vill Inependest q0 m lqmo N.ruitéer , UbertYVi.MuO x mnWP. tM PotofflS ut ldbertyrllle. DiI., masIoond Clama Mail Maibt Oficii PubIîcation fero iVlhi à0f LIbrtwvillb. uêleatima for %A»eCOMU Isoinmt wS..oreIuf Pnm r buadar. tdvYtWia g atio Nid. Kuovu ou APPflsalofi InON PRICE. 41.50 PER yEAR STRIC'TLY IN ADVANCE - -~.....£dltoc ............T .......... .. . ..e.......... Ma.... 00D. JR ................ ....................... Roeldsnl Mmegr Waakegamld a litting tribut. b lb. depart em~- of Qe .Grand Amy, tlb puuls W8r a&Bd l.trh e n « ?huraday, vhen a fittlng coemy botb i.n s o f parade and a ceremony at the. monmnt and an reige in the Âiimory, words of praise and reverence e nid lu their memory.t _t vas ,noticeable that there w a't- anY Pertlcla mnful clemonstration any place, in faci, .everybody's ïk ueie w be burdeed wit1the feeling *that It a't t.e time for any joyful expression but one of sea- Oued s, one when a person MUSt stop and rellect and re- Imont keenly. Il vasn't a gala occasion ini any respect, .ft vdS earn- Fi tcer -n meditative one end-e*rybody's thouglits i. homos of themillons and millons of persona *o bive contributed direct1y or indirectly to-the present r~ and to the past wars. --"w presence of the salors- from'Gre a Iesu with àrlfles, the spirited band, and the beautitul flags lent pmasvei;ess to the occasion and the average person pU ot help but thirak tli4 perliaps a year from now the ýsl feeling wMi be different, the outlook more hopeftil d -vctory may 13e ours. ýThe news from thé battle front that came to th. com- iâýi It4he.,mawninyig annrs Thmrday was not of the i i RAilS. I DIII of, the ou or.soviet, i hýmr 80 far -as boiaqÈ 7004v fS buit idt mm* M i bord f 11 M«DNM of Wâb.ite,. tm mpd lthevvlag. aiý atag 1 b . i.duov li. <Mo.cakr, refuaof tha, b accepi emomm A oate f more than paasla lntrest te iote that Pro ** *.HaIsey cf Labo brut oellege on Suuday coup)eedbis forty Yomz of sSilé*u a an lnutru*o % thW Inttto As a& profeo u iqPofltal Scince, Prof. RaIsey stands at the top of tbi. inîtridtors lu Ibis part cf th. country. Mo iterastin l loe Forest uni#erulty bas a~Wffl been very keen and aaotbe* important and 4nter- estlng thlng -la that lits interat ilà,Lob count affafrs bua been ýa conspicuous part of lit adMnistration lu th. uni- veruity. Ordinarly men connected willi the universlty at- tend to tbings merely >lM connection wlth the -nstitution willi which they are connected. In a cas of Prof. Halsey, however,;lieé ia become a citizen <n hhe reality and fac-I rallier 'thm i erely a resdent. He la a 'man *ho bas been Ipopular -with ail the. students and tlbo faculty 'of the uni- versity ail these years and, iW consldered an authority in màay things along the limes that #àe las become pçoficient in. As a producer of Lake counhy's lait history, Mr. Hal- se y gained considerable altention because of the Urne and effort. he put forth lu collecting data for tuàs imiportant book. The,. only regrettable tlilug ta that the publicddd not receive lits book in lb. genérous wa that wau expect ed a.nd vas deserved judging by the aniount of work lie ptt i ofl rei>aring M.t, ccordingly ail of Lake county ai hisi tIie cnzatuîla:tethe nrofessior on hivinz attl.faine téo case any enthuifiaam, in fact, it cast a damper onl a forty-year record as professor lu ih. University whlcl -l"a feelings. Hovever, il also. caused lb. public1 he lia loved se mueh and worked se bard for. t. gril its teelbi and se thelb.task wth due de-_____ p iniai ve'e a fgel te o ourit an do ithe Under th. plans for nation-vide registration of young ml qucly-a ya rmno mrc ii .l men vho have reached lb. age of 21 ice a year agoi it 1m ~bu ea1earnsî nd le uory f 119 Mmoral dy lterestngte note that the. young bloodcf the nationvi iith sa as It vau ibis year. nov bave a chance to manifest ita. enthuslaam and luteresi la the vorld-wlde wur vblch ur nation la engaged. Up UE I. 8. KERIE TFMO t te présent tm the b ve not in position te render thefi tp!o bave had a rallier brusque reminder of lb. pus- sàvlces lu the aryidmany cf t'hem bad preferred of be deep ses, subMarlne. W. oSh bardly 13e a~My service t. that of tbo navy. They vii nov b. givez to veuntheb.experliosc, and eVM y on-of.sbip- ibis .ciiportunhty and h hodIld follov atrlctly lb. upl831 -la regrettable. Niv.rtbliuu ve aMbllte,,bet- outlined by. the. national goverpment lu connection vitl m portant respecs for,,lb. leston. The Amer- this natiofial regiutration. In other vorda, lb. other tel. vii st1ll further hurden under tib ouw. lb bave been doingtheir bit lu tb. pas$ aniltannov ui vii grv. ur ena 0 lb reiltes f ar tte.ougmen te shov their-luterenitbemselves. wX h u r n der. illb hae? a eepr. Tobacco a neceusltyl Imagine itl Imagine what Lucj vtD se Il ja bader E.basbada oil romPage Gaston and others would bave sald'two jeanu ag i ~echef oncru xpr byamyant nay ~ anybody had snid se. But, nov lbey're silent-thi by aM an nay oM .verm" tolacco) inon top. Tor, rsa4 ,tioneya iten laWaablngom vas, thaI hecoining of, the GWmian fo ablgo:"obaÔco bas been cl*pe'd by the gov, Lt lb. tantseaboard would cause neediess fear ernmsnt asa uecessîty and producers wlIlbe given prefer e 4 teates of menlPb.rviceho ar eaoufdet inbOential fuel supplies. ,Benater Svânson cof Virginla vas in Or ou e atee Fasne.Imo re confldentrm forined by lbe. var industr ies board lu response to an in ÎR tb a snions ith er vas bn meoctsln- ora .rmquir>' that the board vas vorklni out *vhthe b.fuel ad, p ar ba ben hthetopeltln OU~ tAt mrc mnistration a plan for supplying thi. industry vltli coal.' M*lps could convoy -raaporbs Irougb th. danger 10 tM tlb.other aide Wtbout lb. lois of a mai. Te reai laeIiteavctinlisyrtatvo - - .' The ma wvii.goes off and qul$s produictve labor poi - m. NàAioo iz 10WS i*oudbe yazed UPuIort and told toget back'to orl oerainlabr ircles lb. actiôn of lb. varmemt agali. Plenty cf tUme for vacations afier lb. one real jol Obaod o r ete implos yé appVuded, tandorthe naion lovr. Th&I job ta te vlip the Hun anc pé Og epreUD1O, htnwe et"utco o e oke t omatter viiether you are vorlun on tM MSe rier o th-Pike Oek swould 'sleal lth b. __of_____ad____ an wmln ould no loe rbave te figbt -privat. (and sel- -Th.e ockford e.publie ina ater*. politlcal scalp c hovneip. Itl ookedWe an easy eh00 to. stop lute, but Charles U'ffler of Belvidere, republicii representativ v ediscover Ibat inide the attractve exterior liere i lu res fon thât UstrIct and foemer1y circuit judg ~mItkable pinch. Mn. UcAQo says lb. umployez In Ibis <IIIIII. . E. bu s@srvet several termse but vas ose ailrads cannol mtince, liai Il ta unpairiotic to ah d.fnated vben lt. bul moose liad lb. upper bond lu ibi ceece iegov~me~ nd Ibt eeryod vi ldisrict. The Bepulio atda8, 'for a more capable, Patiet K. tbeorders from the. dinoctor general. AndMr. tic and efficient candidate." lv.every indication of being ready ho back up ~-Weste tie limit.-Tribune. Wé respectfully call the. attention of -the higiva: URGS NOULTIN- S --I comiissioner of Shields township to sevoral very bati rai URGE INOULATON V TYPOI I Green Bay road i uil souti of the Lake Bluff pover htU Inoculations agaanst typhoid fever are urged by the0 tion. These rats are on lbth ur viiere i1.tà very dalige: ftwauke healthidepArtment. Typhoid fever 50flum s our for strangers w v I rlrlving aon er nd vio ai Mon band in the department offices for thie free inocula- not expectlng ho, encounter duch. obtrutIons ona goci Po! cilizens Who -desire il. Softiknd XI is thie belief of Healthi ommissioner Ruhland that rMo u ld ý_1«mons ihould b. vaccinated. Re says tiat sewerage -The Xun hau hurled a migity challenge to lb. Amez bosal in ail Anierican citilainl its primitive stage and j bcan people-and we'U mlet 1h In 1the same cool manne tlbus typhoid exposure from tiat source remains a In the same effective manner we haveý met other critice .p Mg everywhere. Dr. Ruhland also claui stial ail ex- siua.tions. 'We cant 1ei icared, we cant be. bluffed,.- w ~loniss miold hevacclated.Anli-yphoM vaccina- .cant be Intimidahed, for, the mlore 'hae lelarder ~,aoor4lng bo Dr. Rublhand, should be rerieated every; vaut ho fight, the harder w. vill figit. TRAT'S Ameri ýq tlite. vears. The arniv experience frorn anti-ty- canluni! W.tIvaccination hanslthown splendid resulsa. aSpeaking o!, coal and cold as tiese dayft make on IT WAB B-ETTk THEN aveat under 1h. collart Remernber 1h. days laut vinte -~Of.oerselb.wor ahlar e nt muchilnteresled ln vheén you ver. fagged eut trylng o tolev fter plo - - ~*d~.r~ub sovet.Posslbly Il umighl 13e lva1ehy. l.~I %se:oè:î--:: i and el. _lm ILLA - 11-- 1 A-~ POLICE AUO TO iAil> TIE TDtr posms. . ù FOR SAL"-r *chaýX,~ro j FOR S.,Uvucu 1 yearlinhg tled* .Se t, qit«i GbiUil&2tUpofi. toigi; osb boula..; livont-,om»W Nom*md; ppas »tru. rt Boston. Dur- avtaçe 876 pir day. Involci abbou lw.1.l. HS Ol.Verp ew ilstutii. Nio blilete On .Test h.u W Wo F~ OR SALE-Vsl.blood two errait.1amom""l;am,. Iiieflbusinuss. Goodopon. Ii.PWI lwrm. Simliybutil; hlghMibrm.dtqÏ'dam factfor nomoou bo doe. mot haye go ~L ';;~ r~z ;:; *attproduoet. 'oSe mato.Dur,.£0 toth ver. WiII orema y Md. lit. mo-e t filmor a Isuis. FI. M RaNima.,Arum. te th........\ eot ôI.U FO% SALE-Plow aud domblu bo»iD rUbgWlAato. e.ebbll.OUDI FOR 1111ALE7r exohauge, 40 to 5S0 #ela f . ecounay eýMa - aRiabbl fr pueraifar"glg, truieor lipresence 1Iigisday . M~. etoUWOranch..; tme cholci takotromiago. thlftlllua t-ti»lx ty to a. . 5111 eIl vnerjbiap for oamhotoride for fle-.*0ts sw *rdd roetie 1mw on FOR SALE--Cboe-a "débat lot$ ou Lke Co. ptoporty,- eftber tarqýàor ct9y. voumlt*Idiurne. uiolilu a.M IcIIq Ave re.0,Irnm . 4 d>lvWt n dm. Am one fsrred te bolows & £,oetetO teO iois. tm M d a o O AN.-od Rn am 8at Addrmu, F. R. Selles, P. 0. Box 22:4 useeily k làlthat a Dow mv tela eolu.-11 aeffl uoat, 7 &rre w Libertivillle, IIL V8411 la OIi.TStlOO f*ou W 'e flk i ovefor l-018----- to-----r..-a----la- & Very etrtngent Cbogik Onu uËal 1 5im sA-5 ms Y.blne là _a1 o---- --- vopien ,havlnk veasreal ditomep. wood'par~tage, Good bulldlup;2t + NB E L K OUS I Under the 1mw, 1in'cas a man or mUU fronttoua; fins ti.ueol'Fox ie wolXiAla15 rated ln vOMnection lwtth fronttarin. PBar! Barron, rejulahe, I 'MEN WANTE-Àt Llb.rtyvI taMS the raldlng dg housesor 1lt4ame or Phon.50-w1. 23-2te r".oIur wrecking nadl pooral ork. ajiytbfig of that Wond, tirin. tho duty Appt>' aI race track. u n d e r t h e t a * f t h e o f f l i a l a t e ts u mrIn 1 . - - moto the clty boul phyuaielan and f ein-ay have an, examInatlon madle of the " i i.rr KI¶ Ilai closlng the s;ealker pa.ld a fne defendants before they aro, BEU R "AI A 4LAU Sb Fgr insîtnace, in an arrest that took trlbnte r0 the Chamber of Commercée plceleWakeanest veekte blau IA i AITand the spienditd work IlvUh bing. He vas applIed fer the ttLime yrhen PLE4A Of OTT OI aid the preur¶nt powerful organlag- City Health Physician Poley iras jnTO tioen mas flot perfected without manyr moned andthe marir wa» ladf5Ibmp*foliires'. Il' @&id lb. b tuineva d fore hlrn.H-A4It nt bin -for,-e IYEIiIAI profemional men of Wau*ojg.anai fact that the-charge use changed Ir Ad RC NP O L ed 18 >icars ago to have snob aan or- wonlbave been ec«eary for the ganizai ion. Many or thoro voe twoman ln question' te bave subroit. failuris, but out of ?bnav t-tlortaew yod te an examinatlon, h ,1oe ohé >ays Mmerwcans Are flot FUIlY the de-aire tu bau'- au organizatlun could have been reteased eien mter Awake to the Fact that We lhC iude vîran h otitr baving plliher fine. nld* , j Ecletroam Vnder the lav the' doctor ol Are n-I War New ot 1ticletPor have ld teexamine lier and furniFh A varie'l .obîiret ,n'l-rthInmn4-nt, s staternent to the effect that sbç wa waaMST AT.ITIM fon 1-)n u .t W)ti<of WT) were etthef frer. froni the dîrease or if MUS _________ pSM rom thd Ilirouri tocio rafl«) wo! wh fond Ihf ahli ed c.amy fr theNayRelie£-society. These -young hat evodber w ald n te qr on.Dr. Ott Hits out Straight from rom-n evidently wî'ru prote-Àionaabe ty Juil or pomeotber place of le- the Shoutder in Address to fore thi' ,iylc In tii' navy. for tenton ad mote carfui epor onproftuiaonals eouid tnut av( aequitted tentincage ate sa c bard ort on h 'Local Businss Men tîieoselvee more' cr(LimvabtS-, They be Uae h tate bord ! eah.______ erenconed finie alter tîme. IL la aMo the ver>' strict Ikw that Thar the Uni ted Stat.-s p0ouie aF The lanciîvoî waa* an excellentl I~~~~~~~~~ ar'mno oa hnna ouîiaviole bave nlot been serious. have oce, Ieaving nothing Io be desir. d. IL a docton on any casé whatever, that flot beeo'in earnnet in the suppîort o! vas even rnne yuccêq-'fuIi ibjn the> the doctor finding the patient surfer- the army and Davy in lb. Eurilopean pnOi a 'WAek ago. Paun i WIL.. secre- Ing roinany eneral dseas in e ar no,, raging, but triat thi.e nation lay of the (lîarnhr, annooî bed h lngp frepotaof IL enerthdease bo t ardJebecoming omoreerneat avery lay. Dames o! st-eirailleIrýt asiealeert oft hoalth-and the patient 1I uetion wus the statement moIe Thursdat ubo are te &peak 'at the weekly 8 must either lie placedl n det:ntionh i' Edward Ahminerst Ott ln adrirese- lunchi-on.; for fhé, neat feu veeks. Iuntit rerovery Is reporteil In te qp l ng an audince of manufacturere, Prof. J-alâ,-y of Lake Pores i te cille case or the doetor blmousai muat bus iness and profe4sional mnen aithei speak next Tbursday. Secrei Wl-. iL aSsume the rpspoostblllty thut the woekly nooondlay luncheon et lbe Ils lntrolluced Dr. Ott. Ppatient te bis knowledge la sovlwng Waukegan M~aznber o! Commerce. extrême car.sllb.hematter of taklnq Dr.Ott IIInet spea inb generalitias 1' cars of himaelf or bereet! and lit abut bronghtb i tliteright home to hie or alle la doigi>' ver>' tbng wltbln Waukeu. ain ting out ta uhaltre- 8166(ER SilOE M hIis power to provint tise possible s pects thls cIl>'haba ud te dolits n spreadlng of allment tbrough iî0tc-1ontire lut>'. bave an c 50TIJEY Lion. 1 -~Itlai a wonderful thlng tehaeu 7 à The ucu law places golfs a. but-- mn>'match to the tronches sang IlYn on cte physiclanse o a cammant- sours la dolng.' hae raid, "but l S ANi> TRAI 1. and ILle aer more Irastlc than thelot ba caoty tohae te nae. CA S -public, generally roaltasa. Ino other lien back o! this army express then*_____ P wods, heecant ho a cage of ven. selves iimtttily. oreal dtiasb hila lucallel te the O eial o(Yti'àes e500at Camp' Grant*Meas- attentlon of a doctor Ibuît tatIL bhave an ei-.uple of this lu the citZ ,0 Imdaeycornes under .direct sup-of-Cbtcag-î. the second largest ctln10 uied for Footgear Uike the eriinme .fdheal y èath>ear M t tu cou.ntry, ,whichhba Dot yot French Now Use tru thse physiclans In question. r 1 'h . iu1can peopre titRedavos&0. If And the Intent la for the .sbta oagThe oiadopleheir ut-v bave SAMoA.OHEelMP board te keep a cureful check onsaflI çji /e euk o three tyr ersfohe A E I OT R CMP case until I bshein posîtvel>'cur- po Lreona molt omers fCosr.the~ e d betors the pattent lm givrhze .1bt 0i adbeRdCos.I tire freeîom. Jeieon 4Mrent lu Frlce. Announce- WiII 5,000 Rliera o! theU 88b dt. Thelratl fehue. f l. au rement vis adel retentl>' lu the vision at Camp Grant oon lea*o for Th flot' eall e >'tIi pofpthe e ech prestIsaI the eightfi LiberI>' lut>' ovenseas? la Ibis the meaplIna itaë. nd.whn sateoflclla tar ean vas required. Ihere vers uDo ofa var lepantinent aider te0ni daen.he n sl4it ate officaIs stoat peaierno one .teft bis or ber ture the fel o!the men that a-o *~~~~~~~ wnoCigl-. h> o r-e. ol-thon vwers no posters urglng tslzed alies mn>' ho supplied tbaoa ple pIwili uake up to the reallxattî cb ed hi uybu nteTeeaequsosakda h that aometblng bas becolO. operatIve r~ ît ~terlt'hi ntoTeeaaqetosakda b wblch has completel>' chaoged tfie apointel day the People viosued the cantimenot. os tatus of things for ysara put varions batiks and the entîre Jean Lieutenant LavisB, bead cg théa&ë: PorovIde 4-Ion. Signe. I al ubarihedlnb And It pertinent of ortbosopel> It the oiXnj For instance, a fiatuire. of tbe lau vas the elghtlil ban atb"t. That's base Isospital. bas bomun the o e*- proile tIaIlucas peeom eu- w1af IL meas for a nation te i l measuring thse soldiera' foot. wi pected of baving Treneroal' d1 e aretask enearbf u i w acepts thtexamln oir t h. bitti Amerîca bas boon such a jolly cantoumnente mnd in the. â_1 enetl~sad 5ta I (oth have tuenatIOZnhut vo ha.e ,alî 100 1111.1.guard campa ln the moutist. dioae u ses iId >'tieattention te the three great elornentg Une 145ev> soute. bqarnitnejot aisiroftlasmuif î hi. are vorth ublle--tho court Tbe soldiore ln the fleh ad id ves amllpozthona ai u rmn- buse, th, achool And l.the e -oIs W. Engllsh tronches vomi frpmon If d ime" la plucedo ltIo "i. .BUT. devaots etire pages lu thu presto three pairs of heavy voolen eocks ,g tu e e e*refuse ta ameemptan ox- sports but oui>' a bars feu «lumus ln order te ulthstanl 111eigore of aloînatomi, t C hou Ch.. U lth de- ar. devo(ed ta the churcb. 1the irench vinter. For Ibhis remeon partnient places a iuliiîre ti. OR "W. haven't bad a rail national t lai necessar> thît thoir shogg lia M tbe place vbere, the>' 1v: IVeriorealiidy->lemorl day bau net, alvmya liait Ivo aises targei titan neefflssai Dis5e*aela Thise Itoe." bien observed as IL ehoul . under other conditions. TIse bbOMI N.pNe" Ne s.on Fils. "Tola>' ILla i. lfereat, houever. "over bhere-' aise voir tva or Chies '* iurtiter au Intereeting thing lsToday vo are flot thtnking no uuchaente of unliretethez, vblcb »m-'e8 that docoris ebo havI' theee crasns of our boeîliad, but of tlýe graves 1h necessari' thal lb.>' shall havé 0coinseonder thefr eyep, do flot hare tisat ire ho b-gol thora viii bé clotblng ranch lai-gir than o)sw te 10rep* tehothe dIi» healîio der'tht miltions ln the nertf: imontbi. TheivouIýliehonecessar>'. tonieofas!tise uetflns. *es cao fIle great ver maI>' d bas made 15 mil- Most f e! tsallers oflb.8the l- tbeir naines a.nd îepprt CctIre ébaltu lion* _reves, sod 791, many peuple vision et Camp Grant have ampb >.departroont 4)>' oumbers.. keepink cure- don't bake il seîlouaI' as yît. . clothIng, but ln case any a!of lemoams fu tati, bouever, on the' progress o! "During lhe Iast four years 1 bave te0lho snt acros Immedlatel>' a usiw eJch case sol thon final;ly maklog a beard a voce--mo insolent sneeîlng Issue of forger clethes mnl hlgger coroplte report te the lepartment. volce, frein Central 'Europe. To me shoot voul lie necosur>. Tise vorir If th. vlation bm, op mains a! aoup- fi seezo, te have ssII: of mesnriug the eest of men aetlthe Y Doeil, thon the lau provlus that the 'l'au men ovin ln Waukegan camp, lo tskeo - te main tbat tlibt tgetcty physician vin oeil an tbe toun inn a goud govermet-yau dont opober. Ilîl be taken froim the 86th pooontarter and then tbe canot>' dec.- ilJouheu. 111 mate yeur mon mer- division soon for dut overséès. a-ton may he aienI n athir thre Patient I us ai, l'Il Blanghter them. Vu fI lha* estlmitel thut there are no-w r- may have been declaned indigent, or, thlnk yen cao bave a fiee lent[ ddat Camp Grant at loat5.029. mien apaupen. Until Ibat tlme;lte pie-l ree go)vorontn, but ye.n't, hé- li have bal frein4tel voIl es' retient iBte nted ai is aonexpenecaus9e you are net ln, eaioezt. Yeu training. Inîtefettmeirsuremeuls d and ihe muet com-ply witb lbe lai u eleet a city council that co run whicb are beog taken for arri'shoos relative te bis actions. thIngs--yau cao't keep the acbools of a laîger size titan reqnired la ach Are Draft ILurii. eut et polltics., -Individuel <'se. it la under.etool tihe Eirectly Muing theélino roferrel te "Thut'a the cballenge or Cotral men iaie being rolqptel vIse havi r- shve the Chîcago Tribune Baa:'i Europe te us on Meimorial lu>'- Wi hai thli fnegt penid of'irlg DIv;eased Immoral women are eg have bien iistoinog te ltat voles for This tact lende[ colon teaflb.c-,-neu. et utlizol- b> anti-Americans te mIoglo four years inIdîinklog sowage P e- sien that tlmcy are te bc not oý;nrse&s with diattel mon upu lboee Hable te cause vo sient in Otineab. But ut an esîl>' date. ho colle! te, the' cloe..uee beginnbg te gelt I earnest," re Acting Chie! of Police Alcock maI(e i'. OIt made a strong plea for pa- tht, rtatemeht yosterday bcstae the triotiini. "Yen are entîtiel." hoe said Want, For Sals, etc d Ilte IN. re clty eounicil commiittpe on home de- "ta atrangle lu any throat an>' hait- OEPENbEP4T rebeih 15,000 persome '. ensP, wMhi<-h vus copscderlng a plan beartel layaIt>'. Titere la no timie weicly for curbing 'dnIP'cael15roshieli per- forilndividualism bInAmericu 00w. mît dancing ahI iunnait l ngbti. rme Pabniotiqt o it primaI-lt Js tbc 1e b Iave bal Information as te dis- Cony a dqeeoate la net patrletic. e rds men for soins tinfre ."alt Thoneforo ILlaisno pecal c)di &th!le acting cier. ,"1 have no dout t t a marn te lie patrioblc if IL ges na i A %4 h