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Libertyville Independent, 30 May 1918, p. 10

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TIBERITYVMLE INDEPENDENT, TiHuRSDAY. m*y ,e-AIL AND CO. OIN NEW QUAR- TEKS; FINE OIMS Wsukegan, Nisv 25 T. J. Stahi & Comnpany snnotincr toda>' thc opening of their new and cohmodlois suite of office roins on lb. gi-ounlidrum of the Wetzel Build- b&00c-rner of Washington and County -Titis'enterjsrising firun bas .*ped'bat -le conLedCd by ail tq be the finet reai estale and insurance oMfces nets'éen Ciîiugo and Miwau- kee. The>' occuvy toc entîre main floor et tibs puominent crner, halng * sow windows on botb streef s and Il corner entrance. The offices bive liild floars tbrougboul .ànd the In- aide counter. desits and Irim in i antique inalsagans'. The 'ale aiid celling are stipled ivory. and par-ti- tiSs1 are of opaque glass, separatiax lime front reception rooms fromt the psivate offices and conferenco rome. Thme lightlng Is biy Indirect syslem c -m beaulflul peillng dormeli. 5ndi * Têiephone Service 'ailliprivale ex- iebaiuce connecte 'allb eacb desk andl obS rmm. -t e The business le uwtted by T. J. Slahi and L. F. Himsé, whosc pic- torcs appcar in thîs issue. Mr. Stahi w« 'aa ormerly connocted w'lth the Cornwall Land Co. of Chicago andi Kansas City, and aise adi charge of lthe land departmnent of the TIrsI Na- tional Bank of Cbllago, comlng l»O Waukegan lu 1915 and eslablisblng thme present business on* tIhe'seond iloor of the Wetzel Bloc.i. The huai-. mens soon grew te such an exl ent f bat It becaffie Impossible for one man te~ give Il (he attention necessary and X. Ilulse beosmne a hal! owner and assumled the management of' the of-, Seinl 1916. Mr Hulse hali formerly besa a part owner andi business man- ager o! the Waukegan DIais' Gazette. Mr. Stahli i.'alea President of the Seçurlty Tille and Trust Co., aud bus been one of blgb power sales- *mon soiccted th canvasi. the North 'a- limore manufacturers in behaîf of the Second Liberty Loan andi Red Cross drives, P. C. Stahi andi H. W. Cady have rossaIt>' been added ta tbe farce o! *salesen, bbc later having charge cf the Insuranco .-department whicb represente many of Ahe largest comn- paflein 0tlie Unitedi States. writlng firo. caetualty, automobile andi life riake. During the year 1917 ihis coni- 'paa's sales In real estate lolaled over the half million mark,' aud tbey bave played nae mali part In glving Waukogan the winnlng strîde whlch bas diaracterîzcd ber really andl coni- saecal Internats the last !ew yeart.s 'Waxkegsýn la proud fa number the frin of T. J. Stabi & Company among l3 proarerous business concurns and r- cagratulates ts membere upon fthe ogelng of Ihese heaittifuil new offices. fWUIt ALLOWANCE - MAY; 14VMEAN BREAI) SIITAiE Local Grocers Get Notice of Amnount of Flour they Can Buy in Three Months Waukegan's four alo'aanu-elia i loauseulta the bone and for the nextj t'ao or thrée monlts Rtai eaet local bouaewlves 'ai have tb devise more 'aa of using flour substibutes. 1 Local grocers todai- recelved mne- lies Irons the Illinois Food Admnis- trator sba'alng them wat Ibir mil = anc !f four whll be for the iit o0f May, i une a nd July . on.- WdaX*egan grocer 'abose consurntîîlon et fleur lasI year 'aas 5-0l arru-Isa total of about 46 barrels a aM01n0). vas lnfoi-ned lhat is silowancc for ZI monîlis o! May, Jonc and Juil 'aoId be 14 3-8 barrels ter montit. _Tis ie bsrciy on-Ihird o! the aver age amount ,oid duWing thosetmosihus :i~tit yar. Tt tiblsaie me iehod of SipporthonIng four le carrieli out gen ormliy Jil mens that Waukcgan's sup. pe of flour bas been eut short bwo- If thse smie. nuls- la appled bte i, b*.ers it wouid indicale Ihal a brcîîd Siiortage is 001 unlîkels'. 01toersa re o! bbc opinioni tha! tiere 'ailhecmore of a demanil for ceresala wbe, tiutg uknown bow short lime floute eupiy is. Thé state fon)dadnministrstionî alumo qfVe InsÎruction about bbe sale of fleur and sugar ioiiing oui it butr0- esua muet lnquiure lteé amoumlittepur- obu hlsr ave on Iîand or order luifore ni> eli more. Woutid Make Paddy Sorry. Miceed 'wasuprouli of bis new-is'ne~ éJd oîpadour. One day wuhile ~a $5ftont o!f(lie'glass eadmir- . h e suddeniy turned 10 bis îoutb' »sd mud : "Say, camms. wheo dali 0"~s home and secs c>..pompadour, ht ho esurey ho had bis hair cut - 'paeo eto aSV -lloîuuq 4. J O .U i osulinuna îq2fS;m -, gg pinOM 'îîq padun unu 'iiu. ne apu ffl qi Dqieîa JO gioîqs sau dur 0- 000 M pool ulq -piedal qia - ~U*~u po aqLuAoas »qaau ~~sqi~u nuia.qîetojeq elaqa 4i~épu~ejen sa Alieulg eg a SemOf 1011611f. -99 Me i th oriage of gsoilne ~4~7 welv "repii Mn. - wa khiid of Countrt,» -,A* 4Nad exactiy 'ah> lie olli ma- *P@Wtalrua." Pep Pushers PuttlgNeW Push in Local Brokerage SrRK ON FRIIJAY Presidene\ Refuses Ten Cents an Hour\Ràite on 400 Mlle - R liroad Unes Employes of\Jhe Aurore , 1l'gin and Chicago ilaurulrb'i5i1 astem voted-440 to 7, Monday iàlbt in faor of a gen- eral strîke becau; eot the.refusai of President L. J. Z-01f110. grant their domand for a wWe increase or 10 conf!,sanuheur. Conductorsad itoarmen on aIl lnes of the system 'a-lu quit work at mîinight flday o filai Wok. Mr. Wolf.* who ]Ivs las Cièeland, bas de- clared that If lth e nautrike the cars wai lie nan lIn the bains and no St- tenort 'ai ha mad«Aa o prate thens LUne@ Affecte& tinlesg goyerumontal or otlmor ac- tion Io, taken 1he followlmag Unes 'ai be Ide: Interurb.as frono Chicago tb Auro- ra and tu Elgin. City lUnes 0f Aurora andi Elgin. Aurora tlu Yorkviiie Interurban. Aprorn to Elgin Itorurlian. Elgin 10 'West Chicago spur ulne. The trmekage lnvolved ha about 400 mlles.1 % Waukegan, Nfay 25 It'a nuw Catit. John C. FoleY for sure. lb utevelop$ that Dr. Foley ban received hie commizolon andbliat loe bok theé osîl of office Monday. torwarded the mesne to Wshington andf uuîw le enroieli on the records aa captalit ln the V. 0. ArMY. Hie oomniuueoui. received a couple of daia 5a" le datcd May SDi hie oatît of Scceptance arrivid Mnday and lie swoa'ehie ailegiancoetaIonce and CêtUrned l 10 WNaehington, That meane nuuw ihat lie le collent to Ca11 whenever fils seri vces are ulesl'-e. 'H1ave no idea where, Ibis' ay seud me. I hope' Il wlU b. 'ovcr thora.- 1 Wiould rauch prefer that bobing Pett10 »oreéarias' caabonment.", Dr. s'oeY lias been heailli Physician for Waukegan for mnany yeura. Portable Ilydraume Prose. A porlibip, but very powerfUI, by- draUIlc preslihs eben inventeli fer boldiDg largte,. 0 Ped' tuan> deired mlVourIterU. soi. The ebsrm of Iponînenoulai.VM~ rB&al. No malter bow thoroughiy you imittaIsmothlng Ivbieb 70u ae bnot thme biaaion 'Win 4Mer la nmre fash- Ion 10#o11111c orn a Tiat ln beftaus. -the ilal3ion la go.ýornd a Iuttle b, lb. ae quiies thlie iiniatooe. 1~.' L. E ulge. lUTh UIA Miss Mayo who has been teaching at the South echool for the past year wýaq el ected principal of the Central ochool Rt the meeting o fthe board of education Thursday eevnlng. MIss Miaye lo a teacher of wlde experlence and liae made a fine record at the Southboc.hool. The Centrali School have sold near- lw MiOpO worth of thrift stamps snc April first. The seventh grade went over the top Thursday wilcl now makes three classes to ho 100 par cent on thrif t etanlps. The North Chicago schoolemade a fine showlng at the Coîîoly conteat ln Liberlyvilie, Saturday. TVhe Cen- tral school here won th,. honora of the day by taking aawy tv.o prizeb: firet and third in rading. Anna Nei son won lirai in readinz and Kiiiît Nelsion lber brother, won third. Trhis le a fine tribute to PrIncJpp3l llud8od i of the ceniral school and he le 10 be congratuialcdl on the fine showlng malle by hie puPils aIt te Liberty- ville meed. F1rancis Sheridan of the. South school, won third in writlng which Icises three Prizss b North Chicago. Esther Nelson and' Theadore Jen- sats of North C'hicago wî're conlirmed at the SwüdLih church lia Waukegan Sunday. The 1Christian lEndeavor o!f tlie Presbyterlan chuî'ch, elected the fol- lowing olllcers for the comilg year: President, Mîis llian Kalwitz; vice presîdent, Roth Anùiden; socretary, Geraldîne Jolley t rea.-.urer, liaroid M'ilnienson. The goiernient ia nsovîtog a large number oftheicloo.con thi. eas ide tîlat were on the joropî-rly that they have ibidt Jaken over. Trhe om1- tera will i-i.' tfemn for hoines when thrt ygel bhiml ilplice. The clty couneil niet in regular meeting %aiih ail nienber.iiri'sent. Regular bis read and llaci.Tbi- clty attoriiey rendercd a written rce- port of the allendance of the. meeting o fthe (.as yompany hi-lor- hflluth lic 1711ili.,,4 conmmission. The report was read and pîlaced on flei. The finance commitice cailed a meetinîg of the commîlîsee fuor "riday night to tllke uîp the quiest ion of the city fi. nancesi. -At this point somne more bis came belote t hi' uiil lut the may- or slated that the city had an ordi- rance requiriîîg iliolail hbis be ln bhrce day.' before any colincil taCet- ing and -o flic ill!., aire not read. it. was voled Io advertise for lilds for painting th Iti îy hall. A build- ing on Kinitl e a.'wa- r.'ported ta hie in bad Coînditionîîand dangerous ar the atreet commls.'îonvr Was lin >otruleil 1i ciec the ownu-î ,atd 'have it repaiied ai once. An ordinance for a slulcwalk on Seymour ave., %vas rîq d aTudl laisud. An ordinanco for -Ilie Pavin gof State sîreet froin 22îid to ro radway and from 17t1î la bOth was reaul and pasaed. Perhapi no improvemetît of the 'City iwill be more aplire{'latei thoni IbIs improvement of Stale street. 'The mayor brought Li;) lthe quies- lion o! the Naval station garfuage, bcbg hbrouglit iîî4o our City and load- ed ou cat. lie sbutld that lie flought the council shoîîld s'- 1guard Ilf l îmi ei hc ifhla hi es'pe'ct. 1, H i-lti-,i l bal bey i-er,- building a' tphllorin just noîuorf luthi dcp%. for recplvliig iolu.garbage snd îlacing Il on the car-s.'l'he' ayôr as*Siethr City attorney and also Attorney beck- er wha waxpresent, what .-oiîld lie dose absout Il. They hoth elated that they would like to have time f0 look- r IL up but Mr, Decker thaughl t ILcould Y lie regulated by ordinance. The coun-- cil lnetructcij ihe city attorney and M Nr. Decker tu look up the usatter afld draw an ordinance lto cover the mal-. ter. Street (.uîna,sioîuer Goss' elaud thal the Dieu w ho liad il tli-uint ract nuîw if hailiniz bau garhageaway from the station lîrouitil iitulthe depot mn open ans andl duinîlu i il. lnt box cars and that Il, siood Iliere aIl day andfttan the carp. Tould leak and 0the watcr woîîld,,eun from lliem and then Rt nighIt fliey wouiîllhéitalieu âway. Mir. Deeker s as i-are su,:h conditions could lie rc-medied. Te je -Sta i, & "LET US BE YOUR BROKERS"e We desiî e tu aiuiotince that We are flQW iocated in our uew suite of office î'oois on the ground floot' of the Wetzel Block, corner of Washungton and County St.reets, wlîere we have prepar- cd the îîîost up-to-date and commnodious offices on the North Shorc foi' Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. These addcd facilities wil1 equîp us isetter thaxi evcî' to attend to the demarids of oui' rapidly growing business and assurec ouîî clients the v'cry acmc of service. . Thiese offices are also for the eonivenience of îîîîi patr-ons %vit.h ev~eîything ecomfortablc anîd convç'nicnt. aînd -vc îespeetfuIl- ask tlîat yon bring to us yoîu' ants in the lines of REAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENTING OR INSURANCE aînd wc assure v ou tlîat saine shall havec our prompt attention aîîd tlie beijetit of our large experience in hiandling properties in Wau- kegan, North Chicago and Lake County. WB HAVE FOR« BALE Tite largest lîst of rcaltY' in Lake Cnunty a few of whiî- w-c are îîtentioning here, and assure you that if voit are wanting to bîiv a, honte, business propeî-tv, vacant lot or faini, we have just w-iîat you want and at the î'ighit price. BUSINESS PROJPERTY Store Building, three stoi-y brick bringing atitiiual iiîcoîie of tîver $5,000 on Nortlh Geîîesee Street. Double store î'ooin, two story brick, flats abov-e, South Geni- t-sec Street. 41 Store Building tw'î sttîry bicuk, flats above, Watcr Sti-cet. Store building, twvo stor * y bick, Blats above, Washington St. Building on Sheridan Road, suitable for faetoî-y near station. Store building, twvo stoîy concrete bloek, flats abov-e, ail hot w'ater heat anîd moder-n, State Street, North Chicago. -Ail of Fortune Bros. Brewing Co. store buildinigs iii Wa'«uke- gali and North Chicago. HOUSES 8-î-oomn house, stiitly mnoder-n, Nor'th Geltesüe Str'eet. .)-1oo)Il new' bu-u' galoiv, strietly umoder-n,, l>oplar Str'eet. 8-î;oon liolise mîoder'n ('oIveiieflCes, oak triwî, Steele Court. 2-fiat building, just coîupleted, strictly modern, Ash Street. i(-room house, hot water lîcat, 66 feet ou N. Sheridan Road. 10-rooîn house, suitable for roouîing, Clayton itear Genesce. 9-î'oomn house, al jîmodernt, a i-cal bai-gain, North Utica St. 6-rooni hlouse, modern conv~eîiences, poultry bouse, Chestunt îStreet. 2-fiat *building five.roolîls -ae-l, ail nioderu , Ne itIiAene 7-rooîi bouse, striétly îu.odcrn, 2 lots, 84x120 feet on Williams Street. 9-rooti bouse, moderncîuîin-cliencestwo bleks fi-oni Court Ilouse oit West Street.' 9-rooîn bouse bath, eleet-iù lights, good barn on Poplar Street -Bargain. 10-î-oouî liouse, mîodern, garage and good barn, Cbicstntit St. 11-rooxu bouse, especially suited for rooming bouse, one block front Court House, UtiCa street. 2-fiat building, stueo, five toorus eci, strictly modern, ncw, Lineolns Street, North Chicago. 5'-îootn bouse mnoderun except. bath, chiekeiî boluse S. Utica St. 5-room cottage, East Sixteentît Street, North Chicago. I0-room Ibouse, witM ba).thl, ga,, ýjpav~emient, Belvîdere Strecet --sacrificed. 2-cottages; four m oinus eci, on one lot, Eleventb St. near State 2-flat buildinîg, six moitns eaeh, two lots, Kiinble Ave., near Twcnty-sccond stî'cet. 7-i'oorn liouse mîîoderni <onieice(., on pavecment,Isî- ('t. 6-rooîîî Iouse stiit1l' moder-n, good bai-ii, May St. ie-ai' MeIAlisteî'. 2-fiat, liv-ce oîîscdi, îiiodei'ii, Cuisiiihjigs Av.l-a'MAlte- 6-1oo00111 bouse, îîew, stî'îetly îmodernî, libt water fheat, I 'Als fei' Avenue. 7-i-ooîu lioiîse, ne w, balli electiit lighîts, lot 5x86 Ja'ksu ii Street, îieai- IRigi Sehool, a gi-cat bargaiîi. 5-roonî i otîse barnî, 111: actes land, ggoîd nîîîieî'al 5sliillg, N. Jackson Strecet. 6-roonîî hcîtse, aIlilernit'eiviîele eM,îîsfuîi-î;u-, W~est. Wasliiugtoîî Street.1 6-î-oom uîcw bungalow, Mo-ety i(tdrni, Giaid Avenue. 7-roomî liotîse, garage, lot 168x1.7<, N. Butî-ick Strecet, sinali îîaynientt ill i iY it. OT li lots P- . C <ihlluhings & Cuo., Noi-thi ui Additionî. lot on it Setoîic stî'eet bcttscii Noitli Ave. znd Ilickoî' St- ] lot conîer Utica anîd Water Streets. 1 lot 66 feet on Granud Avenue. 2lots Paî'kcr's sîîb on Grand Av'enîue' 1 lot St. .Jamecs stî'eet tîcar Waishitiigtî ii Stre-et. 10 lots iii 1Lvoîdale sîîb. 1 lot cornIer Ash and Ridgeland. 2ý lits on Northî A%-eîuc soiith of (lilîctît-. 1 lit 1on Vietory Street niear Washinîgtoni Str'eet. 2lots onit MeAlistet' Avenue cast fi-ont. - FARM ILANDS - 40) actes iteat- War'îenton, best of imîproveiîictr, ail sujder c ultivatioîî. 6 acres ticar Beach, poultt-y fariî, on Elect îi<'mail, good iii- pjiovençnts. 120 acres iin Newport townîship, 10 roont hoitse-, îiev silo, guod jutprovemnents, eheapest farru in Lake county today. 80 acres near tfrislake, ail undci' cultivation, best of ini- piovements. 15 acres ncai' Zion City. 40 acres on Gr'een Bay Iload, bîouse ail mîoderni, best of in- provements, large barn, silo, ail under cultivation. 80 acres in Warrenî, near Gurnce, best of soul and improve- ine nts. 5 acres oni Waslhingtonî Street just off car line, nesv 5 î-oonu coittage and barn. 17 acres near War'ekutou, 10 rooni bouse, good iiîprovejîteuftr, lanîd ail tiled and cultivated. These propei'ties are positively bcing sold at less tit actual eost and on ternis to suit the purchaser. Proi2erty to sell, -(t will be f0 vour advantage to 11sf t wlfh us. TJ.STIAHýL &CO-ýMPANY. 226 Washingtont St. "Thej Mon Who Show Reaulta" Phones 237 or '238 REAI, ESTATE, INSURANCE, MONEY TO LOAN, RENTING TO 1THIE VOTERS '0F oiva's *at the c ornpany Stated that it Costs $1 ,00 Daily to Feed lb. Great Lakes Bend. Acoordhng tu statisotlians et the nasyl statîod.lim e cof t eedinr Liqut. Bousms' 300 bandeanen away trolu thie at«tlo la $1.M0 a dey. The, Uli left 1Mday for ZDetroi, ClocF lli.d ad-Columbus for Jod Croé catnllalmlg $0 île.. ites. S80984 N"d u , ame uIeIdma* we. lis ït.ork, 'here thé>' playeli such a large part In thé ailtumit Red Cross drive. bq if >rector qi RaUroada Mo.- Ado. retussil teiponnît ian> of the TaIijp£da te, gvo teasowAdrton 10 the band on the ground tbit théelRed Cross Isafnot guverammnt work. Tte Ried Cross la flot permltted 10 make expenditures -for the purpu>se of la' ciroaslis receipta. ?Idp ad bou. lùg of the bandi 'ahi be lisa of a prôli-, lem ln Detroit. Cleveland and Colums. bus than In Newa Yori-and the ex- penses or the trip 'ai lie born pro tâta hy each commiunit>'. Mises Bernice Smith o! Waukegan. who lian been teachingata Hickory. closed her school lant Friday and in vlslting Mrende In Wuauconda. n V . l "I - .- -1 1 -0 qlplmmq w ~goum 1 hereby announce rny candidacy for nomina- tion for ôffice of County Trcaurer subject to the decision of the votera at the neit Primary. In doing Bo I feel 1 may bc pardoned ini saying a fcw words about myseif. 1 was bqrn iii Gurnee; amn the son of J. R. Bracher who is a civil war vet- cran; have lived aillMy life in Lake County and for the past two years have lived in Waukegan; arna, graduate of a. business college; was postrn"tr at Gurnee for thirteen years; have run a general mer- chandise storefor the past twenty years, and I feel that rny business experience and acquaintanee in fhe county justify mue in sul»uitting my caaidi- daey to the people. I respcctfully ask your support. ROY W.- BRACIIER T. J. stahi. 'ho in( at Vo eoilig tin unCs agei nwith pIng 1hf .ho bo-se jublîcatin, tha t bld patb Ity oni ~oseleu- ~Untry fe fc d md fîootei Iligrutitu-î dise thue ayor i-nu lAyor W, non- aýdý le led it 1 a: i Iva bu. iii! Inder Do >llo Mion ('ilu >inig!; un Sieu- an t . i n L kildn.i arg b fu pa ni , i. o.,rlar'f ganted . ~holil rat Ahnd *ndý 11, Au-raui 'ilinAi Ic-llîngt lore VOULI IS bois rinii i m-selidil fuu il . brîuigli il rer.' aboiiut mlfluli. t d ~Ili,-la <tp ci oli ltu lu dilh ltIu Iiag. h1r. Ro0be- t nessed tm lit Lbt sa guiuig ,lId it l) lui icrvie' IritI ini t speaking rta Msalid: Py of!lun 'éeral oth 1* 1 lifu ~rough thq out 10 e *uidn't Pa it waved y w îlh uWaulceg Tfyou Jtrý ~udividé oj hoimld lise proe ove f iO ng 1h01 de, duel -4-

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