maties OvesÎati Mfem- pafftllétue prset ebéng at-a for 'ies.Aa Nat us- bold, Frat ll "ppg qaisoss suamae04 rlu t g er uliu imue nOhwt >uit aabmiter hbsa. limai itler. 8iela noprasawte âtt«,r %* J. A. MuDer. Tic -liii sofa fort ffAt tic eaple f* 'tff la' W.'. MM» fl 3andt iltn Mgef ustpI noweS sl ,e. s S uUe tla aI. it MM e, atus livim sa OCum" S.0 àiqoi« other thMuusi bsener uni Wn bu*&" mi tisUotcr acros. fhe Mm~~b byrh- bis ve& l ]bula w tS yPa tu. aël. lotàin a - er mmwi oï *oýe «M«e faietr tima5Mg hima dista uhlatmd s ' t. *dtaile a&M North os eu% is6M bbéleset by mow&taqs. la usM ae-. seita. becan-a it c 'va.- gilb oea. a kLLEGED UPATRIOTIC -RE. WARK IS CAUSEb~r MU9LE Clash Cocurre, ln Northa chlchgo DrugI Store SUsdaY 'Meming; Ne Aires'. Mid. ;. l lui dl th bd l i bIl Si lis ta*fi sveaaaeoi muxg~uD wr il, !f

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