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Libertyville Independent, 4 Jul 1918, p. 8

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IBERTTYVILLE INDEPENIiX;T, TB1TRSDAY. JTTTN & 1918 I ari Zlrd IK., end Mir@. IK. M. Vont, 1botter. I don't expert tu b. la tbis -FRfl OtNT CmlTm J .bth ot Deld; Edward'S. Muhîke 0f sector much longer. 'm golng bae toi I bertyvtlle, and Laurs J , of Hluhland B. 2 for the division lu a couple of daye, je Telampe WB*@ a IdcHeîîr.v callr . n Patk. Thore arotourtfen grandebildren, and thenlIexpect soon to taire porbitpm mouhlay. -it-et, reat-grandebidren and two a we onf. 1 dont know whsre l'il Mlme Mabel Bt-bm. otfS .1,î1ttu'.î'. s Mr@. &uhlke was a faittful &pend it. but betore 1 take nitasoiler 1*0t% 8unday at the J. S8 Deitît- tîu ii î,îeber ot the Ebleneler chur.-h. positioin where thé reepunstbtliy will b. M» i Io. Boehm and daugbtero, Fiat- The. tamlly wlsbeé tu express deep pretty beavy 1 want tu reet lai a bit. tis and Marie, of Lbertyvilie, accont- gratitude for the sympathy @huvu l> W"re entitied, aceordtîîg tu the. plan, tu IM@We byrelatives frttit Iowti, were re- tfitr many 'ft-ends. ten days ever>' tour mouths. on titis -ln haiiy- ______%Ir@.__%_ary___________and btele 1I uud talc, almîtet a muntb now, Imily. bt alup1wttble epnd ghsie tfut of Omrge Hertel and Frank Erbart lait e ugt It I ittl s ndb tIn full ge We Wedueeiday1 for a several ý ILLBURI~N tep"for the new job. It's now nlght 9jifflure trip through thelîe âkotas and Mran rqClrneCaorotmegi,9Pa.,ad"iewde bo other pointe uf IntereefLr ndlr.ClrneCrwodat ieaai.9pniad lii.wi Mime Uenevleve Dbt.,Id, uoftbicag., t.Wauk.gan, @ponttthe. week-..nd, witthbavingsafew miîîués' luit at iheca tea umpsadng a vacation with ber aunt, Mir@. Mr. and Mir@. JohnuCrawford. l'il wrte afew more lînei. For24houre Fu-aakFredelck.K. A. Martin tratsaet.-d tusitese il, Fritajias bren throwiug ovtr gus. MY> St. Mary'.. eloont ci,îs..iast Saturdav Chicaigo lunTuesîfay. Y 'sb. C A.tal i t ti tote u bt ee for thé terni. Mise Fijraluerh Nie..,,Vtie lMr. atîd ire. Warrten iliot. thav-e r.-fur'sren taen di îtthisreons. bt tomher, returted to ber honte at lie- tnrned troui t)deii, 111 , v. heri- tbeY have fo rauet uhîn e oé u - fler>' on Monda>'. bren vliting theatii.. la.t t rattier painful. Yu oigbohr ______________________ ISir. and lre. .1 B. titnînann81 tI)u,fYuiongtrter * IAKEZIJICJl jWili-..,t Wiîniette. speutthie v.gk tend Frantk H, West. -m S ii l wittî tE. Deuman. Mies Adela Norton is .-p.-..turgtca ,e-Il Mr and lire m. i.leveland enfer- wlfth her aunt, lire s, - nîlî t Fligb. tait i-umpan>' front Cicago Su ndaY AL MAI3-TflER IS Iau .d Park. E. %V. Cannon le gettingaloaig uîcel. B. Branding ie@ buiidiung an addition tri at the Waukegan liositai.ÀS R -W U E tbe bouse ounMr@. Wike firi east uf $bc eong service at the ctîurch as béeet town* postponed unfilt he ..ventug uf Jut>' 7. Mise Nettîs fltman @pent a week at Everybody conte. AI Maether, postmaster at Prairie Bycamore, violflng triendiq and reativs. The Roi Crues bnimoness meeting he View, chairman of the. Lake County Um Elizabeth 5lcCtrtl(y le8tttending been postpuned uotif July 13, when it Board of Supervîsors, and by vîrtue Whîî.'é. of sucb office chaîrman o! the. Lake nrmal achool ast DeEaib. wli be beldi at lire V1> lýbieý@ county board of revlew, prides hinm- Mr. and itré. H. Schneider and Mir. A rery' welcome rain vlelfed this self on being a shrewd buyer. and lire. H. G. Hlinian attrended the. ecetion Sunda>'. He exhihifed f0 other members of Plain Orove cbnrch services Snndtiy thre revlew board thîs morniug a bat mornlng and visited friends in thie atter- v hidi h proudly declared was a "retil Doon. lise Gertrude Hiru oeet a few dayé HUN GAS SliELLS Itirain"$148 for If,' h.. eatd, '«andi laitweekwltbber -jetr, .flic sturekeeper arisured me that was &Sehaslfer, In C'hicago. lire. N'ON À B YOnte member uf thte buard tîîrned 14ev. Hoiiand return,-d itit week front t, tk the rra and tiiere found another i toWtieîîi.tiiî. l C YIfM I I1I ('i I ic.. mark. t saîd: a trip t- Washington. D. C.Regular prce--95 cents. There waeuno churt-h la-t Suntiay at 1IRON LLAE CO.~J th Evangeli .ai cîtiril. Rex - Heinrieli _____ hall a requemt tu itreactitbin agu Here te anoiiir ltte- front Frank H.N PI1' F M S Cha Eregr tntfamly utLi.ery-West, conteber..Ii Ft*rane., Those ville vi@ted Saturda.y eitnrg with re-iw aho have hiretitture rend any tif hi@ UfL clives ber@. séveral lettr-rs ttiut have aptlrired i .uH MStIS B.G Hilai.rc,-ived a ecariond ut Tht. Iiid..penlent aili 'wýlekuiiie thel D îuiA IS lir. L. Hul.-meyer, of rîheperil. Mu-h., es ting etter: iigntr fiI3RMAN PRISONI3R lé hece for an ,xtetîdtd% * tlt a iiber daughter@ Oit Active ni ru-it- wltti the Autoritan lire. iH. St-ip mitent n few days ilu tht. Eitpedittoiitàr. ores West St. Woman Gets Word Mao wîthi li,r daughter, lire. George DerohrGlIéà.vy -, 191s~. frm E lad etig t Bradké. The latt,-rrelurued xithl ber Da r e llaîîd Ail: rm EgadSti t inother to vist relatives. bers. No: One siinpiy catî't realize n-bat RetSau of eliv À group of young laie front Palatine war teunulese you're on the iringti , T RETD SA FUL have returned to their homes, atter and thon voutcut% This murnirtg I amn ETD SA EU camping a week on tire. Blankenburg's writing >'uu front a dugont "son,., e-e an. lu France," but thii.s iîiswlere i , a Details Meager but She ls Told - - ~ j front wbére tbitg are neyer quiet. îay that His Death Came Ater DU OMor nlgbt une cau never be qutte sure he Brutality . 1 wont be bit hy a jagged piece tof Irurst- Mir. and lins. Fred Dornééete, ut Chc,,- log bigb explosive @boit If b.. @tep@ ont- Wankégan, Joue 2ý. go. eretbewee-en gusteut ire sie tI.. ugot. icotît put.iiity trq. DaieltThomas of West street go, er ue tewe-n ust fM@ eterbocter. th psibliv fand Grand av-enu. .bas met receivu-d Bila Knckebocer.gaé le tlways silth ne. Yesterd ay alter- Word fhat ber nepttew. a son of her Mim ero Plagge le vlltlng Milse Helen noon we w..re at dînner atro l fi tiers' brother, dled a German prisoner flot Bdetand, of tChicago. mess lu a dugont Wheu w.. entldent.v gîtt maov weeks ago. Um iesWlltred 8uppie, ut Springfield, la the Ras alarm. tollowed qulck-iyb' Word of bts deîtlh flxed delnittely 'eIeitngsnt ber home. expoding gsie liclé. ibeori, mydug fi'.. sta t o! l S ierg1. ane. wh lit'me Elizabeth fietcheif wae the. week- ont pal, and 1, put unnoutr naskf and d since t)ecemher bad een flelflg ead ggm'si ut Mine Ethel Case> Sunda>'. heimete and triéd to go to ounr own dead or in a bospîfal or a priqoner. Mir.. Sebenieber and daugbter. Heleno, dugout, but fthe tibelis were eotnimc at He fuonk part In the baffle of Cama- asn viclîlng reative@ tn Chicago titis the rate ut 8 to 12 per minute, su we bris, Iu December andi affer f hat noth- -vioL lng was heard front hlm. Mis relit- .WPLvent back for about 2Y hourm, when t Ivswrre of teiii. pnto-i thaf hbc Mimé Mamile Fausi, ut Llbertyville, theré waes ufflient full for u- to get to poesibly wais a Utrman prisonter, but trais thé week-end gnest of Mi e da our own cuver. Here wetonnd abeautl. It wae flot untfî a short finie ago thaf Blonsberger. , t.tuieboit bois caseéd by a gas ebeti, word came to theiniletat b hast dled M lr. and Mir@. James liacadie anid withtn twu fret ufounr doorway,an a German prîsoner whlle In France. ailAccording foa a ltter recelved !rcn dashiten, Irons, ut Chcago, were thé Our noigbbers hiait hait their caive hum'e big foîkfe by tht. Waukegan relattves, Saturda>' and Sunda>' guéet Unsr@ parti>' hluwn ap and they lbadt been the treatraent be- suefalned whilé a Faîtk Paterson. drlven out. Our place wa@ fine and if prlsoner et the. bande of the. Germas M. and Mlre. Routaytte Strykén and hait béen made practicaut>' gas proof was ver>' brutal. Loc-al relatives tire soa. lvin, ot Chicago, were the we-k .ont>' day before yesterday, su we found tis tien aedtuta the Bn- utre endi guete ait the hume ut Dr. T. L.. It cléar ot gas andt weré able f0 taile unr AtIeli îer thé earofutr...hma Kaart. . muailsoff However, Fritz began again leanoil th tehewBriishMrmy btna ,8e"vealofounr ladies attended thé eau. lait nlght and prartîcaît>' aIl nlgbt long bas Just returned in Englanfi afler aln denontrtto, a Lberyvitelai héporet éhll luber, mitur' aviog been wonnded sertously In eln deonoratonat ibetyvllelait e pure @bll Inbor, am t fgaé une af the htg baffles. Theze.two %feek. and blgb explosives. I douft belleve bec ay b rothers. volunteereit wben Mi"e Margaret andt (macs Carolun, dtd .much damage, tbougb. Severat war fIra t brake ouf andi have been In of Chcago, were week-end guets at thé féttow.é were driven lu hers aud wé 00W tht. ranks ever sitice lome.of thelr parenté, lMn, anti lre, have une tait ut 18 wbu was gasseitand Jobna tanolon. lé waittng for tht.ambulance. Whenoune Eu D VCUJf lins. Frances <arrty anit eon, John, gets untu thîs gai business it iéu't 00su aILA 1511 J WHO' visitaid relatives lu Highwood over fthéhait. It'a denceiti> nupleasant anoi ta> week-end.,Ihé ver>' painful, but tf une le careful anui Mnr. and irs. IRosctte Wesslnug an- wears blé mask when lbe onglt tu, h.,e A EIII OTN nnce thé birili of a daugbter, Satan lua nu realitangerrhotuRoi». 0f couree, DR day, Jane 29. t iîfilcuif sometlntes tu wean oncef SON B RD tirs. Preston Rrckenbacb, who bas maak at ulgbt and at the santé tIté - ben at the Preshyfertan boopsal nlu dugéeboié bol i.beatb and buratlug Henry Kern, Deputy Game Chicago for théeî,aei twu weeks, r. lgh ézpioâeablishl overbeait, bu t thon tarnéti home Sanda>'. Most >orthéett,. Whou ifgeltesWarintas Warden, Says Several Boys .Mine Florence Enor andui oece, Misé that we au keep inounr dugont. 1 amn Are Facing Arrest Ruth Endor, ot Chcago, are tht. gues satled Fritz té; gefting lots more t bau- cl W@ CaraE dr. lle a gvin onhl@fron; bt i's AI ery Boys wbo shoot songblrits are fec- ofMm lr nd.lé sgvnoubsfotbuifalve> log arresf andi co*eitlon, accord-ing Mr$. Steffes viletd t Starveit Rock trange and unreai. lFor a téw ita>s to Henry Kern, dWputy ganitsuad bait ve. now Int relîeving a sersiar>' wbo bas Ilsh wardenof,! Lake count>'. NI1'. Mises Frances Biedentatd gave a pu- licou for @Oo tinte In the y. M. C. A. Kern says that several violattons pli'&wéltal at thé home of Wtil \GId- itugout in titis city-eay about thée alle have been raporteit to hlm andi thaf ring Punaday affennoon. ir n f Paxton. Thére le nut a cicilau In h purposes f0uniake arrestq as iloof as be locates thé gullty parties. lit ts séé aion la vîsfting ltM ime r-the. town. Thé tew soliérs wbo tire "As nearly as f caondonit tt"he 0oùLws f Chipago. , horesaIl livé luIn caveiit underground, stalti, 'violtions o! thîs klnd are Miss Durothy> Rechelt vfsîfed ber sis- munet ut thént deep enough and weîî takîng place bn dîffeerat parts o! tht. tien. Mimes Elizabeth Rochet, at DeRalir, enongh bnîcketi over to stand tht.e hoek City. SBora thé boys use rifles, ModyadTueda>'. uf éven a 9-luth shei. Francelétehull o0thers une alrgun aai siahots. it Maua4 nitdoesot make an>' différence what theét. xaulted cave@, or celtars, al ready they use to kili tht. sang brds-they OBITUARV. for îu..t ucboccasIons as the. Thlnk ut are eqaalY gult>'y. On Safuri>', Jotine 29, tf11:30) p. im., it-not une but puslbl>' scores of desent- "Thére la a fine ai $15 or more Une May tuhli, o th.. -iS, ased ItI, ad îtiges Mn>'0f ht huesfor each voation o!f tieis-dnd amnd )Ir. Mry uhle, f tiseit, p@se etie@andvilags. any01 he ome I1certaIll>'shall agitfor a severe *wé&, ai her hoimeoonSouth ldécoud are benu rnoo iteib>'beau tîful gardons. lu fot. when 1 finitian>' who have been iltréent. inl, Muhîké, ut-s Gunter. was tact. juet behinit thé houés undér whîch vilattng the. law. Our gong bîrité borna a Dexter, Milchigan,, Aîpritt-f, 1834.te unr dug rut are toauitolowere. Asni aré etOttled to protection andt1 Inl- At the tige ot eîght years silo mtved wrte tu >'ou i1tbave on thé table before tend- to __ et.tIraIthé>' gel If. Stua- LOCAL IOTIIRS GREAT LAkES CONSCIENCEj "1PINCliU I "AS SONS Aamltant PayuanterJae lsË TIM Prise a !ew day, ago when he openeti "CÀLL ON, iEff ie mal and !ound tht. follawîng commuicalon, wlth an Amnîcan dollar attaçnhed: Wel Known Waukeqan Womn- "Sir: The amoanit lnclosed will en, a Rocford Narrw la>' for two dry celi batteries ltit IY Esoape" Police Wrath ,fer for a radio oufilt. but 1 dtiiflot pay for fleni. PIétée put lt tuthé sein- ýANGRY? NOT AT ALI. eral tii4d" Afte they See What Purpose s of Officer Was, they Com- miend Hlm for Action Ma uh Here', a stou-i oi hnw two Wau'e tana mailhera were practicauly "Pluch- R YN MT éd' sonne tinte a go whcn tht.>'vîsîet brtvlIL Rac frd anti wîre et'oprtalnng fbétr_________________ soldan sosin luttitir big ruas. lu a Rockford hof el.' The sfti--ge Part o! If la that the Wattkegan ti-ame.n. ln- steati o! résentiugtt. IntrusIon o! Ilenan, coitindeitd then, for thefr careful effort l to rfflerve thé, morale o! tht. art>' lunIoclford vlchulf>'. Thé stannt.4&,"i~ good ta lceep quIet and. thé -wonieiit tieniuelves. whilg D have toid It ileniselves hecanso tri LAKE COUNTY PFED FUELCO. a ý w thfey thouglif If was a goad Gibier. llinois Il Vkie ven Tom Herchant andt Hit Grait were ai C'amp Grant. Rock- ford t lit is. aflutel Grady tind Mv-. John Mgrrchatit du-ude(lta ldirive aoir aud épenit the day wtth thent. Thé A Tm ad, arrislng l t itrk!ord, Nb r. Grauly a"d Mrs. %Ient, roit engligetl a routai Grady amnd Mv' \terchant vîsîteti wlth their sons ýirrinL- the' eventng,.Im o t n there tva,.a rLncet' Iter and bhlli Tout aoit Edti trI iin. Tv ht' ahtd ~ r t the' a'itomoii i -r, , if cureanti asie rollowing etter issel tht. youngi i <'r toJ. it' i(,or thetr as ours, to the end that ti JYoung friv,:ds bJ-tilu c.tn- Lait-r lu tIh.e eutntig atu-rtire dance Mil necessary to successfully1 over tht-y dirm, hJruk lutu'hui-I____________ but itiduýt hapr- ti to go filfîîgeihrr. Act 'Qacer?" Fîrst Gu-ad ' ii% reh thet i fret. J odrbrz & Son, Lfht a-al'ýed up tf0 i eg'ister, ran Iris Gieutîleilieii: As ontut .n2p'r do not- ,ýr-uui tuihrsr and atteuti,,u t,, tte fact flîtt Inins-ditflyv t- for tt'runttai t t e-raptit al i> Lui a-ber- It t a, sh rr i im,îer v'.at evi-rytouutinof st-rap aatifn-9hi'.n- irril.Apiua'-(, tly tht- iîulil tintfî,unlvie ihttai cierk nofed tire iti-Iru nittil t-tuitraii-ts MOtl Sirl'rtls- nîutru irrl li ru-i es Toin Miet-elhint ans!u d i tiwsnge a tfiluwn huliesî,f serî -opI tu o1n 1 rad nt> îato-ly - -- i , iii.I nb iem fprpIc ea the' rcgisl rr i tir'. l Ilitt-numberccrtip movlng in tht- inuit o! hilsulother's tout and hun-led up- Wtuidit ttt>asi yuu t,: 8tatre. Tenrso. ce-ultctîr th- utinusine-c Thé moîbers a ut r-on-, lucre s'isîtiiigwuld aisi, t e u ntt fn the. rootandmu njo> lng a goond ch-if turers and uther hululer, t heforé the. Young nmen returuedtialuare. Thie report. wit tht camp when a knork cme lit tht- door. $tC Orwarit tet, he pruiter Opt-nlng If Hi-s. G'raity saw a po- la m tifta h liceman anit the n ight clerk. Tht' -PlaesttuIthti liheennn as%,r gtin pa egupy u mmuttitv vtîi i-twe wlth: diaey@n ni nth Who ba tinsmunitltehed liv tht. IVanIndasti Nirs. Grait>'replit-i: ComE tia anit Ie made ut underetanit lb el.what f waot f0 know," salit e i newtI peýe the' Policeman, "la wnho bas tt roont?" WMell yau hall beffer corp ne uamnd lnve.tigate, salit lily. Gi-ad>'sorte- , n-bat arouucd i ossibly nu littie aiiiu-- Wlfh that the'Volîcein.in stt.din-t, 'f You have about your pi mtade' a hurrfed sun"ey o! tht. cit-ta- the governu ent wants it, tion, saw tht' two YeunIlg men sihttng there in solitiere' uniform and fur a notifyang J. Goldenberg d minute b.. seetîteti pîzzied. Tht-o Mrs. Grat> spoke. "I am ins. WE PAY PRICES AS E DanillGradit -lt.o! the pusfmasfer t W'aukegan, toit tis lu1.4 rs. John M Merchant, aieaniof Waulegan. Theje - are oui ta-O sons,' ahe salit. TPhe oight clprk began ta get ins«seit _________________ aoit stepéd it rst on titis foft andti t-e- tîtat; then lie whtrleit arounti andt wth one look eo! itma>' salit -ta thé Pioliceman: 'I guesse &vt. mate a serions mlefake." fnsfead a! belng nebukeit b>'the- Wti'u'pgîo womcen. the. Policeman anti tht. nîglf clerk rêc-e.lveit their thanks. Mrs. Grati> salit: "W.dont criti- teP yeu a bi. We thank you for bt-ing sua aerf anti natcifiig the Lt. nation as yoîîtiapparentl>' are. We are nt l n tht. ltat bit annoy4d We'ri'gladtia set. thaf yow are on tht. Job. oGoit niglit." Wpll. aift.r tht. Policeman anti théer Jh clerk It-it thé roon the WaulttganMrJonH moi-ttvre hait a real goodnid tishî Michigan M witn thetr sons. wbo, ta-,tht. iolIow- lng mron-iog were f0 teave for service Area, Ili. ln the battietleltis o! Europe. VISITS GERMAN Da i: check for 01 I lIERNiUIE1NICAMP ment af aill AT ATLANTA, liA. Deputy Sheriff Green Also Vis- >its Camp Where Conscien- tous Objectors Are That thé Wau kegan boys at Camp Gordton, Atlanta. Ga., aIl art. In fine s-pirite btiii are ctta[(ig hermuse they diii fot lt-ave for F-rante linmt-dlafely, le tht. word brouglit hack by flépufj Sherlif Elmer Green, who Iras mest rellurneit qi-ont vfeiflng bis son, act-" ing Sergeant Guendon Gree'n. "Sonne o!fbeh boys tt.ll me fbey get a lîttît- haneollc aItîties." Mn. G;reta,- salt, 'but f hr-y are delbghtéti lt b eevrythlng The>' are feti weib anti are given tht- heqf af treatmen f. Tht.' ahI sent their regards fo rela- tives, and frît-nilnluWaukegan.' Mir. Gre-en Y.i sited fIhe camp *hers a large number of Gernians tiré lu- lennt'it.Ht.altc ia bfedtdthé camip Wber,- titI',consclentlous obJefa<ra" bave bt-en fa work construcfhng buîid- [tues. --rt lu a woodentuh cîglit." hé salit. "Cîtir Gordion ls langer than she Creuiî Lakes 'ihation. Ont. cao rok fora i le amui a hait amnd set. mth. Jng tut long lIn-,so! barat-es ai bidtti Thé boys under tht. cour-e ort raIinng bécani..'%a lard R5% nilý. TDiscipline 1sterict but thîs l;ai the. etiert o! Increshg the Offilir>' cf fllc mobn."1 minated byi son, at Gses The a1x 9, 1915, and gan Mutual1 over cost ta 1 believ gladly recom Again thanking you and aisuring yau of my ap- preciation ai the btnefit aifyour insurance work, 1 amn Yours truly, INA CARLSON, Widow and Beneficiary ai the late Fritz Carlson, deceased. E N-T ION Notice to You and Eýeirybody! ,If.explanatory and demanda tho government may at orree J Uri,-)0, 191 m ertyviiie, l1iul.-1 'f the lead mnx a-rap Itru dealiers la p iur '-ct ion[I1t g to, tailI our it té thte iuty uof..vtry s-rai, îroil d.-,,I-r in the c -miîtr y to met,(j,,it 1. ohape o tr tîîrtni j. lh tutir.mrunît i tîaniI t t4aî rruélvtt.-m-esr v 1irun that t-en, t..stjj"siemi4h t-îl t..olutsa.tî.me , éas ii.. .I.ei rt%- wi,rktr ilt.gîivtrtîn,.*nt %a rk tnust have th.- su-ra, il , îrd.-r tu the guveruetît aund aid Ili tire.. alîtict rtu '. ar SI hst you attverte ln yîur Ilo a i-s ai th atei. in,tltin f ail mer or nmanuftunre-r, to ,e .t' i t thtîi i l,.-N ni îîî,-ili att y g.t t ii-tr 'r -hatnei,.' ,ity of gatberiig a-ral, trou, ..very îpart Itusthibe. Lreport Io the. Ammociiatiuu Iminîediaî..ly thie naies ut ail eîiatîuta.- of ocrap frî,n wtt..re-fuse..ttr et-l ai mifi, tînt.- and wtiai tîjeir r..aooun eo other atatiotice vMtcb you have been furnimbiiug, wll ii îsînidtat..ty comittees. is wurk le stairter] atoue and we fre that am. tire- largeé@t de-aler lu , tI a apatrItiti' t ttvt. tesbat til tvallabii.. sia; rot, IN tmnie- it ruper dirci-tittu. The. price tor grtid'd materlat lia# bee.'i estab- tes Board, and anyon- holiit ire. materlal tfor tîtgli.r prît-., ntiust at, If anythlng, thie prfre tnay b.. r-duired. l'ieas ltt n..heur trii >ta the altove outiît-tii y.>u Very trttty yourir, WESTERN DI!VISION. AMERICAN BOAPIU OF SCRAIx MION DEkI.FRS. premises scrap iran of any descrption, or any quantity, Sand you wiil perform a patriotic duty by imm ediately &c Son, Phone 193-R, Libertyville. LSTABLISHED BY THE WAR INDUSTRIES BOARD your co-operation as weII Acquire the steel and iran Libertyville, Ill., June 24th, 1918 aodge, District Manager, luitual Life s. Ca., 1acknawleclge with thanks your campany's 'ne Thousand Dollars ($1,.000.00), in settle- claims uncler policy No. 124748, naw ter- the death af my late husband, Fritz Carl- at L-akes Naval Training Station. bove numbereci policy. was issued an March I the amount ai prerniums paid the Michi- 1Uicf was $1 26.72, leaving a cash return the insured's estate the sum aif $873.28. 'e Lfe Insurance is the best thing and shall mmend your coz>'pany ta any person who Piao Eiiht .Vol Halse caq ALSO ~Four, ona aouty' et 810s $ 426. lu la sait! '-Over a The Dak c Mdt b. $106,011 cati W third. tier bI'd mode T ois&r mîtteti 210. Pluis lu The Bécot '.c plus a Advert -~The appeare se la L Thé>' ..Do .'TOU "Tour «*Tour ~ickéti "Tour "Tour "TYour Tour "Tour boUnnry " Tour " Tour 'Or y "If un Dm 3"6. lonat éd A dili btoné z 'iules 1- %J ai JL . m

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