If io k" ofoansuitem of We iS» nov isr toahhsfl.Blno Goodamsu str otteret f or muin uJr7ih Coopu#oR. imd rôtoh Union Suit.; aU *Ise,6 e hort and losig BoýWee ~ittu irqt eSXwlu Haand (âpm. ilo a. os 1'J bo& bol. M. Schasuck mock,~ Ldb.rtyville. '0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - JANIESVILLE N IEGA r' Fan. M"chmy 7is golnt t. b. bard <o - .get Tis we 'Are sure of. the pfloe le gjoue fo be bW4h. oeared witl olluer Um.. Y.. wiN have te bug àa oerta usaIt.mit gos hoçld Sder Wb« gosWin MWWd i mde repdrs g".Win 1reqoire for old mecdmes, EARLY. or gos wil o»t be MEue <o get dhe m We have bought enough tools for aur trade, if we get al af thon. That is gaing ta ha the stier-IF we Iget al of hem.Camne in and hak it over. SCHANCK HARDWARE- CO. for Your 'War Garden" 0f course, yau aegigta dW.r Gar- deti" titis ya.K~ n'idthat 1 have. just received a - argje supply Of SEEDS froin several.aif the Ieading seed coznpanies in the United States. Aima have a lie af FLOWER SEEDS.. EH. CORLETT, T. MEATS AND (IkOCERIES T*pheaa-83Cud 80 msjl HMi Treat SSed What té0poru a PrtsmgetaWbt $4 s 65C a Pint A 14 -11lIIr.tfo 40 t. arg Store, tu op adlmd, hue bouniglaig W. P Miler. formsrly oi Lekocounly, but now Imm. adeletfor macoupluounty. ue à Pmceremetiy omumersghie tvitisu Bla a-09910g£lbu"tof.simlean la lb var ugalsathomibus vpu»Maioc sasi ernIIaq ii so gv.Ttpari of lboati.,il sam, bus been imoédý upon by persous wvoha" v.banteJlln vortbiSee.ad orp s S iedeohseprima J. -P. Vinnetge, vha ilvonga Bech Z"& jnorihivent c Wmakqan ant Wbo le a 78y«uMd4hlnoV put- tbe deva bb audan for Ibe Mutn PM maya h bollov ha*W- lwoibis cOnaeetem thnalSin Ul e b- ardhoi ýb« tvaualMd atour dm »M.un ert <ba ho andt bey are bath mmcl lutaimatti igule.vork. Tho« wSR bave boss marrled- 642perathe lvaty'aocod of " i.moath su boUs umelaie a&tihuerty. -Thorat-a tribut. th.ir beaut ti te1"tbatm tuap vork lu th. e rtien no mmci ad come, i no uchilosécontact vith nature. 3.1.0* va.wua, chiiago ilor on Mondor. arcaivilo MimaAiea Ehtuer vé@a es W Wbo smes.rremdorBar War @av- MJisa JeasimeJ"i un eiet Saday laC%&Mao. ' m'Rd Jocbam, Jr.,.epeut Sunday tu wnmlkee. ire.Leelle Warren. of Waul, va. a local visitaion Vedmeeday lmr, (L Romcetd Armw. é-.a lo- mairon Wdmenday.,' , H.r. chrI i P«rk M.P, wva a bm oda la be a Camp raton àa k« day' faLueb M. . orvor cf. raydae, Wltmd relatve.Md blnabasambat vel. W. ehUil@MMad for landaunand de. mocrsay vllbWar Sav tmpe. Oerpéat Dix rd Camp bordos, Coanada, wus a rnta uuMatlb e . .Co"lt homho Misa Grtrode LArauo, of Chicago. von lb gust of is"atMiaisJocblelm on Mr.oati Mn. BarméanHarehilt, of Ghmeof John Barnad., Mr sud Mrs. 8. J. "lanand da-ib. tai, MI«a. le fl ano ihM islma nWelgart et Volo0. Tba ët. LAwaveceGuli vi imut vlth Mm R'Herrnglon, <bursday aflaroos.1 &pril 4. ÀA good atteadma hdesire. ime CrneCham ti lendathelb04028s meetng of the. Art ud Travel club ai' - îe Hotél Sbman, la Chkmao, 'Juday. kindiy tolaphono No, 1 Jes Noo@1 0 OMha 5hà. g imeat o local "dlaies Ptthé klb»o b mtBoce-bu, Wer LI.GiieLu**i, of Ingleside, aiet. Snnday haro. W. W. Wàé asabUulue..vistor la u o ioTu*dq. - 1 mi". %ouaCroeh cef Uvanaton, @pent suaday et lb Daenle isome. Fruti Qrqmm, ci Dsufa0ou, vWeà bueinam vWator ban e udeesy the gcuat of bardaêe, *e. Job. Colo. Mise Bida K1#ppSre, 4u u..Zurich, vue a ~cu net ol MisA"d Haier. Evety Tbrius aliamar ean six rIie bouin.. Boy Ua.péotboe .Ion sued.9 Mm e. S3 . Daaesba turnoti froni a. John (li. aMd is . .A. Ouml vWetti reatv ia I.Usuheanyeterday Mr. aud Mm. POW, i Bauhilti, of Chicago, aeni t SaMsy mlibId 1r. and Nu. Job* Benard.*--i .lihberlvlllaagale laeecond place lu th ecounty la the pert mnialse ni va, eavingea»d thriit aaupe. Mms. C.. m. ?eu wapot a - vdava fat week la Chisego vtb bar daughter, Mlis. L- Protiuaaadfa.y Mr. and Mme.Tboma COla raturneti to iber homme la JoWetab Tueeday, aser a bri vieil vllh lOW>i*bre.e atam lb Pluai@Om ovdee over tb.re by, et.nimlag etmavnceovar er- ant bying Var laitageemps. George Camurol f Soir York City, vw« Mie W. B. Mai17 sud chUdtren of lb veek-end guest ofJocal relaives..Mr. Raci», are vhitlig a lb home of tb. Carrollilh nitouta on astrip tbroigb theformeMealale, lims.J. A. Traptow. 3ouîbernatatua. Tb@ Sharyl Gils beld a meeting on Tihe parents of Chai. Berardaidsd Tbureday uflarnoo, mi lbe home ofise. Frank Llghlbody recelved vord on Joaphin e Dlhaye, et Bightand Park. Wodneedai morann of the sais arrivai Mine Cors Foola vas calledti t bar of tb. boys la France: home in HaillDaylbthe ttiofthe veek Leteras Novelty Store bac lustafle a on amont oif theIlinss of ber mother., newosd vat. fouctalua »d lh arryte Roillia Mller. Richard Scbanck sud an ad. Inu i Imhue nouclg 0ii. red )Butierfleld aitended the BiIly Son- opsain fanf u 1wcrosm paulor. day .meeting. In Chicago an Sauidur The Prabyterlan Ladhu Aid vwilaios met at the. home of Mm.RHses oun ext The IRarnaut Worker' Sunday Schol Tliutuday afteroon. Mme. Riagls ud celaaeviii meet vlth Mne. F. Trpp os Mm. Homg viii ami thebhoste. Braînerd Court on Friday ai tercooc et Tii. ladiles of the akeside Cametary two o'clock. Association viii meet ai lb. home or Lieut. B.'F. Glaeon and wrire or Fort Mn@. Loiu Mattoche on Frlday* afta« Omaba, 4 Nbraska, ara spendlon lb noon, March 29. Ail minmeru are urgati vek vlth Lieut. qileaaon'a mollet, lMms ta ho proent. Hoe iin. The The local DoototSice adriae thatil nov Tiea iliib. an lection on Salurday, bu oun saaIreen &m 95 Aprn IÎ, fortheiapurPtof oelectinx tvo sl a*..e*t tm -ga ,ll~ 1 ý'Phiyeraul. . vHI ho codsced et #* preebytecls climrch oe Wed.aday.nd Tbnredgy @m Comme&"om srvice on Frlday aveiilag at 7.45. ?bm usmetinai viii leadop to île prop.r ohsae'vse of the. Reeurrectioq ot ont i4rd sIohaie, Suada!. Tii. public la cordlslIlmlted 50 attend theer s. vics..Tb* 1ev. lMontanue vwui peak on Weduedat svealng, tbe Boy. C. I. Meebor, 69 CChisago, on Tlinrsday nad the li. J. a. galeton. Superntendent of the-CprmepondmeeDepertmeint of the ~b~laUtit.. iiieek-on Frd~7 M b. ab 10a. m. né Ibis f*ma*.:=9 wrlugviib.take, fur Our hler program in ii b ond eleebm uthie hune. Tb@ Sa@leprogmm attlb Prebr tqrluh chutIv coeleofaope"iamodle ~*oh un morngandeveagarvca. Theogaalat iii W NMr. FloraDorait asd the molck4mtsat the moralng tervlcê wm 4' mi"a Epria Smale, soprano. md Jobn, U. Croeby, lanor. Tha chorus ehoir viilng »su nb.m, "Tb@. Lord lh Exali;" Mies Myrtie Smlavii lag "iluer Dsa" sud thanvhflsienbea trio. "Tb@eDawu 91 I&MiteDap"-iss Myrtie Bsala,UMi. Harmonud"ise. Silien. .At lbe ulg Sarvica Mre. Aàut sud thai, vlU ba trio, "Ain a Fatber Làade Dis Vhlldren"-Ulu Myrtle Smala. Mrs. Ange"tsA. Harmno. end ]Frak Wrlght, ami;tadby lbe c.u. Mrs. lora Duradd viii play the Volumîary, usfrtcry sud Pdeluade., i'bo Lv. mont»"nusiiPunach ab the mornlng fevifa. on tbe ',.PÀWlty ok tihe Rmarrectlou" andi la lb. ,vonlng st7:80 on "The fHabitation oft b.Boul." "AT TuE CRSS LENTEN CANTATA ý 19 . E. ciuRcu 1 ai JO- Dc mmbnfor tise tovw-nubp ilgh tuirty.aavaanants. school board, ta replace Chair les Averl oprisdM@.H gk*,0 i sud Wiliam Peston.Highland Park, apent Sunday Dit the Tii. Sb. Lavrencie Eplacapal church Frank Ligiibody homne. Corporel Ii bas aacred the Rov. Hill, ofi Bg Rapide, Dac£kwell la nov tationeti lu Alabamna. Cr ii., as paaior. The. 2ev. Hill, Who Mr. sud Mns. H. F. WaamDOsPi0 bueh. viii &Ibo hava cbarga 01lte UrnysiakaitiMNobta.a.er, gueutlotat îlà,home Ai parm, wi asumebis ew ââtote f Mr. sud Mns. Chri,, F. Poua ero oi tu rt veek la April.* Tburday outil Sstnrday, vhila.tnroute Tb, ko1v. C. A. MOtaups anti I. C. home fomin ltsniaven, Florbia, here illgglne ver. Ina ttolid«vce at the amal lb, spant th vin ter. 1 Tb jlai of lbthecugfo r«sbtary on Mon.Tb. ULbertyrvle Gremmar sChouf, flot k. day. vb.re a icitar 0f tihmissal vu.coustlug tlb fini grade, ha. boughi op gronted là. former, irom -Chicao to todae 882850 vorth ai var mariage091 DeeMoluse. la., Preeb tmr, to tske afcandti .43 aamps. Tii. le savr a â fne th, April 1. He aa ao relea.ad fro t lbbIùîbn of pstrioliem amoug t$ lb lie potale o the lblocal chorcb, t tkafolkx, As.yas va bave no figUe.front affect at tle mmatint. . b fl àhool._B The ÊPàarnt.Tm.er Assocition viiiOu Satwrday, Marcb 80. Slistei bold a bmeting ,lu the. amembly <)<IO yImprovument Association vii&Ia room of tlb grammor acbool O o nzt holti a meeting ln lhe Auditorium. Tbero M WedDeffilat-0013 asti ibs. lrtl viliib.oa buaamameeting ID %lIa morn-1 oawk. lors. A. A. Grand, viiignive a g .la lb altornoon «Ar6Atr Page, ho report of lbhliard conclimeeting ai tor of theorange JutitiFssrw v iiE Çhcgo division ofltlb Illinois Paret-a peak outlb milk iluatida la tlb Tomcber Aieoclation. Tba@aevath pati ombUny. Ut. Pag'.taikwOviii h a get CI g9"l, undorlb dureclou0oMima80l", b mst anti hip 50 the dairyman, Am. * viigvu a drilli la caienice.A l 'olbr vory &bie speaker wviibu- W. F. attentâedance h 4. lib admuhn from tii.11211614111Y o, Tbrough lbecmmeti&atmolotovr. Wlaaon, bia subiec, belon "Dlvsme sor Lovbma, Jutigeo. H il.let ýb@aPm 5tl.. r sppolnteod ua.&a meber of tl b etlm i board for duviejon NO. a. W tbeolb ' ditrit of lUnohlts. .Milleteie.C8 à à er i à lba appolt.anst throumh bwlall ex aperleo ace lu mattrapurtwwID 0bmotbodlut-Epiacooui. eporlios of lb droft lav. hob v e aatrstma viliahobld UtSii ua ta lbgornaDPMmb eAl .. &tdai aI L 9 . ciurcb h * la tobsoeora t a in erailsm.eMWuMd ovemsla.m follova: At 3U o'ulo* lo b u baacve eaul av w à omsaloavi t80h11«amle ~ ~ ~ e,~s,*~ 5elà.,I e ani iii sdhe lmishe Upp. ;wtýbu b bSut cbldrn sd adulte sel te it ift for île local boerd..vbl odtqeo lbth ecrew avmombae: J-leb It1wr.i eiu oemnis voasm b*tire service uil$ c Ou. Tuaedsy ov«blg,. aI lb befglb*9 qa nCatala, "As Tleùeoes"by oebool audtorium, about ihtl sqs. Pollook. The public la doodUyally h hors of tle Homo hGuard. Unit M , <les toauted.. muetèreti lote lbrm v ll~,basé Mg * "L enaProu theii;« suCants 'y w aIL ILd bbttuom~ b écd pForth Baye" Metii nglla»bE 0f. l enfouai of tle ltinok %esewsM USa, a veucints, 11110. lire. W. E. DatVIs vPi cami rons Pelerb* org ta au h e "ldisthelbmeeilng. oà oat f allsglante, vbleh mutbe b Tb. cehoir vii miet formeaajis I mm ihraabWecto pduty aMWpbpi».la veck:TThadae vanlng ai S. W40*ket' t b stale roqulrbe g tur metnc. lb ohorah. .h Mr. Abbot pWu oat yalb Mh nom- OsnFrldy eVoein0af Iis Wpei l*on passent a sli bdU bt', rilleil sud viiibo a butansse meeting a"à Upiebl nMkinglthet.app. IayJibposLunilO~~ b h a wo!le.Ailluutep Mubud la enle. Foilowlmg la tii.progran 0fth@ Lente aniais, "At The. Crois" t b. glitan bY or choit ai the Libertyville IM. B. ciircb miaieti by J. U. Crosby; EBiter Snndày raenlag, March 81, ait 7lO: Solo, taaor-"Fatier forgiva tbam, lob U, Crosby. Cborne-"Sgaviour,for out pardon sue," ,boir. Solo, leuor.-"Thl@ day shait thon bq f tii me lu parodis," Mr. Frye. Duet, soprano anttpsar-'enu, pity. ng the aigu," Mra. Instraham, Mr. 'roi. Solo,,alto-" Woman, behold Thy go..," àho singers of choir. Solo, aoprano anti cborue,-"Jsau, lvlng ta the end," Mr@. Ingraham. Solo, soprsuo-"'My Goti, vby haut hou foriakan me," Miss Eva Wllllams. Ciiorus-"Ju, 'wiialaed.lu lente un- knovîl," Choir., Solo, tenor-"I hhînt."Tenore nîCboir. Duet, soprano and i lo-lJequ. lu Ti thirit and pubin," Mr@. Ingraliam, Mie seai. Solo, barlton-'It la OIlsbsd." 0. Inakins. Trio, soprano, alto sud tenor-"'Joau. &H Our raumon pai." Mn. Ingran, lie. Roa.n, Mr. Crosby. ' Solo, bsrltoae-."Paisr, loto Tby sud.s I commend my spirit," Mir. louina. Cborue-"Ja, ai Tbi labor vaàtl" bh jr On Imprç!vedLake Cçunty P49r If, you lntend ta buy. té ImYpmëwr t*stock upr a farm and néed money, or I yoO have loans faIliIng due which you' must refinance. do flot falltot seçure aur terms on First Mortgoge Farm Loans. We aiso supply mortgage loansi ta Investors. Newesi styles for spring and suxmer. The Shoe with a national reputation; a l lether and guarant0eed Cmii and S». My DiWpay cd SPRJG'AND ýSUIlMR FALý IR.-AMDFAIONS For Me.'. Fone'Made-t - e ur. os k wilI be apleauye toshow you my stock whe"ho you buy or flot RAY -N.8M 1T Buk B iding Law -- - p - ------ -------------- -SPEIAL#RIC:ON' IMAGAZINES and NEW.SPAI Attractive Clubbing Offers Way Below'Publishersi Prices Ask- for my special price on an" XagazinE or. Nai paperyou may wish 'g,. MRS. A. ,TODD, JR Iudepea4.it Office 13LOUSMS Dainty aru ericbk peËW modelineCeaorgçte Ctele. Crep de Chine, Voile a mui h S3&&. A wicle aasartmrngÎàg in.piice front$1.00 to $.Q fIMI 1NOSIEY: New numbmrulu black, white sud pople dudus, &a'eue, S1.0O bu sî.ms8. doxoUEs: The musnsbistom »" inu my dwmt We bavegameuis foi ail figurs sdali purpoum& Wiind WW., CARROLL &Soeê J t. W-PARKURSt - *,# .4 WY t. la- kW, IM. b - - - - - - - ---- - - ------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MI 1 ti ý 9W 1 ,ýw0-ýe 1