Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Libertyville Independent, 25 Jul 1918, p. 11

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LiertyvleIdpnfn *OtIIsL lakO County IndePendOnt - Wauk.gcn Weekly Sun DICVEYMA1 ThcrOfil ever oo ee trugmâ *' ON LOCAL STRIET ÇOnvt* hy oa h sn.t '. neren of L".e8dY wlll be a big boOn' for'everythling. A trip through- Wmn akn ln ah ;ut Lake countY shows that the crops could flot look bot. ingtoStetLeTe- ter. The indications are the county wll have a ounpetray, t-nd itenTues- crop this year. ' imilar reports çon. Irom i Wsconsin and1- other parts Of Illinois, Bo It looki au though Providence la TURNS Il OVER TO COPS wfth us in thîs season of harvest Urne.- I Wauloegan, Julyz. We can iýnagine 1no more <14puble porion than one hij àteedliscter e sy!eo hogoes about fraudulsitly soliltiug funda for te Red ' ~ull,1e"lmcoved" CÇross or the varîoua upss hs bjc abCaM for w3is turned river ta tht,'poice-ud hu at u ri gt e w rtlme. No punlhmnent. ia too A est aide woman walked along 'uzuforsuc. aperonjorin atic jie tis eryodythe north aide of the street, flot far bevee fr sch peson fo hi Un. 1k. hiseveyboy frOM Genesee. aM beliug solict.d for thtjeudthat thlng., people are80o Sb@ aaw a package! genrou tht tey o nt awa =dsop igure Whether Shé' Picked i the package. She »ei request la propenly =&d. Therefore the imposition 0 1-- i!She a trted la great sr on oo tattre and generoity of the public lu -a thu me Sk. >1dh ler mouth and she this. miakes ami offense ail the more dspcal. ftn t her mucîaring haeang! 1 fne kme eol fil oa ofe =à&ebY UulMnnwho de- - & nethig Ilat reanlnded lber ofi lare they are goiug to cotribut. part of their proeeda s st lae teberr linnitlte s ý6 the Red Cross and otiier thinga viiere tii.y odnai f rnt ne "gi î we. woud fot hin ofmakng pucla 0ftii arice tender- tion. She fet l ber awn mfouth to bd. When, however, the Red Cross and lred moe sure agltey werente . Ment. are brought luto a prospectIve sale the public la go What wax awe proper thing tado. ànXiOus to do its ahare that muy nmOre Persona wlll an or .scirni, mu8tlIn fi terrible 'bite" who ordinarilY welgh the question at leugth. ; Igtpidtepliebx h hustled oe and deposited them on L'ormm -rf belw Or sandad, ijthe atool inside, alipping tbe word hors.a re elo our5tfuidrJbutto thte taxi man on the corner t0 in- 5LEEPS IN BAR sye f a9dcagos.T ac h form the police. Then hhail R.L IKEFAM USas got liBut Wki, ifhors- And then 1the police tr h Whie4J»r or not w. are tui make 3walt the ownesr' ail, [wouof 0 U uteilf the Precl larneia 1 cent ay, PrOpierty. payaient for ad. etc., The DIWJLNES Of OUI ut lls gears and yeara behinil our elalmant actually Wl aet c .irtilery ha t 'à Il a mixture of un see that the plate aitam1.1e m<,'tb a farm hbarneuas draft and a car- because thatas the only waytpre larry Ellis Jr., Ten Year OId '"'hm& e'sr huhOrODrhP ev icisy thpd%'§ BoyFoud Bck f rharuass w1li e UsetI by MostO0f aur tinguiàhhtg mark, the absence of One Bo Fun ac o rocery tr<op. fu tth, goits te fit fXr htwill * Stoe at3hisMoning and nolit Moments at. wsk. N'îtLP .- Wleu thi et f teesai MuehIlketheold 0th henwe ulpctI urned iIn ta the clertecal forceeetai 'the tu g0 intO action ZL lthe gallup. But Sn ofc.tsrstoa wr ie f.E RAN AWAY PROM HOME 'Ou aee oae PuIng 19Ovser tiree Sun obfice, WsStr iour iven Inübrs. Thé dont ue te r is_ it In fact, tliey were told trrst enshaBo onChageE*Os n bateryformatdont. 1ti .ispre.,erve Itie teéth with utmost care ~~rrest ~ ~ ~ 11 Re.h Byo hag os n tRrfomaio.m guptit sotat the owner wiil know, wiiet of Theft; Speeder Is Fined ihea fril. . sau 1ppaed to carry the' he calte for the tFeth thal they InPlieCor haî ext b-en inanybody eles In Polce Cout ~ fo us. Wý%aukeuan, iuly .1 u A ii't tr-serîoin of I fagne Vit di î 1,î-t 'îly the police rit 3., 11 I imrninlig we, i larrY Iiii .1.,î-i'é dloi.t, vsfuund leetingn a bn i..t il, h'rtar tfélieloit? an s-'--> tore. Tht' boy watt Silv !, :Itl-- tt)le,, tation iwht're lie 9 Ril i i M111, waisJoli Iarnnîsend, Grf 7 ..ai--,ton -r .W.ukegan. 'lwh flce eondîîeîefd an lnveajtiga- (.id criscirMt- d tat the boy riad& Fiw a wrong nainie ad addrebi'.U !i$ u i iiig tiet- yoîîfgster adinîitt'ýd kt hi- namP w" Eiti.'iand d tIialie 9 1Vt-i t 2i t-; vider' utire. leM i] tItint his frtier. litnrry l wl a wtt, nIP14, -td i iIltgiiwood.f Tii, po.t-e qut'tioit',l Nrrs. L ni.t lit> 4'4Ihe ,votîngalter hbu d i.- 0 Colti-din îî. Thie'rt-s uIt tam thal Y PItl t r'tUn.w-ý'ayndtîitaen refuge Sth-- tairre.l81wti- aidthie tîoy wvas a tet'î-,i of lii lillpt anti asikd the' ort-.,i it iltht polit . Arrest Kenoshg Boy. liaroltIS-itfr agt-d 14, a Keno-h la boy. Àis ia tti--t linder arr,,t i) ce V r-giîPlice tale Tuesday tc-rnooii. l.:sarrtî'gt foltawed a M- et nîtîl.. ,:. listet'Polie I hat the mboy W stiihi-Tl ne. morte - vînîyInKent>mha w dl hldl I.;t-n itî R -to MWaî. i- gasu ont a lreiglît train. Schlier i "i fîîîîîîd 11lt Utc lalilro-ad farde F il vu. I' otketi U In the' City jail. report if thei'case lias bevu n uaîl titi Kénotslispolice, Speetier ià Firseti B. I.- s-".;17: I hudson avenue,.1Chi- 990, watt ,r.ied by morcmycle îlicnat 'ink %MeMtina= thl Oriliiir- vt-ili tras-c bis car;,? -y, -lu. ati hotu,-In She'ridan Itoad.1I-lis v .n( ýýts ut bl it-dinoi have aw eedteer and dld îiot know boss-i Ist. it- wa. golng. i ý"TI it-t an old cxi,,- 7.anldw lilci Mtîgisirr.it Taylor. Lette paliîl ts in( , and wa-, itîharged.r ISDETAIWD EiuNS SENT 1J#ME g a lectuîre on B3ellteUe (týta. Anti the1 filiiIli e aaid "Of course, mien, ii a 1ot etf!lard work before yau ýt t bthe front anti lots oairies u wlll ieel like iving up. But e day îîp lhere Io wortb lb ail.," PsilySs liwlere Yeu sake dire t the 'big divide", every talutte thie tay luit't-le more yau Iplay' 0 giiie thie more Yeu viant te, uable u'nev-as a big trIai lad fromn -w YOrç and lie urneil ta me anîl Y&. "Weil. Durkin, It me>' 11eàklime nie blItt1twuld rallier play fot il a hlnf, how about Yeut" Tîat _i cliniait mii>' le rigit, but ni>' col. .4 - uet for wanting te get thete a hum>'." WP hîave a littIe wonk with 1 fte ýrse, but net-mucli. W. take a art ride and Instruction of about e-h-if te an haur a day. go far i 'lie Firtench sadidle we areusing id t'a veryflat andl raîberbard gel tkaed te. 'EtmucIt lke the MeCullea saiss e Uwe s i We rec'l-c-il our gas rnaoks yesler_. day.. They iuy we are te gel luat ug used te thefi a our 0. D. eha iý --a thinking last night that an oui- cer "ture carrnes ta oui wlthb lini when lie goeo loto action. île hat maak, niip cage, glasacal, compasa antI rnaybe a little grulion hla back. on@ ihing I1ithould have done befare leaving the. sutets waa to obtain a' good pair of glass and a good coin. Pues. Both are as liard la get hore as It was te <et John itedinx i0 ray 0,cr $1 for a suit of clothes, and (hat L"; soin(,bard, for betwee n us YOU liai ltel.lk until you wve ltue ite fa"ce ndl thon he gener- 01l1Y told you. lie watt going down la see what Sears andi Rob)uc<s hbail before he houglit. I',One Iilng Is fellow needa sand needa bail for il Mnay provo has undoing for the lack of theta. If anything should bappen liaI Yeti should know of a gond pair You nîight let mie know and wp miglit inake un atteniPt tsi have tlie.m ent I'crosa. NO telling 110w mueli good tliey nîdglt do before 1 getlbatk. a* * 1 have rambled sornie in this lt-t fer but I thouglit you woiild enjoy hearing about My work ptore tian RbOut tile lowns and people. As a ehole you -know you gel up In th1e iiarning andI atart the work aorIth, day aiid do that work juat as If Il Wene t'iiité-I Statea soil utîder your reiot. Often I base -Io give it a second thougbî te remember I amn In Fratîce Incýtead of borne. 0f couinse )OU move out away frOm tbe sch0oo thone are lots of Ibings differ- ont, but Joe, Il wouid aurpriae yoti Io know how quickly you swing 14ito lie ,new tife- andi ever gts'e il a secondi thoîîglt. 1 must eut 1h5 .off Dow Joe, and remf!inber 1 wilt anite 'You again soon, bowever, au t musI enite around lte familv, but don't forget là, drap me, a Uine wlieneevr Yeoi eau. Give my best 1t0 Kate anti the girls andI tell Tom, Jr.. that 1 wnIl soon be home te Mee'î hlm. jay aprayer that it Miay not 11e long and ltat thie sie return may 11e as mafe andI aoid ath.e leavlng. Also aY a prayer for my gond luck ler,. 1arn doing my beet andl If 1 fail. Il will not bie through asiY fault of mine. love to aIl. Your brother, Edward W. Dunkin. BIG RED CROSS MEETING A large cnowd turned out toa t- tenid thlet Red Cross meeting et Our- nee Wednesday eýevnlng, in tt1te hall was weill illeild nd te meeting proved ta most enthlusastic one. Tlînee saliora frointh .e station, Rutt, Linden andsI1'her furnialied music for the evenng-and il wax aulne entenlalumeni. Attorney' Beaubien of Waukegan, gave th1e atidress antI T. B. Gleave of Waukt-ga,. fashed on somo Intpregt- ing war viewa with Use teresarticon. Muntlna Trouble. Bunting trouble la too fashbnable lR tMeI wodld. Contentment andi jlity aM not cultivated as 11e>' soui6 lie& There 5en too man>' prematurel>' wrlnk. led. long and melancboI>' faces amang as. 1'bgr.10 Ino mucb swearlng, eweat. 'Ing and aatsing, turnsn, toaming and trOttIng aronnd and about usnl.-r tenus waud. - O HwIt Goes, There a»e «Me Uings that M j e&W b *a UUaa ose aui thommet urIodry un *North Odoe.' àMra. Thomtpson of Southi Park ave. LI entertslni,îg re)ltive,. e Mrs. Deacon entertained bier motil Ler of Waýdswortb and ber niece, Misa F.- erona ('uerin of Chicago, 'esterday. lIlams lelen Conway of Chi~cago, VIS- lteil frlends ln til city yeqterday snd today. lias Plorence lBaye. Whio hant been visitJng frienda in Chicago returned to ber home lad 1. vcnlng. Mrs. J. H. Witters lias charge of the knitting for tiie Red C'rosa aent gany ane wtahing ta sjInt can secure the yarn and needles by calllng on, lier at lier roama on State àtret. taliove Ftuus gro<'ery store.. She atlso) 1 bas tiie instructions atid will be glad to calain anythiitg ttîat yoîî do fat fuily under..îand. Mr. William Brean ofl Southi Park avenue, had thi., mL..ortuiie ta loc a large muni of mnoney by burgiars elit..riig lia rooni through the vin.- dow, hy remaving the acreen. The grawn folks of the. farnily were ail] away at the lime, but on retuirnrg at 9:30 detected the loas. The pu- lice were notified at once and ar. looking loto the matter. Mr. Decker of Hi-ghland Park. euis a business a ia se~Ary Miss Katberine Kelly, Who has jbeen vlsiting relatives In Evanston, retunned home ast'niglit. The avlng lu being done on 17111 Street today. IMr. anîd lIn. Wm. Fulîler, from State street, are moving into Chica- go. Mr. and Mrg. A. I. Evien of State Street, are entertiantng %In. Eviens' sistert of Chicago and Wlnnetka. Misses Margaret and Edna Kelley 0f Evanston, are viaitlng M1tiss Kathr. Jus Kelley. -Mr. eGo. Kelly of Chicago, la vîsit. ing friends ln this city today. The Parcel Post sale was quite a suceas, any oiie that was fLot tbere rertainly nIlaseil sornthing. -The Progreas club rooma were beauttfuly decorated witb buntlng Siaga and vases of aweet peas. MIr. andl Mra. etGo. Miller are en- iertaining tbeir brother Henry Mil. ler and ehidren, f rom Chicago. .MlaW freme Cook spent yeaterday ln Chicago. .Anothen beach Party la bcbng giv- en toniglit at Fosa Park. Mra. Johinson of Chicago, are vIsit- 111< in this city. Mje. Howell and son were enter- tained et dinner last evenIlng by NIra. Geo. Miller. T. -B. Gleave, vice president ofr the Nivy League of Great Britaln. *111 exhIbit Britlith and Canadan var pictures fat the auditorium, FrTlday eevDnn. Tite proceeda of the eili bitlon wll go ta 1the local Red ers orgaisation. Preceding the shw. lng of the pictures there wull b. a fine Vli>rlottc prograta coDsistiDg of inuaic and resding. Msr. and Mrs. J. D). Sulliva a ug.Q spending a few days In Chicago. àtIr. Sujlvan ta talag bis vaaatio. lies Ethel Jackson in vidalts ro atives ln àMiebpal. ~>u.~ICNTP -TUWSDAY, JULY 2q', 1918 1uly Çlearance5ai E PCA aeo u pigsSis isicue vr uti h os x .A SPECBlAeSalee ond lut SprgstSuis siues o evo4. ery SateHuse ex-n Non9day we wiil reduce every suit n this lin e TEN DOLL&R8 Here as a chance to picek up a suit for lesa than Market Value. ~ ~ Ô~#- We are showiing a beiutiful line of Palm each Suits in ail the latest styles and patterns, wïth the hot weathier coming will be cool gnd comfortabje. 1 -W Ut4DOk and 7lauinl Pants, one uie4 1 uesand $2.25 to $8 Special Sale on Uda ud nds of Uàderwear. Union Su" iit.thup to $2.00 to close out at 95C special Sae on Sport Shirts, $1,00 Sport Shirt -at 79c; the cheapeit shirt on today's market. special Sale eu Men'a s h Tf.- Tis orth 75c at WOC; Ties wiorth 3nc at 2&c 5 for $ With the Bathing Besson in advanc e we are showing a beautiful line of Men's and Boys' Bathing Suit.' Boys' Depatment Special Sale on Odd Bpring Suits wor th $5 and $6, speci laSale, $3.95. Wash' Suits at Ten Per Cent Discount la 0.,tU SheD 1TOU will find some special reductions E;yp,3 on ilicomplete lines. SA 13AR GAflZM Womeu's White Canvas Col onial PUPups, aise 21/2to 2o75 Men's Palm Beach Canvas Oxfords 20 Women's Bl1a ck Kid Pump, value $5 mens heavy anad n êd i um welght work sho%,p to 5,000. Women's e.50 Whte Canvas Col- onial Pumps 4.00 Little Geùtps Elk-. 8kmn Scout Shoes 2.50 Growiug Girls, Pst- ent sud Gun Metal ]Baby Doi PiUnps 2,75 W orneuns Caif Neolin Oxfords 2.8~ 4.50 2.75 Black soles W o me n,'s White Canvas Lace Boots, Low Heels 2,00 Wome n 'saWhite Kid Lace Boots, Value $650 4.95 Tennis Bhoea for the whole Family Xen's Tan Blu. Ox- fords, value $550 Women's W h ite Can vas Buttoin Shoes, sine 2!/ to 5 1.75 Mfen'si Wlte Ca»- .250.. Womeén's and Kid alippers Patent 3 atrap Boys' Gun Meta Oxfords GeeseStetWaueailni - à. si «" Page 1 2.85 4*50

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