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Libertyville Independent, 2 May 1918, p. 12

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Sa4................ O'Leary, .Sgeîvieeasurvey Sheridaf 1Attn western Road Machin' ery Co. Repaira... ire right, ' et paire . . . . . . . . ~C lm. Pease (Co., Chicago Steel Tape C'o. Stuppliesq........ C. E. Russell, Services J.1.B. Ford ... ýc E. Russell. 'xpnse............. &Bltman & Taylor Miachiner>' -- CO. Repaira ...... B~Jrow'n & Smith, -Lake County Regiter. supplies........... .... Pub. notice nridge leting C. W.. Ciandîci,' Services .............. Paaul BairsloW, Srce.............. rbile' Burgeg. Service,,('n . Roati Oulfit ?"lac. Mirici. Services ........ ....... .~Standard i)l'Co.. 'O1 ...... ............. . EBlrown, Examliatioli't..... .... L.. o. Brockway. At.endilig Court... Burroughsu Add. Machine Ce.. .Paper.1... ............ J. J. Barnstable. Taking ho e 10 lopital.. J. j. Barnsalbe. CQmmitlee work... nymonil & Austin. lneursnce ..... ........ D tt & S c h w a r z , larier llros. £I"ting IBootlij'... W-. Hansen. Transportti o' .... Lu'v A. Hendpe, Ce. ('lerk Services ............. lIeHinimeireIcli, Furrcace ..... ... Pred 1irsclinel*. Coemmittle' ork... M. J. lkaiowtuky. Services .............. Wmn. 1. Lyon, Insirancp ............. Ceorlte lArtueni Services .............. .M. S.*'Milles, .Insurance............. Fred 1Meerhoff, Servieces .............. Cyrli ?obrnann. Transportation .... Lew A. tlendee. Bil f G. B. Mccli. carbor paper . . . . . . . . . Lerw A. Hendee, Bill o;r Prairie Farmi Il. C. W. Myer, Committer. Work ... E. A. ma-in. li Commttee Work.. A. G. Maether. (bmmttpee 'ork ... Prairif. Farme:, 0 Directorv ............. Ray Paddock. Commtteu Work ... Rtitlris Dctpt. Sore. Supplies ............. A- L,.Roger.-, .Services ............. C. P. Smit, Iflalrane............ W. J. Stratton. Commilîee Work ... > T. A. SImpiton. C'ar F1are for Orchestra. OSbea & Ridinger. Piano Rent......... L.1. Taylor, Teéleplrone tilleti... 13. C. Thonîpion, 'ommîtîee Werk ..... A, T. White. omdcvWorlir:. -,-Aee" .ea Webb, C'omnmiîee Work... Whliy& Hoyt. * Iis~urAne ........... ChlJesao Telephone (,o,, Service..... ... IL R.S.Botsford, Insurancê ........... Fox Store, Supîîie ......,..... Martln Rinedabi. Crommittee .work ... A.8. Burgess. COnsmlîtpe Work .. E.A. Ficli'. ICOmmiltet' work... Cao. H. Bairsto'v 'om'nttee Worl<... M. P illger. Wr 1.WIoldridige Omnitee Wr .. Cee, Larsen, Ambulsènt'.service .. Wlrte & Tobin. * An'btulsncg. Services Lloyd J. White. Tran4titrtatlon ... <'bai.l?1<. ('orîer. tlravai.o.......... flemtlnto Tvpewriter Ca. TYnewrter...... C. H. Crapo. Coinni Ilee Work .. T. M. Clark. -- . - -LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, 1M -URSDÀY, MAY 2,1918 Stae o Dlaca.répagal- d wet weathber. Chairàmn«othre .udiciarY Con11liUtff mate o u»ItymiDlly Coet per Actuel Work ini the absence of lhe Chatifnnm. s _ N RIA . c E eto!Susprvials. Mardi TernI Wa"es-15.liO. Big IT PURTHIIR RESOLVStS thàt Mardi 711. 1918. ]Repars-81.78. ffua "r~d wilt pay ne turtlror Coutu' 1111111,11,91lUUIA .6.0 Board of SuPerviser: Toial-$23,. cudlrIa wl .pronedb i.I A 73.45 cepî 'WaukeMafl Shields and Deertleld. cludes jlnoving and tine lbat account thonlzed Deputîesa.uciess lb. services ~ E )) NW E~ n weuld beg leave le report liaIt bOY repaira and wet weatiteî' are authroised by lte Chairman et 6.66 have sxaniincd 911ldaims presenled Dated at Waukegan Ibis 51b day o! the Board of Superviacra or lhe o before gîent and recommfend the paY- Mtarch 1918. Chalrmaai of the Judilary Conimite. *e U uho 24.04 muent of t olîowing. and tiaIt the CHAS. E.2 RUSSrI.i.t in thre absence efthlie Citairnian. and Realty BusinesPk u WihO .50 fl c dera l a:ttate e«sevet pr t Co. SupI. o! lilgiwnys. TIraI a cepy o! heite resolutioris be 128 Instruments Being ti 1.5 th seerl aomt t tb »vrn Reortofoperallon o! Lake Coutlty BE 1T FURLTIER RESOLVED i mnatedby IreCieliet iti Bord oi Filed for Recordtc clamlaflîttfrwil: oumitâtNo. 2. m ____th ____fths ordt 60.50 Mt. Climed (,I Case racter) for the Seamon of 1917 ite 'RIBles Allrne!. SitériffandthIb Names;. 1For Witat. andi Allo e ae.................$1974.001I (Constables of titis CoulitY. AYLCLD LS ITE $6.00 Santon Supplies and Mitcellancous;.. 58.141 J. J. BARNSTABLE. M NYLCLDASL TE Afred E. Buis.flepairs ...................137.991 GEO. H. BA1RSTOW, 4.00 Transportation .-"'.... 6.25 Filet andti .......... 67.l A. S, BURGBSS. B0siness o! tile Recordeî"s office thIi Airred E. Bille.1 Superviser Maether moved ltaIt tefor tIre week endbfing April 27, 1918, Rent ............ 12.001 Total .....,*........ $2967,90j reBolution bc adopîed. by A. K. Bowea. assistant aecretary 6. 2 Unui" R. Sisson. Lets tine chargedt t user., 735.00 Motion carrrled. 'Seclirk-y Tiflle & Trust Co>R 2.20 Nurging ..,.......... 39.00 - _ Superviser Barnastaible, Chairman ef Number-o! convcraneu. 91. b P, C. Triampitol. 1Net etiiense le Coîînty .......$2232-911l thé Résolutions Committees. sulmittei Numnber e! trust deetis anti mort- Tranaporitltio......... -5 Tme.Distribution teé !llowicg résolution: gages, 30. 60.00 Zior Institutiîons & Industries l ri iime..to towns-43% dîays. WHI1REAS, the present terni of et. Nîîmber o! cht1elîl mirrgages3, 17. Supplies ............... 10181 Tinte ciialged to users-521/2 tisys. lien of hounly Jotige Pensons. County Toal nutober'.-ft instruments filcd,r 65.65 . - Total ime actual opertion-96 ca3, Clerk Hendese anti (ounty Suee.i'ntnen. 128. ofEas $1079.88 Days In use as per wagéespsilt-188. dent Simgreson, the nnly County off,. Total amounlti oun.t126 t t 98.82 Newport Delly Cet per Actual Woric tcers thir, year cllizible te re-elpcîlon i Busîcessi piclieti p durIng iveck C'. A. lpydeeker, Wage4-$20.63. Iwil expitre' nextDecemiier, tid mani bans siere tbove lire ave.rti-,,. 1050 î'oîtîg----------$4.00 Rep.irs--34.15. jWHERKASecdi, ity bis àbils't. le- The tdnoin>g are te more fit lia ilomer Jamieson. Fuel andtiOlI 36.22. dtrtry, leperiecce anti close andi con- perla ea. arie tiiiý%- o 3.85 Services ......... 3.00 - cienlinîts applical on t10bhsdlies itas rtir Wauean: atréiceneectisbelo - - F. G. Lucas Total------------------.. 31.00 iroiglil lie Important work In,. IrIs otîtîc t Beac resîi adnc iin bu $111 Fuel .................. ..u. Lest llmeNndicated In foregoli n n.chargr tol R hîili ittarfe letency , y ts.. for nomilcal icoinsideration. Ia 136.1Frank Sites,.. chtdes moving, ligneTest account ré andi 1 Frsî Churcit o! Christ. Scierist o! Ht 6.! Taking mante rspilal. . 1.301 pairs andi wet weatcer. WHEREAS, oîîr irtit business as Pa- Waukegan, bought te 51 fot lot on ha, 16. oe - Dateti at Waukegan lis tit day o! Iriolencitizens o!flua sCeunîy sbould West. uî., i rt.d aie. adjoinings ol 30.031 30.79 Marcit, 1918. - he the* conservation of effort and ener- titeir churcit !rom lte Sherman estate *II 30.6Antiocit CHAS. E. RUSSELL, gv direcled towards tIre winning of ftt' nominal conalderalion. iy ('ha lise Weib, Co. Sipt. o! Hlgitwavs. teé war wlIt as ittie to detracltbere- Nels Arnesen itougt thlie Wm. Hf.sp - supplies---------------..s 15.72 Rport o! oîterating Lake CeunIr from as possible, anti Drury properly nt nartiteast corner g so. Lake Ville fOutlib No, 3. WH-EIIEAS. Pascito! sald off icere, as Bluff and ('hapel streets for lndicaled Husiv & Weber$ (Aulman Taylor Tracter) for Season loyal anti patritiuc citlzens la actlvely conaeidenation o! 12,000. 9.00 Fuel............Sc!.0 f1917 vonneeted wlit local war acîlvitie "ale SlTltubi1 ot uE ,.B luzrWage .................. 1680.25 anti J. Teonian.qsuit., -cilVine l'lau'î aulu 150 2lriitdt.'....... ..... 48.32 Mbcllaneous supplies andi WHEREAS Inité Interetut o! cmf Sth st.. trom Jerry P. Hussey for 15.00 ---- rebairs ................... 12.1.31 irey andtihIe hesl service 10 lite $1,000-.O I60.02 Rpirs---------------------- 32.02 etil. r iepve tey sitoult ie ore-,btg1tt( 97.50 G raent - Fuel ant i 01.----------------627.67 talced.ti îrefore. \launhautfpr- pcriy on mulh ii ide t I ~-DE l' ESOIFD iht we 1ri'alAio>d tie.- for Inulctelet$3.000. G 74 sirocrie & Ce.,. 4 Total .............. »$2163. 2S pctlî'e o!part, or partisan politicaIe dw l amnboritaio,' cIslin recerieuer. 70.0irr-C -"'dePeryLP Isna1on wPeat side North Jackson ut.. soutîr 4.031 5'Ox Iake OccirLaYim hrui1 u&s.700 'r' t-t'IiiePrr .PrcaO!r('iaytofl. trom citas. F Incali9.forP" Supp lies-----------------.33.65 Ccuntv ('lerli Lw A, Hendee. andi f.30.1 3.00 N. r GrenIerNet expense 1il<'iitv . $.. 166325 ('euîntv Superincnîlect o!SchooltT Ca .Vcii oîillt ...In, i rocerte. ............... .32. 00Time D istr bution Arthur Sim pson. to he cme candi.Stahl 12 !e lon a st ide Rnrlt'k ' ci 15.00 D.IR. Mac.r, Fr'c fiIlot l towns--36 dava. dtes for re election, anti we sincere near Wa-hington for' nominal consid ir î'Ioîiing ................-19.70ii Timte virarge inleusl'rs'-- 16iý avi ti1t that e;tteli nia>'bc noninaleod 'eration.ta 28q.00 it'. .stratoli Total limie atual opel-ation--S2'2 luin l-couina Splnierprimanies Titeru.1I Sai itîjuiglîl thei' li'ari Transportation . ...........2.15 davit. antd re.eleciec in Nosetuber wthout PF Pieitcunîan pîtîpertv i'tunwe-tsî sîî d 1.0 '.Warrinc,. Dî>s luntise lier 'ages paiti le_ opposition. iliiuici,t, to cir M't'u.f il' îî'îîruoae Serviece..............9-50 OalIy Coal pré Actuai Work J... .iArItNSTABLF. considét-atioin. 'rie i n t eruts i jWsge.q-$19.35 A. S. 17IIIOGss. 1" l .Iierî> tille t 11.60 $ .316.90 lI- talrr. uc 19.EO. Il. !IAIRSTOW'. Sandi & ';ravu'i (Co. laatght ttlcoke 10.00 Aven l'uel-117.l0. Suprvîsor Fiche mosetiflitIthe Ct'eîn>Grasel Cc_ ,. .luorerly, i4r 1.0S. It'r1îlî.Total- 92.62. I reFolittion be atiopleil 15 anti 22, for $25.000.e, S Mrreirdlie .. ........ 4:.87, Lot.l lime InuIcaled iin foregolng ilu1MnGon carrieti. eorge Ewert hougit flitectî h'oit 000Libertyville tludis mei'ing ant intielotit on n Siiie-slt'or Barnulable. Citainman o! Carroil 40 ace-esn norlt'itit 1-4, Set-. 39.00o Palace l.lsery, colail'o! rppairs anti wel weaîlrer. ucR.attou omîîe uMfe 4idlocin o niayeFi. AnOut Ti'ansportatiori---------S5,00 Ilati 51Watiketgatis ti î day o! tite foliowing resolitirtn* In Highlacnd Park' ayBAte 7~50 nigar & aylo, Mireit, 1918. WuHERE >S.thie terni o! cilice o! aur, son beugt thlie Walter t'. liltely e,- .e.h....---------10.47 Cl-AS. E. RUSSELL. i cteemeti thairman. Fred Kiracitner lIta fshout 300 fetedai Lincoln avé ai ~ t.M. Warnd. (' o. Supt. o! Highways. 1li,,asnxsr<,sd anti Beech ai., for a reportei ce-a«id. or Mreitandisû--------------465 6 Supervisor NMacirer movedt ltIte WHFREAq. le itas for te lit a escration o! $301,000 4.50 Vtm. Walrond<. reptortiblie acepteti anti adopleti. llcti lie office front whicitlie nowMandeé1F. Rasi itoughi te Lîw Mercitantîlsi' ........... 6j. 59 Malien carrled. rtires ,wilih reat acceptability anti rence Buck placi' on elîtsitie \Ilarsht- e: ____ Tire foliowing bill ioas presenteti. unustîsl satisfaction, mnttI,for $14,000. Big n $ 131.62 Mar. 1, 1918. WHEREMREBE T R 13 1 .î luHiglîwood: Thos. A. Fitizsim Pi 2.50 L.k-,RESOL'sED mens ijugirî lie utammoîrîtpr- perty th Wauconda tseCtnt.Tîtat we lrereby express te hlm OurInli4 tiy8 uosoi !du To ('HARLES H.('ASHMORE, Dr. sinirere ttanlns for bigisurrtirlng labtr not 4 av. ,çfory' î3,n on ou Iln ier . F Dems.To extra concrele used In a'idenlng In bhnIcf e! our erkanization antio! Oscar NeIgon bouighi 1'4 fi-el on k: R.00 '. eint 2.......$-4 -li7ard dît Bridge le Setion ownhet!esurelici liti estaplreatedliteftirweat ide 'aukogan ave, !'-îtîli of Eti R.C.Ket0 rt""""""o 6Twnofsu i ' tweapre'tete ai-Webster ave . freni T. NactXnaît ci) 9.0 tn ..........."4 u N-por. as per cocîraci. manner In wihlciIe itas presided 1I ,we for nombaunl considért'rion,. of EMil.i.tk. 1 S61,4 rti),dn. at 31,-$104. one oser (etir dlberations.1 àrrad.(....... 1.5 hal le nt le t. ;5.g RFOVD ht oyo tei nDeerfieldt Townsite : Elldlu IF 9' 4 T.2 Mrranie---------.iit ycenCo.,20 ESLE, Ia cp'o lt an Scitaick 10k tileleiminer fore sa I.H.Pairun C. 5 L egs/2 of estimale for 2 nu. resolullens be spread upon te ré.cliosure o! the Francis G -Porter pror- -- 9.60 (',st .............. 2'16 Ytl. ($9200) ............. 16.0 cord& o!titis Board. erty le northeast 1-4 Se.il1. foîr"Il 1". C.Wlibtîî L.înbet Ce., _Ir,__ .00o Ftt'---------------------.. 24.15 Balance due----------..3,00..J. BARNSTABLBt $12.800. i ...... 6.0A. S, BURGESS. le V.rntn: lHarE, 'tVîîugo! th(' 16.v ,PrOv'-(I, erliilu'clcorrect and re CEG. fi. BAIRSTOW t'rimmoîîst'altlîEîo . îtgu 8.20 $Cube.01 'nnnircta lieélîsit. httitv-rvior Crap o movedtiltlflit e te EdA iantiJ. NMonahtat 'ii e f 7,1 12.9 Il l1ickGEO H.BAISTOW ýoiton le s ped.t arrres i SPecs. 14 antI 15, Ilcar liaI! Cuba EG.Il. A IRSOW oluîo tc'alotui 4., fr 10,009 ............-------------------MRTIN A. P ICK . Motion carnIeti. G!;. ou Ms. 1-.1.1,1.RTlNIcReN.DAUervisorWeitîu mrsed l it iteé inBenton: ffIe 'Ni.Neluan lotktLil. i ~ Mtt ..NI "itivteî '0 fil)I[ondi & Bridge Committee. rie u îuedtiat iebho1tic' tnder fot-eclo',ure o!flteé M'm. 1-Il tA.;.Fntti ' - , 1res fis'e at-rua west o!f tue Ftr' 15('lIAA. W-. USSEL.Dînlîtle& Wite allowed for $46.;5. lîlliroatdinI s ýuiicast 1-4 Scec :;,.tfti Msr.lanlic---------19.841 l'o. Stîp. o! Higitieuys. Mlotihn carrteti. Sîtperviltor linglaitl movedt hal te Tit"folowîcg sulatement o! pier diem I epr: Rcad Y it .. 28.50 A.-etesobill tie alloa'ed antipaidi. .nd nîtage o!fte Supervimeors forl 4.o liii--------------.----------------------------the ps-I year was aubmitted: __________________ 4.00 .........1 . ... 4 6 Suiîrevisor Barnstablr. Chairnian et - 10.------------ -1.flteic Rsolutilons Cotumilîme. suIrmitBair--Iow----------------------------1 7 20 110.00 .70 $ 6n. 7n - 1.0 81.1t)te l te !Olowlnq resolution: Barnsttuble---------..-------------15 15 2o5 n on o 50 70,50t -- 111West Decrilielti WHERLAS, aur associate. Suluervi Btîrges-------------------------- 498 11).57.On 490îtt 61.90 i. Aut.c,.sStucs Ca., sot-r og Mc<'ullougit.itas bel wit(ak............... .. I70 Merlandisn--------------Il .ota sati iietas'menl Inlb,' duathitis--------------------i 7 20 60.00 .70 . 60.70 D'rîbiLittli Ci'o., mutIner andulbigs culitgîter. Ct in .....*....girt 7o 70 5ý( Feri----------------137 TiigoIOflE....T....l.V...--------------------------12 RA4 20 60. 00 9.40 69.40 E. il. Willmtun, That in token o! flir eetteeni in WhiciiFicke-------------------------.'..... 4 1920 57f. 00 2.f)0 62.40 10.00 Cohn ........ ,0*e 110111Mr. McCîîlougi t litIthesym """"""""'........... 14 22 360 0 2.40 162.40 1î-alisiles o! titis Bloard lie extendeuil te Huion------------------------.....----g 196 20 60.00 19.60 79.60 14.5 S 39.37 lim ant i ls familyI nthem sorrow. Kirschner---------------------. ..------î ?, 9.00 .10 9.10 1.0 Total .................. $1964.28 BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED. ikarc .............1- 1 7 ) .f 54 ..203.23 AIl o! wlich 14rti cflysubmitl Tîusî lhe Clerli be dîrecîti to îraffl Martin .-""""""""""""'..15 126 20 6in.00n12.60 72.60) iarotpvoitî a5colyfth t iese Resolution ta ItirMatiter ....""""".".".'--."- 15 1052 00 1.0 7. NILRDE icCulisugit andt iaIttey lbe preati Muynr 2o 48 l5.0fi 04.50 01. 50 15.00 1. W HrLtuan , uponfilie recorda o!fte Board. Meyena ..................."-"'--'8"" 1 2 56.0 1 .50 r6t.580 Chairman . J . BARNSTABLE. oaa .............. F,1 2n 6.0 15 630 376r1D. A. IIUTTON.A.SBUGS.Mrh ............... 6 ? 16 400 30 5.0 CHAS. Il. CRAPO. A.G.ERE.BISS. . Meupohy .......'...........-.... 3071962f) 0 3.00111.00 .. 12.00 Superviser Fleké nioveti taIlite reéEREH ARTW eulîgt 7192 1.0i 9 19 port b accepteti anti asepteti. Supcît'lsor Monalian moved Iliat the Paddock---------------------------- 14 98 20 60-01) 9.80 69.8(n 3.00 MotioP carrieti, rcu'ltitlon bc adepteti, Ringiaitl .............. 17 119 19t 57.00 1.90 68.90) Supervisor Balrstwo. Chairman ef Motion carnieti. Rociteniacit ...................... 2f) 140 19 517.00 14.00 71.00 i- olite Roand anti Bridge Commilîce. suit- Superviser Paddock movedti te alla .....c........... 1 4 9 70 A 74 mittedth ie !olowing report: pend te rules anti allte bill ofStaon..... '.....-' 4 9 270 .4 2.0 17.00 Waujcegan. Ill., MarcIr 6, 1918. Park Rtidge Scitool for Girls amnouniing Slracg ............................ 7 49 20 60.00 4.90 64.90 Ta flitn Honorable Board o! Supervi te $387.00. Thompiton .......................... 14 70 15 45.00 7.00 52.00 6.20 sors. Lake Counîy. Illinois. Motion carrieti. Verepe ...................... ....... 20 140 16 48.00 14.00 62.00 Sr:-Your Commilîce beg 10 pre Superviser Ficke imovedt IaI the bll Webb o! Antiacit .................. 'l 7 19 57.00 .7n 57.70 ---13.6! sent herewlit stalteOnts anti reportl, o! Warner & Co., for $81.04 andthIe 'W~ebit o! Waukogati.................. 12 84 20 60.00 8.40 68.40 1o!fte operation anti ceaI Itereot Of bili o! Wauicegan Cdean Towel Service r,.D th Lelake ('eunly Roand outlfts fer thc for $14.40 bie allowed. White ..................... 20 120.09 120.00 ycar 1917: Motion carrieti. ine............... 19.00 Rspecttully submilled. Suîtrior Barnatable. Ciairnman cf 31825.80 ISEO. IL BARSTOW. teé Résîoluions Conimitîce. presented_________________ 6.AENITIL A. FICKE. tIhe folowicg resolution. -SitpenvIacr Mapt.iter naovedth iat te !dlARTIN RINGDAHL. WHE1U..AS. ltere have been many Per Dielu anti Mleage b.e alawed anti sciman bougIrI 155) feet lir~ nortIeast 6.60~ --Rend Bridge Commlîlme argument1s before titis Boardi relative paiti. 1-4, Sec, 34, ln Village of Waduiworlth CIlAS. E. RUSSELL. 10 Delective Bils, Attorneys Fées anti Motion carrleti. rom '1'. J. Statl. for $1,000. 99.00 1COunly Split. o! Higbways. Consable Bils, and d Supervisor Meyer' movedliaI tIrei In Warren: Nîls Henrty Swsnson Rteport of eperatins Lake County WHERBAB, ter. la no tiefinite rmIe Coup(9yenIc b.ieautierized'-and lit. bouxlté20 acres Ylisalof!railroid In 12.40 Outfit No. 1 laid down governlng titeze malter. and ti rutet. jisue warrante en lIre1 norltwesi 1-4 Sec. 11, tram Anna Mil- drýîbîertyvs*lte Independen t ilsCosny Independent - Waukegn Weehly Son The. consolidation of the ChicaoHead and Ezam- Lr under the. name Herald-Exae~er andtii. purchase tihe stock of Seigel and Cooper by the.!Boston store, both twhich transactions were consummated Tuesday, shows ie tendencies of the times-consolidation and concentra- on of energies and expense. It appears to us that the Zionites are having a lot of .plalnlng to do as to why they're flot more patriotie; ley keep apologizmng for flot havlng done so and o-yet e y keep SAYING they are as loyal as anybody e18e. A patriot doeint have to keep saylng so ho proves it yhis dally 11fe and daily acts. fur h a ii.4 s,, lt unew worc. _________________________________ %Irs. 1,. Il. Joliey !! î'nlertainhîîg lier ,,ouSln,.,I r, W 'riqlil, fronh Kawsa <i(il, Prinîcipal F.I. liiudttiîtor I 1v t' . aii e w tIi ttfil- dIly i M ai school.*hait h<'î'n 0olfeýrîlUI 1trie. flL.t'day. îîlshl p of the' 1hîi v le suthools I Ir.:. ('lui-'a ,iana luttami llii )r the coîîtiiîa e:in'..1 r.ilîttJ.,tîi has lca'i 9, i ii.ï wt i, for Ilrpnhnt . M \l ý pet, <'on.:o4t ed w ith Ut' e N_ t H (',i it ' t'vy w ii go on a farij. Tihie à& .acilloos or (tue pal tYrul und î itldri îlia' ec ht'en going LotthteNortli as miade an t'ai.abl .i- re'nid. Ni C otili rl. tCie oes t 'eî idion lsa asîiroîîg e<'toctI niait aii w Id lhave graduated 'trilune. lie s8 ciltere.d Inost lit-art1 It Io 1 le 'tka 'i îîciaI u'x,îmi nation befori' aiai and intellectual lire tir ti:* Sult Simopson before he left ind wlil y. and his place uvIll lie hard t ) fil].i recvIve iî ilioma later. The. teàch- ?îýuid he decide 10 arcf-lt ti u, es ant i tlls or this clatsq presenteîi plendîid offer lendercîl Northi 'lita Carl whlit a btook anîd a jacli-knifi' am extends, ta liril lie huI ,;ish-t" -' jartinag girl MATEMENT OF 7THE OWNERSIFP MANAGEMENT. CIRCULATION, ETC .. R EQUIRED 13Y THE ACT 0F CONGRES8O0F AUGUST 24, 1912. rf Là bertyt 111e Itiepcndi n t, pîitli ilcti wek s a i Lt li-i tvil le. fil ,for Apui i1 ;tâe of lilinol%, Coulity of Lake. gos, . Before me, a Nolarr, PublIc ln andi for the StMatend countY atorcsýild. -rsonnliy appeared, F. G. Smîith h.o'it. aving ben dîly sqworn accnrding olaw. deposcs and sitys that he i tire Ittu4ine'us manager of lthe Liiaertyviile deitendent and thti lte ftîllowiîtig tu. litle lieut (if lus knowledge and bel. true riraisment of ibm ownirshbip, management (andi if a daiiy paper, thte ,rulalon), ehé, of Ille aroresld puiblication for thte date shown in the above aption. required bv lteA Act of August 24, 1912, embodied ln section 443, Pos- al Law% and fteguiation". prlntpd on lthe reverue of ihis ferai. to-wit' 1. That fie names andi addreattea of tite ptibiislter. editor. msnaglng dlilor. and business managers are: PiiLhiisher: Lake ('nhlity Publlaiig and Prinling (Cii. Waiîkegan. 111. Editor: W. J. Smithî, Wankegan, Ill. Manating Editor: W .1.Smîih, Waukca. 111. Buainess Manager: F. G. Smith, Watikegan. 111. 1. That the owners are' (Give namest and addresses of Individual own- ms. or, If a corporation. give le canme ant i le nataes and addtresttea of stock- olters owning or holding 1 per cent or more of!rti total amîtint o! aiock.) Lake County Publiiig and Printing Co., Waulcegan, 111. W. J. Smith, Waukegan. 111. Il. il. Smitht. Waukegan. 111. 8. That lthe known bondholders%, morîgagees. and other security lioldmvu ening or holding 1 per cent or more or total amount or bonîds. mortgagea. r oiter securities are: tIf there are noce, tic sate I) Thers are trine. 4. Titat the 0 aragra phe;ccxl altovp. glslng the rnames of!telitre- s. aiockholders, and seuril itoidera. if anv. onîtîin cot oniy lthe ]fat cf ockhoiders and securily hoiders as t tey appear unî the hooks of the. colin ;:y but aise, ln caries where tite siocliholder or securlty holder appeart upon te bookis o!flthe company saIrtiatee or ln any other fiduciary relaUJon. th(- lame of lthe person or corporation fuor whomtuin u tileisl acting, la gicen; Lo ltaI the said lwo paragraphri confain siatecients embracing sifiantsq full Énowledge and belle! asr l the circumstancei; and conditions unader wbich .oekholdera and securitv holders wio do not appear upon the books or the. împsny as truatees. itold stock and securitleq Ir, a capaclty other titan that ýfa bonsa ride owner: and titis ailant l'as on rea.qon te believe titat anv other prgon, iassociation,, or corporation hait titi>Inîerest direct or Indirect izi the adstock, bondsq, or olther curittes ttan as e s tâted by hlm. 5. That thre averagle ntrmber o! copie.i or cachit ssue ot titis publicati9s %id or ditributed,. tiroîgi thlie mails or olitcrwisc. b pttid subscribers dur. ig the qix mon! hipreredicg Ithiedat,' ,îîr ntbovu' l IThix Information ls rerîtîîrcd friîn clatI' pulications oci'l Il. f. SMITII. Busltnpie 'danager. Emorn 10 andtii tait rd rit, t îtttI tltit day r!Arl 'l WiAYNE T. siépry. (SE.ALi <My ottiii -,ion -t spir. s Sept, 15, 1921.) FRUriITVALE STORIES Open to the Public Anybody may trade at the Fruitvate Cc operative Store, Two s tores now open in Waukegan vieinity. More to Foliow. 28 In, Clilcago. 916 ia the aim cof the Fruitvalirs. The people themmselves are banditsg togetlrer la control their own food supplies and to put lthe enormous profite înto their ewn Insteid ef the mlddlsmans poek"to Secomne a mamber, or show your approvat o! the co-operative movemnent by tradlng et lthe peopie's store., Every Day Prices - PrII840 to50 size, i15Ê Prunis pet pound U Eisf Extra qualîty KPIbIO~~.~per pound2e rêva £!Ia Qukr ~i EUII ,8ka brad. box 121C ,P*is California sun 1 Q F0 dnecl, per lI 86 mios.aGoôd quality, in 1 8 rUt 2 Pound cans IO f'alfla tLarge coiUIII Sze f2361. 1*Frec running V S8it 2-lb package i SALAD 1 pounci DRESSINC bottie j158 yThe poh h for il FRUITED çombination figs,2II GATS dater. rasins,oats I P Cîccoast. înolîve eil.can6, S*vhArgo Laundry 49sj IbI5 pudbx¶Jj %,i btih lnn]l folks é3iii!. robeil NI a es lth cou ni aildi 'i s iltiti p.î t tht i Ioil, i pila. ria il, CIi i. couî,:î 1; h'i é'lIt, lîîîu i but 0iý * th,- m ji h Ituls il, nil: h inîl' of il1w c'îîiîin ruîigî, urat' t ffon t, ti t rXi ;'Hi ,.I 011-1 Rob C.. 41 Ph"l A. Kei vici Timin Tab Edîia Frai 24;.* P Fret 24; c LAu Anna Art Ireen Milu Nellie MM Helen Art] 40; lIt Wa Claira Joit Kalt-' flan Viola Art le H ,Wrizto Ellen Waukegan Store--220 Washington St. North Chicago Store-- 1810 State St. Unitedi States Foodi Admin'sliration License No. G1348.1 South Side Store to be opened at 1006 McAlister Ave, on or about May 15

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