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Libertyville Independent, 7 Mar 1918, p. 12

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-- ~ ~ t-~tt-!adz~e>Aake t-o - Ont-a &ret t rte10 t as a teiVtf&&. m *0 Ialloa a -W sia 0M t-b 0à EUÏBLI. WOM ANS BODY un. 1IPu1 1114 Js i l. ass.ubly VOOMM t be.'- or U FOUD N LKE KEOSA chOqi F'rday .veiîDtowItneu ahe Laayde& ami LSboinrturn ta - I - patritiePl4Y gtve Ur-tholi, uise o t aalegbis t-té arbut tall. Then j I ~~~~the. achool 'ie eveniug -ente01tali ~. o p i 4sdtre osi 1 byUp> amibâÏt ii s o nod. At till #pW u Plummer Was Brought t'tagd f"k 'd"Due toFact that Many Grocers LAKE ORET PATOR TrteSCHURH OVE TOsOLnt and dr i . Kais liadth bis tgelBUTl Saokto W ukean Lst oar FIwa akn aogt~ HaentaSupply cthe TR aJNN CORPS WHO ARE PRACTICI WG tIl8"1ver. lregseilas Red Cross ériter and -le rooltes l'lHocbthe Iat&, Nught from Gary 'jbeach eut mrth etf -Park Itave ai Fler nrSuad.tebo&sstltutends rlçg het6,mmlput a suis Durkee aveinue, Kenosha, about noon, ÏAKM HW IN Tii E CHURCH BASEMENT jtier song wa« aue of tbe bits 0of the martli,. torpeo amig, nçle Samn and th amot'ndeboy rev.enug. ,The noxt <u.lIte Prara , gM wch a IL t-o*WC a"d 0115bis8el- Vomal#fisinnlaa tii, beacfor rorndia -u a fiag drill by.tete pubilli et the uer. toabbtule. M*t-lta Point tii. bys NWys WmOIy î0 one n Is fo fond h'e mnn e ReligionS UY BAERY EDandl buttela, inonhit>' andest istance betwven two its.ithird grade tbat v igll pic~ ie i.mltr f11 i.n muaarezia-uai llis O te wr thle Patch of a bullet. Andl the àaIy,.cY *Im tUofW lZWth degitgo Rd--rn Nu. Been Illifor Weeks, i o ne> gvni~ ' sFood AdministratorClark says cvlthtbua eint-ti. {n% Inthe. ballet- tbat côtunts le theonofe thtat dgogw brons p sTe oo a il meeting prOenau la Con The. body 'w«a badly diecomposeed Food Restrictions Must opinion fL- Nra' etcygosvir o ei t e fli bnil't iibys 0<te% Th bobgr At er ee ting e aso 0f ti alao.Th WMilim Plumobei, aMcd 21, colareil. aud evIdently bail been In t-he lake Be Observed RIgidly pareon. Dr. D. Wendeiî Brpl Bl-3-ber, t-bat- patrioti;m la wedded ta re. t-lut Praveil QMeof tii. sta att-bWotons u s n c u the nsemblilig of ail br lought ta Waakegan tram Gary. for twô or three m6uths; the top ar tor of the* iet Met-bodlet Ulsoplluo na nlaev>,sdte-of the evenft lg.Aie r.- UýTethe allies wiIb VicI.Sam n sd iAberý tý,mo Tuaa'ngi b oIcmuti çdba enetOe> vsid *i acmaratîveîy gond suppi>' cburci, wbo bas turueil aver the Ibis -whole war business la notblnc tg -wt t"tewrî a o~mi.55 o thuns anti d vas lockeil op in ava>'by tiie vater andI ail dat-bing of wheat four nbu dWu'ealblietc i hrba arfemr hnasiiuloposo ! T eon par ot"f -bhe 1ramvaa i d cbatco*ae.i o UM e cont>' ili an a charge of lar- bail been taofreim the body fthiith.be t the preseutt ime there are scores range ta the elinlois volunteer train- outraged justicre figbting ta, preserve" 0fty. Plumbêr la chargeil vit-h bas. .exception of ia p0!liiO of a bie of Waukegan familles who are hav- Iulg'ooTps. Mrslncvlztin M rahn *Wag ýI toan0f cat-es Wlia ay- atc i gust t-h bodgy. g bothtle Ing diMtculty'In obtalning lt-p0t he- aOr ronwas bornianidlireill utaire On the cburcb Osuflot more lUia iat i hosoofWilim a>- Waîta h ol Coroner Millager cause thise grocev l bave, failpd ta or qatrioti t tau My eiooting davn- - iared -bt luibe'smains vere taktn eu >the. Hanseli sippl> of vwhite fleur substitutes such u u autattmu u~clets any more than ve-veunt- lactuer li.police landfit*lme' morgue wbere tbey were IdeuUified by ar carn meat, ban,>' foeur, etc. Un- amut-ug tiie feudists Ini the munntains mn n ultta os' l i~ ~ ~ in Qsm otj ary lad, sdAbert' Wacbs -as the. bodO«l' -< feVbrulinga b? liMe fbéliadmIflis- ~dth dâssI i.tv a as 4 in asI bule lit oent i'__ bai he"ta i T ilsiaao f the C. . chusiacher. 'iis Hhaunch .. .Caueanaios-thinm ra" reretOf ran t lci"ucl"wbho disappearûd ft reuborne in lîîgwîî ou neetbysie ~kova personally every nated 1p<n lhTffprr h- __ angopoliceman namil Burke Russell, Lake co n ty, about- t-e firqtit ng iequ lurunt tvieasthfoursub- feuilt of thbe l"biné,gras state." Dri. Brown carne ta Lake Forest last. Mbaing rlghtiter*t-ie young ma Miss ls. 'humu, alt-iugb they>'have e Sdtehmsan iie ihteptemberio an d Ehis iaki advantag lrfpyd to t-he local police anid IolOfise Hnunab Carne>'lert ber homue a suppi>' of wheat rieur ou baud t-beypernareil t-be hm avsiellth el- evProail l i e t niha rsbia n-héf the gr àt sa * r o B ai Man Boot-h vas senit tiie t k riîîgvaiMie iseM. Aliert Wachs, at-lie nteca ont sl>' t-b )e u è izens of lits native state but- kuown 1temparar>' shurcli 10 Mai-lsuae r visi lir sste, tey innt suplythefler sbýt- tenaHe le a gradutt tlieologin uof the btlubva n arresm3htenilsnin Waud1o: ttgantat- o rlilas the terrersa>< ofa r tbeir-niest wee le and Ir n Beds at 'Pb er b ack. I5Ited in tuLes.glon af ternors In t-be day. a fttle ,w ptf -aotaiihaoale lw on eared al ter ah. id been leit on thie Reports train a number ai sources feuil camne ta finish hie studies two yiaru abou a movn-baa ter t v as oung i uafermaioftlie ralironi station by are ta the effect t-bat- extreme dIifi- "o fe isoaycre f1 veoman te vhom be vas flot mrid irbohr erhbsb madeed cuIty' la being encountere I n pur- Crack of Rifles Under Church.' years' lu bis native stabe. ýWih piso dors tarng im n tefor lher troughout Kenosba aniad.- chasing vwhite fleur, Marty Pe-Pte Tiie crack of the rifles n t-be base- The Lake Forest- unitoaithicIllinoais 'Une Plumber agreoil ta' mai-i-vthe akIug countlen andl for noverai vaulil purcbase rye foeur, but tuis 1s ment af bis churchln iiLakte Fore-st ns solunteer training cor-ps, Na..164,lias jI ni dd at-en Stale's Attorue e îea n b gien 0<andi«retumu. hat-uet c iee betfers ti- etru0<07 mentpetrani ngtorle aps -. unemb. GranduI:, fOlertU e e-Laike Couat-y's, Latgest, OW.s»d Mont Raliable &Ore 1e aiacdthbe dollar for hliagIve p&ýh0 ebrle m ue nte 7mnpatc hiea at li» rntFrtlet 4w boy alcece More th"a ayean ego Misa Carrie-y "m eorry, but 'i se. no waY Out veeli. la a vell-*uown sounil ta t-Oe unt- h W. Tiiopan. Speoad t-.lute- - *M-ya.eu> a d"y or no Iter flai vas Overcoie ?Y gaet a home ou af it-." FooiAdminlatmrtor Clark salut. canset Dr. Brovn, snd lhe latens ta nt-W. iF. Oegood. -ho fiaisearange f ~ L li adle t-he clotbOng sud uatcb and.Pr vne ir b anvrlg~Thec govemument han laid dowu cor- giben-, .oi~.sud apprcving, but otcer. Tlie rifle range Oa bat iuo mitted bavlng talion the articles a vand e ra -ewfete0 h ite foeur and t-be oui> thlug vs can mcn-b.en,ot t-he unuit- and i Is sail by aeveu-incb Il target at 50 teet, equi U t 11 saId b. coul flot-> explalu vbat lm- PhY',mJon. isu , incident lild ac- do s t-o sec <bat <bey are obeyed. If t-be U n 4 sioba ifeaa uain-t ic agtat50yrs IMdl « ~ ad bim ta do 1. lHe t-a>y crreli nbavy s4 tgetpeaele are unable to purchase white Iii, counganry.Looking crltlcally at Ater- t-heunit makes the requIred b* vitt retiau tbe-clties sud lias suicide aud lber finonds bail ieared fer naw .the anl> t-bing 1Isecorionbis score carl, Dr. IBrown gave lisrecordl the members wili practIce ai B a àB d sl W Og$ .9 ouit ta Gary tor t-be wat-ch. î a bt-br disappearance mnint- ibat- -hm laeo sta purceasbaker>' jverni» e.01t-be ilitan>' use ta viiich Cf-e goverfiment riflerange wvlibreg- aui.ust-ood tiat- the grand jury m»v chbild tbravn -erself 'rut-o tiie k%"reaî untl t-be stores areaBde tai tho, besenient of bie churcl bas been ulation arn>' rifles. At t-le preslent SletY rs3o row D Îv yAn Ti - ta es ion bas retu neil an Indict-meut. M s ano- s a lv il C lle btain a suppl> o four eubatitut-e %." Irut, lim e, as lu ail preliminar>' rifle shoot-1 agaiat- thle Young 1,11v. He vas Illenear th. tovu o!fRussell, vas Bakers o! Waultegafl bave been ne- l'euouser, In my country', thle fIratn, t-be marknmen lise as ub-calt-ber SpecW alices ou'baby Carnages 0s%*a ta t-be count>' jail toua>', He emplOY'ed In the. bornes af!inu>'o!fleved frtram a serious situation tlilng a boy learna ls thai the short- rifle. MWi t-ada> tbat bis chic! concera la thebbou.t failles a!ffliccit>'. v'iere Iiog ierln fteSo d tr bis wite, vbo le quite . 1. h. van usver.aly respect-cil, S-le iltiaimo i h e ruîu tte t a mlnistrsaatiaîextor vnaicus pe u lt-ht - Yoang vnmas atlid v fer>' eaudOrtser- rye foeur as a substitut-e utltb ______________ ou n flmcnput -bat! f erd cr-fret of April. Man>' balcers bave y lied-dpECIAL SPRING SALESinare a distinct-and individual merchandis- yUI IRISA u e ta iltiai-n. usll t-bep Wh sittefeurstutonbS ih j ng filature of the ÂIex Hein Co. It is extremely îînlikely that any other store in the city can equal M A L ; S er arenth.sbailtltve ti rsflievrb laor iutinh ilt-iinumber or attractivenesti tesPeciai values ve have for tomorrav vbicb embrace "belav coet" pces on lenirable Wiut-en apparel a ulsut- * astouh ta tien bas beeu reîieved. One hundreil KI h.tbad eil y eorereil front berI- fit>'baga eve.receiveil yest-erday. rScr aebe avn itedfi tore Store .Mss Carne>' v«s a daught-er ai Mr. cuit>' lu supplylg the needs of their ~. f* IsttteHed e a istn of )£T-s. bert Waciis ofcotumn$. WW Ai8 aeCOJ.ir CNe" e 8.la aise nurvIffl y i t»'a ~.ate oio GsBaili bahnesu sitrsl ti tv i s ueee tisal tRunsell. No defllrte arraggementi T'.i la noanImamposellig I s- k l! un s' Grae tSo e or om ns ndC i rnsR ad . -W r ,.* , VlE. 6. A.,. dreetoe.genenal of days belone thte advent ot ralflas i i tbe Roceteîîen institut. lu Nevw ~ ouli tare a Lamer sud bin oz team Ye~ it' udledig -rilgst DJL )I1 FYtvo veeke t-oamare a round trip vit-h ,e, thé Unit-ad Stages, tuapecteil t-be weutyfv -ut- uhl rI 0»M lakes nval statio tVOLIVAHet-o market. a trip t-bit caunov e dvanceSale of Spring Dresses <iSuits patient animale.dd ell t-o jOg atou et eqpeial>' Open the excellent Sp- N 'f T fl l 5fl et-t-l ie te <tva oor tlire font li Mt,,, pontiitsleIN6rvilt oghutOn.A Seasonabl-e Event of Supreme Importance., Bflnging. Uste sttion. Dr. Flexner Os t-he leail- Si la UitedStat-es aut-bort>on imen- S m e a k b e S v g it-las andl Inantile paralynie sud Overseer of Zion Getting.. nto NOTICE. "la the distinct-ion ai having .pouc- LiMeliaiht Just as- Sunday Publie natice le hereby gfiven, t-bat Serge & S -k Dresses Serge & Silk D resses Silk, Jersey & Serge, -aia cratve ern tn neniglta.MeetingsOpen the Board aofiLocaîl mProveuuo-ii!s Of In v ue to n Va es t 2Dr s e to 325 llc bias been insiteil b>'t-be govorhi- In__ValuesT..1$16-0I V l e t 2fre sslo $ 2 5 a gnt te lnapect t-be criyn>'sd uavy lie Cit>' of North uChicago, Lake Oistomeuts and, camps t-rougbout SLJNDAY ISF WORRYING? caouut-yIllinois, bas filet! a certif.- lteo Unit-ad Stat-en ta collect- Informa- cot-e t-bat- the fallovlng improviement- Ueo o lnfct-iit-sdiseses.Andl nov VolivaaifZon City jetuas been campletedail ndi hat- it- con- - t 9~- t 1 ~ a 9 . 'He vas aCOMPa1i nie ubis tour tryiu,te attract at-etotnta-bîutseîî toi-mnnaubstusutial>' t-o tic nequire- Striklng aev stylesln taffttas and creo lu silike there are the new etripes, faocy plaids Ilerhaps t-he illustration vil t-cil niore et-- 44 thbe station b>' surgeons 0. 'U. Mink t»4 "hainmering" Bi>' Sumaya usent-a- ai the oriâbual ardinauce for andl tareta, combinat-toua as well on a number aud plain Yeolors lu styles for vomnuandl fectivol> t-ban varda about- theme $1950 mes- 4aSermedimi offer. sud Mai. Drap-. iuvoetbralsaest ag the ctmotnuit-iciaofthtie sagne to-it: !vnelsylsl olsrgs I ios juniors. Them janappy nov serge dresses in s !cus ebv ooso tbrmdl U. S A. . L, o las attacheulath a oet-oenalet-beetlage Thei.canatructionoeta a et- tran eud colora. great vaiet>' for 3aur caret ul exanit-nation. ors> neiical. heaiquarters in Waah- enougb t a hlàthocravis t-bat- vaut-wat-en suppî>' pipe togetiie vi4t-b lire lait-on. t-o bear bOn; a mnît- vose speating bydrants, abut-cf valves andl ePeclal And ,Now A Spécial Sale- 'The vari. accomptialiei b>' the dates are arrauged aas far n ast-ret castings comiplet. ta bc conatructeil Mèdicel staff at tOts station bas beer >'ars aiieail a man wbôlia recog- tri Main st-mot- grain Thiri avenue ta t u t elflent." salil Mai. Plexuer et-t-be nizeil as t-be gneatgts evaugelist t-bat t-be nutb lnnoa! aht-ee (16) foot J L 5 A sieucluslon etfhils tour o!- t-le camps. ever lve<I; a inu bose couvert-s ta alla>' at- theii.nllern terminus a! 9 Allima Ahead n Medicine. li religion (and net- !auafilclsm) sai at-reet, enudOu, Second avenue '6ngr' ud Uc retmet !run lut-a bundreils of thousanis. frin Main etileet- ta termitnus o!f 25> R oduced ùt a 4*o*u«como t slder bvedo ight orf thebat-denounco non>'. aIl lu t-ie Cit-y of Narth Chica50 lange ammon deta oldionthe do ta' litVlsasgig - rBetel in ainia iie av en g i gie rea- s-ries iragu -li il>c- The belle!! latîtat BOilywon't minil Laike Couaty, lnltn at en Vte.u o«lieallci it-lna.it Iu t-le Meant in, tact tbat-lie pro- NrthChiceago glieltal Asaesameut- aif -Th Fr hcrysren aebbydentee nwVlv n adCutDce.N.18 This opportunity iii fleeting-the values are re- 4eelopd .a hgbly efficient vacciné will net condescend to anavor t-le The Board &tuo certified that t-b cLrabe the timin "e youhaet uc s t fir tlioil aud perat-rbold, at-acks the Zion man lm planning ta ceat t-beseof and the saule entinat-ed lIits are taelanie for t-be lemo-- mie on bOn evenbefore thbe big tbeit aeqfuireil te puy aocruiîug lu- - Spîtheg are includdfor rbi'Jaundlce comuion lu t-be Chicago meetings start- nett Sunda>'. teret ou nittuan sd vouchers tssued -n r nldd ,tmwclies. But s serum lmmuniclng voive la circulating thoussi tef 0 antcipate t-be coileot-lon of! id ~ sli a t-btat diacase, vît-bout- circulers in Cbicagos Invtiug t-he oea- assesiment- andl maie application t-no'lfidTiIippis reactlon, liaa aima been round., lte t-ocarnue and hear bOin expose iad Court ta con*Mad . d etemmin'--o slrl tuefcaad -otnw"rnh n Ai" Fin G~~' angren lenu.dy. edue uît t<lie iin Tabernacle, *hethor or fnot -h.tats as tated inlustyle&. Ait sies ore hére Onciudlng t-home for misses. gangresuein« u uhdeMcga avenuee'sud 26tb treet-. sali oetififate are true. A hebeang - t1ttl>'t-ie, z as usei b>'t-le eue- The bandbill st-at-e: "Camne and i ll be bild ou be sii appicst-ion mita st-o t-he ieeviopinent of, gan ba- bear Voiva nt ZMou Tabernacle.,ib on'tbe 26th day of MIreti. A. D., asu vobyt-loting. Igan avenue aud 26th treet, Lord'%u 1918, et-thbe boun of t-en a'cloIn hatle -em t .i dleosugoa aeils- i-g>.March lOt-b. et 3 p. n. foreroon a!, al day et t-b. Count> 1: Îmdyfe gngen tn Preude Tic brasen litemrr>tbit-s Cournt rom of sail Court- init-be bave rebbedIL t faImant a]l0o!lof 'Bil>' Sunila>. Anulionest qîues- Count-> Court- Houa. et Wauktegan. -------- jPdemandau lament answer. la Iu saldiaoe Count>. ____________a proe lminiterof 0theb uset Dat-ciat- North Chicago. lîlingèle. ~ M.bt-WIU5~. ~' N5.. - ho eteala at-ber meu'e serinons, de- t-is 7t-b dae.>to Maroli, A. D.; lois.. - t- i~3-i a

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