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Libertyville Independent, 20 Jun 1918, p. 4

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pertyvi(le Indepen'denti' >ouny I*dne - WaukeganWeekY S"n ln a conc Office Tolophon. Number i. LIbertyille Exchango. M ab th. Postofie s tLibertyvile Ill., masSecond Cleso Mail Matte I __________________________it would1 Officiai Publication forTii. Village of Lbert.vilile. aIsiIII Publeatien for Lakce County Boerd of Supervisera' Prceedln@@e Mter the: id Ivry Tboraday.' Advertitng Rates Made Kuiown on Application. OVeiy forl OIPTION PRICE, 01.50 PER YELAR STRICTLY UN ADVANCE equippd, resources L SUiTIl..........................................,..................... Editor thereson L&MiTF....................................................................... Managerbu do' 19 TOO. JR............»......................................... Residont Managerbu o t A LAUDABLE PURN ,'Tii.plan-boing ronoted b j~ py~loato ,rvde for a special vote on the question o raislng a one- IItai on each dollar valuation tu ILake couaty at the ~Igfal élection la one vblch bas as its objeot thi po Wtof a homne for dependent and delinquent oblidr'n IUOCISÎt of provldlng such a homee in brought about pO bresunceof the. Naval Station to a big extent and euoa a rosuit of the incrsased population i Lake county. The vay things stand nov Lake county bas no place 6 ud dependent cbfldren vho reafly do not deserre bo- Wg Mot to the refornu ichool and vho can properly be ir.d for bore. The law does not peritthe - pTvisoTU i)be rent a place for thia purpose and therefore a ref- v1dum vote is nscessary bef ors any stops along that lins m b. tes. As one superviaor said i speaking of the mattor: ýINM e rernay cases nov viiere tiie sailors and soldlers te lUt coloa andviiere their wives are left be- clrn.Nov thon if thoro ver. agpace viiere cblrncould b. lefI durlng th. day, tsemothers go ania d do vork about town and help suppr hmmiim* Inthis vay the township vould b. savMedli FbÎlmof t lngcaro e l.enlire family. Furthermore 1.ar m"y emotIon Waukegan who do not cars te lo the pooraser for ad ho would be glad to' ïE ftb.y had aplace to leave thelr childrens1uch as is It* lae by the supervisors itie present plan of ~I ga borne for this clama of cbildren. ~ mocounty nov faces a pecullar situation in this re- bcseof tie prebence of so inany strangers such te Great Lakes station. It in belieyed that the WUOf the coutY yul vote the one-mili tai as asked lu eiMUioMn ov being prePared for the county court and Wly tiereafler the supervisors cam provide in budget for a certain amount te ho uaed for this pur- -I l a fine plan and the general feeling la littlê,op- on ii develor againat It because il is one of liiose ta deslgned to help take cars of lhe needy chlld- Soft the.conuty. GOVERNOR LO WTEN INSPIRES RAMMlES "No Enigil of old ever vent forth 10 baIlle in as holyt mms as Ibat vichis calling you across lie seas today, d 1 vaut you te kImow liaI 1 shah coant that day happy ieehven some opportunlty cornes that I can do some- xag, no malter vbat, te show my appreciation of you ime boys vie are goig te those battief ronta te figt our ~tles for us. I vaut you te hnow liaI, diflicuit thougi way b. for lb. peopleocf huinois.te conimunicate te you heUni pride iu you and ail their love for you, that they Il follov you from the moment you smg, liey vill go myou across lb. seas, lbey vil b. viti you lu your WIhgcmps tiers, aye, tiey will b. viti you in lb. absand in the. hoapitals. Illinois is proud of you, Il- We endi ber love, and I shall take back te Illinois th. ooffe that I bave been, face te face viti ber Prairie Mison, and thaI IMinois may knov thatbe honor and ~'fture are safs hi your bands. Good bye, God bles % oneand aIL God keepyouminthis, the greatest year l&itme i it- signUwfcnce te man everyviiero." Thef fglng vas lie closing of the. poidbye addross Oo.nrFMink O. Lovden téthlit aIbrigae of th. mMe Division viien il departod for over-sas service. de division is largely composed of %nits fromlnot a Lgf lhe old IlinolisNational Guard regimenta beingi-. ~&Tiigovenor vWatôd the digèent uiM at CaýmpS ~~Idrrtt ad upoke te themt on four occasions. Visiehesawpractically ail of thé division JiM *q milesMetalks te them vers an Inspiation, Ilmn Th"y cUrrldlovlng messages 6ofriends and wves linhMinois teo f the division and sent them ar- ss l a hovl.dge tliaiDMinois, odïci&Uy, at lest,, » b.eplg an eye upon the Prairie Division &Îd iad not ïà0tton 1l. If everybody only realised lie aufterigs tbat every.- 07 " ingoing Ibrough becauso of 1h18 var, i ns vay ~sto;and thon if vo could only figure out viat lt's 1But, yçu dou't kuov uhat your nelghbora are Oiasu*ad hhey do no« kuov viat you arenms ý-e .And, as vo uaid before: Where's thesperson vi viat 1V. all about? Of course vo AUIn luIl and nouhluhed nt e n lt______te oei I.~RYVILLEINDEEDWTUSAJN 011 am iua >w in a.copy of an editorial from a large metropol- ly inteeoaat, vhich States, the ueof tho problem, crote vay: atroop siip sailed evory tvelve hours for Francs, take five years te lanld 5,000,000 men i Francs. ey were landed, a supply sblp vould have to Bail lty minutes day and nlght 10 kesp them, fed and . Xventually the. United Blt.ylmser Its to tblsextent ift should b2aocssary. Webhave rcea and w v lneod only lime. Ws viii vin,- * exPect a short ver. Ooint on Ave ypars."1 lyzo tioso figres and reilûs viat they mean. the troop ship carried 1M00men, Ivo each day ton 8.00 mon per day-305day. vould'mean mon eacb ysmr. shows lu cold figres theinagnitude of the job vo stad commfttod. ITIS uAL BUSNMes NOW Anybody who doùbts that Uncle Sài la i real earnsst in Ibis wbas but te read'lis foflovlug neya Item t10 b. convinoed thervise: Wasbingt m, lune 17-The entire saain.hiIis coun- try of lr. Lily eusch, vldow of Adolpkus Buscb, late mhlloxfflr brever of St. Louis, bas bo takon over by the govmrment undsr the. alils property lav, and Ails» Prop- ertyCOustodan Panp anlnto oferIt for sale. These facts bocamaieknovn today lut onuection vili the returu te Anieica of ia. B]s=bho bas been living In Germany. Unr. Busch and the tvo daughters residiug hi Germany vers each lefI an sigti of the. estate valued at 1 A thousand cameras vere conflscted Sunday 'at lie naval station from visitors Capt. MoisIt las deoirous of, maing lie order generally knovu. Se explains that ho dsntcare te b.e severe on vistera vho-are meut velcome on visiting dayo but tiat th. la', pertalnlng te use of cam- eras on ths station muat b. enforced atrlct[y. The "cama are retured toe owovers upon leavlng the sttion as Uncle Sean as ne deoire te actually seize them for perm- anent custody. PETITIONS OUT TO AUTIIORIZE I0OME MOR NEDY CILD. Waukegan. June 11. Petîtions are betng circîulated by supervisons of the count>' which ask tht caunty iudge te include on the November ballot a reterendumu vol,' wrich provides "For adoption of thép Act te authonîze county authorities te establish and maintain a Detention Haone for dependent, delinquent or truant childrcu, and ta levy and col- lert a tax of flot exceeding one mili on the dollar valuatIon, te psy ith- coat oflits establishmnent and mata- tefiance. In order ta have the' question o-i tht ballot iti laneceasar>' ta secure signatures of 25 per cent of thet v-t er. athe ]sot general electiIon. If tbis Io dont then the court Incudes the question on the ballot. Thtn If tht people approve the question, the supervîsors consider the advlsabili- ty of providing the home and proceed acordingly. 1 The dcmiand for the reftrendu- isi created b>' the big number of depen- dent and dellaquent childrtn that have ta bt cared for ln tht caultn- nov and becau.3e there iv fia place for theni tht orphanage at LAIte BluîT te ovtrcrowded and there la fia oth.-r place lpravided. Unden tht la, tht board oannot even refit a place for the put-pose mttu tht referendum authonizes IL. Tht petitions muet be filtO hy Juil> 15. The ballot questiofipt-avides a ont milI tax an tacli dolar valuation and as tht valuation In tht couni>' le $25,- 000,00I(iit meena that $25,000 nonaho naised If tht votonsa ppt-ove the ques- tion. Tht hooSd esch 5,year would then set aside what part of that enta wis deslned and caver It ils budget. The board of supervisonsat their meeting Thursday mncng. granied a rebat. of taxes ta tht E. J. lAialia estate ai Lake Villa an accouni of lteé renioval ot ico bouses and othen Improvements trust réal estate ln lh. lova te tht extent a! atevral hun- drcd dollars forn'the year 19,16. The>' mIsa rebated taxes for Frank Asma at U.bertyville tan the yean 191t as being erroneous asaessed. T. A. Sîipson extended an Invia lion to tho hoard tc attend the pa- geant la honan of the Contennlal of th. State a! Illinois to ha held aI At-ta, June 15. A billf nom the conu>'of Kenosha for $112 ton expenses lncunred talc- Icg cane or sanie poon case@anmd tihe case of a a ke couni>'Mmc ho vas lilied ln Kenosha coucSy vus Prosnt. cd and tabled wlth Instruction te lte county cot-k to write te Keutoaha county explalnIng thai as ve take care of Kenosha peope.II, lano more tItan rigItI that tht>' take care of aur people. Thb. report of the commitloe on iet- tîcasont vilt lb. henif vas accePt- cd and adopted. The report of tht caunty> fat-m aud- lting commillo. vas acceopled. A neoolntion vas adopîed tIsat hereafler an>' petition for the appro priation of lundi fon an>' liter be final refont-rd to thtefinance Commit- tee before action la laken b> the board. TRIS18 EZA WÂ A.C. Moore,. vho tor tht-e. years Ir9W18 ARICA WAoenved as audilan for lte Chicago. Jae ogan, general mnanager of lie National En- Not Shorte Mectrlc line, bas resigu Compi.y a semul Ibis lutter out te al managera edand loftfor Suh Bnd I . levariospilat lite Company: tht South iiend and Nothera Indtana W. k arandkugsd talfldng ln largeunuits and deal- nelvatd Uneslac filln h Cracacy ulilaMi figures-and ono vodo not remilme viatmasé b'MÔOtc'it tlaalo.- WAR 6ARDENS TO' BE §M YN PRIZES Wahington, D. C., June 1.-V. lth Hoover declnrlng thbe United States viii be on short wbeat ration. for1 th1e next year, el-en if we have a beavy cap, van gardecers wdil now Sund a chance te show the o n-bus- iness for the national vwu garden coMmilsslon iodaY etnounced fitoffera 110,000 la ThInfI Stanipo and N*tion-1 al Capital prise entificates for the béat canned vegetebles grown ln var "Thi plan," sald H. E.,Ilonedict, secreisny of the National War Dav- iuge, ceuritte., "vilI entain]y booi thse sale of thit-lt sampa -for eevrv haif book given b>' tbe National War Glarden cormIttee vIll mean lte wia- cer will i valatonce t10211 the bock; tbat niesaWar* gaving ianps and the>' mavictory." Thse thrift eaknps *III be- awarded ln books hait! filled,escIthall book te acconâpan>' a certificate. The awd$ viii h. msade te taniera In oMapetikIon wtih et lemat ive corn- 'letorsataSrefflnledcanning clubs and fait-s. Applictlion efiould b.' made b>' suob club and fair officiais at once to the National War Garden commission ln the Maryland building. Chance for Local Folk*. Referring te the above diepatcb front, Washington, P. S. tUdadaleo0f Washicgton, Ia a ipersonsi letter te th. Sun, samys "lW. are juat offenIng 810.000 ln pt-lscs for t-lie bu canced veket- ables grown ln var Rardena which iwill b.' of tremendous Interest te lour wompn readere. WIII vou Dot pt-ml th. atory? VnYeu wlfind the woinen moue interesled ln thàs pêt-- haps than i the garden campaigu and w. hope te he able te apporlion one or two of those prises tet youn cii>'. RAY N. SITH LftviD.,DHL 3 RATES--One otea Word, Ea&ch lumertios. I N. MIa Chutge j~ ~~ ~~~~ln a&§pgp::pp::pb.ppp:p:::be,. * FORsaLu + FOR SALE-2 Coit@ 2 yrs old, black sud Iron gray; narrow Sfred Stoughton wagon mand double box tu good condl. tion; Appleton Ieed and corn- cutter No. 12, in worklng oquiditlon; net new dump boarde; Inclomsd carrage. J. Jepoon, phone 2641 Round Lake, P. 0. Ora.Y. lake. 25.2 FOR SALE-PlCCounick rnower, 5-foot eut, suid a Deerienhal tedder, neariy new. Phone Libertyville 137-R, J. F. Doyle. + REALE8TA1~E * ORULE-Choioe ooldeeea -Iota on NceKinily Ave. Mir@. Grimes. 2-4 FOR MALE-8.room houae, *lîl barn, on m'rner Douglai Ave. mand Division St.-ibertyvllle. Lot 9Qz200 foot. Uli s houm. or addre H. (i. Hall. Phono 188-W. 25-2 FOR SALE-Or ýezehage, grocery stock maddnmarkcet; zompete; Dol a dollar'@ worth of demd stock. Smali town; cash buainese; llghI rent; oiev average $75 per day. Involce about $8,000. Very f., Oture.. No blis t assUme; fine, elean business. (loodopen. iengfor somenne who doet Dot have $0 go ta tbe war. WiliI exhange for saau larm or a borne. F. M. Hoirdlàg, Area, MI. a 28l FOR SALE OR RENT-Housea and larme. Ianate agent and collector. Edwin Austin, Phone 26.9Du FR SnALE-Or exchange. 40) ta 500> acres fan iand, Kaîkoai co, Mieb.; doitable for ganerailfarmnig, ili or stock runche;svogue chaitre lake frouotge. Wili aell very ihoap for cati (r brune for Lake Co. pnoponty, cubher fa ut or clty. stid ui ve tain square demi. Amn owuer. Addree, F. fi 8Seller, P. o. Bol 221, Libentyvilie, fil. 23-41> STRAYED HORSE-A etrqnge horse, strayed Into mny place and 1 have been <nable 10 cMax ik 10 leave. Own- or cac have sanie hy c03llng ad 'ey- lut for anlrnals keep miid fon this ad. Oharirno Blançhard. one. mile weat of iDneeoran, Newpiort Town"bi. Swkdlit1 LOI$T-Satnrday niÏt,Junel5, Laud'. bine Jaechel..Dewstd Returu tu Mr@. T. J. NeViebol, Lake Villa, Ili. 25.2 WILL TUTOR grannian »choul]m»d kinderganten atudento. Ressonable terme. Dorothy Bayer, phone 266-M-2, LlbertIville. WANTED-At once, lady atenognapher, one who tan muliet with office work, Anawerla own bond wrltIng. aire mgo, refoence, etc. Addreoa Wloconsa Con- den.ed Mllk Co, lipayelake. lIII 215-2 STRAY ED-F'om the W. W. Horton farm,. near Volo, a blac-k and white gow, weighlng about 250 Ibo. Fiodor. cali 1l3ltl Round Lake, mand reev roward. OPUtISIeTh4uglut. oeuy cu.ioy. ileal Mtende ar e w oni10visit us in A friecd of ours has handai! us Ibi our prosperit>' oni>' vlia inviled, but inten.elicg definition: *Curtisty-Pay- la advernity to corne of Sheirn *5mc-IngShousand dollars 50 se. rour a>- cord. poudIx-lVew aven ilegister. - ____________________ I Ki-tcicn or einv otiier Poorn El 99N PURNISHPURITURE TIHRIBIT for any room in the house. Good furniture, like everything else, i go- ing up in price. We have a large stock of splendid furniture, bought bel qre the big advance, and on almost any article carried in our big stock can save you money. Diners, set of 6, $24.00 and up Rotckers, $5.00O to $10-00 Kitchen Tables, $3.50 and up Library Tables Cotton feut Mattresses, Si 3.00 to $1 6.00) Bug uiow anid mave mooeg Dressing, Tables, $18.00 and up lIce Boxes, Beds, Etc. Paint your house now. It my cost you a littie more, but it Wii save the différence in price by preserving the woôd. TREPTOW & MASON Phono, 27 - 1 ------------- FI

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