-4LIIRTY VLE IDEENEN LÀ«, CÔUNTY __ _ _ AURGN ul 4 .5. t A .-'- . a VOL. XXVI-NO. 7. PART TWO IBEWRTYVILLE INiOPENDENTFEBRUARY 14, L918. FOU1~ PAUI~ ~1.~i4J PI~JK X~A.K IN A»V.AJ "Bar@ K..*Iss" pastor of Christ Church Serve& No- tic* of What Wii Happen to Any- P4.Grmafl. B~iT, A "unpsn REV. HOWARD C. GANSTER. Wuetitgani, II. - + + 'f'+ ... . ++ . . . . . Mey ?imr- rMr,.Simpon- Miay>'1i uggs iltai in planning yoîr jUniess Vofi w ant <o bave' pre.pared a se't's'c flag retreseici.1 lu5 ail ofif h.' 'ýIicdIPra .from your i'ouie 1 <orHe <s Pro-Gernian tY? If :ny soldier basilie-t in lclic 1ec K-te. il'fcîtlci liea pol iar. The-,...k 'etl". etct dedlcuatla -andi displav îco îsf i ia'l icl i i'r t"'5r of wüotld ce a vcry ipesiefetie .C ('ilt <'<ri i. 'î tl iri, *c i iii'. y'îr 'lir io.thliibt i e"in- ug iiî,ae acgî<i 1 woitl ,Iggei algo hic'a ral .i 'cf ai Ao iilcclckfc<i ii tusan% iTait mli l'cunir le pîe'îcaved vithc tii,'nantes or. ali.'ti hm pi .un u<'cr Kr oldlc'r of you itir seicîc. 'illitich Pci.eo 'i' r'ici i'v unît i" r.ais antin a nritof servire of eci 'iirrbbe'u :iî'cetauto anti, Ir possilile.a lcturi,'f v;evh t'roicieci."uu" 1 "h '.'ucu se ia ci rire. If Ii hs nol I'c propry frantrti n "v- Cv.. i viiihae'î' oncoe-etme' anedl trtîcet iP vosîtigise soma apîcro ' (vili ih'.eî it' ,-sirip of evoini, anti yrintie cecogn iiion in those wioase rs.1' w117 L il, ni. tu ai"ord:ug 10 île", feeS a'.' racnai euffiieitly attpreiaieplartis'ee'f Qvti eý'tirrv' hii,cle A ,'OsY Of Ibis roIl shouiti teepreiterr. ailhi lare',, c'i. ed saciire'iy in fic archies lv 0ff yoar j 2r. (;e.n'etm. pre.ltled ov.r lice' nîce .county as a ppiranent rec,.ord andlm l.Tmi,-olVc jee',t i cf u.4ermn'anisni môrcl? '1jcamu-i itesud I'e hiacior gud lie had Av part of thse pro"fesionaii lIn 1'c ite'n folîpati Lie'asmuaTusdbs'v mhu use'd in your i'i'ieîratiou, btoys mîgle: saiti' lie' sëlpar'inîorir.eni lice oIdier. j"Say' 'i. slt. '10 yciitknowi"litv of your coinîr. Theese boys mlitii îî.el yoîîr n.eme îcp for discusaion ai lie dres,î'uin '.lcakl. or in Boy' Scoutca 'e ueting last night tee decidi' wiceib ureiformse :cch one proeidcd v'lîb a er orn nai soitan" c)ro4'.imait"' cash or badge liearing the naine o! "t dont ',now cii cvie'her Jil ws' th-' patîcular soldier alioni hec rpri' j inteudeti for a jol'ce or oti." cald Rer sc'la. If thie is doua the bîoy's 'votilt Ganster. "tuti 1matît ini '.c me fir no> ba impressed iv'tic thc e rau hanor icëean anlyboti' 'c'io may have iu 'oiefu'rrc'il tpan themu In p-irtutîlnncfi 'ntionl of atii'neb'g stih un appell.,e ihri' n brpr"ueit alisi citcan r. fi lon teeuti. v'oueud 1ici rahInbleût thi' parents 'r M. ;aut, r then sai ib at ti'va rnIlaiv-eiîo! î'ai'h oldipr eei.'ri 0,e frite ils fzteeer was brcvn luGarman>' boy whevlo shouit relresaent im. Ilhîu sud flint ba lefti uat countiry'far iki' mante'r girls niglit b" selectt, 'I Nmëlrica iîb bhis parentus 'vicn ha wu ho rerereii'nit ibm'nurses andtiaie, v"a o ins li ue <d remernher but lit atotîn engagetlin le e arvce. lie, otf thuecounuIr-,itls faeler, ice saiti lfinceroiy yaurs, fuliiegui n the('le il War. iosing ni' HUCG1 I MA, R. ,T otf is ciglie'fore rf""t.r.'lerg. Ife sali Drector. fis fatller ci' bis undueidcd aleg ________________lla ncto i o t iaturc'andti hat hiý sons havi' dotn,,lice sainie. ror tic. LIEUT SUILL rason lie vaIt lie rasenteti any lm pu 0ti lic te cmnfrry. FORMER LOCAL MAN, MILK PRICE NOT AMONG THE MISSING TO BE KNOWN FOR Thce name off Ment. Aipx Shieda Id comandi or Co. F,107th engin e AIiAT.,W E ni'ported as one' of teW'ise'tisin mn. inissing ram the' Tuscania Irmots. Tt mac, li- anoter 'a'cck hefor thI Lient. Shields,,iiccorciiug ta a uote price facruilkIli teC"icae:go distri. seult The Suin. formeri>' vas ti eau unfil ne'I Ut lui>' uli eticltfeiy a kaganîfe. ,;hooig lnd ae i eW'au t'.rta viei. The final decislon ila kaganblghachoo ant iater gon ï-tInui.mtile by thc original mc cacmal: Mllwaukpp, whei'e bte elcI lice(In- l,'ion of the va"' foodi adniiairalti glnerln cops.W. E. Lamb, coinsai for lice mil IIERBERT RUMBOLD HURT AS AÀS$BELL EXPLOIVS IN CAMP WAUKEGAN MAN INJUREO AT CAMP GRANTr WHEN CAR. TRIOGE EXPLODES.e Rockford, Feb. 12.-Durnig ridle metctes e<n (ha range yeserday, Pri' vate Herbert Rumbold. Comipany' E. 142d hInfantry, .uffeced a severati ln~ Jury te ibis right handi 'vicn a car- tidga 'pematurely'explodedi. A lac- eration an inch long ln tha palm watt (teé restit. Private Rumbold did net ga o thie iosptal, but la being treat- eti by (haeanédical offleers at the 342d's Intlrmar>'. Wiile lice. Injury mvas a V'iy iainfu i e. eaiolocia results ara nt expacted. 'Reînbol1d's home hs t --Wauvegas. SERVICE FLMi TO RI3PRESENT LAKE CO. -BOYS IN SERVICE CO. SUPT. 0F SCHOOLS SIMPSON l8 IMPRESSED WITH SUGO-- TION O0F HUGH-S. MAGILL. GOLOD STARS__FOR DEAD. BOYS UN KHAKI MAY REPRISENT ALL SOLOIERS FN IMMENSE PARADE BEINO PLANNED. A gigientIle service iiag 4 t'<nmiliig sat'3 far ail eodidlrs fromr Lakte colin' ty. mnay forna an lmps'e'seve Rialiice mfeT l ora! ciiserc'ceu.e'eof h" cçn- tenal e.c.lbralons. Cnmi'Sîtpprin iî'ieehe'it 4of Scitonl:i:T. A.iSimp.%iiie la lu ret'm.Lt of a lc'iiec roui Ilugh S-, ngill..Ir , director oftihe( tliloiii e.- fAnl:cl concmi.qi'on. iu whie'bite"11,i-1 ù",lu macle Mr.simp 'on l u mtcl W':l it't ]ui lisc.ue cIfandi 'l'h' 'in lm, i ".' oiî l i nI s M Ifl. qiitigtieil , itI 't in- lFtra Ion, 'vîvacame1 ta Chicgo aI ih request o! Footi Administrater Harry Io the uîlk commission 10 nid itlin mattlng uts dacision. Trhce l a noIndicatian 'viether tice orIgInal reriommenduiaus o! the milk comnmission 'vil siand or wviethar the commlision 'iii reviv'e il and set a igier price to the furmer. Producers couclutiet agitments against the original findhsrg late Tuas- day. W. E. Lamb, faderai expert, In. mediatel>' hegîn going oser tbie rt'c ord with a vies' to makiog suggestions to the commission. Ftoodi Administra for Wicelar, borwever, anitauncedt iat th,- comniiasioâ,i a absolute and thît i ielther ha nov, Mr. Lamb 'vll endeas' Ior 10 duictile what ifs indiobg shîl! No'more fiarmers yl ha draftcd un- til atter aping..planting Iut over, $se- retary of War Bakcon Tueday toict. Representative Haugleen of low.a. wbea tie'J>tter proseited - apIlals, et- the Middle West for more Urin yorkers. George A. Norzaa. Waicerloo. la, i;, 'Mars' A. Fn:eu"'ii.Makes. N lt. Enielil Bomîherg, Miwaukee, 2. Delia llieniltOn.sanie, 2S. W'm. Pllmnmer, Mcilw'aukfp, 21. Nellie liars'ey, sume, 14. M iltione I.a.ioietit c' Ketiach, 21. K.c? itrinî' <hito. s.eueio 1. Chirist '.IJîcucen Chuigo, 24 Berthac Pi.sz zek.same, 2?. Jos. A. .-s,':sr'. (crat laws, 27, Mary G i Lbe'c I .lak PIaciel. NýZ Y., 19. Chas. .J. irown. Cicaego, 26, 'cinni. Hansen,taiistea, Il) Cari C. ('urIvicit'n, Mion Cliv', 22 Vea L . Dansiiore, .aime 24. Fred Woodiwardi, Newpont Nm'Ws Alfi'ado Prflizer, Keeolis, 20. OFFICIAL LIST 0F REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Purnishsd.by LAKE C . TITLE AND TRUST «0 Abtracts of Titi.. TitI. *ueasnteed MAasnlc Temple Bide. Phone 4. Feb. 9, 1918-Frances Cowley to Ai na Berner and husbauti, tract of land lu northeast corner souticeast quartei section 23, Grant township. W. B. $1 O.N. Plililipsansd vife to Mary C Foultis, six acres north of road In th( norteist corner section 20, Lib6eriy villa. W. D). $10. "A APOLEON ONCE SUID cotilsose eS more boxise f AlinesFont- icas, 1b miutepîcs ..eaeititc bss 1ioay .Brands'itCr. ruysiace John 1ukoszius. Round Ltlkp. Cance L. Alling. Chicago. Wm. L. Hargat. ra>'lake. George KimibcyHighland Park. Hlenry > G ickbolf. Libertyviiic. Phiiip C. Ec'enden, Chicago. Pater Malte, Cca>'iel.'ke John D,.<'atiperson. LaXie Pce-sh. 1. At Highland Park Pcb. 13 and 14. i lragharo Salvîno. Itighliand Park. Oscar racv'e, ivk Forest. ('lifford L Oshun, Mîîncie, mnd. N'n. Rohf. Haîen. ('hicago. Walter E. anson, North Chicicao. Daniel L. NIteTagehuri. Dearfielti. (aci O. J. i3ergquist, LakteParaît. W'ni. J. Se'ton. Chuicageo, Eivard J. Shiel, Latte Forest. Pacil ]3oaernbtieft, Higlhandi Park. Ecîtrard GCrimes, 'Northi Chicaego. Thoamas .. H'low.Lak.e Forest. Anthony A. Kiamp, Dee'rfleiel1 Samucil. Cii'eîfiid, Deerfilel. Win. tD. 'ox, fHighlandi Parle. Einar C. C'jes"ti. Ray, Mi. Ceo. W. Mickow, Chicago. ('asper Viclis. ChicaIgo. Vacunazi Preo Illgltwood. -Joseph cA. mclqien., hermervhilli" Thomas W'. OKeef e.Northe C'hicago. HIliing Gustfs0aL. Waukexan. ' Gorga Papas, North Chicago., James 'Flanagan. lligiwood. 'Chares Sciriabar, Lauke Forast ('harles Oneil, f..'c'e 'lt'oa James Gall, L.ak e orest. Oscar Romneali. f}cerfilld. Carl J. flohusen. Deerfie'id. Etivard D.), >H Iighlandi Park. CharlPy' Bachaiona. Chicago. Antoit J. Salticka.'. North Chicago. Carence Hiorion, Latte Forest. John J. Hlardingl. Lake P'orest. Walte.-Raicerg, Highwood. Orville Wesling. fHighlandi Park. Samuiel J. goreeson. Latte Porae.t. d.James l1conocnos, Hihlanid Park. Ira J. Walker, Lakte Bluff, Robarto Gailoici. f-ii8TiwOtd. Atîgtict 'W. ýGrabar, Barrington. Martin Murphy. lHighland Park. A. Ni. K. Vcenaî, Latte 'orest. j. Arthcur Trueblood Shrum. Ciiacvo Roy' Theodoce Carlson.-C'hicagoe. id Henry p. j. Winklel', Chicago. ilîcrri'.% tu, Daerfiald. r John O'f<aefa. Northe Chicago, Marcallo Ricci, Higicwood. Edwin J. j. SiPburg, ,Arlington Walter Sclnaffer. Latte Forest. ~ laletq, V1.' Fred E. Camnpbell, Chicago. .ý Michael C. plumer, Joliet. Thomas W. Thorpe, North Chlcael e lasse A. ieiaon. Highlantd Park. Owen L. Patton, Hihlilandi Park. t. Arnold A. messibixPfl, Latte Fore f.' Wm. C. BrowIlTare Forest. Anton D. Knteitrorli. ighwood. joaseph J. Peile, Latte Forest. 1iarry Malien, Highlanid Palrk. 1 Win. J. Ryan. Chiccago. Alex DeBarteiio, llighwOOd. Etivarfel Johnaon. iflgiand Park. Dwight livintOsiiferrll. lHighlatndi <ust Nelsion, Cbiccgo. Park. Pnrico Bertolulcci, Highwood. 'Pied, Heldeh. Palatinit, 111. AndrewiE. leing. Wiimettie. Wi'n. Nlghilngale. Barringtole. W'llla Del'er, Highwood.. Reginakd P.ouuful, Lakte Forest. Reuban B. gandy, Lakte .Fora.t. c Geo. B. Shaplund. Chicago. Frank Peler Bur>', North Chicago. Thio. J. Peters. lHighland, Park.. -larry A. Rodenbiurg, Chicago. COMPAXRTM EPRJGES on POODSI A8PAMIDUeý RETAILRs A» DCHARGE!> TO C8ON Feollowlng are fair Vaufla food prices for the weak beginuing Pi ary 15, as flxed by the fond adelnlnstrator and his conimitiee,,comp 1111110 Waukgau fod eadministraion. Nomes f dealrs seiling above thee pe shnid te' reioried to John S. Clark. Waukeg&tn food adeinitrator, vho' tako the proper act Ion. FAIR F00D PRICES IiKRR. (Preparpil by tha Watikegan food admninstration. iliective yack bo ning Friday. Fiebroary 16, 1918. flatzili prives <usomner ehoffid Puy for thi* staffles namned. shfl Axeped tfoliowiiig. The coet te the retlier of each article aide la gI Coot ta Retailer Prie t. e s*i Granulated Sugar .............. pr 100 b..9 Sskety Wrapped Bread............Pr lM. lemf-SC W bite Fleur (stan<tsrd brand%) ...Pr lag-42.90 White Fleur (standard brande) ...Pr 3 barrel.-III.46 Mhois *hoat Flour ................b..bag-.Ifle Rye Fleur........................ 5-1b. bag-it4e Graham Fleur ..................... 5.b. bag-ilOc Corn Mtli (white buik) ............er l0oi ba -3$.75. Corn Meàl (yeilow buik) ........... per 100 Ibo.- $6.751 I4ams (whoie).................... Per lb.- 1e Bacon (bout grades)............... Per ib.-44C rds., (,Medium grades) ........... Per lb-38, Lardhaset grades, carton) .......... Pr lb. 28e *Ird (bülk) ....................... Pr lb.-27r Chickens......................... Pr lbc.-!9c Turkeys (freiah).................. 36c A Chesse (full cream cut ta order) ... . Per lb-Io Chasse (full crem brick).......... Per lb.-3-lc 2 Prunes (50 to 60) .................. Pr"Ib.-1.le Prunes (60 to 70).................. -Pr lb. 12e Prunes (90 to 100)>............-1.... Par lb.-lOc . Mominy ......................... per 100 lba.--$S.o0 Rie fncY)...................... Pr 100 lba.-410.00 ftire-(blue rose) .... .............. Pr 100 lbs.-49t00 Dean. (nat'y, hrild pleked).......... Pr 100 ll].-$1t00 Bean@ <LM&) ......-..............Pr 100 'c.$U0 Potatoes (Wisconsin and Michigan). .Par 100 Iln.-42.50- Potatoef ('western) . .. .............. Pr 100 tb.-I2.76. Miik <hghest grades) ........... . c li1l< (Medium grades) ............ r'e Miliii evaporatéd. teot sweetemed) .. 13 Butter (crramery, extra, buik) .. 34 Bütter (coiii storage) .............. 47 (One cent ftgher in cartons than In tubs) Sutrine (standard brades, earte"s). Per lb.oc Suttirine- (standard grade@, Tits) ... Per lb.-39c "uterItM (mediume) r0ilesand btaik. .Par Ib.-2ge. Elggs ttrictiy fresh, oandied> ...Dýf_ (Extrasi, spprox. 24eéà. doaen Refrigeratoir (candid)- ....... Doa-l (zutra, approx. t.2"114n. -. i ' " ' 'c. ~ 4-'.' i ~' FORTYmEI-GIITI-N T DEATH DOESN'T RtEMOVEn T--,OJameit 'ai ell who was tahave 0FME SWO TO PCa EdiRaycwhie wg qic. red, ahreo . IVe.elj E Se' ICriT.Ofed 32, W A S J t E U I' ~ s m ~ ~fM r.f I o i , ac ' il t i c e e ,I o g P ne a on the North the a Eiecolrecter. And un5 ~ ~ ~ LS OF MENt S'e oikii e ga ,re Ei On'bTOdr' l eAmr P 0 <t (aV. t î.~n e', nd l\ae a b il I iiiandh.' t ise r Sicas 111nen<teli. aV!1ao0 rneg ears wa marr?,2, sud 1e4 bo n cr sd tr ,a.11p.lev4i caiýId rc cmn abuil i cl , Th o;r' Ili..Nlceicei'" icitt'.'.i e j Ms, laie Clark awa sab l i nre ve, or'e c,î n q on t Lb aclii, t ive air E lt il i Tr w'etv, orK. S ete l . steteh aha iwcata d g ni bi lvt e e hmeIlg la d, e trî'ia'enuh,' NotnnTh ,cm as 1 ail dThae il t k g l itliaitehst a'. wi t -Tuemw a tuka df nttr(i-ta lrhiead a ti L Pb r k tioPbdà alim î n1',at iooelr hvi toi nd M. a î,'. a i Jm y;.Mnl-o f litmltdt M.es a n rut M aMv Vea r s th 'larluay 11 iit.'Tc't pla e i ag t u5 am in lc , i t' t oue e o 'r c lv s rtn i , a.Ke ni a av tir\\ atptiM i \ oonc ' of ý r In il!."' u". ic thzr~,ce. ai lc e Nt h or e Ee éir all I s andeyieîg [irroutii.tub'ei'l lhe twva nnun tnhhi bislorigbi]al a, qh bai c e e nca in.iui afil hecilcl i.oi'î.ct1lficli. [ircit, Nîî'Ic E hole vu, a d h r p siir tpoo aC i aandie' litai i inicie u.oitacfi "il 1el y. It. 1i cid kih'cciii. gelihir:'ici 'rî,..ta camp bo. ut F e i),.'.i, ~*~' - - M 'miil'i odi iOlt niicd-'aihzars W4'wa arieand ovaasdi, Lacanu qot . Oiti ilo.atone as dci hc'i ai1teic'ii oseestat iviim wa hîria o n a agpandccf gîcd n fir edo y t oifaa ni hconiotl.i.iand t 'r ad 'Ilai n i I .'o (1111as<iaino n iecrrn aot<0 fa a ber lat homi 'The 'baor i ame of t oliiP ra 0F NEWPORT DAt1Eberyvill1Fef 13.dilliaentoreeammnduuiaua o s,; ai" n dna wnwild ht 5rzg-s~ce u u Maiehiig151hab uti.n yianafiid an , ijr vtrs vinh coil't-tklitofh$e'a-0 fel.' 0fh mauuit',talo dbx*, jaottong am n'Porasi.kn% Haobr Gro, en di;, %,, an M s.A.Mrtlyf isFaIt axar Il r ticrqe ftovcein fos'o ter 'iiiy"ars. ofliet, ufal k ur. ik wooat .\i. ci' oi> ii ice 'veele ' nwr fîcgil lre twc' i esbclavgo t 1,0 ri v a oetthat amb lir nysfa l'e diiil aier l Thé,ing ant auiu. ai obrtliM.GW righd. Mi: iie a Ppi>' w i orne b ai'. ' froiI M r e.t-a. Rc eaa whuh ' n la fas-w otth .crei tfqàer lite 1S7.'. 1cr' wasiîuiied iii mai' Beai Rit an tone.î' î ie "to ry itgo nlk il i uihhl l ownal*bî lel.bas aaueftofg ecito a s 1 Fet"l.'aSimnsLo Mv-. Nzo, frK Clielis."iad S.',iar-N l i re n I 'i ti441îui ro f .au uk e Au i4t liet3 ri Ed-rersce L.Prl..c Vend"Il. a\or.,vo lie famsn itn hn~dbrriPn e ld n g 1 IlOak liPark . wrig o i citebtS ilie Tiiai'î lire'n cepr and eoulrent 1. Warren IB rchici4l. piiatig far *'thtthe iiciOw B e. C a a'k r o f E n rtI ll e i., .Ma ont. . ,iErn %sliPnaa', % in [.ltteî i'ell . ...'. LI r ...e...' '. areIc bl gee ,d l." tail a) tatblna a n cbn Pr i dTi'aeTi' itris'în? 'hiiire'. He r i ieu. LaiavZrei rvn h'rupn.edf cl i i l. hal haof earc h e a eetetsnnlrliel OttoC Shwri.LkeZuIh. oEXîoa TheRAcomndwoiscanecarr eienea a waht 0 off ad teba. - p Warentrlila" htgi sîmaaa e -t p 0f as tha mour«4-ý ...... ~~0 . ~ FTnk . s'tieet'r. I Rotei.IniLIe.ceieUfrotiu i'"oct" tî.MrSat. 'i>1' blis $ f 0Ine hmea rabidnndecmteywa Foillie rcpi), 1.-W rJ.gu lit' Cksiha rguerai l Aite rs t.the s Ide* * Richar E 'Youg. liberyciore.thlatteilkti sie esiahtabed raIng iti as esat ied. Marriae Laceies * etiry ). SkTnherr.eighwo h. letîtIli) licemille'conmtinig. FO MEJST CI MohnllO an. Waeoing a. Idec[tIlc.cnue ' kr oui 8LV...OfbtII v Ir'iIe. aione at i a îîi sJeruîia wIeve iîsesng thé ,miaa Te eimws.ure FORn ad thir. "Iiîr rire in e vofit ait Cir N"ti ld o .1.d p ar inca he ' as Pcatre idn of lad.thlo ca n aboWuteuut o et 'JZ OfNE PO TnIE.C Jg, . C lraik. !oîu'ý il liticofairIllefumefeat' Tan- m beta a.n to . s Mdv i i 'icunît c O trov lug O ra.n lakCn. M r. Mccrt'.iban mani>' ultwsanddopouadaThas bar Se then declaretianarru CeitiJonnLti, HPse"neromsanien I asa ord'inly e hat i e ttlîiiv nds0gdla ic. urhngce le ata lm Ic the, 'Fred rCeNothroticieii-c-S anti, 'WaralennmebPrsa I mania; bcrdta - »noofr acorhnganamilie îai li Mexio. . *., n 11M, i-d Fo Andhrw' EP.fatzrnv . Ratfd Lii' Cmsiinrita 1Norththicagoil lu Wilandaotiol»s 4.Fr,.a f1 Patin ilro. - iaiGorefliiet'.cslkaMtaîre titns icacitcnt tf'henr- snt in fras m bu anc0e t ceW W 5.Vaguer, saie. 2'u. C WLiPeit[ukn'e . 3 sla . malducprotis ec ! ai o ic ibt- Bt.sc ld' ia o py thoe a,00 th e et paved; me oiaatLoc é Fred Hafin.q fm n, (ap ('isar 2. wh i EOtow a H l o)u ohd n Fox lAtt. eîîi oa y. M it'i u tîror eea full WdI a rrae n d ow ip. s aehgelîn chang oet ca ls;fI ble ied shfromt owu; é tb ' li lid an M in e anipa intieng2 . 'Franklef in .io n , ietundoul.wl o pi d iy rm Nis ih r easw ê lwa ria f h m uacea dw ste li Bred tWolriasill u:i. i.i of iîte,. f lry S ur e. L <';rtaie.ti îc Lra itte He volu bRack si et aailhder ientc pokcotîn y Ta skentihol a n huchs;oertaigrëM Bentley, litI e, miekTwelaction é aen iendtw.b, a xi h olo ri ecito " e t l.ira l iudbe o. Wloau %. Y nsiW ar!.Aa. vrthiatreaiet htic'erii om q estIo naw la, teii Oak Park.gtIct;'U anfc tlw lu Beside the wdow. fut chidre.laý; 1 rlwardKruege, Praiý-, VIW. "Th majortailf hhefapersraoliuilau'viorY seulurlhereieliai Waren ickc sale. AddcesoM tbt 00,viiaiil'impý 'e . Rim er Jhn FaN'ukne î n W .A e~ c io iuosrîugiaiie rfrer fW -towsnesip updDaty&n5Coalecter.Camp. - teideu.sane. 3.Praik- Stope r, . Villa.y ha adeai uihrièere_________________serge____suit_______________________ e.P!aù Clarko A.ode M n..iii Daunl.re Avea.t. cep el oë,taçile, esas $1.r)o PER YFAR IN Auv" fIk%ý à IÉ FOUR PAGES