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Libertyville Independent, 25 Jul 1918, p. 3

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THE MRAEN FAUILY Tho Crava ofaujil>'of znuslclaos weru î..c ,i' of lte lncalii rcuIts l155t Wbe oflecraca 51* 1f.te 11e onds'f. , .and ln IbiS and pre»vl<rn'. >tara i hav'ce eiaLliad a apleudidd r.putatlon wurk of the a.ag oftheita jik. as artis of ve-ratlile aou extrardlnitry nWihlty. Tha>' are tiOI wbat mght RHEUMATISIL b. lermed 'boeTî tîîumleliaîo." They phI..'a varlety of L.uulruuientm.solo, duet. quartaI and chorus. Their muticl lahlgbly mrtitîcýe rtertnlr.tg inil tapiftin,-. Throws Old Crutch Away and! Wa5f lE Tie toioavlng cornphrlse t1e rotan: %Mr. Gjeorge P. <a'tnager and Ater Fourteen Years. director. vioilîr anîl trump.x-t; Mmw. Gciirgi' I. Crmîsen. [.r'ijivlty aînd cotume.; Ai, biesjqrh t ipp, asîl dimatid tEn-'14s MiASsIrinne Craven. second soprano, ucciînipunlst ani] Itinînapt; Miss Opal ýs..;!'h 1._.i,-- i'rcea,. .. Mu -1-hs . Cav'.reader,' tirst strana. clannit an(] trompeI; lt' Irnia Crav-'n, ii- O tNii Ili nu. e ' ,' S.Y: (%Pil o, el.) ocnd alta, truixiiî.t; Miss Norma Crunc'u. IraI altn, barls, trapu, drums, y- s'. use .sy Tr'îtrt.l- h' ,r'the i h1ter r ' out mY -. 11 l n . - .,k, tr14 ys,.r*,." Anather Case. I'n .'n, " i,.iI, îî Mrs. , Naley "t. Gnadr oaNi-~~", tîrtate UA >f'DbI of~R 'a' tnaircnt. SI., .i.'m, i(-May 14, £IuîIjIuIENS D ui i , - hat soipi cfthî'.vlItte ~a aI au..m, LV~I~ ~AI~L> 'm i n ,t1 a wtli and ahile 111cm Walks for First Time in Six Mantha.' gardeurmvilnot mat n-arc a rictit> m'S.. att Ni. taiT. on elte ns, . J) RTIBBlC t %%>'111iihave ver>' îmrî '.n t ibte pluT' tett e ,,talkrd tdp uit.r. c o tan' ýi. moi...b" _____"Ilt isgvatityung tnm llnd rhts epicil Healtis St!]!Continue. are DrcorAset ha ii.î,lirtioti iin 0 a prrt of lm.' lMss.'ia porter. Stosisgtu., l, î fîadeî * tr srsaji aij lioys," Nr. Tibbals. 'It shows t11î'a heisr: 11.- i ettsi Boys Have Made a Spien- 1 arr di",rou.s of iliing Iirbttahl OC tt.-katifliiifl dRecord Ihis îear i h a. One Trcatment Does the WorL __________ Mns. R. F. Prath« of R Is.ILeut sy:FEW LAGGARDS FOIJND 'The na,%, deî.ai tîi' oriiiai ali "t, 1 -, ràtppi i-.it SPa àtonWednesday Iseurd autlioritv 10 -d ficar f-s y,. i. , .crîl Cmeiiv pîl ra enCaptain 1lioffetît toconsTruct the hhrc'e 11,13.atîîi-luyîtbosuld'rtthat tysiigs n -,Eclet rc'îtyatba ittsleaîiy. 'naai,,,,rsd ny..ad 1 enan ' ' iw regimentat iisreiil uhr as .1l1 . 'cyi,,%iny.' lee i enadEcletGres zdo e1 curi at eto Restared Without Operatioz. Are the Result the prcentl lundarîca of the station. mri. Ir a et tha.ithe iar bmw p. Es. War izarilens lnu Waukiuran. bal an.' The three unitý,, cih nitit a capacît>' teait of it'rs , i ]1e. ~ ~ -" D.Ialtlut.111., Apsil 9, 1917. being Crcilfor b ha(,11e ci boulbons iof 1%.' ii. i. vii h iuilt iîortb aof Eaa t SiL'.uiî111.are elowlng remanlcable resuirs a- Fmie 1 mnts roail aud'se-t oritThe E. I>sas 1., .li.a-; ccrdng t 1. JD.)Tibaie garde lcuiir ' .1 é& E t atvoal lvaeks nortlîwest of "'ib,..egs >a.i.s...derful tt",t i 1.M mtde wndi of a 'ise i .'hkl, d aias d ton of Lake colînî>'. ie suet'ai i ('amp iewev . ThP ew noateolng de- woud idlket'-j-', t ceiiOKieatai." i hlleîacetlicltscrt c nI n n i ii'1w con-tructeil ha' Isa, le Sw aa, lIia. I D. w ha I th îs' are do ng. 1 twe în Cam p l'au] Jo es a d the r - Do flot allow your fortmerfpreiudice Tbe one tbing taIt as brouzhr ciniy constrîicled nugoing unit north or Iack of u ndertanding of sascb a his abouit, more titan anyuhiug else,oftcmisain.Nrkn he great work as this kecp >ou away; 'in 1te opinion or lMr. TIbhalc. I lithe df Tuer m saomn W'ontly n- corne and see for yourself; there ,imdaTi mîri 1asrcnlyat greater hope througis God's Eternal Lpfril of comptltion taItbaslire- thorizuti. ho cost an ageregate of $4,' Powcr than mortal man has ever.s'ailed. The boys secm to hi desirous C. .wii tegn at once. dreamed. of havlng the best war gmrdeý n luth,._________ "Power 10 litai the sick and afancted city anil have tievoteil nuch rime IT-u o'cto(ek leq bedtime in Evaustrsu cornes front aliove,' says ]Rev. iHaw- which orher'sisc 's-utlha. e ')Pen de' Ifou don't helîî's i it tr> n.ttiu In kina. "It is a disviue gift, and flot thb e d .cy.-iaie cf ira panksinthie cool of the power of mac that beals t1e ick and volcl tapis'. ' ansd s,'e 's'itîappene. The maales îhrm wml again. W~it1out te In only s fe's casce hase lazgarils local con.stahular>' hase bt'en bus>' lelp o! GA. I couli do nothing. kam been fomînd and even thesc, bo>'s nos' .5ev sace the ihot cpi-l set in chssing only an instrment in Il'is hands.t' are imntroinzn. Te'~gîi.~~icoff the bencreaTbey na>' Il Let the '5,lcTrs doulit, and the g"hîlug tarted andl ihey 'di m ner -ieiok'sî ln tîho scoffera scoff, batth11e îrutb la mighty. 'îbc imhP prk. Many of tVie refugees A Grand Opportunfty. 10 iakc mach Interest In keehlng dowo ja ri olîlens andl salions. Stlch au epportunit>' b sceca man tliat tiocs F'.i.eli cing a'ork as Ibis rtFA" bas se1i cm lient cilicred befare Talme - a ofnr . ' uii!iiiie you have t1e op- W , 0a i portminity; if you.dont you may e gret il. Su-la a rma as this with such a hel!-. i.g 'uit lice aldcm appeared in1the l Msi î .mn id then, îhrougb 1the giîat \.ue of lime, sorne godIy0 Mnan " -îrpernsittS power-frottau nh a above hi~ s .ceu long in work like lis anid gave ;e a lite 10 il andl bealed diacase an 1, c.mîr ucrcd pain and bade the sick go :vcc again iu peace, in ltealtîli nt iapiirssanad is'e. A M U S1 IC'A L AU Thinga Paisible Wiit God-YOiiA A hJUA I May Bc Heaied. 1 ,Tn VAq"r P ie No mattvr asliat yaur ailmneut ma>' be, or lo ionimy physîriansansd oth- ers have ',r' r'uicedl your case hope- less, yonî mr.y bere liane the oppor- tunit>' 10obcii ii isegreateat o! aIl ho. man blclî"'.'gs-Good lleaîîh-as bas been .ixpritnivneed bie su nany oàiaer sick pcplc 'ma'in ouanother treatment ever s-rra 10 llîlbefore. This grand taiiganork avhieh accoua- plîsîmes s.c inuit for so uîany sick and atlilng le pl.ic.tesitained by the of- feringa ,i i M!' graitt-ul people who Contriý;t uic ,,.r(Iith 1e expenses of carrytnl. (rins i s% ork as the>' feel îhey can ait-7'i'-' t tihe great 'sork may mot 11bc u b uit Ice carried on tiI! &iU bc 'v~ aîîd troue beturned liway, as ietier rîcli or whether poix, Large Crawds Expected. Cal carl>'. Patients front a dis- tance or 'cii-cf-t,,wnm, may receive firaI attentioan.?Mar 'icrl ladlies hould cal! with thrir lnmiucaids, sud children'wztlî botparets.a Helîmless liavOile.10', ,unahie 15 cati. may haar from thémuii'.aer (rom bis trestlae ruoms b>' ad dresoiKelet ate."e. ReD r. Hawkns- .p. 0. iBox i. i aiii. Illimmi.. I fLA I AT EVERY SESSION BUY YOUR COHLAJW<THÂT ROAD IS CLOSED 3 TIMES WEEKLY Village of Lake Bluff, Is Said, Closed Sheridan Road on Busiest Days TRY Tfl UAtI TUH ITFTq ULECTRIC ROAD ASKS PERMISSONf,1 TO RAISE FARE Petition Is Filed with Intersat Commerce Commission at Washington, D. C., NOTEDHEALE.ER Coumng to A tuneton i'leight. II. THURSDAY, AUGUST lat une Day Only-Storrny or Fait. Noted IHeal" .1 >Unto Men of Bible Tinit ,%V :ra OF LOVE. «One cf tic cnrny rimnarkalîlc tes- turcs about 1kv, Dr. IHawkins, the noted hiclcr of mnodernî titi., is the attvtion lie attraits cvcrywherc hee appcars. \st',:i:shiiig rrowds of sick folks fhock t', hlmn day aftti r day evcry-. 'wherc ie is The hoteîs in many instanec ' w c! ose the doors bc- fore nro,,. All thte sick cauld flot bc treatcd then. Suffercrs, rich and poor alike, would coule front far and near that thcy sliculd flot bc turned away. All with ailments of one sort or an- ,other. eauuaHere Sat. August 3rd bnt Wilson wrote: The Junior Work "The work that the chautauqua is doing has not 1 Broadened and lost importance because of war, and let me express the hope that the people will flot fail in the support of a pa- triotic, institution that may be said to be an integral SEASON TICKETS1 part of the national defense." NOW! I Extended BUY YOUR SEASON TICKETS NOW! ______________ TIBERTY VILLE DIDPENDNTTHIURSY, e4JY 25, 1918 - A Week of Patriotism, Amusement, Education, Good Cheer l"Il lu b *ciri ZJIirt al. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ASK FOR 3 CENTS PER MtWL* Expected that Sheridan Prr"ad, Mr.ntrnatInal edeat H ere Soon May Be Closed lit. bas bvim on îny mlmd for sonene r t thank your organlzntlorî for the .ri to CIt:rn a de r lCd lnc'rea» to Traffic very real belp l litiiigiven ta America ln the atrugglv that lIcs wridsçth il! i,î,. - o far"cansd has O 1 vr odmna inetof natlqinai lfeI.. Yur rpakrigotîîirfrira com- ti e'tttoii Wa* irl lcl p ekln& O 'oinplalnî ls being il l . jen- uaty te oiCnuîîunlly, meeting people ti llehifr1,'If-lv--j.lrIt .îîgs'nîl'rvd yl-. as e tht . ilsingrýb ted.la-wM dc' ds of autaLits, marîý ', 'co1îyears of Intlmat..'and understanding contact, have 1"ei .lectls, .'oP'îî"11ers 1i,, n'y,,'. 'ceioihowing dispatx' ii k-gan, over the ii th(- for the deUlvery undi Interpretatlon uf deniîîcriiîy's inaiings and lnîî'ratlve "- -rnii--i'în ro i.e i ase from 2 tçÈi, illige authorities of Li "Ilait lu 1needs. The work ilaitthe i'Chautanqua la loltig ha ri "t importance l.eeause t~o i. ie~. ae a 'it' îrng oif Sheridan i i nIlatof w, but rather lias gaîneai new opportunîiesfor eirî. cli, în iic-ý' sit a r a nd ~ Wln .dy un tree day a i -; lyt Let me express tie hope that you will letIni.det iirm'îetweaken yîîur lare' ' lpoiîSnt s i tuols %A~4 I ti,îî'anîa o autish -o't c 1 aActlUes and that thepineople will nfot fmli ln tie support f a patrlotie ImatI-. W ci i n a .f 'tle Iftw nîah. wide detours as a r cloq- j ton that may-be saai ta be an Integral part of the national riefense.. star, ' i.,nareC(-C0Iiîiîicno today Dr > iiig tii'. strpet at the h ai- crossa a ,Iaij n lcreyyua tr co, NorfM Sllirir ansd M ravin, about une ml of th11e . WOîDROW' WfL$Son. ni railrlad." ain part of town. 1'f 11t pot i inî'tînile , rzi ated p4le 'I lie lbridge finit wa., :' bouit tn hr,. f 'ire , Nrt h Shore !!ne will b*. tais w. (k'. ago' when 'a,'f tliai ý1 those wlîiiare clralir. aflgl'Xej' oie îtr<) anthNii ester fwe' plauks were brokon tliîr,,;.ti an bùecýtiiîricthpy are cci Czr liKri tT IVING RO S I do flio n tue Nctedrste ' auroi,irii-k. This dam.i.r i.r' air- rnarried. a'il ro,l T wolilli l".i racd rre bo dI but 1the bridge now ih e.ion aitl placer]dln lasta one-< p 'ti 1l Cri , h' or'h Western are are ilarge nîîmbor of Wankh- days wiwm the tiraille s .' . Incitan Waukegan ite nfufeci, in i riuii Ki; ~lt . e , nlaeben ann e1 ta be heavy. respect for draft rails h I ,,on ing 1h ,IN gan ectric1 lue be )tru- Soute of the autýotaT. d'1' octhesi-g -llecntbtcrnhe JR I1 J f~ V luha i' isn To tau- 10 e5y hast tli.# re a '.'. iiC tre,ot regîtered andil i '--i am(hm.ummtejIle * .îri :n îoija n i. stilit off on thoi ýda- . !,'*au4p nolt Uken lt tirDY, ion eT lelNo;i hav1ý ..e i- the village authorrti, s n t,, save many or 111 e a a ccc ai,. r'diout tii ilop, raIîîîg eispen-, hvin !1 rIr't rmto ;:afl.cau e jjltcreascd nid ibat traiumen hava mad.- 's wis denled Ioda' i tL ram le sald iliat W.uziiîk on, - IFarm Near Great Lakes Sta- ilci, iii rrea'or i arcc zl,An îIryWU mheut resident of Lake t' . IN;i, slil wsaaexhaustpd nmure jiiiehir h;I. Tii' lien ases arc cîcen "i:I t i 'l th'e reasnth1e str'iet i ' t rhci noluthe' rittin uieveubyFi*en ii . l. d lî ie, nien ilas a îsek l Ii'ji ' 'i.dan- No mort, narniig., c.re II., g- Sailors ii'r~t ciec c' r, i~Condition of t .i; i t icaa'îi bas, n ' ii'pormission to lncresk», Ti(' Tlhtehl icr ,' i cmentoii lu iau.îl'wr nai i -pýiig' i flireq th.% campa1rV p. 'trabe ivll sand ii ." c'ni vina nuaoai heT,'r .ai v~iiriiir~ AILOS AI ARM MAN iii ic)'il tc MmNssIle T gr1 lj:iabl wil stnd ip r fi >ri al ken %O ld h tter L rrv ýtain wages, ;raiîic that if miglit u lai, n if the b li l in iah,-cl iii. iiv fji p "" 0i.il ber:Oul' OOe 00lta c.i i-itiiorlii;ar'iIng Irrb'n ,i t, ~ ~**fram iii i t ias îolnt u si-i lofath ts: i re n !s trdn" 'uilt 1repai'ator3 t b ingdi i.rted W il .îrî asili i i, iî is 'pnudr'a o h ue,. but tOtil tbat is t 1 Mvif- tiiev crte. TIwir taridolaadaSllimprrlngt.. ta"'. autlioritles wtll Ci ý-.1 ' ,o p be-hidi probablv as th. taie' Ite ir"it-cadi Sattirîld Sa% 'cr,.,pt acîin tou thbe blehest pa, 'le tîne s'. That il compares wMLW i cîjuch laeas'y Iraffie a i. 1 ;1.ossi.l-'bieydoî'l s.ant *10 go kc le îî dh. i mt i i b svîrklnz on a' fiii :ytob.runlnhemdewt' bli. , intah1e entire cointry. he lisa e ecrops. BY1II*lI DEPOR ÀTIO FOR ENTEROFFIED.,.ç.ýAs-iianl l'a 'vn a'-ter Dos leîit iiiSOME 0F BOS I AMI.L- NivReliCf soci' li.a. t'ued pîi. i ERY HURT; ASK COMFORTS,, MEN REFUSINfi TO TRAININEi SCIIOOL tWirarsi mkiiprss i n .i'of ov boys have Aeô CA P T, trn ý %ýedbyPévae oh w i inaina. anad we must BEc ME ITZEN t IN EOR IA CA P ~T:hrîi ~ o ud b Prvae Jhnstipi- t;o ein aionce," deel BEC ME ITIEN ! I G ORM N So idof n ti te anii> I aýMq. )Nur Mondas'n h _____________ Iortilà I-t n. ., kta Pas-aster goat llMeaîiivlieof 1the 141111 F44 fo . iicrol.' ivere in bad shap,' rl Acy id Association. Le Neutral Qitizens of WaUkegan Duke Nolan, Guerdon Green, 1 lt,, aoirkofc'îi'ivatlon and lnabiliîiv froi C ol. H-enary J. Rellyco and Vicinity are Given Last Ray Russell and Messick ttcg, eî mmI lthoi«. oranaio se rrad. Iz ail et' Opportunity Selected from Company -ut iay,, Weed Corn. thena the naothr: of "ReitiEs Buekg* Paym.aater Doyle obtalned permis- wor rk." .t "kepui the goo4, GOVERNMENT GETS LIST There wal, a reson ahi' the four sian front apat. MotolYcîtela accre vol-____________ Waukegan boys: Ciierdon Greeni, anisera ror Ibis work and 1. expe'r LIEUT.- ROOSFVELT MAY ,Federal Naturalization Exam- Duk.' Noianu. ay Russell and --- Ieuced faruiere Ivoin 1the Thirt'eutti SE ALIVE, 18 PERSHING iner Knows Miens Now %fiýsIc'i, were kept ai Camp Gocrdon. lîeimetit reported. MESSAGE TO COLONVEL Cm. \ 1e te other men. luc-Iiidlan_ a Smîurilav aud suiiday wcre lte tirst Nw YrJl 8-ho Claiming Exemption 'îuirg. bui1h of W'aukegac l es.m. c d e Yr, Ilt".Thoo _____ '.dro eit abroad anîl lefi for d>s of hie ncw iîork and a crop of Rooseselt jiiet before leanlng the càW Neputr'al ate"n- i W h. gan and v' r.,easduy.lay was cut and siored aw'Y 'ln l!11, for Satatoa, aNS. Y., ho attend tbe ritiity wlio eta 1 ".'tafrntm thi These four W'aukegau 'oin ni"ue barils. Thirty acres of cor. whlclî rubllcan sîlse convention today. r draft ton 1h.' .içm iet nheovare tartw' ce , rd t Io talai part in thte citîzenri af the I ait-. t States an I officeri' training camp and are ii îddweig aly.l, ee s eit'din s c tAegrn rne has'e not adroiT fa'ori " eea.hip are tii recels lng insttnions there, fi nal1 tended0 tna. hc teAmrcn o' begienonýmander epresseil the hop -it  ha gven u" ire (iporttuity to ucve. wlîl make triera othiier'. lu tii- l'aynîa.ner Doyle' 'ild taIo ss'ben Quentin Roosevselt. hhecooes j show wpht r >r n ' Tue>are dir- nr mi%. Il taI the- hoPpeOf eachîtîha 11he croasreqîtîre il fliceînllsted men reported kiled in an serial battie . able resîden- .Thcei residenla of Iw w ili land St least a lieuteiiane" lnan Waulegau to r1 îtHsimîlar r' s 11e r.l lio or ilîceinonths. T'y liroîal.i woulil slieud-"sraI week', France, may have lsnded sately. Idents ail os. y '..U'nited Stateat are a. iilu e lu training probabli for ai on th1e fart t0 barvest wlieat, harley SII 8KLE 10 1ebare fm- i v ra bcoine l.apt tîva months in a camp, la Geor- aud oaîs crops. Wankegan. Juiy 1S4. Amerîcan cii.7- 'ins 111e> apî'lr gia. and the tact thaltue>' wert- e The farina coutrîlus 4,) acres oi,- at once for M etC zOn et paper.q. l ct Il tei oînmandiug cfi crs residents w'hoir. 'ier.med unfl fo)r ta go lu thîr training camp indirtrs aheat, 4a4 acres of oats, 60 acres or JoseCîm (amapbell, 21 yeans aid. cihizenshlp ai.-' ', deported. ihlIl was seir-envlietir Uic>' would barley and 100) acres of hay. But for jaeky at Great Lares,. waa electroce' Waukgaur- mýýis laiing x- akegon. te tmel aldof he lueJacL-t ifcritoilay witîe repalrlng a bolier &à Wauega r.i. u'.clamin cx utke on. 11e ima>' id f 11e laesckta the Camp Dewey power bouffe, aur, emption on the c 'ils that 11e>'ane Thus. thlse four Wanikcgan boys la probable that th1e erops would havi' th(, station. net cîtizens and te nul 'n'endi orha w'ho went amav wlih a lot of ,ber have been tut, t ih 1the fedrîl feIlowsý frcoa ere stand triolînet0 been lest. Insulation an an Incandescent fleg~ naturaltzattoti e moner for1111dis- igen cnniaosbefone î','rv Campbell waa carryîng became frag, triant, loug. T iîeir friands 11re' v'il t.ý The Ren. Thomas Allen Beaildilid cd and h1e recelved th1e 110 voiton-' The local c b't"' oard bac a amy gratlfled 10 hear of their goiio uas tbshm ntreBu rent through bis body. cond e Is aIf 'c -I ucral the rq piipetHe 'sas born ai Wyoming. Ill.. Dec. The nation-bas calied Charles W ernment befoti Mu ilo efinite adtii Wblle othe? cilles aloug 111e tir, 21, 1860, sud gradiiated at Heddlng s'ah president a!f te Nash MotorwI Up ta now the t rie 0f the men lu and Inthie couîntry wcst eft111e Sta- collage lu 188Ï. Ha beld pastaratesait campan>' and Ieadlng manutactu.i th1e liai have a c n made putbir.tion are complianing lilîteri>' about ('billîcathe, lewlaitontn d Princeton, a! Kenosha. ta hclp wln the )- Sonne of lis" "' 'aur'id" allen. arn the moartuilo pert these dci> ,. utile ' Wdnesday evnnng John D. Ryaaý rrnlcd andci,.h]" ,,'Cndent. a'a I jacket.c aI <reat Lakes are compa"a- 111. Six yc.ars aga be retlred frain bcad ofthlie .ircn'aft production boAl'4ý ev en If tites ap" 1 for .citizen:,i.ltti tînls' "unhit" b>' the New Ji'rei'n' the mlclstrv on account of 111 bealth. forsuall> a.ppoinled th1e Ienoeha 1nXý papers. makiiiur ,ic 'uljeet btaIiîî' irod*utc., This la due 10a111e tact tti0t Fanerai Friday mornlng at Lake utacturer as director of te board in' drta.t, the>' pro' "ewouîl 11e x. i xteusis'e precaullons are takeni triltuff." Iliirrai wlli ha lunî'lopeston, charge of 11a111engineering and p1»-.î cmpteil if th,."il for If. 1, s 1rrpe euth11e hrîeedlng cither on the 'li.iUrllof. 'Mr. Nash la uow on h* lcnown boèwevcr, n',a' a large nuinber staîtion or nearby grounds.. way ta Washington.> 'l AL JL

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