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Libertyville Independent, 7 Mar 1918, p. 2

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À UIRANWCE l i8mIu. PIacaag mtImuàm~iàc. Il t ae'l*ei~rIsjL I ~DUWNG ~OLAM .1 Bvu'~ We. Ibol uA .cOLBY «Ab hhl 1. =7nuset m-M7 U11 But SOOM fiooufod in 1ýMns ntibut 8N Con- voyanoosMa&ieln Week 117 INSTRUMENTS FILEO ter tii. veek edlng Norob 2. m& *. 1 A. O. Bovea, Setatut »mo1clery ocrty Titlle sudTrust O nümber or OiOyfbU. 8. Number or tract Isole ang mort- gages29. .Numiier of ehattel mraw.8 --!raWnumbroe.c narmnt id a1. Oie faR$~00gars t00e mon tm-n là. W -"J).u. ,Cê.jm u hus~U~ttbr1a0yMMou MMet ade Northi 8Iedeaý*a tmru Vern0Ie .L u bot]4 fer 51.. w1v1n ,Dodus ct.bat 15 Çto bot. ton 0aob ut i ade#&"e*éves..e lmi ~ tOf 14 trnebt. la Wb à leaena obdIvlulik, trm Ul»oM C. Bava& rd. 4U00. A« P. Usal.. h- tittii lua. Tveher lot at u oeu. t core a. vice ând MoEflter sovee, for $to. :W am 1 1 .E 1 b bo«et ft., lots *a moati"ad. (a du, a koné O VIS rsn fmk A,*iuW.- Reublen,' fus 48vê,701 b latite mUir J ohn 0. Baker toit mm j 'îv*qdm baemnPrà* ýILfI a &s tom ots aa' j1b o .IÇS«lk uiaert jo100 ma bymot mw meugt t«evdaU noa sf4. Hde lwhvqod avenue,unor liwh street. tmot.David IL Koeff fOr O.," la 5llmWàd PuAi $un IL john- em-«tb IUth0e DBa.U.LCoelligelot of Se test *os W**' "-deSt. Joha avmnu, fJIUt oulu CofVine sýt.for Thoo Sebehmanuouait 40 Ot MI,"S niue WOtutavenue. bbtmiv Obé Esl ud ouneaveu. rot.ae.. 4o.for 08,90. ebmu*,tee aow lot on *t c mule et. lobuf avemue .0000 tà (u- Oea avenus troa Wim. . IL Huges fo o clil oi ndemtios. b l tvwmt:; Iodlis M baves loch titie tes CimileaW. W0ruah-tu four lots at luneU lu section. à for u$4.. la &2rlo00 VIllae:(Moude Irozac 1.0*1 1the.AMaie uelot on ROrTO ele Antfoch »d nulond ita, for fu nt, Vinemt G. Poul oug~f part of lot 1. AroOltri eubdlvtaon, la "mmio le, e tt aie froaWin. m. Bfluman.for m08. , la AI»!' Dr. Wuai. IL Suti of Caal ERige, dL; bouabt the Chaun- oey os foo trt 2 00 aoaeetu uec. tion 22. tro C . .Wilson for-«Me.0 10luk« Waren:Wn mmai ri. - lico bgt thi eo4. iM. Vose faM t 42 mres la oet ýle und i 3for $7,500. Wm.m lsIwult. Md1vifst. ,ls- à04 i. "bbis, < ie.De. 10 W. M. a~maa i vIte,leV. W. -ie.jr.. le Anthony red- m &ub ?ma..vi 14 lmi 4.alom A . . "g àn Vue te m. mc butlit Lt,8brsO. lae.PaabMad WINs t. A E.aublb;ot kg Aftl Iti lm M. Mad 94 lai« lot S-bise Wintbrp Butber. Qw» 1 l- NN a. vaam oui vils î10 the. Ba ob$..t ,L movWqe ff 4. -"la sutest ii bvit0a uea~1 eua~ublosnigave lUn trust de«ih (Tuoia II100l WrOmml trot.ali) r~btw> '%8zoo ILKqE 14, ~ s.M tlÈBltw W Ix SS C. ~ iv 1âsm buçs a.ot A9a IL VEL Omm au., klau t c. l'Uq lema vuete- Wmm. Dret«y Kailiaumr. . Ne7.ud Maule Berisbr, eme. 38., John W. lDotea, Subuz, s, . Fbr. eut«, ce ramsi Rvb D. iac0flo, eo4ioe21. OMuova. eaa. Mvah&r# City Henry 231,uteçqJ. 304à.88.Rs le.bageu 24 MarIe lus, pus, lm. RFmlanitP bo. KMwmak, 41- Ailes Osg. aqu. q1. loin P. M City. O 24;Iak e 8 deWla . lcrolsmeos.cieua 140. 84;Who LMmeuauo Mruli La BerManA. Pelow, aluke, 28; Ofra uu aacu. ame.« i. Short"A , cm (iY.2; es . pele u çau Çiku 41;*6, John Uc«»iueMer,*Uv 21. 27 N sa me. Iaus, fIw'ke 0 Uv.Koyi Itme, 4.m i.m ofl ~.uern, Msi= itye. 3x Id to, sowei Wl..-ý, . Walln Ciid, Cle, o.Il;Bau Melos4.me.mb ILTrieslot 1i-e fa ferliiis;iê -aft orrE-1, lot j Moei : .14 ilIlghllaPart Wl>8olé." g;la: S'd1 11 f 00 t ç,*t4geeUelgia louaLkte. W» IL0 ; ai 45 3I. N. MIleanI vie te 0. IL MWe Ia; loi 0 mdl7jook 8 ltoMM uy flbaRound (Ae. WD 0#L Lu mle, lot 4 bRo* le Waaegaa b ~iaoa, t~l Olloap.wà~p SU: k "P Bai. RacIne. 48; ~ee.84. <km.- ~ueni ea 1 oai dm ble ten Osu0.,me fl elucune et«ap fila, ný,w-w a«*Ê4 bmes mm ýI aq» héeui - vue I.*Woest,b qflus»eB ga - O.Séam te-emmute làh il omm, lici sulartlé VoituUu Nelasy ni Md Buffleos fie *hc ho ugSdm <Pt.harors mid vuu a uv tMM piet or bcomelà»o glas t,. s le lao i vs bea tomr." O 0410lo verou e- lrtte blloufl téOmocrat Sm cioistaylaI&l o i.aim: u ëoab.th m'a oe" l.1, MIlke vu nl t ' ie e ntb e Md a cs lu oteru qamW olntý ulicbihlmbearere <1W net knov b)e**. -puy MisClara ýLux4Who Sues Stook-buyer.Darloit See 100 TO TESTIFY Moot SenSat)OnalCMs.Heard IiLona TIg ,ojeIfor' One r cf fe u 'i,"» a Ot for triai lu (t Iwqp>4$%*4 fieaext %VI de" lm utet1 in.ilschr"l vorth. MIsa I -ostml*mmeafl the usemsi'<- en Oth fee ogs1 a labi, vaIbat ta 5< li e*t S*t ~IemOl eour111bl Una.thbu; t mi e w hpII ie la i 4 tw ft1* ,.lIac aetupq 'lz vrii Wbsorîthet saa-v tao 1,t b ee arOs~-0 ot lie jpai'age tmu .4 -. ~ ~ ~ D Mami<vi .SLa, MdIVug u4D«Mflaete, vho w"a Nolis !ad~wiO a uthe obapesioâ 10 Ucbert Il. Uart. The lusel lôoe r Otbdtwel t. I ilu tn"et thle, ouuty.rtier bmlletegMr fat fie esis Cwla M bou46.. haqt th e"emor 0f cou ltb ilasio o s. v iii tho e . 1 i doer mr poin 1ptt, tmu tasbýamags v.t '19W bte. loa tj a , meagt fhm"a@sla lte"futo teow, ~tlle qqnet leitqeies. ua lb.M ut lim vth liu oMba"o 'vlliust.trou is eulIntlu bie Ths e ma ladependmmso psu vu le a01omodaafor Commlulos. , . ICMOI"nit 3artiott. t:imuo ji*meaMtaim oVaIGag. ;Attlbe Au. 'uMd cleotlm l~nnbre o Tue WINNER&. Per eoUmy omm"alaaloneu hale Il. Eartetl4,Nfela o « mouad Ibre Oaa.wre eleefle ailtle regtuar Demooralie omnia mfor ail echer (A4dIeu t Bfo la"v, tii.Probata JUUstOO, Amrt âPaucaero «Wauke- dm. au Ii ommlsao~cs élut. toiu 9.gK Im ois iftDenton, ver. elotel vers for IndpedebceGrave. Tvo Justice et th. eoemand, tNo 0oomtablft ves a. lectel at tliIs eleef In lu «cii preol Owmus.f-toumg and commercIa car vlD paymors for luauruoe the comlug peu, a »wushe4llor t«b ievWtbeen ecurplel te bsoome et. <tive Agril1. lit cenaftion iII lbhe dkaugetiihe ge ela ezicudl so te I nluèt. Ils Iiuiul os vi «s members'of,ýdd famlIý,er a Wholauashssvi pemàsa4ln et. th le th1 ubaloo L 6&ê~2~UEMCr Ir ente«.ea th ols .uaiiu t- lob" t* huIle est vu ste l b mslba ýtu mi*,llsWusste *waSur e ola» base»ft ayen liartoune l Mds md O t bubfl ieseMs mm mm»es.la soi" massma lieu alai nuloow 0* p l~a rolin M.4o'm ivqgoe lseSt W," me ut At 'os 4at Il mue insie hea,"v liitait la w» lsk lie e~lon Oamt t bsubieolpuiss , ais1 N. Ilewbor. aet, chluo, 10 ie pay. ment iOf a Pdafmt tur41JU00 0- tIsai 17 ber asiegn« mo@ Osea, vho omluetl a a»»«o etaI 11 ambuer. IL vas olagel Ihur ad ber iiud>o deprivel ber of mema Of support. [lis Deîrbor nt. building la ow - ed by tfi ru Cof mgetrosacc.,oct- lomel of Et.il, Yéepb sud Oscar Ici- sur. 1Tiif 0ec1 point6I out îlot IegWsature bu aoatborlty Jo. p e- miah a restruint on tbe Ilquor truf. Se sud lt b. heovuer.of o building need Dot legs. It tb.atenatta ccsou lqupr unleas ho su dofres. The. ogurIt uriler eibId 1h01 if the oremimee rto té no ued the ovnsr cODUil eot 1b i tOutb Tot t0 pretot e iluftom uchlqaalages SIMO3TS TIIAT Ernest Gody Writos Back He Has en PlioWogrph Plaine, Ka»$., s:sco eae.e mxi.e, ue 0. '(l ileeaIel 3505 lt i'oq laiadvçuee.l hq'duo Il 'the, OQ. n IOa. us-mtaon o auliopionsrecord te mu lfor tuotiIal*fani ieaavel-ft bh te set2 iTh do" ldâe.aa»m CoudraiPero'51lu ltofitfIhe . nt Abe sni er or11,0f l ç4- o-c "s "ntsqm Sp o torw»afld-O 410 M«bora >lu re alslIull ~~ ~ nu." Pumpe? It uleest e bis 4 4t~I4Wi~ alsl a Mme* s - i1411s sauq9OS ~ Ide&' AC ,us -ufepteac$W*i -' - .* wuam idal *0o*sate. bavlme.,uqsudstu-'ois lis ~WThI. ~or .uteika.,Nt vii k. l tom !blé& 'p as ~ lim~ *4q, Le 4*0 la-"q le rlure,111mn o . e Baud1 ii *a~ aut< bu - e t l e-le ua am tp 4o e. iow ferIWt *- tgs ;810, W. ".-lamas pomiael $5. tes 51 " ir, famte ti à h $»#u qela* w flà. D. 191&. W. Usomi. T1,i onlb. ?hhjw id m, O.1 W. N. lu4 puresul mena<e is t le oeil va5*ft, B 41 tes ati 41"ao hel tom Be, igpbh tiste * m se 8M& 4 A..a».L W. E. sait% WIi,-418 UNamer S" motsle hordwy uima te aduer et lha City ifet h mcbl. bey. tu elee wfliaI a àtéamkseuwas.- 8esimeut b. qed. t.e lIte left- lcqu la speala ameaýt No i.». lmr *0 eonslaaeifoa » asver vitii neeswary mmmel.au -bmeu. mesom t onie: lema lalw usâ me., ter la à portion ai Bestinu Ioej to.vlt: la su, nluammsavathe. «nieér et iu1 se ot.I a poit l s te dg lever lu Foir- teesul alisai, mà& theieCity cf Yoat 0iItIgo OMutY os Le sand lstte 'Me Soiunce for th. mmre bains on fle l ls h oi oreth i ty Clsrii or sua iCty oud thé. nId City loy. lot amued t1 tle e cuuy Court cf la-keegmfy,.lmat.scforlmunis. for ou aaumenitof the cost to cover sai ded4sacv accor a te IuIs, moml sqcmeat tierffor baevlng beau madesMd motetr e a uid courl4 tic»1maibeermg ticreçu, vil! be bad lm tsoloctilm..tnhei 151 d6W et M ,A. D, 1918&or as mýmt sontoralra the buîmes ef "alIquilguasprovldes 1h01 1h. reeute aMouet. eftsaidaass ment divie la lum'eslutaiummts bearmg interesttthe lb. rf»v (0 par eUo)>vpr outa. paraun trou the, dIs- et i.Oam veueha W ou el nametcfvait doueon leStIue laeaU e hors saI wmu mrie :thulthl bmns. pated ai ipertis *doo. a o is151. 111e801hlpy ob Ufary. A. D., 1nom a -No le-a

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