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Libertyville Independent, 25 Jul 1918, p. 10

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____I - . RENJON15 1IELD ;î 1be HPu »n f RselFor- "* fWaukegan Meets t,'i j I*__Ch.c0 9 ATTENDED SCHOOL KERE i an Leerned of, Sister's wurebmdIs Through the Merest Accident *Ml1le ]Rlihan. a well kndwn farci- ipu i ilussell. but a former Wei tMowa résident of Wankegan alere lie reaided up to a shgr limte age'. *as maie ex-enely billI' ftiwèek arbatlie metbis eialer lire. Cia rIes 5hane (ose Holibia). wliom ie 'bait aetaseenil0 years. «Iftatthe two liai lestls'ack o! each <her for Ibe lait feu: or Ove years snd4wa. -esli a feww eè*.s ara titat tht>' roundl ahere sacit othier vas living. .Jm aswbô bas been living at Alii.<ansd other citit-a ln thé eapstate for a number ut years. samt retw-ned to Chicago vîlIt lier h=ubatiand I ntend% ta moite her borne there. NMr. Ilolihan tveni ,ý_q.Clileago Monda>' and the mfetIng1 vMeeunte brother and sisier. se>t- autei a scure of Years vas a joy-I JOu. ilaus ili be remembrti b>'1 lb. eider reeldents of Waukegan jl-1 tbo4uii athea. bs-en gane for nuy " yeaa's. Sh5e attended lte Wauke:an de01018 ana completesi ber-aeucation. lit. iolihan conducisi a mlk huâ- IMn lu Wsuhiegan several yers agi, *q4 'doêducted thet rsteecetsaut fl0»uWatttrlu« business bere, eelliug o« teté ire late William polmn - Pot years ite and hl.« sister cor- uenpded regularl>.'M Ten bot ; vel ad nelter vas able ta Itemn qadiresa of te other. lira,.lDane Milit sveraI letters la her broter, aldrs.lag tem ta Waukegan. but t& 1w ere returned bocause lie could l m b. locatet. i. was oni>' a ev **Okea&go that one of these lettere *elaaeed te go to Gurne. and front Ilose vas saut-la Russell ahere It1 -O nolStacthé hands of lMr. tolibait.1 He li ommueattd vitIt bis etater i»t muiately and tse runion vas plan- Y AE TO CONTEST Ul lve aorld'a greatest alite dr> e mmnov on the «round tua- -nq opw tIlsr cars for thet Oral annual InWUfofiatoulSweepstakes ai the chii- eibSpeeu5vay next sunia>' afler- ,.be ai 3 o'cloc'i. Pie of tht al- »M -lamloina nov fighting shaulier to iambler bUaRInt lte _Hon ilI te' esp'eented se tollows: ffIpl ilford, Unite.d Sfates. ltte esta, Batg~d. Lanis Clievrolel. France. ArhrDura>'. Belgium. Ite conlent amounts la prictical>' Ra 5Invitation match race ta dater- miSe vio la tht greattat driver lu W&a world uudtr aIl condition». For tbb SPurPogt the race vili 1w i-un IR la bvséiats. aI two. i10. 20, 10'auot 6#It Ile..Tht vinner in e.ci t ba VIII mre %Ive points. thet$second MM tfour pointa, etc. This ms-qanà IbMk ever>' driver aI have tu do hi. bes t a ever> lies-IanmaiOve gensa- tfali lmhps are promîssi. ThIs lnaiaso the fIra lime ltai the -dolibre have ever raced for their ÔWS MODY n>, 'ch puttlng up $2,000 as a -ig 01 th ie $25,000 purse giar- atesi b>' te mptuaement. 0f fhlP 680e1nu 115.000 ilîl go ta tht vin- i% m 5,000 tu the second juan. 1:,010 t- te t.Ibri. 8$1.6'0( tulthe fourtb and SM tolathe lirth. lha means that I - Lbast tvo men ilîl loue a cbank of thpir 12.000 tai-h. ». ce. Patter.oa as been selecleil le. rafere ite race. Thousnda3 of Pp504 lîl go -lu automobiles and for Iheln "Il parking gpart, luclufiug, *tha-laflpla, viii 1w free. The pke, i a. ff rom ;41.10 i thte>t5lMl< stand to V..50 for tht chicesî box *@Uet Itht Oinfi4h ie. Thf-sepricer ~ladduding adission, seat sud s'a: Aside front the 5auto racing Ilîtrel *1111 b other thrllling et-tnts during Uw l.aftervoon. ACY 0F MliOtEICi EXTRACT FftOM REMARKi MADE Ar WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS, ON ,ILY 23R OBV STATE SENATOR 11110NEV S. SWIFT. PltNt. P$Ohallbasten My psrsonaî frisai, tut Mr.m.cforîiick ta Ihp *toget ut an oftmme vito are pre- 081t te ron.sIderationtof!Illinois 2"âqbiucana for lite s'-cIoati îiîe; or no spot u in NýtcCorynPicks raedtttdisqualities bin, H.- h -'-15 eani'J e Reptiblicans of Il- zbm~ lîouisuPitart. IVuequivo<at. JY iholeheandlyaltîtougît 1i sm ib'( sgesuun Foàs' district. 1I sa ' tK1r eCormIcitought la li, oaàmlaa1td b>' the llelublioasî- Ili f t aid slected Iu Navetît- ,et4' 174 11 ~6OI~*B PWIT O~4~O ~O 0U~flI~ Following are fair ptteee for, nb0d in lake Counîr for- tbe curreot week. as- deteriained b? the, fusi admiâiatration. Namea of ail deliw seeling at pricea Quoilldeof tis rla bould be reporteol t0 G. C- Gfflez, federal food administrator for LAIÎ county. or to townesbladmlalatrator-s. wbo will tako te pov action*. <Prepared by the Wangsn food ad ministration. »Ue. eek baiis. ntng Julv 26, 1918. RtaS pniéeus utoner aboud PaY for the eOtMpe. mrna heild t exceal th* fOilbvaa The eoeý te th* nret « ém lit tfdle also la gtre&. ce*ta te tter Piea te Corenhnr Jecry Wrapped preai ........... Pe lb. If*4 e~ thlte Fleur ........... ........... Per 1-8 barrel 1.50-1.55 1.5.0 Whilte Fleur (in bulk) ............. 5 lb.-iic 38C Rye Flour (in baga)................ Ibs.-33e 39e ft>. Plqu........................Per 14 hbee-.40-1.7O 81.504.85 Whole Wheat Flow . .............. 5-l1b. bag--4 120 37C (Under theFredeat's iroclammnaUon retlleai mlmuen &aBd oe- sumuimtunt buy with eacb pfuad of .511e User-. pesa of som.ipub. ettut.Conutinaers baie ebolc cteuatelmmcra tareb, ecru su bon" gits, bmer llur. u.rice @ 1li oitimeal. rolIed et». buck- -wbea tobur. gotato tour. aveet potato tour, amy bera leur nd fte- teatbomtsand maae. Rre tour l te eelird a substtut* for whtite tour.) Orsham Fleur ..................... 5.bS. - 410 . S3 Cern Ment (white bulk) ........... Per 100 Itwk.-45.75. 7o Corn MesS <Yelow btlk).......... Per 100 l 3857a Ada,,s (wbeli.4> .........Per li.-Sle 340 Saeeu (bm grades),.. .. .........Per lb., 48C64e *ae.noo (medlwn gradies).........Feor lb.-40ée 44o Bacon Square. (whole) ........... Per lb-SOc o Lard (est raita, srto.>......... 3 Lard <bulk> ...................... Per ib.-29c 35e Chosese <f11 lcream out te erder) old Per lb.-3f tac Cheese full créent, eut te order. new) Per lb-SOs - 864 Cheese (full camn, brick) .........Per lb-S6Oc3044é 1 Pro~~Ote 00>.................. Pet lb.-14o 18e Prunea (60 te 70) ................ Per lb.-]Zc lac Prunes (90 t. 100); .............. Per lb-lc Ise l4bmlay . ....................... Per 100 b.-4726 8 1-20e nice (fency> ................... Per i» iltie-411,50 16e lb.j M«. (W«i roee) ............... Per 100:lbu.-49.0O lmc lb. RU»s Fleur .-. ............. Per Ib.-11-lie 12-15C *ean* <hvi. hand plcked) ......... Per 100 Iba-SIâ 18e Milk (là~ tgrades>......... *.... 1Sc. mli (meihan grades) ............ 300n Milk evaperàted, net maëtemed> ... Il 1-2e 15C Suntef <cemry, extra, buliS>...47C 52C (Oit. cent hIOher tu cartonstam la tube) Butarn,. grmlad rums.cartons). Per b-*lc 36C Btrie(standard grades, reils) .. .Per lb.-lic 34o Stterineft 001110%)> DfeSe dbuiS .Per lb.-lbe. ne Iton (etrlsty fremhcanUlai) ...Dozen-45e 49e *r440afld oSer (In buS) ......par 100 lbo.-$8.27 9 -2 Granualai Suger (li2.b. crton).. Pe? iarton-18e 20e *iIley Fleur.................... Per 5-b. bag-?2c 38C Ry Fleur ..............-1b. bag-33c 59e Petatoci <new) ................per 100 lbs.-$3 pk. of 15 Ibs. 6,c- Waukedan Locals St-Atndrews' chair or Chicago i nov Occupytng lte Episcapal cottage «f DrUSes Lite, the local choir hav- lng returuti Monda>' eveniug froin tîteir annual ouftng., Word las been recelved Ihal Clar- suce Rsdding, bon o!flMr. andi Mra. John iledding. of Grand aveuue, has arrive ai SaII>' overseas.- Whie <ranning fruit on Wednesi afternoon, lire. TIbials, vifs orf.. 1). Ttbbals, tht var garien 'aivisor. seriously burnti ber arm ahen the. cover te a kettle contaiuing bitOling fruit alipped aff snd thetgstant seald- tsi lier arm. A nuniber o!f>'sars iago lirS. Tihisals aiso atstalusi serlous huma 1te ber arn. .John Conrad, vho has vetu very sic"î foroane montba bas se far ne- coverai lthaIt e la now able te be, Out ever>' day. vaîka Considerably, and rides a lot. Hi@to10k a trip 10 Anilocit ys-terday b>' aulolule and' sustained no ili *effects fron t 1. Tht count>' clerk's Office ai Wauke- geai èlas receiveti lpquqrbeg I#bout John D. Thomas, late lieutenant o! the Raîial F-lyingCorps. vbo Is su5s- Pp e ahave died belveeu Februari- 21 andiJly>'1iof this year. H- li euPposed te have reslded at Highla-nd Park. Tht luquir>' dams froinNew York Cit>'. MISS Elis-aitth Joues bas liesn calledtu t Detroit as a result o! ber moîhs-r heing talcsn alec abus abse v as l inte Micigan cil>' visitiug ber son Lloyd. Ju8t boy serlausl>' Ili lire. Jones la frienis here do nel know, but, il le fuît alhe liver>' Ili or thte daughit-r wouid net have beau ewnntaned -Ibère. Attendance recorde for visitlug daysat Great Lakes vers shaUiered Wednendây ahen 27.210 persona vis- lted lte Station. The prevlous record vas 22.586,. maie ou Weinaday aI- ternoon, July i. A total of 2.749. au- toaobiteaas-eilthrougb tht gales. Thils vas not a record however, as on Weiue-aday, mi>' 3, 3,053 automobheî vlted the sation. 'Aattk(eganreWaives 0etlira. WIII Mc-'u liant, formerl>' Clara Dletiuty- er of Wautlegan. vote shocked titis ntarnlug té dog-st .phone message front Chicalo, teIliag tof hber isath there about nsdnlgt. lb. as the ù1sdeet daugiter of the lato Joseph DJ t)fmevèr, elte of Waiikogan's pion- I <era. anti the eldeet esler of Mrm. A'imes IlOti. Mrs. Ed Sargent ýantI %lirs. Iiinger. lire. lcCulisam bai llvod lun'liigo imany .years.*Bia- leave.s a daughtFr. Ber itusbani iltd years ara, lier sisterit vent down te th(-cli>' toda>' vhers tite>'espeut- tsi te Itaru mort of bs-r suiden lise- ting. lirsa McCullamisi li efiri trouble te sonts- xti-at, but the finai atbaek must bave iteen ver>' suddot 1for no wari l'ead conte bers that ah( vas Ill. - %ire.Ji. A. Bloomer, ags-d 26, of 21; s ortb She<ridan Roai, ,paa»d sws> T a tht .IaNe litster hospital Mon "d*Y. ii.-atluitbeing due tea s ieart trou " bte of vldch site bi sufforsd fot rears. Mrs. Boomer vas born, i lSuglaîidbut ntoved te Chicago aber na umaichili. iHepnfather, Oltalit YA. Wlcîsa lbi aaountaià af thi eZian ntitutilone. Basides lier Iiuu ibaidMr@. Boomer leavs- lier par 1- -ntu, vtto rsvslde In Zion C'ity. Fiun Aeral W-tdsy ai 2:30 p. t,, et -tioi W. F. (Short>') Haase. abo cou- ducta. a grocer>' store at 1402 We.st Washiugon street, vas calîti before the Waukegau food admnistrationuet the wee&.ly meetitng Wednasday nlght followcng complante that le bhm- iteen vioiutiug foodi administrationu rules. One o! the charges vas lha.t ha ub.ss selltns whole viteat ioutt vititout sublstltutes. Haase admilîsi Ihat lie didseIli Ilirsoiv-pouni baga of aboIe vlteat foeur withotat substitutes bit t nid ho <idit il houghtleasly anidvitholt an>' Intention of voLating te set rule. Hie aaid'lie refusai te att> more o!- ter ho vas couvinci tht sonteone Liai been trylag tu "put up a job"~ on but.. One of the complainte '>ras maie, acordlnj fa Food Adintara- tor Clark b>' %e aile of a man wbo lu servinq in France. Tbat Hassews et notlusyrnpathy wi t te food administration ruliluts and shoaci un-Aineolcan teniencies in other ways, acre aiditlotu.l ru- porte maie ta the foosi adinistra- ter. Haast deniei Ibese vlgorousiy, asaertiug that be la lu perfsdt synt- Pîit>' altîr* the.food administ.ration and tht he bas shoan bis loyaIt>' 1,> lte purchase of! nay >-Liberty' bonis. Hea sked 'permission ta face big ac- It la a nigbîy serions thing te make these charges agaînst. a tan and 1 tbtnk vs should <5hin the man trIo maie ltemntdm let liim ie <ou- tronted b>'3r. b-.lae" the fodaiat- minielrator said. Fred BueCk and N. T. Rearion, tva other members of -tbe food s-dgnastraon, aiea look lte salue vita o!fte malter. Il, l; practlcally pmsurei that the tan who made tht charges elther viii It. cûmPoled 1t u bptaate thein, !f be cap, or Iti admilit tuheyawerp elenderaux. OWY 4aew citanges versiade lu fciotf PlIcea for tle eusuing week. Tit. pulce or rice wvas lereaaed te 10. Auto, Per Pouad, an iacreaàwcofi tI0o elats par pmoda. Tbe price of evibosuted MilS vax increasaitla 13 r enteansd butter vent te S2 cents, bol.liof Ilisse belng an increase tof Ione dent. home of ber IaeIswltb Internient been f( In thg faMilly lot ln Zion. thé exc The Chic>ago Telephone compan>' ate rec have purchaseci two acres of l*Rti carried eln Norlth Chicago, near 22nd -atreet. ail con< iPreparatory to rebuildlng tbetr barns I lu e "xi lws.reouaes. Tbey have beem 01 hcompwAlî,d Ito move froua the. out war f 514100of Uthétruck m c ocunt Of thc wprker naval woit occupylng the. old DroIt- their il erty. Thtis acreage wau bousin Ut<l d hmough T. J. liai! -* Co., brokerage of qte lirai and ifIt tunderstood the conéïdt- ruiing ération waj. «round $4,000. 1, So t)ev,.utyloberlI? and MJI E. J. mScoe G (reen> Ipft lut nght for Camw ]ot. .polley -don, AtlanI.(,a.. ta visit tor son, r-elejy ýsett. - 0Uwrdoa Green. - front et dupt JfIeeof the Public Service work t n oMPanY, 8and4 fail> go to IoIrs nouncEN * Wlx.. tomorrow to opead their vaca- v)rIvate IRltou. he carr Judge 'IIdardhla&sone ato the ..Nron -country to hetip bis fater. Hentry only Ji U.Edwaris, gti.ainhi# boy. etc., on 1155 and l] lrte b ln Avon. 1"I :an iphbbay wlth tact th lnlîe të of thein: sme If 1 can't."' "aId nation lthe judge imit before hoe depalted Isace, for -'ttthereu. opel'rL Io0idoti, .Iîy 24-Tbs Central ;raied Ir - oweriê are »Liowly atarving t4) deeti. ma>e tu wleotthp t Uate oontaAeethe cy. ,-« f trf fainne had defitIllIis -- ~Nln n. dI f lerbc.rt'C: Itobver «t angut, laItnvhùtod3y . sivem in. bli honor ple b> the. Lord Mayor. - Oftî'm -ON Ci-IICAGO C O Iaskusats "John Mle,, le not'thdi uP ~ aI te Inaue esyluw at, U51 4W~o >us ot bis IdeoIlIy Iliel'. YM va. iu4prmed *udey. w400. etoo i te local eaigtta b lte sylin tbat there are two other Men iore w. ho are koiowu as "Jolie 1>0.",,4eflsuse it has been lnapaeie 10 "4gtne y.'io the>' are. âbÏe# Grilfla bau been *a#cbîit telmiJohn D0e" vety oeretiiity 'ite-lebsbeen In bis custody and biat arrved at the conclusion titt ahl lte fellow la mentaîlly unbel- auced tbat Ite possesses ceoiderable inteilige.oe as exibited by thie tact that lie knows enough to eopy ques- tloun wbicb are atàbmltted 20 Wi. The fille* &IBO.,lhe aays, linove thte value of money. Prom the, way lte follow acted ha thItnlis ltaÏ he posaessed a considar> a'ble aum of moue>' at one Urne for lie keelpa feeling ln different pockets as thotigl looking for moieai Tlhe ahlint thinka it very .possible iloat- *.oin Dois may have' been inaie ihe. VtCtlm of a brutal attack t wblob re. aultadhI bis înenjal condition. Front the. -in'a ciotbing and bis generil inaner lie thinke that b.ha Ia.&man o! »mie culture and standing. PeoPie lving nar :Hickor-Y for, neos where the fellow was plckea up, tel ait f eeelg *aman waling a inack- * int and other articles of cloth- Iug vhloli "John Doe" did ual wear wben arreated. An effort là inig ruade to mid the additionai clothlng ln the hope that there ma>' be orne- thing ln thbe pue (t. to aid lu Identi- Itoatlon. "John Dot" bas ln his -po.4- session a lo'eet which cont-aie the PictureOof a womn. This. Il la feit. MAY la soute way aid lu Identifying h Sm. "Ile19 ithout doubt the moat bal- ling case of the kini etttr calîti to D'Y attiention," Sheriff GrIMn "iad today. FELUX DRUBDA 15 STATE WARRANT Fs-lis- Druba, a w elIl known Wau- kegan Young man employed As lire- man on the North 4Wetern rahîroni, was plases under arrest In Waultt. gan Mbi mornlug on a tate warrant cliarglng hlm witb haviug violated the stue 1ev witb regard to speed- Iug. This ia one of the Oiral cases of the klnd to be bitgip here for ln pracllcalîy every Instance via. ltlons of the speed lawes are han- dl-i hy civil autborittlea. Druba rau dawn the séven-year-old child of M..DaIrer on South Genesep Streef several dais &go. Baker 100k the malter Up at the stnte's ato:- uey and Insisted upon prosecutlon on a state warrant rather han civii action. The punisinnent, la case of conviction,.li. mucli more severù un- 4er thte tate law thtan under the local (,rdinance. The warrant vas avoru out bs-fore Justice Parmer. Druba a,»pêars-d in court this morning and through bis counsel. Attorney' Boîkle>, obtaiced a eontinuauce la F'riday xnorniug aI 9ociock. In the big majarty 'of eues speetl- ers who are t.aken in by the polie-'ý ama wilîing la plead guility to A charge- of disorier>- conduct on which thpy are Ouned. Thua the>' es- cape state prosecutbon. Baker Insista that Ir Drubt. bai been obo.rvlug care that the acci- dent wouid not have happened. Driu- ha maintaîns tht lie was not at fItlt. aaylng the chu draft lu front of bis car. ]le aays lie ean praducp %vit. DeSses wvo vili testify tb Ibis olfpet. REULAIN4O SECURR« LANR AS ISSUED BY DEPT. iufacturers engsgei on war ota and eniplo>'iug lever than rkers, vili aGI be rtquired la fboîr unslcilltd Is-ior through nFIed States B4mploYmntet Ser- tht departineuî of labar vhlch 0into, otect August 1. uev rullag-0f lte bureau ha. 1ao mach uncertati> t tat lthe rent tas beau flootlsd with ln- Ras to the poie>'of Itegov. nt Iu recritlug tbs.t il bas founi aeoeerY ta amiouuct cetUons unis: viidlthe prie- -rulig of labor gis-' »MI1 tts don. For te Iufomatlot of aceruedthetI. apattment or lat,r uei titis satnsflt: ]y mutactttrerse 'tggged os nîracteandmi .nilnXovar 100 To tIbnk thiat, OA lte oDW yday eab*, liad tala iot for $eM afrt l er con. sa'tcae o! bûlng wttliear agi W llesa l*ther, Ibat Mrs.,4de. laideA. Iore>', Wiasakans'e est grçage teaciter sitouli lie 0>1 victtian of a, l.rsc atomontbile accident -cases ôdu.o hink tlaaî th*i rony 0< tale le frequently llustrated la spots whers It doeeiVt saem .iust rigbt to etirike. lira. More>' sustis-ned a fraetured skull Ilanas uto accident abus id- In& with Dr. 1ý I. Tittunua Md tam- Il>' Wedneanday afternoou 1lu Chica- ito.. Wlth thfe Thtomas fatnily site WQàa enroute taL DInou-- t i t he Thom"s auto, thte plan itei lngtatec the tbree children ta the park for the day. Thte Tipases, havlag plmjtned te triptjieught it vônid bie fine to tire u Mra. orsëy *lth thent andti ius-give ber a change froin the dally reepothlbuIljy of car~. iug for lier aged fater. Fiarry Kingo- le>', 1wbo. som emowtit «0 o aus- tslned a atroke of paralysie and bas been helples Late. It would bu sudh a change-for Murs. MOr'ey! Four years site bai ieen coustauti>' at home exceptlng wben site was In sebool -teaching the prini- a:>' grades. lite neyer t00k a e off. ito on Weiut-stay site jacceptéi te invitation Io go ta lte cil>' aud »Pend lte day af thé, park wviic abe had uot seen'for*so man>' years. They alarted t 10 o'cinet. At the corner et ilwaukee and Carmen avenue another auto oollided witit the Thomas car. ,.ira. Hors>' vas titrowuout lu such a way ltat&site lauied on lier he8d andI lier bkul vas fractltrei behlnd lte eat. It vas ltmedlately sen that It vas a very Srlous Inlur>' and titerefOre an oPeration vas ordered aller site liai been takeu -4o 9t. 83hz- aitdi ospîtal. -The operation 100k place this tnorning. Mrs. Thona aso vas itbrowu ont, Fustalanug slight bruises, lneluding a gasb behind the ear. Her lulury was aJ.most in lte Identlcal spot ltat Mrs. Morey's fracture dame, but the biow for Msr%. Thomas wasn't so se- vere. Dr. Thomas end the ciliren e.- capd wlth but alighf bruiss. Hurrled ta iHospital. The vietim vers hurrisi ta the hosptal and lirs. NMot-e>' astaken mbt a prIvate rom aliere a consul- tation vas bl and lte operalion or- dered for tbis morning. Tite Thoma- ues eremaini riglit aithit er and sent the children home lo a Weîke- gan. %Members of te Barker aud Silerman familles lu Evanston, ta witomlira. NMore>' la relatai, acre <5Used up and they liurris-d to te hoeipifal, iucludiug Dr. Barber, a rtrandaon of lte laie A, S. Sherman, former mayor of Chicago and for Years rosideut of Wankegan. The accident la Nirs. Nlorêy va. traglo i Ils pathetie fealures for tbe reason that: .Mro.More>r bad alwaY.s applled herseif no closel> to lher von as teacher în tht clty tchools. She ns-ver mWned a day unles4 front ilîness. SIte never vs-ut an>' place ljocausiQ lier homV respoualbil 11k-s preveulci. She bail laught lu tht e clools here for .16 years,.belug 62 year oaid. Shc had bai the satire care )rf ber faier, who la 86 yoirs od: and sIte neyer ahirked bt-r respoadbililty. Two monthus agoa lit stainei a stroke andi&sInce, lie bai been help- leus. She kept constant watch of hlm and neyer tbou.gbt of stayhng away for a day. By day ai by night, his carta and isiafeelihngs.were lber con- stant titought. Feared an Accident. Friends put up to Dr. Brown 'he tank of breaking the newa ta MIr. Kingsley this taorning. After workdug up to tht point, Dr. Brownnsaid: "lits. NMorsty met aIt an accident lu Chicago.". "fl knew It; 1 kuew something baje- Peued beciuse they vouldn'f tel) me auythiag of lier," sai lie in great ex- cîtement. Hia daugliter-in-law Mrs. lSd Kngsley. badi «peut the day wlth ,hlin uriug bis iaugbter's absence aud stili rentama with hlm. Sent For Son. lirs. Morèy's son, Ban. iIn in 'the hospital service at Fort Leavén- wortit. and, a vire bas been sent txi hli. He vas expecfedIin Chicago sometinete oiay. An Oid Toacher. lire. Morey wvas tht city'e oldest teacbe.r Iu point of service. She ai- w.>'. taughtl In the primar>' grades andi was cansidered an expert. A few year a ago, after .having taught alwayiaetlthe central building, ah.e v-as uamed named auperlteieut of jrimar>' grades of tht cil>' and the work thus bas been uaier lier dir- actIon singe then. The accident la one vhlch willi sureS>' prove mont serlous. for vitile. she may survive, it la sai tht the nature of te lajur>' 15s ucit that It may birlag paralysis or nomte other permanent affection, as vill e roqumes'49 osaan_________________ tnllélbor IlifolIgl the d Sates Enaploymoilegt eiedt in an>'. vaettempt te compote wlth uDepatment of 1,bor b>' lte lte govermeent for labor. v wiici goe" it effect Ailgugt "'The folioving Ilve classes of labor >mucit uncoutattîa*se lthe usai not ait1he. prenant urne te re- oaf tenovWtaor recruling cruitei tirougi thteDulîIte States liag tion abown la tuquirîpa EmploymntuBervIce. îaltitoughof ie b>' the Dopmrtiat, of Libor cours., the rnacliinerf- of the Eîm- imisloysts Dot eaiaedl vrploymntlService in avilable te aIl thal th ba dèrtent Ioda>' au- employers needlng titeas- classes. id th& egcopifl under vhlch --i.Labor vblch la uet diroctl>' or i roortluIg6f labo: nia>'stiSi indiratî>' solicitei. rriion OR,"2: Jabot for ralîroais (except iu 1-war iI'4iatrlpe a" alecti 50eferats th.Director <lentrai tf Indreotiy. lut tbPi are tOne RatIi'oais lhaq »Aiuead>', or me>' in thý Li affected' ttdirectly frotittht future 'retiale.that recaruiting e«bail ual tbti var lpdsts'ies 0f1lte be exelualvel>' lt-rdtgh lte Unitood 1are nav & paa.alnt Iipor- S ltes Itmployment Service). demndlug sSuCillée ,and Il(- -.1.Farntlaior--'lo le recnutei ln ion from aIl eatWloyrs net en- acordance aI"t xisthng arrangement ln wat verS tu Sontàtattht>' vth the DepRRient of Agricultulre. tnelipa vtI iskmXlaiUiiaelten- "4.'L.abor for nonwaar vork. - "S. Labor for eatablahmenLq thes i-va; IndutresY thetr r maxlîumm f9réeof *WàkiI mi -luudii- nol, offer superior inducemete tht aiditional umber recruited)l ùtte, o dmtaer of aarketa -tira- do« '"saeOffl 100 amployee.!' aeed for at poduCti0tt, or TWP. Over 20 fermera vlited the E. B 3odafaru, Peerfield, last 'sunda>' mf feot for theperpose Of seo.lng ,Mr. Jordan aclover and wbsat lield.io. Mr. Jotienb he hei baviest crop of ecloviM *MMd th» seasaun ln Lakp oountY. It ies Men est.imated thFit " iooVer viii xake ln lte nelgh- bolrboal of. four ton» of cured ha>' pet sçrEsj *Thla Il teres t ofrer iwas- eeded ln 1817 wlth WbeSt -and barley am nurpe crogos. Th'e vhes ad tse2 .-lUb i setcteand the itarly about 35 buebela par acre. About ln pouaide0oresel Der acre were usedi. Tbe lypeet efasi lte brownt eut loant. As -maUiolilovr e lv from twa to tliree yeanrsi. Jordan le plan- ningto te tmunder hi& next-cr01> for grenu manure. TIta Ontaro Agri- lIteý tolie eed a tdoer « 9U lu the nelgbborhood of 30 toma et green manure per acre, while m. motit cImieT was second, maIng about 19 tons Ver acre. ]Cyan & t*. ton crop of clover uaed u gréen UMa- ure would enrich the son aetbeh rate o1 98 lVer, det tof nitrogen. 8Uper cent 'ol Potassium *ad 291 pet aat 01 phoapiiorus. SU&h a crop Sb' aI- Most equivalent t20j(0 toma 0f iarD. Yard Mauure applied Det am,-e Fi-r feeding puwogea *berê .U bmdk littie difference between »uuaoth and red tlover lectausa of île d: trentsiy rank growth a zmdlb clo. eT. sbould b. pastured , m mrt tifeor *itould b add wt filto oue otiier cr0; Lýt etvu4d aid ln curlnig, Mir. Jorasi i*a be <omlielled ta let titis clover lie on the Zround for'several deys belore it Wa« cured enougit to go iiiO. the barn. 'ho e ot f the. teder 'abd sidedellvery rake lire e»secl ire. ouimeuded wheu mamnuolli levet le grown. W. E. WATKINB, county Agricultural Agent., 44! -- -a--'; To the Voters of Lake Co. I1IIEREBY annoilluce ti t I am a candi- date for' the office (if & oîîîty Ti casurer of Lake Couîîty 4ubjeet to the decision of the Republiean voters at the Priînary to be heid Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1918, and I re- spectfully ask for your vote and earnest support. I believe you' are- ail]xveii enough ap- quainted wîitlî nie, and kîuow of inx exper- ieno -with the ('oîîîîtv tax anîd Speeiai As- isesmmeîit books, to jîîdge whs-tlier 1 aîn quaiied for tle offie- 1 sec-k, If nonîinated an(] el-et d, 1 îte<1ge myseif tii eonduet tlîe affutirs oif tiu- office in such a businessiike rîsanîer fliat v.'s mî'ill ot re- gret yoîîr elioice. Sincerfir voîîrs, - JA Y B. MORSE Mr. William A. iRosing of Antiocli, Ills. announces his candidaey for ('ou.uty Treas- urer of Lake County. Four years ago, lie re- ceived the very lpyal support of a great group of friends anîd aequaýîîtRîîces. Sice that timé, lie has built up a substaiitial business in Antioch, Juls., anîd heliex-es tlîat ail whosu ported hunii four years ago, should- suppol't lirn at'the prescut time. ...*AiAitUw lie proposes to conduet a elean eut cain- paigo, using iio personalities. If eIected, hie proumises the voters of Lake County to place the County imoney iii safet depositories and to obtain for the publie.mney the Iargest com- miercial rate of interest po(ssible. He may siot he able tu meet ail the voters of Lake- Co;unty but promises as efficient ad- indiitration, of the offltke of (cou i ity Treasurer, if eleeted, as hie lias nîaintained iii the trans- action, of lis ow~n business. WILLIAM A. ROSINO A fil it rt n i :an t-- aid jack liilit-i at hk- [V.-4 at Th,JI, li> 1;u olti-ri A la boiy 1cr nooi id lad -gasi ~ti "t ftoulat pI t t lit.- Rti go,' at îitn,(- v 51.- lit ýs rine a -E g a ledt the finîi ii a lot lu ai le day tLb the the tlz suie Ili Pw Y-or' mec but ia ha a tîurr rses. hi cri r1ie t-h-if t- id it's gel lis MiCul ýpage ter. trop t other wfth Whog Cr~oss ieverf renert the ré on go( ýhis, 1z umes - ciare i w the vouId bd 'V Dlents 1bitey RFI Iarry Boy 1 -stol E RAI rrest 1 of Thi

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