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Libertyville Independent, 7 Mar 1918, p. 9

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~oi.XXL-Q T « ~ WILNO R3MVECD(àk k'~JI4 TOII1IÀR IIf iIjAR CLOT7,1918XAMj ____ ____ ____ ~ui&n'INÀTIUIN; IN JAIL £1Uh flh hIIIV IVEMIL ZON FIED VIA AId UWIII 111 IIA~D Afp______la an interview ta a represcfl4ativc ~ fJ~ I i II ASOU A..AALSAILEONS lie ED ote tockford Relier4zette on ington, Secrutary of the NavY Lk-' ried Away the Bark, Near- Presents Knotty Problem or- a suppy of nîjlk, E. W. Engstrom n7 te« in an ollital order eltablislie i a I by Graset l1 Yar D raft Board director for this district of!té i lk lit 1 1 fve-mile "diy" zone attelnd! the GrAt Prass, etcasociatioYearsh régio Lakes 'Naval Tralifg station aud HEXI!I mmml HTNG .l'ir Chcagoociation of the g 5-even talleor naval stations. WOMEN THERE N[GHTS 5HeAs es titdoI-:: th saa Wiîln lsi zoe a gaoorsit tiJl 1oteaorial addressed to the.govemr close. WjLllin tha Zlune, tee, liqiior Police Found Woman Wander-ScHAsueAtideo1 amraueythSaePre.* marnot lbe served 1te ofieers and mren igAot emnl oih mI fusing 10 Strip. Dept. trirnley u 4 nk4S- - » Outede ho dry"zon thre l aj. I~ jaffectiflg dairying, wbich is madeè pohibieth ae 'rznetthe l rtgla a Te"TreOka -ee alWhat cari the draft board do lihen the principal but f04 th e osly Ilii- e iurta ofiers and mren Ilil un,,, Lamxber!'sbodywx round %inzom mn~ldfreailaô elsarUMrs. Helen E. Willianwsi, for4n but they may lbt- erved wtt iyears ago, are dead. Thesp trer.,. 100 Seats WiN Be Reserved IoOaf of Focotemerih dcor Toegoermetplnn-dtosUi John Roffalo of kenosha Here dri<,kg wbite gue-t1jn prl'.ate bon "kt -e fmous through tbim s lrriisle fCà*nt * Ihre aexamine himl ,late areared farn output of 'Ifv,- o mrviU . Tody 1 Sek is ifeen Th atvy eprtmntcanot eglat ttragedy, have been litcraliy hacked OufyOiThe They cant do a thtdg but report stock. milk and grain andtu lu uilold housekeeper, i.., Yer W agtr th!,»%, but Secretary Danlela expresse,-;0 pcca by souvenir hunteri..Pite- Tuesday Nights the matter Io the departmer.t of jus. hepro<lucer, but the plan bai nis- terO d Da g t r he hote tiat in Lîueb bomea tn th-ý es of the bark and even f the wood ice. BUT the man in the meartinte- rriedl. ta the severe osg f the. PNEUMONIA CAUSES , O U T$ VST r e soie *ho liquor shall lie offere't have beer h#cked out withî pocket FIFTY FOR WAUKEGAN lb cla.gaed as a wllful déeserer be- farner. Thus ln thc effort of thé COUNTY CLER imq fth a- nv and tri one cam. even witlî caue of hie afilure Io leclinicaly ull- farniers ta rcspoiid tn tncreasd beof'aknI asThsd 1. VIIS ONYtdRK rnofte a. be k.e, cth mî sded t for examinatton. -Tteentn11a bu'.ines malnly c The twcretary s lie1 liad be, a auhatechet. So tae L"ec ii onduad. I an uebi ace sa pportunity for those- De- mSncb a cas'- cm n b iglit aiIli., On wltb borrowed moer. 2U Dyo bc--WU No License Issued as Yet; Fa- told the five mile zone et the GJrea.t i One wornan was discoveredI v 1Il, teHa adSe Wakgnbors ofieTep-vlrtceto ehllesof C a d s in a e ta i n t n n o t iu s Iýalt L& e orest police w andcr ng a 'o d sring t e r a d S e % a k g b a d s of c , ý îy cattie fe h aw ay se abarply af tp i érth . f D a jg h ter w a8 H d Mher eting ofClne ters ".a ttionf ta ' ank i n gto i.a t rrt nglt o kn o und Sunday in Action wben Barries N-vell,-r. 2. f Zion rmers bail bolîglt th ir caie, t Metig fm.er trees. The offilcer saw lier I nn w . pttatebar ferhvflace ou feed. that a large part of Mrs. Helen E. Wlilltau, aa, ilUi The tact si8 hat no et .lterrltory iaround and lie thought mille was tt As 1theaesult o! Interce->io, y , n be)arese% l».orfaluothin lottmoney: 25 lier cent w pasaed airay at ber houte, 114 0@04 Aaarting that hl& 15year-oId ln Lake coullt S affected by the itundreds of persansa h-vei4telidJ. 1 ager ,president of Ile ~te reaponil to bisinotice. Ie asthe-j belig flnanialy crippleil. 1-1 treet this mornlng at 3 'c1ocki,-jW daughter hi. been abdiicted by lieron e1bogtdw yCai.Wakruth e t eor o r . o nS vt air i e m e t er i., i a qse fm de r3 rein g o t s rlou nt Su a ve cho lf oi atI" r m ornirg and loltt.d up tiiitil 1 I o c o g e u for m ore a ttspo dlf a t h e r e po it e ra daught.er, 'M n the al lover ,a youth of 22 years, and pro. e ieirm Ual rout ties Jh u l,14Great Lakes nor Fort Sheraanriddan Žitctfrai "velaad, résidents of tihe cousit),-ta k4end t IV,-lie then was t,îk" Io the- office ani wr eait I)pieb h pc-Peb.I bt ae o 111.ad n ngmctfri Ctod src et trect, Kenoahs, who " Cma p I lOgan. K fflos1 t a je usu. abo ui Ohio, tank pircem of ti l' , ,îr15 f.,x lilly Suiiday revival ii"U i u tera ln the m arke , so tbat tIe lariui- was the enaisse et destla. camue te Wauk.gan tocey and iasti- a mle or g0ooutmiethse clicle aboutisou'-enîirs. (hcg ntreeces'e"vds I" betbcr ijtleiv-lierg woulî have 'donc, ete t Il iîrs. elbe'. death ocairci J tuted a th rough asearch. Me went Camp Logan lait D rortl t , Situated about tao nu îîî -seult]' ltbe, stasiat i e Tîqnl.tv .ts--r dthe ef," ordle j Iewntlk y, '0 bfoet tweeftrar 0 numaahvngfloe . ote fe0f1 h cut cekAt Fort Sheridan Iaf1>1 , ake l"orest, pli'oîle 1k' th,- stre' tiu' susvl east" i lte f. at i rsseî"In daîryig. snid Mr. Engstronu' aisoperaticis for appendIitla. A> lir ait te th ateofth e rfunyer anearet We Place. ShifeI vile tm10teSarilltar 1caeeWauiegan on eahcad i oniiil. ti' r'-- "But. you ais." urgrd 'rtrI marriagle iconen iicas* they appiy. the next loset. lthl, bowever. art. antI then wend their way Ithrougli ;patsn0 30 eipg dtriu dootw '~aIl %o. Xai eellr. Iy ebt iaI! Ils- miien ofslcarritd r Ia tinthe rmorli a oau we» He then made an app l tepolice.botréservk ayf oaition.te woda1w i- onety joct. - Mr.parter tan te ouofr.-ty. rf hit lolps-s ic ana and oredit 'When anytiuie;118, the-day'on vte ber dsgbtee "Italaiaîlprefer a char-ge-ofabduc eievslt<n patcli as tiare as a oadssa)> I-r- c -wr fwththmthirony re-vas belli, lre.~it~sb lien again.st Paul Cairu lit "e 1nulMite Blind lPige. cles tue trees, and saine failishaveertaition il pwith ltsFlorni-t, - 'Clarman Kotahu. terseta tîeir berd. They must insel!1 litt ui.eddeuDtY. A, byl al>c fid in. le aid " îo îovver Uc fcttha te ia' i'- ve gn o far ait Io c-t grapr , 19 Àrd Nevelier, stemingly indifferen tt-OWs. Mat fîlwhe'r the price ais svas eusmmoned s"d IL w" p ge trae fi ni l- haid.rr' o" paietla aI ta re 'u rmbnahts re.Wlryuarangnsents at thse monstr tabc-r- te igssituation. insietd lie cwîld't uriet eebigmme o s i fpeaiiii.PaSo1 geltrace of ti lea me a rdtft htlli aeo!lhorwîi ts n'meto iiOpt aea acle, wcti i ,ete 17.119t,'elIc. remove bita clothe- !5o tbé examina- utets o! famin s ate nfor a 'ly' e w hopne hedont.for acrte Ituffolo henMiaseaWroundeq'Cq, hictinh Pae.of l,.urdur-l titbccouled gonton.WittdOsound nanieaiduek10astn f faasnef arUiCiin foravéili freine v bs fireont Sheli'r. ioesl ietla a i-î ssî'-hue o uotmiI'ln tmakes It a very mrs FOlIIorest yougsûr tp a tire o! Indigna iea-ckeo! itýL le' n cTîledratgoar i o ionti.iegaotaflaatt litsdaughtî-r and bler allegedi-t àîuc- ritAr herpafler for a' îe an riglit way. Tbey seeri t0 Uiînk Tedrg oadi Bn rgtta ie esne lcla i h locer 100 111that ahe dId Dot kaov te for liaitIregisti-red lien'. 0peraf e cf in that zoné- as UCfdt there tilat Witt Orpet did a wîse f bere vilIlie sncb a deniandîf I r seatt takt- of a mn'q c;ýOftii-sby force. untI tiecocrn crop for f lre years.ln Iftiasr4 vas hcung held- Sam f reinnov bas imore pereunal ln- îbing wben bci got out of tout. tat eervation canop'u. ide uly ajutougi lu this aggravaîied cams ~csînts armrvr e 0 Atasdnrevssmnet Tht-rtsa. the tSyear-oItI girl. ac t t than lietbé altaiter________e__a_ hao days in iiavance. Foi Thal repis- aacces-ion lite anariîad to lie arrtatediraad us a ua Cic adi to lvci a lba g b ien met'i efore-eand vois- r Ue l see thatIRE > LU f on ai rc aiga ntfLae r fatiure ta respond ta thé anotice', nonth.N mr anadDecember. o',Mond&Y liberesaaemed to e.»Mouce thse law la crforced. 80, bli.id vlii ofthey vied il te> mîgrîl do soahuit iepoieo h aefr lie Bayg :tiey tîesrI'mtttempled 1tarot ahat ha' ee:t '1'>"" hie pomtuntt'vthtopolieet- thersute foodadmnbuprovement lnlber condition &ÇA t»o clpuicyomhyknwtalioperators bte e hâ 3be h- du rte ary tpar ut t lu re s.there la nothtng in thc ta- iilowung istration. Mr. Wheeter. tiat thse cm ted physicien »Isd tâtere iu would oppose liuctî action because uioO<'O WshiBonandb'c On Mardi 12, 19 and S Itle 100 scats îe int uCicg nIof mlk production a-ould lie del: tiight ehamse et ber reoovM. Uk weiig 11Sao lehrd uChcg adirmincd meantiane by experts andt alseen tapieS bachtata e- o~ of the extrenso youtb eor bit; datghtè-.vriakdr..aa.uA.a ofhat 1c do. îegwiUlt arrivcd for that vould mal't)eu 10p0,W.A. bofeLcecatsnIon wil li isserealfor1h Itie e a.ts ur lbul ht ad. tpi riei ttatwudri p ton<iitiisJbeveer,*sdI li day- *w>- delcie~true -lm e gerow leal- at the Oireat Lares nasalMnratruiîgLLNLS elgtonbtStrtatle -w b oLck lit up' eaid tlie officiai. any delleit If It vag f ound tWtht l1 04y'e cpNtsve ,gu6 iE~~~~ s~tation, Weduday nigblt e.'Ltresed ae f >tueday juil hîw maty -And Neveller cas ocked up, perdlng; compromise price for tlie tao monthi e tcrio. w ms ta hie damgter's vindo-on * ' cio h- vd f111 iii av ail themsrîvvs ofthflicoppol'- frhrato ri it iy h a e e a o.Tefres oteiii h dfntro casopnîl oeta teellar oDies ode.Mo69of the territury Dr. John Difl Robertson, Health tmnty se that the facttcaslaiees chances aré Neveliea' aiti al once be tue promised atîouid*have PmiueUo ollreauel .-e doo oenthe h stationretw Patilsorer 1phoned ta Miss Wbltiîck hansd as e riic nottam lhu uîicsasdsf ft. 401Oselrge W. etC.d- î ao anpt th g il becbtl ia-e. a s e i- n pd r a l a i otg. Fe d igen4-R eports the Finding traad over Io ther. The eatq r e a iasn a d a i il le A c m iso a p o n elt e 1 W U e ua H .o m e . i _______and_1tliat aree le-hare "en suittitii-FheltI agentsone a-ho gets in wt ctrerovîni termne"t the coat of prodtaol itflke. lho; Robert L. and BenJa&In H lngattii'Anercai lruscok'," u iiW te te P rl the Ut lIseai t thse destred end. the>' vent rIses g brotbers, and aiterais:Hfrma»Q tuiffolo uai. '-Aiopt two cet-k'- totegnmlstail îOTCR"TECUEuntit 715 P. a.tlit tiry ware not Iiaboutni cpam-eanI a' ,ethfeITarmat yta îî ibuneîî t1 hyîcate inc eFrhdy. to 1908 for cesi data. ta-tiig co' et eorU rtvl.M& »W ago e-cn-aito meanaboutdIf -îumned over tu ititi g, neral public. Fec iniWelc !Uetyil;,Y.0Mt l.atI lyobjetction if lic uarricd li>- Newport le lard Mt. That "War Bread" was thelIWu ans "likt sl t I Ivep-dbsiN- l rlttn:Tcratio o! mte felht YrcOtaven t idraHie o e 'ftO e AngoWlmUt aikt>' ,-Itk', il1)lI dvlpiliit týIW a uTe rate ion t elih-a fr cglt aye.m s., k ide e eeigiStovu»ahip. uIsligiitm .1 (i'ld lnu i sliat t- a Newport, ticefauhiontbeîtod Cause wa mte ttmn 1 iae tteyMC.A nOroieteathgsncFrd lta-tgeotele ndab ois 'a. consert tc, la tt-. î(dtiug ,andl sii" the site o! a înava.l training station,.utare deaimouis uit 1 wii 051' e lcptiî oaod u rasplier ornlise tght-yeer average ntilk one great grsuidehld. gis' ii(l nay îî.eua.hardet 'tit b>' the order. Tt wsult te <.orroboîiituiie o! lhea- triti- .1it-Tuei's"sm'-ýilig i wîtI ile a tcase Ihat came When lbe Ivan arresheil by prîce ta get ah a price fer November, -liMr. Wiltiamns vas blina iS ia? ~~uî~îdry-ifr the war. New-tiring ln the Suan a few IiYays g of rs ortii-, tir-',' red. Whli;;:iilb.lcie lit.a', ai:s~ ,~~culY uhSza~le w tl li ob aiu alt " a is IO llti in lt it s' r F In a e r higbndy , but a m de i br l s UÊ : Ilole-cr- luitint D ar po rDl t eact -si y i.- îst th( ;ilI s' 'r'i niiain o :t ru,ý tý o sr tiv'n rlst' siIldiii ît ilia r.-statons'aicshch goe wor t c.nd.-commissioer ofaCabout. 26 y .ar aiago. for 27 yearse, Wh yeairs. Thn r il! Ialliui. ig ial<îu.' rîm- ltit fýakis î-ndiionb. issýe go healli depairtthlet 10tathee Pulýt Itond a nî'titing u1111ota Chcago ihn't a'ea uiatatad.,aiatro1at eoiigi,'r ihhueepri akgu# titialietutassti-au t uliAi ' d ; ties-tles, s-minlus thsu e cietrll. blat Victor>' bread u r1 oîslic foiarly ln Uic sftel io ad aitng uli t Minto ,a tga oo shtuar n1t i s t rattero! i Ine.a--forthee-tligl'>1 lhtboe en e'r fn Waue iW ot oier hgad. s uglit ieItii'tla aditin, taillîhI plce',yiou, heotitd -ahavef accu.. nl fo aL'ubeaio heci-aIyu morid hve seuieil satrîotiei-almen-.fronted on tise corneri On tt cererrodObe i RoaRnd oli o Iî' htad iiiougîtnonîurtuavy'a fie-emille order affect-" l (Dedeveloped.. la n oteeiict.ti i mayCsso lîeu d icane, or a n ide thtioirs. a-atithe ogli atu oo drnr Aal Egt orico a eae i fo the Lage' t e ets wlicn lc lgtheMU- about it Il. tIliat tinte andtI hougti'itnaval academy l, ahAnnttOti'5, tle Tic Chilcago Journal lu, i-î,gluî,tagit uitd tsetatrt- tic offlcer panilta.Ncc et:it ic ppenaeil Noth e ymbor yaItrd a o ue slie Tierssa souîd (Io as i askel. traningsatons at Norfolk N'a., andI ioitI: lier unI at a ntiber of tltc oliso Wieu dts ruatw-as laid liefore Yetia1aternoolin m' ci! t- -lt athse nasal operatibte base u a i t The charge ln brcad sardtîrlï an'i w 1L h ut cli. tegealovrmn heie-Qt ago k agim& out for a littte ss'Itt. Before she ton Rnsadte mariste tsns'iaeks althelie abltty01 iary tilla ho bleiid 1 NUIGIMENeSNlirhsbenriu dfoticgnrtgvrmitb-î. ie ut odjk agii s 101t Net cIterskl'as heur Lias lcd fnt it of thse farmera o! the Mte St on Juilse X K. Walsh tOct wcrt Ie -s asedlim o kslî'rPariýla I td. . C. ard Quanico, V. proerly the gratns composlng the- tle Ciy liutat the couuty ,ail antI Boolnngtoui ad by A genorut mccl- a-ho h aense vent tiro gl s g bn bh lnk g o! goaî s all ' a.t laite ir Expilâ s Mie Order. w rb e fo r areI< "' *,ta bc flJ a-îi, ble helal thurc pinding liastrut.- lg of dairytme n, bell at Elgi, tbe <c - ot tser front ils lonse la a bU L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~O titeantogibcatfo ha af f tateunent explatning t la'o' eemi ous n ago, u- ..vJ8a Ations frean tic departinent o!fijustice-partient of agrictultture'snt out al' te the garageltere bits sosi me igre uIwbn se ntICaroderM ir. Danietli'saite Itl, hdýbOlie dten antI sevrt-e lltzs nCîcg U Y I Yaishoea-bat course aboutit bc. t.k-n experh, Mr. Laeb. On the talcts lie Itavesa ggpply ef crai.- îlee heyourigsaitIt-lîltulls sud the central weatern GI? NII Barrîey Nevelicr, Zion. vho mc! aîed mdaragmnsroneceasaui' ta protes presenteil It lii 'underdtoqd tbat thse vent tâterat e t giheascru»a' itaearrouiii.ors gathered for ttaiuirg. He r -states for thc last fea- veeks. This le lic exantineil for the draft, vas inflItpîtce for thse mbaith-o! Ma"iC l les h omne, but a-hile h. vas 1 '-i awok titis norniri about fered t longthta coudons et ew- liathen toinChocagocati'iheaafleer1,onkn te Chcagvashfixftelnoby Use was fined by he commisionvaalltWueegli Ils. the leelvsb o'clock antI caticd to Therei' tatfil port and ValleJo. Cal.. near tiei' Mareerineifmnt as tllueresuli of a serica o! Failure tb lndict Zion City .Feelwsh-t-ne lie clii lic armaigricd betore a at $283, a-illie r,.ised te $3.10. "sTh« wwh « utaocnvsen Iho haa Uic babys boule witl i mlk, Tliere Ilalnsstation. chicî le aaid theIcol- exprimttatwili !oodstltffs lusseil bs jui vas uno anscer antI1 t aled Iagalia. cal suthorit.tes hall been atniy urged tle vîctînts. - L Se urpit sed Sme d ined Shateis t c dîlsotuer wb atiIm. ucesa dîfferengc a i-0,0 Of - oU»Ma , us W«111o a t"111-1 Stliinu ialer. Thsc'5i1bgof u, t corec._Dr,_Jhn____Robetso.____t thinktrg periaisa sit cas sîî'cîîig -" 'Fer nany menthie." tic stahetuent commsiIoner, reporteitl bs findlng te soundly Iliat 1 nould bhavis-cto ake 1sald. e-laresultiiig froin thle Pres- Washingtonl.ilrriiosrfe- Tesndcaets adfurnorscnsttof'rdaoe.aisslmetgUc as lien -a little. I1îput out m>' hall t en"don f tntoticting tiquer lntrietovi- ai foodI admni6tato, diapatcbcd auit " jry ret »onrodb'te a(in. oim tA W esi Ilter etos theorabl ie . Ieat>' song aes"DIie' waeasdumfounded dlicai 1 fonielien c tnit>' of crtati paes undor naval cnvay ta Ibis cii>' to study tflicsitua- ty grand 1a> - i opltdla ! '. ,ata hI ili h olr ori h olice reseaelo ihe b~ lied asu empty., juaibcioi have lacen brouta-ht reipeat- tien. The- go%'eriiitnt la tu co-Oper- liberationui ber'e tate tui afteno cagego nfre. yteIw "My svttc becaaîae li>tericai. 1edte theticattenton or lte depat- etc -sth municipatl authorties in es- Paliure ta indiet thei tour asembefr ens! ondiaionsr thetone a yen' ap e ing i c bte. tI al+rondad fudil l et , , vealvsmenrsal lqcesitItîtoburau o IlsSct ofi lthe ecit ûaeeloeouitchot hed ve atunre tausetedirapupetil Ili ofbelte sa adtaentw cîst atILw fni 't ayloo icme.nt sid tise ailof mîlis makirg a-ar riour. somte 5urprisi'. Titie efadaiitg cattle te the butelier. Anid »Wvtise voues vis qsa ad akentwowaits ad to fids ttsway ntothettepCase t vahe t. keqp te *J' dresses. Nothing hise vas missaing moral antI physicat velfere of tiese FoundS! orne Grouns Gise. ver. releasesi fr0 rithe obuaty jaff EXPLODES AAN 0F'DAIRY. beasleâ lier eevrvday clotlilrg. 1 m talethula betg aerlouaW crdang- Wle are confidentf1000MfN il bu tise case to1t11e£Folitea figure flaI abe muet bave eippes! red." former ttieory ef a aidesprcatl plot came knowcn iheni- ssould lhe no in. Potatocae.cia iaoinlsc*oetIeueuie a' out o! tic bouse ,sainetinte fet-etnis 1,regard -tu Newport, the îccrû. to g ipo o * - ws ronom"ditin.W.,E.Watkinn of t.,betys-ilie. amnaits Tuciday suad tinrease a judgc tegl"d ont a-lf'IL ninnendans! n ies-en forohe tst 1 tar qtîtelClamutcators rent otesDr Robetson 'We.id ftd lnlhe - rfom ntsafalakDr.unY aoreulhsal av"Wcr basal finrop l 'nrTns. hendichnseflrt0 ,âe train ho he sutl laceaKenOha a the omntitdaii ef tis isaiI istrct. oe apc1nsn et our integreuth Haa CiisttnserBt5ag5IT. compotes a sbrs'e 0ff onditonitioncsfortuhot Ufor Wicenen. _Wisconsin.___

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