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Libertyville Independent, 30 May 1918, p. 4

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Mdud iuiIetr t pubilesticofocThe. V911gs ofhstvI wsimp aI coustw scoci t ufbu .- .pik nue "ivsT«ug atsNm K.oil o Am m U . ... . ....... ....a.a . . "a At np Mmm iila buts ume«Wt riioA wt t goW omt <t, e"$ . eft blsg b«vu et M7 Tm obt»L a at lb.eotay A~i* Oubm aimvsahsi ote ci hate mce ~ etoulntsM admgvem m u eave . Dm et1 gae«oeummu 851101 e Wb t ~e OmB 1 *u g i amoda bmq h- - r hesmoma rd.q.s pttt sbb yo h KVU~YONw MUST t sas baWhtgibot ueu. mi u.a doe *0@m m. ~ ~ ~ ~ W -CL., Mtis Butlir Wil~'~iu.tmSes use h. uce . tm i. Nptlso r frstai ba " be.l NI Oebu*lov. M4 sres tht lus b au * . Irsamibo" B erg «a Iê - et m wawmas'maa s iMdbu alai maill. mm0 im udusbu O OUMi peer.t auinu es. wb*0'- t.'t b vut 1h. ilIuhut ovsqs w,*w Dib"ale -s iai w dleam " iaah Sove 'I t aut plese."-i mv hlm lump *-i -i iWto 1i f* ie alst. Vtia h.?~* A'. N50eUs~ ta r <n eqas - tee. <ho ua~ d -w <h.. if uudUp,à~~ .E. W 'w, ~dwt p -- I. Lit.~Ut.AP4 ~01 Ubet~vlfla. Il!., - Socol at, viIhiý be vlnt ia M ili lïlittqk , ~i I ~ akTu,. Pu lu lm. EGLECTED I11,T4Z PAS., ýorn Idon Atlvao by Na- The babl 0of tuaiM ut t »v tle Yser. tutuslmg 8» mV. se 1héi :Vi. upon <itm yul ho lavIebel*<k. Iwo MW ud spoqd pleasg cl ni>' et their a«Mene id dtoo am s but et tho -ârt ads " 0 atiO . e-0ooil !11ti e uSas a poran èai wo'srieéfor car mVo Utle U uhe W u*Itl~ al he inna cit sfb ai oftel. ouit15 sa.dMen t Y es ient o abount- eo statuMâelag It te q men of th outry in tae Ji rll rffor oui amyoràelahlia theins. ela <o tnadat a.U be a fdécruent tadofUnit- Oea unIdoaitb. Tis amoet a <bocir img and dleestroua tblns for the nu- Lon. Lt vuwuai that-"lanmuttou- oe o! aaafltno, *<ho troubls d&l sut te latsac-tc negioot ef the. bY. t. lra.nc snd caretissaes tu feein maerlng for bLa, hea hoolypartir' vith <ha parentsorc bhoss Young mmnd part>' vM h b bafrolt imuie Iuhidhellovas sc W. èrs nov gobu '0 vine out <but as e ail oveotr'ehai v are go. t ou ual p a ntion of @trou& , Ina. mgo>' Young mmn d voua.., ho eu te lte nç9=zff t< ho nov beauti, nu -vortd t.' ern. '1» a rit stop te o taiton la te f"elutai Mod-vait & obrIrn under six Yee o a ae ani o record ilueir velgbt and helght on 0 im Weil tu'h fUfl bdby the ovw Mat amfple a Unietest usMaj lt a zno0< important tblag s l lta W. béat generai »vaof fflallgboy veil a baby te tbrlving. If ho la under 'Igbt or- the a4emnss normai baby of béhe, go.oeting la ProbQýly the -satter VU tithl. sud It l b ho usi. ames. et hoMother or auras t. Jial .'hat it l. LMocf velht Se ond of the mont important duanger atis" of ¶laersfor e igh umernauru talas that are beiow sohool es. as ths goveranmeut bida Yen te de. 1! nwy myve jou vorideo f grief liter, MW t Msa OtO ho cbl* 46 lit. o! trouble tbi'Ough txallaient Tt"s test viiibc su indiation of al de. tct -la hlé; physIW condition vblck my> oclat On<e hoeocketitho carte W" li vibi Wtrurnaad b> tie cbfld wfatseensA o fOtheiMg@ oeun. en or DotefaInjour distrid'<ho noz'- sMM weighI ad belsbt ofchldron rauwgg rea lith t.o airy«oarf fouw c eu Py te-ee ot Mlois voli bave been volgheq sud nieurel. Ater that time t4io pro- gam of odociba âôn *g lns et obutti veitars viibcocarriol out by lte govsraneat inter the direction oft<hé Stale Oouaicil of Défesse. It Iaululeir attention te tho following poas- L. The roiSâtraion ef birtha. 2. Prenatatinlstruction for the motiior sud adéquate cmreb>' detor ad aurset confinement sud aller- ward. a., Contâmaed welghlnjg au fase- Uring of a&l chuliren nader Mi years. 4. A campolan of plubUict>' and 4 ucation hi cuill bygiene._ ,S. CWilewa coaferenees hare wonl bâble, eau be 'talusPorlodlcIy, te ho vigaod sud masibarot sud es- drea my bhoIanesmédicsalofudic. 4. Placag cfrioublie bouillinui«e <liroujoqmthle slte. 7. Ths uelba«g o e fus m : a pi' »A bat ori>'chiw "Y have his abf & la ue MI not a«4 et <ha CUIliWolfare dopart~ Ment OmuidliofNationalDoteus., lmn Comb aWccila 44dbor cof thu com Mite du IlUel Oimuuetao t.yor4MiNthe laper- tau lm u ee s .sMhglita, feuh t* dIbé JuIOl OU 111Mu11te 'Mull am ha « vlwi Wer'uSa the von '.W. ho la tait0" aot. Proteet <ho bM7 hm o M& Mels "Mra> 111h, dlsessand d4 Lu bu ba nooWh ilanufet pote lale se btu" Ui-f NM" bo ute w'Mb. ig eia»Mlm vis t-s u@MW* 1-1--W-aumicstw nee" uç a et 6114 ude ae U*0an 1110 temINmmhartt ek,-<Mtfl1u buse ! t M Im '.001 aim Pmo <554 ~~>rnll1prs e t <ao de" lnsotaa<op cetlb. ocm ft e.e bOout. JePo.te'h'S* MM oses agby sIvLt-w h'tAik 4k» ar ci*dema raiuêe40', 0sudf 8ex *" Mecd etrbdbel is <ho ObflUS5 oua.et "Jane0 laaed tt*0& àUA *umubor, snd 5001 ea -ausI omete Vas ens ubtabto -. eqioan-Ws.Jane Auten;-sot de mau>' remibir JanePrt. GRMW POTATOES FROM SEED ftpartte e jeat VRM t Wamigten .15o a rn ct t. isalors the oii4uubM Immaipot.t eO&, an expétimenfl a baanode la the garde. ct the fni- verit>' et Visision Thes '.51* baSting thi>'et the polato, W" vchu laile hm » abut dlaspmurow méd* tplut a petch. und thé batS. Mg »otW»jmtp saie beit seise Wftl b bMbave boautplua tMM-U bar cr<>à<Wl a ta heumti'WU?. àm tbé blcitmbave derslosai OFretS l.eods.The 3ma0 luin hn t» produce polte osesd @puagala a 0< unng of traini Ca e secursl <nib tis vu>', ledLins au moto vhotuaecowndition of <ho Plait. Witen rtpegutids la onl> b>'thios oa lter. 1h ne edunce.for es-&futllfm- tica, Md tIlS "- aiin et potmt Win1 li ansm &ivseout. lIe oxpareout, la bolng oducéed coder <ho direction ef AsmiautalProf. John W. Hob= of ther departnUtnlic botan>." Boy Slde Lmmfntive.. A miniatu rrcal S locomotive, uSetIeen ove>'d4.1*11. vhch hbu ut- traclol <ho atteneon et <othe ilfoal of- fiie s e etaemccoostlinén. la t0'-bsndlw«ofe a boy Ilvilaf la The tlint' tacoettve, oui>' 45lachea là lenghh, va quhltte test t nov la- w'.tionof husouenalr oe. RIte Op- erpted by .teageuuated lq 011 fuel. ua am eqta o& iti airbrakes, an brtwrirhrottle u4" revorse lever@ andl te.. The engineering dopertinent oft<ho Soutiem Pacife coupon>' brroval lb. model ad figuieou t Ils volghl, Dever, ad' ailother *tatistics ln <ho asme asaner Ibut <ho>' vould fiureon a tul>ized locomotive. To tholr sur prise. tbey faund <ht <hoeIfo>' engin. devoioped-oegusrt« or brsper, andi on a level trick had a bauling cupacit>' of one and a quqtei tons. A No»M .ke a Hound. Sheriff ryrak CuShmun su»s ttif ho hudn't a "1noue 1ke a hounnI" vumd haveltstwIo of bis prisonera a a Belfat (Me.) dlapatcb. Ho la eleras vil as shenhifamI i sklng tho rounds et lie jailiho Mniel us paint. Ho tollovel <tbo mscelteh oeIl occuped b>' Loto'Carter. vho la sNUivl tho laaI c s aMgl nee be- tors.bogining a tvo.yaa teIot la staté' primpu for braahiug Mai OUlMInaCar- teWà innl o ecekasutoocl Un laacony, eccugiolthé IMsecil. Ho tonal that t af mpbal lavaI 4,of a bar eBt *0 ulêmis 54 OMUe - t ut<h Bboas hoadiePo'ful.bleI. b a«" *Mdoumm,-PMlut a the iii em%&r. »ual au bu rwu somntr * mda oM lIe>'vew s .uda54j al- In fa ftfvomabite pte mut aa "» .priemu ew*pose ellaou. AMY usiFbi l i M -utu dont or he eumoatm et oSSU W~9U l ptSt los s'mm as -oo l'U hé uinrhc tevo1m t ,Ol 0 nReor W a aenla a imase te oule ontlurulr RD S APEIl mokat ès»ho Mca e.ai tl>'olut" lml ConfdentthatCt i autufflwu e butofl Vti rtop" e o uCent atriotia e~ insaMdeYaWuts» Çý but WhouAU âZe turnedAn and Iii tu Mnâe 0s4 te MMva* I pilai = This @,b*S muel b' iiatcé ic rive. )p etara t he lb. nluip l" thé et *mentidrive bal natai ssrozmaoy 437i,- la. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e ai aec oWt3 ui00 r. Oaudytoit conuadnî liatt dienasrose t. a ou u mw .utout. thle total hy t.night uwmad' oxe 10 vklinW aateffa i *mm&. ho Tire RedCrethoalqartou vre fans Ibl hat smmen. *40» M ds OP"n al"dy to>' aid '.111remaîn bea «Ur«y»Maladb^ OU Op* tOl:t *0 t tualmai bave an B pPontunit>'toi "de 4hei bit. 50< cme f "is iîzP<hW Mi.0Gray basuumbuatted au artice amaies <"en sd=t Uffl 0 la 1ch.ie uaIs op the csmpaigm M&IaaMalrand dibn <h RmbaexPresng s gratitude for thelieu- ponul ciledu sdle 91Us, rous rsupons.. Ons ok<ýhe sym tmppy. hbal beon Ihouli Iat a Ilet or chois," ho as'.i ~ . fotor>' donations 'ooudbu mades-pub- eommiutead, mestp o lieIode>' but <ho repent bae aot yst ebcgn&s." tlai benu compile& t . arill hé puhlsholi obavel wli te POowtng la -Mr. OrsI' itrtiAo: uflor th. e r etof v .to th. e Ople ithIn the lurtsdic-a Robenbacch oauevec, tien o!the Waukegaa-Nofrtu Chicago ' ____________ROI Crois cbs.tr. a -Ruadssl'PlauIMM V00% tl~. Wlth Ibe close qol tii econd 500,. The production etf Imu t ho 00,000 Rai Cross var*fuond drive, Urai districtlaIna 0 mlaiaiSisIU sti btch aclil>' onls yth <he close o! mtel >' a cu.pntu O.tesys. uOrk~Ir, h ave roulizol lhe don ilae 1114 reaast tsfamtloa pi a>' lite, dn> omin ..a lit aa who e ic ta e,h Ilisputable huovietige Mi mý thatthe .peoleor0f hisettiy sue trul>' 1915; 15&"~74 oumm là£15 lS."loyal to.their lut>' toauan xteut se Ounces la 1918,aLDI M U OM th aid ta no citlnhe1h.United States. 1M1. The decresao iM.?W er oxfal. Iamn thorenahi>' coavlnced that aIl -e1 teoneri>' ailthoe 11tgt st vus aur people usk l la .be 1011 what Mnot Marked on <hoe mwotfv aiaestheir dut>' Is. and tho>' stand reauly sud the ShUVMlev plie"01 The short- te , rf tzi . The way that the loy- ago et labor bas bae ie et<he ducllaI won1@q. and men voiurrtoered their a! thue decrease. Thélaëtact aI ser ç.,t othswi a platinn la nv roq aultleied'»' thu> vldegt expectitian,, vlîb crud ltu a nwrq.gin Ytegratlf)ylng reult thut tii Wau- lhe geverumont bas.led, l la ,fleve ,kgaun-Nori h Chicago Redi Crosachap. to the concealmont of SmesQOUIUitlltiuter lhasn001oui>' gono 'lover the top" où tipI the figures givec Mr belev flie but ah. stands almont 200 per cent reul output. A consllerble auiety on lie allotanent. This nuagnlflcent of crofie )Iatiollm le unlenotocti to ho shoing cmuId net have been mule held bg Ralisinuhbite. vbich Rd- vere it noctfor the boit lot or volun vuneld mono>' la <ho produers bofore teer worhors that have ever par- the melal vas tahen b e»' <h. f formel such vork, anI 1 challengeE the entlrè izountr>' 10show a mare ment. __________jlyai and uelt-sucrlflclng lot o! vork- Cavo Mon la ^Msnoo&t 1 bave ne intention or -101fr. to Thocve man -bas'leuig beoti ii-metion indlvidual cases. sauthe>' al, poued te,- bave livoil onlj u he lb. 11 aei and ever->'one., -'d l iltheya vejd nd alif <h. tem9nu u sel t e mn ere asicd o ado. and vere unxious the vaW pd-iatiei spetIes of homo) to do mare. 'I feel Mtu1 Iove theaq lb U. a dorb ofgratitude vulch 1 vîli aov. oupienaor be abl, ta repa>'. Pralse frommas uad0en bi chl*I* at>' d' for thoso in charge oet<ha ReI Crase tinta or h rssa aue.ht>' h ealQuartera veul ho vastl ergy -.vr,,sbev IthéjpnIfdSIUmon 44 irs TO for tho reeults epe&% louder as to la cave.s la ýmorîe& -q ***s ,aiqmoMth <ein aolf-uaciflo. a llfclenci' carseald tera thés, tfjun&umIatgthan so'. phrase that 1 could !rsine- abIlde m es fe lb bou*1300 c f tho ln eC oof et i osAquarters Kr. Kentu 'cuvmencs urne u a 4f-W. T. Hardis 'vdu the persoal rep- a" t<b d thé iaflal, = esenftiUve c« lt e MPaigi, adthet OU active manager ef the conpalgu. Rra. p yhé a ani uà" iWb" Qouff a 'nC.H. BurnoîWthvsle persenal non- 1thora. Ttla SIPOeal' @W lIr.entatlvé- et the Ditishai etfl. boum$s t l la hu.0.9.E US*e d aune. Uri. W. I. Lys assla- mmol .la î 191 QCW a tà 100vssi- charge efthle aallifors division. «7v b>' v' 112101L »0AMIulMaThe&r mangM ent vI alvaai siilào 0 caih duiea, Iore1 . Must bave ou"o et ai e, hilutilttir« a cf wimwgelt. su,ài~pd& i. ' I«M rive ever moae la P.hila. s ta**ros]i-foaluafe ofliua i mp ld» . hAerrty Centatee" Afcerdln te 0thtM*49»b 09k couofl st-O. T.prd. P.!L sunge,à motles *the piltmtdef Oi00W ilEn ClarsoceAletul>' T. J.Stahd i, 35.à tibs g 'UneaOfWa -~1 tout niait gtlaizolit busioess = wmm.- oue.'vbo b-va e ev te h caeo ý . fil elaaeat dlineoftmoner B rouid - asaie.lis toma veo r= ÙII< ithiualeo a ïýàdéf" * «*.auooies 1 MW o t 4" ta"'" dk'e__iekt 1uai ol a oir =dtier, U= r xw~im..psm s - mele litIfOOO.a lageafetu1 I théa mods god auj a mest lws'é> ample.or frvitl Uey cenaliser lul t. ~ oi l j$ u Our MubY moaa.Itl a «e ouapià ~og, ~ gd,<laI i"me -.aol arh ancre ibie,1 alo~ um 40 1 mu4 '-sU .a agond Isason tro.1 Ibo putte, 1 sre -coi, i buthé àAunob e el 4 .1 ft inù la math.O UIUW0Ce,%il toé; large marbof a Il&Ilt ils thcaeostn aoae i hr Yoam. ad. ad tairaclel ti 51 Iio igettina Oter actorisWtjlintu g mi dime Pbiaom db. a mAdu* te heneb. Tb", -a ns s lui edunt . W.ouoO* usiu En~ ~ " MI Ir ~s.O bi t, beeth a weu& mlde oaintt à Ilé uon bave *- ueer «TOUctqlm mef lm lmieUs. 4 Ju oNet MiS mpte "Ool beavenat'ib" yen70,bb liaI ~ th m se s eU1>m low oourtrIrr'r onhbor 1 bmdpéede1 4 lzis ." t olf Ieou ,%OwýQ»ImQ e ofreq. or onm iiU~t~W, a te. l. se dfsflbelag a btnb.pwotiresu0 ans el '* oApooibatitàguns get la jour Ordtory, ?uls Vol ont lWscive sMW an- iaad mrjO pot, a. vodoeU <0» p.tIlssail a tu aIp tso du 7018V ttr 11 011-'.si)p Ible aavertm. g. ondesilelu. Àsawur Ms.- *l DshvTire & RabberCê lm, a86. Nlebtma Av., obleeoo RL ispa'Vcrk c mèey. Tho st.uem ;We Co&oôt al mm mmeo "0 t emut ou rIeet. lm Béun ieefllageOutsaduo&.< méa 1io e al8 h aiul~ éviops Co. sandNuerdta Bru. wue 'r 004o. olY the front' Unes. The lýo la thef. factorise doeervoa rond - orandufor devotion sows oq tir cb e&itry% cause. Alre puabIloty. À u"tature lia &U vork of tbus Ilsd la pul>llcly. Our Publclty doin, flitto. Vitb the bssrty and sur. atlctod co-oporatlon eoftthe press, 4du halO* failasre La briafflng &bout, thluv Oo rio»i reenit. The achools, under te patriotte teéchlng of Mr. Knoefi sud M. Roger., did thoir; foullharo la publIclty, u Wellas ralslng a Tory subsantial amout aorniney. Ail the çhreh dlsplàysd grout loy. alty. -both in a blcity nd donations. 1 1 m &le trY proud touse>'that car two brachea, Warren and Wau. coude. ha"e both, tu their credit sone 'lover thetls O ui cmqpitruhfuly aay tbat vo bave ista%"d to the appoai ci the. arostoUtmethOr on sartit.- ad v» bayo aasvered thaï o.ppal by eai vwomeae In place of one. This ma~aimileectsimowing vîli mark oe et spo ri ts 4 aWaukouna sbis. tory--drnothng vo cas &Il rofer, t etth prido anid utisamétlocu. lai SOadm loilet.t e lI 70W a etoIfa te vbat jour moey wyul an.. sist ta dotas. Tour mono>' yull hol malte 011 GWor>' Snt mores beely Tour mono>' viii assit la maklns the Uvée of tho, boys hInblue and kb*U more comtortabie and more ocurs ad otill more. viien <his cruel wv e evsy merc*n cititen will bave as eirdut>' ta pertorm-.eolng <heP the grave. of cor brave boys vho gave their lives for libert, are for. aver kopi green, -and your mono>' wlll holp 10 malte the graves foyer ad farther bstveen. DAWEL A, IRAI)Y, Campalgn manager second 11100,- 000,000 Red Cross war Drive, W...> ekgw.nNouth Chicago ebapter. M1any Visiting Pniests Present as Son of Waukegfan Man Enters Péiesthood WAS MADE A B10 EVENT Break~fast Served In Morning and Reception Heid in the Afternoon at Home Stindsu>s a very important oc«s. alan for the John Machin fami>'or Sheridan - mail, a -faml>' vlcb bas Ilved tl- Wankegan for soveral years, aines Mr. Iiaokin purchased the aId Gomu. SObe7 8 remidenco luit euh of Lawren éWMor'es place. t vau theooOMSOjU for the sonas fea'nuai Induction us a prient in the .Roman Cathollo chuch and huadredo of frlendse!ofthe. fainl>' frouna u- hoega and lseviioro gathered-Bt S Mary's church ut 10:S(0 o'och the. mornlng tu see Plthor Tlioas John Mackin officiate et the. mlsma, bia musa.the.§Irat mmss Me, vas In chargeofo! ince bolusn die In lAIeiuM ace8couple 0 or e'ssc T~ ocssio f- Pkther nMaok tn taservice wao u"d Suite a «ont in the ommunty. bus paJpt~bvlaplaumda .broahtàa et tii. 'ma resiionce lauths mors. load una roception tuer. In the alto?. »Me. Abou -dOgueute ver. pressant at th. e tfansd ab<ist OS or 100 la lër 1 e Melated et' Vi Mas aU 7Ibtier Cqvtn. reotor cf th@, inubuo, sa»o a veyimpreonive ai& doos, bis reainans belmg vol7 u<5ro. frelaIBd.54itting forthe ooau.& ]Peter ,Muachwuvaset the boue of bhs parecte ou Sherdmu odtoqwy, but plouDS tý, Iiev Imm*dWA -ort> Oes Of the Carolinalé itire hé bas beu 1acéd In chareor a puotqs ti soeuh*net Vather maohln's, lrat. mms dsanumber o! nctt.f. - te" Pit$, = ~~ thom, lather Vettmuan, fcnserly WtSherlis, ubset ho vas çh&Plala fer %aay 1 1 100 idse »*Ofboiet bsowu Cathollo pritaeslidthe Uulad ststu Othfrterliots prenant f1« the océan. a" bMedIsithon Duoaaiunt s et ciLaàe"uuah Ohlcap;Dr. #mlt, lthe HelngonPiler o ISsnar ciIvùtoaFit e '.L @Chi il* adu mm mi abp w. OMI ove o oui

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