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Libertyville Independent, 14 Feb 1918, p. 11

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Y, FERUARY 14.1918. MtV tled Pfflu GRAND J4.RY-#A*RCH Tenu. r*y eter; M j5rown, Justine (Iold, Wai1tnFb ¶.Ti 1.~oB Marcks 4. Chaleit Jockhetm, George MeDonaid, heatiess holidey order today was re. Santon: James J. Craig. Hubert W.' Gordon geh4neiL. R.ý P. Wiaht. oebyFlAdisttrGrfis Tate. i'reiotit: Hgmaen zPeon. oe i'Fe diitao afud N'ewport: (1. A. Heydecler. Cuba: Frlak Beii, Wm. Goiachai l EC AYS0FIDI Anllec - Don Webb, Charles Slblye. Loulfi Neumnan. CHAIRMAN 04AT. COMMITTRE. Grant: C. C. MorriS. West beUtfeld: Cbeter Wolf. Ik1Ila: WllJpm Webber. Deerteid: J C.. Boy",n, A. W. ill'îI f Y UnltIf rasai Amoni . L> a . Be, s dJ~ . m,Mn.A À.. à. -pun. i ,S. Louis, Mo., Feb. 15.-WilI-MH. Warren: C. C. &m es. Iloban, Aexander Wbsn. Shields: ThovMa Morga, D. U Nul.I Llbertyyiile .R. 3. ProctLir. Premont:* . W. SpbVerm-sn Wauconda: Chritopher Dillon. Cuba: P. 3. lcItolster. E: Fred IL theis. Vernon: 0. 0. IJmbdea4ock. Derfield: M. 3. Ifaydacre. Mtn -.Vorwthb, Sr. -ahn PETeT JURNY. Pleu Paep-Mroh4. Boton: D. A. Caapbell, C. W. ('rafle, Roy rfl',n, P. )j. I.4ROe,.Per. <'y Robn'ron. Newport: Fred Caterton, Spencer Hioward, William Riordan, John Ohea. Grant: Guy Daisiel. * Lake ilia: William Bradley, Aibort Avon: Heénry Shoher., S Warren: D. 0. Brown. Wuga:Walter Campbell, 8. E. Blfhmn arney Boehm. AuguRt Iltieing, fBurton Jansen. Ernent IÀrehe. P. Mcflrmot. il. R. Thoma,, <'harles Sludley, Ssii Tyrril, Qi Walw-rit. W. Zehier. Shield,: (Conrad rnssel, Abert Mi. ban. L,')lie Roogm, rd. WefIrh. libertyville: Aaron stafford. Freinont: A. J. Brewer. John Qal. ste. ernon: Rd. Glasf. i)eerflr-ld: . IB. Brand,. ..d Gourley. SECOND PANEL. -March Torm-Mserch IL. Denton: John Bennett, H. B. Hide. AnUiloch: Thom"s Coule. Warren: Warren Food. Waigkegan: William Count. Charles ~4aeJr., F. . Erskine. John Outh- G<~l.Cugrt Holm. Thomas Moran. Wm. Mcflowan, lamnes ,cOraIn. Shielils: Jameq Kelly, Thomas AA9 îleiton. T. B. Mrston, W. T. Osgood, William l'uher, Otto Schaeffer. Lbertyville: lierman Albnlgbt. Bar. Win Il. StH11. Hayes of Indiana wae unanimouar- iy eIeced chairman of the Repulcan national comnilte thi. alternoon. No PETIT JURY. other naine was pace ,d befor5 ,thie Wàrch Trm-Aprii 1. committe.. Banton: Win. Connell,lr. A. Main. Fred W. Uphani of Chicabo was 0 ran: James leels, Edw. PUecher. elscted truaturer, to succeed Corne- Tom Hobbs. Ik,.Ble. of New York. Avon: John Cleveland. The chpice of Haye! came nt the. Warren. Ployil F aulkner, . fBenld of a stubborn thres-day battie bu. Strang. tween the. parttsan. f-ipATb Aam Waukegan: H. Milton Durt, R. V. of Iowa, and the. 51usd forées eppoeçd Fitch, John Oamamh, Matt Iloff, Jr., 10. hlm. S.c early Idoidoy tii. op. Frank Heruab. Martin Kilbano, Frank POIing fictions have been deedlocked Iteardon. wth the Adam' strength aiowiy rmit. lng away. Jaheldn . R. lly. aog 'uay dame wthdrew this afternoon un. Jame illdm * R Kll.der the cembined pressure of votes LIetvle:Ilary llplfer. cnrle ySntrPnoeo en Fremont: J. L .Chmberlain, George cnrte ySntrPnoeo en Pfanenaill Frak Saffrd, ran A.ylvanié and former Progressive Iead. Pfneni ll rakStforFrn :A r, who Joined their strength wth th. Wouconda: Jason Wallon. Hayes support. Cube.- Charles French. Surrender of the. Adams faction w»s Ela: Danle c- ccarthy. made in the name of partyir larmony Vernon: Herman >rockmann, Vin -for the. came reacon the. committet cent Dushpk, Augiist Frele. Charles vted unanimously to accept th. reslg. roote.nation of the executîve committes of West 1D4rileld: Aira Williman. .îoe tii party and et once began considera. Yore. :Ion of à new commttee personnel. Adams aif piaced Hayes in nom. fleetfleld: Benj. l.riOiî, ('.Porte i Instion. The. man who had been the MBride. A. E. Oison. stbrm center of the. long flght*stood 64natca wlvr kARn riur before the comnltte. and said: --l AS THE aNOW nETS Senr A ndrew D-nliger, living northwe*st rio day evening i b i oras roL throughe ,now and broke ILs leg O ssiutq . This la one Insiance or many îiat~j, are happening ai]. over the coun t>'I51yI W ~ ! Bince the anow hegan te break aaay U L .. afttr tie thaw started. Fermera d.R E . 1 ciare the roads are even worae than wben the snow lfiicame down. WiII Lm Ib 8o6Wp McClure of Ournoce bld how hO bed *.S Ihoveied for miles In order iîSetougelr oNU s, nîlk to CurnFe 'depol. and ihen he wondered how lie was n g ta gelS oisl home. 'I'Lw roadq, lic Raid, are er rihle.'"u pg m U h Vqy *y~1y ?rdes Hou. -FurokW aHoIIse Furaàb- àg 4eies sg D*epnit, ThiudFl Third Floor Our Bouse Furnishing Dep't;. has bec orne one of the most important in the En-' tire Store. The good qualities of merchandise and the reasonable prices at which they are sold, have caused it to grow very rapidly until it now. oceupies the cutire* third floor. The items here are a verv fcw f the' special values dis- played nt ail times. hcavy -Ajuminuni, with strong n icekl1e d iire handie. Vcry specially priced 3~2 at ......3q Tea Pots.-We carry i large assortment of Earthenware Tea Pots in the plain produets of Axnericau factories, as well as the dçcgxxtedl and two-tone blended, of ýE 1 lis8h inportatipxê. cied ai 20te..1.50 t.......... -Coppw p«wls.-Nine. ineh' Cli ping 9WIs' niade of Mpe Prièed'at'eiiçh . . ýWaah Bouaà. - Ma de With gla rubbing Bur- face; large si4c;-s#94.9g and durable. .Each.....2c Olothes Lines. - Verv strong ciothes lines in 50 ft. lengthis. -"% Priccd t .....zj Pictures-A large num- ber of v'ery attra.etivc subjects, in a good as- sortrnent of Mission, Oak and Waliiit frarnes. Special Food Ohop. per-No home shQUl4 b. vith. out one of these large mse P q9d choppera. Maies delle. 1joua dishes f rom food tint la usually waated. Caftjes Mil. - Grind your own coffee with one of these handy ,rinders; attaches *to tt waii. ftd ifce......... 9clq Cotton $Oatting. -.In 3 pourid aiz, 72x90 inch sheet, go od quality Bach .. . ......l 1 Small size, each V Tollet Pape'r-Of fine tissue consisting of 1000 sheets to the roil1-25C 3 roils for. Qnlion-The bygenic Toilet Paper made of highest grade material. A package of 800W sheets and -Nickled San- itary Cabinet. is Ail for. .. ..0 Door Mat.-ïarge' size coco Door Mats. Pric- ed at, ~ t eachý .........-1 Mous Trapa-The sure catch kind. Priced at là for. 5 sal, with guaranteed in- sulation. Nothing more cssentiai than one of these Electrie Irons, as they are economical and easy to operate. Priced at ...... M q I 7hird Floor h.. wilitopag ~, olumth for the F- . MPs' ii. ther a"bonisAare but a lltr chai rmeaiip of this, Comn teMy) l el good friend, Will H. Hbayes of 1n Mise Mary Gallagiier spett he dianc.1 gweek end ln Mlwaukee and waq un. Afler the nomination had been sec. A large and apprecillve aUdlene able tu &et a car homne unit]i.11:2ù onded by Comuqitt#eenh KingO f Con. braved th(, ;torrn of Frlday nigliti te iiondai menine. neticut, OrMnk 0. Hitchoook, who heid sep, "M4arrird ln 'Iaste." given >y the Irene (Cook haaccepîed a position à proxi', moved liat nn. ether nome bel liatinPayr'Clb0 Ci.wlth the Davis Co. Pretented adn that Moyes be declaredIj George Nelson came nome froin unanlmeusiy eW«ced. . ,I cage. The cnt waa a etrong on@ and idadison Universliy Io spend a few Resolutions were submitted to the j of enough varety ho give a 'pleasinitga, commttee calilnq for: entertainment to ail. The Holy Fam- h ot hcaoqýolqwr 1. A régular annuel meeting of the ly church lata C le coogratulatedi n osTu N onClîcaounto .ol wer commttee and s acîsfi meeting., on bnlnglng Rnch a hlgh cans entertaîn- bidrTedayo.con ! ..ci' raquent, Isgned- by -Il eaassstt«eeen. inehitcgour c.ly. An orehpstra .mm ithay 2. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ac omtena heefr u'Naval tSatlon urnisîîecmusic. Mis% Mary' flalgher his resignPdl Ll bEs rconized se therd f tii. Norîli Ch!lfago la uaklng a dune ber position wiih the Phensth!ýtC.l n0 wpl rty In s g nt. hed éltfndaforheebowlng wlth the sle et thrlfl tamp..pany and acepied a, position wili uset n i* state andîpesithrugi, forSite now ranks second ln thé eounty, the Devin MliiCompany. lier maiy bande. tnnd firgt aeordirng to population. A friends front tht' Pfansîbiel Company grand drive has been made ln the city gavé, ber a suirprise pariy Monday 3. Ail officers cof the committe. sebool durlng the past week and a,ngit. hereafter wilt be elected by direct Ëne showing bas been flade. 'rhc Ci'n The l.âdles Aid of the Presbyterian vote of th. committee. i rai school lias sold aimostl lti> worthh. chtireh vili meet with Mns. Charles _________________________________ I Save S. & je., Trading valuable rE!ÉUMB free. ait, : 'Cburaday aternoon of tme vrag. Jfls eeWpch lasla the sic* lijt. Thée Neabgne famllywere ln Chi eago Tt-qo%4ày attendJxg tho. funeral of a aephew. The street dt>partmentivàrs bue',' Tseaday'opeltftg Up lhe dr-ains so lhe' water woulti run away. The Young Ladies Club of thît Preshyterian church willl neet wlth MisastEthel Oartley Thuruuday evening 0f Ihis week Clipt- Moffelt bas approved a plan' ndanc-ed hy MT-. William Thoinas Kerster or 616 NovFY treet, Esauistoà.. 1: rails for the adoption of enlsted tiella depe.ndent famille@ hY classes ,ior i.ehioonilidren. The. bifference. A soldier marks Uime wlllî lii feet, a clocýk wth'fts hindq. Feuuith e N ew IressGod iI popular -seasona-ble fabrlcs English Sicilian A very fine fabric for Sklrts, 56 inches wide, phown ln mixtwes, strpes and -plat&dand pouu e=ieUlent wearing quafitýes.p yard, $2.25 and.............. 2.50 ChiffônBro-adcloth -Very fine_ quality, 5 6 inches wide, coors in African brown, Russ. Qorcen and Mâltary blue; very deafrable for nuits and skfrts Khaki Suiting Regulation Army color, for Suit m and Skirts; cornes 56 Inches wtde and of very find quality. Priced at 35 per yard ...................................5 Valentine Novelties!' Thuraday la, St. Valen- tines Day. Viklentines "and noveies of ah iada are ready on aur tidrd floor, faixngs and favors for Par- îles are shbwn ln plenty at moderate pries. Napkina.. Table Govers. Hearts, Arowa and CUpida Place Gada, Si# Çyas, Crepe taper mâners, etc; Priced from ile te up 9 (Third Soor.) P 9 A Great C1 .ne to Saveon Apparel Women's Suits$ Going at Haif Price Women's stylish winter suite in a good selection of popula ariq~ uha velours, broadcloth and velvet. BSorn have fur trmming and pl.uty of colon are repreonted, as weli as 1191 P1le Coats, Suits and Dresss at $10 These are ail winter styles and correct ini cvery way. The best fabrics are îrpresented in tthe makiîg end show broadclothi'vel- ours, ti'ieotine, etc; Dresses of silk, sergc andi veivet ini all colors. $20? $22.50 anîd $235 'alues arec offercd at ouepice .......... Fitner Coats at Haif Price Onç lot of Womecn's fine w~inter coats consisting of plusb, velours anîd fancies. Theseason 's best styles are represented ini thesù and are off ercd yotî at......... $/10 StylishMiinery +* Price Hats that are right in style for %,inter. wear are offered at hàit. I4arge, anial and miediumi shapes in a desireabJe as- sortient of colors, and the styles are comniendable in every way. ,lý Choice of the lot...... at.. .............EIW corne to aur third floor for anything in Hous Prihig Silk and Wool Poplins Wears better than sfik and locka as weil. 40 Inches wide; in a large range 4L colors highly suitable 18 or dresses and skirts, per.yd............... -and N ew Trimmings Ilandsome b eaded ornanients in beautifuilOiental (eolo1 coniiinations,......... at prieus fri n 35e to ........... , a,. ]Rielh looking emibroiderel Ornarnents that arc abso- lutely new a 11( beautifully colored at e:wvh, 25C to. ,................. Gold and Silveri laces that feature ail the îîewer nov- eltcs in dcesigîîs. Priccd at per yvard, .etO3.98 Rose Bud trimmnîngs are very) 11 Tasse Is ln a greai many of new and popukir. Theae arec th, beaSt colora, In diferent sizes, Phown In a-pooul seleclion oof corI rect cla, l>r UOd tram, at each .. .............. 2~c eaclî. 10e' to . ........... (FrtFloor.) 1 Ail Wool Plaids One lot o! Alivoo W& and niiiid plaids in many. deairable patteras, 40 wid 44jabhes wide...1.75 Specially pied at per yd. 89c to...... irhird F loor

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