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Libertyville Independent, 9 May 1918, p. 12

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- JTlRTVLL ND~ENDENT, THTTRDTUT _91PageWn__ B~Â IS RES AmOU4AVEMiE ID1NCE IN CITY IN REALTY CIRCLES Pineer Resdent of Waukegan Loans of $59,71 6 With 25 andi Lake County Passed Trust Deeds and Mortgages ,Away Tuesday Evening Filed During Pasi Week, WAS A RETIRED FARMER 78 CON VEYANCES MADE -7Uve t Pleasant Prairie for ' Business of 1theiecorder'n office for he wek edingMay , 198, y Years but Moved to Wau- A. K. Bowes. assistant secretary Se- kegan in Year 1897 cuit Ttl &TrstCo Lemul Hllaged7' paspd Number of chattel mortgages, 15. Leanel 111, aed 1, ase way Number o ftrust deeds and mort- Lt -im home. 214 Second Street, Wau- gages, 25. Xoss. Tuesds.y eevning at 8:30 Total number of Instruments filpd, doick.Deatit tollowed an Iinesor!lis men"he Mr. Hill wai employed In Total amouint of! bans. $5971670. the Cheever feed store here for years Business hbasiteen fair and Inans at.Vomesed a wide cireie of frlends about the avenage. 1 &M- *cquainUances. The announce Thes foilccwIug are the more Impor- ý -e -OT8 bis déath oomea as aàRIIocIS tantdeals. "sur iprise ta the maiority 01 i n WauÏegac: James E. Shea took 1 frIeda as it kad not been kuown ille under forecbosure of the Bair- ageaerally tat laid ondition a stow lot on eastaide Martet si., soutb ~lUoelo! South ave., for 11253.86. ObituafyeMM &làoa look dtei itiner Lemuel 1Hi1l was born la DPeyster foreclosure of the John Rot proPertY et., Lawrence OoUftay, New York, at nortitoast corner market and ýEim Dec , 6 1844, and died in Waukagan. ts.. for $1,921.95. xay 7 1918. Waukegon Park district bought the A the age Of 19 Years 1w came tO John Hermauson lot on Ravine ave. pleamasi Prairie, Wis.. aund onl Oct. 23, for $2.000. 18U vas uni ed Iu mairrtage tn Miss Samuel Neilson sand wtfe bought Mary E. Husied of thte town ni Bris- onue ofte W. E. TOI hotseq on east toi.Titey went to Uttle Cedar, la, side North ave adjoining tite north vitere tbey made iteir tome lui' à store for $1500.. amber of yeara. .John P. and Sosie J. M. M'Cann 1etRaimng t0 Wisconsin the faiiy bought the Nils Pearson lot on tiorth lived-on ferme In Bristol and Pleasant side ULberty Street, just east of Vtes.a -pr&rte imilii897 wben they came to for $3.000. Wgm*euan and have' sioce ived on lu NorthIChticago. Pranli sud Fras- SeeUd ai,. ibis CitY. ces Mesec boughvt the Hassey lot on le. am leavea hîs wife, one son,. enst ide ýMeAister aye., south of Arthur V.,of Los Angeles, CaL, and 1otit i. fr $ 3,000. tv. danahiers, Ae4le and Mae, bot Jacobt Beizel boughlteflo the C. Ut WoukeUn.-IL bmhêff B- A. Kingsley * dat buildings on eat1 wout of Oage, la.. and Sylvester o! aide souib Lincoln s., south of llth1 Bristol, WA&,ansd a ater, lira. JohD st.. for $3,000. Huist of Kingsley, Mich. Tbere are In Lake Forest Matilda Cattpersen 41b» tva haIf listersansd One halt- bought the Wm. C. Davis property oni brother of New Yori. west ide Sheridan Road, Southt or Yunerai service wiil b. iteld at the N\Oble «ve, for $3.500. bomseon Thursday at Il a. m.. Rev. Jn Highland Park: John V. Fox 1. W. punston ofiatIng, ssisted by bougbt the Sitearer lot at noritwest 11ev, Bdvard Rompel. corner Linden ave, sud Sheridan abJ reltgbous alliliations were witb Road for Indicaled cousideration o! lb. M. E. cburch of vhich his family $6,000. ver.mentiberaBuing o fi retiring Iu Village o!flDeerfleld. lEzra E. .oosition he neyer tolk active Fritsch sud wif.e boughti seven lots on gaMo fflhp lnthe organîzaîlon, but Springfilid and Hazel avenues f rom hoe could arways te depended on D. W. Maihews, for $1.000. avhs there vas8 work ta be done. TU jin xewport: Catherine M. Dwyer mes*lit whom lie vas In vers' close took titis ta the Dvid Dwyer 40 acres mmmunion b. coniided that behe inbouthwaest 1-4, Sec. 4, for nominal ie hbis peace witb bis God long consideration. a» sud thai h. knew tai It aWeiV1lain Grant: Louis aud Charles qwitbh lmn. As a neighitor hie was one gecbmidr bougit tliteTlia G. Brown te lie .dmired and loved whiebh h. property iu Sayies sut). at Fox Lake imaby aIl wvito zew. hm. for $4200. -In Lalake Villa: G. P. Manzer hought the Julia FI. pIcls properîs' In A DY AT lot 7, Ricbardson'a addition on Cedar Lake, for $3,500. In Libretyvilie Township: Arthur u n E uRlICi AS Mesker boughl lthe James Houes 19 acres Iu NW 1-4, Sec. 24, for ludiait. FLAfi IS ' R D 1, enok arArafomnl - . ton Cunninqham. for $10,500. ln Warren: C. A. Kingsley bqughtt AU of Sla Township Declares a 'the Jacobt Belizel 20 acres iu Sec. 31, Noliday as Important, Cer- lu Ctiba: Robi. C. Wheeier boight smonies Take Place the David Wilmer 119.89 acr<s ou eat aide ilox River lu Sec. 16, for 421.6(10. -lake Zurich,. May' 8.-EIa townshtip In Vernon: Chas. M lterschberger ldedoday ta demonstrîeleis va- bought ". 1-2 acres In NW 1-4. Sec. triotien and show lis conceru in the 30, al Long (rove f rom Fiank Cordes mati I joined ta bonor te oYuitg men for $1200. and 1.80 acres lu NW. 1-4, .,ho ame la tbe service and vito are Sec. 30. from Jobhn A. StrAll for $550. dWbg their bit lnja t i he: joined __________ 4 0 prove, hlth tot îwnsipip ldoing Lis bi in ahlisUes. U&xe Zntici, the bigegat village :din. (E K the lovnanLd wbicb bas been leader i M KD4 R im the tirift starnp sale lVer capita aoe1* aise, a centennial D'" L A CTM 0 etmmarking hecetennalof ll APOPLECTIC STROKE p«iumievers telied. Crossite PrWèIIKnown Resident West of U*Ts.cers, aasociation, te old set- Seia idors te scitool cblîdrée, decorated Ft. SeidnDietiat Hus &atm.I etttc.sqare Home Last Saturday t& progrant iihlaitesur and thte higgest crowd ever lu Lake Zurich turned oui t help celebrate Saturday ai 3.15 p. nm.. George Sltid- oe asUair. Ail the school districts lamoepsdaw tbihmeto thlie township tol Part in te celebra- mil" es 8t <of Fort Sheridan. De5ibh tAonsuditerfor lit vilagea cam. e as a resuit of ajiopiexs'. .4 tt chidren. Thte feature of te Mrï"ir.Sdmore wasboru un 7 etternSul was te formai dedîcation 1848 ai Tackley, Oxfordsbire, Eng- ot >the Ela townshbip service f*ag. land. At te age of 21 bëe Inte1 iThis afternoon Samuel C, Herrena ibis country sud worked la Chicago a" eSupi, ofScitoola Simnpson aPoke for severai years a a oenter. In to 4 rig gatbering ai the square; titis 1888 be moved 10 a f&rai vesi o! the a veuius Mr. liockweli of Citicago, and fort, seven s'ears as a civîllian carPen- V euntor Roduey Swft are speakcers aiter.~ The farm, occuvylng mors sud thé vpogran tet be beld la tebal,. more o! bis attention, be finally gave AiU business bouses are closed.aud up outaide work and devoted al bis ~'ladpe Zurich and Ela townsip had t'me tb agriculture. the iglal ian ot ii îsîry. Mr. Siidmore early afflhated vitit the churcit, jotunug lte Iirsi Bapiist churcit of Chicago soon afler taliug L' DCdMup bis, residence there. On mvn 8U CI JIII4JU ttefarta be, viii, bis brother John aud isier, Emma, conceived te Ide& fIES IN hIOSPIAI o! orming s Sudays' sOool In te DIES" IN HOSP TAIL nelgiborbood. Sc te peopleofM communIts' gatberad eathIe borne of H. P. Wbeeler os Suaday . afternoonis W~Fed Carlson, aged 29, af 906 Elgittitand lhed titeir Suday scbool. Titeir street, Waukegan. pasMed avas at ite meetings fSnaUly strscted te allen- &;»a McAlisler bospltal Tueta 'v lion <Of lte Lake County Snndav Uilmt about 1 Iocclfollowisg' an 1ichool assocaion mt ithte resuît 5oatloa for caltonez. lai saur.llttt a mubsripi ion vas soon raised ROYAL»MAIMIIS IWEA CIF' M MYPOT EAL OkfIiUR6MES FOUS IN ZION CITY EiARUEN ABVISOR Former Lieutenant of Voliva J. D. Tibbals Points Ouit t Makes Sialement Repudi, Chilren How they. Can Help ating Divine Heallng Solve Food Problemn 'DREAM SHOWS Z. C. BROKENMAEOEORSLS Outilnes a Plan and Urges the But Royali Says Same Dream Children to Cail ai Hia Of - Also Shows the Factions lice for More Details Reunited aller a Time (.J. D. TîIbbals.) Ttc agricoltural departrnent o ftbs lu addressing 120 mes sud vornaUniversits' o!fJllunois mould I 11e 10 recenliy at 2810 Bacitol avenue, Eld- bave as mans' o! thete bys and girls or RloyalI o!fZMon Cils'. !ormerhy Voli- of titis vîciis' as wyul, joa tIn forai- vas firat lieutenant, sald a! Voiva: 15<Ia chobIt ldevoted la the rassiug o! PThose s'earà 1 spent vîit Volîva a Plg," and another la lte "ralslng <of verelwaslad sud vorsa titan vasted. a cal!," ltufrm auet a club. Nov, 1 Il iIot warsip a citorc,,unas it.l-te porpose of the clubs la tu save loqtIo!n or _a ,tsog*>, .1,snd.îo tubem as mass'o! the teiter calea front hp. (Volivas couscîl>ltaIt tere la no i15< anghtered as ta possible sud use ai aur msklsg a preteume o! do- tite furtiter purpose of teacbing the lsg titinge (lnahlit he o! bealing) s'oung people la intelligenly care far viten tlict il lave ere flot gel- and praperly raIseslte animal. Iýn8r s. i .The usoal meltod le t-bal anme one -WVtatbî Uns irteadiug Ibal f he 1cils' tanks shall tus' lteécalves wa are bealing viten va are not?'" Lsd bringtem t10he ttc il'ou au ad- The spostie nov sas ltaIt e wll verlised da>-. Thon wito bave aigned flot "bov dova" bol vilI 1w truc 1temitt tteir parents' conselnt, for a freedoni. Pavlxg piala and getîig cal! viii corne mb toua, on ltai day helng for ltse bodies. and then aigu a nota for té payaient RayalI la holding public seraices for té animai six montits afler ne- sud gués frorn bousas b bouse talklng celvlsg lte caîf or pig. Tites also aud pra3,iug titat ZMon mnay atgain agréé la take good care wad wilt feed corne lotoIls ovu and ho vitl the animal during those six montlt ougit to1 be. anti on a day taI shah boeldi'ad- 'had a dreamr. la ns' dream," "ertlsed, brng lte animal bta te 1cils' fora geucrat sale o!fte tixs and sald te, "I saw Zion al brokenu p esîves ahicb bas growu mbIntarg.-, siad scatored Intoail sorts o! frag- fiellas menla; thoan I aav Il a4tgatbered to- oTe e a as aetO olit h galber agalu aad h knov my drum Teanml aernnel t h viii comte tIlt, aud tis ln the vas' hi15est iider anti frontlite sale of il vOll came truc: te animal&s te itasitalcs, Ouitlit face of lte note sud te balance la9 "I have no plans; 1 arnm alng ou given 1tulita child for bis vers' own GPat. i sitail be here unti God tellasaMoes.ftcchlioIspans me anyti-b lucse.' rr 0keep ttc animal aIlthat la raquireti la for ltem to psy te note vwitit Interes t 10lite bank sud then Wahker Towuaeud, formerly f! ltes'do not have ta Silit Waohtegau. is acrionss' 111 vitn, ty- aI alter vards, ve viii suppose ptaid fever ut Cedar Fala, Pa. tat te casi of te caive4 1 You o l 8.50 Marabou Capes Coats to $12.50 -a 6.4.A LEX HEI N C~-a69 for Thursday. Lake CountY'a Grreateet Store for Women and Children Coatsle-Coat s! Coats.! A Sale For Women (sizes 36 to,54) For Misses (sizes 14 t0 20) For Juniors (sizes 13 to 19). For Sattýrday and Ail1 Next Week, <-v p4 i,, e J Our dominance of the coat fnqrkets draws to us marked concessions from the country's largest manufacturers including such world famed -Coats as- Wooltex - Sunshine- Korrach - Redfern Coats1 Spec $50.00 be $15. Wben lteecaulaisDIX menthe FOR SALE--1817 ItUiebqer louria ~ ~ it naub clé Il sella fer $40. Tite btaks rM car, 6 te 7pi Naer, rua omis 7Z o celves $15.76 out of lthe $40 viticitmiles; originlmipaint llkq nev. Me-Iourse s inlucoaneclios vitit leave.s 'au. $24.26 for your tend asdti ticaDy perfect. 0,cr p0& t. eteetion 01 criminals tlithle .*- mark. Bol if you do ns oucae te part 2New ballretci. $700 o a rg0e. 1 4 reodl ma s~d t wîit the cal!, you just psy the lbauk Phone 206.3, DeFrfilid, Ili. R. Hoirnes] ctlaimed- titat China used il .O tlie $155 aid keep IL. Wkly-if -.ear@ mgo. Il le inunoe la Scolland,, Titis rnetbod la per!ectly fair sud 1 Yard sud la Paris sud lanlte big citIOM& alse pralects lte baak as weli. You Delly Theucht of tii country. But it bam'proved I&. are aaaittted 1ttat wbicb voulti bc ~LIe ul5 tas hri bot4liere la si. valuable la ideutifylug boneat folkBs vers' difflcoît for you unassisled by smre one vito bas the mottes' and con- was's tinte for coUrtey-Enaerson. vaS scririnals. idonne lu the suce-s o! the enter. prse lu obtaîn. The, cost o! tht' caifs raislng wili be mllk, 00 quarts (mkirn) $4.80. Sorne ~I aa good eat! meal, $8: total flot cowtilug £ * r* i~ M i wt gras; twileu;mkp hée.OurDeWe8.. lie OlI EKoI Off te cal!, $28Â.i5. . *~~ Titere la no doubi that a cal! mcli l ~_ growu te six mouthes o! age wjU meIgt 300 pounds aud lho worth it aileast $40 viicitililoueve s'ou a profit o!f .-.~ .$10 te $15. Nov If yoo waul te malte yourseif a new suit o! clotes gel buss' iud caîl ai aMs office aftor scitool and aigu n w au applicattilin for a cal! or plg. AIl children must bave titeir parents or somes one responstblp fortem sairi' lte appliealion with titemnaud ncan busitn.@ - J. D. TIIiDALS. , . ~ l - Caunais Garden Director. Çk 3 KFN<UE l teattacbr-vhea lt's lime 10 raid sud te take Irencitos. or te db NETHLOVE Lf buck lte Ise"-vten aur _Olaf i eir "bit" beiid ltelinos. Mea boiremiMt go "avsr-lbe-top, inuch imt lte brais te plan aud tite N L RY' IL dependeatce wilbs laiced la the brava te do. cur trnt n NO LB RT VLL io-an.la h ae a elcourage vitit serves o! steel bs' T UE IS 0 . orne t lacetoeit dependence oa Yeu seed encrEs' aun gond nerves AD- P 0 jIron lun aa ev !orm. Iros la avsry day,sery_ tenor tef laira. easîls' aslifmiiated ttln lte body If Euergy la as valuabîs te e. t akIn l the forai o! tablais called chante tornlng ont 5-b-b hshiella as The neme or f enitth W. I.rtthi Iron-tlc."' Titesa Irontice' lablelstalite esoldier golng -over lte top."' appteared I lie i4tiof sevot't-Y lu- vero exparlmenled vitit by Dr. PTe qulck sud easy wSs' to obtala lured lu Frauçe sud somte PeOPît- won- Pierce aud bis assistlng Ptsiclanm ensrgy, pep sud stas'Iug qoalities la dored t! the youug ma tîrk, rf-dtIo aIt e Surglco.l Instituts la Buffalo te ak lae lroute" tabiets. was nui llIte on oi M r. P . B13. lovell sud are formed o! irn and bar- The e "lro tc" tabletif are triho o! biberityvitie. for it wes kuown that bai extracts ltai ara easlls' isake kin G0u Sc viat aidrog-qtrures f ho. vas linte service soute plae--. ap brth'blt tond. Tha blood c Prl! son îst NSSj ltern end 10 Inquirv iailpdeo! lira. i.oveUl.. ow- pusclesstale on 'a ric i clo 1ssi d ltaeSurg tiute.IBuffalo, ever, sbow.-d ibat forlunatel' if wa. ltse itole sysatem feels lte effecl. N. Y..asud k aqa Insted offeelig dul, dmpla> 1 ai 81 nut bier scu for ai tha tîme. tie hop. Ws c ! eln uidmi Iliifn thI iti . sd tontezas peued 1w beihume iu LIbertyville.' Hé ue. *'ueres cm edge.'" lired i ~goo as Dr. lter metUcîInea. stue. -o-th av att f tnoifore your vor la balf dans, yon For 50 s'ear Plerce'a fPea'ssî sud hapreud toehi. homte ou fwladl rejuvenated. Framit blood, ricit Pelleta bave ý favora!ti, knwn days" have or atbsene laIn ran, courses ltrougit yourbecause ltes'are hitilus stade lira. Lovell liad -)o Idea o wbom body. To5 have "pep."' vimai abd o! Mas' apple. atues. jalafi. tiues the Item rtferred sund il wali rather YIgat. The Serves ara fed au rice cua lte healtîlestthbtit i tie Ptlugular tbalt hp name aud inttial if red-blood and men bavaelte steads' vorid. Trs'tite ila.sanî.t -ansd the s'oung man uthùuJ be-thue came j erves. the valiup. lte gbtlag s'oo'il llud you Liav.-ý as tai o! ber son. I force, 10 1'carry out" a b--- iruIar as llu lsunk" bll' Literally ýThousands o-;f Coats in Wuea' Most Sensational Money-Savingý Event to S$16.50 Coats to $22.50 Coats to $30.00 Coats to $35.00 Coats to $40.00 Coats to $ cial a- Special at- Special et- Special at- Special a - Speciala 14~$7 24~ 50 34 I 'g 1

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