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Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1918, p. 6

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IBEIYYVILLE ThrDZPB"ENT, TMURSDAY, JUNFi 27o-1918 peso pppppppppp p :gpp*SSSSSSéZSSU j 4. No sleeping or living quarters. . ter closet ,prvy vault. urinal,.111h j Dit or .1m hi., shalilliq withlu the> ~ m-I i~i &i I ooms used for. teUicncuficture, star- mu y S E>~ ~1 - sbaan domeetic animat, bc ,permîtted (()Uh~'~1>Jta remain ln uhros ( o lN 5. No employer shalh permit any spppppppppppemaêêsaelperson ta work Ill a fqod establish- 1%ent Who tg afflicteid witli any coin- 1114,fMIAIlr'6. In vr stbihen hr DESERTER QVLJIO AI11IRIESsh o ooido ivnieflt and ama- - -~ OUT pie wasbing and 1011>t facililties for IiuBEN MAL Uthe use of employes.an os ai- 1114BEINi MÀLED UT, tie shall ho separat>- and apfirt front T h e . S any roomn used Ln manufacture. star- FROXMILW UKEETO EW D O EE ge o sae of food productsanmd shahl ,Wflter Hudson WiIl Be Taken Draft Board Started Sending exp he sehsras re'kp toFort Sheridan Where He Them Out Today; WiIl Re- froteced romuuc5. adlust,bdireant Will Be Given Trial quire Several Days ploys and others. me eal O0r, How Blinidl Sone A e8.Albtedgosmtb od Y reand aerveti in the origlinal containers ,WAS CALLED IN THE DRAFT lhow Easily Befuddled and REGISTRANTS GET 10 DAYS and straws muait he lnered ln the _________ hon Cmes btti.for the customer's use. The Decevedand henCorns . contents of the bottle muft fnot be Vesertion Apparently was WiI- thie Awakening Big Lottery in Washington this poured into a glass. fii>~. IWeek Will-Determirne Or- 9. Ail soft drinks and like refresh- heHa rat adD ot positive thit fie fo1-1I der Number of Men aoft drink stands. must ho serveti ln in His Pocket at Time 10wiÎng conerain' ook place be._____ Individual paper cutis or containers, twe tt' tonyWelcb, Rlaphi usinarst afl which shal he insniately discarded Walter Hudson, colored, arrestrd Dady and Bihl Weiss. but It NIGHT Qusinarst othed out b ietr use. Ail glasses, apoofiS, dW- Mi ~lwaukee Moîîday as a diraft de- haýv,taken Place, judging from suh h 9 na etlee e dis-peserngdseorthrtnil sertar trom Waukegacc, was baîcI _3.1t4>5 of Lýak iate <.ufly aat jo diea 4h5city ýMondai> evèntng and wae BîiN .j glng ôoRFtoday, an d It ls expect d te à*aebe iene wit al av oupi the iyji.Tepa ohse ftX Lake teiiows out there and tuait ail of themn wiil ho sent out with- nwaeorîesea. Va ate i m adta rt hein a ît ta L a o&I i ht; TILlii enmoe Ihe week. The men te whom they o. J.MINK, tha ftroo adta hm ieTtaI w IIliteyumr are addressed will have savon days, Meducal AId, 9th, luth and 111h Naval the miitary authoriLies so, that he Ihan ever. the feiiows out Ihere wili exclusive of? Sundays and holidays, in Districts. tBfl ibe court -Mart lale"d. Hudson was c at sleouh ilfelbte whiciî t0 make their returine tas the 'liuet ack tet Waukegan by D""-asbo t if anddso us tlree1old pais iii1 local boards., nortreant F'rank Tryon.b happy> and tborougbl3 satisllcd. Mani> of the attorney-.; f the cty ~AI Hudson regist ered ;or tbetdraft Ini Jini-But. what will iEdl Bruîdag- have again volunteered thelr seraesV K ,th ground of dp>ndcnt, He cisin,14 Ralîîlî-Vou just leavc flintctu1111, Ing the men ta answer the long List ed te have a wife ana îwo cidrcn.,hle car. îacfy Ed sa if mnulib alof'questions. jt la thouchi thata cans four.BilîlI-Sure. Pin>. 1l'it.5e (arc o, the questionnaire ailbe sont are yp IAter If det ebnî,-d tht the soman ilcat ail i igbt 1> as e if t10 Ile. qtilin Wau kegan, nlul many bav,,et, EfSeEDH R with whom Hudson wa, living. was iali-tsti nii , IOici- go dowîî Itiî n arlous e arry and navv uni K tIS E ED h R bis commun law i wfe i. ni> legai and liave a little socil ani» just a and th-sc lmen will le given -a chance_____ malrage ever hal bec-c iîrformed. if w> w>re re il oid eomriude, in arns,. te mc fuira their an<wê-rs fom camp. Telic al1 boardl th. i plaredu the fe- y.ou know, .1111, I'in gli iccg o 1a,,-t Thek work of filing ont the nee Registered Here a Year Ago 10w in 0las, on Pled lue ans caPied ualty love )ou, i. faci, lin _leiulblaîc: %'il silrotbiU requtre two- -and -then Failed to Coni-- la a draft, ta deathte tla iîuk c it ir cas YOt n me> Xi nîd afler the questlionnaire When tlice lniefîr the deparluirt, isba aon insu> ad ofine, 1 like vo iave inn eturned ftie mon ,iwîîî e plete the Registration o? the idrafi arr,> ci licet e»was co l iat mucb. casi-'d and prcperiv recorded wltiî on, band and coid flot bc found. Ii> Jim-Sure. Ralph. 1 i new Iax îbrrgs rpin of the counIy. APA sa -licied as a deserier. Tisa weeks true. i'm just suie of il a:d i knaw The urawia la to etccmine the orderAPA S IN ROCKFORu am the, olice hi-re recelved a tip tbal Bill is Ihinluiig of nie and mi> 'lit whilch thesenîen wili be called for Ébat he was ln -liiwaukee ad ai- acfame and stie> ý eeiY miinute of service. wllilube 1>-luiin Washington. Appears Before Draft Board tbongh they s',en[ thçre and coiîduct- thc day and iiigtiî t Fx The formai date for lice drawung there and Does not Claim ed.a searchiw%%ere unable to indi hi"'. 11111 But, about t Foîaa ctas I ît iceeri set, but IflaIsex-Exmto Tbey were fortiiiate Mondai>. ëtuff. Now. Jim, l.îy off and noto(iîv .pecîed in bue Tbur-,day or Frlday ofxmto Thiis late >'fir'c case a-ler>' tlhbis sililbe sore i ail. j thia veei. Ta ila ulr nOina been found ncce ci arytsenid a dle Jîto You know, bo 1,I voiîld do -- a>'- ha Wiliam hi>llr. n Oiuen terter fron Lakv Count> ta Fort ishalever you as, îu nt:niatt-r -bat ÀTA V DIfhI . iea, Wh mesc thenlamueganfo Jiberidan > the consuqiience i,, rather tican dii- l1. IhAI.4K.a * bbc d*raf tyeredang a d egn faor Iapontyou gtatyou ellglandeet'sle-te do anvthlng more about IL unlil aosIfit i ine, tht yu i. Yiave Ils -- ek hen he appered DTIERED BY THE ab i î>j ~TIONS FOR SAILORS aonehie eptonbardha n at m aflîr Ia-as clected teoffice yu19oertrypi ted heRfordi' Ir. C.o0F LIVING? ake FdBf undage FOR FATS. DRINK S lie .o d______Mller was empioyed a carniî'al TREN DCÀ TRIS 1, ,a Yet Vh mae hii sandwbIch was appeamiug in Noth Chica- nl4 s îid ndlt me naike gaod. Refuse Health Authorities at Station go a year &go when registration day you anytbing? lmpossili1,1,, a elH ae-eWuea _____Thesceene changea. Bill .who ]iLa y own Stof ue o Wauegn By ays20Cents ai as Itat at torney generail, appeais Ly;on and regstered, according te bs don>. for Cup of Milk, Butter Sold "Good moniJffiMr. runul I Waiki'gaii draft board but ticere i9 at Dlla Pond >B~C 111has ue s sha-nla ge,"BLC KIST VILATRSno record boere that ho regstPred and ___DolarPundOSod moaslinig. haî'ctein. teeL AC _________ il Rela hehîeved that ho reglstered with Up b lak- ont 7 î ats thlt> stCounty>Clerk Hendec sudihen had TULS OF CEA TRI u1sJo thigs i îx Iae? uner-Print List o! Those Who Corn- his registration card sent te bis home -TELS OF CE N RI lsao? hîl'euige au'xLaie9 open ere ply with Rules and Given O. Ciii>. -.m that On e More Trip Back Sundi~>e arr heK aboothrsHerelar >b5t the Repubtic ssys o? *Satsfy His Desire for wd oe a oneCaro was ln te '%akIp cswhe Sjigsae ence ae wrsaotd the rls Ocean Travel palmy days. Xide open? Nothlng Waegnpaewhrthnsrebnmnyais'ouyuggrl te____itteu or drink-, wlli have to donning soldier uniforms, slhiping lni- MI iI cnepr ur ndbt d-tms o.jt se, as ' came up te the scratch" in the mat. te the armi>and taking,saometimes, Mi at cosprqatadbt dItme tp c' ewettr or leanliessorthiey wil holong tripe wltb their soldier swect- 'te t 50 cents e paPund may seeni If a man named Wcelcb lIaI mou foi-, igurauveybakitdt'tesi.bat rhsadhfr.bigds blji to houseives ln Wakegan, but lows a ere interestid in afler bis eîec- vl>hailse oîesah erso uhn eoehî~da the wuldhae rsicaue a wrr tin?'il rcolecianisvagebut ors at the naval station. covened. but today the stor> of how Uf tey were obligeti ta PaY the prices Bll-Sure, tiiat's hlm. He, wltb lonIl eap'ntntdya h i-a4or"l eetrtentoa elir-gti n onn pats ? uroe. he ei obisfrints, ahlpedmeiontaI 'rders hadl been laeued te arm>. duli> acceptet as a soildier by C.r" W. noemart so Eo? p. thead m> ellawbs attee lecton aned meWauhcexan. North Chicago and ather L'ncle Sama, came t1 ilght. C. W Bekman so ofMr. ridand Y fllos atthéelecionandhotei. ode, soda tuntain proprie- 'YaticQ' is ian Oriental dancer whia Mrà. C. W. Beckrnan of 230 Souîth whiie he thini m a good fellow tors +lîat tîei will have te0jallie ta bas traveled wldely, wnning mani> Vitori> street. Wiaukcgan, writcýs te now and his friend, fil wn't hurt me . - blé parents that butter lea adollar a a bit If Yeu tell hlm hes got teo en. ceprtint ai es inawnhi hehoilhe oals.anivasevendspperod aI 'goucid wherc hleta in Europe anld hoaforce the iaw or you'll go overdbi s rteto:tc 3ai d ami ry h oa0cm"a ganereeîv Pal 10 cents for a mess cup ful o? head. Slip hilm a real bot oner ht inth b r naines will cprinleýd in "arico' weare nIfli> îogs when down *iit fo lik the dl li paper at tle naval station town. at least such was tIc case Th lttr os nt e-fordte Edluc hi e e tifleau; a aplace whlch sailars are "flot [vhen ni rail was pald ai the office. of Une asBtker doos n t ha dte dt oelthlor meithet ifaoohs 5ecomumended taersaronize,. The the local counti> exemption board trn. a eot pitte explins th île dn ae hsid efore the abansPlan Is te print naines o? piaces that this mocning. lntilcatlng lIaI wben -location. The cencor Inserted IhA exiat. that tbere'lh h o methinug do- Mai> go K. as places where the m'- n In action the dancer pute over the date on which the, letter -sia malle-I. ing. ayg witl safeyi; but, places tiat act In tiretclans style. Dreami> thu. showlng theme la no objection te BillLI'd rather carry tbat message1 do -flt coincîi> sith the> raies laid hromn eyee. a litho. youtbfui forin Ibis being donc-. -ta hum than ani> message ln the bu- down silbilta in the saine voiamn aè- and 'plenti> o? wiggles anti stlairins The leIter tollowc: man language. Andi the wai> l'I put undesimabe"-so, proprietoFa cauilhave apare-thi>swaed managers. as Mai> 21. .918. IL ta hlm will he g'ood. He von ait ae Ibeir cholce, well as audiences, when IL cornes t DesrMoter nd the: ralie ho ha4ny1 a dong f, ut very place where blupjacitets et~, a discussion a? the salar> topic. Ds.r Mther nd Paher elvnize, fwlux t rn iang t. utfroin a peanut stand tea arestaurant,. "Yaruco'e" roai Dame la William Arrivait here sale anti ha aafine hled ie t ih oe oven!i -trl,. The altt's crew said we lad earnesî. will undergo a r:gid cxaminatîon liv !Miller. IHe registoreti for the draft Uibe et veather o? ani> going over. (P. S. Andi on Fridai> inight o? Dr. Sîenceli. If il is found chant u-- Jane .5, 1917, ai Waul<egan, Ill. Ie T VM&. sicit for a day, and allier 1]Rast si-et Fox Laite folkts were told cdean rend it ons exlst or thai ani> tIen werit on tIc raid, lraveled a wside toes. the ocean agrain, going bai-t hi Mr. WeilchtaI lbey wilh haie, emploi e have a communicable di- circuit and as a womasi impersonator tbat w1lllieho nough for me for a te chose Sundays becinae Attorney>icase ,ch3ng"s will be sugucestpd te the inade a distinct hic. This morning he whil. Geeraoener of the eslabl.hment. If W'ith. Showed a ltepublic reporter a post- * wblle.~~ Gen raliindtge-liadt sent isard te AUl the boys tiiat went te Rocictord that ef et and 1h>' stale coun ciliof in a wek or ten day, the pre>crlbed card picture. That was hefore lb" ,whn 1dit wee o te sme illp. efespaIs ha sad s.)Improvecmente are neot made, the reporter heard WillIain's atori>. "Your Twhecoutti a-ere owHe sm hpdfneaiea id sat s.)lace ofIbusiness wili tbc placet! oi girl?' ho wa.; aked. "No," vas thel tomr--4le vomen are ail ln black thE Ie sanitatlon ofilcer. closer. There were daintili> rougeti VUtf short capes aid Whte caps, andti ILIAYE "The cleanup being conducted lii checks,' a captlvating smile, ah in- fl mentear igl as ibogtNLST OR Dr, Spencer la mon! nccesamy," sai d -crlbabie ecpresslon about teee Utasmers Inthie back. ESTDm D. S. Ililils, station sanitation of- andti he last Word ln hari-dresalng. T*Ue&y illam nd bouht N L E F RE ficer. "We have cieaned up evcrv- Another Photo was tendered the con- MMBai e ere aeflionomebuterthing on the station, aun t Ilaisonu> fuscd new-gatherer. This was a full- 411iý and hey wre seinprbtter that other places in which length afair. Tt abowed the tancer %ft t2iat VaU a dollar a pound. We Laite Forest will have anothorba- salloruu epend thel rlelsare Lime lutin costume BIh> displayet siender Vai io france or 20 cents ln American tiful estate. A. C. .Mc1Cord. Preldent cieaned up >too." ant -ibpd arma and hante andi moie, toe our mess clip full o? mlit. O? the ?4cCord Manufatturing coin- 1Here ami' tIe ules whîcb have been diiut'cive feet and anties. Another 1 bave net seeu one vooden bouge pal», bas 11ought the Dr. A. -C. Haven SUPPhIcd ta evers- place whores"I.- Photo was banded the nowfePalier man bore-bthey ail agenele a obult a? ce- esiate af 210 acres on Telegrapb ors are sold 'cais" or drinks: and-weil, it was a plnk-tighî cfair. meim ad tho fences are betiges. road. I le saiti the lroperti> bas:1 1.'Esemy ou-uer or Persan ln Ans wai- Miller, Who was out of a 1 suppose i>ou vontior vhy there 1,9 been beld ut $100000. charge o? an> Ire creaun parlor soda Joli wenuîtaelve wth a brother on no dote on Ibis leter, but vo are not 'Mr. McCord wiii probahi> bud al fauntain or other establishcment dis- Clennwaod avenue. He iethought dbeeti<o ut l o arbel whre e ileoe coar .haneatHc loe enhg food or drink ta sailors shahlllm4f cf hIsi registration over a te. 1 Mii wrIte as often as i gel hie ? tueMar. The prailerti>adjoin< e hep bis Placeat'uusiness, includlnir yar ai-o anti decIdetheti taller otk cba. 1 amnwriner Ibis lilhe let. th>'esnemtt, o? W. T. Fentoa siti h landid als elig.tun-Into b. Cterk Luntivabi ofthe roua- 1 op ailofmi o ae P i as laee1. (itrterFne-h , dIsaout onc lare rmepta.chesand i ipidéionts, ln tyboard, tbld hlm hi'chouid have kept -' hpeailofyo aove, s ';ant pil ofU>i f hie Amour farm. The a cdan, healtul anti sanîtar> con- ln ttiacb wth his board, anti that ln tmie andtienonetiowmlg.tofc eWae' ohncu V. PFarveli, Dr. Sam- dtiton ai. ail times. ail prniatiilieh was cdassod as a te al. an.d ta surs ta keop on writ- U4-I Waler sud ilForeel }Ialhert ar 2. The doore, windows au-d 011cr dcscrtc-r lv this tino. The cierit lata>. opening o? euch places, durlng the fiieti Out n' qucaîlousalre for hlm ln- 1-?riad of lIai> let te Novemben let eo? stead aflîîming him over te the ted- 1H> WOMEN 'IIO ARE FONU TO BE INJURED TRYING TO BOARD TRAINI "UND3R N W LA " dJames M. Mcitvoy, aged 22. a stu- 66U DEk-?R LÀ 19 ent atLk et university, i - sevoreiy Iijured and had a close es- Six of the Carnival Women are cape front death Mondai> whtiP at- Found to Be ln State Where of Lk Foest for bis home ln Otta- They MustBe Cured did flot start to board the COUNTY HAS "'ELEPHANT"P train unitAi it was ln motion. Ho iost his irst hold and grabbed hold ofte railng a second timue. Ho Authorities Do Not Know Just If)ell tgainst the aideofo the train What they WiIl do But Law Wich w5.s galheriiig speed &id w thrown to one aide. BOY LIUEI TO SEE FLAMES SO IE STATED IRS Waukegan, June lit The mystery of the six Cres which >ccurred ln the, Wruitvale store on Washington street between June 1 and Jwe 15, was ciearod Up this of- ternoon when Bert Wilke, 14-year-old son of 1Mr. and fr. G. A. Wlke of 111 South West strept, confpased te P. E. Bertram, a deputy dtate tire mar- eia], that ho started the' ilreb. The boy was empioyed et the P'ruttvaie store up tea c few days ago when he s'as released tihrough a strong ospi- clon that be knew *eometbing about the cause of the flres;. *'The boy la a pyromaniac." the d'puty state tire marshai stated. "He told me that bjs only purpose ln starting the lires was to sec the blaze iad ta see the fire departiuont arrive. Ilc net only etartéd ail lbthires but be aiso turned ln eaeh of the alarma." Mfr. Bertrain lay the matter beforo the state's -Attorney tht. Icfteruoou and wiii be guided in hii actions b>r the attItude of the prosecutor. NO formai charges have been prpterred agaitiat the boy. lhat thé tireawere of incendiatry origin ".4, ciearfY aqcn Chiot O'Farrell ard Assistant Pire Chiot Hutton tmmediately alter theY bad conduced an inveostloatIon. The matter waa roferred to the stato lire marsha for a thorough probe. Wlilke fit firot deniod aill Ieowiedgo of the lires, but bit by bit fie unfolded one of the Ptrangent sterles o? Incondier- làm ever seen ber. tui-. - Says to Take lnem H a-srushot ta -Atice lHome hospi-a _______lta oudli ai uf Waukegan. June 18. feret a-fracture oflihe jaw. had aine c Six a? the 12 vamen arrestcd rocént- teelh knocited out, badtwio hadti ]y ai the Northi Chicaga carnivai ta. gahes on tino site, a eut on the heati day presonteti Lake Cai> authori. anti numerouii braiýs-'. ties vlth tine firat real probient foi- McEvoy is a piano playen o? abihiti>t lowIng the enforcement a? the new end bas playeti at sevtise dances ini i'enereai laW adaptoti ln Illinois. Wauitcgaai. He bas ma«i> friends A bai? dbzon o? the girls were here. faunt hi> the stabo healtb boaud ta heo tiacasetiannd therefore amendable ta the quaà-antlIne or other provisionsG T U'YVN E coverod b hi> l aw. -O TR I YU K The other six wcro la ho given their freedoinlas a resait o? beIrý decharet In good heaith. One o? the FALSE PRETENSES s5-ix -was -_rele , 9§1 ro inthe oounty liceUA~U -Ž~IU t andial zv'-Ilt 10 Cicag, the' tas 5afiorneys o.- AJELU (cU lice having tieciared sbe vas feebie- nindeti nuat elng certain she vas neMt n g. ar ile r dîseaseti.Mran r.HryMleA- The six womnen ho -weer foundta i rested Thursday Niglit and be ln such a state of bealh thai tcdUdrBn they must tac cureti before heing glv- lcdUdrBn en their liberbty. acre ta'ien ta North Chicago thie noon b> the states t- IS - MILLER A SLACKER? lamucys office andti ter" cgiv-n a b>>r-- n l deitemie waîsal eC laims to Have Registered ait du;vcth nwIlle) bae t fu i 1Oshkosh Wis., but Has no demr medirel came untihî ured or t Ise i Registraflon Card Il nmust ho tîcacul joser te the cîb ariIlIhrgd 5 uu om healtl autlorille-3 who muaI. gard ryMle ae 5 n o bIen> untill hi- are ret-overed.if. If .111, acccd 17.,alto sait abc was lis tIi-y refuse te go acn Irmpeua iart 'f" wfeare placetilancier arrest li>y tiiy arc hou-'ed lnAa building wîîîcî teWaitegan police Tîuuretiai night ajîl bear a sign: "%jenercai dli'>;me onu a charge of ohtaining money an-rj liýre. hvep uouI; % lolîtors vili bctInoc i ase huuenses. Tîteir cosei-hasnlieca $200."1 continuet for 10 da)e anti bonde have And lan rue tic' tic fendauts lias-e heen ixei au $1,00.> eau-h. TIC> haieA no means of carîng for thexaselve been r-nuandi-d ta thue count>' jal ti lbi 0n ohe-î-t i -ares? AcortIing ta tic police Nillip.r'Ment tlem as iepndinî. ta thie Camemon cafe a fcw timys aga i And T liati s s.ici-c the "rab" camel anti an themtpeentatloi thit hle V. ut todam-. enpluyed aItIh Amern-an Steel andi i'osmastei- ?alrstow anti Couds vWire compani> ablalnet a $5 mraaii Plysician Bruown diint rellsh the ticket. lic and thei woman occetiçîbe, Idea o? akiiug bhe six -s-mpr en thel-a room in tIh- Paul Kroesing rooming couacs bospital because af il>' stigma bouse on South Genesice stmeAt iln tînt wouhd tac placet lupon thiR fine Ibis case aise they promîc'cd ta tii Institution. Thus. Dr timrown wM-%as Bouc1as Miller gaI bis vu-gea mairn iteenli> perturbe tiodai> as lie fouci th e steel plat out that the six women were di- Thc proprictor o? the Caineron ho Aseti andi that the i-lances wPre the> tel hecaint suspicious and cailed uti vould ho turneti aven ta the cinnti> ta the Mire mili. Be foandti hat Miller nantit. lie ait once belti a Confemwiore M5 net >'>niiloi>d there anti thon re- witl Poni-masterBarov ntth- pou-lot the malter te tle police. The triti n fccirc a .'aIte Iad t e-AuIt vas the douleloarrest TIuri- Mas ticir great eralification Ihat the TI cupl'ninta esde9n11h coant> t.oa-d isi sea-t lad aulbon- Teculecamt rsd lzeti them te ent a place in Wauîk e kSh. Wim., wlueme tic> i-ai the> vere gan, hirp elin>andatput the wvami'-i 1î>arnIed Mier rimeti ta lare reg- it raîber tlan permit binerntet go tai blered rth ie dciat but tiid net lave lb'- i-aucîv hop'aItpl.i a rogîsîraîbea card. The face Iln thu Hoepare- Ih- nfimes eo? i-ani-1c4I r.. - . . %e 1 -cconinunicatet ta the vho vert' helti undter theno nov aw anti police of Oshkoctl andt tIc>have bei-n turnet oser to the counti> authorliîes e rqaccli-t ouconut ..,u vlu<-igacb'tu for treaincent until cureti: MilIer walîl le liehd here pending ai B&ard HAVeS. ru-port f rom Osbikosh. Miller claîctid 11m ulhe.> rod I1721 Ohio Street, ln the Iteliýn lolzof. Wl soHn il>ty llidre Nlturphy. Margaret Handkte. lielen Nelson Turner. t eaiURGiES MEMBERS 0F right andti hue reheaset, wveo: Car ramern. CIIURCII TO LIFT A Lara yraemr. ilinRoder. ~*LWF Etina BaîT. Ethel Petere. Rev. E. W. Gavin Makes Ap- After bhc hearIng the vomen vere pelSna Moi;Ha laiton baci te1 the couat> Jail for the pa u'a o ing, a night untîl lt 1ha inaili> decidet what Been Rector for 50OTears shal l e done wIth thein. The ot'aeu's a-cnt on thoîr way home. ACPE O PEE T TIcerri-ent medical exantination _______OPESNT mate wvile the girls were locket up el aihhesh o a in the counti> mu dlsclaoed the f , TlsPnsoesh l a eccording tb a report receiveut front ther Have Them Help to Spmîngti elt late WAdncsday atternoori. tbat these six girls vere suffcrlng Raise Church Debt o? social diseases. The report lae nid Waioa.Jn 2. ta have heen 'baseti on the Wasserrnan Meths o t e -a o? îe lin- moin faoot lestvlhlargret sa-macalato oCnccruibon vere urgeti Sun- A orthIn hicagoe. t a> nornîng hi> [ev. E. W. (javin. ta A Noth Cicag youig omali, heait everi> effort ilis ycam ta Ilqai- marriot. but saîti ta ho unter 18 date the rcmainlng Indebletinese o? years oait.%wan pcketi up b>thic po- $12,000, tle grealor part o? vWh lni lie o? that citi> Wednestay night. anti 'due on tIc parochiai achool. lis ta ho sabjectedtet a médical ex'!sm- Fatiner (lavin lias bée,,)nectar o? Inallon. Mer buehanti recenti> insti- the loca char-b for 50 Ycare. When tutet divorce proceelincga. The the dte ofLihe golden annîvensar> Young vomnan le ailegedtiet have adi-aprahcIIsyrheugtbi mîltedti a the police that aIe has iamisahe hioo s 01 0 gIe lI an> prs- boen Inîlmate vlth at beasl 18 or 20 pents lic caminetmteaion ? ho ent.és différent men. Ietprnome-jtontatooitoévnt- The atate'c attornci>'s office Liislin omi those horl ait hiw hhont aflernoon Isouoti a tatement to the wouiti please hlm stîli more. effeet tbat al vomen pickoti 11.as He reveaie thtin secret 13undai> Street valicers or fan soliciting or mornng-it vas huaI the cburch doit lilrting, vul ho suhiectedtetaa mincaluii taiftcîd Ibis year. examînalion. This condition It wasi ', wouhd lite ba knov, chat after pololeti oît, le ho cover ail of Laite -scrving tle Charci 50 y-%ars It In en- couinti>. tirel> froc o? dehbt. hoc ai. "A num- BUTL t SU M R berto? my tear frienda hn the church IITIEDCIVsent me présents on my fifîletia annl- vesr.I have sont back these pré's- enta with mi> sîncerothianka. 1 yl BIG SU ; OR vsy now.howevor. thal 1?If>Yu w BIfiSul;CLAIMS taplaeme ta e cn oý9h A AL U ARREST 111g hedelytf rom ou; cbturci anti il n nt otentha FaherGavIn mnakes such an earneet. piea o? hie Ten Thousand Dollars Dam- parllionens and t Io bellavoti that ages Asked of WelI, Known they viii do everything ln their Pow- er ta gratbfi> bis wlsh, for the> fe01 Residents of L. Forest that ho la entieti tac mulh for hie Wallon Mcôuire anti Mr. anti Mrsa ion gi>oans o? failhfiii service ta George A. McKilock o? Laite Forest, thon. vere made tiefendtits In a suit for $10,000 file? Montia> in, Chu-maga, In . RI. Jackson, cashhen o? the Na- the sueriDr court b> Hennry uarris, tional il'm comapany ait Kansas City a baller, for faîse Iinprisonment. on ilriday, confessodti bat ho mur- M.CGUIne SeCi-ifo police of Lake dora? his -sife whllc rLtmg on a Forest and Mn. ',cKtnlock le pavai- Burington' train enroute la Quinci>, dent o? the Central Electnie compini>. Il]. Jackson, saut the ai-t vas Coin- The suit aays that on lleh. 18 Harris mitteti an a 2'Oult o? bIs vife refus- vas arreateti on complaint of Mrs. lng ta neturja homne with hum anti ne- McKiniock, vho bati ncpartgi that 20 coiving the attc.ntlons of a Palior vho tilver cups, anc antique havI, anti is stationet at Great Lakes naval seven mens nuis bai heen stoleil statioun. Jaikeonamurtioret bis vitle frona hon honte. Harris vas releaseti andti tbev hbody out o? a vindow Lter andtihîe charges nover presse-i. a? the sleebing car. .Pubiished lai>tice WAUKEGAN DAILY SUN at the special l0w price each $3.50 Size: 3 ft., 8in. by 4ft 2 in. Libertyville Independent "Lighten the La- bor of the Home" It can be done with washing machines, vac- uum cleaners, irons, portable heaters and cooking apphiances run by ELECTRIC SERVYICE WE SELL THEM AiLL PublicService Co of Northoe n iou Farmers, Attention! For your potatoes, oats and'9ther amail grain, use the FORMALDEHYDE SOLUTION *. 65 Cents a Pint. The best'and L'heapest Antl-Smut on the mar- ket. DRUCE-CLEVELÀND' DRU§Î Co. The Rexail Store Cor. Madison and Gonoseo utà. Thie Store %ht Saves You Money Th, day e oà î printi On W Coflst must carlie public I over h Mms 'top-e Humer ta>. un mc, mnani> a Fox Lai Our rn compiai tias vamct. Fre . ltuck, I'rt Ouri son vb toporte M-s. '1 the hone A l1gb tunt, bu Sevent side IMoî goodteIl lnaOur v B. H4 Liberti W.K. Chicazo NÇichai dents. Pl antivas The. (ld blat es, Died,. JUnO If;, terout J. Diece uof I mut 4 ta [lied, a Frida. . Leggalit, ?luinp, a -aged 16. and NI use the paet J00 t -pisant duelsu-he Adre. E home. Mm .F ilves St, lr. an ai Meffi *Weingar Mr. an motorot Mr. a fauli, h John Wl Mr-. an Joeephli -Ville, soi A num the Iot LIberti habaseeic for our 1 thîe fotd Mr..0 ffarta -relativet -tueicng tiretor i ILA. homiehe The ChIcago The A - Frida> ,uM. et Unia --Oscar station Uncle st flarrj Baniuin nf usscoI of Our 1 lire. 1 1 - '- - - --- ý - 1 LAKE COUNTY IL tg 0 b e

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