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Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1918, p. 2

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LTBERTVJLLEDPEPENDEMNT, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1918 S.D. PROCTOR INSU RA NC E Flne Lits Accident and amaHb, Plate Glss, tu- tomoblie and Worklng- man,$s Compnsationi. 3ee Hlmn Before Placing Your Insurance Plwma 154K z-- UbortYvOlI., IL Ov,D«ers DrZg Store SWELL, DRI LLNG vU ape vanté witouts. kUSHERMAN & DOLAN S ZION CITY Phomé 173-W F. BMRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF a~rble and Granite Mouments try Work of Everý Description Çerr.p.ndence !5olICItetO 116 Genesese St DY. 1. L .TAYLOR r- b à.Fletim a*ioaa flash Uidi U»m:-1 te 4:80 Md 7 te 8 p. nm. 4e,n Bwadwap. opposto Park DRE GOLDING DENTIST gour.8to12aS.M.-l to 5P.m. Ovr Finit National Bank 4 ?mb.hon@ 1"-. Rue. Phone 157-J. z Uma lbertyvllé. lUisais DR. EL b SMITH. DENÏIBT. [OYE. tAXE OUITT NATIONAL BAK.. PWDAIL9te 12a. m ni.md 1 to & p. m Ubortyvili..Illicols ,CHAS. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. ~P13YSCIAN and SURGEON @$MW Ufflo fflezn 10 the disesses of the' Er% E.,, Nosa, Throud zLie xammled for Glam. oins ovOU tsCo. ,Tel. 100 làbertyvilIe DE 0. F. DUTTERFHaLD. VEERINIRY SURGEONR. 4111RWOTNTATZ NTEINARIAMÇ. S ELHANAN W- COLBY Attorney-at-Law O0cestaome, Cook Ave. Phono 168 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIN011 S LYELL FL MORRIS ATTORRY-AT-LAW Lbertyville - Ilioils .. ine Lues uildinu.Ofc hu PAUL MA*C GUPPIN. libertyvtii,Illilnois '#~ole 88 AW MARTINrC.DECIR ATtORIISY-AT-LAW 807 Washlngton Street SAUKEGAN, . - ILLIN( Offie. Phono 848 a« ié. Phono 1860-a Di1 DE. RLABENCLIVRR PUTUCAI4AMD SUREON "-à- or hudu of aWon«. ~~~er TisOe5 miau id 4es. I~p Oe.OoMUomfie. Bon il a- I,,n orIHE U CRICAGO. ILL »M ql .ORE18. Atorney. ADJUDICATION. NOTICE. P" Vs oie la bereby fiven ttat1he SOh. WMsr. zeoUlor of the laet MI ansd Tetaent g lédes Bock deceasd. wil l atend th àlt osn 0f1 ake CouitYi s s ennlbereot bu lun etth Court Bouge ln Wsukegszi «M 0eMIy nu th Brut Modai of AugOs PU v ben and ubere ail persona bh5vi OW&bM Wad estate are noUffl su ta pecset th saine to laid Courtfo ALVII o. -IAETIKKM Ezecutor. J0». 20-27 Jli t ma lteaden'luhla wdoocd but 0~ tuhe1h.cmi- tuidefl. Thé goce! p-l o*wbosé litéha *vW oepgaliad to cet upon lit lmgie mlle!to r"traln MaiesIl MM let fa-thief cr a robber la bd à oetuatdrfor thé tn#Jo- hé Mbus bwoemé toc veek Mbb U teéto te ablé to do ws FaAlmedéna. part blocks 8, 18 and 19. Chiscago Highlands, QC, $100. W. T, Sullivan la Fred Auget, lot 167, Siasvo pis>'farm Suis., Wl), $1. W. T. Sulll'-éan te MargI, LU Scait- uel lot 126, BSaw ropis>' arm Suis., Wl), $1. C. K Névconrh. Jr., te Gustaf Van aleane! vifé. Iota 41 and 42, bockt 47, Washburn Park, North Chicago, Ded $11621.15. XÂRRL&GE ICINS& Tises. Proreais. Mlwaukée, 48; Myr- île Hall, Raciné, 42. Elmer Byers, Marlon, Wis., 38; Lllu DeVane!, came. 32. John B. Petéreen, Camp Outer, 2e, Agus barmen, Keoaha, 19. Josephs W. %lunchs, Milwaukee, 37; Madlyn G. I.app «sMe, 25. Ritvén B. Cable, Ban PFrancîsca, Cal.. 33; Ama Pattersen, Séttié, Weais,. 27. Edward Bueli, Généva JunUOS, 23; Alles M. Glovér, sanie, 21. John Joé, Mluaiftee ,48; mua Bana, séme. 47. John B. Johuion Milwaukee, 37; HunuaisRovllugson. sam. 42. Cha& Johnson, Milwaukee, 17; Edlmh Pék. rame, 24. Pfed0. chroedér ,Evangton, 2Q; Ammma iama, saine, 21. flomned I. bl'bock.Oxford, Wis.. 23; CladyK Vorden. aame, 23. John A. Ruaséli, Jr.. Chicago, 26; Lîllian S. Johuteen. savé .25. Wm. Alsén, Raclué. 34; Anna Jer- généonsanme, 44. Hébéte! H. Hove, Graét Iakeg,22 Ami . MoCos-d, Obàmo-. 2W. Bobi. A. Aubiers, Milwaukee, 25; SCARCIR AS iREEN* BIOUSES 4iET ORDER Several Farmers Subscribe t( the New Cooperative Con- cern Being Launched UrÀL STA EISEdmune! T. Heinrics,' Norfolk, Va Eti 26-anBoboDAi. Bmme. 2 ma1. ;h.:STATE, rNATION, ALITTLE MORE ElaIsSein.P»Fuler, West Allia. 0; AND WELCII CLAMP' ACTVEDU IN i I' Danil lj. HOg.MO ilwauikee, 21; ON FOX LAKE "LID"t Bessle HaitîtuS, Hartlerd. Wi.. 24. ___ Carl Purpero. Milwaukée, 1l; Viola Over Forty Thousand Dollars Eckél. Um, 1. States Attorney Weich Puis Ul- in Loans and 109 Instru- um& lk, Oh(ca oe .g, t aumU taVlgeBac ments Are Filed John R. sp;eïs. Madso, 37; Lanra ai Fox Lake ai Meeting Fri- 'te e Milwaukee, 62; Caro- day Evening MANY MINORDEALS MADE lins H H niS.me, 69. Burneso!theReoadraoffce Carl n Hansen, Waukegan. 22; BRUNDAGE GATHERED Buieso h eo4ri fieMyrte A. StUnley, samé, 23.- for the week ending Jue 22, 1918, by Chas. J. Sties, Milwauke 29; Mar EVIDENCE LAST SUNDAY A . K Boues, assistailli secretar>' Se, ion Westcot. Abram insVl., 22. - curity Title & Trust Co. ________ Nmeofconveyances, 71. Board Members Told ihat ihey Number o! chatte-I mortgages, 18. a HveDn sadMui Number o! trust deedèl sud mort-W N P N « gagesm,20. But flot in Raom Opening in- Ttlnumiser o! intruments led. ITA IO SFO eBrRo Total a.mouni f o! ans. $43387. ~Ul1 h îot> i!hshe lmé about thIe average. A E TINBO E ou Fox Lake as tightly as If a steel Tise following are thé more Itupor- hand b ad heen ennui-dee about thse tant deals. laké an dthée uboinlng saloon terri- in Waukegacn: Anna R. H5lenanlOfcr iHmn oii e h lmigofs i!cms-a houghi the LaChapelle bouse on nortb fieso um n oit e ti -n ileldcmsa aide Claytun a., just east o! Christan clame théyoy1w Am Tadng a-réunt c« t- or thréé new situa- chnsenh. for, ksdicated cSdelreation g -t (ona, among them béing thé foUlov- of $2.000, subject ta incumbrailce. Care ofL .ruants Emmna M.' Suîaeriski taok titIs ta 'FiRST-FPcrmI notice served on lte John Gamasis property ai soutisEPAN - mY@ VE~ vililage boar-d thit they wili have te wesi corner Washington and Jack- XPLIN O"IS IEW close &il the saloons on Sunde>' b> son street a, for nominal considéra- - tato's Attorney Weich who appeired Mr. aiean rs Hthi-In peééon béfore the bourd Frldiy -Michael B. Salmon bougit the Nick Mr. onnadliig.tcin Martin prope-rI> on nons saide Ed- soni DeOISIS Efforts Have OSECONO--Notlce from the attor- yard st., wst o! Willl.am si., for lu- né>' geenrai'. office in Springfield diae 2,000. Been Misunderstaod through Mr. Weich that the attorney' Ottavio, Pintavalle and! ulfe-bouglit In conneciion wvhs thé movement gênerakhe ncolee vîence aguinete 66 ft. on w"st ide Marke-t st. nLiésionkeer.thtth> o! Belvidére from Marîha L. MeisSi launchcd a thé Boird-et Supervisera havé been vlotating the tate Iaw i-- tor 1,00. mIt uéek isy wblch thé county cfort gi-dîng Sund4a> opéfiing. fior 1.000. ie ougt heletab hé ked ta inclidé I thé No THIRO-.ndl-oct notiIcation from Vici.eFr Hanraand ert o h théderomiser ballot thé question ai to thé $tata Council of Dfense thât ha G.imhS. Pame proptey o norbde-whetiser the count>' ehail hé permit- offIiuale sehave évidence thutt uIt- n 1msizav.;ja aes r u dér ta eret and mInitain a detention oeadslIr aebe rqet lita., for lndicate-d $2000. o&adslir aebe rqet Minda Olslin aought four loti ai homo for dépendent.. delinquenie oIlng Fox Lake o! tâte Sundu>'. and nortiseant corner Souths Jackson and truant children. and te 1ev>' a t5.i o! have beén od tiquer. Thé hoard was M>st,frmI eesfr $50net moré tlhan one miii on esch dol- called together Frîda>' evening on the In Norths Chicago: Chas. A. Benhan lezasmtlon teaP.>' th. cm tiharéof. request of aSttVaAttorney' Weich ciard bougist théelHenry D. Urban lot deép ireladvreo fl who went thés-e and moade a long tait cma soutis aide lOtis streét, east o! optnion and ihat thé Idessinlu P. 't, thé membere. He Informed thém Soutis Park avé., for $3600. motlin thle Inttuton have héen lu plain languago thet thé urne hod Ida C. Suizer bought a lot on eoevisat et Varancé. coule wIi.n Fox Lake wouid havé te w sest aidé Victoria st., soutis eof 18h e !ofthé Humane Society coel- bé ciosed tlght on Sundas. He noti- aifroin 1. H. Dursi. for $3,000.* e on thé Doly Sun and ézplalnod fléd thom thut tiser. could b. dancés Lai. rst ml ono that thé underatanding cf thé Humane and! munie In thé varlous resortu on In Lakthe Foreat: Erati J.hplaeRoiesIty-tuad uber vomén in thé cil>' Sunda>' but that litcould flot progresu onbouh tie e Cran oripace as béan tisat tisemovémént vas for In a room whieh opened Imb a bar. on ath adeS$ atérvé,0or.n thé purpseé cf provlding an "eorpisan- In otiser words, ho toid them that no- lu Highland Park, Arthsur J. Mtes- âge" for Lake eount>' chldren rather body' muet hé ln the bar on Sundu>'. e-l bought 225 f'e-1 on rast id-ý Rid-e- tiran 4"a honte for dependent. déhîn- ether thé bartender o rîthe proprietor, wood arr-., frm John IL Sasscr fDr que-ni or truant chisldren." tIuat nobody would b. perritted to nominal consideriîon. A home for dépendent eilîdren hang around thé bars on the Sabbath, In West Deerfiele!. Henry' Ru"ssél erécted la thé nature of a dtention that an>' effort ta open thé doors ef I. Platihougîrî a on-tiird Intereat In borné la méani merél yio providé for the burrooce on Sunda>' wouid resuit 20 acrb 421 soutisvest oie-quarter clJdern'a témporar>' care. Undêr no In Immediate ar-est. Sec.21. rom red' C. paldngcfrcrumettanc.s eau chistdren hé sent Hé also Informel tise saloon keep- Seo.inal fom F'ered' . Sslin fr bre an tise-y cti hé sent ta an or- ers tiat aloi machines must go hy lominaltconidtion. JlusHrnyphaae. Tt l a caeviswere the tise board for good. Siot machine-s beugla 11.37 acres lu nortisuest one women déclare ibère lu a misappré- have be-e-neut of sigisi for tise ps qatrSe-c. 14, froin Bernard Nabér hensioen of tisé desires and Intention-' veek or ., but Il lua aid tisaI foi- uarte-r lu tisaitishe real nee!léasmcre for lan lowing NIT-. WelchVs warning. tise- ~for nominal consideration. . orphanage uow thon fo ra détentIon w il neut be- reéurréciéd. Nellie Scott bougisl tismer lots inhoe Louis Forbrich's Suis, n laie Marie hm.Tise board waa uotlfied tisai thé ai- - frm tie- usti Ave Trst &Savigs owes-e-r.It is a detention ho me torne-y generiarnq office isad sent men Itan ofOntPark fo $15803. ahic Juge ersas hn bén rglug ta Fox Lakpe on Saturday and Srrndar Ban of Oak Prk, fr11,580oug3., for a long lime -and wvich Poormaster tant and tisat tisey isse colie-cte-d suffiý 30o-fi . lot in T-e-eds Pietaté eee BlrIAudcbea onéte i eni evidence- te be-gin an action !ri 1'Subdiv. from John Coriseit, for tise couini> court have urge! the ne-c- caerse-h Fox Lake- men péraisted Pp. $1600. ésoit>'of. Tise a-men of tisé Hu- violating tise la In tise friture- and In Warren: CairL,;e and E.J. mané Society,. houever, point ou1tithe future actions probaisi>' aouid l.Druce laid eut a nea- sui-divIioenon tisaItisée fact tisai thé Humane Socle gauge the- attorne-y generi's office- iÈ w we-rteside- Third Lake, tr Se-c. 24 mb t> hban be-n maintalin>' a dtentione' tion on tise évidence It now pos 2o lots, home aithtis home o! Mie Htnme- es. reicis on tise nonsh aide and tisés It wa., ai-o bld to tise- village- boai- c'atm tisai that Institution for a long that thé State- CoLne-il of Defensé haÉ Real Estate Transf ors lime a-il aite caré o fthe dlluquent repre-sentatia r- at Fox Lake- and tisa ________child-ren fer tise- tme tisaitisé>' are rotations have- been made that, manl June 17, 1918. auppoe itaise cared for Iu such an sailors and roldiei-s havéebeen gemn Mary F. Thomson te D. E. me lnaUttutiolI. te fiox Lakte b>' tise a>' o! traini -Cuire-, tract o! land! In W 12 5W 1-4 Need o! Orphamugé Keen. on Saturda>' evénings ane! épénding Se-c. 37, Aven Tup. , QC $10. - Tisé uomén urgél tise necesity o! Sunda>' tise-ie. Il va.q plaInly sali Maud H. Br-iady' te Channlng Darne-a hal'itg a reél orpisanage provlded f0t tiste salouke-epers tisai sale-s iavg lot e.1, Raviné Sîcue Suis.. Aren, WI), Laite caunai>'cildrén, and déclare heen made- b tsese young me-n anq $10. tisaitthe efforts tisé> have aent setisaitisée State Councl was getttini -J H. D. trJan te C. A. Blanchard, loi far havé héen along lista une ratisér rend ylo take action. and! aest one-aflttibc 0 tsnaegtise Une of providlng for Accordeï.g te one mnaptiere- mur sortis Chicago, WD, $1.500. a dtentIon home. Thé>' mint that nave been ati east 100 tallers or sol - John Coriseti and ulfe te Erike Erik-tisé timé lu ccnntng a-heu tiseré ai-e diet-. In Fox Lako over Saturday nigh son, sentis30 fi., lot 49, Tuee-da Pis- gcîng te hé a lot more orpisans In and Sunday. Tiis la ver>' unuua take- e- oe Sui., at Fox lAite. WD. Lakte ceuni>' aho muet hé cared for iecause- up tetise- présent timé no $1,600.- and! uho cannei hé taken Ino thé 1man> of tise satiora have made- thél R. A. Nymnan and wife te Richard Lakte Bluff orpisanage. Thé orpisan- va>' le Fox Lakte, becaue oe!lils ser Halite, lot , blockt 3. Lenox Sui., âge la crowdée! an dha8 beau croul- of lselated location ane!tise poor iri î~Wautegan. WD, $550. éd for sucis a limé and lu acme canss.service-. Martisa L. Mehon te Ottavio Pinta- Thé vomén are ver>' pronoulce! ________ salle and! vîfe-, outs one-bal! lot 6 'In Ihelr désiré ta havé an orpisanage bWok 1, McRs>". Ade., Waukégan. provided ratber tisan a détention Wl). $1000. home and! wére netthckvsrd »ont MILK I>RODUCERS T. H. Durai uand vife te Ida C. sai'lg tisai they voule! not continue Saitzer, loi 9, bock 53, North Ciia- thélr efforts ta encouragé the public E 1 go, W), $1. ta voté for thé plan ai outIluéed nov IILR K TT E I GS.arean ietVitrfor a deténion home.*~ * , -Hanu and a-I!e, loi 2, iblock 2, Durss uIn peaklng of thse malter Mrs. T. C S ~ ~ IK L $outil Sidé Suis.. Waukegan,,Wl), $100 D u sN W 1IKC June 18, 198 FLOWERS TOBDE _ Producers of Wankegan township Waukegan Hot House Owners bel a very tnteretng meeting la WiiI Have ta Run Hait Force da evng W. J.li. pretidenq Durmng Winter this distrctwupresent md >* at length leernî theé copeéie The greenhouses Ln Wukea*Jlgii compsey whichi farineru of fuis dia. bé rira only 60 Per cent duing thé trict are about. to lranch aud wbich coming fwifter as a result or the re- le to hé Incaor ated La JlilY. celpt of an order whicb snqe tbhé The Sm""fa to hé capitalisad uil bé permitted ta use only 60 veIr at a haf a million dolars 5and thé cent of the coal this vinter that tbey purpose of thé mutimn Wednsdar used on the average for the Put night wua te Intereat leeSl farmére tbree é tes lu thé plrchase of stock ln thé nov cwners hringu foth the stutemént la to deal wtth the famelu a vap that this ruling of thse fuel adustula. tîtat tltéy eanuiuke more ni- tration means that they wti, bave te, faraIhIL. The pupoe inlate 1Iuy f Co e up h aîf o f their gr eénhonsés diret f t~ the m ille, te b Yn machhi. and get aicog as beit tise> cati. ér>' dirocti> t rout thé manufacturer. Ths changé ln opération of thé bg a&m4 in th,& wa7 éliiillit@ the prest& greenhouBes of Waukégan man whîch go te thé thîrd pelt>."W tisat from the date the cold weather rPollovlnt thé meiétng sérerai le starts, Waukegan people yl hbavé kol farmérem & nid lu bave s, gg asalable onl>' about 50 per cent of!UV for stock. thé flowerq thé>' have bad tuI Put Th... oe-. *bout 60 mon P19eélât yearu. andii eiîéthé mflk situation vas diu.r Another repart recelvéd hère la enseda friné, thé>' did Intt go 1Into that manufacturera of ploasure auto- détail for théeample réésû ithsttbP mobiles have béen Infomned thé>' prcs ln Chcago hbu fot yet hé ,%IU he permittéd tai usé but 25 per fixed and éverything bingés Ou thé cent of ca4 thé coming winter, base! dévolopmente théré. on thé average for thé paet threé 'Ths la thé firut ttué tisai Mr. 3Ciat wigters. t!. ban attendait thé Waffuhé0mecét Want, Fer fiS ole In N- uln lumrniem. A REAL T-RACTOR it 't ýy id It rd rat 'n I. lis REFERENCE: SECURITIES TRUST CO. 910 S. Migan Bivd. CHICAGO FOR1 iETAI LEDI N FORM2ATION, A DiRESiS INDUSTRIAL TRACTORS 1108 Karpé Building CHICAGO, ILL. i B LIBERTY VILLE DIVISION 0F IME NORTH SHORE LUNE Every hour from 7:22 a. m. until 9:22 p. m. express trains leave Libertyville for Lake Bluff Junction, where prompt connections are made with limited trains of the North Shore Une. An hourly north and south bound schedule between Evanston and Mfilwaukee assures Uibertyville travelers convenient service in either direction. Parlor -and Dining Car Service Parlas cars are attached to trains leaving Lake Bluff Junction at 9:54 a. and 2:54 p. m. Returning, leuve Milwaukee at 9-45 a. mn. and' 2:-45ý p. n. Seats, 28 cents; in- cluding war tai. Dining cars are attached to "rans ieaving , Lake Bluff junction at 1154 p. m. and 5:54 p. m. and ta trains leaving Milwaukee at 11:45 a. mn. and 5:45 p. m. For firfhtr eforatiaf* SePdgV te iieereaf ticketoffice cf tht NO.R 78 8ORIP LNZ Chicago Ticket Office m 3.eti Cikset resO Ph.... Cenral MO5 Libertyvifle Passenger Station Milwaukee Ticket Office PIse. UbLenivilIs74 1l Seconud Stree Phoe. Grand 1136 iRA. - .t IL te b: d- 'I j Agents Wanted - Protected Territory Eonverts y0 ur Auto Into a powerful tractor in 30 minutes THE INDUSTRIAL -TRACTOR UNIT selle for $350.00 It makes a powerful Tractor of any Auto* in thirty minutes and reconverta from I'ractor to Auto in less time. Every farmer Will want an INDUSTRIAL TRACT OR.- 48-inch wheeis, 1 O-inch face, steel front rima of irnproved tractor type, 3-point sus- pension, hardened roller gears. lt is- practically Fool-proof. Mleclanucally right, it solves the farmers' Tractor, power and labor problem in a reliable and practical way. A SUPERIOR MACHINE EASY TO OPERATE-DOES NOT REQUIRE AN EXPERT TO HANDLE It is strong and of simple construction. Any mnan, boy or girl who can run an Auto can operate it. Does the work of from 4 to 8 horses and two farmn hands _11%- Plowing, Harrowing. Disking, Listing. - Mowing, Roacl-grading. Harvesting, Etc. Let us tell you ail about this Wonderful Tractor Unit.

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