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Libertyville Independent, 28 Feb 1918, p. 11

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.19M8 L ,leMf'o il In ep Ban ntIifiagthat thebMado~ierv maa have pquo, et tth L :1 ' us lft hec? t iorJaope Wboh bu' Jb~Ueof SU ankl4wIé i d lid y1k. .an ro4 I%4Ahllde adbi pe J~ U : e<UoJnt havlag ien lnjured go that I it % e nov obe'u bient'l"nideover 8341moii agl.Iant that fin.? Wbatiimord -satinf~ga IIi ôoud thu board have doue thau thid e> ~bts in the operation w1 ibus given hr e' Uicam.-ae ftr a future hiob vOehomatinsj *ée 4asMi e mait 0f th.s ùcefdu p oni.. Ai D. . . vho ugdthe. boardM o 4loertlon-well, b.too May WAI IWru nad elght ortheoBine fe g oalt for tb. vsitons. -Hansen played' a re. No mention- te feceary for thse oth- er manibors of, htinp, sItnce tise'- MYare always to b. tepended upon and full credit le always extended ta - thent. (Wel i t la acknowledged Lake' (Bly K. Manie) Forest scored 18 points wiile ve ta taled 13. Yeterday afternoon, In ouf ymLINEJUP. naslum, theetiret and second teantsseon.d Tetns. front U.ko Forest Academy suceess Woukegsn, 7 Lake Forsct, 8 SIs, a bard bought batte wlth aur Schbwartz ... . RF . Wiggleswortls bans. There are a «rosier of rois IFerry...........LF ...Sherman one why the second teans Ioit by one Marquis.............Owsley Poit. in an 8.7 game. Ase here Pasicher. LU. ........ Wiley are feson;i for theetfrit teans coneed. Sayles ..... ... RG. ........ Baseil lng tihe-tente, wblch thea s13 score, iubatilutes: Douglas for Schwartz luitionr It Os set neccasary t*' Hall for Marquis, Sainzton' for Pau Point out these. tc>' are kflovf. go, cher, Wrght for Sayles. .Romspl foi luit watch Waukegan at the tourna. Ferry>' ment ht.1wek. leitgoals: Sayles, 7; Hall, 1I Schwartz,. Ferry, Marquis, Faticher WilIglesworlts, 2; Owale>', 2. and Sayie vere the firet 10 tackle the Free tirais: Schwartz, 1; Bain eiitrsa second teain. Tbey* met tIse stow. 22 Lake Forent aquad event>' and for thse tiret is minutes, thseti ret liait siwk Fouis: Pancher, technicai, Sher Dlo min,'$ amte, the scoreboard rensd man, -1 technical: Owsley, techntcai. Lake Forest, 4; W. T. H. &., 3, vison Fret Teame. the hait Intervai arrived. Waukessîn, 13 Lake Forest, 18 The second hait. turing thé f irst Hansen.... RF ......... Bond 12 minutes, vas iiil a standing C. Pester ... . ~ Woodford games. Coachis Bnne after tva ibas. ;R. lenter......... ....... .. Batee 4ets b>' thse inîsera. sont jla ttoug- Sayior ......... RU..Pegenkopi las Rtompes. IHall. Wright and Bain- Kyndberg ..... .. ....... Bergen nio>w as A chseck and Waukegan Substitutes: Btains tow for C. Pes stellpot on Lake Forst'@ hepla by ter: Wright for Saylor: liail for Han nocurtng three points. During the sen. Feld g941s: Hansen, 3; R followlag tiee minutes left. nether l'ester, 2; iSaylor, 1: bond. 8; Wood aide was able lealip ln the decidit lord, 1. Proe thrown: R. Pester, 1. points and list two bulidoga nacis Fouls: Sayior, 4. ipersonal; H-ansen, bung tu te otier la àa t'oa is-risi,2, personal Iainstow. 1, pergonal; vatil the final whistle separated Wrght, 1, personal: Bond. 1, person- anLakte Porent witi thle bone, 87. a], Woo<lîord, 1, technleaî: Bergen, 1 hetiret team has sufered qulle per-anai. Referea, Goa.perS a ëhakeup, MeCaun being numbered &mong th is steng. vitis Cash Pester Agilaî the Boit. a survlvor back la lthe ranke viierc An Englishman lias Perfeted a boit- ho has been misslag for conte tinte trivm a utomobie, changes of upeot due ta ilinets. Hanhen, Roy Plester belag effeceotbY novlng the boit fboue Saylor ant Kyndb»gfilet thse rp q»ne mt of pulies ta another. snalnlng positions ountil Iallow Wright and Hall, during tiese econd e wagahsIlequi5o5s tieoflU. hal relieved Cash Pester, Saylor aud l u«bosd rmme ta a Hiaiisc. strength, oisons a vocal temceWo. The. If there are ay contients an t' tata Madamne N«Orca rontaiket l tatIlI the lack of *"Pep" remesaber 'thoj roqured tbo training of a prise nogter. are saving thse vind for giester leur Thé hum»s rue.la mt pbydcaiiyU e, thse taurnarnent. Thse gaine, i stfflg aé t vu il hun2drf Otsu M i. mnuet fot be inierred, dit not ta1-i1 The abdotosai melS a es t.ehave lteerest. Tbh;e vas fight and ae. sforit 0f rali Il rue dpa. l piaylng. In Bond of Lakc Forcst singng more thon a îea ilug ohesIf there la a man vorth watcbing. Bond îie eurvivsjet the mnas. "'im TAXE M ~LEWIs (4ry. TIN YU' 8AYS EMPEY o mace - ef prts M ma gu s nteaured b>' ila ablil>' te - sh iti 4 doit., but Sergeïftt Arthur tn.Bti ilre ieuo Win lap>' e thae l Laisact lise macinimegua s ranI>',if' ataibiSO gwu~ ths~j'qu-t.c jed a en- »baeii 'isetetmore tisa uàI ~tia plotue. 'KW 20r bot h114tkbsd-f fort "eh &qiho 6 nc ate 5t0 Inute. I5 uais el «J eees iai h pe de 'I a a l u e t $ ~ ~ iat up m ci WPStd 'n Us - W ýl:m* ure il la CM*mmet jjid«.taiant Wii tbom I'0e51ve Bio % j5 er f S a thia su "sig lletai betoeuh'c 4j Ir Îi d Siteve Stoakof "Us1v. sl Slida" b y Comce Balcons Who W.ut for Flour Pound Door Lockod; Got lood aàensr o. i. c I- lâtrator maid, -lie bas 3'etused to use wbeat Sour substitutes, and cou- tinues to hate broad of wbilte fleur oni'. ne vilii fot b. allowedtotaget BJiy oft ts flour uniews.ha shows us ho baa wheat flour su bstitutes ln bis baker>'. r "Rlght now his case le being Inves- tigated b>' oporatiVes of the depart- mont of juatioe. me muet eonfarm te the ruilags of the. adBtinisî ration or taire tse ibmoqusncos." Sooka Privâte tosu-ders. The private hoardera ln the city. accordSeS to Mr. CM*. $WbJust ne amenable ta the lan' as tgoakoff. "Rlght nowJ am'twyiag bto ind cases of hoarding la u Vat bornes," hg sait. Wehaa1 doi. n b hvie- lations 1 shall seto lit tlkàtthe via- lators are taken to Cbleap> Jusz as promaptly es 1 ditdlla the. case of Stbal<off. The foot adiainistration does flot difqorenttate betireen the large atnd>inahthoSdes-they are guilty accordlng te the. antunt of foot ttýey bave bosa-4s."' jU 'EI k onuen. wmn u Waukegan, Feb 2c.1 Steve Stoakoif, Marlon street bak. er, vwo vas halet before the Unitedl Sttae commnissioner la Chicago, Tue.sday aftesiuoon -because It bat been tiScovered that he vas a gour boarder "saved bi@ skia" w-heu he Promptly accetedtotahie ruling oif the. laierai authorities tuat he divîde hie sPPlY of 21.7 barrels vith thase Iea fortunale. hubWect to. the lap- proval of Foot Admaistrator John S. Clark 0f aukegan. StoWcoif, viso iii beets unclinedtol iscoif et tise varnlag lesuedtota isa b>' the local food administration. as- stunet an entîret>' different attitude when taken ta Chicago ont contront- ct vith a conviction af vlolatlng food regulatiosse wbicb placet hlm subJeet to a line of $5.000 or a sen- tence oftwtv years lu tis etestsai prison. le giaspet eageriy at tise apporlunil>' ta compi>' vils the rui- Ing vbich prescrîbes tiest ise istll retîa a Ud-tys' supply oui>'. Gene This Nos-nine. Food Adminitralor Clark, sating on Instructions trom tise federsi tii- cer-s, lise morning gave os-dem, ta seves-al local men ta caîl Stoakoffs bakery snd get gour. Frank Nolan obtainet an order fut .6 bas-tels. Tise SouthhSide Baker>'. Adamt Denso's baker>'and tise North Chtcgo baker>' ail necelset orders for fivc barsel.s aab. as dit W. F. Hanse, a Wahsneo s-ceet grocer, Wiser these mon vent hoolise bak- er>' for tise gour Ibis mosring they fouat the door locicet and w noe ippeas-edtotaknov 'viat bat become of Stoakoif. Raid Io Plul"nsd. Tise matter vas roportedtel Hin- ton 0. Clabaugis, of tise departntent of justice aI Chicago. Ordere ver. racelset to take as drasîle action as ntigbt be necessary. Foot .Atnin- Istrator Clark and Secretar>' Paul WilIis af tise Chamber of Commerce, Interpretedt tiis as permission ta bal- ter tain O ie ofitise baiery If necessar>'.and remaoetise four b>' force. - Tise ahi 0of Assistant Cilef of Police Thoamas Tyrrell vas oblaînet. Tva neirspiper men aocomspauiet -i saidlng part>'. When tise part>' reacsedthlie scene of propose! actIon It vas foundtbtia force vouit not bc necessar>'. Stoak- of bat relurnedtota is baker>' andi vas pe:acefuli>' ongaget in sellng oui loaves of,bread. Provei Ver>' bocilsý "We've camne for tisaI four," tise foot. admînislsulor sa.sd. **Sure! Sure! Ileip yaurself," vwas the repi>'. etoakof sait heh tut aIInîsnded te block tise efforts ta carl mvi> tise ronflocatet gour andttstIl jusl ltap- penedt t Ihe vas, aawy vien tise truckss bactet up for tise tour. About Ibis tine Frank Nlan or- rtscd vi» a large mater truck and lise vork 0f carr>iag ont ltse 35ban.- rels of four 'vilci bat been meignet ta hlm was sartai. Tise four w-an ln 100.pount qcds: Seveut>' of liesse sioks. or a total of tiree and one- hait tons. vere Iaaded on tise truck. Mr. Noies gave Stoakoit a check for the tour. Question About Anglada. Ur. Clark sailtaI Stoahot vout b. alavedtot retain 60 or 65 barrols, ant tisat tise rail ouit be Parcelet out an Itlaluneotet. Ia viw f the. tact tIsaI practical>' ever-> dealer lan tise cil>' li short of four tise boarting on lte part of Stoakoif alloutet- neai>' ever>' resident of lbe cil>' Iül Angiata, ProiPrietôr . the tiante Baker>' on 1Madîsan sirent, al- se la out of ftour and lhas lsstIo bar- sow f rurdifferent tsqker84 Acet-60 lat tol Mr Clar tiser, leis ntt toubt au ta uhetisor or ual An" a i i ho. givez ay.' cftise four W",it bu beau confiscatet. 1 U Blng Inv.stigated. "Augata boa not movn-a tîsolt- On tbat Dis tl scommis- om- plaints en Wilmnetté IMPEDES THE SERVICE Waukoga n 11 Fight Has En- 11:18<1 !, i O Allies along leShire 'WaukogM aa Smot vaglng a ion@' figt Inle efforts to gel tise pub- [le TUlltbot omOinssion .ta $et aâide the Provisioni of an oit franchise 'îhich cOffole tiie Chîcago, North Shore ant Mlauke.e eleclric rail. roadto1 stop île cars. înciuding Ils limitet trains, et ever>' csossing. Ghauqney Teck., -É riauÎee laiv >'er. wiio reOest1Y epsulainedtot the Minois public utllîlle comsmission about deli>'tu1 trains on tise North Short raîtroat. vile paslng througls Wllmatto, bas been Invitedtol testi. t>' il tise haarlag 0f a eu whici has been startet betore tise commission for thse purposee afelminating the deleys. The &«rinng viie b. boan tlarcis 12 la Cileago. Tic caso la that ai Moueant> A. Croaboini. William tBcimett=aua LIotsers aInst tsel nalîroat asdth11e village of Wilntetle,- TiLipa As n. teutbut tisat Socre tir>' Pau! Wllleofthe -Wankegass Ciamber ot Commerce.w-lu l ue cal et upon te toat>'. Olisor local cili- sensao vIii b. c«lletdlanas yl l ii- zone bisantotiar norti sioe. ova. la laicanal>,' Tii. hearlng vas brought about largil>' liroughcons nlcati. o ta1049« viitictheutilîlles commisson ab>' tis.Chasuber et Cons morces. Tih. deamnt ualtise WiI- mette ordinasce, be net sotte li so trong that Il la thosgist-tihe cons- miasion viii iee tise easouabienes of tieetentant. ?Mato For EncIs Othse. "Bop, 1 fe.r >'ou are not la a pool- tiou te mars>' jun nov," -But ca't n'at. We vere ntute for eaeh ah-ý ou'. "Tiser. viii bave te bc a 11111e 000007 mata, loo, My>' o>'." IWO#o " ., ation vas especilhi>' ultrestlng. UR4iUS OMEN TQ Msr& Besulasclaet ber taltu b> speatt- ~~ ing ofthélt responsibillty Ihat Amees-- K ETEis R IItIR eau vomen have of itelping ketp nu lise moral of ous- Sghlsng m"c. fQPOWIR TO lEp MI»s o:>'nn detot- sangs. Sht vas ver>' caretul lu ber Laet oveung. embes ani coicesof isumbereanestber alnglug a Lat evnIng memer auespaclail>' plesang. , trieuds0fAtie Young Womsn's P'a- Aznouncement îvas mate of -lits i. trlotle league heant -Msa-. S. Bemis Maroit meeting. Dr. Raciselle S. 0 et Ciaigo. Ss Bemis spoke et a Yuma w ilii ring tise educatiossat k. number of ver>' practIcal waye In fibR M 'Ion' Lt &egi45" A las-ger g wauditloriusm wyl be secure vises-e a vieih tise girls andi vomen of thea lanteru mai' be syet. Definite an- conty sai'Se of tar-reseising ses-- nouncement liter, but tise tentative vice Suie lea aistuent of -tise econa- dtel la Masci 12. mie conditions bs-asght about b>' tise - ___1___ vwar. Ms-s. Bemîs urgedthtie registra- 1 Bond théeLam. lion ot vomen votera and emplalet uOi tise value af tise registrationoe tise A 01idge sa>'s lier. le no law . against a man's making a foot of vatspaver of tise nation. Ha'r himmeit. Ilven the la% rus-el>'1 il- discussion of the ptvblem Ofetc05155' tmpts the lmpo.slble-Houston l'oil Senildthé eonomy.attaci oui shores, as "Ii adoui tortificatioh a et for' bolvl-sdIV*MIrewlcme mysIttibit. lViser viol.,>'rf. mu itic mou ulai lhe gKM&.Il ual> akeakaçeidovablon' te fiuiit mes vith uabatrnouve.. iithhsa4«e or baeka&s, bllou-wltb kjtmaâ o iver RDoaect. Et"*gu. baut.. iat "Sont lb rien. mttlsm, and rlsoumatlum ingoot." Ir unore acit la formgo lalubrosse vithin t he botdy Il la passet on ta # Us bit.. uiici act a liter t pmasoff th" Poison. Ifl t.ecroi e . nIet cretl b>' ths kitnes.., t la tlstributai througi lie tissues. The cioleo situs for -ueh etorage are la tho joInts, mue- cle-heatia, viero the. cireulation la veaboui, aest er. o tise sikaiiw of tise blood l& loweat. Consoqustl> vo must do everything to throv off Ibhis strie acid poison. and simple 1mohots are best. Flusistho kit..>' b>' drinkint 4ite 8 hm et lmetatr ho. tw-een mmi.. A ont or- botvater a hait heur.isoforo uma"î Tae. Anurie (double stresgli throo tintes a ta>' for avisil -. invigmste est alît hé* ki«teo>'stdouot tbe unte soitpolom .Durlaid ior Tain>' veather thée lgqnat3c a ta hIte b. eluglUan ad thoe loottrsmnretard- sd 1f ilo SdI la ruont st la apit. duo tlio capillrlos. Thascmpta for Miur msel.coditionssucw shcbad- a&eh*, neuralgl4s, getrie tlstunbaaee, am dtuli MW&. At*9. usadlhion pro- gpiss, vu oftema bave leusg -O, tw -m et, the bhut à" arteulbueakt. ing doim ef the. kutaqurhomatiam A«ty at' >mptem n me.t Osmut, Iiaimoue vstm, aMd tais Au-ile (double saiM> affrIN' h e ad at bot tne for feu'versi vma stai tims. a"t mou vini oue tm ois urte ud es th tisleus. tafollew. ý-àAnurie luia recent scientiîfte ticey b>' Dr. Pierce, Chief ef Staff ai lb. Ia- valiti' 001. ant Sitrgecal Iastltuta, la SuRaOWN. Y. Sen te tobm for a triai package of Anurie, 60e for luge. Sideguarded -Lnvestmoents A E your dollars WO.RKERS or IOA FERS? Money that isn't profitably invested i3 like grain A that isn't planted. It brings rio returns. Leok back into the history of practicaUy cvery great fortunie and you'l find that it was started by a good invcst- ment that paid big returns. Every nman or tvoman with i oney siîoul seek to mke that ney fl r m omiDely. Jay Gouki once said that $100 invested in the righî thingat the right tinte woul caru asnusuels as aman stcadiiy eniployed. You should profit by that souind advice. Tt la our business to advise investors WHERE and IIOW to in- ,est whete their nioney cati earn a maximum of profit with a nmax- iinum of safety. Let us tel! you- about our plan. A Party' at vsiloe ftnsqg people of tise Preabyterian cisqrh ani thets fslente vere present va. bei t aItise l'rogrees Club bouse 1ritay nigttt. Il ves ane of tise most uceenstul ef- faire oftise kint given bore tels vin- ter. Tisere vers neani>' 60 presen' ant a ver>- pleasant evenlng was 4pent b>' ail. A fine luncheon vas'servesi at tise close. Tise girls of tbe Yottng i*die's' Aux- Iliar>' entertainet a asimbes- ot boys; Iron.thtes Naval Station aItishe Prag- rem. (lubbouee. A xa<lst enJoyabte social esening vas spent andi a fiue tuncb vaservot. Mis Mercedes Neahaus h" rse- tus-nedtot ber vos-ltaItishe eC'ntral schoi t is a eek. Tisé TinseReview Co., sipects to slat tise lanulng et their papes- sagius this yacht. Walter- andt fIony dOrabeusier of' Port Waasington, whoare wosklIn Nos-th Chicago, recelved word Tuts- day of tis e sals of thoir father, aud loftI for honte lat igist. Tise FiflIs tGrade ront of thse (,en- IraI scisool vent oser lte>top iu their thnl.t t iamp eale yesterday, that là, lise>' bave soIt $25.00 vorti of atampa. -Lteul. Butte, w-ho la now- locatesl lu ChicaggW. -as Il arranged ko that he eau come ihome ever>' uiîht. Bernice Breen. vis an been III for sçseral soec's, returnedtotaber vork aetihe Central ichool Tuesta>', Penld et M le TiiMMY. -An opttiie o ek 'd lkMb Yo an d.» omit Mr Binas. "ýB>' lis1 lasnthéi ktnd of cool Th« mk«thebuit et tht gi." A ad Way. - «Bêem la abai vs>'." MEoke, eblu "Vese tàtista. He'@ towva th th» pont wisainabot>' viiilatdbita Hes Advemtege. 'Nov ca mou"ka0i1P tise prownja thst jour craisblog la a profitl ali- "Weil. eny va>'y y«lookaIet it tla a aotagalo." etwscusthe Acta. «I ans golpg ont 10 seo a man.7 'Whst. eani" "But aient jou airait of OYe- "am oewcg4iy usttious. Wioa geru go b. vs-*O ie%* me for bh l~' «I-1 <onoragr ouce iestrool. A NMm W..ovos-j. "'va tiscovret ï vsy la eep a foatoi Peu fris.lsakmsg.". TIaV l 0 Lot me ln, pIeuse" urorlget tg put flit ln Il."* Tihe Attqlrtosi. Smala Bol proul>)-My msner'i lu V#tte Girl (merntuti-Hfuh. s>' m'as icro al lie tine. Tua Wttyte Wed. 8.9 (itlaaiag bnowledg-Are bra4ss sisigulir or phütlu? 81e (ca>'y)-The>' vouit b. aMm- lai wItisyols. Well Weil o S oubnuto-Wsy dota lie' oei "Doetor isart'ummIt rbqisfualoto *t peîlcaeo te rua an autom5ls.'gq "WuihO's b en Pt thepaISsIs. *slfere 55Dey fPumences. Tale 14 an Asgo-0axon word. bp (Chnilmq. basse YEssetito. me M~ Cilotlman lima. andthtie yuto is'g h UdiO to ha lie=on la rt#,for hie mai14 cof a -blgciof ui for"néqe&M bits of ils' A g mal" oneuu Me te taut trI n >es .CýrLtmaa fins itis. ,EUt -*«l "îe bdm;othoetdmsof furmaeuS o Yen Can Use 7ud» Couponin ta WÎ4U.g Szcriies Trust Campa.> ~122 SoaisrMidhI5Sno--o; Chigo. III. 51 îease renid me AT ONCE yonr C5r)rj:i Wand '.-cur ca-s or Pavmcn lan of bus-sn;, 1-1 ts -el, 5requesttin. no iway obligatcs use. .'sare ........................ ................. IAddress.............................. ..... City auid Sitt,................. ...... ........... TwUg psaalInvestment Mrtunities NVsr hll'.e I preselîît I.ssbrr w-o epcialiy elr iv um* ot o porîunlsie. 15' s thesé offer aunsusi profit posgihlha. T; amousntt of ttucl in - earh is l"sst-d su 1), NOT DELAY. Ask f'ur OFFER B3 Securitig.4Truiit Company 122 So4% tlobIe Boulevard 1 - n Ili e 1 Brokerage Lýepar!ment -,. The Securities TIrusteC. quotes prices on iisted and titilistt'I stocks and bonds. M'c invite inqîtiry wthether you tvant tu but- or .e.We can allen save you'isone>' on thse investinent youte isli tI isake. If yutî but-e.non-dividcnd-payilg stucki write -fnror ar plan fur exchanging themn for.3tocks that arc paying dividends. Underwriting Depawtment Wr Crigidly scustinizv. andI s-trcfily Investigate corporatiows i lit aîsply lu us for nur fingncial serviscs. Tise> have tu isasA inl our e.\atination bcforc ive uiitlerîak-c to present their --ecdirities foi- investîttent. Whcn one passes the test we cautract for the sale oi ils secturitcs. This type of investnenî-when sound and weill man- aged-is tvhat Jay Gouid aiiuded to as "Thbe rigiht thini et the. right lime."1 How to Buy Seçurýities, mti eau bny sectirittc's through tIhe Securities Trust Comnpansy ejîhier for cash or on easy psylmmnts. We niake a usoderatc charge for carrying' îhe stocks we buy for you on the deferted pa>'- muent plan and you get tihe benefit of ai!. distributions of dividende, bonuses, etc., matie y hy e companties iu which yotu hold titis stock froM the day we record Your (irst payment. Let us tell yoti more about this plan.

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