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Libertyville Independent, 4 Apr 1918, p. 13

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I M~r. Renne eeau 4>. arrIed on by G. £gartner le 'mlnu 4hî aurcm-e one other tesoher la %thehigh sho elh a @sa IiUnie ait enploying an addltiotaal toieher to for thp d«.,,rd for the ine e motiut -aï succe Il Mr. Ranne, that the athîMîpitald in préviens years, viz: from LNOTLASOVE workand the imllltary training work $260 ta 1250, thp cemma ta lie tli EN ROTLASDV Is a far advanced, and will lie ai the In tahulated formn. and on tjîanks, pro. U VR70 OE bn~can carry on the work The offer moade by Mr. Fgartiler joi ihe end of the ochool year. wsLc-ptdStohererd adCleosesks, prl Mondnaenoo The oAl lia etino h iî ingws afor thabthurpoard and thenMiwaukeStore Cloaca faf onday Vat 6. Open Sat. UnLil 10 Th fiiwigcommunicoi!lon wui. board agreed ta pay hlm $200 for the republitan, was-leading Illos. E. Devise presented ta the board hi' the Parent- ta<.ing of sucb achool cenisua. cont. demoarot, by 7,40vote@ In thé . A th n i ,y e a d ieI rK b e ai s 'leabchera' ineaçucpiatlon oi the North pletely tabuiated, andOrsady for filing consin genatorial _ os.lots tdy TateWuea chool Bad in the office oSr ie secretary. Wlth 85 per cent of the votes couated Il li m T ti, auega Shoo foar: uperitendent made report show- LenrCot was credted wth 13,995 tlWeee here 1 hut ojne educa- lng total nuinber enrolled In grade Davies, t16,33SSand Victor L.erger FO ndgads esi n na lack ef rolled for month o! M4arch, 2,497; lper t@ admit defet pnning hi& lest : a e 4 8 C atoopSten dMn supervision In the grades. and of cent of attendance, '92.0t; number o te Mlwaukee where wlth hiseunex. û e u ti n 'v ! ~ I p 2 e t harmony and înity nmottg icachers ntardînese8! nbrdy of,2p8pcass aof ers ly o showing acceurit- ______________ __ aadpricipl s .withou4 whicl hè(le r iesI!nme fpuisa-wr lw h4ltUle progress. and our- boys and sent more titan Ove days. 151, and girls are te rêal auferpi'r n is one case of corporal punlsbment. r tim of, stress. Principal made report sbowing AMERICANS PLEASED OVER Therefore bp It llesoived, that il total numiber enrolled la hl-,h achool UNION WITH THE BRITISH â e ihe sentiment emjber, 4.18; enrolled fori ers' Association of 'thp North, ochool. the mteîth of Mardi, 319: totaIab. . Bv United Press) aet-eater Ascitinthat Wau\egaii grades ned more sences, 248; dai!y average atten- With theBriltish Arimes in France Pmn-Techrs ssoiaionsuervlsion on th aio legt>r dance, 358; per cent of atlendeoeep -News that American treops wililieh if N Sohool tirgenagitîforn.lent- ae 96,5; numiser o!fcssoitoftar4alis.briagadeal with thegitiaîtsifor imme. Reust heCane tInte, of one persan for thiq grenut 21. diat filghtlng, created Intereet an)ong c 0 R tmsteCag ork.. Board adjourued ta Wednenday the offîcers bers wbo have heen 'lm. 14' The communication iltts îhat *hp e * gApril 1, 1918, at 8S lo. .menset l ase . a aumue, RANNE RESIGNS POSITION b waq adopted unannnausly ________etthuslasm as :ov:u.àahlg nerny de. .~ * li~~te Norh schoal» .- .-fficers consider the event. h _r Knek Urges School Mrs. A. C. liatiorne and Mrs. John - Banta of the Norh Schcol Parent- I L m oRaise Salaries Of Teschers' association werë preaent GERMAN PEOPLE WILL BE IILf Sohool Teachers Here a1ltheboard meeting and pres .nted I' ' i Ii L STAGOEREO SV. CA$PUALTIECI - A tt he Decémber meeuin-r of the (13v itfltd ress WORK 0F SOHOOL BOARD board Mr. Knoelk presenn-d a coin- London-I'Ludondort le heglnning te !uncation in which lie siateil that ,reae the German people for a veri t 1-Parent - Teachers' Asesociation Intb. work of princi-)al of! lie high OFF FOR PORTLA'ND. big. butchers. bill,". Gin.. Maurice asking board ta seperate the, posi. gradp scicols had becnImp so hu rden- Wedncesday nain, without ait yado declared today in cemmenticg on theJ oS~~~~~~~~ mehscolpesn eslto .choo4 nnd î mp ssnlend f w(li e UrItviceirmenrof millty pperatlon lions of principal of the igh t îepoe uevsono 1 o oîad e woete ne uîu.chool '0e ta twa mosil or hl wirate ,nn inietLbryi hanged tarte of te-German cern.IIl..- . and superintendent ofth(le grade grade wark. and lie asked the board army training. There was DO demon- "The enemy besheen cempelled te J/.P se.e. lu appoint- SMr. Jlohni S. Clark. Çwho strattoa 'as tltey went ta lie 12:36 wthdrlw- 49 divisions (480,000), eut rf 2-.4-eerge C. Ranne personally t71. 'sas then and la uow acting as pri-m train sud starteal on the journey ewn figures arlies than haIS efth(at dors réuignatien as, nstructor of high cipal of the, Andrew Cooke scbaal) as whose endtns ne*>ody can predkt. "Fretin Par-le et Cite a condition of secheorlilsking (ths itllék effect May assistant sîiperin4ende-n of schools. Te e ntc .t ee tablty ebtains. 4 t. Berd la reluctalnt te lesse a andal li Mr-. Clark slîould devote hig Gale Maghil. Barrinaton. 'It 1§*futile ta suppose the opera 1. vaaille instructar end poferred ta e t a (asnpervlalng work lu lie pub- AkbolneraB M. K. Meus, Onwentae ia ueo re nded. Uitla now ettrllr tisar _________________ live ltne lesviii f absence for oee lie schoois. Club, Lake Fiorest. thebqunho o the 1917 effertalve. or n e elc umitd er. The nmatter o! placing on. man at .George laie Yahr, 360". N. Broad- Tits war of 1918 compaîgn season JiF r IV n e ,T I'se n J n o s a .o,(te iead o! the hîgi sehect and an- way, St. LOnts. r Wasehadeadi rq municatilen urglng (bat thes salaries other at the liead o! (h. publie Joselph James Peddie, Lakme Forest. et teaehers h. relsod te itîlp (hem achoola has been discussed InformaI--111I. meet the increslng cost ef living. ly severai urnes by the inembers o!fj: red Earl Campbell, 141ajaJckRou SHORT FURLOUGHS FOR SOLO 4 5 O .7 ~5 O TIs hurdd.er.d ctonthe board. but no definite action bas Blvd, Chîcago. l11. IEAS TO AID FARM WORK 4-Z. G. Eggar(ner, director ef (he been tak#en. Pi-rirtat0Irêe. yars aga Emil J.' Miller. Barrington. (t n. ie. Navy Club, Js sppolnted te take thei(ho hîgi echool district eleted a IWaler ltoberg, Highwood. Wash nite d b r-t fur-l14oiugb== ml9-l beo sebool connsu* tWakgaprincipat o! lie blgh ochool who b.di Edwi'n Robert Phillilp, Herbater. grasn#te nstd men in h a-mylte Thifthte plann oliowed durlng thîe conîplele supervioeti over high Wl.. enable tbern te help in the tare'N W (ot-conng tht uts aid wne'ilî LV lent !ew years o! iaving but on, ocihonl worr. and the public gsemai -eGorge Papas. 102 .Mofflw ave., patntewr ea-mn n IIE . Casc ieydsrpinî ic> r oefîîî îî uiî -superviser for higla school and grade idistrict elected a superintetideut of North Chicago, . Patntew lii.mn n RIE .Caso vrydsrpil nil 14(efiri 1i -ii schools of Wauicogan, should be aban 1 chlos wlio devoted lis ii îire lime Leule Grandy. car. Bîklioru Bouse. iioulced dy. Coats iii SIZES and SPECIAlLX' 1, DENI4ONEl> st.Ve o ilhIllsis;tt doned In lavor o! the aid plan o! iav- j itli5ht work. The two achool sys- Elkhorn. Wls. jiios br-oftgrs.o 4t l isfi (li-l Ing a sup rvisor for esci of (lis. lems were combined îînder aoie super-, PREPARE FOR ANOTHER jno1br-oft il f1 < 7 lwoi-tantedivisions, was fie plan lvi ang lnead lu 1915. Il wvaq tried ai WAUKEGAN LOCALS BIG ORAFT AT ONCE ln thest assertmnts yeu will ficd the new military or i RENCH coata. Coat. with augse athe schoal board at the, tlat time as an eaperimeni. sud the panneled, abirred and pleal.d backs or aides and a genereus vsrleetyof new cut belte sumbr o tebordteedeive Wuegnemloé altengto B) nitedprîl3.Oc si ttepockels, cuffe and collare. Many have embr-odepy, colored stllehing and hutton trlmrîng. regular monthly meeting '1'ueaday- i membeitrs o!tae hod a(hteu leecatieland eloan ,ieamen- Wshingt n Aeel Pr eosa th nglrt. The suggestion canne lu the, t igintheOi( t o ad adeae a Somm le oosp u I-largeal single draft mobilizatlon celleE tnioScilPeaatoaH v enM d o h toritm of a resolution from tie Parent.'A-in ntemaSrts eeîe Teachers' Association o!f(the North urîlîl a vegular adjourned meelilg o a! iy o! tie Unied States teofle! bwar ls beil p.epared hy the xesv Pca rprtoSH v enM d o h achol Mebes o (ls rgniza- Ille board, 1talie held April 10, AI corporation, wei-e jukilant loday wheu proveeàt mar-shal gentraîs eoffice, il- tien axpréi-ed the cpi itou tuai une i th lime it la ioped Ihat unen- they learudof a!the annouacemnnwas Isarned t(ey. a ~ a ...... L ~ i. mo cnotlIOLie o ul usibers who have been absout !raim tie ticel oprainist n This felwing cloeley the one feor 90l~ 'i tice to boti depsrtments meig ilibe aile,(o attend.' i a.tewae ! i mi ud900 ci no iprges mb S.AL M.Knaell uhtmitted a cumun ei sewae fai i n ln izega titlthe Mov.m o merican Mssbers of the boni-n ;omt no de- ci.ticn to he board in whlch he stat- factoi-y employes. The Increase ia troope fron tthe training camps te F r T 'r e 4 's e'a d.L t IY R Illteté,ilnwlth regard la lte ur- ed that on. a! the vital suijecls e ta to i 15 per cent, and gües into et. France Io showing c remarkabe. F r WoluiM s ev a d JU I R mMilomendattiun but deferred be eonsidei-ed and remedied ahortly f Apil creaee._____________________ ibetin untilI ftn isdurned Mf>eting 'la the malter o! the iiasdeqiate <con- Tie Other- cale artexepectsd seon for-i~ Uent We0-eaday soîsht. Api-i 10. lpensation ai mony of oui- teachei-s- Te Stiraingand Gulliige barberit was atated Xhat ail the camps in I<oelkU4Ode osIIon (at 'sith the cost o! liviug caustaitly shop, whicl bu been located in the the countr-y ar-e net filled (e (be ce-4 Increilngoui-aalar Positioena. Waukasan National Bank building. pacfty.L.ii Ïm WlDlsu C. Knoelk bacsIteen filling ýnriaingd pr alsly sibonuy.(bas- havJag beau, ha 'he saine location 15 _________ij . tba position of rIncIpal of the igi 1ai-y scielle prot-ides au incresse Yeos f l to reutove about (ha tiral a! mloliandO uperlutendeut o! tie aiîuuaîîy ta leachers of! 6:07û,tit t ipi May to the vacant building justtPasat apaO. e hoolgsince Oliver S. Thornp- Ista] hïv reached a nmaximum sa]- o! tie Securlty Savînge batik. The N<jj amB realgned fi-om t ath e r POs-ai-y o! $800 per yeai-). This lucreaso buildIng.is being painted andOrodecor. tIon. Pioi-ta that Mi. Knoel ' as t-as been Siven teachërs anuualîy eteal.througbout. New barber chairs principal of the higli scitool. *I ecesv eeîe$0 aa- and fletures are ta b. lustalled. The Bater exercisee af lie Per-- Débotte action 'sas not taken hi' ie board Tuesday utgbt because su-r annur nut iieei ail the requlir"- Th'e ifth grade o fhhe Central bytertan. churcli 'as lai-gel) atteuded m ts ofthte salai-y scîtedulo sehool have gone over thle t3p.That and proved toalie on, of the niat bhe-re s ent. a Tuoiîid of - m r.Knel lrhe satlala ,th they have sold $100 'sorti O! successful ever given by tIi hrci h. bespeetlTi 3ition of a!' 1rSKolifute iae bt thestmps. This l. the tirait clamaof the Mi-. Henr-y Brflai 'as instilledreas aim bas heen exîsling siîî.e Decen-t- o'l living bas iîlcrpaseil lîy fi-ont schooi ta go over sînce they havaeIbeli new su"printendent aîud 1uc ber. It 'sas neceasanY (oa'sait until: 5 i tu "tPlr cen: ie 1914, and that cîauged tote new scale. SOveral piuai-5-superntendent pros unled 8:4j p. mn., before a quorum was pies-j niôity ot oui- tearilrs ai-e unabte ta uther classes are uearing the top. certîestes of promotion ta nearly 60 JuL Di. Ksio'ssky was delayod In eu- satlsfaclory accommodations LOA WO N'BN I. o!ipma-cas.R'.Pyess sirllng becus.o! prmfissiualwitr.tuer tecO. ad le Siggat- Word came (bis -1-ion fi-ont Milwaa. present sud gave a short li ta (li «R.1 and It sais necessanri'toa'sait 1 rItit ail leac-hrs rpeceting ieaa <ee. f the doati of Wiliialahr sh tIM blipa bofore the requlnrui nuniler (han $300 pr >Par blicu4iaîted aGalai* 1em! et mehibers wer. preseul. borîus on th(oleing basîs-s: ono! Mi-.. ll'nnai Gallaglier of The Meihodist choir gave a danta- There la a vadanc-y lu theaid fifti 1. Ait teaciers receivlng fi-onth ei treet. Ha bad been 111 for seule ta lu connectlon 'sîti thilI- acler Lo imeanadObut litti.hopes 'sac given exereises Sundsjy vening e ai (boietT w ll tard. f re BCk ie'smeat Itand m O.u f$50.pr eo-fe rahi a e lrecovery. %Ira. Gallagier ha. ciurch. The churci gave the sanie S r e - e ,witho ie aarCpoedJeati 2nd Ailo! 40.icn -itiun aI (h wek.Ho ascantatS at tb. Methodist ciarchinl vill ti maor ppulted Saies . Al tecies rceiiug firnm two biothers lu the army. One alt Waukegan Saturdey eevnlng foi-tihie12 &Iorrow ta succeed hlmt the appoint- $650 *,a $790lf per year ho grauted a Pt. Worth, Taxas, wh;, taà now here' benelit o! tie j&c&kIes. -o ~ *uestnoyer'sas ouiinned. Iss bnus o $40.on a !uilaugh and (he'other at Camtp Mi-s. Leay Allen o! Lincoln street, O L ~ ~ U Mii Eci o bas ealon absent trint ;.ALitalocher rfecelvîng a cal- Grant. John, wio la ln Camp Grant Aogae bl-t0t75c9,$t12sekaJ9 1 , 0 9 .7 Wa«ebme asaceeceIn Fib, . iy front $800 to $900 per yeai-lbe bas been notified aud 'sîli came home ago, vaz taken 'slth pneunal at. Meula a ea uFoîaail gxmnted a bonus o! $25. If lihe an t awa y. The body wIII ni-day and takan ta (lie Jane MoAlla-27 5 9l -'suluer~d m. ob~Lsinano St 4.AUoui- premeut teaciei-s ubo ie.lirougit ta-NorthChicago Satur. ter hosptal Sîsnday atteianon.'Mi-. 4.40ameetkn îne December. have bec-a 'ili us s year on longer, day ruai Il la expacteal tâtait uner- Allen la -% maltret the naval station. e lrakltracancbitalrcbnt These facis are, siowu iv lie min- bé giantco (bis bonus andO(bat (hase lai'sIIIli.e belO Mmoday. WiII GaI li- s. Leray Allen 'sho 'sas taken 1a of dresses-dresses o! ever description; Taffetas. -tes of flie board. who hsae been with us only ono-haîf lagiar bas been manager o! 4he tlie Jane M4cAister bospîtal 'sîti pneu- Serges, Jerseys, plain aud figui-ed Georgellî , Poiret fieport'.ef Meeting. yeer ho granted one-inîf the amounts Teves Te@lCoflue olik Crepe derMaiChina-s sud Sllk-(,iatîgbarnbel Folwn aarpr !Tedyinmc-d. - s ide. CortluChiaokexnfor mol day lill rieported a dlîtileand bot(,tigam soma lime. onla Chrcportxiofdautrstoday.esd Foulai-s. SlepvplessP, coatee elTecîs; beaded; nsh' etn.sown h eoU . l'rbat e-bai! the 'bonus hbe mO ayr.pgthy ta tha bereaved family. John Siar'sin 'as re-electad Il Etou styles; ovei- ski-ta and aide drapvs. tingh's eeiing.théaiong the rsi-teaciei-a wti (heur Sun. salai-y, andO It'%'as a verY ilntei-esiing stunt mentier of tepank board bei-e Tuas oiship mtter aud other niatters nehaîf lie palO Llem sîpon thein i-e- 'shici the ltev. Mr. Roimpai o!f(lie day. . Tiese assortrnents are especially 'set! seleûeeî and whc apt h teto fteturn Dcxl ysai-. ShoulO auy teacier MetJuodist chunci, crild Ibrougi Tie lîtile Allen gi-I wio bas been Inc~.. ulude styles and sizes for JUNIORS and lIard-ta lit 'sili rme o te nienio' o!Lb.leave is during vacation tInte, (bey Boter Suuday lafternoon w-inh lyn st M emat sI boar: -é stYin wit Mr. Hemkap imisses o! 15, 16 ad 17 aa 'sdI as size-s for vinen. bear: (ey 'sould o! couîrse, forfelt one-half vent ta'siat ls bsfled (he "bull pen" lierniotier 'sas In tho bospital 'sap ~Blls wer. read alaIi iwed and o! their bonus. et Great Lakas station andO urnlised taken elck yasterday andO ienoved te é h e tlsIau id w igb c ol ditit .pose sucli measunes as itrnay deeni ara detalned (bei-e as resuli o f l>i5iu It looka as (hougi (bat ticherd pad l te î-y aro l au . Stth in n e cDnnio r- a lse n (i.fo ie 10 in n 'sc th opia. p M. George Raine, at preseul vise ta secîie Dot ouly tics. noes.- icimnt Itelng nieted eut ta hora for Dantls' rnlng ou the Oive mile dryj 4j V ~ teacher o! Anierlean hlstory lu tic Bar>- bonuses. but ai." ta inike pro- amaîl offenses. Mi-. Rainçel conduci-zoe F orelI Dteti inr's g the biglais chool sud lie grades, andOes based on oui-pi-ésent salai-y scied- 'sien hoe began unpncklng Iwo balt- dolng business bere. supervisor o! mllitary training in tie ule foi- tiecocming yeai-. buaiel baskets 'sbicb contaluad Tue tovn lectian passacd off very Spef y Priced at achools. sppeai-ed bof re Lie hoard i Soins o! the menilerso! tbeboard straw andO lu 'hici 'sera hidden Bas- quletîy bei-e. e - I persan, sud ased te b. rêeased questioned- tic legal rîgiît Of the tern eus, the pfflaontei-s satui-ally set Leroy Allen has given Up bis borne heom hie contract vithi(he boni-O, ta board ta grant bontises 5( the end uBp a laugli sud in Lie distribution of ou Lincoln air-cet and Onivea back te- lake effeet et théenduS0o!Ails mentit.a! the pi-sentachool yoar. lîtasmuci Lie eggs It brougbt fOrth mach en- lie naval station. - lit vas te rst lice in ténteniouy as the teaciers ver. unden contraet, joyment andO mer-iment. Tic vieil(Nls Lutnn andOHamman Linderiman U7E1 of auy memiter o!f(lie board that auy adO greed to accept the salaries viot- of the pastor certainly turnished a hv oeL uon e. o'o- tcacbr lta appai-ed befo e (h dcofor tue preqent achool t ear, had delighLful dîveralon for- heia n outhe The Oonyo.,famnlly o! Elgiteentls6h < i mei-bes o te bardIn erona aIli'frme her soik. d aot 1importtant churcla day. street expect ta move ta a tarin near .I negular or specili meeting, and asked askeO for a honus, or contibti_ , W etermoiautumo tda 'hen AntiochiIn Lie nemi- future.- for a release, aud members CI udte lo etiateb(er lia t11 ilox a7.vs îdveoaLa i bocard go stated to Pin. Ranne. I'ay 'soulO lie ta Increase tesaai- utt m ariage today in Wauke dvl ope 5atM .W.Mhe 3i-. Ranne saaed that hoe labe<l les of teaciers for Di year. piro- gan to Catherine ]Duncan. . lothareie wh%,as recentl>' appiolted te tic to $ . le e elbvc o!il obîgtlOtoportîonatIoy. raier than grant boin-.ifoi i'ake.'.mrig ssLibrni->'hbsai-Ola not a résident of the

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