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Libertyville Independent, 16 May 1918, p. 11

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LW.E'RTYvnIEINDEPENDENT, THURSlDAY, MAY 161 1918 tif] %4,---cod, Silvan Dulua: third, Mr 'a4I~! NU Redng-Firt.Rose Kennedy: I eeond, Elsie Schneider: tllird,eleen Rousch. SITROflM ~Spellng-Firgt, Robert Groner: econd, Dorothy Little; third. Corne- SEI3NIY AIl.,, aNeshore. jruN Y 'ÂTlfNSIPlvnmanbip-Iirst, HEsther Perre: second, Dorothy Little: third, ennie, ConN vAdvsor svsMan pker. auw ho Sella Untit Seed Corn la Worst Kind of Slacker W IS TIME TO WATCH Planting Time ls Here, Far- ors Should Determine the Condition of Seed y titan who knowingly sls seed tlit h tnfit for aced pofpoaea. urtiier his own tprsonal gain, laq utely sellh, tîspatriatiecand an axiiiiim cr055 -lre s fondamental Iatvn %wInnilng thé war. but Mî-î'îlrsn only hring bûarest die. ttmpntsi nfead of bointl a. Thrre w111 ha large am,.vant !worthless aced crn plaeted in e rotinty w Ithin the neit two q' Everythlng possible shmild 'donc ln prevent any att2h com- ty catastrophe. A Poor CornI wil fiot only affect tbe couiaty -l fil te. siate andthîte nets"n at ltical inie. rn 1, bing aotd at the preseel 1:1Lak.- county fihet will not ihîitate iore- Ilan 48 per cent. yet4 lnt., lm-iisgiven that suib seed1 f o-1 qu.i jalty. A few seedlioues n' 'ni 1ii .hertyville dealers are1 d vl i l u(Ketonable seed. y !a.rîîîer ln Lakte courity who le Il .înîtfut concPrnullg ise ae. î,eieelfrom c'batever source irg-îi 1,)iring or Kend a sample of mb -cil le our office Immediteiy . gernn ii on tests. Btter ie sl _toi iiý. te replant. 5fai,înir, wha boughl aaed last or ti-.months ago q-en. con- *qx,.'r-I-f as aeed corn i alu '~i,r ery rapidly If not prop. bcar. ni ii arly ln the selason. If vda cj tugliî without a dellinite or ied l ,t'moifnt concereing germ- ~ticin i lo-' ;ivir bas a white elepliant ibis i;n- and cannot blame file rc. 'iii% farinter or dealer who brcr>,,iýýv .1>1 aeed of quesitionible ractq-r.-i-uchb fot only conaldar It I s-î.-,but ao is patriotie jy to oiaIt,- proper adjuttnenta for41 sueli rIi eld, If ail sut-h drain lnot, leitiseel falrly and square- ef-vn Tiit i lcauses solOponefil- hUiai iii, more drastic and som- Iry a ýill iiitakion immediate- .ril' ,inilconservation bave ntic - iig probiemg of our toit4- î.niee î-ntprtng the war p.oiiIiI.. c illatayaIhome sbould i eî'rti.iîg possible to iproduce <u'r.as our part i9 relative. vmall coiiqiri'd sit the sacrifices de iîy ihi' hoy.î shon se are help- gta , t i:, the trencliis. ire ii. a ing the game' Do we gt t.. lie (cîi.idered as war profit- rri< c rians or an fiînisbing soi ronîterite othe enerny. know- yT1,i eare nome things wblch Ifi pot hi-done onds'r the dock pet rm.irn Snech bluffs shouid lie IIed. la iît pîrrtct sm o biiîy Uberty mds, War Savings Stamps or aup- t iii- Ied ('ross. and then seil PWoliîailî' .'seed corn that may sae ot-ne farmer to bace a dmop or tdoc i is yicitlfiai- or ben hushels l ritîi' îîiîJect o! the laite rouît- Pat iiiitrî'au is tu increase &ad BIntaiti front producrtion antd as an kani7.iiet18sabsolitely .hppoaad to 17niwempnt oufter lt-q avinrZ el tlans iIitimatet1y a rried out. fadi co-rn Is oely oee of the P, f ii lite trap production wbeel Vlh hmlld nil be ihec>(ed by any il- tîiutl)ing block ai persona] Irn. %V E, WATK!NS. l.Ake <Co Seed Corii Adm. LIST 0F WINNERS. It;onttnued Iro. Page ona.il nitîti dw ld iiiitnlr - tîird leén t sot, i i- P-irsi - Not m-att ('lrisico- s ivowl- I, erth a Lt>oitI i il h ird, entitthip l"ist ili-t iarrellt Ionil, i.utiv osing. thirî.d lii eIgallipiii. WARREN. ~Ari uit tiv i"ist l'sttu' iiîtiF., ln nd. ici Nee Nadeihofer: týiird, Mir- A ii nn eadiîg-l-irt-s Evelyn Mc('uliotgih Ionîl.Nladelyn Thomessen; third. MaFlood. ipelling FEirat, Esher eFnion: lnd. Irene Nottingham; third. Mar- ie NIiis4. ;Pennîana ip--FIrast, Evelyn McCul- ih:second, Julia Psasinski; third. liller.' WAUKEGAN. .Ale htîrti-P'iret. Helen ilurst: rge Ei.scnbet'g. Speliniî,,-lIrsi, Gerrude Adanis: ~cond, Piler OseKn: third..Virginia A liîecke. .Rading-Fl'ra Judith Gustafson; cod, B3îssie Ludas: thirld, Victoria Pe nmaiîhip-Flrat. larold (Saitaf- on: second. Judith Gusatfon; third, Vater 1airres. rltheti-FiatMargaret Sheri- e- -eod agaret CîIgget; hird ite ding-Firt, Anna Nî'lson: sev- ud, ittutte Nelsotn; third. ',Iaybelle larit. 5prling-il'rat, Lois Shoup: second iaWoyce: third. Edea Woye. .Penntnship'-First, ifargarpt Sher- Ian: alecond. Edna Jensen; third. ateJadricit. LIUERTY VILLE. LArithnitttl-Firt, Paul l'faien- 1 FREMONTi. Ariibnitic-FMiat. Esth er Zerien, ,econd, Carroll Porteous: thlr<l, Jos- ephine Wagner. Reding-Flrst. Joal Chandler; sec- ond. Donald Fitzgerald; third, Glïlai Alchhotaer.1 Spîlling-l.ir8t. Esther Zerspri; soi' ond, Etet.i Voliman; tlird. Florene-, Youngotî'um. PeemaeshIP-l"irat, len ILarqoi. second. Josephine Wagnîer; tiiird. Florence Youegotroe,. WAUCONOA. Arthmet-Flrs3t, M1ary l)augwil; second. Jamtes Dowell; third, liattie Posters. Redlg-Firât. lois CGilbert; smr- on&. Barbara i-artman; tiird, Zeinia Russell. 8pelig-First. Francis Davis, sec- ond, Mtary Daugwil; third, tbols Broughtoe. Pentanhlp-First. Doris Skyrme;e sqcçad. Mabel 8kyrme; third, Mary Dihugw Il. CUBA. Arlietl,t-Firat, Waldo i-liueut second, ilai,c-le Muaka; third, Jos- phine Wientuth. Readig-FIist, Maillon lavlin second, MarJory Wade; third, l)oroilîy Melos. Spelinl-Flst.Blanche Muaka - second. Jom, Phine Wiemuith. îidrd. Marion Davl. PezxqnafflhiP-FI rat, (bois Melow; second. Mlarion bavdin; third. Binch-- Musita. VER NON. AfiiUmelc-[Mit. Blanche &ebut- er; second. Fred Weidner; tiird, El- aie Bcuroth. Reading-.First, Onace Kelly. sec. oed: Blanche fichuler; ihird. Libbie Splling-P'irt, Blanche Sciilpr: second, Elaie Bauroth: third, Sum- fier Sprague. Pennanhip-Flrat, iaurene Reit- era; second, Lydia Meyer; third, Eu- genta Vobs. ELA. Arthmetic-1'rst. Carl F-rank; ec ond, ljîuise leèise: third. John Thies. Rteidin-Fira§t. Adelia Norton; sec. endi. Lambtert Keler; third, Janteg Milller. Spellive -Flr.i, tien Nickoi,'y: sec eond, L,ýmbert Keler; third. liazel Kohl. PPeîansltlp ,Firs!. Margari e Young; second, Riaymond Wf-at lîbait, third. Emma Lohrnan. DE ER FIEL . Arthnietc-First. l-'oipnc' 7,1,' man; second, Agnes Peterson. iiiird. Edwin Nelvon. Reading-Firt, Ethiel Swan; sec- ond. Agnes Peter-ion, third. Julia Ransoîn. Spelilng-î-Flrst. Agnea Petersori: second, Ullian Antes; tiird, Cellis Kein. Penmansit,--First, Mary 'Yorp: second. Grace c;tiîzlr;tiîird,'ors Englund. The county conît s ili b>' held le the Lilhertytille htgb achool building on Satîîrday. %May 25, opening at 9:.«0 The troram .111 open witb an en- tertiannent perlod by te Oroth-M.ac- Donald Concert contpany and duriîîg tbe intermlaalons they wll alao gise other numhea-s, thir program promis- esato be etprtaîetng and the action] patrons med friends of the coîtéstantz are lnited te be preseti to tii ny whet they offer as weti as lhe efforts of the itaipils, At 10 o'clock b- prniusni;hip coit les«t s iiibegin: t hi,, ciii consist nif exerrises cho4en from hp firsi 5() In figures and lier' writinv. Tbo,>e taking p îrt in arittîntetit- work sill be calted t lIiS. ;titis contrSi wl libe -imiar toi te îo,i lne g' amptetject giveýn In the dit. ferent tocns exnteltt a a part or the tproblents wilit e ieatd.Rcir ac*y and speed le the esiculations wili be considered lii making the awards. At 1l1:30 the iritien tmpelLng "test wlli hc given: 90 word-i will be wriî. tan. ihese will lie chosen fromnite irat 14), pagea or the Il1unt soir The 12 contestant.% missing th, le, est wordq wlll ho entered In tbhe oral test or the' aflernoon. Shouid a lCe exist ai the close of the oral speliing worde wiil be pronounced front the Pages 120 to 140 to decide. The prellmlnary resding test wili takte place bIn he morning lit the asaembly room dtilng that tinue thal the otler contesta are progresniing, eacb contestant reading a sciection of bis or ber own cbooaing. The ten maklng the> besi scores wll read &gain In the afiernoon, the jtidges chooalng the seelciion frottheboock uaed by the pupil In the morning. OFFICIAL LI-STOP AL ESTATEIRWSERS. LAKE CO. TITL AD NUT CO. Abstrea celTitI.. Tîtia GuargnId. Mamonlo Temple bidO. Phoe 4. C F.rankt Wright Io f.. A. Wright>, southeast corner Nliisaukveeave, anti Orchard st, Libertyvîhle anîd loi 3 block 7. Lihertyville. QCD, Si. Albert Kilhinicen and wite ta .,a- cob Cloldenberg, lots 6 and 6 blockt 27, Wright's_ Add. , .bertyville, yWD., $1,100. J. W. Lawson and othera to Arthur Jacobeir, lot 14. baok 10. Foz River Springs le Aniacb, fleeds, $2. .13. W. Lawaon et al. te W. W. godo- manfi, lot 12, bockt 10. Fox iver Springs le Antlocb. Dceda. $2. Neilie D. Cordingley to F. W. Pol- zin. lot on Cedû I- Lko. WD, $30>0.' Ihtate of EB.B. Woodbridge ta AI. bert Katiereayk. ita 27 and 28 > blockt 29, Wahburn Prk, North Chi- cago, Deed, U80. (Mary A. 'Phômpsan ta Odd Veliowç & ebokahs Hon!,_lot e ai totleagt corner Utîca 'a(.'and Grand ave.. BUSINESS FAIR BUT LOAOS QUIET DURIK LAST WEEK Loans Duritng Week Total $56200 with 125 Instru- mients Filed for Record 88 CONVEYANCES MADE' lusinîusa or the recortder',, office for Vie~ week ending May il, 1918, hy A. K.llowee, assistant secretary or Se- cirily Titi , & Trusqt Co. Number of conveyancea. 88. Number of chatici morigages, 14. Number of trust deeds and mort- gagea.,5 'Total numter of in;trtiment.q ied. V25. Totýl;lipn or loges. 856.2flo. Business bas bren fair, but inans rather quiet. -The following are the more impor- tant deais. Int WAaokeguîî: Waukegan Pari, dis- trict acquired 'h- A>ei ul4on. Mari.e Peterseti, Abert Anderson and Emil J. Kedbler properties on florin ide Ravina a 'e., for an aggregate consld- eratién o, 814,500. The (iPO. irk estate sold a 30-fi. lot on ivest ide t7tica a4t. neer Ravine ave, John.-and Clara Johnson for 11300, and also a lot to Peter Ericic- son and wife on saeteStreet (or $1350. Girl and Ellen iliellotrom bougbt th e Chbas. G. Gustafson troperts' on at .aide Lenox a%.e., South of Heini- bolz, for' 83ý50. The Chicago Tille & Trust Co.. as trustee, took tille te the property in Oakland Sub.. recentY acqulred by Lawrence R. Wlder for nominal con- Sideration. Io Lakte Forest: Mary Olive Gibbs toiti tile the Ellen Bur'ýe place on ea8t a ide Green Bay Road, eorth of Vine ave, for indicated consideration of $9,00u' subject te lite estate. Kaâtharine McA. Pollockt bought the 'Cratty property on east ide Sheridan Road, near Noble ave., for $5.000. Ina H-ighland Parti Frances V. l.4rr- son bought the Ed. G. ifuber place on eaat aide Green qt., north of Walnut ave, for $1510, snd gave bacit trust deed for $3,000, Edward G. iher tiougli a lot on east id e Oakwood ave. from Frances V. larïon for indicited cnnsil,-ritton of $1500. (GeO. F,. Sciîeitier iîoughi the Clinion C. Colins property ou west ide ClIark st, for $42#)() Elizabeth Elvery ,ought railot at north west corner Green st. and Wal- nut ave trrom Ella C'. Evans for nom- i nal consideration, Wm.ie rbert Johnson bougbt.iflii feet on elst side St, John% ave.. soîîth of Sheridan Road f rom John Griffith for lndicated consaîderation of $2.001). le Libertyrille: C. Fnank 'Wright bought the imG resit of Gea. A. Wright io a lot on Orchard st. east of Mil waukee ave. and tîvo iotsata soufh east corner Third t. and Orchard at. for indicated consilderation of $2.90o. Charles A. and Emma Saboro bought the French property of 11)5 feet on west ide o! Milwaurkee ave.. north of Park ave.. front Anna C. French for $3.04o". le Winthrop Harbor: Fred (7 Au-4- lin toit tille to the Ferdinand C. %Valkpr pro;iertY on the Laite Shore for nominal consideration. le Village of Russell: Leo Kio- bucinii boughi UtheIirk Bros. prop- erty for $1,250. In East .Antîoch: Samuel A. Rife and wite hoîîght t ie Emîs Sith farm o!fS84 acres in Sec . ,for $2400. In Avon: Andrew Sorenseo hought the Géq- tleak estatp farm ln NE,.1.4 SE 1-4, Sec. 16. wist ofc rond, front tho bers, for t$16R7.,; ONE SANDWICH Of WAR BREAD L11M1T TOMRORROW i New Food Ruling Also Limits the Victory Produot ta 2 oz. ta One Customer on la r bread sandwichi la ai you il be abie to buy in a Chicago res- taurant tomorrow. Two ouflcra of Victory hre.ad is the absolute Ilinit tu a customuer. This ruiing was an- .ounced yesterday by the Illinois food administration. - Anotiter ruiing makes ail mais front 5 p. m. until midnight every day wheâtless, except for the two ouneaS of war bread or roila. The serving of crackers, ca'ies. pies fried cakes. pastry. tee creant cones, etc.. which contain any wheat naur or wheat product. excepi bran, shorts and mid dllngs, aire prohibited cf 1er P. p. Meatiesa days are abolished. The regulations go Into affect to- inorrow. They staté that bloh-Cia batela and restaurants. dinlng cars and clubs abould--and lInlte Mdigri- iy 01 cases bave-pedged thems4lves ta serve no food that contains wh est or aoy product of wbeat, except bran. shorts and middlings. Waukegae. WD. 11 r -Henry Bockelmaîî antI wit, Wb red Feddier, V) acres In northeaat 1.4w NE 1-1, ýSec .33. Ela Twp., Wl>, $3200. C. A. Ncwc"omb, Ir.. to .1. S. But- terfield and *Ife. iots 24 and 25, bioc*< 106, North Chicaga, Deed, $100. Wmh. Worthy and wIfe ta R,' R. Kraft, lots 10. 14 and 16, 'block 2, t ad lots 4 and 8. biorit 2, Woodflond Bluffa et 'North' Chicago, QUI, Il. Public 3.88 Attention 51 29981 Mens, omen's and Children's F0 OTWIEAR of Every De ription, for Every Occasion at the Mercy of the Public SA.1ýVE AND SERVE Is the Cry of the Nation. Here Is Your Opportunity Now SHOES, PUMPS, OXFORDS, DREUS HOES, HO USE SHOES, WORK SHOES, SLIPPERS, TEN- NIS SHOES AND OXFOIRDS. A $10,00 STOCK 0F HIGH GRADE, NE ,W STYLES 0F SPRING AND SUMMER AT UNDER THE HAMMER PRICES. THE GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE 0F MODERN TIMES. THIS STOCK MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Women's Pumps, ail styles, small aszes 98C W amen 's Slip- pers, uoft kid leath- or, regular $2.50 values 14 Women's Pumpa and Melos, not al sizes, ail leathers,, $350 to $500 values 1,069 W amen 's Slip- pers for the house; flot many in the lot 23c Women's h ig h grade Shoes and Pumips, add ases, $4 and $5 values rWomeIs customn Èumaps, ail ases, ail leathers,' $5 and $6 ,a1ues 2«95 Women's novelty Shoes and Pumps, ail colora, all styles, $7 and $8 values .3,95 Women 's colored Pumnps, the sea- aau's newest small 1 1.39 Boys' and girls' Shoes, ail solid, lace and button, ail sizes Child's Shoes and Pumps, ail leathers, $2.50 values 1.49 Girls' puinps, al leathers, Baby Dol style, $2.50 grade 1.49 Boys' Elk skin Shoes, ail aizes, tan only, $3 grade 1.98 Men's Slippers, black and tan, $1 values 59C fi Men's Work Shoes,. tan & blaçk, ail solid, ail aizes, $3.50 -grade 2,43 Men's Dress Shoes, ail styles, ahl sizes, ail leathers, $4 values 2,65 Men's High Grade Siloes, al leathers, ah styles $5 values 2.88 Men's Oxfords, tan and black, bap# welted soles,$5O grade. Men'Is Army Shoes, Munson ladt, tan only, $6, grade 3.9,5 Men 's Dres Shoes, tan caif, black caîf, patent colt, blucher leath- er and Engiish last, $5 values, 3,95 Dr. Su m me r's Health Shoes, a treat for your feet; $7.00 values 4,45 AStore of Wonderful Values $395 .9ý THE'LEADER t$foe4 (o' IIt &u'L4taLL $2.88 108 South Genesce Street Telephone 1689 $3.29 Page !rhyos

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