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Libertyville Independent, 25 Jul 1918, p. 1

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LIýBERTY VILLE- LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDEPENDE NT VOL Xxvi.-NO. 30) TWECLVI PAGECS LIBBERTYVTLLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TIITRSDÀY, JIILY 25, 1918 ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YIEkR IN ÂDVÀNC UEIC ~ -uqy,,wnu,.~. - EftIntIOtNU LAIIW COMMEE NAMED AT FARM MEETINGi Men Picked feom Variaus Pant -of County ta Aid Farmers Who'Cannat Get Help WILL REGISTER WORKMEN Set Price ai 40 Cents an Hour Is Fixed for the Harvest- ing Season in Caunty TWî Olp -four m'mlwýr-iîof the Lakf County Parm Labor coinmittee mel at LlIbertyville Tupsday night. jiilI 16tb, for the pur;,osî, of discuciý,in, plans and rnethods of handllng th, emer9enç'Y Iabor situation in Lak- lcouiity. It was lbhe coriinsus 0o opinion That no idfinînte plans ahould be Malde inflispîîi iig femergency bell until l T caý knoj%î n what the demand for aiuch hn.iP, îu b,.Farmera ot th b'courir c or. i'-q ueq ted t10 -et in Touch w:tli some me-nîber of the la. bor emioltee il at' any tins. in the heu .r future the), will hi' ln ne4d bell ln ronducting Tisiir igeni'ral fars cor jý Thie foiiowing is a llst 'if lb.' mm bers or Tii. i dior ýiimltti c ilar,id \liT . Antioch. E. W. Kirig, Antioch. L. A. W\toii-,.L.ake Villa. J. G. Ionni r. Lane Villa. J. liar' Round Lake. CC(. Am.-, GraysLakeý ILtv Pdikoca, lRound Lake. Il. L. trou-, Wuuconda. 0. A. itock'-nb)aeb. Prairie Vii &w. Jas .OConnor. Dei'rflitl E. H. Gitchel, D.'erfilld. Paul SIT,. Lake Bluîff. M. Il. Petersen, Libertyvilîle. Frank Sius-,er. Lihertyi> :. flarry Fltood, Gurnee. Fred Grabbeý, Area. R. F. Roua.', Area. H. A, Egsrer.m, Ares. Wm. Stei, Lauke Zurich. Pred Kîrscbnî'r, B.rrîngton. M. F Wa.gner. Plriit l View. .Andrî'w R Eilniir. Wa.ukeg;în Chas. Alt,k, Wadswor-fi. J. A. 1lie. v's'. Ru>--il 0. W. Fan. y,, Zion City. E. A. n 'i ii, ion CilY W . .iall-, Prairie Vlew. Th~e rîrnîii'T, decidf-d that il would b.' bvt to have a lubor coni mitTve lni-' h of t ie toc Os of thiý count) for !ivt. prpost- of registpr1i city h--Iri fr eriierg--ncy fars labor. Sorne of tii" men wci-r'n favor <of trying ou! tii.' twilight plan whlcb bas been >o -uccessfuilnii the souLb- West ln pears at. By this plan men entplosed in th- cities andl villages agree to pend a fte choura each day during the lte afternoon ln belpinz out ln farni i oîcrgency aork. t'n- der this plan rit. elp caL bei used satiafactorily a frw hours eacbh day In shokinag grain, plowiog corn or helping witiî oTher general farta wori. Wber--u0i i'lp la used thp labor committe decided that 40 cents per h*ir would be satlsftctory jwhere such lalior c-as orly supplied for two or three hours. .ach day. For sucis ahort lime, euergency belp willi not b. furnished meals by the local farmers. It cas ai-o age-d that no evenisîg meals would ',e furnished by local' farmers for hresing crews as t -ould be more salisfactory for al concerned for -ucis belp To get their eevning meulsaut bomne. This would aid in foodconservation. Posters c ilii e put up aIl over Lake couIty notin the lubor conditions. Mi inter. ali.d are aaked to watcb for the pos!ers and govern tbemsplse accordingly. W. .WATK'S, CountyPrs Adîlsor. L16HITLESS N16IITS IN FORCE NEXT WK; IS FEDERAL ORDER Washington. D.C. July 20.-R. subiption of "lghtlesq nlgbts," inaug- urated last cinter to sas-e fuel, will becoune effectiv-e next Wednesday, it waa announced tonîght by the fuel administration. .Ail outdoor Illumination, with tbe exCeption of nece9sary street llghtlng *Mf bei discontlnued alter that dut" unMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week, ln the New EU1land states, New York, Pennsyl- vanla, New Jersey, Delaware, Mary. land and the District of Columbla, amid on Monday and Tuesday of eaeh week ln the remainder of the United Status. The Independent puts Llbertyville at v ýg ýd p IIIAIJSE U ISISND IS IN NAVY, WOMAN GETS OFF "6EASY"1 Rpeause ber hbushand cas in th, navy, M rs. Mabel M'-îI of llîginwod. MI., arrested for shopllfting In Chi- cago, was given a light sentence ;e% Judge P'lzber. wben her case w a' calied. 81we eplaineé c1ti.-ier h's- hfald waa-la the s'v~a b~e fore she wAx having a bard tli t,, getting along. IV flned he-r $1() and sentenced ber to one day In jail up- on her promis(, that ah.' would nev, er do 811ch a thlng again. Tho Judge admittpd to hpr that It thie navy and dolng Mas i for lis country that hIwwas willlng to 1,P 1enient In ibls particular to-tance. CARL VROOMAN IS TO ADDRESS FARM= ERS LAKE COUNTY President Barrett of Farmers' Ifstitue Arranging ta Have Noted Speaker TO GIVE STRONG MESSAGE Plan is to Hold Meeting on One of the Large Golf Links Alinn *kp 1I aLea Qh#%r UNCLE. SAMS TWO WAR CROSSES 9.11 CR QOSS IbbeDhstlngulsed Servioe.op» vvu M Untiauthorîzd etby VUE sid L I lsb fr herolain u BAND WILL filVE, CONCERT TONIGlIT AT LAWN SOCIAL Following leIlotheiroirrain for the band Concert t1 0 lietteI ii. au social, for tbe benetit orthle 'r.ebyterlan La- dies' Aid Society vanrd the 'Libertyville band, ln Central park thts évenlng: Marcb-ornîs-r of tii.' ay. Overture-The 1hi-es. waltz-Clee. Cornet Solo-A tiare] le- -Clare Smarl. Popular-Keel 1, I,.'Home Pireo Bnrn- log. Mdarch-a-k H îîî.' lntermisolan. 1Màari-b-Stars ar-i stripeo Forever. 8electiOn-Uliit,i «r- Stand. Popular-The i oi. Long Trall- fealuring cornet quartette. Marcb-World <i&i.'lberty. Popuflar-What Ire ) u broing tu Do ho Heip the Bot.'1 Marcb-Futonar Star Spangled liai, ,.r FARMERS' MEETINGi AT LAKE FOREST The program ci. îîiittee Io siad Ia mnnaunce that th,-. v have been able to. secture Prof. R. A. 51ie gronomist of Wisconsain Experiiiit Staioir, 10 ad- irets tisemeeting tb larmera sud city people ai Lake Fo)r--t on 4uguilt 2. Prof. Moore le one ol tih.'bossI nformeti men la the U~nited States aiong the lUne of growing and disc-Tination 01 pure. bfed grains. Mr. Mooire avilI opeak on tie or @oreeeisîliar subject and its effect on keepilng youubr men upon tise farm. Assietant Secretairi of Agrlcuisur., Carl Voormnan, ProtN. A. Moore andi a British or Frenchi ili-er will make a ilrong prugramn svbilli tioth farmers and itty people sbould plati 10 hear. Plan to lie there. Tise ioetitig avili lie avort inhile. RECEIVES CALL FORFIVE MEN The local drafî hboard avilI send tiv. non to Syracue' rer-ruitIng camp, clate fair grounda, SyracuseN. Y., on July i1. The men wii leave hore 'at 7:22 a. M. FollowIng are the Dames of th e mon to be sent: Peter Naughton, HIgbwood. Wlliam Brownu, Lake Forest. William Ganly, Llbertyvllle. .Tacob 4ren, Libertyvlllo. Jame. O. Jones, Waukegan. '1115la leise hignest award of tbe UnIWé Statea. I11la presonled lor d istngulsbed gafiuntry In bat- lie or for herolam of an oapecaily 4saUagulabed cbaraoter met la lb. u l-a Ue of duIy. M !19IneLS Ke ne 'lIUtf U1MI53AL INIMAI .JhnBare'. réien a t RELIC UEARTliED; The c on lie realis". ha , hyU57L~ aTreai ln store for tise farmrn'. of DlJ' AIL 44E bave no imé. te gîte froM thMcr workAsrt te listen te ordinar>- men apotling ordinarY Platitudes anti for lise mii- summer nmeeting of tise. Instituté e b'c hti sOeo he Proposes to get frnm W'ashIsnzton tie se etdta tIsOeo h noted plaîora orator and bar-i or Four Similar Implements h eaded, sensible, br-slzbti-ujas.--.is ved tant secrerar *-v 0f ariîl th ie l[on (CîrIIromn-anTo giae th,- urin- crs andtétihéeTon1,-, l is. lisi Sbtig o itrstoi th rener ,inal ITSUSE IS NOT PRO VED YET Vroomun Snows chat b.' s raflitig atout wisen be talk'. agriculture. îlea 18l one of a noted fumily, noteti for Apast eaBtl x hrahos anti doing tinga. Apast e ateAebut Mr. larett proposes îti otti hi,1 this is Denied tram Experts mee-ting (ithTie second da of _tir at lAS.' Forest. Tis"mas- sees aofIndian Relics ruther strange on tir-il thoitrisî il. wby sisouid lb.' farmer not go to a On.' 0f ris.' ost inTr'ual Indian meeting on sýome one of thp grr-at relira ecer dhncosered ln Lakecouin. mioney play avisle b.' cor-S .to ef'i'iDay antii'd o n ui. uzet tbem? Why shouldthéis farmer n olt isose avio bave seen ft The relie listen to a man who knoavs tise rela- in question closelv resemoleas an tn- tiv, Importance of men avio worS titan baille axe but differs ho somte and~~~~~~~~ me vopu'I ie. rlrlImportant respects. Severul exherta limesq and bas tise courage te o pint i have seen tise relir and havée x- out to both tisein gooti points aas cII ,ressed lise opini thaist r auy have as tiseir .;hortcnmlngs. Barreft heen useti lnwceavinz. Tbey assert thln-«c, the farmer owces to the tiI-4ýt- hat se ar as ibev Snow o01v tisree tanti a lesson anti that noc' le 5hp 'or tour of tise.' mî]inîenr.s er tinte ta drhvé it boreneflt onîv for have been discovereti. bis good but for tise gooti of tise-Tise relie cisich ta faishion.'d out o! furmer. a tliit-hîke tone. Jsth ie properîv of Later papers ailI give bull ac. lias Mary Keougis a scisoo' teucher roun ts of 1h.' plans; of tise mee tIngj at Esereît. 51w bas loaoed tise relie ant iIbis Item is mer-cIa' to bave eacîa To T.A. Simpson, corînt>-sperîn- farter net aside Pridav aflernoora tendent of s<isoois avio pi-ms To bas-e Auguat second, for a tril)ta Tose.'andl a puotograpis taînen 0f it so Tiatil ai -heur tise men uo! note ln tise aoriti -an be.'di.,plas-eslauttise state fir l today. Armour. Swift anti Mea'rer aond alro ut tise county fir at Liber- anti dozens orf aeatha' men avio bavé ivviiîe next falI great estutes In hake F'orest cl "I;.It, on.' of tise most insual In- di irobablv ie tresent be heur'Mr. dian relies I eser saw" Mn. Stnp- p N'roontan, son aasertid. 't cao Imagine isowp If Mr. Bn-cirtcoulti onl>- gel our Il co uld lias.-been uset ln aeavlng farmen-governor anti pairiotC.over- anti yeî some sm-n avio are expertse noir Loavden te h.' ai this meetinL ln surismaters have expressedth ie 0 thoen aI]Lakue corîintv coîsld ti .here. oiinioîu tisaI suris may b. tise case. i Hlis s endlg a spécial messengèe To t lq aontierful tô tiink that Itn-li (loi-. towtien. Let us hope hiéaili dians eould fashion sucis an Imple. eÊ sticceeti. lidy, AuguraI 2nd-re- mno t itiste cruide tools aviicis th..y member tei set slde tise ablennoon. isatiut tiseiIr disposai, Itlis isard to f Senalor R. B. Swift. Fée.'hriw bole. suchbsa. ihese could Libertyville, 111. be drîîîed ln .'tone aitisout modernC CommÎilltees Named. appurutua. uIfbtere avere any ati- B At a commlltee meeting of teaiehatn Lai.'<'mn-> Frmrs Intiut. %a ntan. n irtbn g t1aoulti ai- Laretiu aternoon u is ituthall Msti holinet te. dbubtht ie Indian i hilae forst il ast teidtushlul noigîn of îthe implenmot. but Ibero e tie sumr st Ttt aerdut tieOnavenil eems no reason te doîrit tiié tact" I taaclub,. Lake Forest. Fi-Iay tia' ter- nonn, Auzuîtt nd, at 2 oclork. NEW AND FAIRER SUBURBAN Cari Vroomati assistant secretars- PHONE TOLL RATES OROERED of Agriculture, i. 'lll h.' lb.'principal Fln ihnnnt aso o speaker ant ian effort ailI be matie jn ihi ieydaso ta gel otser noteti speakers. eliedule of lelepisone rates betweeéi Tise followlng commîllees avre Chicago and otiser commuities adja- named: cent btisthe city b> tise Chicago Tel.'- Grounts-Reuisen Donnell>-, TioleY, phone company, doing aavay with so. Carte.r Harrison Fltrbugb. calleul discrrninatory toit ratescas Prognant \%tessrs. Fleming, Iupen- ordereti in a ruling banded doavu to* beian.r, Watson and Barrelt. day b>' lie stale public ultities com- Publlctsr-'%r5s. Bll'e. W. L. Brew- mission. Tise same r'uing lakes from rn sber and Pauli Wilfis tise Chicago conricil tise igbl b "fa lteeepion-0. F. King, Harry M'oodté tléphone rates. Reduction to 5 conte C.uy B. Sironona. R.IB. Swiîft, (eo. of MIats te OaS Paris, Evanabon, Cicero Wlite XW. C. flllo nand W. E. Wat- and otiser nearby places la expected a, Son. hy tise commiaeiln's attorneys. be Great LaSes TâaaInng stalon te- Miss Las-ia Sylvester, one cf dus mustera 41,000 bluelacisets In Waukegan's beal knoavn and mont truining te shoot dem utuffins ,of îlot popular young weonen recelod word war lord. Beaides whiscis Great Lakes totay tisIa se bus passed tise stale ulready numbeme 60,000 stars In, Ils bar association and now la llceniod service, flag elnce aar cas delared. to practice law In Ilmais, LAKE COUNTY f6OT &MIEAD Of STATE COUNCIL, INSULL Chairman of State Cauncil af befense cammends-County- taîflîy -ta Us hbeid, Secîretary Churchill, of THRIFT-ECONOMY 'To WIN the Lake ounty Agrieultural auticla, TO GET- SHAU _____Pion, Informe Th, Independent todaY WAUKEGAN that -as ettheellinois Jockey club, whth i uld Proosote the races, bas fnot Speaker at Luncheon Warns accepted ltheasucitetong terme for tbh' Counties of the Northemoir Public that Slackers those use o1 the fair groud@, and therefore r SgeatdfomT- W ho A re C areless i- tt r.are e : tdt arenuinher in South rn art of borees cilI be brought bers and big- Waukegan. Jul 16 purées willibe offered. There wîil lie A deci-lon on anthracite coal whlol< Samuel Insul. ehairmun of lbhe speelal fervice oiiisred on tise transporta. vilI cause grOat dlsuppolntmnent te 8F- qtat Coneilof ,ýrn.,, an tin li@@ nd veryeffrt ili ie adeoanties in Illinois ha-' b>een- a Sota ' rete Cn i of nfn-r, as ty,.' thlne jockeclurv e r iil arge sy th,, T'nited States fuel admi~ Co4ty' lrget andowî-r cai.lb. lv te ocky lubsoattac lagetration and communlcaîed te 3o« guest of isonor anI sPeaker et lb.' croc-de1te se thbe sport of kingo. Thse E. S<ill1fims, federai fuel sdxnIidsUm of comercjs roo at h hm opcîîlng day May be derby day. ter for Illinois. of ommreproos.ITlaI that tbhe 1750.000 tons et i The largeat crosdIbat bas ev-r -tbrurite roui allotted te llinois sbdt' gatbered in thpeomnis am tisre toeM h.'di ' tIhiit.'d xclusvely- among 28 greet the dIstlnguished stie3ker and t0M YMJ 5U5 ons in tise nor-herm part of Ibu hogave tbem a heurt te heurt 1-aIs 10 MAI MUM Ci LUBD state, 1inrluding Lake county, with about tbe work of tbe state couîi-il tise buIS of it going te Chicago. Tbé and what ls expected of tise peo<îî- MVMRDC M~ decision ,aP reoicbed ufler, a gr" of WuulSegan and the state in belping M BERS B~J EJ'. deal of- argument, In chiots Mr. W1&ý tise counicil carry on tts big tàsk. 11t! as ored a statewide digtrnltiaM The big tbing whicbMIfr. fuisoîaid tîldut wasovrrsled by tb.' dbati» aras: Liberti-ville now ha@ ten maximnumtlon section of the Washt n u "As 1 reflocted durlng the luircheon, club niesinie re-pe ruons or e6tablleb- for reasoos chics were held tg ý 1 V..ndàreci why, durlng the peut year mente viso hac. purrhaeed 81,000, vital. 1 had flot been hers.haera, Thon 1 worti 0i War Msviogm stampe. Fema. iuel Admnistrator Erakine of LakW. though il oer an camete tu con-county has received the followiu*f clusuon liaI Waer as aehencdn- iu i nout aled any single pur. self-e.xp'Ianaîory letter tram fltab,? lng such fine work in ail war finesca ciaiir. ulAmnsrao ilis thât it wssn't neceseary for me te Foljowing i. thse roîllof biinor: Yeu bave ail b.' ada-ised thât ti14 Corn. Frthrmor, imigt sa tht W A lrewrto. cigencie. of war bave requîgu4 te Lake county ba@ flot been quit. sa Elle lsrewerton. change 10 the disatrine,! t hl* active In étate counirl of defense work tOaspî fatrct.I u as many Cther counities and the. ra- Helen Brewerton. lîcen necî-sar'y ta increase Use amoouw*, on therefor in that before the counmets Robert Brewerton etbNwEgadadteÂia el set tic NeuwI nd crrsndn yhb Cue got well under way, Lake county ai- F. P. D- d.ticiltisamd ontspondbinupl edcar- ready bad iunsped Inta th. ta k and )Are'R. D. MMabon. lithe rans Misssaippi a uppldiaitew had organized In varlous lime. of actlv' Fouide Milling Co. th-tas iiig indis: s«r lty and ialsiedent% were weli under ,as nldn lios way when wre got around te look af- Mr@. Virgiuia. B. ines The fuel adoinistMMa..jLt wasik. ter the situation. Therefor. it wasn't First National Bank. -ngton bas is*d under consfderaim: jlcofetuau in our work, but Fred Enderln. the division of tise dimbnished suppir Iac 0fenyth iako nm it ecuefor Illinois. andhuas inally decidod cas youairadywee o th jo."a plan of distribîution. It W&* you ireay wee o 1h.Job'- ioughî avia- tb tirait the distributoo,. 'oiiun.M.Isl ad A year /5 D Tte that piortion of the tewhc ugo conditions bi the state were not jcnandtegera oyo s us tisey now are, Nlany folks tison LCAL D VI ER' Coraie ontue res, a dy ofl ma are Isa o. s sh~',~farTiseremoved from the câ edý Tisey did not reullte Itt l war ~WJ(I (LJUwbich are the sources of supply of for people oflise United States as INhRDR C R itusninous In llinois. cuill as the people lis iiig In the aIllY_____ Accord logiclb.' determination Wa9.. c.6tïntriea. Tbey did flot realîze that arrlved .ý4t t divide 1h total amouat- the allies bail hein currying on for Euperanza, trottlng a mile lu 2:05%,(0f coul ullotted toalIllinois on anuoqul tbree yearo our battles abroad, and and dnîven by DIck Idelabon. of Liber- percentage haits betaveen the 11 spotl us WaokegbneI foruldchaaeloyal tyville, broke tise world's harneesrecord@ NortheasTern counities of the si"* bpta arderb abo- Ilpeol f haae 5be leoebiyotedy.i oigt as follocas: Stephenson, Winnba.b harer a sow li popl ofthesta@ t Tled, Oioyeseray.litbelg te onne, McHetrry, Lake, Ogle, DeKalb thati such la tise case. Il look 505e faîteotix-heét race on record. Na in, DuPage. 'Le. K«nd@4, wM lime, however, to show ths andl to Eeperanza wa. in tbe Fort Miami nd Coo%. 1A1l the" countles wMl prove bte eieople' of tbhe allied coun- stake for 2:08 trotter., the purée bolng rclvannqa pnetae1!Di trieowe suriste Gos-. Lwden for $5,00(). ois coal hased on tbeir consmptba ini 1911. Il cannot he promieUl chat bie did tht'. 'Car In bringing the witlr certainty but. from the besttfia.- mesage te the farmera of Illinoia. formation now available, filai.b., 'The citizensbip of Illinois la finnii- PREMIIJM LIST OUT SOON Ileaod that percentuge wli b, Bp. ly bebind tise governiment with &trong 1îroxlsnutely about 80 per cent of the Intentions To do tl'eir ahane In isehalf eut, amounts sulaplied duitrng the basing of tise governimer. te10 cm tiii ar. The prein ie lt for Lake cutsp.sriod. If tise dauicit of coke la tak- 'Tue t irsi function of tise State sixty-iiîi annual fair avili bieready for en into consideration the net fueil Counicil of Defense cas te get the pub. distributioi he latter part of Ibi, week. power of tbe 80 per cent avili ho cor'. lic in the proper brame of slnd as Tbe fdgy iinshd to the car. Toedoib, is every citizen Te air, wch- ili b.e beld September reIlnd it.glvdrnsed.rge t h of thi- atte liaditotebe tuugbt that ilt185te021, wiii offer an attractive apeed state udminisîrutor la obiiged toail-, itg oecessar v t forget everything ois@ prograin and anumuberOfePOclîefitures noun ce th-il anthracite avili not be exceptlng T but orîr nation muet con. th&$ are certain te attract large crowde. acailable for lb.' other couaties Ut - tribut.' is part to win tisis big wa'. ________________ _tise stase, it lcil lie a bardsbip te "Tise main Job of lb.' State Council many te he deprIvedl of their favorite of flefense is to do wisat Washinigton able to ge-t In a supply of avodd whier- form of fuel, and il can oniy b, ru- avants lis to do. We. have ver- troul1 iser poasibWt. lie eels tisai eci gartd aone o0."f tise additional saie.- poavers snd try te co-operate In every year thal tisec-ar continues, the roui rifires f.'ntaied by thse war. The n»s wuvy wiT tise c-ar depanrment at situation is going te bencome more tlonai fort administration huasfuit Wasington. War can be run but one acute. keenîs tise responslity et appa.. way. If it ha bte i successfuliIl must Mr. Instîll sald Ibat the isouslng thoning tbe suppiy of anthracite te lie on a sort of autocnatie arrange- proislem kq on.' of lheb.'ig tisings in mcat bncreaaing demanda, ansd am ment, whereby everybody under araItlinoisanaid that the state council la tiven the. best of bt,-%brain and hoart. orders msuet carra out ordera r. now mnakbng plans te taS.' upi tise power to the solution of the problem,. gardlesa of person opinion. In ou? questiotsIn a tangible wuy. H.' sait! The resuit has-not been arrived At etate, counicit c-e don't aiîîrouch tise they avilI soon bc organized ta bandie citsout sympathy or regard for tisg question as te ch-tiser each mun tise housing probierîî andi naturuily c-ho c ere te lbe deirived of- anthra. migist wish t0 do so and se. w.' mere. becau.se of Waukegan's Importanice cite, but afler grave consideratlbin ]y carry out order3 front Washington with reference te tise Nav-aI Tralinng and svitb tise desire te have Use et- bto -chat tbep' wantl Ail personal sîtuion, wilI conelitre- and get in bects of tise ebortage bail chere theY preferenre and Interest misIbc cast toucb witi tise local situation or.. would do thse toast barm and Mt aside. long. Hoavever, bie ilmtressed UPO12 these. on the whoie, betale.'to eae Up ta Individuels. hie bearers that the houabng probiema the depria-ation. "W'iat uppiies tri oui- state concil and ti ter probieis o f sirnilar-, char- The resîsît ug hefore us. The e0fl upplie'. To pris-ate individîuals and pri- acter are really profileras whlch le- sArerse thor lb.' tatrs fuel balmè. vute rrizi os as ci-Il avio mas not beoucalpeolPle. nmust handle and setle spoken. Ilttg.'for il- to accePt tisofr rie1.i irîto active service IlSe thse tisemselves under tise direction of utteranre toyally, andte - patriotiel- men In trenchee. Accordlngiy, lack the state ohlicerg. lu other worda, ise lv gis'.'Il osr c-holisearted suprt. of cobedii-nce isy any Indivîduni and sain tisut the exi-ens.' of Ibis kind And lhb..pst borna Tiut support em failurp e torialize tisut be bas get. ta muet b.' carried by local people as take la to isegin at once, te tuke étatise do bis dîrty In iss ar abouid se lb.' star.' organizutiona bave no fund te stppiy tise CiPI.'it by providlng om, brougbr borne tobinm that he la; a withisich te carry It on. scIai-s avir b stlutes for an*tbw stocker anti not perfnrming bis jobi. 'Tise Siate0 Council of Defense bas cite-. uy aoft coeil. But tb. béat "We have bld much help trom ,1h. put il ul. ýto local Peuple le finance grades as-ailahie But rememboer tiW women of Illinois, In tact, 1 belleve thein 0wo lîrobleins aucis as bousing. aIl grades of BlinroS C4imusi b@ the women are entitled taonasmui etcil., .i the y must do il If lbey ex- burrpeiltitis avinter. There ta nut credit as anybody In the @tâte for our pi-rt Ii do tiseir, shiare in the war." aOy TOù moi-h te go around. succes 50 fer In wbat w. bave don.i Mr. lo.,uil poiîî-ed out the hxîîpor A1 nii b.'assured that yen0 -. aru oward winning the war." anire of trit anti econoy ail o1i-hýi a patriot. as *qýrely contributing, Mr. tn.'uli neberned te tise results sald: "Thrift ana ecenomy if t; . tote e winning of tise war, byYM1 obtaineti by tb.' State Councl In pro- car is te lat bas golte10lbe prearbeti toialty In Use use of ceai.sand M viding seed crn for lthe farmers lasi in cesry home and every vIllaze uni 3our 'support of-tb. ootnadoem>« saaon and covr.red tise agnîcultural City In he b United stat., .itsi-i v tis, coul army, as itflfglstîns onth t situation generaiy avilis reference te in Il ts the rigbt te use materialIlii fie-rce front 0f buttie. procurring iselp for lbe farmens, etc. ruad worS andi iîuso- construiction~ >%fr. Insull aiso referred 1tetise fuel factory- construction. in tis"-mrtiod TWO COLORBO MEN CAL.LED situatioe' and sald ilà itili a very of conducIng private busincssî's etc. FROM LisU[RTYVILLE Di.i serions problem In lb. étale. He The effect of thia tbrift and ecouomy said tbat pensons who have been uset iavlIlatt fan beyond tb.' war and Springfield, Jly ig-Te 1a isaving ail tise bard couil tbey have therefore Ibis country Is coing ta tlonment for Lake couflty ef desired, Coutil gel but',e& émal quan- profit greutly as a resîîlt of the teacs- men te b.isesnt te Camp ermf4 lily of Il tisis yeam. Re urgêd ever- luge Ihat are being sprî'ad tisrougb. fgrd from, Aymgust ite 6, =01d>% body ta store as muiýh coal as posi.out the counptry aiaug Ibni ft auidecon- cal# for 5,4$0 moni qr 14%,Iu ~ bie and suggested lt Would b. advls- onîlcai fines." mon trom District No. i. 1Qî#b;.ý GREAT RACINQ MEETING MAY BE IIELD HERE Lbert yvil 11 masbei the sc.'npof twîî Weks raiwig nIetlog, etartirg .Auguêt III. Nutitbtà 1'ugtbas, other uapermi LAKE COUNTY ONE' 0F FEW COUNTIES, TO GET JIARD'CGA1 Fuel Head Decides i1,750,OWl Tons Alltment is for 13 Lake Count*-s Big Weekly ChuIto ruktIn o&hoeWeeUies inGounty Comnbinad WAUKEGAN WiEEKLY SUN 1

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