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Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1918, p. 4

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______________ LIfl~R~!rvU1LuI I __________________________________________________ I _________________________________________________________ bertyville Independent ICousm*1Indepandmnt - WoukqwiWeehtySunî Office Telephone Number 1, Llbert"ile Exchaflie. et a the Poetoilics et, Libertyville, Ili., ma Second Cmon Mai Matter1 Officiai Publication for The Village of Llbertwiile. OieWe Pubication for Laike Coun!ty Bord of suprvlsore Prsoeedinb. 4UverU Thuroday. Advertlutg Rates Made Knowni on Application. SORIPTION PRIVE, $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE S4 MITH ...................................................................... Editor bS01ITH...................................................................... Managet I TODO, JR......................................... e............Accsident Manager Elmer Green. Thesmre-paper hait dozen other feilows tu oppom haant succeeded ini maklng one to test strength against E1rnw. sherift'm popularity and general to be impossible for anybody to They figure, after iooking over getting into a figbt wh'oae end le Weil, apparently the tact th Bill Weiss into a number of ca stantial tees for «"ittingbin"'( didz't alter the statem attorney'@ eral of Illinois, after alil. InBs nice and todylng to Bill, he woi Ed would overlook Fox Lakè a bad guesa-either Bill didn't trj in th e cases weren't big enougi Bil's piea was founded on REA ILake county mast now ie feel! new venereal disease Iaw. In tac Pmre nomlti nMathe in G, w U~IN SUBTITUESand hoe dlt kfflw what to do wi Patriotic people hould notlèsoe sight of the wheat subý3ti- en turned over to Ilke eonnty-_ tutu. ides wbich is to induce people to use more of other grains hand and when tliey got ther n n 4Md .lms of wheat. Forcing people to buy substitutee doem Dot their cases whlchthe State mere otom~pliah this end if the people do not use these substitutes but ,b»w thern away or waste theni. That is flot the way te, heip "CARRY ON" l Vtfn the wgr. The substi#ufes shouid bie nsed in a way to suive the wkeat. Do flot buy them just to get whest;flour. B{ly only such Extract frnM speech deilvgeetist the June 18. 1918, Aieia Metlel Assoce-w j"bsttutes as you cau use and in proper quontities. Mion meeting bpSunawn Genenal Gonge: - With smre study you cau easily figure out a Way to use More Three hundretiJeans m«o thers vas Do Ébstitutems ad less wheat. hghOfgkDtcasotewund -Cor'n starch for example muakes fine puddings and bas other eoldier, did he heppen'to hoe ble to folov the. ins f aIracb antiget lto âM but should not be boukht in large quantities just te get camp ho might get sorne help. If be uilSet flour. The sarne is true of rice and corn mitai. Ba.rley cauld Dot mate h.ý It vas betten te ttmr appears bard to use te moet people and Bmre w-ho bought it tenderlip anti moeifuily Coi hle throat, ift t a ossas t wha todo wth as&0it vas expreései In an oid French e at boaas tewhatte 4owithitcrd Matie 00 pears a"a. Stuce that It ca.n bc nsed in pancakes iu connection with pancake flour, Mime vs bave been caming up the line of amafl quantity at a time, as also eau corn meai. They do not civll»iton, until totiay our plan te that là>roVe the cakes but the latter are still eatable if too much sub- tO voundeti soidien la ta ho discharged Matte le not used. Bariey flour can almo be used to thicken frorn the preest van until ho is cured. Émvies in place ut wheat flour. Thus- houae.ke.perscan ee bowOr as cunotiM as@bis dsatlitieepermit- M- anetomica:li nentelly and funct.lonallp. clan patrioticaUy. use subatitutes, maive wheat and perhape Caonnti, havtng sent out 300,00o mon can think up other uses for the ubltitutes. lu the tourpeena, hbhraught hact 10%, ______________for necontnuctton vont. This means Now tba.t the attorney general and thee 'fate couîî-il of le. that Canada lias9etupshopsfor meting ~ehave stepped in aind told the Fox Lake retsor tpuiibid v'rlau« faine liwbz, echool@ fur teactiing tey ul avete oey he aw, t sern tha thy'r muc inthedeai, dunb anid lind, vont shape ln - ilhv ooe.telw tsista hyr uhi h b hthe mon are learniog trades beet Êy:e position as the people within the five mile zone about the fitied to the paticular cripple. Each ÊMNl station: tbeybetter pay strict beed to the warning aud not and evenp man le to b ve bisehancefan ktwith the authorities. Tbey wiii fiud it is a far nmore serioum the r9eetucatlon. No crippieti soldior la MMM e irgadtestt ndntonlolceatta ti to t ho tunned losse on a omali pension to to dsreard he tat andnatonaloffcer tha ifi o "leilooettrlnga, newepapene or etand btW1y disregard au indifferent state's attorney n,inatter if it guard etistate. Nither o epoea SWeich or Dady or auybody else. The state aud nationî bas a monument a heno andidn a few jeans uerved notice in a formai manner and they better LISTEN! ho fongotten on an abject af charlty. la too bad that the local, authoritiem bad te let matters reach Cnada le ta mate hlm a respectable, 'tte where the attorney generai aud tbe state council hoa to enf~upnlgmahro oita foan lite ho vas au can ho. .over their heads and issue the warning. Personally we de- Th@ United litatee le to ineai the the tact that Mr. Welcb plaeed bimmeif in that pitiable soidiernstuiai voi. Front theomomntn tion of being told by the attorney general what lie had to do the sldien la incapacltated for wont in Wbs matter, in the f rst place because,. wheu a candidate for roart tnce Res cbinescaelad a ho romsedtha te iwm s teyexisted would be enf-)rced have the pover tao mplay every maens Scndiy, becauge atter assuming office Mr. Welcb's enemies and evenpbodp to heip lu the repaîn ai to bave Mr. -Brundage remove him,(Welch) from office and the eturneti soldien. Ta thié end, the ~aho was put lun bad", with the attorne:v general from the 11am11Y. the fiendo and the communlîy Obllrt. Thé naturai tbing would have been to, try and make good muet work vlth the Federai Board. kevery turu lu the eyes of the attorney general becaus;e of the A W#Raek instead of permitting things to go on until the state offi- Là4 ift rch eYdr id, Me *gain served a notice w-ib weut completely over the local koell'head. It'm a peculiar habit.sorue people have, namely that et always king "WbýIat?" wbeu anybody pute a question to thcm. In oth- woeds,it in a habit that in acquired and it is a mont distastetul il unpieasnt one,, for tbey corne back wsitb "What did you y?" ne matter huw plainly the question is put to tbem. Thiis trne ut maay business men, meni who wbile tbey plaiuly under- lad the question asked them, get into tbe obnoxiu habit ot .ulng the questioner te repeat birnselt apparently .because tbey ce te hes.r bie voice. Some of the telephone operatorm are get- g into the sarne habit You pick up the telephone and lu order mve tirne you are particular about giving a number as clear as V human Ilbdividual could do. Yet nmornfu the operators make M repeat it every time and set as though they have no ides- kt nuniber you asked for in the firet place. It la instanes lof Je klnd, botb witb the operator and with the busines mçn who àke the unnecesaary repitition of words necessary before lie pWers the question, that consumnes lots of valuabie tume. In We times of conservation, it seerna as thougb the habit conld be Odily diaearded with success, eJ&J' Morse, the Libertyvilie man whô le a candidate fl>r the IMbiam nomination for county tresurd'r, in't doing a lot et bing about his candidacy-but, he'm "awing wood" ail the ma. Hlm wide acquaintance as s resuit ut being ln the county mk's office as deputy'so long and him work es meretary of the We couuty.tair, makien it eamy for hlm te prad the gospel of a eandidacy-and bis friends aimo ake beiping hlm. There are ,W better kuown men n luthe county, there are few,,more popular Un Jay Morse, a whoiesouied, self-made young man whome work 1 esient ut Libertyville village sud other publiec acte estrried ii h quiet way, pave the way te s reward lu the shape of the oty tressurership. He's spent years working for publie 5f. IM ln whlch "there was nothing lu it"l and now hie l seeking a Olilon whicb, wbeu be secures it, wil make bita tee) tbat hiii lmu efforts were not in vain-that the voter@ et Lake county IVE réwarded hlm. 111 uudermtand emrn of the newspaîpers have sait) 1 was a Ofldate, for sieriff. Pleame deny it empbatieally. ilave't b ~ ~ ~~n ~toi ti;dutwant l-bvetroubles enough witb- r~~~~~ (u)N, Lbo Ur^ a attr lhe hsd hord that s Wau- om pae a rigt pull bim out" as au oppouent to Mothodist-Episcosmî. SojvIces neiSundap viilho hld a. foliovo: Sunday echool ai 10o clack. Moruing prenchtng et 11 o'cloct sernmon hp lier. C. Loment Bay Of Chîcaga,[Ill. EVOnIng service at 8 o'clock, Religous Patriotic servie, du.lng vhich T. B. Gleave, vice preoident of the Navy League of Weukegan, wtll îpeat froni a set of British anti - Canadien van pictures. Spectal mnusic et the eventng @ervies. A cordial Invitation l extendeti. ..Our Benitaeoan Amrncn," viii be the subWece01 the Epvonth Lsagffl leeson next Bundep ovoning ai 7 'loct. A. O. Nwoam iii isadthe meetItng. Ail are cordialp Inviteti. Preabytenian. Suntiey ochool 10 e. a. Morulas vorship et il a. ID. Eventng service et 8 o'clock. Thé Boy Scouts vI b avethein fBnut meeting Fnidep sventng et the. Preebp- Ioien menuanti viii muet eésir Fridcy evening theneelter. Ail bol@ of the tovn are Inviteti. The orgeaisallen viii ho offlclaliyPconnectet ivt thei national beadquetuse "New' York. 'ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY Herbert A. eh@&, Sni atoney.of W&ukegân, Itu taue of The. Idepes- dent annolunes hie eentittacy for ropre- esotative tu th@ eeral Auembiy from the Eighth 0tieeorlal District, subjeel ta the decisiomi of the Demoretlc primralesln September. Mn. Shea st tbis Paper te lnforrn the people of thia part of the county that he ooon viii pay tbma frlsudiy visit. War Sevioge stempi help provitie that "~Force, force ta the. utrno@t, fonce vtth. ountilint on lit, lb. nlgteous anti ttnpbant force vblch shah ate rlght the 1eai of1h. vorld," vhbtch Predetn Wilson savî mul e hé fuseaist our enemieu.. The Independent pute Libcrtyviiic finit. I RATEUS-On. Cera a Weed, Each limerton. Ne rniu.asC"Meg lâ trylng lIs best to pull out # he fb orner, sherlif but to dateFE TI TA I ýeotthern shoaétually cares SIHJhE pL X .Yn tlooks ait the fre Imtrength la much that its going 1' A »W N E Ai pull anybody else into the mes. the land: "Whatm the use of' iso apparent before you start?" Pi'es.no of Big Cantoaments ,ha Sttes Atorej Wech oo Makes Situations More !ames wberein lie w-as given sub- Ta url oclOe the county Paying the fiddler) EXPENSE TO BE GR T 0 9Position with the attorney gen-_ GRA Bhort, if Jim feit that, by belng i 5le etin*ted tut the cost te Laite coUnty in bendllng the venerea! nild fx it with Ed Bruindiage 80 dîscase cases wlli probably run any- and other instances, lie made a WhOeoUpward ta $5,000 a Ysar and .the feeling prevaile that Borne plaIn rY to fi it beeause the teesl paid abouti14 be evoived whereby the etate ,h or Eid wasn't convinced that ahould reimbu-se the county for the AL DEIREs!exPenditure thug tncurrsd. As a ne- iL DEIRES!suie Of the Pr«easoef the naval traung station here. h laestatedi ,lin th fit rel efecs frnt he.that the vork 0f the lRetiCross for lu- ing he fet rai efect fro th stance thâa b elng carrIeti on bers tt it bas been piaced. much in the le 110t confinetiltO the local contribit- huom the king gave an elephant. - in other -ord.superviser flair StOw 1Fbo bas charge' of a very tin- vith It. 80It in with the sx won.iuuWOMt bguola lu oeudtlc t -nolbodY wmnted to take them Ina th* nevy relief be recele ot. bur-eent fro mthe Washingtoune 'body wanted the job of handling ti0o"1 beedquarters Covetug ellindi. ea-iYB may:take e " of.,, tomc ber,. Admission being that -~ charge j4Ibet. vor'i de m-retsa pur.y- wlos- Sa It la wfth referenoe to venersal, FLY Roi duénftecaesee hich are nov omtag before the county authortes for vro. Per handun". I h aval, station la not a part 01 TfiCM CÀ60 IN Ith oca nrn,énatY lnsofkr as generai AVVUAeIJIUJjj~ expeiiturea fo-rnmaintalning the con- itiona, about the place go. It ta thug ftuttomae stop shouiti ho taken AOT25 MINUES iwhtereby the etate wil ageiét the coun- ty tincartng for the situation, the lLeMmedesaneasthe national association of Dunca C. Hmnin<ftarnd IUeut., Red Croes ta belptng in the matt(-r DucnC orbe, f8ev trom the alang their uines. in short, it la not naval station to . rant Park. cIdiago reasonable to think that a connty and returneti in & station seeplane lite lako sud Wtnnehego abioulti Tueey arernon. Mntan the bhavy oxpensehrought 'lueda oetChoon1onthe- hY the preftne. of a en- It w- PMe l nnoi a end tva planes tonnainsuùb secItat bhosnid a1sa as lte trip. but one machine vas In Winnehago eountp. sltghtly d&aaed Tuesday aorning. IA& a recuit of tii contention, the The tip to Grant Park waématdi nfeeting prevalla that tme sot of an 1close te 25 minutes. A strng wtnd11 organisation vOl h. perfecteti which that enabied the machine ta rnake vil preBont ta the étaie authonîttes snch. speed to Chicago madie progres.In appeel that aaale tanc be rondered slow lu the roturn trip. along tbia Une.ý FOR SALE-A 1020 Titan trector, oet! orne Besson; la gond condition. Terme le @alt, or- ahi trede fer dive stock. Nicholan M.hi.lbersn, McvHnry, 111. phone 027-Ri. fOR SALE-A iargeffl reagegoodmi new. Winl oeil for hall coet pnice. A Jensen, Fonrth etreet. + 4 ERAL EST.AE 1 FOR bALE-Choice nesidence lots on McKinley Ave.lIdra. Grimes. 3-4 FOR SALE-8-noarn houe, wtth harn, on s-rner Douglee A ve. and Diilston St, Libertyviile. Lot 90x200 feet. Cait et houses or addreeé i Hall Phone 138-W. -...25.2 FOR SALE OR RENT-Roues and ferme. Inourauce agent and coilecton. Edwtin Austin, Phone 26ý t -IFOR SALE OR TRADE-IS-rooni house. new. ai l1330 South Lincoln st. Aloo 9-roorn house, 1333 South Sheridin Road. Wil trade for fara. Address Chas. Guat, 1330 South Lin- colinaet, Waukegan, 111. (between Sth and 9th treet). Wkly It+ FOR SALE-Or ezchau@p 40 to 500 actre fera land. Kaîkoshi (CI), Mich, guttaîle for *gêneral armtng, fruit or stock ranchei; oome cholce Iriki. trontag. Will et-Il verp chesp for car'1 ',r &rade for i.eke(Co. propertp, either farta or ettp, anfd ai ve fair eqîqare deai. Amn owner. Addreso, P. H Sellérp, P. 0. Box 221, FOR SALE-A 6-tn farm, 2 mllej> iroui Orayolake, &Hil bisk gltiand complete met oflbuildings. F.M. Hardtng, Ares, . I2 MISCELLANECOUS + FO OKAL and tron gray; narrow tlred Stoughton wagon und double box tu good ènadi. tint; Appleton feed and corn cuitter- Nu. 12, in working condition; met tiew dum boatrd&; lxclosed cardage. J. Ji-ptoli, phIone 2(1-J1 Round Lakê, P. 0. Gray@- lake. 25-2 FOR SALE-ttone very cholce Hampi ebire boar pige; farrowed IUap 5; oired bp Girand Champion of wtpconsin State Fair; wll forniab papero. .1. C. Jepsen. phone 26-j 1, Round Laes; poet office. Gray.lake, Ili. 26-2% independent bring results. _____________________________ I ____________________________________________________________________________ rtIt(hen o r mv otcr Pooin Ml(A FIIrqlH FURINURTHATS RIENT for any roomn in the house. Good furnituve, like everything else, is go- ing up in price. We have a large stock of splendid furniture, bought before the big advance, an4i on almost any article carried in our big stock can save you mon"y. Diners, set of 6, $24.00 and up Rockers, $5.00 to $10-00 Kitchen Tables, $3.50 and up Library Tables Cotton felt Mattresses, $1 3.00 to $1 6.00 Bug nw and save neUù Dressing- Tables, $18.00 and up Ice BoxeS, Beds, Etc. Paint your house now. It may cost you a littie nimore, but it wiIJ Bave the difference in price by preserving the WOOde TREPTOW & MASON- PLone, 27 Il __ 1I 1 STRAYED MORSE-A étrange hor.e strayed Into rny place and 1 have been unable to coax k to leave. Own- er cait have eaine by asiltng and pay- ing for annlW'i§ keep ud for this- ad. Chartes Blanchard, one raile west of Rasecrans, Newport Township. Wkly It LOST- kt county commencoent exer- "eee et Ares, a ltght bnown eweater. Finder pleaes neturn and recelvo reward. Inse. J. C. Boume, Hawtborn farta. LOtIT -Sat&fday ntght,Juns 15, Lady '» blue jeeket. Revend. Rpturn to linse. T. J. iMcViehol, Lake Villa. Ill. 25.2 WANTEO-At once, lady otenogrepher, one who eauaoaslot with office wonk. Answer ln own band wrlting, glIve alge, nefèenne, Pe. Addreos WtoeonsIn Cou. decoed IIut kCa., 'inayslake. 111. 25-2 WANTED-To buy fera, about 120 acres, suisable for datrp, good saili andi hern; deai with owner; easp tertu;; étate lowest price. Addneee X 1I <o i Lberty- ville Independent. 213-2 For Sals and Want Ad&. In The Il: 11

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