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Libertyville Independent, 25 Jul 1918, p. 12

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v~ at.andM* 75c loues d' W ' I Wmof'5 650RAINCIATS $8@ Boys' WA5H SUITS ln ti Boys' ecoc Bloouses WomexV's $12 RAINCOATS #790 Sffle et 89c, $1.00, $1.25 as' obma up ta 16 ln 79c Al ill 8<k i L Iomer'e new crepe KIMONOS. Uei AUTO CAPS for womer pu tty ew stile and C T ù eflo e ti n q d*ery pecial *$1, 61.98, s UL ap Rose tacuaM powder 11 lms nisterlals. n-w37 quaitie» of these gauze 9safrs 05.96. eedHNBS<c$ atmeI, speciai t... ligle boBse ....... 12 and $14 MARABOUS $876 $1.60 HANDBAGS at 89e St ,> Lake County'a Greatêa< Store loi -Wom.n'a and Children'a Apparol With ManufacturiflgCosts Mounting Higher and Higher it tes Easy to Realize the Tremendous ,Importance of (barUAnn imiy lie. «-of ail warm weather apparel'for women and children demonstrating mre forceul hnee .d $1.65 en lic lc I le 210 at $198 before that here you enjoy purchasing avntages impossible té secure. elÈewhere ini Waukg. Womîen' s Coats Reduced a Fourth, a Hait and in Some Cases More than a Hall $ 13.75, $15 and $16.50 ewats ini Coats iup to }2 lw ool jerseys, serges, poplins. mixtures, velvet er.ii ,w ooi serg- novelty fabries in ilavy, es, velour-s and chinchlillas black, rookie, green and iii iplin white and colors * bro nii belted and pleated and11aiszes -ltofcuse styles in a fair~ size range at xîot in ail styles as this is an $898. k 1 assmwtînent of odds and ends :é».98 and $12.50 coats in novel- to elose out at $598. ty fabrics in good styles and $1650, $18.50) and sonie $20 a fair range of sizes special coats in a good assortment to-clean up at $6.98. of reliable fabries as well as ln wauted eoloriugs in miost *30,*3250 nd orne$35coas ~ ail sizes to lose ont at the finest fabrics sncbi as ve- $15 lout's, silvertones and gahar- -,dines in belted and peated $2250 ani $25 Trencih coats oif styles in green, Pekin bhie, geiiîlîlle.Arinv l<th with al rookie etc., silk lined, very the Arniy featiures, yoke cf- * special at $21.75. feets, pleated backs, pock- $37.0, $5 an som $40eoat in ts, beits etc., at $14.75. a750 $and syo e $40 ots opu- $24.Î5, $27.50 ani some $29.50 larvariy oanthe ost ou- coats ilu those fine new, irn- larymateiallyad prings, t ported mixtures, gabar- veryspeialy pîce ut dinles, serges, poplins and velours in al coMors and siz- $4.0 39.50, a few at $37.50 es, most reniarkable values and some coats at $45 in fine indeed, uiow' clearing at velours, tricotines, bolivia $1.0 and ceystal clotbs with pan- $97.50, a fcw' at $29.50 and sorne - neled- backs, shirred waist coats worthi $32.50 iu very Unes, belted effeets, pleated filue niaterials and nmost be- and button trimming at coiug styles and colors *39.0. will be losed out at $18-75.. $16.50 silk poplin eoats in fuîll $25 auto eoats of an excellent length speeially priced ut quality pale, beach cloth; * $9.96. eavy, (durable an(! stylisb ,$19.50 silk taffeta eoats, excel- iu preltY belted styles withi lent quality, good. size range two-,wav collai-s priced ini * in the July sale at $12.98. thec learance sale at $12.50. -Women 's- - Wash DRESSESI 7$6, $7, $8, $9 an&. $10 wash dress- es for rnisseà and womn inl dozeus of good looking styles aud materials inehîd- ing ginghaîns, pùre liîîeîs, * voiles etc., in a variety of colorings and most ail sizes ut M.5. $10 to $12 wash dresses lu voiles, lawns and ginghuîins as well as a few pougees sud liîîeu dresses lu a numnber tof wauted styles anîd coîni cf- * feets, uiarked for iînuediate clearance at $4.95. *#12.50 to $15 values lu ginglhain, orgaudie, lawn anit voile dresses lu a inost bewilder- * ing array oif lever eolori combinations and pretty - styles in ail sizes for myrnîe i aud-misses at $7.98. -Wâsh Dresses $5 and $6 values lu "pretty wasb dresses for the young girl of 13 to 16 lu a, num-ber of.vety bëôoming styles to lose ort] i%50 to $8 values iu wash dress- m le interniediates lu a flue -ëôgfletlo of -styles- special hi k~~~~ t.uula$Loi, Women 's- . Sik DRESSES In Juiy Clearance $J0) aud $12.50 silk dresses ia spe i ai assotneut of f dds and ends at $7.98. 48 dr-esses to $25 lu silk taffetas, satins; partY . dresses and crepe and taffeta combina- tdens, a niost wonderful dress oportuity. Tbese values to $.25 at $10. ) $18.50, $20) and $22.50 and some $25 silk diresses iu wante(i colors sud styles te close ontt ut $12.50. $27.501, $25, $22.50) andf a few $20 dresses lu a wouderful as- sortment of temptingly beautiful styles lu taffetas, erîepes etc., Party sud street dresses; ail eoloîrs anîd sizes to close out ut *14.75. $29.501, $ 27.50 sud some $25 silk afteruoori sud Party dresses ln the most favored fabries and newest styles, ail colora mncliiding white crepes ut $18.50. I 37.50O, $35 ani$4 street, after- nîton and Party dres.les in a wonderfui array tof baud- some stylos,,,ini georgette ecrepes, taffetas, trepe de chines, etc., at 27. Every article in ths sale is of the highest quality-carefully se- lected for the mor't critical clientèle i this community - but now marked down for clearance to prices which wll not likeA. be reached again in many seasons-it ever. Mid-Sum mer Millinery! $ti-iinrned bats for women - good styles in a vuriety oif colors special at $1.48. $6, $7 and $8 values in wvom- eu's trinîned bats lu bla-k and colorsin many baud- sonie sty 'les to close ont at $2.98. llnt-ined shapes in the Judy sale at 49c. Another lot oif unti-immed shapes tro close out at 98C. A special lot oif pretty*vsimmner bats lu panaulias, milans aud white aud colored crepe bats are specially l)rieed. Silk and Muslin Underw'r Clearance Sale Night Gowns 85e, itnuilin iîight gownis, while the 4-ast t59c. $1 .50 musî'jli anti crepe gowus ut $1.00. .$2 soft lougclotl gEEwns nièey trhnmcd at $1.49. $20silk finishi batiste gowns lun white and flcsb, beauti- f uily embroidered at $1.98., $5.75 dainty silk gowns $4.49. ]Env. Chemise $1 .75 mnslm cunvelope chemise at $1.19. $2.50 silk or muslin chemise at $4 silk chemise enîbroidered aidd'iiet- trimined ut $2.98.' $5.75 talian silk chemise spe- cial at$3.98. Gor set Covers and Brassieres 75e mnuslin and silk corsàe ov- .... eu's 47e. $1.50 silk corset covers 98C. $2.010 siik aud imusîju corset eovers $1.49. $2.50 silk corset envers $1.69., 75e brasaier s at 49c. $1.00 brassières at 79c. $1 .50 muslin brasa ieres, ail- over eflibroidery and lace trimmed ut 9Me. Pett'icoats $1.50 colored sateen pet ticoats at 89c. $2.50 white sateen or beauti- fully cmbi-oidered petti- eoats special.at $1.49. $3.50 pettieoats wjth fine heathpi-hloom tol)5 and deep silk flounue with dust ruffle, good colors in flhc July sale at $2.29. $5 w~hite petticoats eluborate- ly trimîned and cxquisite- ly eml)roi(iered, special at e.98. Women's and Misse's Silk Bloomers $1 .50 uear-silk bloomers iu fl esh only, prettily cyn- broidered at $1.19. $2.50 litalian silk, satin and silk crepe bloomers ut $1.98. $3.501 andl $4 Italian silk and silk erepe bloomners withi i-nffle andi lace trimiugs at $2.98.' Values to $5 lu fine silk bloom- ers of new styles- and (laillty trirnmed at $3.98. July Clearance of- Corsets $1.50 corsets in elastie top and athletic styles ut $1.00. $300 corsets spécial $1.85. $4.00 froit sud back lace cor- sefs $2.89. $5.00 corsets speciai at $3.75. Women'*s and MIsse's H.ouseDresses and Apros $2 bouise dresses lu good-iook- ing styles and colorsaut $1.49. $3 and $3ý.50 porcb dresses iu ah Sizea, ligbt, -mediumn sud dark coloringa at $1.98. $1 and $4.50 biouse dresses lu new styles special ut $2.98 $1.501 bouse-dreas-aprons lu ahl mies, vcry speciaily prie- ed for the Juiy sale at 89C $2. valuees slu pretty new bun- galow aprous lu ail colora and sizes specialiy.redue- cd.for tbe July clearance_ to $1.45. Be careti to btjy no more than yo roally wan. hsevey10'prices are m de wltthectsWrtf datthe mer- chandise Cannor e retflTed o 1 j Ini the Season 's Most Favored Styles> Marked for Immédiate Clearance $25, $22.50, $18.50 and $20 silk suits iu taffetas and satins in ah co.lors and sizes, une of the greatest suit, values of the season at $10-75. $25, $22.50, $20 values inu Wool suits and values to $32.50 ini -weo jersey suits r@duçed to $12.98. $27.50.1 $25 a fem, suits at $22..50 and sonie at e29.50 ini, fine serge, gabardine, poplins anid novelties in the elear- auce at $X4.75. $32.50 tricotine, serge and veh>ur 1sijits speeiiil at $16-50. Cuhildrens COATS - In the Clearance $5, $4.50 aud a fêiwý $4 coats in good styles at $2.48. $7.98, $6 and $5.50 values iu co<ats to size 9 at $3.98. $9, $8.50, $10 aud $10.98 values in childrenscoats redueed to $5.98. $12.50, $11.98 sud $14 eoats lu al aizes up tEE 14 in ail colors and styles prîced at $7.98. Children 's Dresses In Jul y Glearnce 75e and 89e wash dresses in good co lors and styles ut 43c. $1.00 values in children's wash dresses, pretty new styles at $1.25 values lu colored dresses at 89C. -$1.50 wasb dresses including middy styles lu sizes to 14 at $3, $3.50 and $4 values in ging- hums, chanibrays etc., in al colors, styles aud sizes at $1.79. $5 values in fine ginghams, voiles, piques and chamt- braya at $2.98. Middy Blouses --and Smocks $1.50 middy blouses for girls and misses at 97c. $2.00 middy blouses for girls aud misses, in a variety of styles ut $1.69. $2.50 smocks iu pretty new -styles button aud lipover, ail sizes at $1.95. $3.00 values iu linen, artist linen aud sheer voiles iu white and color a t $2.48. $3.50 and $3.98 values in smocks, of al colorsanad the m-oat wanted fabries in button, slipover and lace styles in au i geo at e.98. , $39.50, $37.50) ani sonie $32.50 suits in Pou-et twills, ve- lours, Frenvh serges anfi tri- eoctijies in navy, talupe, pek- in M>uie, iiok iO, vel<iiii elee'kS and brE)%%I a Zs Nvll as hlaek-atid-wluite- elu*-k at $40, $37tO and a few $f2.50ï suits ini Iwst eo*i- 1ai styles Sî>ev-ul ly i--ed t $23.75i $45, $47.50, $5-0 and$5 suifss in silvretoiies, anEEis.sd silk jerseys in the elev erest oif liiv styles and ail ii, rs; to <lseota t $27.50. Wash and Silk SKIRTS $2 W'hîte and f «liiid w e-h sI uts 97c. Xralies to $5 iiw<. in plain col<,rs, stripe<s (nid lîckat $6 valuies in wash skirtrs at*29 Valutes ti> $7.50 iii silk popiuis, taffetas aud fime- liskii-ts ut $3.89. $7.98, $9.50 mild I1) value,;- im silk, w~ash s.110 m'ool skîr-ts zLt $5.50.' $12.98 to $14.50) skii-ts liu satin- -stril)e silk lEElElitiUS.atins., and taffetas at $9.75. $15, $16.50 aud $1S skir-ts of Russian <e-nîepe ud E the liie u Silk lu N lu ite a uud i l iat $1250. L Waists In the July ai'le $1.50 waists slightly soiled 89C. $1.50 new waists ut $1.19. $2.00 waists handsone neNv styles special at $1.55. $3 Jap silk and lingerie wvaists~ $1.98. $4 and $4.5O georgette crepe waists at $2.98. $-5, $5.50 and $5 silk waists $3.69. $7.50, $8 and $9 waists ut $5.69. $11.98, 12.50 and 14.50 silk wv a i s t s a t $ 9 7 5 .c Wool & Silk Sweaters $5 sleevialess wool- sweaters, al colors $2.98. $6.98, $7.50 &, $7.98 highly mer- 1cerized sweaters at $4.98. $7.50, $8 and $8.98 wool sweatmr in ail styles and colora et $5.98. $10 and $12.50 silk sweaters in handsome styles and color- ings at $6.9e. Cbildrens sweaters ini $3.50 audi $4 values at $2.48. Cbtdren "s ailk or woo wetr *~~0 ,sa ti*5.5-a it

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