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Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1918, p. 12

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U I'Ctwtotiansn Explains 7% 1» mate Has Not een _pua uupto Presnt AVAI.' STATION CAN HELP 1114Y Mge Manufactureis to «'CM Throh" OM Rap- lii omaeotor« *itIste urgent ap- ~5 est. tMoffet te mayor Pearce $ a n ad Mayor Obristen- 'Oùws.?or(h CIlcaso tuta sew .e Ispto'pave the strecta betwe.n é Lan md Waukegmm. itleliqn- 4uk«xblg te bnev tliat the ollclats UtNrhChicago hav-been vcrk- tpo (is impmrevment fer a long '1lie b 'tact the i-ils have not - O. deIsied exeepting se far as At 1 megmyte get thre signatures e! e.uaufat-utngconcerne of North ,riF Whio -luhan been decided T a iouldr au oxpense o fabout r i 6 f tie str et as I. b . m FM'h5 sO ti aisteof tbe ceet of tuila street le about $88.000 -ma e1..nfortumste part int toen -'ds0f (bu 3tree. t he eletric -01eana the eUic ter a la' va- boàfltéd b th, l' îéBflot ndthe. a"ésmet necès- -ýN te pa> fo6 the etire Im.Výev0- -f*W of 4his e tt 14waa 49cided ~ ~éltetihs factory ovuors of (icago ,and ase If tlaey wjpitem te and psy for part a. jjtire jresent time tlt. aatd aethai thei ameunt whtcb loe Uotud te thu factortea to b iÎiboom a aured cmd olicU s ý*te ity ame tili verking trying tmctory en o! It ia bing car- 4. f a businees-Ube way. On. 0fan egreomemu vheu-eby uach .Droeem s te puy a cetain le givea Inte iMjnufactur- ,hAuotàD. on. "Jço 8jho et otIChcago and a third Lirs aaeeMent roll ~~, ~ wt iled viren tue Impreve- ta eS gioanInto Couaty ceurt. ~ mbeforo the matter la nutee-uty court overythima *aYe.beou donc n e iegl ay M-%a 1liene itch Iter. Cbrltoasen, In epeMakigoe i Ypevuent, said: lit le ont, fis lave (is Improvenuent, go e s oos as possibe, but Il «I~Upepue and as ve canrot q~6sràlîromd any big aum and vit aan property ta on tho otuier -t tIl*-ta'et, liAn o! irs peegrooslte te carry throuh jétetries muslt asstt us te a big va" ud vsbavent lai t aUY suons * to carry tuis siong. 17 t i ho naval statien autiror- tué saat usnl gatting the fat- ecerne ber. quieciqr, but un- (ydo I amn atraid the. viole t viii have to tako t - pus.We rea ui at t.he ~At*~II.USuWOO at eso nid tlrooW outr'atona qtaURNEET0 oein about 136 relativea jgatuered sathtii.FaulIbuer ~ae ot o! Ourse. te bld 1te a âmoenfGru..e mou Zie hae ootscled ta Ohoatr Aithur l'aulbmer !booeCartao leave forRoc.d Tbehimoa".- iotu bai bes tnvtted out eariy evnins fer a% auto ride and jibet rituma verscompletely -e4 ad9 birfriands bail talc lms mmd the. bithurto qui Med berna transformed lato a of bedan. Af#au boui or t-vo svent aoeiaiîy partalduor et reelmeta o0» et .ersan a"d osie. cofo. 'avcie. ILR. .Writake on et tho gustg pplea.ted acb 0f w9avth a cmfôtt kit filldvAwtb tbé Iltetarticles for (t er - ft sar ylite. The boys' raspenao tbpitfuleasetoftreir friends bey deeply tlier apprecitedl la wMon-sarain eatb pramseod tbt heotcuer kept ha.face - ean~md llyed *up ta tg .,o et ho eufont kit. à M«W oga(irng deapits tue 'et uIsin&A sd 41 th ea«rly ti» boy, a VuilomiÀagare far -pricos for -ooda 1a L4ie cornti 1w e w vagIs. as dermiuqt by (h.e foodiad liDhstiatlN. MISE Of 09 31 &.lllçg _t priea Ontside oethtubraunge o oleho reil te 0.0. Os%oy, fe40111food admbbltrotor for, rAko c ovnty. or te tovmabl. adulatater, Who. *11ntake thse Pnispo action . 1 (Preured by the Waukqgeu food ad ministration. Efeetile %Veel iiôm - lng J uDe .28, 1919. .. Bots iPrie cutomer chould psyfor the stegbaummuieA"d 'pe @zo@# ube(ho tUewimgThe u"t te dia rtaiter o4easmthq ie lg iwý >\ Cnt te Rotiler'- Pifle. to Canoumor Granulatbd Suge," (le bslk) . P....er 100 lbo.-47.S? g Ormnulated Bugsar <n2-lb. cartons) - F er catont--lIC makery Wrapped mSreadi...........P er ib. ioof-41j10 Whlo.oFleur (standard brande) ..Per 1-a barrel-#1lIêt140 S.01& Whlle fleur ether brabd$> .... '.F er 1-8 barrel-1:1.58 16 Marley Fleur ..........s ......... Fer 5-lb. bag-34c c ltye' Pleur .......... ...........PFer 1-8 barrel-Sl.40-1210 91.00-1.55 Whle.Whot leu...........5-lb. bag-43 1-0e37.0 (Under the Prsaldere's Proclamaatiountetaleas mut iet adea.- amrs mu#t buy vltb eatch pouam«etf whpi» Sura peinofet me sis stitate o-Cmiru bave oboice of ceritUel'cotfrtadl. ors In boumny trgril1ey leur. rtc., ice four. oatmu l ell as sl wbeat logr. potatie lour., 'voot pôtatoo four. m«r beau fou,'a flu (aria-tomi.asdmea&Is le tur la met -mmd a-imbetwtte J white tour.) Rye Fleur-------------------.-l. bag-36c. 416 Brobam Feur _ ............--1-b. bat-Ic lic Çem Moas (Whte PMulk)------... ;-..Per M 0hbs-S15.75. 76 Car n s NoA yoilew huAi)---------... r 100 lbe.--.75 I7e Mam@na <whl)...................... er b.-33e sec Ilium (boet grades) ..-: ....- --P. er Ib.--47e soc Ilaefi <nedlan tgrades)---------- .Per b.-40c 44e Saen Squares <whoIlO)----------...Par lb.-40e Sie Lard (bet grade@. cartotf ) a-b. -.Fr-h.lo3c Lard buSh>-------------------Fer ib.-28o CIee<(fuit cresm eut te eader) aId Per b-320 < Cus<flcrsar, cut tO erder, flow) Per lb.-26e ait Ch*M o(full .rom.brick) ...-...Fer hb-26,30-36c Prunes (60 te 60)---------------...Fer b-14c tes Pr-unes <60 te 70)---------------P er lb-lScl0 Pruafte 06 te 100),--------------...Pur b.-îî, 4 ..........10 u r-4.2 ~~ liié ~ Peu--------------Ptr h-ll-ilc 11-15e mena<nv>,hadplckod)-------Pur 100 lbs.----13 Ille; Baneo <Laaa...-..-.....-------.Fer. 100Iplbs.--36.OO 4 lb,1 9bOteaW.ieenlu nd Miehgbn).- . Per 100 b"-2.50 45è per 15 lb.. Potsts(fmw)-----------------P...er 100 Io, $315 pk of 15 Ibs.. 60c MliI <Iliset *rados)------.. a* -li lii (medium gradies)------------..17 ne MI"' (eovaporotehl, et awmot.e) ... lic lie0 @lutter (creanrry, extra, bàtk> . 46o ( S(O» Rsot hlghur ln cartons (htan ln tubs) Buttorîne (standard grades, cartons) .Per b.-lOosg »uMer,»im Udard grades, ale) .. -Pet lb-29034 BMaittelinaIfflum) rei@ and, bulk..Per 11-lic. 15e atIsAifroeh, eandIed)"-. Deze-37-39e 38-44a AR4II«SIIP«0 "DRY3' MOVEMENT. Mesamr BarsUse of Churoh- os for Prohibitin Speeches (uy 4aociated Pross) Mita'aukee, June 26-Archbo> 13. G. blesner has sent a pastorali lette vie, aIt clergymen of ies diecese In vhich ho fonbide them aeating tbe Prohibition sropaamda. Tii. let- ter, ln p"rt, follows: ..It becmme more @vdent from daY te dîy that ther. ta a trong sectar- tan pover bock ofthtie resent probu- bition movement. We inay not deny that maerW <atholie, priesasmong tent, are ectuated by gnod moUves andýactlng ln fgond fatth n tuis mat- ter. But they tti to uee ho absol- utely faise principle undorlylex thte movement and tire sinister work of the enemies ef the tiathellecirurcii tryisg te poit by (is. opportutiy of attacking lber n thre inost acred mystery lntruateil to ber. 'FEmr these tessons I1irereby pont- tively torbld-al pa0ote e! parimbes 14 (iis arCihd"ocsqfr00aliowins mmv prohibition speeches to be given on any premises be At the cburcb, tie achool or a ball. ««On the otber, hand. tht. lea ILmont owprtune Umneta proacb o the Ca- thoflovirtue of t@mpemee-ndeý tien lu eaoatnd dritn. "Prohibition ts An no sens. mod. ïérataon. yet tht. la the trizeM«maing of the cardinal ,vlrtue a ftempeM,6l.'- The letter was ail laJ Cataoic .churches yesterday. . AWhoev ra Proceme et mite eseu la'tu -oea gmreme te ~who.live st O thn,oie b.eeeig ms!nd,. Sisat sometlmeu ti. .eera 1a McOÏO init Up witb ho hemoW ta0611t tien. "*Ou~tm..wtth, the aerceptlon. semetM switii the. awsi4tion. 80*10 Ulimea wIth roliemtive o isgit. Bet wherewr It la toumd. thorm ls the u1t tbé t'Dale, the. .Ecitumen t orréélAtp'; and thon Aa l*mportaneo"1Arn» OUWml froml and positiv, senea W" iéi l. lortameoever aUwberecaà beê-WAI. Bau JOan. Part et -mer 0a.tuem Boule. cme ,romiiaag o bra mother holding a dry, pramod Isar, è> vlouaY the. nflcetofa day long g#me hI. 'l toumd' it ln. thse ,,big EImb EnmdiR." abs mil.1)o irou 'opôw ttbelonted to IDv.r?-ouSomTrmu. Y' MSflm Figh*~. i ueiiitprle Oiitfer the ebampiommlp ort t'wM Wiiai C al oseph C. Miiie trted. lu Adbsa tst Mdsi Suit bteathéatwo heavywelbt Pose pojalarolatnure 1 down. WIat do tMe ëoldierstuais et t? T~Ç~vpgset a t mpsdueod.trosa *'Tb&Saeas Uj tii p -oe4fB ..1u edtom -- -- k -- Wtar m«VI (Ut t e01ruth hC le biig rigily enterC< em n» f 'o~uélt e rvce. ed. The boys arise at reveilie s0d Nt preprrtn a hrc dlrec t hé iti.mutassemble forsepttAflg uP exeri5 their ~ ~ ~ f« Oraiaine vicer vb Sat a;md Camp*upicent!els t omebreakasthod. Thse wbv' tu g teb ie cus dtMto r pctes (h cu ta p r an dis p eba loie.s virn euac t y .,tion oee . Ar. ih..-Ttan tals u slnth ou d e f h sane polssm an ItA.exredlgl difficit tebud apractcai pma fo OnreHpe at A ta tt e alg f t ii. bte tins 0f atthe lie uigtedYg ro to Be M ade ~~~~~~~lne m : rtMZ o u . n dbOe i t é t pi h t e G s - juan 0f prtint, ividhàmn gbre ucY. m.oC. Aro- oneS thuhthea oIo r frUesehv vAtaPrkduig eà»umm e ou1vrarntie*nans- da S ~ god ttndnc e rpov icke t. b au yav ben d Old, iW.h . r _emee o have r t r egular o nt e eting - ete IaiaOiOSt t a mt . s,,- ofti. arReretin ere? cm I&Me<es ad siUmraofrbos. d e t orge eban, »s t o lthtedgsanthe . bfT fo mu th e Mordsat eh. n.gM.dayifsterys i and vêmlng 1 C. A. md te eaain ha.d orem-the* campovr e d taotes, cot - ubaut twe heure. About 30 r [es r l e akn ymt lre tire and a Were reect, tcludcg rpre nis. I'Y"m s sud omau athometle WAX0 f'oM bIas. ELntnR - Aithul Pb,,yretoots - ie 0 i peeul.pusit ud r Par, aboPoeetaM Wauenleut , an d e la e e ed .i.n;. te Onq'of Hope is to Attrdtfehescarf Uterttheif they utoît rSmithe Ton l oal erganlsatbc on mmi d te ti. Uti. b . . fa ivUt t!n nog o uha meetng wa prsldeiove bY re. roYIouS -emlly vainte d e0 te . bioo ta ecuaeuhu Wer Bec eaton Mâad et Planis (e oy. "domiln't a.sk th -o c . .-er."- ,p- 1 l u h o1n h e. MAtil./hi Mary . Huchin. chîrm ta3ity,~~~~~~vnl ePtrk d isoplangetthe um.«,___C__u_ -Marsln a irouroo comniut.t euarmptovis meetnent betm aeer- o aditor nlng e, dtak ng nape- ofthekVart for te acn kler Tht. wîîî s d uurafee of theuto cp t hmgad eo - dind morite s ne emm uto r des u.tio oeê oaleordmusa "biagi wA l he un e tuh t ~Th merething as hvo IMhe.Mu b. " oe a feihi à-liIwa1 rÏi1 oxtraeta, eàlEèi C. .adthe bs4.4b aseu uiMtîs, more mmen.edWgo Iaiuer et ae or-t> ly vve sit rs Andou 0e Pethmit, -__ ___ ___anld t egh 0M weeiSEiaPepenina.Iilu tt»n Oly. j eezntg m" anerce and bishome ltaeveo-m AnCahic ag lEv a on ~ton, Wn.Arhr P-i t& p if of pysias at th Sr- cakl k Fortthe n fraue . t.ho 1 am oodandmtdoi1omoto tho re.T hoer eon th lght blie m- j Loal orgaTnzatis risati empba l t oelt oy. beutlltodui. hwtoDyblsia pae to e warnlfor signai t gavse retus ed fo r mork. Th i erux t e e e mr e qbat a mtIl A lZPiSoub>i' m elately e gin oohave a meotnagdwrasle re sgivon tver dlM.- (ho ld. (h1f po lywnt ie.tiotbto oblfw ooks d oti c differ nd a %VRcus ion oa roI liceais on etri lgb.tir ato lmAcc . t id brfelfl fvlvgt'mî i a vety, n t he e d ars a ndl ti. enonSuda. hefat ast h re . o 't ek:tbt.fOth W-du. Yur yc klaheere rý_ t e l de n or cesk. lâpisizeMar L.t an cimo n -coin. A n- e ot oe. I cld ae nmg ietmvâu or ou fria ou lrnc" abesA60et ofte bscom.anunty ,ou Suna iteo- aer a(h ua- ov mr Ca. tior e,. - -it f1ttt Pe aist hn a lr ic e ott d .rgca OUly e thm. A e pn t t h e W r bvbégoercieuim. ntiutg ln.T "iv thaeuo a oyo o t do Greatest Coat, and,'Suit .,I ý.,Sal-e of t he Seaone Renteember there îrill bc little ai- tao wooliii, the garmesîts for the continhl scagoit. Rie gr,-' 1tifi Ni,(for S. atid 1I. cure yoîu calitabe cin iloins. eri; Boet toOn Mie 1h & mi" Prices have been radically reduced This i8 certaittly thec be.- chanUc yeti will ha te to 8ecuea finie suit or coat vîfi -Is îm-t derfully low price8. Many of thse su del;q as-e adapte.! /PulFai eur. There will be littie or no) wool iin tire garmeata for thre.-oîning seasou sand wvIaa there is will be almont eut of reac-b of the ordinary pureboser. Theme garmeuts are 4-f <e* *td qualitie.e a ceieut. style@ aaiýpractkial eud i'edusttiom sthe grr'n test you wM men"?, and are genu lue 1luevery innt. This lot includes h handuemnest s,4lt modela of the yearin .a choice collection of dne styles. Beauifful colora are shown, every garnuent in carefullý - tm*loned'sud trinimed.Worth up-to p9.w50, choice st ,75 Women'a high -giade ats mode of -fine aIl wool fabrics, iu beauiful and ezcluoivjt styles. Our choicest modela are included iu theée garmenta, aud a re worth hp as higir as 05.Choice ut t~A 8 Womnin' fashionable coats in a good amartm!ent of materiais n,'d styles, weIi made and 4nished in various waya. Nice colora aje ina the lot and are worth up as higi a a # Your eboico ut-.- Handiuoie coats of wool ma.ttrial, made la the very best styles .of the seaen, tailored and trinanii4l'iti. maiiy fetcbiug ways. Popultîr msiides are inçludod lu garments worth uI as high a$W2. (Jhoice at The choicest coat styles for women are of- fered ini ail wooi garmenta, handoue de- agigu, in the very newest shades. AUlsises, are *w han d worth up au hlgh un V,5. Youn ,choice at W0men's newegt style nits are ofered at a amal part of the original price. Included are styles that wili be auitable for the Fal acason.. A goodselection of coors to choose frein, worth as high as $25. Choice at =4 on - - .i1ý - 1

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