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Libertyville Independent, 25 Jul 1918, p. 8

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LIH!RTYVILLE INIE DÂY, MUY n1918 frea and Viinit~ vifs wil bavé as opporluuitv to luespect flZINS &KeEr ber purchases before tnaklng tbem. Al road@ leading out of Arga, @ave oue, are BEAUTFUL AWNSgraveh.d. Nearly every farine: bas ami regýuiating lime. Itis 1 tir bt a long w bil e M"c credIt le due our cly marebiai for SMs eforte In heepeg ounr cîreets lu eucb :ood condition and eepeiaily for the 0ýg» lisgives tbe 1111e Park. Every t'~lt of Ibis characler adde lu the coru- 01 o!ur citîzens and Iucidetally ha ess lb.vaius ut the property iu dWu y rmakimg fIta more attractive ~Ie 0live. 1%à citX marohaile@nul the oniy une tow logiviug attention telu etyiug the surroundinge. ,If every'occupant of ^e9à Ion uAre. wonld give the came atisêlion la is yard thai le given hy VUKaigg,- Ed Coudry, John 'Aueiey, IU Mah m, Wiligia Zersen, to ibeir yards, M»~ SI» town vouid b. a veritahIe Pl..It pays la plant and cultivaI. Itisealrubea ad floyers and to look SIIOtheb appearance of the treels, Wbther ans e oan over or renter. A DRIVE ON CATS Soias of our citîsene have taken the olsflve agaluet tbe arry out proillug taa thaé luveàtounr loven. epecially om tlie cals bave made the abode ut bang cbickeus their objective. On. MM5 reports the lusof fiteen birde tbougb Ibis source. The serlousuesâ uf "le lo sa once apparent when w. 00.014er Ibal eacb of these irde, wvhen biofflbt la raturlly, vould ftrnieb' Musêlor a meal for egbl pereone. or the Oftss chickens thue detruyed, deprives Iumaaty of meat foc 120 meale W heu audaily papere coetautly report the ý'bMMfoIng delails of people, vurnen and MNI. cbidren iseacviug. tbf e kInd a 00a bines more than a greatl nusiane Î'aid ehould b.e termiuated. WOY NEWTON LOSSES EYE IN ACCIDENT à pecuar, tboultb very sierlous, a&cM lîia befsU our popular mail carrier, 8.1y Mffnl imt Friday. Aflter rnaklhl@bi Wr roue, bevoiunleered bis services 0 il t-voo 1 bis neeghbor, A. L. UI1. sud vsasitling lu slacklng bey lier.a larg4t bay fork vas ueed. lu loeug. one of the prongs of the fork ti" r. Newton lu tb. letIeye lu Miè amasser as 10 pierce th. oye,-hall. kfw.. rusbed lu, the Jane MeicAlîcter WOW an sd piaced under the care ut a piiIebut ail efforts lu cave the eye gitygi futile. ralter the dayse work i. dune. -Ahlli bour epeul in a ride to tove vwIth no borses lu harnees, or unhbarni-s. viii ho a pleaiture ratber %ban au Irteome task. Then, lau, >js eing adairy corinunily, many ut pe tarnîcre coule lu tuwu lit the murning aith mtik vblcb le ehtppèd tu Chicago. Tue- are ver limes and people vii fronu.trurnm)ical and patrlotlc reasous velco,- ,and encourage any coumterva- lion pj -fcc. tir. Lau. viii aiso pur- chase ai veai, poultry and airy producte Our farmers bave 10 sel], thus creatiug lu Area a markt for produce ut thie -baracter. HOQ ABOUT DO4IS? Speaklug of tbe Jlas 01oftood by bowl- ing. macaudiug .!atseaclle lu attention tbe tact that Enoeland, ehortly atter the outbreai t ofthe greal var. lu ordër lu conserve Ils food, placed euch a higb tex on doge Ibat it becarue decidediy toi. practIcai tu keep thein, resulting in the reitermination oft hudreýd ofthorîceude of Iberu. The food coued by aurtLless doge lu tb. United Staites vuuifd to triarny îdivision et the front, or preveut the starvallun utflîuudreds ut thoucaude ut human ludividuale. The abov1e eeslike tdle taik lu Ibis land ut pients but uniees thie war tel caucluded within a reaeonabiy short limte, v. chah hear jucb o(iis kînd ut talk and are quite likely lu b. l)rought face lu tac. vth sei toue nietler relative ta the tood eituation. DRAIN TILING UTILIZED IN AERA VICINITY At present cont of commun lay tule 68 per cent. higher than it vas Ivwo Jears ago Ibis moth, and labur neces- sary lu put down thebe ii.i ully 75 per cent. bigber; never-thto-les, there je more liliug heinR doune this season lu tb. lerritury lrlbuîery to Ares then ever hefr lu any une season vwithin the rnemocy f uthIe udestliliabitenith. There are two puinel reaeuns toc Ibis condition: Firet, taîqltlon Ou tarin lande la greater than it bas been for the pasit ew yeare and al Indications are lu the effect Ihbat i iili e scli greater. 1t4 et, un. productive land, genieraily spewaklng. i. taxed tbesaie sas productive fend; tberefore, the vel land muet ho îilpd in Mir. and tir&. Arhur Bac.n, of Cl- cago, viletsd tb. former'. muster, M rs. J. B. Roues, over Baurday anld Sonday. tmise Ethel and Be@@NeBfride spent Bnnday at Ourse., vlsltlng iheir &ant, tirs. D. Ruhsell. Word bas been received trom Justin 9ellmeki %bat bie lain New Jersey, about tu depart for France. 1 Mie, Ruth and Blanche Shaddie were tbe gueito of cousIns lu Cicago and attended the latereanouai Blar- 1veter Co. piieuteaItbe ticCormich e- tate at Lakhe Furest. I WAUCONDA Mir. and tir@. Frank 8tantuun o Long Luae. gere Wauconda callera Wednee. jday. Mr. and tirs, Slanclilf of Prairie View, epent the frl of lb. veek at the borne o! Mr. andtirs. Win. Lauer. Born, to tir. and tirs. Floyd Godfrey: of Chicago, a son, Juiv 15. Mre. Godtrey vas turmerly Mies Vera Jenkm, of Ibis tire Henry Geary amdiboiss Sarah Geary visited relativesin Chicago several days lest veeh. tire. Margaret lloney relurned from Chicago, Friday eveniug, wbere ebei vislted with friende and relatives for several veeke. Henry tiaiman speut the veek vish relative@ ln Waukegau and Higbland Park. tMr. and tirs. Harry (ieary and cbild- cen. ut Grayolake, visiled Waucouda relatives Sunday. T. B. Gleave Ra e a lectureas the Palace theatrelSunllayevenîngin connec. ton with Britisb and Canadian war piluree. A musical prugram u a aisu gziven and aIl vas beartily enjoyed ijy a large and appreclatîve audience. The net preoede amounted to about $20, abicb goes to tbe local Red Crussfond. tir. McOnty anddaughter, Mies Lelty. and Mr&. Edgar Mcinty Z&il4 chlldrep, ni Chcago, bave reuted the àburt 'Baop.r cottage and willi remain bier. for the remainder ut the eummrer. L. E. Maiman of Weukegan, @pont Saturday and Sunday wlth is wife and amliy, Who are speudlng %he summer at the borne of Mises Agnes Murray, soutb of towuý Rtoy Clark, who le now stationed lu a miltacy camp ni-ar San Francisco, Cal., won second prîze lu macheman contes1 lest veek, meklng a score of 235 ont o1 300. Roy te the second sounuoftir. and Mire. F. T. Clark, wbo are pcoud of tb. flue shoving, bie now beng placed lu the eharp shooter. squad. Barry Kirwan teoi Suuday for Chicago, havlug elsted lu the Enige oflicers tcaining echool aud for the preseu wil bie slattoned aitbe Municipal Pier. Harry ie one of our progressive youug mon and we kuow be vili make god le the service. Raiiroad Notes The notebioldere corumltéee le nov practlcaiiy lu charge ot the raliroed, the reeiver however ctli relaining normai charge until couipiete 'ayetvbc bas been arrauged a@ tollows: Payaisnt OfIFl,00you Aug. 1, 1918;810,000 on Sept. lut and balance ou Nov. 1, 19111. seo. R. Blackbucn, Robt C. Kent and Dr. W. P. Schlrdiug bave been appoluted Butesr, 0f Oicao; Ivo sons, Loveil bahaosof ord.rinsssand bmasi>'go li __________ P~.DJIandl Russell, of Hall Day; bis tatber; souksugi au ideai tarot bomo of the Idre. Water Lange and cbiidrmn vîsît sîster, Hsaritta of Hail Dai,; Ibree moden type. Ai a nepglibor bs slood ad as ber falher's, Frank Jacoba tbe pasl brotheri, Dr. Jobn C. Scbrooer of ready to ieud a band 10 alyone In flsed. we5. sM. Milwaukese, and Rsnry and Erne&t, of Tbe fufleral service vas coudùcled bjy Mir.an U . .I. Roctenbacb and Halt DaY, and sxany otber reativs and Mev. Claude W. Warren, Congregationai daughter, Lydia, took an auto tni t scores of friands. fEaiosî,a sieter lunpastor Ol Hall Day. Brotber Woodm,. Cbadvlch lait Tbnrsday and Friday to lnfancy and a a brotbsr, Frank, vbo of whieh organisation the deceaeed vas viol Ibsir dasghîer, '»iro. Abert Bey- dli elileen yeare ago. Bia mother a falîtful marcher, b.d cbarge of lb. ho.pised avay two Jean ago. service at the cemetery. Mire. Geo. Osterruan and Mr@. Lamibert Mr. fichrooder vras a diligent vorker, Fred Scbraeder'e li1te1le bout ezxpMe.sd of Chicago, &peut severai dayea a E. B. vboe farma hoved the resuît 0f lu. lu the vords of the poet: Willioan. dustry %ad patient care. Bis floyer, Lot me live ln a bouse by the aide of the The C. E. young peuple of tbe Presby. garden suad veil-tileodacre. leavai bis road, sertao cbsreh bad a nrarebmalov roaoi at Bert Easton'e Salurday evenlug. Mie Elsanor tMeyer epeul Tuesday andl Wsdnseday with Mr». Almon Powers 01 Chicago. Rev. and Mire. J. Luedêr speut severai TtIJ3 daye vitb their sue, Ueo. Lueder. of Eimburet. Wm. Eggert vas the Suuday guest of C I YA S E. Ender. ( l S. P. Nelson le spendiug several day. R vllb lire. Md. Freise. Mev. fi. Samuel Fritsch, vbo le paslor of tb. Coagregational cburce of Magie. N wood also vite and danghter are @peed- lug Ibeir vacation.,wiîb Ibeîr.relalives irs. As8bermisuupendiug lb. vesk wau open with a vlth ber eou, Clarence fiherman of Chicago. o peefie f Barba. Buebi gave a party 10. ac mpee ne o nuruber ot ber friende Tuesday aitte'oon. tir. and tirs. D. C. searùan and daugb. ter, Jeannette uf Jackson, Michigan, R C R ES E E who ave eenvlslîinq at F. B. tieyer'e returued borne Tuesday. tir. and tire. E. El. Selig and tir. and A N D M EdAT àS tire. Joseph eurlese utfilubuque. lova, @peut Suuday ai Lake Geneva. The United Evangelical Suuday sechol piaulc vas heldj t iltuagdals 3grove Satrdy.ON OR ABOUT JI tir. and tirs. ilumayne Stryker and sou, Alvin, were week end guess aI Dr. Kulaaka. tirs. C. Jobuston and danghber are ieië-h4 mother, ire, C HB. Jobfstun. u i st lat o rc Mir. and Mr@. Joseph Meurise ot Ou am isto plae1ur bY giving them satislactory service and the best os gooda at the Iowest prices. [lubuque, lova,who bave beeu visltlng at E. B. Selig, reîurued bhome Tueeday. tir. and Mrti. Bruce Bltlee e, week. end guesie at Uire. F. Ande-rson. Mises Ariue Bleim,-bi vas the Sudas guest of tire. Murphy ut Highland Park. SThe ladies 0f lthe Preebyterian cburch held au allday meeting attheCommuulty House, Thursday, dèvoting the foreno;,n t0 Red Croeu vork. At 2 o'clock the regular tiieeionary subject mas tudied. Mr&. Fioodand John <ariety returued bomne Saturday. harlug epent severai daye wlb Waukegau ai Highvood friende. Mise Elia Weller, of Chicago, le ipend. ing a Ivo-veehe' Vacation viîh ber siater, Mccà. Frank Vckery, and with Mise Emmua Grabbe. An account of Roy Newtou's accident viii lie found lu lie Ares neye Ibis week. Tbe Young Peopiesa Bible claosevili give alawn social Fritlay eveuiug, Ju- ly 26, at the bomne of Mr. and Ms.. Raber"Rdke. A cordial invitation to everyous, old and young, lae etended. MMrs Starke apeut tbe week-end lu Waukeehau and Mir. Stark'@ father re- - . ....a ~ e~e eorder that il reeylb. profitable ta bold. ae uperatlini eorneberlcorviii bave *ebtaiuaj s la ofte osihlleye0f Second, tb. unu.ua]Iy bigb prices perd fl charge ut operatlonountil complets uttirhe ome utfhîcag, su ayeg rpvag ir miir o!ib rlbîeye fr tarmn products, vltb e good pruspect organizaîlon i% affecled. at lb . Pysen ne o onWcz rS nay B every attention huowu to lhe tor a continuation uf sncb prite for B. E. Mainu, E. A. Fiche and B.. F. tinbr. H.the Mry.eFb a is Ce etrsan- pitli lledans le rendered, neyer- soveraI yeare, ai leail, forces liii landi Fisher vas appointed as re-arganization iu eoîer, tir s. Faue Coe, o ,bus. bis suffering le intense. Uder owuer la conclude that It le mure cOmmittee and viii have full charge of Waod a, J. I.h aberivo vetk@ e. k muet fvrbecniini lib profitable lu increase the prcductiveneau per!eclinig the plane af the uev raiiroad vitb ber sister, tirs. Farnsvorth. at me lima before tir. Newton viii heofu the land bc already oves by tiliiug, co)mPauy. Irving Park. White there @he ol a e to rusume is du lte. at the popt. tban 10 purchase productive land et tb. E. B. Dabrue vae appointed as note trip wvIblber sou, Charlie, and otheré ta u. Thineaccident cuntitusee a double preseul pries*e. There are a&o nilor coilctor and John H. Bodge vas e re oî don, one ta Mr* Newton and hié reasone for îîîîug, chie! o! vhietb le appolitted as fiscal agent 10o il$60000 treRok ldu and anoîber la the couiintinity, probable the prîde peuple are laking lu of 6% tiret morîgage h ond@ and $15,000 Albecrt k'auz,-r is ail emiles et present th neighborbood la deprived ot a belr fata homes. W. shall weicome O so.k. on accout ut having a uitile sou corne 'ing man ln e mut trylng ime. the day vhen a preminu le uttered tor Vaort uf repalriuig lhe truck viii b. abae hoeBurtda be oguieiyan xié vborn Le bas so long ami taitb. the bhosikepîtfarta. claried et unr-e and by feit expect la Eiabethre Kncbher le spbc doing fev y merved s au employee ln the puel- tlpeahiug ut the bigh price ut drain tule, have Ii in ir-et nase condition.EiaehKskrleondga w se, Doit sympatby. we are pleased tu kuuw thel our tuer.[- daye a-iîh relatives at Orayelake. <haut iu Are. baudinug Ibis îuminodity LAM UIQCH,,,,,MJ tr. and ire R. Dorfler and vildcen, aulfcipàîed Ibis dernaud for drain and C. W. Kohl epeul Tueeday lnincago. ryvepu the week-endparents ~E T lA U tock hotore prime bLad maîerilalî d- Mie@ Ada fichoiz and ber nevhev, tir. and tire Frank Smith entertined aniROCndERYre AND eiglt rtes hitL a rierlAdrich of inniesota, are send. aaisecs and other relatives groin Wauke. fiRO ERY ND , In a mnthwitbMr.and tire. F.gan, daturday and Sunday. FIE AR ETa position tu suppy thle clams ut gooih. SeoisiMM 1). Smith and childreu of tir, and tirs. Meyer, of Wbealou, ver. eaumer than h. vould hoe bad Le valied tir. and tirs. Fred Selpot C'hcago, tr. and tirs. John Gros eulerlaiued %1h lbe rapid developemeul ut Ibe outil the demand upon hila.bad atually spert teve-u ihrltv.br. Lhcyii eaie ud fbl.ack soitrIniutary 10 Ar-a, the bonu made.,tir. and tics. A. Klrcbhaum are vieil. ÎROWg o! the population ut unr -Ing ut the home ot J. Schneider. ji, the popularîl: of Diamond Lake AREA BREVITIES tir. and tire. Andrews molured ta PLu':;.eVIEW omme resrtthe stabiebug M.andrs..1i.Bluh ar @pe "bale Villa Thursday. & * smmn eiotth eîablin tr. udtie. . . luirar sîed- tirs L. (ieary and chlldren are vlsilg OBITUARY ke mthe corporate limite ut Aresa a log their vacation vlîh islparents lu' vitb the fornicr's parente luaiMichigan, Ou Juiy, 16, 1918, stlone ofthIe largeet i*atboii eeminary, are altracting I-aponte and at Pin. LaIe, lad. a pre8ent. funerale ever bfid le our commuufty, attention of ousIde individuaes, tre. Aima Jonesenetertained ber le'- Net Sunday murning ai th. Evauglil. ecures ut relatives and fniends gatbered ror ierecugnizethe attractive ler-Iulav, tire. Mary tille@, utfIieloiî, caf cburcb e K. ister ëîT New Aibis, at the hume of Fred Scbroeder lu pav ofe ai rea t i fen. M. banc, e Wlsf., for alew day. tb. past week. lova, viii preacb aithie 10 o'ciuck Ihoir fiual reepect lu nsmroY aOne vho mgo moichant, aho hus Jeâq§ed une Bernard Swan, or Racine, vae hume oervde. Tbene viii aiso he service.sli lu bis daily lits stood ton the blgbeme Mebrsile he i- tickbuiuligove Suday *thîeevening ut 8 o'ciock at vbich 1Rov. quailiesu fhuoband, talbenand neighbor. ho corser of Park lSI. and tSie3 inour Miss Berriett irainerd, ut 'aaer. K. Iizer viii î,reacb lu Englheh.1 Fred Schroeder died as he lived, lhinh. ,vbere ho viii et once esitablicli a tovu, Ill., le sî'eudîug ber vacation tifes Kaîberine Broyer speut Saturday lug and planning for the happises of Mass grocery and marer-c, and vili i vl ber mseter, tire%. Orpba Harding, and Sunday vlîb ber efêter, tir@. A. otbre. Tbougb culoff faluihe prime of ýM1 a business op a trif-tIy cash and tamlly. Dovuton,. lits as the recit of au incurable disease, uarry hbs, Ihue ivitig hie patrons tire. Flrun. , Ilneon and cbldren Miss I Il Scliolz meerîlthe week-end be accePtd the Isevitahie and !acsd the itellit of whel mey le eaved by accomPenled 4 fier nother, tirs. Auna wlîh lier parents. situatione-aluriy vthoutltear. Tht. bUng the cool ut delivering giiode, Lelbrop, returii l U Chiage Tuesday. Mr. anrd tirs NiC. Moyer and sou, vas cbaracierisîic of hlm, to lîvo tor MU lb. boul accounts, rerderng Mie Marie IVtrivli, a lu bas b0ee George, of A re, ,aied ,n fnieude ber@ hi. famiiy, lu serve hie felavmo, ta ,Omti, mekinu collectione and the vorkiug lu Waukegai,.fofr the Chicago liunday. .mk h is tlt n 0acp ab orne bail accounts. Telephune Ca., 'ith act i.., vr-rkâ, c- ti.ai ieP$bfcdiuden paktey I obIle ircataacailts Mer tir. Lanessystein, et the ci,,, mived yard outhle 1,atl f lir-brother, O! Chicago, ar-c citlng aethIe fia vhieb ha-ebeyond humasn power t0a ven- à* day b.o viii bave lbe cash fte .fauSt. jdut. fibe lt fr- tfi,.un Mou- home.coe bdie bas sold anrd vitb thle le- an day. beiug acconieîli i ir 8eIer, About eigbty.îîre memnbers ufthlb.,tir. Sîciîceder vas born ln Hait Day oaa Iîmédiate cash discounît on tir. Waiten emîler. Wýetmldt- loiiiiercllub o! Chicago, ou Jen. 25, 1867, and disd ai the agfle o! pMo ho bai purcbased, a cavlig ut tire. Wlii Aibrlgbî. of' Ulîteagu, re- sient last Wedulesday et tbe Lakeulde 51 >canei, 5 monthie and 17 days..He tilhonlderatton. Aluucprlncipal CentiY 'leut at-v deys u a ei lb-.brigbt butele,va mrie l CceMrIVoeo ae providej i vlb goud conicrete bt-u e 1er, il.wëmaretaCrlMreVuso 1 .Atpril 20, 1890. Be icaves ta maursi bis ami shcîric ilgbtp. The bouse- Sir-sJ. B ouéeeit lTne@day lu,!fldepencint fla. M U O O. o blii wlt!, u ne daughter, tiMe.E. G, )Whsre the race of su go by; 0The mon vho are gond and tb. mon 1 vho are b.d, .Ai good and an bad se 1; [v1 ould flot oit luths morfler'.s@est, IlNor bbrl tbe cynîce ban, Lot me live in a bouse@ by the aide of the rosd And b. a friend to man. Buying War Savinâ etampeiseDt oDly the safesi invesîment Ibal cas b. made but the sasîset andi mail direct 'OCI3RY. CET rABLES JLY 27TH ustomers Watch This Paper Every Week for Friday's and Saturday's Special Sales 1 Will Pay the Highest Market Price for Veal, Chickens and Eggs GIEO. M. LANE, Prop. AREA, ILLINOIS Lbertyville, II., June 24th, 1918 Mr. John Hodge, District Manager, Mjichigan Mutual Life Ins. Co., Area, 111. Dear Sir: - 1 acknowledge with thanka your companye8 check for One Thousand Dollars ($ 1,000.00), in settle.. ment of afl daimns under policy No. 124748, now ter- minated by the death of my late husband, Fritz Carl- son, at Gseat Lakes Naval Training Station. The above numbered poicy was issued on March 9, 1915, and the amount of premniums paid the Michi- gan Mutual Life was $1 26.72, Ieaving a cash return over cost 10 the insured's estate the sum of $873.28. 1 believe Lie Insurance is the best thing and shall gladly recommend your company to any person who would insure. Again thanking you and assuring you of my ap- preciation of the benefit of your insuyance work, 1 arn Yours truly, INA CARI-SON, Widow and Beneficiary of -the late Fritz Carlson, deceased. mm vou ouik

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