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Libertyville Independent, 28 Feb 1918, p. 12

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- -- -. - -. -. --,- - L!E~RTY qT, TRLTRSWA OGNSUTW! "u o ftudon S1 pnEITBROWN lag? Wsukegan, Pcb. 26, Aagenumber of friandeasssem- M0 et 1the PrabYte4n colurcb uenIay the 24th, 10 uitness the dedi- ,Mt1lIof 1the sevice flag la homor .* lb. men frosu h clnirch who have ýtaepded te thir countrys cal bt sorr4teen youug meu et the churcli ,-d congregatlon have jolned thse ,ors s«d the meeting on SuudaY ,*et lu recognition f theiraci. Tics. are the Preshytorlan Young mml»Uw serving 1the colora:L John R. Dvi, Go. lamait.. France.. jlack £m.in, Gao. Caiboun, Johnt MoUrriien, Fiy Thompsoni Rockford,1 IL Jim Skeiton, Kentucky.t PL Konnet. fflrhur euamen, Cambridge, Mass. n~ RObi rwinm, MYlaad., ii Oedwm«e.sAct. Ti dedfication ceremouy waS vry Impressive one and especial ~Ift vlow of the arrangement of a nuo-, ber of sentiments *hlch Mr. Chîdes-1 -,a« rmnled sud afier eac one the congregation respouded lIth the ~word: "We dedîcate tis fias." 'Tei'sentiments as rf.neated b h 1e voiterand congregatlon: Imbjii s;ýd grit ifl rlOusÉIp ta qmr owu enlIstifi meu. <R) We dedîcatè tlii fiag. 9 To celebrate ail ftlion and moth- "'l'o aU vomen truc as the trueât 0<mn- So 11 patriote a ithes.rmy snd lu the liavy of the U. S- ,To ai uoticed snd unuoUged deedo <:ayaty te, the U. - To Seeceas for al the operationi oi< the goverumefit lu the wa- j. uçiai ln every action by tht A Mysd Navy- <R) Te aUl men williug to serve the:. ontry lu obscure sud humble Tlo men iervlng lu air, on ses. ln ts.eh. ln camp or station- To gpread truc liberty and eul ohanee for every man- To pro0mOte the social, poliical, iaidi meutliprogress of Iis race To spresd the eternai rlght sud pitOmote justice for al l mensud t1 &l Utiolli. large or small. Mlo uarr oir newist Ioyalty ta thf aei s ad goveinmet Of these Uit id Smatesa lu War or Peace- IWÉ DEVICKTE TMfS iiA(r WAUKIEGAN LOClt,0. Va au*be h e ot i@ i fa m là. au aa eoopm 1 Ons U b . lii» sit1h u saboda t e mi. ai abaU w wi beutlulaBpa o»mi So m a eltonemndl4.0indoor t- Md ~ owm th" mie ur iitsiS ;an lb. rd lii t r schedullng, ai the neéçssary biank2 on which 10 make the returns are lacking. He said It was prinsarily for thia reason that an extension ol lime to April i1lied been granted. Ileantime those wth net Income below $Z1,000 are being scheduied and there la a constant rush to the fed- erai building. The Thursday Evening club meet8 Asiaa* ciItof!-Police Tyre4li S r-s do a totday for the Irst tàin lu serai deys-, having bien confiued 1o hiseliomg by Illnees. " Leltoy Biater, an assistant' city editor of the Chicago Examiner. and formerly a reporter on the Daily un. left for Rok.ord today ?where 1w entera training with the army, hav- mm oft gMme. at ln. a" ~wOSthe tue-mmue la cornpavattv.- lI mel. robabli ho omM .but ho usa not u* watd I.lithé aot" b tb.mou*ltut r dvu. - ct -idas t mewsratu-ou ' 0f roupt da iS. mobe M'DONALD HEADS Ni. Y. NAV YYARD) TO WNTHE STATE TOURNEYAT ELIN <Uy K. Masse) This -la bow we're going -to Wl t4i état» touruament ai BIgln, Thurs- day. 'anly d Saturday. 'l'his l tiai l&$eeulo and probable ulunifs whi bas bçenu picked hy good au- thoritles. Thse frst gamqe 1 I s 81. m., Thorsa day, 'bebween Antioceh sud Batavia. Batavla cholce; aI 9 p. in.. Thura- Ing neen arawn lu tne recent oraft. i day, Iloansd Gien Elynn, 110110 Vieluty Coroner Conrad held am oice; aI 9 a. m.,. làriday, West Au- Inquest ai Zon Tuesday afternonnrorandi Naervîlle, West Aurra ou, the body of Mrs. Sarah L. Smi.th.-elsoîce; ai 10 a. m., Vorkille aud wbo dled Monday ai 4 o'cloclc. The Geneva. Yorkviile cholce, -ai Il s. evidence îhowed tati he died of m.. aBtavia meets Waokegau, Wau- chronlc liver trouble, but without Itear Admirai John D. McDonald kegan chokce; aI .9 p. m., Elburis medical attention. lias beau nauîed by Secretary Daniela meets Eulgin,' Elgin cholce: aI 3 P. A junk gaîlierer *amed Cordon, toahec<èmmandant of the New Yori , at'rr mem'isae called the policee up at 7 o'clock last uavy yard. McDonsld sa elevatedn.,BiAura net Hndae eveing sud said that four men rid- 10 is Preseut rank only recenîly.isdaWeatChicagot 4p.iay, Wheatou lug lu a jitney had baciced imob ig lie ol the Arizona on lier trial trIp.and choice ico;pa ySp.m. un e et car ou Grand avenue and Qmashed 1 l t ____________8p._m._Dundee______ bafly. Tihe police responded hut Piano, Piano choice: a " t9p . m., Rlolq were unal tb locale the offenders. salue or the largest stores early inmesWs uoa etArr Thepolce erecaled te cr- hie morulug before the stores opened cbolce; Saturday at 9 s. ni., Yor<(- ner of Washington sud West strecta a croowd a s een waltlng fçt the ville sud Waukegan clash, Waukegan Ma staafernoon jliy thse report 1hat clers la arrive and give, them o:- choice; at-10 a. m., Elgin pisys Hins. thorawua'a mddog there Wheu 0ùî .t ~ dataeof thse dele, EhI4 i ce; atIil s. lu.. the arIvd te dg eemd sr-many bargains. At one store 26 Wheaton stands Piano, Wheatou they l arid th dèg imed sour- pPopie were couflted standing wait- cbolce; Saturday at 2:30 p. mu., West prlse 10 tofnith a t yoi ahold î1ng for the .loord ta open. These Aurors moita Waukegau. Waukegati taani6hl fstc athug. eaunual Dollar Day sales are proviug choice; ,ai 3:30 p. sm. Elgin sud A meeting of the foodl auminîistra- qulle a magnat ta the Waukegan Wheaton iplay, Elgin choice; and ai tor; wlli be herd thia oveuîng tuntthe stores. People coule from aIl over 8 P.n. occur thse finals betweeu Chamber o Commerce building and the couniy asu'd today belug a beauti- Waukeigau sud Elgin, whlah wilil be a the iprice for food wili be fixed. 1 fil day sofar as the weather wenî, "thýiliier," but Wstlkegau isethse blinId ha the prîce on several Sused a general Influx to Waokegan [cholce. g'ei 111ehc e wéro Masideahh. stores. The merchante as a whoie Are you wth us lu Ibis, Wauke- ci yi ibocuse twine werc biru ta Mm.b -»d Sirs. Charles Shutts On NWa8l- làgtOu'i irthday relaîlvPs have aug- - guote tIsaI they bc0 calted "Ab)e"a Wasinlgtont'Butto sud 'George -in.-c Sigluulung witb tbe fluet of Marcha .It - ud be necessal'y for Waulegan f ppi10 opirciiso ceremis, Pound fOr :,umd. wtb purchasei of uhile flour.t -UVp toa tismre people' are ai'owed lu .-ut-se ubihe flour ulien thoy pur-1 -oba l fi 1vpen cent au muccliof Otb. «s Ilode of cercals. Thon apPears lAb,e qqite a ahortage of white flour& 41tipregeut lime sud the lalit- 4tachace oi'hoardeai 10 ici. --UgS at U5 cents a doses are lilgl euesuh but Imagine il uhen 11e OMO'aI aionot 20 cents apieceInlu tuila county. A woma camne la te LWiekigau trons the ccualsi Siurday. lite sltad ait# tuo dozen of issu.l 'efli e h trrlsed la toua ahi had1 --iw ptk goodegse-leMai 154 heUbroieà ai a roit o!f111every rmughMoad. 13% If eggs Bell aI 55 ?'ýts a dosei. bIsu gIx reprosauted aUbsot SecBuste ac tb ber. W. 0. G4,evos, .lacome tas achedule -esl, mu ou duty ah tise Waule- am foderai buIdIng lbai requeitifi o« ffpoSmtUun d perons h'aving *esla esoili of!$6, m- M MMil osa 10w ,day, botorse &S a result o! tise generel change lu conditions. Alfred Peters. the GreatlLA&kei jackle, whoso Imitatian of a u1pmso et the Navy Bal Saturday nîgist, realed such a furore was down toau yestorday aflernoon dresscd lu the îeight of femnine fashion, 'Shec. created qulte; a lot o! excitement on lie street and bad a lot of thc jackies iliig ulihhlm durlsg bt% parade up and down toWn- Accordtugty>.1 froua now ons.youn« !peu, of iWauke- gais ull be careful Iro thoY are flirting ulîli for foar it'may lte Pelers ln diaguise. At the wrestllng bout. lu Worker'.% hali touIglit, youug Jordan, w-ho s few yesrs agoa'wrestted Dougherty ii Waulegau. u is aI proved ta be one of th1e nost seusational urestling boutasilver seer. litre. 'uli ibe at Womker's hall tonlght and at the con- clusion of the haut there viii issue a challenge le Cyclone Bill uho CaImsa111e welîerwelqht champion- shiji of 1te United States. Jordan saya he wlil pont auy klud o! a for- ToIt--for-- a aide bel againat Cyclone Bill sud uill -ha ready la urestie anY lime liaI 111e.Wauiegan man naines. Mouday afternooti et tbree o'cloclc lu thie Baplist pargonage ,the 11ev. Mr. Rutherford uuihcd lu- marlage, MisneIlernice Berger sud. F. S. Niel- bon. Thle bride lias been living gt 1010 Washington streel. sud Is veli knoau lu Waukegau. The groom bas beeu a braveltîîg saiesman, for-' merly o! Milwaukee, -but n Tuesday ho le! t for Camp Grant, uliere ha entera training ulîli the army. An- nounenment of this usarrlage 1l% o! iu- teroil Ioth le brlde'i Irlende because- tise report has been <trrent Ibat she had béeu narried a feu daiâ go lu FMilwaukee.' Mr. Rutherford also on 5Mouday uulted Iu marsiage, James A. àWilltorson e! Kenosha aud Elaîne Shldon of Bangor, Mlch. j Today ws Dollar Day lu WauItc- sgan and juiginu hy tIse tact liaI 111e àstreeta w're crowded sud the stores gIlirouged, Waukegan nerdlianbs isba adveril1sed special- sales certain- eiy liît a goodday of I1. lu front o! iaîg op te press lime Ioday. The Norths Chicago "hauîsmer" case lias been tontinued for 10 days. Eduard Abltroin bas gane ta New- castle, Imd., uliere lie 'aili hbc m- played. Mr. aud Mrs. Thoinas Siîiilî, ne" Verne Lauyon. speul the day hors iloday ou business. Jegnen services wulitbc lîeld ta- niglit aI 7:45 o'clock eI the Emnau- uet Evangelical Luthorsu church, Lakc treet. i The funerai of Mns. Redde ilîl be held Thursday aflernoon aI 2 ociock ai tise borne, 114 Ok street. 1ev. Rompel oMelcatin lulorment lu Oaki- iwood cemetery Sam Boothman wha bas heen very sick laîely, dld not go ta New Maxi- Lc, ies condition helng sucb as to - tause himte (osabundon il. Il e hlatil Mrs. J. 9chioenk<e o! Ravine avenue, Iln leho underwont s very serions opera- IAL lion eithtie Hahnemann hosital, a- Chicagaots very muck Inproved. di Harry Hoyt today receivefi word al tisaIRayali l UiDowinsa, Winuetka, > bad died lu Californla. lie wàs a ci meushor of the WaukeganIliksansd lb was well kuown liere. iE -The Ladies' Aid Society' ot the Si Swedlsh Baptîat liurch ahwIlimnt tE Thursday. ll'eb. 28th, aI 2:30 o'clock ut the home o!f- 'm-. . husîrosu. 331 ni lielsuhoîz avenue. CE Tise Modem-n Woodmb'n have s big *1 Initiation tongbt, 40 moînhers beiug ù lu line for admission taeIthe lodge. fi Accomdiugly a big tino In beng ar- s1 ranged sud rofrealuments are t10bhosi served aud a large atteudauce la ex- pected. j Th'e GCle club o! tIse Yô(kng Wom- 4 eus Pahiottc Loague uilli meet te- a nigbî. Au opportunity hias came ta Mii-o lee club for reat service sud il MISS Wynn 110 most auxiaus te have 1 a f ull rehearual. eWANTED-A good ferm had, pue - competsuad m-dable. Besit ag. és., Addre5ss . B., lion office. Wau- 1 igan. Ili. Wkg. 2t' SPECIAL ASSUSMEN'T NOTICE DOCKET. NO. 123. N.otice Ilaioreby given. te ait Per- sons Interested lisat the CitY Cauncil ng ordercdthat a supplemeulal as- esmeul b. made to rover the dcli- iency lu'speclal aaieaisment No. 112, or th1e conatruction of a pewer ulîli lceisary iusaxtansd houi Cou,- ectiond or! Ii laches Internai d"me- -r ln a porton or Sheridan, Road. euit: iu au eziktiug souer la th. .enter of ilevelh toIt soute, 10 point lu an existiug scuer iu Four- ýeth itreot, affi5n the City of North 'hicago. County ol Laie aud State Ef Illinois. Tas ordinauco for the same. bes m file lu lie office o! 11the City Clark if said City and tise Mid City lias' lg applied tb the Counity Court 0f La-e eouuty, Stale of Illinois, for an isessment of theost to cover sid eflcincy soordluz 1e the benefits, and an asiesamneut therefore hsving ean made sud ta'iturned t10nid curt; the fiuai hearlng thereon. ulIl e b.d et ton o'OlocIt. A. 'X., ou the Sth day o!f Iaro. A. D-, 1918, Or s ioon theftaflef ai the business of lie court wyul peri'5l. laIld ordinascei provldes that th1e aggregabe aImtof, Mid assois- mieut ilivided lu ton n lslments- beariug lutereet at the rite ot-five 5 Ver cent) par, cenum per auinons from t11e date o! tie amil soucier l- nid ou acoit o f worit don. ou Mid Improvemelt Ail pesismduarling ay Ile oli' ioctIoa In lsd ourt beforisaMi and maie tluis dofeue. Dat tod aX15h Cilcigo,'Iltli, ibis 26111 dayof Pibruasi. A. D.. 1918. ;I B IMeNINNET. ie pumaotappoluted, bY tise Preial 0.f tihi Boasd of Lo' caI fpOliOuévbet& 1 mmii Mid aisemment. *kW. 'ib.16, Ih . People under ulew Rm are not ZRien Permte to KM OwnHaus A uew soiverumoent ediet'which the peop le wilI do well 10 remember la that under the law nobody may kili ehîchous or.,putiets du frosu îasî flaturday until April 30th This step was takon b ythe food administra- tion as a ineans -of lowening the cost of eggs as just now la theUlime of year when rhickens tari to lay. Il la feUIt liat a, a reuit! of tigeordcr wiich Winl cotopel tieople-to-zuXt along wilhout chicken un Ithe table f6ir aonse weels wh$llie the " aseaus of aaving millions aud iulliobe o Iotas.-for jeter une during the yoar, bath as (o laying aud for lalla Puse. The question la asked a t whether a person lias tIhe right b kil t heir own chickense veu whlie tlisieteu- bargo l-4 ou. They bave not. ,The order nicana that nobody nay killila chicken or a polait durlng thîx pcr bd. Alloîher questliu la asked a3 b' wlist s person wI!o cld ua'lt f ford t0 buy' the reed wouid do and. the mtaterneut adv.anced that it F-191s as thougli thry ouglit Vo have the, privilege of klliug the poultry foi, talel une il tliey reaeb the poiu whîeq th#y cannot boy ciiclias feefi. Rlowever, the Iime NSîwer applil.1 te maisthatwould apply W aIpersou hyti la m u cUuii* & ounlur a bouse who found they were spitz dog. but had net sien the ulule not able ta psy the taxes. if they are angora cal untIl ber' lan it lI. Ato unable te psy the taxes the lsw woulîl eyeing theuo carefuiiy for a wbill *ho lie applled just the Baume, Bo it la turned te the log and esked hlm: Ile with regard te chickeni. thet your cousin 1" te theb.proweut t l ~ha*Mmd (Ihiai, 111e Etuilan luisat feels lhe placb of poverty end hunge" more X1às.aigd more f requeutly than nY ettsîr dtiluaon iartm Y'lte Nation il gmpphie- Magazine Her l asaumple Item the EI11 Pag%,e et ORANGE JUDDb FARMER. FebruBt7 IUh The Olagracefut Miii Deilalon The nllk price decision aI Chicago ilia s aip lu the face o! every. fariner luthue Misasiipi vaiiey. lu effort t kicksa hlm oiit of the.front door sud dowu the steps. From heing caiied e substantiai business man, the gturdy buiwirk of civilisation upon which the nation inuit de- pend lu its emergency, ho becomes a dirty, brainlesa "rube,"' who la not wanted lu the councils sud uhoso proper attitude la one of crlnging silence. These are not carelesesétatemsents mtade lu heat of anger, mucli as indignation ig warrant- cd hy the abameful action of Ibis commuission. Tbey are atatemelits basedou a coid aisalysîs of the facts, of which there eau "e no extenua. tion. e- Wiueelem's Agreement Vioiated Trhe tmnin u ailcis this whole thiug bas been bandied ris Airect violation of the agreemenit entered into by P'ood AdmInstrater Wiîeeier and (the ipilk producers' association isen luis qjuestion wsg submitted tu arbitra lion. We are ual yet-wliing 10 beileve tlist Mir, Wbeeier eUt, permit any sucli action. àlie la a bauker and a business man snd wo are anxious to blileve that lie kmous too wei thie princîpies which govern. the relations of man la man 10 thus groossy violate his promise. What. the Commission Oid For six, wcoks this comuuilon hoard evi. douce carefuily gïathered by thé daîrymen and tiîeir repreaiistattves. They calied lu humer. oua of these daîrymen, uho. ui riglit baud upraised. swore before God 10 tel the trulli about their business. Man after main gavie the acts as tu actual coat o! "VllIt production ou bis fara, not liased on estimates. -but on actuel pat records. The commission aio eard mon representing theboit of agrlcuttural ed?,ketion frontIhe university of Illinois sud from Corueil university. The testimony ef these men corfoborated that of the dairymils as t o ot et miti produc- tion. A represotattte of the United States departmehlt of!- agriculture csllod IndeDeudent- ly, gave ditllir testimony. sud ovem-y word of ail that these men iid usa given polenau oeth. Wiaat did the commission thon db? Il gui- cr-nuy tuuk eounici wilhii llràand suaad, "I kuow better-it Ilaut So." Tbeu it proceetled to worit out a mýymte oro!its own. hitherlO un lîcard ut. upen wiîich te base a priec. lu brie!. Il iraI set a pMce. tu the consume? second, gave thse distrîbutor ailt11ho hsd iai asked for, sud (bird, gave the farmer wbat was, uT t. A close sualyois of lige metiiod by iuicl I lh commission justifies the Price il gave tu the, ,far-ser bringa out. (lie rallier toteresting act that the distributoi'5. uho set the lirice uP tc the lent two or tiî1ee yeurs, have alin lu1 rouudabouC way been permitted 10 set tihe pri ce tbe preibeut year. The actueil price fixe'i lias no relation uliatever tu cent of production: sud for ail the commission knowq. Il may 1w. giving the producers au exorbitant profit, or an unhearabi" loss, sud thére'is no way lu tind out. Ail Farmers Are Affectid Thils decisioii affets not oîiiy miik produceri or tlie Chicago district. but every fermer who bsa oinetiîlg te Beil. It comas down t0 the fun)dimsèas question of ulether a man s l entitled te receive for bis product a fair comn peusation sud a fair wsge. if sncb natIons cannoI ho falm-i ettled by arbitratiofi betwiien jîroducer sud consumer tîgere le another me- thod by whîcli they eau lie setted, sud by wlîich they muaI lie settled, Fartuera have been long-sufferiug sud pati-i for msuy years, sud If liy such unhappy cm-- cumatsncet; as Ibis they shouid cesse te bc patient. somoone wulli have tu psy, sud sont people uho have bein able t10 liselucomn parative oase by workîni a lelouriely eighl Itours a day. wiii find Ihemailves putblng lu 10 or 12 houria dai, as every farmer lias doue for generdtltisL past. Uot no one niiàakae the portent o! these conditionis. To every farmer, whulher ho millIt a cou or ual, Ibis docision carriça a mnessae. il meang tisaI liemugt aI once af! 1118h, hinsseif wiIh -other farinera., Ho muat Pocome a part o! the fermera' organisationsan iinels eijborhood sud eveutualIy muet ho welded vitIs the entire body of farmere itb a national group. Theite are no days for triffinig. Not only the editorials but the farm newis and teehnica1jaigcutural 'na - tetial in ORANGE JUDD PARMER are prepared with the idea of SER- VICE to- thý farmer. . Editer Axtbur C. Page4 would b. intrse in hear ing youar'viewu. WRITE i!DAJY. ORANEJUDD FMWER_ M0 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO m

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