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Libertyville Independent, 25 Jul 1918, p. 7

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LIBýRTiVILLE INDEPENDENT,, TU tSDAY, LAEVILLA I MILLBURN ,ura. Marie MeKengte le enter=ainag Bliev. A.W. Saflord attended the fun gil trln îmteii erai of ie niece, Florence Safford, In Oscar tlcKensie, Who has been In Chcwo i1e5 week. dpD.tion %l; Great Lakee eInc¶ bis li re. Oea. Jamiseon and Id'esAiles eatraflui there four weeke a9,0, sPent JamlemO,, o!Berwyn, viited ftrom Ii Sunday vit bie Parents. dal untlilModay vith tMr. andMm.ir Tb@ Ladies' AId wililhave a baksry [avid Whte. sels t Wald'e store net Saturdal, R. L. Weato,, of Whaton, came Jnly 27, a.d bakery goode of aU kinde Friday Su the prsonage and the tamîl, yl h e on sale. acrompanied by Mies Fote returned ti The annual Sunday sehool pienie w&@ Wheaton, havitig viite-d lure tvo wffek@ hld st Pitmane garove lit l'o Lake, tir. and tire Scott I.pVîj andi .,iî Thursday anid ail enjoyed aý plesant apent Bunday at tiamienuo %rs. Ett day. tir.G(rimâhaw furniehed thse hbal- Wleckie r,-îursieîlwilt ii-L-uw fîîr a rack for the occasion. veeke vuiit A lackle band of twenty piecee trowi tr. aud tirs. J. S. iienman and Great Laker furnlesed the munie for the Mies Clara Fonte .pent Thuri.uain Red Cross dance Iet 8atuiiday eveninf Kenioshba ans caliu u n lir. Jeannette and il ourely e.joyed it tu the ulinoet, Matheve. la apîke of the bemt. The boys vere The entertainmeist for the Red Cros@ entsrtained ln the homes uti the neit vas vell attendeil Friday evening and day. the apeakers, Mtisse. hiver, KIng, Gais J. K. Drlng returned the *rot of the sterrand James Woodmmn, vere ail veek tram a busines trip tu Washington, good. D. C. Supervisoi tMartin transacteil busineai !gre. %Iller of Highland Park, recqnily In Wackegib. the pst wssk.' veruned tram S*IitaBd, viseraehe -Tb@ Emteri Star w'il1) entertaîn, or bmd @pont a year, I a gusst of Ir.,mand Thnraday eveclog, Wukegan a.d otber lie. J. Atvsli. cbpte iiln Lake county. Nr. a.d lir@. Ueo. VonHazinga, o! Mi. B.d tirs. V. H. ëtrong a.d >ira. Ksaomhm. avent a ly days Iet veek )Svaon voe Kenomha visitore Wednee. wils tihe 8. Wallace family. day. Ui. Dela Shervood of Atiocb, epent The lRed Cross Anzilimry vil) meet ast Frday vit Mis, S. Shpvood. every veek BtL tse homes. It met vlSlm Frmnk lShervood epent ihe pas: veesk Mlira Oathis veek. la the c1ty. tiMra. C. E:' Denmmn and grandaon, Mir. and tirs. Arhur Wison and Mime Ra)Pb tirfuire, @pent Tbursday and Ednm Wallace ot Kenosba, #pont, son. Frlday in Chicago. dm3 with relativesemr. Mise $&arab Browe, o! Wailewoîtb Mine Ruby Ipoard le lis Chicago thie vlinity, la sîitina tirs. D. I. White. weeto late the civil service examina- tir. Band trs. John Bu@s. of Rochester, ion. Ws, motored day, Monday and tir. il»rry Miler, vho boas been lis the ad Aile Jamieson acmpanied themn M. W. À. saausltarlun at Coorado Springs home, for th pau ftevmonthe, returneil te is H arvelatlnu ofthe i-grain bas iegun in home bers iast veek, havisg gaiseil thie viciDty. effeumipounde. Relatives and riende trom Wauksgmn. Mir. a.d tirse.. L. Wald attended the AIlghiand Park. Wlmette andsi Chicago, veddlng of Arhur ityan. at Greal Lake@ 10 the number c! tblrt> -fIve, spu.ut Sun. Naval Training Station, iant Sturday. day at Cý E. l)euman'a. The biîdml parti returLed with them Mtr. asudMr@. Lyburu Stewart and and wer t u ivaukee fur a sourt n danuieis, uf Chcago, are vlitlog A. H. vedding trip.1 Stewart for a weet or tee dayo; ait&o, Lem Servood'scar wan badly w rîcktd tMr. tte-wars entprtained tour hrnuber- sarly ëunday mornîng vhenlItuçihided lIn iaws. Saturdaî andi Sunday, James vils miother car niar squaw creetCorrîn. o! L.ake Foret; tir. eTvarte, bridge, but luckily noi on.. was Iijiieil. 0! Engiewiod; tir. Batea. o!filerwyn, lia »e SuaS the otiuw Partyi seasdwUn is ndtir . ke. ut Itiverolde. M the wrung tide ut tus rumd arîd the moident re. uited. 3 U SELL loise Myrtie Weetiake, o! Camp sud the Mosees Pioreuuce and un Pribno,awof iPark balle. %id.. strday andi sundusy gus.esua C. . Hamiin homne. Mir. sud lirs. Chat Jayte aniu the tlrth i-ila m. tursilai . Jot lire. Jars ol l n thu.- '15>'and le i Weil. Frank tluoier sas tîýUnd Ilin a1 lbasd eunditii.iiiumhie rîmySu16as4 day mor.lng andl vas removeil k County hosptai toi îreaîmneut. reports eay is conilitfiî t- abolit Olmme. tIre. Lechiord utlEviston. nuPi tev doye rîcently sîltu ler mier, Mary Kerr. Don.3 SUîmr'randi laualijimlv, Wankegan thet irt of the veek. Summers le employed thi-re, romnsenin, the nove. tira@tra l'ouiton, ut Loyal. (Ai vieitlg at the J. >G. Poutton uleîî Wii l'ester anud vile o Kusha,à ibm veek-enil vit)> iparents@hi-ni atte.ded the Ried Cross niant-e tirs. Jean ùaniels and mounn i 'ai ;tah, vas lbhe guest (it her cousin, LJ. Lt ttu.,a nw a . lptwê in. n Ie re. e Il tu CARS CRASIIN IIEAD ON COLLIS- ION AT FOX LAKE Ambrose Merchant Jr. of Wau- kegan and Lee* Sherwood of Lake Villa in the Cars AVOIDED ONE, OTHER HIT Mrs. Fred J. Cutlau and Her Daughter of Chicago Are Hurled into the Ditch Ambrose Mereliant. Jr.. o! Sheridan Road and Liberty street, vitis Bhliv (<Shortî"v) Thomas, af Waukegan, hani a mniraculous escape trom deaili laie Salurd1ny nhght ai the Squasw Crek bridge, mest e-ast o! Fox Lake, vhen the Meprc hant automobile, ve-nt be-ad- on Into tise automoibie being driven by Le-e Sberwood of Lake Villa. Thoî crash vas of suris violente- thmitt one' of the'- eeemipaasts o! the .Me-r<hant car le eaidta have be-en throvn cii-ar thraugh the windseield and landei in thse tonneau o! tise other car. In tise car vas Meirdhant and Thomn- as and tliree friends of Thosmas from Lýakp' Villa. tIn the Siservood car ve-re three Ike Villa mon. Rloth automsoiles vede bauily ismashleà.l andths e MenIpant car vas hauled hack la Waujegan Sunday, and t' now In the re-pair sbop. A il the occupant.9ci! the cari e- caped vith etlght Inimîrtes andi bow i bappened that none- wanu falally hurt le qulte mlraculboîss. AccaordIng ta etatensente of the oc- cupxants . Mi'frc.hane Our, Misng Vo- vernis Po-Y L.ake, vas foliaved close- ly be-hInn another oar. The latter stopped smuddcnly and Itn order 10 avotil btîling It the uter'chant car a- swe-rvd out arounil qulfkly. [lt i om-, io s6a.4drîvlng talleilta note thîe She-rvood car appriibachlng. Th(- ruut uns that. as lie turnfed ailt io axiduIttin6 Ibe r-ar enniof (lie flrst car. lie- rmOh e ead-on In- to Sherwsood'eq car. ,AUTOMOBILE 13 WREC.KED An automoble ovnM dandl drisen lii Fred J Cutlan. fftt Northi Cc'tra4 Park aienue. Cicago, eraulied lm a telegraph poli- en Crijn Bay Raad anc ;ntu' sortis of (b. «%p&W 1aMz scbool. Salscrda v gbht ai:31ocn'iiilk vben thp btîowlng or a tire naused thse dri-e-rIr) lose conirol. Nirs. Cutiai Leke 1 M and a daugbler were hitelpdolît of id reni There yl ue services at Sundaiy Miemachine-andmuid naed alufsal but *ere nnt aurions bruiser- andl cutl wer mîr.lg a 1.31 onlii.k.fMr.and trs.('ultau ami their it the The meeting oft (li ladiesml d eociety tir-e hildrcn ve-re drtî'trg from at the- bome- of!%IriPalmerton vas veli Chicago To 'Milwaukee .wben the aic- moi-.' attended. de-ci uîam)pned.The car vas goinin 1' BE l.a Ii oinraabol i milesan hoir. Cîîmîaiicoud y 17. IL lýwli n rt a surgI-atl ml o no, i ;- mai-ine in the- road diiîtng eraàtin in 7 lhir-dàv îof lagt s iek. He 1 le atîîn imi ur. it andithi e ati ra- g.tting ntiuiuse ailt as rnîutd Le u-s r-imnt mliimaiiigis.b fu il i l lara- pffl't.dnol (unri oî ur Blb of (bu- front Msurs- Aw V'nis a.nîd M. B, flowe ',ere intu e-Iivie sMbaud 'uMilthb*roins of liii'cair îiaîs cru hed in- ithe (<hicagi>. Thursila>', linvieiil; . EL[-Wis, The min-bn.- ami loivu nibthe L.ate Wllitau Mtirrte has been minte 111, vitn Le- ;zarav.-,Mr. and MrCît!au ithI-. ruiiîp, but he aitairi able tu b,- arînunid. rctnrnpd (o (htcago by rail. tire. ,si-ric-r Hovard visIte-i a fi-v -nli a duym abi lumi-.Aother Accident. j A short lunie aflerivard au immense M1Mse tr Buvard*iqtamtly have ri'celned B Pi. ru i.Àrrii wn'nt lOto thp dtcbhi-es cardl trîm tIlcr mon, <illlii-r. anurwlinu lOin aat r o! a vitle away One. -d iiih . Nir. spentL marnd vsîn, James Kerr met wltli an weidentp wbIle worklng un tho E J 1.hmau place Monday, wilien a plece of machInery teil)aoros hie eg, nearly breaking It and which wili iay hlm up fur soinetimie. à oomplts report of the Red Cross otion wIII appear heit vnk. CSyton Hamnlin went t0 Chicago Wed- nesday to enliet In the tlght againet Germany. Bis father accompanied hlm. fVOLO - I Mri. and lire. Math 8teiles and fnhilY of licHenry. apeit SundaY aternoon at the home of lMr. and Mir@. Ben Roing. Mir. and lMre. Ed Lusk motored to Lihertyvilie faet Frld&Y. Mr. and lire, C. Jepeon and fainiiy @pet Sunday wtb tMr. "and ire. liee Um Elizabeth Oelliing and Mie Jose- phIne Krapf spent Sunday eyelng at the home of John Pituen. Ni. and Mie. Mlidor, Frank Roing, Otto Moidor and Cara Roeiag attended ahow t Wankfgan Snndai evening. Mir. Bnd lire. John Lenzen entertalned compBIIy oer Suzday. Reed Geary caied at the homne of Ed Luek Snndai evening. Uias &dellafe Romdetacher la @pouding B lew weke ia the cty. li. Bnd Mrs. Peter Stadttiisd and Ilii. Il"siRutherford ee malere at Fox Lake, Nondsiy evenîni. Henr StadUieid ttended a dance ai Johnebuîg, WedneedBy. Mr. a.d lire. Athur Frost of Chcago. are spending a few weeke wth lira John Frot RAY N. SMITI-J hua Male arrivâtI luiFrancme- if th.- froint wh-î, tr ame off and teveral rorju tîuîe vICInity sisiteni t us, ru-olitmg ai snu'h a ripnId rate thatt les.ýpu nioser a !enre anni ralien lrai L au- uvarralîng station on II() fe-1 bufore il came te a stop. No Wodisea, ni let veek, ore it rthei lic ar vere ibrowniout The. Koînem taulsiàt drove lro,îi White- and the machine did neot overturn. vatuir, 511., tiuday, luingîrmun Laura Crris homi- CHILD THRMuN OUT 0F CAR .A number nol faun t es irnîmu lisillatiaj<e mpunt Sunday et nthe aku- Josu imi oiuema hwfeandtam- IN Ps lii îmiraciihnisi escape train fa The dance at -liniverds barn a-as at InjuiesmuaSmnd.îy ePuning. a mîI, tLrgely attended. îri c f tran s1lil%% ahen a n lîr tris in hi' W'mii Bein - ki,: wbo ises se:ur (iyslak.-.humtîi j00Cthi-rear of te L..omiu <inn a'- Bu-iniki Yi ed (o TEMPORARY BRIME parz ho on a nirrow rond tO IS TO O IN At11h.plan-e onfl te pikr.On eltber ~ T tlin.,ki came atong and tooted his bon- but Ilie other dcfrve"comildn't NIPII SINX OINT pull a-wa, as tIbert vasyd' rsie. De rInski tried 1 pas and iffteail e- crasbed tnto the 'enal car of Losati. Fox Lake Bridge Promoters if Co, happenen tisaItihe car a siruck n sîîch a way that lnste...d o! Decide to Proceed with the being burteil into the ditcis. t crash- Plans for Present ed heai-on into the abutment af a ________ mal bridge in %ucb a wai' that the radiitor andl .»I. w-,e bedt «Il tke SHORTENS THE DISTANCE car !lnaliy ind ged riglit elde up across tise abutisient. There- It long aveu War Stops Permanent Work thse smali crecis, veigedI n a !r but dmuigerouu manner. The car buttheTeporryStruc- seemed ta plov on right throagh the turewil AnwerforNow radiator. One cmblld w'ý.s tbrownou _________ r orNo ad ir.Lohalue abaliotb knees bail. Word from Fox Lake shows plans lv urt s se unedilionh h are being made to go abead vith the Tnh Lohu a a bdydm emprarsy peminlt onofthie bridige Pd. Tise- oilld. tirovf ont and dovn acros Nipersik Pont. is leTe-thýe mbua-scmient, escapeil unhurt. callad thet Unifie Sam bas held up thia Improvoment, visicis vould re- AHSIT OC autre much s teel, and accardtngly the AUTO cRAHSIT OG Dermanut lFox leke ýirId*e plans; An automobile driva, by an aID- had to ho vlthdravn for tise duration cer or the Great LekeS navlI training of the var. Hovover tihe prontb- station, averve-i from lise road on jters are gong ta go aisead and put up) Washington street, jut outslde thes tle temporary vork includlng tise west city limits, Sunday afiernoon, concrete constructon and put up B andl rrashed Into tise porch o! tise itemponary pasSgavay Brces. Hïury Totterdeli home. Tise parei This, it Is tisou&ht. viii ansver the vas practically wreckad mand tise auts purpoSe for tise tine. ieing, ansd thon was damag-d bailiy, but neitisar of vhen tise var break it nav apP'eiare the tvo mon n iithe machine wao burt. may bis fny day if thse Amrleans Tise accident baPPened *balsth* keep on as tisey lately bave) tise naval station man turned out tc t eeol viii ie ordoreil and tise permis- îvoli slxflcng a atarcycl'e viicb nent vork viii go In. apneamed In hispatis euddenly, hav. Thse reasan tise Fox La-(e people inbe Idnotfoetedie 3are sa anxlous te gelt this work in vay of a hanse. Thte auto everevI vas IS vould shorten tise dista.nce of ra suimenîY that tise driver apparent automobile travel bi-Iveen Lake Iv leat contrel o! t. M aunty peints and tise Lake (eneva._________ Fuitiermore il bringe to vervonsep- Jaçkles vho-bave been somevsa, araited eSnfmunities cioe4s. tcgether, tîmorous aisout attending thse Iftbsu sas a reautt o! epariaing *e river at Park recreation dausces Îma sociablei that point. lest they be expîsed te tthe roumnti> There re bara!n l The nde ont te mention the flirttmis, adyanî Tise. ae bagaiue i Th ne s o!f ssceptible Youagnmdlo, i&» pendent', sidvertieW4 *.muns. besitate no longer. JULY 25, 1918 PAO'.. iv RACIN COURES BOYS FROM4 LAKE ýSEVERAL PEOPLE TESTIFYIKNOCKEDIEIN IN A DOUBLE WEDz VILLA TRAINING Corte Red Cross Fihutds TO A SNOW BANK( DINGi IN WAUKEGAN SCIIOOL PRAISER ObtainingLicense CHIRIST19ÀS NIOff Gurnee Residents Say Steini an il uza,11,l Two Lads Who Were Raised Told Them that Sale of Book Mrs. Sadie Richards Say& tWs street, and Henrietta.Srh'un . AlnaeFr ie o Aided the Red Cross Husband Chased Her FroM Park avenue and Ier nri 4teinli- a Al________nCiedfo 16:i3 East treet. urý)is-n th"ir Bravery in France î. . House in Nightdres friende on Saturday artriuon hy izn. Arhur .1 inîf ,h ing~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ tofc~f o i aIn IE uîn (lie 10lui randw in hntiMADE THREATS O0N LIFE. ceremonles. The Younlg IE ALLIES G3REATLY o liiiihm lie ixis aîraiii,îli were unIted in marriagi lii aî uthu _____fi-Plc Nugîri- '.r- " hfrDvrei lie frjreunt ait Iaukrgai hmird . îe Ini Mînni afleroon illfrDvrc nuK _ Steiner lm wk-ll known 1ii ri ti tr Are Given Medals for their Et- hiirgeîl ih -)icýIiîn4 lti, r,;TdyadW sGa da cles. He was thse star pIaý l r fue fotsinC trtirie fiid.iwithliit having olîmaîml Tody ad W s Gantdl. Ilidger football Leam ail'_tl , ,îo fotsin'il-i Mchnefrontm Fb.' rtîti <oullof o!lie Injunction active li aeba l-Ranln.Jonurnal- Guns 0f'the Enemy froi- Ille lia., l-en rî'lea.sed on ;ae le u Ne. bnd.That bpcae broto Ithe Chicago tuilv Nl os-.îfi ý ýidin h ei en -îmoy -hou e I lier nîi'bht dresu a&ndt . - ~ ~ letdate appearenl th' fnIldlnvtn. cilby the Il. I Larim -ipmî- n-ceohrm nw nn FIGIIS WH I HI under tire hîaliing of *(it 4(lnîi-l.nd, 0..to siIl the 'P ollI.,'ýnight of Decenmbs-r 27,1916, efor hravery in France-i Ilonie Ltlîramy- for tlhe linefit t tîî- Tha cstîkmi beat ber «Ài Prîs-ate Ern. Iorali f ClhicagoI lit 'o-ia ie lliged 1ain puîihed ber out of the house at 10.30 DA X KSOUT bravelIv and repeateuilt carrieîd mesnu 1,l1 iat ron-ý. NVtnesses testiteit P. M., on TIilly 19. 1918; DÀD9 TW S sages through the -lielI un'l.le voli-1liai Stein toldthobm tirat he wa.s leo-1 An dtluit lie bn-andLsh,-d a ehot g9" n te e re d a i th e ri k o f h i , life t e i'o t ipi4 6(0 d a 'iy > o f h i s l i n t, to e l--Il In fro n t f lie r, I ht esten in g to nb SO O ItE VENGE ON BEJIN bring up ammunitbon ainti en lIcia th, book, as rfing Ibat aJilth, pro- ler-frdvreile ict c_____harge wihrsltdI i apîcre ceedîi with thi- exception of hig bar.' Alil Ihemo are eharMs ooMMned l 0f a German Mnachine gun. peiinses, lwereteg tet.pPdablfodirc lMIcrut01t PrYom the saine papier uuid.,, de , o ('ros thîs aRernoon by Mrs. sadile Rih- Danny Morrison Charged with july 9, vas elipped anothpr -a rhce fhv followIng re.sldpnts ofni urnee, ards of Atiocih. against lier huaban&, Beating Up A.. Behn WhiLe under the head of! "Amertean -sol. took tire witfli.iin tand aind testifl'-dt Charles S. Richarde, a weathy rack- diera and offilcers wln distinction" It anst -Stetn: Mir .ad Mrs. H. Bi dent of that commantY. R _ql at ond_ 15;as toiiowa: Faqt. Andrew OIson, Nrg. Sneesby, NMrs. ichards sets forth that eh* "One of the most strîktng of tie e1, W.Haîtnes and Nirs.Alma Shier- and bier husbankd wers married De-. ORDERD FR HOMEd eeds of heroisrn as thai of Dental W nod. c etfidttt e ember 21, 1892 alWaukeshal. 8 OREE RM O ESreo ednC.Obr fSt. Svm fte et e htt e Segays fhey hveone dan~.ioe AndJustAftrwars, e loge h,~ Mo. who, afler heintpeai were no( overly Finxtolis te liarohase Mabelle Richards, aged 20. ielD AndJustAftewars, H Pics tahedte a regîment only a 1 4w da3.9 he booîk Ibal Stein vas selling, b nt The husband. according te tebg ta~eoo otoras ent Into action. When Capiain vere move,l b hi,i rgmn tt ~basben guit of extreme mand ro. onfl nLeaes ate as Donald E. Duncan of the saine ctl, ,,,nifor 11, bene-fi of the Red ('ruo9iqpeateci cruelty. Chief Arrives wa ounded li the advance on t ad they were aflxiois te do anv- Mr@.i Richaords amserts tsAlt aPZ BorechsJue itiOsorewh hi bng that would aid sc a .plî'nulld ligh er husband bas real estatal Just because lie hailtrui "[- I. th wa libers aldlng flhc wotindpd sa organîzation.' Stetn vas placcil en. ualued at $12.000 and Persoal prOg- is father and bwas ui ahr leal.Toîh uhnare ider arreegt abouitt îl-cweeks alto. erty te a value of $1.000 h. ft.ao chased Illeo« fbis farm iand uIllm lng on al eide. lie rail 10 bis fallentosprtb.Shakstt i neyer. toeroule bac*i, wa- that amv frlend, picke-d htîîîup in hbta-i îmî ral E n clnulie- l enthe pertqonal, property O reason why Danny %forri., )n ,tusel sarted back and habni a rt ris lîied URMIEfRR.ESID NT allmton. Setalso aakedfr ahn lu known young man living ,rn Bradley a place of seetrer with t is nion- rJuîlngr an iol-e ber busba road. nfar Rondout, slînînul ',k. r.-- icious burden, when a'i ai tIainîi lJAV a iJ strm sn n ,ooc1tvr a veýngPeon A. lin, 'aho mn -a store atth deail accuricy, kiliedb I. f loi i.DISo nan a ncmeig h r] atCmowealth and r'..iiitenth Lieutenant Osborne re(eciuil a po.l I UIdijI4 r y waTh e nrctumbergibe pokg- Iîtreet, Norih Chicago, fi teatlng humons award of the Amerian nieil i i________A.ry. The injuncton voft vas le eBhn uv and tnfilctIng r inn njury 'al for braver!." a1 aABrlt.vteo 'al- ud te hlm. The above le the record or! wo T.Brlt and mother of Chartes H At amy rate, that'.s lthiii',Behn Allendale boys. The tiret mentioii-d fartîcît former cltY treasîîrer tfor L H F M to the ex tent that he-i, ire out a two years ago and la nosi only Ms Evanston, ailer an iliness of moreWE TIY warru-n for Morrsons amist. but years of age. Oshorne aftler ye-ngtn I10 veelca' duration. U _A Y NI Morrison in the meantimp h îi Sepaien Allendale-, worked bis way tkrouil Se vas 71 years aid and wa% born f iB Y It, and hie wiserwaboutný arenent the Northwester, Dental Colleqe Ir on a l'arm ai Glînser, In L.ake county,_____ known. Chicago and was practicing hie pro- Illinois. Shetwas one- of the oldeet ThmsU Wlo-Peie t It vas on Tuesday nlgh' 'mu;t Belin fession I. St. Jose-ph, Mo., wben (ai, residents o!fthe state and bail esid- h eE Wilson.lma rteMIdeilot liad gone te Rondout 10to "l sonue cdi to the colors. ed In Evanston 47 yeare, living in Witelon & o.. tl e a te lcg r L î-egetables, Pe. Two or iiri- -Young Alleuidale naturaîly teelem vcrv Ieson e us for elleyoars. bytora ln hota) Jreeiig tetikW*, Tnen jumPed on bis vazon ni 'i sîarteutproud of the record of these t Beids ,elis and h is sur- orainelIn li inry o hia seft 11% te drive Ibe horse aWay. ni'inInter- young me-n. *t the g"y r oue ~ vtved hby Ivo daugbters adtmre.uitied i lidngedo"n a em U tered, and unvthe mle-i j lo îîîwed fbere are 60 stars on fisc Atieniflp 3tn .Lac era . W lr -!E-o!fba ies l e pi.g taPUd une h Nlorri..on icier-ty inU.t Il~. lin. upou service flag. onýe goid I ln.trs ,ar B ale o a bs!r ea iePinSts Behna elnrn o Xorl (~ 'uo hi-Grange., I.; Walter W. 1Bartleft o!fdy. t t t hle-g oi e uwr sisore out a warranjt fi'i\t1 isoi' &Vcretary MrAdno say@:"Te Hgln ar.s1 n hat'I i lgneta.hele a a arrnu. olth vr dmadepro-. anii eOrge V. BartlIett of Evans ton-. mv cil Mr. Wilson reMalned on lii incs. re ofntheacltce' bar e vuniAon at.FrSs** Id a l N. 'bicago ta reeciv-e tre-atiieit. Ho Chiîcago, S Cnt 1 0 Rondinni - t t'or- irecoîcring n 'dy n 'l po rison but arriîînz tbeî'nîî that ou~r'ticng in order toeSîny War Savînga SDIPENDENT I515d516M000P@--O bably le-ave the bospftai hy tiseend bc bad dlsappari-d. T. e)iîîf In- clampe? weokly. of the ve-ek. quired and foundl that alîsîi an Ijour befori' Mnrri'.in thallt' "r îBehîî___------------ - -- -- -- thît heP ba(Iltronld, ha:,sf;ther, a wull kiiovo mfarmiii r l,,, 'îdout, andl the faîbrer bail lr Il hrn t nu (rom tise fan and lolî .. uu miir to retîirn. Accordingly. (hi- inilu-ion le that Young Morrîu-ni. n ii j s ars of age. trled te g. - i*~ on Behle for the trouble thnl.îîrî t utthe rare, an bourir pelotiî1 Young Morrisriin b the draft age but it lamailai, recentiy re-, je-cte-d because 'i -cal disabilimv. Ne s la abrathllli l 1.1ni" be- Mur- rinen of the - t1V Wlswlî as kil). cd se-yen l-ý1I s men he tau h o a bin ht cart I$0ONOBULL geiLabo, -i bd A1TACKS MAN; DiE (THE MA N) IS HURT H. PSnydcr.ri i-i ier a! the IHart. Wood farinos. i î,rui byitie- Bordernis Faiuîî "slict rompamiy near Barringtrîîî.-altaclted by a bull and hadis- i:. r. LI. The animal a!ter treating b - i itm to se-verla severe knoei's. lui hm aver a nine-foot fenci.-Niur. Snyder vas bruised in bie hsmt and limbs, hlm lips and face- a-n-u- xtIn manly plain- ès. and several t. "iii are missing on ftcrount or the aîf.îuk. -Snyder's frienît iar' congratulatissg hlm on bis gooci uip Iune .escaplng as voil as hi- dinh . ml il vas on11Y by a miracle- tha luis Ife vas epareci. Tise animal le a large one- and valued aï $20000. BISJOP M'GAVICK SAUS CRIME AMONGi BOYS GROWS LESS Bad boys are- on the docroase ln Chicago, acording to0a report mnade bY Blehop A. J. MitGavick le mem- bers o! the- Calbotic 131g Brothsers o! tise Holy Name- scheîy ai a quarter. iy meetIng be-Id Sîîmnay ln Chiscago ln tisa assemisîy halfl o! Holy Angeis' cisurcis. Oakvaod bdllev&rd Q1nd Vin. Cannas aventie. '«A generai sunv-Y of aur wor'c among delinqurnt boyqshaoys that crime la on the decrease," Bizhop MNc- Gavck eald. CAD 0F THANKU. W. vieb ta incereîy ihmnk thse msny Ino@nde> ,elghhoîs and relative@ Who go kiadly aeited us duripg thse disaIs or oui bloyed buebanil and ttber; a1@a, iuiaking the Modes Woodme., osme- teuY aocety and fte-nde for Itise beauti- fol floral ofeul.gs. Un. Carrie Scbroeder and ciiduen. Why This Is The Time To Buy Your Guibrans en P layer- Piano The price of wheat has more than cloubled. Labor bas gone up 50 peu cent, or more Nearly everything else bas risen from 25 to several hundred per cent. on account of the war. Guibransen Player-Pianos have advancedl too, bt-so far- onlyabout one.eighth. We expoct Guibransen Player Prices to advance again soon. We believe they MUST. Because the (Covernment is flot allowing amy Piano Factory ta buy bron or Steel at this time Manufacturing ie thus be- ing curtailed, which maltes the cost highe. When you buy a Guibransen Player-Piano at the present prices. you practicalIy trade high-priced produce or labor l'or arn artice that i...still selling at abnormally Iowprice. If Guibransen Players had gone up in th* same proportion as Wheat, the 'Suburban" Model would now be selling at $625. But the price in orily $425--if you buy at once! Special Display'at Ray Furniture & Paint Store VieI. ndependcnt' clirculation con.1 $lot* of READERS-not of conte.- tant*. JL affl emvou , -y-

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