t f r WAUKEGABeEEKJX SU V&u, zxv..I-NoU 28 Uher~yv nO "Flarn1ut 10o' ChIId - Piluis n s Gdmmo Lilàî Lsrspn. tiie 10-4tof Lake county paon tari. to wboin CeearshospiW ion lMay S,1 tbh monivg deciu'ed feeble-min, eud orderelitalion ta the. tte il tutilasat Lincoln nfl. Ier baby %«sy boy goes vtth ber. Thisa h the. oman, Who, wviii Iumate of the cousty tarm. vas posad upon vth the. resuit tbat vas later brought to the Late Cou bospttal vbere the. cili vas bm la eonnetion viti the case t la calti seasatlonsl devalopmente sud, but for smre tnle ot.bfng Ibs. en n arfrom the case. ln mamtima ftii. eman sud child h bpen cared for et the LAce Cou eGneral i.OaU evens hog lia rsaad tic ondiika ev9 veeka ago vii.?. able dould bave b serooved had the situation beau o pitcly dIlpoaci of. Ho*evCr, it took time to w out the solutiaof this avei dili problasi vblh vas unulal for L ,couatyr autharittes. The. outme ft vas tbat Vis# Abbay, vlthN - Eendrluko,1Who bobaa cflr state chanlty vokIt isadisti look Up thé matter vltb th*;utl ties et LUncoîn Institution ad rpe dispengatton vas suthorizei vier Miasa Lemn could be taked loto home and binu bar baby vth A pthetlc case, h vwas oof ithei. inoatul1 et that is aavr corne 10two . oa anar,' vke tisa le- S hole woman and ien mother. Who Sa ouiç. the grandmotber holing bbansd foudlag t-very caraft AUlicetisa t vas noticai bhe motiier of tha chIli kept eo isentht' on'tii. baby ali t or davelopi tilt ber coasait1 wv u tiat sonethlng migt b. dom &a e S.child « front ber and #rajidmotber herseif eemai gis concerned because star every q fi ams asieli ber by oopft astl tie. h t rerapons. ah.*mie sois. Urne, vas: -ThearAe amt tau t0 Stao.the baby aar Dom eïr. tiay? Dru. NehIt and i koviacfed o commsimon before COouty SP Persnns sud Staws àAttoruey wl appearelifor the"mat. Thei ovldanaS reaeufflwvastha" isother of the youag vouas. Lansesexpisineli tilt mii. w» Yem o f oge aidaddeli that Lina ilve asters sud ona brother livis Rfat of Faanly o.,1<KI Tha motiier axolaidt#àt son *ber obuInden bai aver abdmvufoe mluded cberactenls<lca e«ca Lina and she e1ctilt sur lm ty bad cicr rua toe Mly ei bumbeusi or heteiL- It dld net require mach eyli te bave Uic cae forrally put on of« and the Jufge ordid e tia teken t. Liaconln 5.mlme the arrangement niai.1* Mis bey and Mima ffendrtoo SetuAmt Oominet As Utceiiearng seared Uie co 3Sa2 tataa Attorney W àà-~ plylutagtheUiccourt aqury oa Whchii.rLina Larsen a bai syo# mi:"We w viireaent spetii coUai court as-cini for the aPP ,m ea osaervatwr ad fiies Çonho«v*tor «sa take charge of estate tiat May eanme ltetaber hi lstér.' M the. eesent tUme *he TMp ML .W.Ici. la au Interi vhié asiai about the. mattero <15 la ow> »MA te petitian rfOf'a aerv*~O m ndtien thc couer can make $My privas arrange ho eom .dsmre.viti sauy~yv eoaai l t S .pai'tiasr oau 1M 49it pnivatalyâ o le lit lao oatvcourt. 1 A4Il hohe Muait! bataies steps toa causa tic»lrrcst ot ant lan tiaccton Witb% thceaae. Webb h réelled fiat4 lie f.lf tic let vaxy unier tice ëfemtsnces p>*ait Uie cosservetor, vii W bto bai-li Sithe ac -l 15 vau geacrally reporw *d 'the courtrwom tiat tic coili vo*144 rah as e&rleyseW6amM litvas paly aitltsi tat toa tiseipt vouli b.oaspd i vi àppl«y, *the.former ,ausermaaaiel lhe oýtjFitjai. Ur. W*110i tint helieb Dfot tïkies anet pet Wa eusol suy-,arrost, at' fIâ to *at ln «athe W «> i vas" Xko tain i i 18 15ci li 51c 15C AY.JIUNE 0, 1918 M&l a ~.~jr ass ver actai ?b ot?=Ws.tré oualng peur vicé pftenat, 3.ILm cfl1. UI orbvice presiumt, hna e lAluR6 Rock tahaad coeaty:, trama. urer ,Cbariesa Il. . MoDoucogio Meaber. of tice «ecutivecomunt- 29. t4owvi lbe Judgesa >.rb rt. the, wooiford county; ?a"Uip' 14 PnS,. vas Lake Scsty; DavI4 T. Smiley, me- iaty Has.r esatY. Chartes A. Martin, WlCasa . ftotY. ad W. ÉThommon. ided Mormlaseounty. ati- B PLEif y 0UrAR she AVAILABLI3NOW 9 5e The Wlmnals division sui>ei4teu- bu' dent Of. the Noth Western, boas W ljadie sa astatemnt th&t.- tbev e nov hAvWa a urplus of box caffis. leseosec that ti informe- anty tioji is oenvQVd t. ail aippersad me Unte Itheato moT. ne mach fraght ara! requrlug box rs mattbey Dm 17il eau medurne5 tbe nest 6o ta S99liys, nom- vian there Win bhau asvalsabje sup- ,Plr of box cars.. mnk "Thore la Ob quatIpn but tilt [cuit tiers yl agia b. & iortage of bho, [*ke cm as. sS 3 m51WO gétitllt thé, e of movemeut .. the proest matung ums" train orge,, of tct. NATION4AL CHILO >.AOR le ioil- NULW lO BE UNCONITUTIONAL reby Waahinubtse. une L-The national the iuli libor lw b uIien.ttitiopo bur. aWmi ffd, O*0 Suprwne assit docid. tob t"today, .ela Ob* - %. Zft Oum~ bhW-mê b maxi et = "Lfmi. afta. ; o eampelgala wuYo olcy « War 0! Wsr ne bas @et 0beou-toveacia làmihu. *44b.rle'gwhqe John',s ol patit- etiffl come a iP gainai fthe moMa MUN KILLDIIUN TRAIN iVs TIJC ATPRRIVIW Ch poFIyerSnuffs Out the at 6 P.» -uis PÂIUO9TISM That is the Tpe of theWIM. n= r: Essay WrIWs oelren of LC COUfltYa L8kefluff GWiMM Belov isaprinted the finat pSea Mri 0& 'Pltitottan,"suhini pvapils gr the Laiecuaty I -POP lm5.- te he mlier of tdiii . ii ~eceact10m viith c plan et t3S 0 tMae.legrteeta oute0atacharit, AUTO. TRUCK. DEIIOLISIIED canilaor aie county. l in swcon. Institution, t le pnactiéally, union. -mascs. ýP. 1 Autin, ~tif.1 stoci that a settte etg e e a. i. - -etic theG .a. t tal who &pheshol ta W »art: Misae Lamase si fua lgt b aid u SMelWaS h W8.8 RiIng TMe fkst pize was vnlttaaRip Ida, Shlng for berseif asu fd iu - on-TrUek EsaW dDe" by Peicraca of tic Lake Bluffsabool au Keeps aiy Tv. Vasa.Lealng into ih owi -An futerestung *ilng deveiopel DItohe.1 vies It wu neeicithatunaden the -WhatfIn Patnoiaa plan tha Lareen voulu viiib.c l .aaits-ild înst. ift clmistrlvao ountry au te Lincoln ndaihfbeciliept vIti n a a iidamst Pt'Um' b'lv bar or va paraAt ie cd o tnty ad anOthar escap.4 dO Laud mitii. quahily of helag-patritilc. [tva for g ea tic t h end, v or ia lWy by Juapiug, ica .àêME Ne u=o n the lace iM fie saiS aile Ya«"eri th vShtuu n ctiion beu iua a .ptnotlc wltboilt loviiig bi* tisI! a fehl-anda. T cae ta treck by a ne bhiound OChe lca. 67. 9"belWOSi and! baie la ouai te b. cr, aouni an eirM th* 0 l»c.et Prairie Vicem tuhoso e iii vaice v -ft vll b. Placr! luanme ftireate SuAday nlght *bout 6 e'cioc&. S@tie MIr la t he time t iv ruare Inattutim on m obrPac es f r 6m ~ "'crèm. a fine gaaio. Nov' lB fis ldmysoa 'vil alvaru b. icpt as Iafate cimre. i. %Smo MeM acre: ld ge ùcmiii wica th* retta Ta oSier vanrs, at Do tUme becauac ALEX ITTEBSPORN ,sged, d4% 5lfimesof!the worid an. la pari) ot the airais a Is blnd in livinQ ait1M5Logan Bivd. - tow, Sa tic lime ubat tic isearti mate aut Ift«tii suyrkmSly. The SAMUEL. WEISS, agad 35, ivfrig et Oealitlayai men. tomeR n ijehlneu rida 88 fBot S. let aur chili b. a"oce.1250 Rackweii l qa1ra. eburaing vitti )atriotUamandi Shah ai whi a abave airain o! unictase- Thc tiva Meni lpilidelivenci alo Ve7r80moulamarcscorchgg viSt 15. ed «0"la.l ing bac c itfs mti- of farultun. Kt Làie Geneva ad "mre ,trgr ofler relatives., van. fetureag ta Chicaoiaviesthe -The oidiens In tbe in*lnini camps Te larpen vouas tierafone viii scldagiliappencli. Wlthemspooa stae theUtic ted States ai la tie b. iccpt st thc hame for tccîle-niînl. c06 acrons tic tracks viîhouttopplug trebciaaf ra! nce viens fihe.s»Ont On et LiecluOlven tiaugb th b eldt te ebwlither or not a train wu an bursflg aboie thiS bowi an la fournitaeha mSali et mini Iaterf, aprogt*ila. - Tas1 bh a,.v1bjo mý g thirln ivra.s dbuIa by Ta case thc baba la ouai t be ep.danger and, triai 5'Jup, al but is tincoutny. and igagSUd are dola« tâ]IY unlialîneldit *1vi l ee iaci u novements van. impieed-' ir Uie 1411 Ita tbirinpaer toupili théc rigb$j s8ma ather lnatitSatS.n for dhirea et' Iteering vhoti.Waloo actai msra cdicocacy. the Mdi af tva p'a'.pnoxptly and Iqipai lathe diractîcu ifMtie boyas inbIqe ali tic boisaIn Tn tuis Coa lmectia '5as rafler af the agaiocbung train. rOtliag liin aikk*U remdolng 1h13is ir icié Oatiate vie 1fi Lpu wvman vas a dItci. If e vas scratci lundbidd wei hieslate sud fait bath 00040 b. taken ta the courtlbause blrioli, but otherylse ehcaphi lam Ir aMyo!faM are îoo aid mai saabl M liib f er Insitance Mat aie i. jury. . te Clait Ia the service.- va surly tgnlkbaCk ta LtiertYvufla. T&t The ie Dcl intht Uictrain crasici mOU do sur atmasi lin other vaW"& AU saumedi 'ta b. btliescdemir., ta gojte tohticfront paritaofie traci, M up areablhi.ta buy Tliilt Saug bk# toeuty jPmaarm&at la. crnapllag b sjuflangi t laibc4 .eifi Boni& and maka UMr Sa.. IL vas abc huer paLbe- tin. WStlirspaon vas ubuuci 'iWar gardens.ane a LIMeaf ucézèle Utie thep APP«e t he astiorIta. !.,S, dic.±iinSg simt ln5ttispie tbava aicUbi tocd aMM u Px ti.n o y tiwr. Agiplre "ascos. k>faaItaforcea, oalffl * av. gettsg iarn.- ia aIRe 18 T'h. acideuf curred rlgiit la dei gnina, produifti Ob vu 490ei t g. Sig boes heIn busines district o! Platinaev a usvc a lsfor haine use. Lu'ou Jues. 6,SM t AnticliLO. Csat>',vos itiaeséaiiy a nusabat- a! goe iea.ve have tla ho crM* a ffl e bai l e thiaeSmty Balun t ii, - . l ot veste foodi, aed cassOM os bub -te yimr. : l'h. isoller cosic Coroner Taylor vir» notifailu U- ugryeai, baci-, Mi a Siat .ii* bai anly' iaaelie filaieiaiitely aid bani f toie. a t-otU for'those are thec100à sa i grd in14 YaoM- lid.obtainlsg a stsfo!fth ivtues and 00-tla a gs reai ieal etciiife mittei faS ittde bai -cavier tear*uidétails offheUic ient Ibofl qo" i 4 fitheolers neci. If su vlte liiythla& . aitthe. vîctia tbcn wcra rai- o k ei, and doonat kecp a U a i a la coiinectios vifli the POmPèM the Trepiav and Méson -uadrta a thpr things, rme surelY vii l-1 Bu of tha vom*n »Itai Mfflesetabliahmnt at Liheertue. -AMenia wvii noit ail! Wer. oI vith the 'gulgfy part>' iaa a .taS. eni f va aS usaY ic I vsa l lig é uuthe lucIst cent ve Sàsu ttu cstaws'attomeï, iba WtaIagAVEA NEIWg.,ýb, al W te, Si. cqunty ludse la rqItel f Newvia IIwiiid 1andOrs rcjsgong.10 ie im qucestIon as Steviiefier thebai - "y so~esawfu li faon the. siglit ea! nlo frevai saute, ali, "Hec liaBus *MM*,aet A M I ÀTVRYI« 1rThe allidtances vii éslb fie vi te MenStua. ebut tbora y Bruay# ý , $Sy and peaceandsi mUi .M ïa som«Joug fo the çageor-1 ou te Mriexst ile bearta aeu Mn. liandle late.' IM FA ijiu Mi. Inference Wou Very Plain. __________ The court tien adai ftitat >ta oae aho esta tera.tahe vaner ttahve ori, as yen as sluera sMd 115 RECRUITS ACCE MY D vi vuli ntn iegnar~if iesanons are nov rauneaberasila the ~ RATLKÊ DRI VE corML ia bepaili flou isýétpfe.Iltirycf!^the Upluoapcf iocrof 'NaRATL Uni,.sit cncustuic hp di OtCilcaga. WhirenYà aprp.yfor "aur - mapatic couS alavimtkLia1 otitai' 1oIdIernd albaaim" Our lu la ic Arecord ln naval re"teulag fi on- ia vine icirsel Sl~uba collecta tic van "avlatona" las iëen Obic.go vas eetabitshOcd.Twoeuiy Lf MmeM ,sh@-ainsy have ai egfata, adici. Sic prOyer reasdtnL 'ousol+. fie-driva for 10000 iladisit b>' til uDeeW flic aoacy ulat uap b. pAs ilru, entieors soi vafos." rî ae ltlu olnE I t ii lier."T uthris ti aditof o thSCI. u. annoanceli 316 bai-mlatei 'S oe h we~ omar aad ber ibaovan avinionis' ta aur Utur« OMOa fila veeki, 115 oft whom wvascepti vuwoetaiex i aci S.efi. Ountp' ba- tImu gosgaldsiiBlaOkp 4àd««m ofa!Tfflcay. pifai vigie*âfia Yll pa enlg. touthfe Chilcagediocemac" ft«, aof A tour a!fie 00P vaAS Maie y fI dsi ira.day moainlg Ioe yate1.to le course, cuir the iceeaiOlsg-"4'fas seupa c 'eC -essen os, a letanmd Ucio ab t *&ùb ttào mesi«ale I.h Ii- My son. Patriciybkav ldsea durpe, uins ëMt às 92 - detrye, a tes ONE TO EOHT. *1M0 R.àR Y&&R 11f OIIENAL i sltsi~wwam ~Mli~liI~ FIACTJRESKI)LL SAVINS STuAmP 1 dfIý2,YR.-OLDBOY AT COUNTYI9AIR 5~àÔI Boko 0fLIbrt~viIe Wfl e Gven this Yeur ln Lieu Ch Us at Coumty Hospitail n of Cash Prf7z G!vu'u là ln S Crltiai CondMtiboOther- Years ACCIDENT OCCURED THURS. Thiirft sud var sévlhg 8atlas»an RUI tb.calIas as prendm An ft ie MMaaui Laite coustY ir at Usrfy. vIl ti ear, acooring teanblw VIotm with Another Boy, Wgas Msosincnct maie bpr bue of tiieW R$lgHomuWhefl Ho l airltt fah li r th va SIlpped off Backward - tdims foulib ahti tic srt sand sponse on the. part of a hbulto. Etwood Docker. lied 12, so of Sefoansla nova the àma Mt te jf FraitDocker. a fariner aSicry-prises for the vana rt emi aVIII pr vill, la lylag aitheli Lake County not be )»ad oapcli iWlarts yeur 191, Guam bopttl l wha laregdedbut lnntçad of thie cashtUic qulvalent lem Ceasci odcodtionlu s t a neuitletbrlft or var savinge @tampe viln yeti ueria fractured ikauit. This viii flot cnir be a measuaotin. ter Elwocled andimother boy of about cnesung thc patrIotic spirit tbrough- mai tbc caine !je wve riding the. horse cit th c Ounty but vii ha the mens tani Thursday. Ulvood vas sittlng b.- of lncreaslng the.ale orf Uift stamw atiiel hini the other boy, le somie vay bc ln aLIke couniy sand vii enabie titis T ahippeaioof sud thisa pparentiy fnighi- coûntY te meut liequota af $1.400,.00.et suai the borse sud caused hlm to Postater, Dan Graiy, onie of tie 1911 klc't. Tii. cl on sac et lte heavY heassetftheaTirMtft mp dtive la coqj aboca stick the boy over tha rigit Laie countY vas iellghtei vicu ha lus 'eye, fractunlugtbc frontal boue. tearnei of Uic matter toiîy sand pre-.lj& Theicboy vas readered nnconsclous dicted thst St venUMb. aatting theic _ and evea nov Io sule ta give any psce for oSier organisations. 1911 details of the sAcient. Whaae b casme oui of the. satIe cg coma Ste ITu- liat tblag bu ramembera.imewhs ien u ailwson tiche or"ns c h. orRI 1COS Elvood'a pisyatea burriei bt heR ED m , 111Fn1W liasse And gava tic allr*q Tayr Tar ]or vas summoass i lrnerl M, ~O,4 l -boy ivas reisoveli taeUtegarniraiboa-qu Plsiat AtWaskcgaa. cl liteton earîy as ret te preilotthe- LAMsCounfy Chapte o1 lb. Bei Crama des otome of the accident but St Io baue «aped ilée quais, J90.00, W ever tbc dimittei that sortous couzaqu9sceiiWAOO Baalewto sali mU l aj5y rsstfiea e t a sAivil mmd I i rIIrA5 [Q~J~ b.aacotawihbhabout WO,000 vu 670.. 75 aN Ut............. ......? net BIsWeeto .....B.................................989005PU Vernonbtt........on ....... ........ . 1,648 L% ed May, 2Z M LAivon.......................... 2.48 te 1 HARD TO GET MATERIALS Moiti Prairie ................ ter _ rFeared that the Estlmated Cost Wlatbrop Harbor .............155,91Çdé» WIII Prove to. Be Entirely , 1 "Y5î*io» O)........ 1,000-00 »m la zio (oilvall.........1l00 Too Low Nepr ..... ..... . . ... 590.45 re ThëIe la consicerable speauldios Total . ........f6......... 448.11 Xou the. part of Cbarlcs Rusdsel, corna- Sp tysuperlntanieiit o! roads, mai othars as te the. oable cuitat anstruet- Thi W La lui; twora gc aven Plutaisa baryKte55 C1L& ES W M Sox LAie.* is vhiieh fa tebave Ir bien opanci on Masp2, vwlU be o»«>- ed June 5.* Tiaeeere.scee. hnam.Mdvs.te»1 Ps ans wiy tie date vas pootpoi&- To hfl, lc!uL fP One a!f cthe a! fressenstWvu tiat rallroni a:iBobnô.m the Solow4eq )It wâs 1.554 *at It Vauli b. iuiilse tncmclyilicuit for mome thfieson- tracton@ ta obtals certain maaiiiam. Trin 131 iaava MoneoaS 7.'15 a. r Scael fan retaIonliernt p«Mfu0Ma. t Dm.;arrivesber, as8:12 a. m. vas tufuwo va bti cstmsreW ilftdIS Miitrain Isaviehma. 8:1.2 a. U, Scult ta abtain. Orne 'conatorvbo Insfeai 9:Q4 a. a. 1 -. .5 bai tallai5te5submsit a propil t Train 187 gavaç4sisi t8:.50 9. vWs founi bai ceausidczait stel an band, aud St wvs maretbira t t lic .;arrivas bars at 4:4"p.ail. eu woul put lnas id it htixmUre were Train 148 seassa Chicago u t 5:45 p. ËI extendeli. ni; arrives barestI6,45 p. mi. NE 18 Tiens vaescniierable 551k along Train iormorky arridlrg fia. the vest Vy coiitractors aibaut the nosslty o at 12:8 .anvarve t14 .El LU obtalelsg gavcnnacnt permls$oèn b- .6p . o.rie t1:9p P l fore steel-for suci pampases couti h l be- i. obtainai but Supt. Russeillanticipâtes Train isyviugCilcago nt 12:40 p. ia. tY ce aucli trouble If s contracta 51 ani.Zvesbar@s a29:05 p. nm., .axcai,0on DI reaiy lhan the. uiteitl ois hbih. ., Bettinda,, vbaa ifleveu the cifyett1.10 . VO The catiuatali ceosif-Sitb va e utrlucturea vaA! 35,000,but tIr. Rus- p. M., arnlvag bora ai2:80 P. lu. hl W mail tiub ibis viii prova entirar Tirait from tihe veutv@ at e.1rip py Cid to loy in vlcv of the raP4i ad- anrleisi7:28 p. nm., nov arrivas atoa Rb vance in the. coat o! II Matelas :58p. a., asrviSu Cicago a# 9:10 5 op fiat muai go lata tic cbnotructioa of -m tth, bnridge. The jean ta axprassedi M"ni.Ta;cptiug Sueias. bin 01 that,,tie. bidsmay bhaseo igi tiiat t - Bday .peclais fronsthlea yl, teaM M yul bc eccasary to abandon Ub ils- Lideoo, arrive bers aI 7:57 p. m. aud 'C lk pravement for tic Urne be.la toIast "e p. In. misa *t The county af lAie lu te standiM4, S$8.000 cf thée pont of the tImprovament. vW« Tho tet l o be naaiby Pla ae. 3iSma, Dantly by specla asacesmasnt sudai l partly by bond ien.sa. Film IN D1RM 1S The local i. a t - board onc»theci WOIt ~Young» mon W5ho bava beoma îwenfy- Pas That a dangerous bunch Of fOnIgers ode stuc..Jug-5,197 At Libertyvliiithe Eane et wonk ln Racbe andi euasha 110 regsersi; Wàumncasi, 2; BIchIaul of frauduient chient paieqil Xe- Paik, 5?, ail aie.plasée being le Dia-. " or noslih Saturiay nigit'afid semnt baek frli*o. 1-- vo la ta tucilesa ovnason unMcea au _______ t *yortbleas" vare, turnei ove teS.the iI .D. police. 8Blxty-oneet*!the. 115 stuicats of, la' id Tiëchcicks are muettqsra!ully LaN ? e af . coolhoia ere, t sud beArSte signature- 'A.L .L 1de- iOUMi sevice, scOnilngto,a a tu Imad;- Pr)ntai scros fietop ta the. iiouiieeia&Mie At' the-OpMent -M !,as re, of "Centra Trou SMd Mealtheib Uicxross..iO Ï $b- Company o! Keaul'5a" Somlay tieftmns 4iit are mamabers«the 114 f ici15la i. P Ma neraiexisw ga- a g ssud th* # luUisa UWIY AI lti M gan, Are, EED DRAT__ ttlnating Whst l, of L"e2Isleu bhecsu i esianrae gr nopes, Md or tol ila vii ha ald curs or, haltes; sUes lrcly viceatcas. Comnittees have been 4ar the. leadersip a!of un oifithe ooli adcri Lt on~t plans for a mat uti ta Mv as muci W le for itie flsater@ Illamq on tic oSier Sd atca Conimitteco a meentinnt h tattendsi S tel measiees russionataI fie sity for uVýw~ ehib ti, a i". et Ogstru -W . L ms Noticw g* Week of rune I LES ARE GIVWd ni, it la Exptal* eubjeot te ,ractoaN Rule$ asl the di k acoondance 'viti thi CIlaintionlistai Nov 7, and saceli dApril Il nate Gersian alen cifth mr et sic sud upvamia Lake county are reqslra unies the direction of lien r Iho bas beon appaS ragistrar tluoe"-h ?ce Sa a poatoffle. is registratlae la 50. 6 a. Ms.. on Moniayî i9 aud ta continue 6nd îilvely -tboetfer,.«C"p c 2Uni. 1918, biiatveuth 6 -. aid 8P. as. UVpte, rWa&duiay, the.Seth* M, et 9 f&CIO*, p. is PERBOMS Eas.wiimrtzU I: Ail ultv ectisea sujacts o!tii.helcxtaag Ing ÊRMALEB et thse- am at" m"darisaew- lde5 reglaer a.4 lareat pagera s do« 0pospasaes tltcrst'f Lu a Larnale suoe doit th"cMireuawtpa ~Sl for rqglstmloak t rw tba $à$' .r--s Md afswtile te- Iroet la aiilwB* lu - 6elbi V gr . B. Ctops"OMM Ser, c~i