f»eI., &cmient and R..lh, Platne"u. &U- tomoblie 'end Working- ùMa's compensaton. Su. Him B.f ore Placing Your Insuranc - ýWF WL DI ft Fm US~~te wte se. AUS<RRMAN & DOLAN M ZON CITY llmph...118-W r!. BAIRSTOW IMrbie and, Granite 1Monuments Cbmeter Work of DescrIption Eqveý c@trSipofldecfC e lcited 16Genesee St DY. 1. L TAYLOR mm la b PimiNational Bse" Building as ta-1l 8:80Oand 7 ta 8 P. M. Oft..ce on Broadway, oppouts Para UOceI'lyvil, hoiti. DR. GOLDING - DIENTIST Bourg 8 ta 12 a.m.-1. to 5 p.m. 0,cr Vlltpa,, 1Bank Oum phone 19-J. B..Phons 167-J. t.ihrtvville. Illinos LOANS 4i0 'UP A TRILE JRIM6 TUE PAST WEEK ln ail Over $1 02,000 Are Re- corded ini the Lake County Reoorder's Office MANY MINOR SALES MADE tBa*miuess af the recarder'. office for tise wee'e ending June 8, 1918, bY A. K. Bowos, assistant secretary Se- iàrity Tlle & Trumt Ca. Numiser of canveyances, 79. Numiser of chattel marîgages, 9. Nuniber of trust deeds and mort- gages, 21. Total number of instruments filed, 109. -Total amouaont I obns, $M02,160. Business waa rather quiet but loans quito brisit. Tho îofolowing are the mare important deals:, In Waukegan: Casie M. Edwards bougist the Pulse lqroperty at %tesle Court and Cary ave. ',for iudlcated cansideratian af $4.000. Henry W. Littl1e hought the Arthsur C. Littho lot an forth aide MyreIle at., west of Poplar street for $2,0b-. Thon. Higgenbotisar and wife bought the Margaret Drury lot an Washingîars Park far nominal cansld- eratUon. Louis Neyrlnck bougist a lot at nortiiest corner Oak and McKinley ave., tram Bernard J. Schuelte for $2200. John and. Antania Brazansitas bougist a lot an east aide South Jack-. mon sireet 'between 711v and 8th ats.. tu Albert Swanmon for $1200. Joasephs Cankar bougbt thse Clarinda C. Bariter 10 acres on nortis aide Grand ave. and Muinford Rend, in sec. -7, fur $5,000. In Highsland Park: Adais Lambach bougit thse Ellen Palmser place at southeast corner Rager Wnliiama ave. and Judeon ave, for $3,000, subjpct ta a $5,000 martgage. Thea H. Docker and wife bouglit tise Caroline A. Gdodridge property on n9rth side Laurel ave., east af IAndeis, for $3.000 ,subjt ta a $4,000 encumbrance. In Laite Forest: D. A. Cray isoughi. elgist lots In Winstoni and May'm Sub- dlv., on Greeni Briar Lune and Win- sien Cincle from Virgil B. Maym for nominal consideration, ubject tae14 000 eîtcusnbrance. In Grasïtylatt: I loward kC. tîniltoit bougist tie Acite rplace on west aide Weaterfleld Place from Francis Kuby for $1600. DENT 2MWRD,&YiJU" ~13j. DU "M Marie Mcladdefl. Marlou. O. 11. Michael L. Stork. Great Lait", a-, Norme M. Patterson, Cloar Lake, ta., 26. -Michael StlUa, Ienoolla. 22; Louis Morrows, Corliso, Win., 18. Boni. P. Wyils, Camp Grant, 35; Nole P. Hunt, Rackford, 28. Floyd Cornoîl. Mlwaukee, 27; 11l- Ien Paul,.Mme, 33. David Kent, Great Lakes, 21; Viola Fisaher, Miwaukee, 18. jas. Wldrlok, KllOUrn. Wln., 32;1 Cora Barnett. Earabra. Wl.., 35. Magnum Talgo. Chicago, 41; Auna Hansen. samoi eS31 ray Burgess, awas City. Mich.. 42; Eunice Wlson, KenoSha, 39. Casimir Bzczel>kôlVs'<, Chicaga, 34; CharkoÈte Gronklewlcz. smre, 23. Meyer J. Chaprnan, Chicago, 24; Esthier R. Rothstein, âame, 18. Frank C. Sager, Camp MeClllan, Ali., 25; Olga Planter, Milwaukee, 32. Mathias Ade, Miwaukee, 22;. Ethel Ambermon same, 21. Mary Inez tflokee, Chicago, 23; Valden C. Martià, Great Lakes, 23. -iaey -a %ba gléand-Park. 42; hide F. Roe, marne, 34. Frank< tac"--aaRacine. 28. Hilda Uchnavich, m"re, 3IL Comfort X. Peter. Great I.akes, 29: Imogene M. WMaautb, Chicago. 23L Herbert IL DuLn»M Chiclago, 21; Vulet Traum, souUa Milwaukee:' 18. rthur York, Chicago. 88; Hor. mains Blehak, smre. 30. Cliîqton ýM. ItubUin, Marmoette, Wl.., 22; Gl4ys Oteamon. ate. 24. Thon.. .mahoney. Great. Laites, 24; Gertrude Wedlstendt, Kenosa, 19. Olaf Dalqulst, Racine ,21; Flor- once Âcklan. smre, 18. Thoan. U .Bradford, Souths MtwaUU- kee, 52; liarriet DePuy. smre, 45. Fred Ecitebrecht, Chicago, 33; May eMagiser, sane. 24. John A. Flanders, Chicago. 3M; Rachsel Arnldt smre, 32. Harvey Arndt, Nilwaukee, 21; Har- niet $clvumacher. ane, 19. Chas. A. Burckardt, Mlwaukeeo, D; Hildà Tischatefer, smre. 24. Lester P. Evans, Racine. 22; Oleta M. Bell, smre. 20. Ad>iph W. Uthoif, Chicago .34; Margaret Imboff, smre, 32. Athsur ltleex, Chicago, 22; Berthsa tKugel. smre, 25. Kart Reinisolds, Milwauktee , 24; Sophie Gradie, smre. 20. Wrn. R. Packsa, Mlwaukee. 44; Myr- tie E. -Wlesner, same, 27. ýBONDIIOLDERS PUR- CHIASE WAUCQNDA yRAILROAD AT SALE BN. S. DISE. LAW 15 AlTACIliR North Western Railroad Fights $600 Assessment n Co. Court Here SIMPSON IS CONFIDENT Expresses the Opinion La W WIII Be Found Valid in ail Respects The conttutionalitY of thse Non- 71g BSehool Dis trict Law, oazmed ln 1917, là attacked ýby Attoirney C. A. Vila@, geenral counsel for the Chic>. go and Northa Western railroad. who ppeared before Coijnty Jedge Per- sona lu ounty court at Waukegain ta. day to abject ta a $600 asmemeont levied againstthie raiîroad under the new %aW. .--Ur. Vies hssed bis figist on two chiot points: ?IKStT-hat the 1mw Iscits uni- forrnlty la Ite application. OSCOITD-Thiat it forces upon the peopile In the. Non-Higla ehool ono. orgnsation In the wAy 0f L bco>rd af educaUion, tberoby lnvolvlng ex- pensos without their consent. Aller hoarlng tise argument ail- vanced by the counsel for the rail- roam, Assistant State's Attorney John Welch ssked that ho ho givei lmre untl nudt Mauday to lok up authorl-, it Judge Persan. were te rule tisaI thse abjection of thse rallraad corn- pany la wll taiten It woul dmnean Practlcally a finding tsaItihe law la unconstitutjonal. and it would ho nec. esgary for the came to go te 1he higis. er cmouTiiiW n-an-appea. e rui- Ing of the supreme court wauld de- cido thse malter definitely. Fully hail af Lakte cfuntytaIn btise non-higla sciool ditrict and Is Inter- eted ln thse test tisat is belng-made af the law's vatidiîy. T. A. SlmPson. rounty superinten- dent of echools. dld flot smerm worried when lie learned o fthe iplas on foot. Te polnted out tisat the state baws provîde tisat everv child ta. entitled ta a high meisool education. "la tisere any more equitahlp ethl- od -of upply Ibis education than uni der thse non-higlu schtsol district rl.n." ho demanded. ' "nder ihi plan the. children In the non-bigis ebisool dimtrict are permtltted te at- 4tend. aciools In other districts and thse people of tihe non-hiaIs actiool InKate wlgsi Furhtis Aband (Continued from iPage One.) di1-stict -are taxe d tin__pay lte tuition KateRawlngs ougt th BararaCouîId anyttsing Ilimore fair? I dr DR. L I 5lITI Maett ot or 2,00flot thinl< the objection of tihe Northu DBNTIS. In La'ee Villa Township: Josephi $44,000 and gatIti on thse hasis oft a 'e.tern railrrad i,; well taleen" avgz, Lala «SUN,, NATIONAL AIM. Hladavec iougit one acre nortiseast goiuZ concenn and they rau KP Ii____0_____ .up4 c 1 a m an ilaS. .of road ln NW 1-4 SE 1-4 Sec. 2, front $&0.000 on the huais of Punking Il' O Pý-I12am-&d1t m-Ernemt G. Moeller, for $1200. There were Ipeseflt boaldes lis e Me,¶>'t' DAILY. In Wauconda Tawnship: "Elmer J. bandiiolders sevenal junit dealers fron aOI N DC T * [bertivile. Illinois Countryrnan iought tise Ellen ýA. Ho- Chicago, wiso trlod ta get hold of thcM S N IU L I CItAS. N.STEPIIENS of 58 acres lu Sec. 3, fur praperty. However, the isordisoîd- S R CM . N.STENIES, M. . Indiated cnsidertion0f $6,0011._ . ers were tisere for tise purpaseo f gel- SE VC L G ON PHYICAN md M. - In Warren: Ferdinand 0. and Ida tlug Ibis railraad which connecte the Suom i Inti a"RieSURGEtdiOmNa B.t S e lbr arntahe19 arin P. western part of tise county wizh T I leu atenionrien h ttdmumof&W chyve fam f 3 areslnSecs. Palatine and tieY would have bld INEi9 L AR FEt. rNoa.%Threat 9 and 16, for Indiaiated oonideratlanlggher hadl Il bsmn uecessary._____ E£'es a mmnl for glas.. of $10000. John Blank af Waucanda ,acting for 9-1s lver osaco. Tel. lSo e jbC5iUI eceivor Pee, carried on tise sale. Il Splendid Service Was HeId Real Estate Transfers was quite an Interesîing ami rather Fia ih;LreNm DLO .BITEPBD,____important meeting for thise IePle af Fia ih;LreNm DE . .ABTT S UMO. Mary A. Johns ta l ly H. Bartett that part of tise county and taerc ber of People Present VXIRIXRY URGON. lots 4 and 5, blockt 3, Hardcn's AdIl. were many present fronLaite Zurich, ào5?ANT RTAn TEminAEiAS. Ib Antiocs. Wl), $1. ' Wailcoida and varions other towns. Waukegan, June 6. Lhrtylge..Illinis. Thomas W. DowoIl and wife 1<> Fred Alter tise bIddlng vas closed IlTheise M:sontc onrden heîd lt-n .trvtce B. unyard, part of soutis hall R fnl was necesary for tise bandhoîders toi tag dedication at the Masonie lent- 1-2 ec. W.,Antich Tas.,Wl) ut p pr cent of the amount they plu.anrd Il provod ta bc ose of thse ELHNA WCOBY $10., bld and tiesides tise jiligure which most succeatful eveiots of tise iind ElenA.HAga t W E Wy.rd tieywil av bpa ver ta tise that lias been bell here.Thseewr Aitoriey-m-Lmw 8 aces n Sec. 1, lWauc.nda Twis receiver later, it la said they will 27 blue stars represenitigmn I Offe I om. oo Ae.Piam l-JW115 $1. have ta take on tise taxes of about tise ar'my or navy service, one îri- 00ma Hom, Cok Ae. Poaelt-J W. E. Iayward and wtfe ta E. .T $6.000 'which bave been heîd agaînet angle for Edward Klee bIn he Y .Ni UIIIRTYVILLE, . ILNI.Cutyan 8arsi o.3. WaU- tisem. C. A. and ose gold star for Patrick ___ILLINOIS.____________counra w..58Qcre.In$1.u Tise purchase-Includes tise igist of Golden wisose deatis occurred a few Marion P. Sebryver and wîf e tP. way. tie rallroad tracits. thi-ce eu- monisa. agit. LYE L ..MORRIS 0. BantIle and wife, 40 acres In gines. one passenger coach. one cons - Tiseigr-gram was an exceedingty ATTOREv-4T-LAW Spes. 9 and 16, Twp. ot Warren. Wn. binatian coachs, two box, cars an ln jiitr " ttng one. Vocal and inýr-- Libertyville - Ilir0. fiat car. In ail tiere lisaao ý1 mtnanimtrpeene tyvun Ilinis Tieodore W. Smith and wtfe to miles of tracking. The [pirchase men f rontt tise naval station acre o'. Luce , uiintg. E, W. Rlouter, lot 8, Sissw's Stnb ,of glasth(- boîîdisnsdens a connvlete and perîial good 'nndrtctd mucis aue. oone U-IS&Daffce lPhoe , iSec. I ,AvnTwp.. QC, $1 ùd'an tille btofisc rond, except fou' credit tintise istkies- To iv tfsat - Ck. .. Wtgiintnonamilvi-ife to Editlisthet-axoes whtc'.itt'ey 1w-IiI iati:î. ti, ttiv- urn nuisitwCul ta'.pitttt'g It' PAU.. aLA GFFl'~. Cl-t t:iîlo tt 4, lioci , ,Round Latke, tkerare ni. ti ian trlier.îîttil' hîv were a serfns Rantp TALM CGFI. W-n eYAsked ai tiitt pantfo it i <tatnd ,ibn gaic Oa5<itin ati il pian!) ATT1ORINEY Ai' LAW. - Fsttte o<if tlitelmina l'eppmeier 1îwoi'v "o the iondiolders commitîl duel C'o'srmn ,Soisel oaîd trîdii ',..Iierîy-rtlle. Illinois % aiMiir. 1trai t )f land in qer. n,. e masId flit theIlîtlaion tI qip tihga'. ,'t o e tan lieitmbur tîat FrmoitTI.,1W) $7.21 newih lgast i u n -ne or te.looktfi l irte by orint eRNoxaC. A Ni 'v Iltî.- IoteW' . Evans sîsunn cors bl, grvet utcoraoand IWilttisttt C,.Knoelt-. i-.,'ie liaI tili 't tii il :tt . \'i Pntil eii-tlarty. -Y.'swit t 'tsio !f ttît s ihff ,'. pnt totUt- i Pet5,t.1ii,0r.Wii-t-iutii'.Parat,.îsî 'tr'lt inp cl f5. 'n. t' n. 'MRTIN C, DECKER <'tii z",,Iti, "2. a.r..iilIii -ltyl lvsih( l 45i.ii.\t-l ~ i R.Il. !rtt- i[et wtt" ti.1jRivskte. tîil,utstiis,îlî Cii. liii- 'itiii' ,; ii( flct etresu ni .'cri 40<7 z it1tiltî -1r'-1-.11d ,î i'i t i îiîiti'g iii' 4 dît' tise business. [.1 tl. *i t Tît' 'tiil (,1 i 1't tî i n to hltory gci i:g iii I l t i'it .-tI\trlc. NorthtCht: plianit s ii lti te î iiti, 1î t iF'.,whlih vttr, tîtî .-il IlA1'-Ki.t<;t:,0Ito R % pensethit mitniirr,îi ii in t.. 7,_ 'i,t" iîv'r gin' ii HA8EN .~IBrown. Iton ttt1 1.,,1t 1- t!itii, ni mt- ' 't , f <r t' al a' risi - PHYSiCIAN AND SI RGEON IWARRIAGE ICNFS.- til, t ii tii .1ir a lai , t. ,rrttc iii i'. i- tiont.- ' 'grm gtitr'.t i o ii',. t . r~t .,NEW V 1FT EN MAY NTm SNT NAVAL STATIONS JtAILROAD CO. IS i' ", K 'lt. l' NOWlit lN ih WAY DURIN6 JUNE ARE JAMMED t" '- t 5nî t l.c'tn!i Dr t'. rh-'.-- ttairnisan tiIfil i it~t' tott'x'.stt i local dmt i ii 't'day cutp' i-n But Gover'nment Is Stili Anx- WARNING SIGNS Vr t"in' alnt _71, i -.t' t .,o'..tn -~ - t. iartcirt. w'(1 ,10 ii' ii i 't.' tiiy,,.whoregti'ni.î;ýl oti-, fer Recruits, Says Tis Not Y - nratroo ir'.'.t, il(tt il lwnik<e. eali-tti am'uth e draft of Jlime 21. Eflsigf TheNot','0,ýtjnrairod hs Ro,, 1,1. lalllld 'Wil,22. ,, Oe li tl'î ilvaft il buýtn( betin lbu- ii ltti n arge sgis ll iir '. 1 " \ll% îtik,e. R« ti it nwa i n utitunîler ttin'. r I t.v ttll-s off the t'. llttttttc ai aOnug thl tht Isin tilt a lbig 'îtr'Kîîî. ý ',I ilraf u O t li s ti iinr rcri1tttaý line "woniîn,' it"iititails Iliseai. (hit s t I, titi. r. Wt.olngan. 31 . s otîtin t1inttdkItrict la practi I fîîr itiwnt\ v 11tbitr raat ig sIastatons tontion ofth, lpe'.i'e I)thii. - t tiat k't mn tt. lamre. 28alIv'h:ilhi.,lu sl u ia.i fhs ivtîr ten'jaltîsoscd. mI1rmde are ntsw gexrrampnt con- Fred WiltteWaukegara .1., not' trui in hunureds o!fallier' dis- li îî)~. J iColemara.ttv Inarge troled and lbat si-ni rot ir%ý will buc lî1ri. K Potnter,. nitrae. 30. trifts anti wtrme on'.district "is lot o! fiti ot recnultîng offie. received coumldredf etanies. torti M. llînwit, Watikegara aiste to tilt ils qqula ,triaddiltioil al tri irani. li'iday morninz. roque-ni- The' alkne rei otant i tessps..ali:ng:IofTlreua(Coek.sams. numberrla driwn frnm somneo her Ing <1.4 t I(,seuIl no more meninh ps1 réltindl rme"adi sli xll ) i ifn hcg.4. dsrc.Iftlitsis lmdoue It yltl'. tr*sint'-c talions except naval me- haoble that ilucis. offenses iratise future Cthrienira'.ktiuskemarne, 40. neceesa,.ry for somne otiser district Ii tini- iti futhen notice. wili bo more everly deait wîth tison lHeriinin Il. Letz. Ripan, W18., 28. Inaitu' isp tte quota af 75 men asked "This itecq nat meana tisat we vl Iaeetofore, now tisat ti'scle Sam iiis ~t1'-Ne-diveP, Eshlaloeis.Wis., j1 o tiîsdielict. lu Uhc opinion, Of stop ecuststng mon." Ensigo Colemnan *bs tg> <ae a hand itise malter John J. Riali. Joplîn. Mo., 62. Dri. Kniglit thse plan ls a oehhaust saidl. 'We want ail the patrIiu TMli las-go signa have been placed ]Louise M. F'eiker, Racine. 45. tisos ira tise original clai one befone youitg Ameriransq we taIn cettie. but .a onlouo places aithtie deoa. Antan Manos, Miwauaee, 33. calling ouItishe nov regitranuts., for thse pressent, allter they have en- ______________Genevieve OBrien. maule. 18. TIse local board ban given aIl reg.- ,l ted, they wlll lie sent 10 theit Paul Anglada. Waukegan, U. Istrata bore their regishratton fusas-homtes te avait cali. We neod num- - r eft &D aY »noVelvaue. P" . Wtt Gertrude Ludwig. Waukegnn. 21. ber. The onder number, tisaI ie, thse eromieaviat ion mecisanîco an t,;, ~ S l ti. bet$-vil.I~~rpi Be.Homn (1Schek iler rau, & qmbor wich wIlI desainato thoir willI esent 10 a a inngslo- a _____jLau-a A. Moiter, aime 97. place an the list, willl h maie out GiestLaites, Ili., as. oon se ihey en- Si, SIEBUIt co B.W&. ran D. Moulton, 0. baes, 2jl. at Washington by lhe lottery pystem. liât." AE RAL TtCO ek-17e Converts 70 ur Auto Into a powerf ul tra.ctor in 30 minutes THE INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR UNIT selsà for $3 50.00 It nua powerful Tractor of any Auto, in thirty minutes and reconverts fram Tractor to Auto in less time. Every farmer w;iI want au INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR. 4&-inch wheele, 1 0-ipch face, steel front rims. of improved tractor type, 3-point sus- pension, hudenied roller gears. It jg- practically Fool-proof. Mechanically right. it solves the Lsawers'. Tractor, power and labor problem in a reliable arnd practical way. A* SUPERIOR MACHINE EASY TO OPERATE-DOES NOT REQUIRE AN EXPERT TO HANDLE ht is seong and of simple construction. Any man, boy or girl who can run an Auto can operate it. Does the work of from 4 to 8 horses and two farmn hands Plowîng, Harrowing. Disking, Listing, Mowing, Road-gradang, Harvesting, Etc. Let us tell yôu ail about this Wonderful Tractor Unit. RE7ERENCEk SECURITIES TRUST CO. 910 S. Micigan Blvd. CI-ICAGO ltlt isE'PAIL.) lvIFORMA*TlION, tUiiEItS INDUSTRIAL TRACTORS 1108 Karpen Building CHICAGO, ILL r , t 'lu -ÀO%\i *HAVE YOU BEEN TO GREAT LAKES NÂVAL STATION? GO NEXT WEDNESDAY Every Wednesday at 2:00 P. M. th~e Jackies turn oit on par.adr for' the benefit of ali who care to cone to see tLiern. Wednesday is thd special visiting day. Band Concert Drill Athietie Sports TinS. hawing fiienda or relative, ai the t d ton Can equre admiseion ..y day. How to Go to Great Lakes Parlor and Dining Car Service Plr =z nîS o it tite I UI , o i g I tii t * li .' Ittîji ti Iii . i, îî a). IQilflting. hIi'ia e tMiw u ,.. t il 4, a.iii andI 2:1., 1)Ilii s ts, 2'u iiiîîIîiitig .'i- lai a riiiitb au tam at taclhpd ùi trains euvîiîg L I.Nifti .) Il ut12:.54I p. m.ard :.,s pin . amid no trais letaing Mli%-tiuee at 11:4 5 a r i. a: 145: 15pit For furiher înformaiios cpply to neaeici et ofie ,1of th,' NORTH SHORE LUNE C*ap icket Off ice -lb ua* S*Tut ».Wh rs 85 Libertyville Possenger Station Mlwaukee Ticket Office Phm,.. Uhomyille 74 1@7 .Sm.d Sreet Phose. CrisS 1136