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Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1918, p. 7

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LIBRTVILE1II - 1 TTBIRSAY JVE 7,191e-.- friend. Missv MiRler of Lake Bluff. -W LO F CE The Wald famiiy had Burlington rela- O A A E tives as attest funday. tira. Rowlings end grand.daughtero H R F L E are tiow nicey seeîied ln the roonte bock CIRi FIL G 01tepositoffices LLQ O E LN 1 Edgar Kerr vas home a low dayg# lait ALLQ RSE LN w ek, belors leavlng for a training camp in @Kentuck.v, vhere lie là one of a Mrs. Mare Dodson of Fourth machne gn hatalion.Lake Taken ln Raid Or- Miss Stela Kerr @peut the Petst eek drdb ttsAtre with liends tu t.hicago. d ______tats_ ttone Arthur Gelden vas takien lu te countY hospitai lasr week for trparisént .-f a CONFISCATE MUCH BEER tumuor on the brain (has. ",fsero!Mas s i. sper r a Arraigned in Court at Midnight few daîs l,&-t veek wiît r. Band ' -Her Father is Codefen- James Ate eh. E. Havkùne, of Atiodci, wausFi ller dant in the Case bore Truegday. Mir. Davis, who recently purchased the l-olowing complaiuta whirh ho Mausr sock ba aol Itto "aYs have been lodged with him from V. R Maierstok, ai oldit o Blime to ime, State's Attorney Welch Chcago firm, whe muved! It by truck f0 late Sunday night caused a raid ta the cfty the tiret of the week. ire cnnducted oa the resort conductedl IlKr. N l ir edrlcks, off tileside, by Mrs. Marie lDodenonr0fFbutt ipent~~~~~ Ludywt in hrod ake. fLewis Cramer, her father. vas @peu suaay lh .. B,.,ood a. reated and la a co-gefendant. Mirs. Jay Milerspettlait wesk vith -Charges of seliing intoxlcating liquor lir&. Margaret Millier. .lip **enkÀûn. .tarrýoé y bae een NÔIETO COWESPONDENTS, The noxt regular publication day of The Indepondent coming on July 4, this paper wiIl be prlnted and placed ln the mails on Wednsday aternoon, July 3; consequently, -ail news-Ietters must reach this office a day carlier than usual to insure publication in the next issue. INGLEID Oso. Rlh was here Tuenday, looking over hie buiness and was B pisasant caller. Mnay lie able to «bttend the Rled Cross &action ale, which wIll hegin promptil D.at 10 o'clock ini the park and li the r. Lehntan building aijacent to-the baul, er- wbich bas been kindly offered for fie tioccasion. Rev. Rompel, who pleaeed bis hearers no mueh at the dedicatilou of our ryservice fisa, wlIli gve a" address ln the ,nd afternoon. Supper wiii b. served ln tbe Patter restaurant. Aliendale band viii are furnleh musie for the afternoon and a sil plendid patriotie progrant isbeing pre- Deri pared for the evening. Several dona- tertons have aiready heen recevsd and automobile, and wil ho eaecepted t any dîtnte by the comwttte Several attrac- nk ons have heeti p!ocured lor the occasion od ou owiii surl e weii entertained. %P, RUSSELL H . Eendiicks rannBitad 1hasineté Chicago lait Wdneiday. lins. Delta G. Shervootu motoreti aur villagisud Fox Lake lait Thurstu stoppeil In our village on their vay Biga. Frank Hanit., of Lake Villa, and 1 Homser Jamîson, of Mlburu, wg business aliers ln our village lait Sati un account of cool veather Dot ve ntany automobiles vereot lugieside ai Fox Lake aven Sunday. Our roads are dusly and frmers a compiainlng ibat rain te badiy needsd. Sotue uf rugleside colltages are es vacant. Arryone vlmhingr a @Umm cottage for resi and recréation come Fred Casper bas relurned hbIsuit1 hl@ father. Hubert Caoer. so vs tht Fred la lu Unele Saine tiform. Goa ltick, Fred. Our maol carrier, George Miller, who son vas Injured by a dynamite ce bt i. tu àdOlage,...iM &long50.. - tirs. Truntan Wiliey Iletmlicieàudl Teéi ab.atvmipFuoia the bouse, butlei.couvailesceet. 1Jtuly céiéiratioir ai Rosecraàn. Besure A iigbt rom lionday rght laid th@ and look for posters. tunsi, but vas not enougb ion crope. The Ladies' Aid et Ht-s Hanson- asa LSiventy-Ilre boys car,,ietrý,iulit bugle- véli attend.d. %Ir@. Palinertor i ii situe Mouday Iront Ltisrtyville onit Ieit- etettaiun hée t Imeeting lu Juiy. W&Ytu &OPGrat. élbey t- oh I IL. E. .ewitc csléed rourelativethe iret good ieliwq, niugiîtg Arrerican sangs, liot eesdtidé ivreun n&tahîe tle>itîg tfail t'gir citimu-is and ie MidedSvr in h Alntlghty Gil go vitli lîeriweked hiorme, Chias. Horbaugîr vas a piéssani t iiet- lobrt sud Wm. Mut-né reiuruéd In our village on Mondas. Sastorday iront a tIrée weeks' viil vith B. Hendnlcke and vile rirotot-c o 1 relatives in South Dakota and Nebraska. LIberlyville on Monday on businesst. Tire Butiner lautilée e@penit Sunday ai W. K. Eint,all trangacted bumieeseln Morrne Bir'. Clilazo last 1Tuem.lay.C. Mti liîriir sud tamils. ni waoke- Nieblusfiaier on uftu ol rej-gan, oient Suriday at tii-, lutrie. dnts.oas urm reo!îundttei itIla .1ugene Kiieriem I@ c,i-udirrg a lew adnts. p ried aa b esiTuah y Ws eeks vît b lime graudmotber. aThe, iintéhodt ieN. 3Toerlay. tiNrs Six-tirer Iliraard asu i sou are Th (t nin sfor tppaii dsrin o . ciem pendtsg a ew dayw v.itiftheb.'ironie ltaik t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r lait wékf, iéeaet t.sd rs. Il'edley. fil -ion City, cnied (urit-ends Thuroday ecertiiîg. DEATIISPee e@usddute, r@ Died, uIt Grace hosiitsi. iltri, (in Ssaur,iay teo vi eil Ctir u p ud tter, June I;, Caîberlu" iRuthr, utlesqt dsigh- Wvho eperte 5000 to jave for ra ter uI J. L andi iebaaAiet,. iéu(irvét Thé i5itetir trie. met vitii qurtea utece nI l ie. lutle Plutat-; oged 14 yëaro' lues iset Tuebday nighl. Tbey vent tui sud 4 doye. Waukegan tri limé ritrus sud ci eu tb.'y [lied, aI Itetririt Tuirerrils iosistai, vent for tireir car to go homje It vas Frlday. Juse 21. ai 8 a. ms., Fred W. goné. Nio tracé ofil hbai been found as Leoggotf, Ieinciteu snortfli-eSu@ie Yic Piuntp, sud brotber of GeorgcE. lég@gart; Atuuiatiteuded the ciscs playInl aged 16 years, H mouithu sud 21 dayo.. eitbs ielapWêhdoeuday uigi.t. 1L- - - I ti Doetert and daughter, Margaret. and Nliîee Rose tiohi of(Chicago, @-peut the past week witiî the School Sietere.j Joe Lenzen, of Frprmont, wag ai plesant coller at tlbe boi.a of Dr. Roffs. duetecher Sunday evening. lire. E. Towtr ie viiting at tire Kirwln1 home. Mrs. Frank Bironimue called on rela. tIves Bt MeEfenry Saturday alternoons. Mr. and ire. Nick Wengar and family of licHent-y, caiied on Mir@. Simon ~WIngart, Tbnrsday evena. Mr. and d trp. 0. J. Wagener and family rotored lu <Great Lakes Snndoy. lir. and Mire. Henry Krueger and family haveheen vieting et the honte of1 John Waizon the paut week. Mr. and Mlre. M. Krapf and danghter, Josiphlne, vigied relatives et Liberty. LAKE VILLA A number of ladies front boe.attendetu the food preeervation meetings eti LIbertyvilie this wsek. F. Md. Hamitu bai bien appointed food adminitraor for aur township and aIl violations of the food iaws should b. reported 10 hlm. tir. and Mr@-. Bari Reinebanli spent fiaturday and Sunday with Chicago relatives and Mir. Reinebach enteréd a training camp et Southi Caroline, the tirt of the week. I. A. Douglais@peut Sunday et hlé home lier.. The Brompton fantily entertainetu Chicago relatives over the week-end. IThe Angola centetery society met lait P riday vitli lra. A. Manier. ,ire. Clayton Dizon vilted rlatives at Union Orove this week. *Oscar Douglai entered Great Lakes Station Monday and le now oue of Uncle fSants boys lu training. Harry'Strattoti, E. L. Wald and F. M. atlin wore tu Chicago lriday on busi- néess connected with thé re.organlzationi of our hank. *Mre. P. M. Htntlin le eptertalinn I MILLBURN .I Mir. and Mire V. IL. Strang and Bons epent @eV, ral days recently ab Three Oiak@, Mici lMr@. J.P. Dawsoî acruin- panied theui bain. 1ev. tGeorge' Safford. ni Bloomirigton2, Wie , vleit.ed homelike the past week. Warren Ceveland, of Chicago, epent the week-end with hi@ parente. Mir. and lire. Wm. Truax epeut Sun. day with relative. in Waukegan. Mdisses Ruth Pollock and M.adge Strang lft Sunday for DeKaiti, wbere thsy wili attend semaIl for six weeks. Mrt. and tMrs. Ge rred, of Libertyville, opent the week-end wltb lMr. and lire. tIenzo Webb. Miss e e Pollock, of Chicago. Ipent the week-end wltb the Misses Watison@. Mrs. Irone Taylor and sons and Mir. Ede& Pember leave Tuesday for. Chf. cagn, where they wili visit thé famille of their brothers, Lybush and Ross Stewart. The Bn Hur of Wadsworth, known s th Deiluies Court No. 81, bas dis. banded and itemsmberabavs been trans- ferredt b Waukegan Court. Newport township will hold a pieute ai Roserans Juiy 4. Proceeds viii go i o Y. M. C. A. And K. of C. Everybody weicome. A service iag wliii aisu li de"Catetu. IThe Ladies' Aid Society wiii not meet July 4 to oew. Mise Helen Safford lof t Saturday for Madison, Wis., where she viii attend th. University of Wiscomain. Mir. and Mmr. Wiil Marselle bave m- turmetu front North Bond. Nel., andu are living t rayalake. The fit-t "Dry Sunday" bas coque and gone and Kenosha stIli staids. Not a single art-est was made by the police or the shérif in the city on -Suuday and so far as con be learued no coniderable part of the city vas moved offto1 Racine or Chicago or Milwaukee and only- a few of the Xe- nosha people sought Intoxicantseta the lake resort ln the western part or the counCy-Kenogha News,>. - Théeraid vaw stagéd by Consabiem C. P, . Hicks, Déiberi A. Wealé a-I David Adams.>%It-a. Dodsc and ber father veré hundled imb an sutomaý- bile and tatougît tb Waikégaa, hé- isg strslgned ln police court ibeforé Police Magitrale Walter Taylor at midnigît. Thé constables lad taien as auto truck vith thint and àboul 130 cases of béer which wet-e sot-ed ln thé bouge vêeeIoadéd un thé vehiclé Lsýd Irooght teck to Waukegan. The policé maigistrats continued thé case on" vcýek and fIxed thé bonds aI $500 eacb. James Hayekc of lagies,1de slgned thé bonds. Mre. Dodson and ber father tht-n drové bacin home. 'Comîsiaints lave bép e -ahlrg me for sosp ie fiie lai Mrs.Dodsos viii conducting a placé sn violation of the asti-fflloon iav sud i decided to makP the raid," thé states attorney said. Féar of raids eaîrséd rêsort képérs tlro)ughout the lake r,-gion to ré- train front sellins: iqrt-Sunday. DAR DE VIL FEATS IN AIR WIN IIONOR FOR HIAROLD AM4ES Waukegan-Gages Lake Man Practically Through Flying Instructions at Ft. Worth THREE SONSWITH COLORS Harold Has- Done Eight laul Spins in Single Flight, Has Neyer Had Accident C ' C. tinés of GagAs' Corneras, set- <ray.alakp. Io one 1Lake coun's' fat-m- er Who lai civç,n tlt-ee sons bu fhe calot-s tlrrady. I-is thrré sonseand thmîr- loratians at ihPeutetet time t-.as. foiow-e HAROLD, aged 24, now un avlator at Fort Worth, Texas. HOWARD, cge 23, with the infan- iry aI Camp Sheridan, Ais. CARLTON. age 21. ai Camp Taylor, Ky., in the Officers' Traininrg camp. itarold scho fi.rnierts* vivas a part- tet- sî il E P. Tldiigi- rin Waokécsn, las bées lnithîe aviation carpe for about a vrnr. Ilé las almout fis- ishédhIls course St Fort Worth sud Pxifrdit4s 0"soon a légent toa nothet- fraining 11<10 and afier remainint- ther, a ]iot i nrii, il z ta Et-noie. Carlio a Wsiidrsng ta Crav'-îHat stotr i Wukécarrup to île lime lep entisti d sinbm. ifficors' Training «choolle ladiad onue t-es ti 1- nais Uniis ét-stv asnd I h.s madie humn éligible ta tIr ý Olt-sers' Trainingt campi an dOtPhe otuesare tht ? le ilit b. g-cen a conmission et-m long. Wasiikegan frirîrris of Harold Asies viii héet-y mucir isterésted in know- ing tht le bas made markéd pt-og- tegs at oF'rt Worthr as a flyér. Hé las leén flyimg for conte timé nov and Up tb thé presént timé las sot encountéred any accident wîstever. la a réent létt-' 10 lis fafher lé statési fIat le hnd jusi passed thé acrobatie part of tle Instructions and vas nov takntg thé final lu- structions in crossflield fiying. Hé experts ho le Ibrougî vlI ilat tea- ture of thé training1 néxt mostl Borne lime and lIen hé viii hé sent tb conte other t-ing camp for tle final fIne of Instruction. In a léltér 10o otofhie triénds hé tlId about havtng beén laughi thé tail-spine receitly. Hie Insrucor tbina up sud shovés i hm vwat a tail-spin vas. He vas thén sent up aind tld 1tot-y Il sud béfore he came dovn ha saitu hé made elght cont- piele tati-spinu vithout accident. fithappéns lIaI Antés la flilng t fhe santé camp vhéré Vernon Caille, the fantous dancer. met bis death soe mnontha ago, aind acording tb a letter front Âmes, thé iaite ceunty Young man aintosl éflcoutered a similar éxpériénce as Casthe a couple of véeits ago, aud had hé sot kept bie bond tbe chances are hé mlghl bave sostaluétu a ve-y set-tous acci- dent and pet-laps hé nighî have béén kiiiéd. Il séemu thab5 lie bad bien up in thé air andi w Just comlng tucevu vheix another aviato4 eteftrary te the rules of thé field, started -te rIse and seéiug Âmes coming tovard bim lnstead of steerlng avaY hé opened up full forcé. Hée aw hint conting snd managed 10 manéovér bis Ilane st gohal héescaPétu leitig sîrnei. Had he béen str-uck l voultu havé be, s very set-louis accident- and possibly- more thon one lité voultu have heéu 1 actificed. 1 Thé explanation et the accideifl vas that blé fiyer vho almost coiiid. ed witb it. sééing liait b vas aboub f0 encountet- an accident. got itervous later as hé made thé aI- tempi vitI the rebunt that wvlén hé F'tee rides for ail iliors! Sounds gond. daesn'a lt! No, 1l isn't a new larder -s .i hy the ra il. roads, or anyîlî.ng like that.fit Means rides in as. As¾is. numn ber olf Patriotiec cLoras alnng the li North Shore are gitmingegther aid fhey at-e planning to have 1,000 au. tomobiles "enhýt-Iah o haut blueý- Jackets and soldiers arouind. A few are lun Chicago, now, .nd Evanston andi ULke Forest emii have about" 30. but mot-e are goînàb leh- added. For this purpnsO the hostsqes of the Northi Shore ar,. going to meet at Fort Shet-idain todi î. There. plans viii hoe discussed concerning the put- tiung m operation of the machines. The wot-k tg under the direction of the Wâr LCamp Commnrnity Service. Fach machine wiii bear a placard, and this 'placard notifies the misa iu ttniforus that the car ls h is 'taxi." ex. espt that it hazii*t env meter on lt. Thé Contmunity Service tle uio tak. intg Caro thait the nies vii lieo rotect. id. 'Each placard wili bear a num. bpq andu svet-y citizen enllsting his or bier car for serv ice muet register gI the cosmunity sePrvice heasdquar- tors. Thug -no irresponsible porlions or those without stainding InauMy COiumunitY, viii be gives the oppor. ttiiity to associate with the bluejack. eti. Norton Flood of Gurnée, of lhe Wlarren Township high echool, ha@ enlisted at Greai Lakes station for a ten-weeka' course lu thé trade ichool. oHe la the only meulber of the aohool eulisted up t0 date and will ho able lto returu t0e, choni iin Seiptember. diu flouily make a descent he smash. ed thbs machine ail TO pleces sand the accident vas of sncb a chat-acter that ho vas lmmedlatlv ihet-nafter dis- qualified and no longer ls In traiig. An lnteresting thing about Hasrold Aines' expérience as an aviator ti- -that ho atates ai no timé vias be tever sick or dizzy d;ut-tmg bis tbue o ttraining. T~he average aviator ggooe thtough thse eperiesce of lbe- ing sot- of seasick or dizzy- tht-es or lfour tintes iwhen they firt-e li inalcisg fligîte. ln Amés' case hé 4id sot have to pales through that un- pléMt It tShIbe. cratic Primaries to be held Sept- ember 11, 1918. PLATFORM 1I. To support our Country in war and cago or other municipality from ac- contend for a Democratic peace. quiring the ownership, on fair tenus, 2. To defend Democratic polcies- of transportation (or other Purely mhe priticiple of Equality for all men; public) utilities. The staibility of banking Iaws; The 4. To exclude income-producing utili- principle of graduated taxation; The ties from the limit of municipal in. foreign policy of justice and a helping debtedness. hand to small nations and open favor 5. Againat the continueci clasification, and frienulship to Densocracies andi of our womnen with convicts, iciots and people& insane puions i our suffrage Iaws. 3. Against every attempt to use the 6. For orderly progresa-evolution, legislature to hinder the City of Chi- flot revolution. 1 was barri on a farm in Lake county and have liveci in this district ail ofmy life; arn a lawyer and liye with my wife, twa sons and two daughters at 717 Nord County street, Waukegan. 1 have been a teacher, a farmer and postmuater, completed the teachers' normal course at Dixon, MI., in 1900, and was graduated frons the scientific departrnent of the smre institution in 1903; Ieft the teaching profession in 1905 and began farming. The change was justifieci by the resuit. By natural sympathies and rny intimate knowledge of farming (as well as by generai education) 1 ought ta be qualifiçd ta represent the agricultural interes an sd smy prescrit residence and business give me a cea view and understanding of the important anid grawing interests in the business centers and would malte me accessi- ble to them when emergencies arase. HERBERT A. SH1EAý_ WMJKEGAN, ILLINOIS WARREN ~ g r.'. I SEJL UV IOiN Of C LU1j..NN IN PLANTIOne thausand acres of peasbave 1heen plant ed ilafthc vicinlty of the ELECT OFFICERS MEAD IS DROPPED; ORDERFI> TO STOP Peaaflfli nnete lsyar Th.iuefo tePa i9mlh t hat it caused fille septie tank te FOR THE YEAR IIOLD LOVE FEAST POLLUINEi LA Maove0fithea babavcebeen Théeaulai meeting of the tru-teés md farnarma vho8e nove drink c ut eto the Warren Township îî 'i cross Mead and Others Present in the States Attorney Orders Grays- 0f thé cilbes aed.s-u ha h Ur vas held la t eevniugai ""' home CutRo hpi n W erwintf annýý" ofRlp httesden nd is 'lov- CorRom .n nan lake Canning Factory t ~ .a cattecnigsao ng oalp Chr eee cnth $100 Tk v s, aialeighî<Lhe greater part et Igffcearman-rected:at 'iitadnRaise $00Clean its Septic Tak 1qrýl1 es ~ke vas Icovered uwlth k Vicechalt-man-t A . Bîi ,* îîoiuriaird trhe odor v s o Seresy c. aelNICibsfhUV V TO RED CNIIO tn~m ~ ~ srongtht aisommler resideats vire Tereaut-t-Ft-ed edNn.ilo h IVNCROSSIC"DIT um..DPLRABnuoLE keîa a way. fti 5 te pt-vent thâs toi; Thé following commIfteer ver - dmfonrtlui it Nir).r Wéihlbhas taken 11Wfl pointed:Melite Bus. nner fo 37"is"AreBeing Klld a rd t- liaii utank Nîrtseasnbe cian Med ,,, Bysfo 7 Fih r KI Fdand -F1., ul aln,, lie helteves thii t velli arrit-teFnlon, Vernar MeCirur, and alilReturn Home in the mrsFarCwsMaohae teeim e ýdtpùan it i bcsable Irene Lainli Cynthla Miifler, Ittule Best of Spirits the Same Fate Soon terorimIiiti> lti moreraidéaIs. Brown. Johanfla S.teéaby, G<to. Datl_____t ettrnisfiîro rr ai 7sitai sppis-is ttida-éli. heAlfred Meail case ahicti caîîsed!Actinig Idlrstanding Instruiciiiîn, searby land. Mt-s hiainffl, Mme. Hughes, l'd ir-d S rîd ýeh a ttOrItln lta>san tinO l imr rn h ti o ir ab. man county, for that mraiter .ended ln a Staff,' Attiarnes Janmes G. 'rlt man.liycomttéM~ ee love feast 1- Watiipian ljime 21 a vwent tea tîysliîke Sriiiîav and sers i eThe Land cf Blatdes."1 meClure, Me-s Josepusne Kédf. Mead, oavél known Avons fariner, do- notice on the tnierrcstde n sRdag Japan tg callesi "thé land of lldi5 <'Ivîlian Relief Wok-lao -Pnlon, natéd $10tlo thé Red Cross and oth company to ceasse heir pollution ofl by ils ovu people. sont. of the oldS Norman flrovn, Ney Lamb. et-s from Graysiake amîi W;tukeg-an Fourtl lake. fle.ids of flieoncerta sclolars bavlng deeiaretu that theo f "ciripped In" sud rsised a fund of ovét- were lt.structeîiTto cteiin tireeplie Svord vas inventetu by the mm* gel D&'ttY $1Q0. Thé states attor-nev asked lIaI tan throrîgh whlch thé refuse Immot who lnvented poetry. A malim«. - ,-. *Jsetaiecage agaînst ir. Meadi bc the pl*nt nupits labo jcrek a ten ords la Japop ves ever bfghty ho»-, Il deltfssd., Thie G<ituake minu îles Dto th,, !ske. I cp c l à TOH V O U . Iltéd ail thosé In thé court room te Thé situation vas called te théjed amug bis fellow tecalg L TOv dinAVEit VOLanUNhrtysevn ttPntiOn of Dr. Kappelman o<f thr 1i unflU y«sUOi7 u n rtat a et alocl htel tok f uPwibh thée tate*R attorney' try mal a ayeariy pen o ciwu TUER TR. CORPS ~ ~~~~NoieesAas servd on thE .casn ev riedob rshpc thosé coaductlng a Red Cross camt se plt c tank, but t snover a Enthuiastc Meting HeId iagu hat hé vatrld lavé. te donaté Enthsiatio Meeing Hel a crtan sint HewaRasked te do- Monday Evening in Shiloh salé $25. Hé Raid hIr vouid give-ap, Park, Many Attending 111-51) 8meofthé CraNvslakî- people daubd yelowpaint on tils boisé and LOGAN OFFICERS ATTEND hé vas requît-éd te mar t-churough the' H I l1 stréet vith as Améprican flag. E R Iy E Volunréer Training Corps. A vot-y mentors with Pr rveét and a warrant enthusiastir- eeting vas hel,] In Shi- 1vas evors out for bits at-rel sufesm u lob Par's. Zios Cily,>.NMondas es. ung Today In court it vas agrmýd lIaI iIVt ai 8 oclack 'OLDTM0F VL Thc haîrd front Wintht-oi, Itirbor pet-hapu ail vêt-e in fthc wt-înî one ù, smiîî orgarMzg,:on, o... r withvhat and pence overtures vere inade. sesérai, slections. The Zion Citv "Pet-laps al of us have liîeeu oTne- Jîuior band. vhlch vas t--hiar St-ng i vlat remiisu la aur duty 10 îhe Red R ~ E ths College Building aI thé t:nite, vêt-y Ct-se théeSMates attorney Raid. L1els go oser t othe pat-k and pli*yis vo or $00. three selectitnas vbh vewrat- tmltiy Put nie dova for $In,,, 1fr Mead vh I as aalced t,,r1, t-es- Othérs donated varionss cuitand I T HTE ' PARK A LIN est and If possible Bécoret-ehe large vas touud finaliy lIai practically the Zio-i tend for the occasion.i lut for entiré amount lad heen rise A bat HAIF DAY, ILLINOIS ,orne rea.son néithet- yen t'-tpésni. thés vas Passéd and Mr. Mead donat. Prayer vas aiTs-resi bis v. P.M. éd sud addiîionai dollar, othens doing 11V11 ,loyal Chairmas Chas. Puoitomade a likéviséP. A second passing of the IIlIl IlI duced Rev. English, pa-tir of théeBiiother cinali donation from Meadu.1!.1,1I ýTthodist chut-ch byho w-m e a-Others aime alded. 9J mv unîfornl %%,hoZ-Eh r fiilIteà Tt vas tpthés trM. Mead invItéd wifh patrlallurn. spoké for , w min. l those In the couinrnI to disnet-vith utes. S. Il. Page, nianatl of thé; hlm. Ail reîurned l teaslaké sud C m n a c h Zion Liace indu-tries fotid rd .f 1 Jf e as 5If thé affaît- had ee let. ~C rean a c h Benolilil, gêne-rai s ct-tais Y M. C. I lied amîchî A. ai Çaa t pLot-ar, addél a tv very ltdeveiops that NMr. NMad duîd O L. i V & 4'sE én ot-agisg word-r. $20 te thé Red Cross ai svcarnore .11-. Niuitiall rPpresmn n ýEnscIgu $1250 aI Grayslake snd $11,25"today et Abrarns. of Cari, i.ogaii.1t cd thé Waukegan spee.king a ili ý ti.roappsri l for al al,ýit h'iid nîr o 'i iili el rtéer militai-v cris an] i eCmî- lp aidfila i - r lt-ige ai tIr camp isuaIilsrifl aI t sue, wîthosît a cent i:f,;",? l hrýcroît ard Raid the ofl s. ss ie more lIas wiliig ta heip pl'ilwse oflaiz lions acros-r and i it i o n City osn 'hé I ua.,aspos,-.-t ig t fiiicompans of lidoineGuat- it i iaigond sizedj miliary orps respectfully announce MnY A large nufl it, i I a and sili In racét those in i.sîr-e is hi s-sus _________ t :.,0 candidacy for Representative in Place~l Monds ia vie inO AUTOOWNES ONthe General Assembly from the NORTI SIIOE TOEighth Senatorial district, subject <iIE FEE IDE 11111to the decision of the Demo- Il 1 T.'«Rg.'RTYMM INDEPENDENT, TRufflDAY, JUNE 27,1918 1PIAtra mmira«

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