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Libertyville Independent, 7 Mar 1918, p. 11

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~1 M~7,J1 ., Govrmut é~tIqtngMat. brle#h, alisu'ndaJoie twe "dyna mit eut. va s TueSci e vê. aig ta Wuea% byita J . Grif- f5,ý tme -aierhif.The rom mmna w&166 fto bs 'lse is mm ot jie bis aiter. Re vus linaflela&0~ Mmt of justictlen<bleu. vaw as- sel. O<eatlve Colline iaaoitely Uea tta waukmami aaoatie"S. thice sfiatrilsa A a ber of letters, vlitea la t1#1180, vere "etn troa bisa Ma il l le traalai- aI. - atuws imttei 'thât thse KgOrs ment. ai 5h1 Umie. lm non. ncrtain. atlas Sildmu "Muat aYo~uR ng toli- n, but ae orshil ln lhope. 0f lein aMating et Value in oc- nectian vutiste recent dynajuitlma plot. The asîster lis tise girl n-beas gr- reted ut tise Union statian vis 34 i-te'in or igis power dynamite la a guitoune and an autotuatit pitai la ber mutf. Several arrests have beeo SmaIe ln conneetien viti tise-dyan- Mte plot. Se lnov lu jliat Menton. SAY$S IIWWY Ioran I3bI TVOL K»ALLOV Chairman Krchner' of, Cuba Doolares they Spent $700. More than they Should SUCGESTSNURSES' ýHOME Waitegan. lorcb G. Chairman Kirchner of tisa super- vions, aprun; o sesation on tisl board tadoy visen, lu dlscusalug road matters be tated tisai lu Cuba ton-n. ahilp. tram vbemelie comles, thea bigis- w&y oomminsimrs spent $700 More ln roed vont lut year tisam alloved by in-. Tiss moue>'wvaspiunt ,W On vtssi0. IL by thse aupenluteuffeaf througb drovlng on nazi year'a Idgis- wa>' funda. Thse question vas as*,ed as tauvisai coul b.louie vii aui a vIolation et the lem. but noboy seemed te, koon- exept ibai soute citizen basin o proceedng againat Count>' fupI. of 1Higisways luaspIll v-asautisorized ta go b Bpnnsêeld 10 attend a meeting cfrstiperiaten. dents ai thes tatleviseradeuilîs af hanling th isa uîba>' vrir under mIe oua-ighwoy conmsilsianer forni wili ha dienssed. Tise comnsittee'.estimas tiai il Cts theCl county farm 35; cents a day par capita for Inniatea causal quît" o discussion. h vasusliown tisai t.- cot veul ho c reased If vegetabie, tet etc,~ ralaed on tise farsa n-ra inclulel lu thîe astîmnate. Tise point n-as raised as a *al t of a man mamel Sherry ai, tIsefaim sravng a pension of $39> framntisaegoi'mernit. k the Ie& being -te docle ,han- îuri ~.pr day bce sisuld pay. 'Tle mttr vas refermaI t, tise por fart coin- rnmitteeansd suprintendent ta dectl"ý viliai vould bha afair rata. Tieboard apbreprated $800 for coayprohate n-rk dunin; the year. Thea cosamitice an resolutiofla vas lnstmuted to lInon- resoispilinif o %ynsA»thy for Superviser McCullougb of Warren on thse dbis 'ai ha daueiteands lmnaher ecently. SUCOQST NIJR119S HOUE. Bupi. Broya ai thse cnat>'boapitii lotet m15alternoon sggated ta tIsa borl tisai bacause 0f crovial ton. lIiIons iat t' ioaptal aid isemuae tise nurses amc obflsed te sleeb near visera tisa patienta are irep, tisatitsa board conalar theisa. or erecting on tise eommtty isplial propenty à nuises' bome. Tomblr TlscuoW&t le Wili scmetimes th$rs am e*".tu»&ahten. der touebe mth 5 k tieb4 in «flcfà latset- elwk --f umutb, -vise loft t b got s (l& eral Oitài am f« iporthétee tise ecili, asel le %tIthi eautbas$tisi te Pues un ber«ava natl et ier et$ cai'ela I "Ill s wisIih eftisouy ae Ci huts dtf. wua obiera lestem ali kW. l tisir o» ca*4w rt .a the tm*i~< WOBt eut oe0t tviias Foilagaïe f" Wmakegm f001prices for thse veek o msiKu~ 8 De tud W'tde food adtaiidt« *M ig wlso osasteoomprlalng t sisosi be 960orted te John 8. Clak,. Wukea food admlnWarator, visav Sta" tie proger action. PAIR POOO PAlICS MIRE. (Prearcl W' thse Wakeà actad aimnlnîtration. Effective veet ,bel Bina Momcis 8, 1918. XOÀaP" cstomer aboutI j»yA«orthe ataple asouciaboidU excoil he ogolu&Theouttotheretallar eofsais article d*0 la. i coFer te Roul.e7 Prios te our 1- BmZ, rUlaî'............ rl.loaf-156l WiâI r<~âded aba").'..per bat-42.90 WhN w le ca-dbrands).. Par 3% banel-SIAS8 Mois. Wh.dt rw ................ 6-b. has-M0 (Vo er l. reuiéat's Proclamation l'tallers mua i &ilad cou- suuéctmàustboy witb cccli Pound 0f isite four a Pound of aune suli- sttS.CMMUa vesbocis ofcourmeai. cors stareb. mm toSur, IIÇUiJS7 Mala. belY 1dm. rale.ce tn our. ctasol, lolled caf>, buck- vat tonr. potatoo four. oweet potatto tour. soy bin tour and te- tio fours and meais. l YO taur la Dot conidered a substituts for ... .... -l &b. bag-34c 4d 'Saho ...u................ 6-lb. bag-SOc 60ph jouai (white hit) ..........j Per 160 Ibo-SU 7 Oss .euclwto hut)..........Fper 100 Ibs-$a 714 H4ama (whle. ................. Pet b.-31e -lu "a bect orades) ..............Fer lb.--44c 47 8»»ss(quc<u Oradi) ......... -Per lb.-38c 42 Lard (bosS grades, cartonf)......... Per lb. 29c 3 Lard (huIt).................Pal' Ib.27c I ai Ohees.... ...............Fper lb-32c 3 lalcs(fresh)................. 38%e 40 .hsc(tf si u out te ordr) .... Fer lb.-Oc 40 1h s'<Mcresavi, brick) ........FerP«lb.-lCOc 40 prunca (8 te 00) ................ Per lb.-lrc 17 Prunsé s(60 te 70) ................ Per lb. 12e ir femaes (90 te 100) ...............FPer lb.-IOc 1 HcmînY.......................... Par 100 lh.-$6.00 7 ' Rlip (fanY) ................... Per 100 lb.--çiO.U0 4C I Ic (blue rosec)................. Per 1IbsOÔ 0laI ea. <nvy, hand pied) ......... Per 100 Ilbe.-$16.00 19% 8«08 <Lim) .... .............. Per 100 flbs-816.00 20C i -OotaSses (Wsconsin anft ighgOi).. Per 100 ]bs.-$1.75 30-35e P etatee (western)...............FPer 100 Iba,-$2.25 45e p Mliii (hi~stgrpdes) ............Ille ai(eseumas geas) ............ 17e Mut k(Ovaprets, net swctcned) ... 130e (uta'<reo'b"v, cxtra, huk)... Ise muncrîe '(s~Ld0tonsigtr inCa:n tuba) Suterns utsudrdgrais* rli) *.Per lb.-29e top s (trlotly fresh, cesede) ... Dz-39c oDiliîn the Tengua. upm sal. tisais viseare amitions la nme -tise world bappier aid btter gumtiste oblgation of drilling tise tomge too abits of tinînesa, pnslty seW reSsnemant. îNot bu spamodle ef- forts nor witis oecoslonal iais aid gImac etse eblararersmon te use t"s toagus la the ttata et haigi- mics. To Maly dain Use toogum aua Instrument of hapçulncaala Se ester la- le tisa funlamasital ecnesp<sje Il bg,-*ev.NeveuDwit amila, Kapok WliIiNet 8l.k. Kapok, or liber si11. vi pot abat, noe mtter bon- long ht la icft in tise vo- ter, eai basuarable buoyaay. Tt Vas tiret brouglit ta thea attention oc tMe VUnifflStates goveramnt by Lieu- tenant- Ednonda. end bas aubsaînt- lY coa toto vide use as matesial for lUs lr*Mem cr.Ons of fisclatent ka. pot devinas la a -daselihunting ecat llnel viti tisib Ser, n tisatIf Use bianter tallaoverboord he viii foot. ci nir f Waukegh ws ethey vili ~ hgirta Mhlk eawst1* 'ta' cire for hbnies. boIr to biteis tbem. and var -_______________ loua other fari dulies. It~tTIi!!I Frnl &,Shrwod i LkeVilaDISCARD SPIRITUAL REVELA. FrankINT A, he*u.sofLak V lIONS; FREED PROM CO. JMIL S -UN D #mtbi men vis. bas charge or, the bnoveMOIDt for Lake county. -le la Charles Saison. Icader of a zion thse mon W'io will place them on the S~y trge love Cuit that bas been ini C. à~iIhSholvirions fats. He la <ompiliiig a thse limeUight for mnore than 10 y ets, C. . ~PJ *usu od as c&MW * et ci figures, Oindin thse LMd tour followers bave been f r.ed Wf.r o Prns fomreWho isaylneed boys. Every. tmn the Laike cosmty Jail eut Waukce- ting vill be donc to make tise con* SanU. State's Attney Welcn sgd ditioma mont congental for the boys. otber oounty officiais'decidp<l ta re- TELL OF MIE'TRAINING 'Protestait boys viii be placed vitisjeanst4hem ratier thgzs have tise Protestant tamilleo viste Cathalle cominty. stand tise expense of trydng Bloys WIIL .àwi. t MIk bOys wiii be Îlaced wîtis formera of tisem msd, If tbey were convicted. oi CowsHtt fu an do tise ,haie religion. bor-g hi for m moih ail C ho e n sT he b1oye vii receiye a s vages Others freed besides Saison w r fram $25; to $30 per moistb and board. Mr. and Miras.Cbaites Coultisasd. lira. Co-aperotion betweca formera a lote county @'aI tise bIgi sachool stu dents bote viso enteis upoh anneau- -f Aý te- kim .kieckmlI 1. 4 e m fortheir em 0in-iiÏiàÏia,;farrn 36~C 1 bands tbis summer, ta urged uy C. 1't A. Jiclng, 4high dé»M ol nqtrucetor iWho le' ta bave chODg*of the' far12c trWlnng course. leJ "I tisnk that peisape aomý- o, thp famera are InliaI ta, br a little steptical about -wlat* our boys wlil ho ahle ta do," b. sali. *"t arnsure tise>' yul be agroeebly surprised by the reosats. Tisane il Ifttle lime in whli hte, train tise boys sa tise course must ueed& bc af on Intensive nature. 1 arn confident, , howeler, that thse boya vili have s goad generai knowl- edge ofiwvh~t iiey arc expecel tu do b>' tisalime they ecompletA tiseir course on Miay 1, and are assigned to valous form." At leait 25 boys of tise Wau'gaît township isili scisool 4'llo inthse coas icis ilIl be tarted neat %fon. day. Tisis la 'conalderel qulte a rap- resantative ahowlng ont ai a total or about 180 baya. Thle boys visa bave enrolleld durig thse at two or thice Imys nov belote ta the U'. 9. Boys Workiag iteeve. lBoys ha- tween thse agea aof1U and 20 years are eligihile te enrol. Tise course et trailnug bas heen oullned b>' the universit>' of Illinois and viii be fOllOwed as closelY RAs possible. Ou@ af tise frsitbings ibat vii be doue viiil e to taise tis-% mtembers oai tbe close ta local iard- w-are stores, sisowing tbem foas maceinary tise varions parts, tise Inctlisa, etc. Raci Saturda>' tise'boys wili bé toton te differant tfi& in tise vi- Safgtmdéd Ikvestrnents7 ' Ry>ur dollars NVORKERS or LOAFERS? Mocytdut isn't profitably invested ii like grain tfhat isn't plantcd. It brings no rcturns. Look Lack into the history of practi[ay every great fortune and),ou'Il find that it was sterted by a gond invest- ment that paid big returns. Évery niati or woman %vitlî mioney shotild seelc t0 make that moey ttra aoney. Jay Gould osnce said that $100 invested in the riglit thin$ t the riglit timc tvould earn as miticlh as a man steadily cuiployed. Yeu should profit by that sotind advicc. It is our business to advise investors WVHERE and H-1W to nii- Yest where their niôuey can earm a maximum of prr>fit %vith a miax- imuni of safet y. Let tus tell yot about our plan. Brokerage Department l'li Securities Trust Co. qisotes prices on jisted and uîîlîst c stocks and bonds. We inviEe inquiry ivhether yeti wânt to bu% or- seV. %Ve can often save you money on the investment yotî vOslii t niaka. If yon have non-dividend-paying stocks %vrite for our plan for exchanging themn for stocks that are paying dividends. Undriting Do prtment WVe rigidly scrutiitï4Izê' carefully 1fivesticafe corporations i bat apply- te us for outiR fiiîiidI sertices. They lhave to pass A- 1 iii our'examination bcforc we under-ah t peentier criesf inveatment-. When cme lie-4l test we contract for dt sait oi itas ecqlïties. This type of in'vstmectt-when soursd and %vel1 mnais aged-is what Jay Gould alb.sded to as "The iht ting et the How -te> Biiy Seçurities Yeu Cao tbuy scc iitie,ehiklthe Securities Trust Company, eltber for «euh or on tâi *PWkbatd6 W. make a mioderate chaMg for corrylue the stocks we buy foryou on the deferred îîa- itIStpan anld yeti et the bevef1iahl distributions of divideids, bmmsr,-* ,tc.,iaade by thd conipiMsèin wbichyoui hold this stock (tom thé du e,.rieord you* Itinaynent. Let'us tell you more about thîisýplan. iebve t ,to t o ssgciall theeolfér uàW"im8Vie~ Antub~kl V t âàtI.k ~topn UiaDaDebva D D They vill h siaumore considera. tien thon the average form bond as the>' wfll bave tiseir Saturday &fier. non as S ays offThS. perhçad et s ort aids Amneat l. Thse foi-- ara then viii maire o report te tise local iigli aciool 0usd if tise services of thse suud&t t4h e&n ,atisfac-, tory tlsey viii be iveau a ditional cradIt tavard graduation. "These boys have enrolaI tbrougb a spirit ai patriotisai." iir. Jiciling sald. "Tise>' kia thot wiataver tbey do Mau aummer io aid! in thse rolsing of crops vWiii be an aid btisah gavernaent. At tise same time va bave several -boys in thse lass wbo came tram fanms. Tise boys wiliiha glvea cradit If -tbey vork on their parectie forma." ID Seciijges Trum CWbo iy S2 outh michigan u les ard add y-Or cash orp*unqent fplan ai buyîig san sei stpçks and -bonds. 1; i; agréed and undc-stood tliul ftqlist in noc way obligates hie. Nase ....................................... ,444r1S........................ .. ........... Bave a .6 H. Stainps Elizabeths Smithband H. C iPoyne. But, tiey 'were mot ree.ed setit the Mtse's attor'ney hail bail a long ORfeAQet cavit se ssnaittÉm-ad ith anl -proi tee t ilisuse ëfuture tbey wouldIlive Properiy: thM t tey wouid formb >thei baiires asto "splrbtnaj ÏaWStoas" one fortise otb;eùr red lets of umariage vova. tshort. Ith" Wad tlsay vauld go hacl ta ZMan Cty and live the proper lire, oerving tIse Iaws of tihe City vind ate Mdi neyer &Iain trytng ta enlorce .iiseir ovu tids as a.to oohobitatis. ,"pfose. cuilon liusbeau susDeeided aar-the quartet vonmting their goad beissv. dor. If they obeytise lava. tise> willI net. ha mofleta, but i tby agaits try Ito carry outt iln eas thsey viii ho arreated mNul proectécu iii hoe Irish Iànon Table Daranak-.Nade' -witli double thread, 70 lnches 'vide, of fine quality, at1or per' yard ................ 0i& Table Damak-hîi highly niercer- izcd quality, 72 iches wide. Thisii an exceptioxial value at a very ispecial price, per yard..17 N;apkin&-Of ail lillei, 22x24 inch size, uightly soiled but xîot daduaged. A great value at, 39 per' 'dozen .............. 09 AU iànon Napklns-Iliî2)0 inch aize, slightly soiled, but an exceptional bargaiîî at the price we " have rnarked thern, dozen..06.70 Pancy Turkish Towel - In good. size,' assorted colors, in plaids and stripes. These arc very . tw specially priccd at ea........ .dbC Yarns-lIn ail wool quality in gray, natural antd iwite. Large '.98C hanks priced at ecd ... ..... kiaintý, esid 6ac t Welch, in exp"anng boy t bafg ed tbat liedld no. proet tl natmter ta tise amd Jwy. lMr.Weleh Added tisat rie fait tbey woulsl not breoir their promise because of tlseir issu- Ing i sncerity In ttie bettefi wblch lbey have Drmxulgate,,4." Soaon bas served jail Le-sus twicie and aLso bha bo coMfned lisa a.m pital for thisIane. Evpry fienie la lalLed ha prays tiiat thse walls af tise prison may burst ta gtve Ihlîn f reedoni. Noue of thoee freed have atiy pletige te abandon tbhair veird 'ais- tty" balisf. Baisai started it by "adopiioe' .Nlr. Coultisord. Çaultbna-* at firat ob>eed. Then along cans) Elizabeth Mdil le objected no more. Payne aiso la credited 'wtîb bovin; £souimate. A ER USSITUATION. -LfbietyilliMarehs7-4dtr-i TI re Te ibune)--Witlin thse lest t- t, laeya 23 carloade of mut ceo*s bav' - ,,.*bere fortise stocky-aris.-,Oz.- u ýImmedate adJuasitent p'ca1 prelsicara con prevant f..rmers frorn go4ng oui ai thse dir>'businmes. WILLAM E. DECKER. In Afruca rop ofn7Sc baéc> curîlest elodoot Iair Imaginable imates a girl thse belle oftibm kraal, aupeelity If se ha plumpi. wltls plggy eyetq, iile ips.a noue lice an Indla-tubber slsoe. and a 5kim thot; alneslte o eong 12' Pattora Charming Dress 1Mode at $16.50 Ak~ira1yachi.viugindivid til8yle and thor. __ ough urvcubilfty, and attain them at a very moderato coit. Fashioned frorn fine quality muîmnish serge, ithc Spring Styles that feature Coat, Suit and Eton cf- fects. Waists ail lined, washable coilars. Colore are mostly in uavy and blaek. We do not-heaitattosay thesc ae tually worth $2), but y aseilpurchase allows ust Springtime aMillnery Hats that interpret the correct styles'for Spriug ai-e beiîîg fcaturcd ini the Millinery Dept. on our sec- ond flooî' and at vcî'y moderato prices. Freuh new flowers and ribbons enhance the beau- $3 . ty of cleverly designed shapes that r--3 flct nîuch of thec n cîvsason 'b style. -I Lmong OIoth-Of, an exepltiol. fine quality, 36 iuches wide.. Tua 1rIs also Prieed les th ian regulai' 25qi at per yard .............. ýwf New Porls-Of the finest quai- it.y Spring patterns in liglit and:dlak color'e, 36 luches wide, gît, per yard...............25 Xew Bprlng Gàem»-nu ii hv»d- moinue patternof plaide, stripes - and e'heeks lu best quality, at, per yad.......... e Wh# Sibt P-»-7i nwdàmes' ivide, iu good quality «nd at a veryspecial price, yard Romiper Qot-Is the very thinig- for house dres8es and chilclreu's suite. It stands the wear, U 31 inches widg, per yard ......q FPine Cambric Mià1Un - 36 'JnchPs wide, apecially adapted for ui44r- wear ete; priced much leua 1i thabn regular at per yard lVl4itry Satn ha Specid..te No g wi>Ib. nicor« foào now romoes than "i" a t in, and it iasu1nbg bere at a, vory opecial price. 0f ricl luàrous quality in ïa Mbine of the popuiar col- ýCI* 4 ors: plurn, Military blue, taupe, -granet, gaec worth regular $189. -Mling apeclal at pr ad ............. Our Dressmaking Department le equipi!ed for maklflg Woanen's and Misses' Dresses in the newer styles for the Spring and Sunimer season. Carefut attention and satisfaction are assured. (Second Floor) By placing your orders for delivery the afternaon before, you wili1 cé-operate with the Government tu reducing deliverles ta. one «Cait day. Inteireoting Prices from First FPloor ÇM ý su - n -cm # IL -t t4- li

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