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Libertyville Independent, 25 Jul 1918, p. 9

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b-LE, 5TYVILLEu 4DEPIEWDE NT WeèklyWAKGNWKY N amai coi. A UKGR ERL f VOL XXVI.-NO. 30 III" At Least Local Gomerment Of- ficers Are Endeavoring to Obtain that Many HOME GUARDS TO ASSIST AlphbetcalList of ail Regis- trants is Being Made; to Check Factory Men ?A" TWO THE KAISIER GIRL Wbtssil a naine? Nothlng. Proved by the tact thai a girl nsnaed Kaiser, Lt Libertyville, won thse first prise for sale of thrlft stanspe la the rural districts o! Lake county In thse content reoéntly .helci by thé CLDi- palga oomsittee. If tisere wsa an j. tblng la the naine this girl surely wouldnt' have been oc assîlous to oei the a alpme ilaorder te Iseip <efeat the. Kaiser chen-her naine la Kaiser. BUil. pertsaps after ail there WA' sornetlhlng lantie naine. pet-lisps ibi Young girl, feeling tise lgnomlasy of bearlng the most imird of ail ames but reallalag Usai h wasat ber fouit,. sel out ta show' that, becase ise s'as ko "affllced," se would show 'lic eoussty that 1,4e, camre cas notblng to dter on âetitbuslaam for Uncle gam___nd O w ont md CaPtured lirai grand p se. At ait rate, t cas *ecy a cal- IOp aithbbc llser of Pruasian atroc- is'. le have a girl beaa-lng bi& Damep 9o OutIlnto'a oemPaign and aei more Ibrifi stampé th-a.nnybody cIsc in Lie country districts of, Lake coanty -sald irf-esaq~s-lg Oisl entire Alm the lilminaton 0 f the Kaser ad lus family. M',CORCK TaLis WAR RAT1IIR TIMA STATE POLITtS Candidate for Se nator Ad- Gov4-nment officiais che clîl con- . ducItie slacker drive ID Wijukeg-isî. dresses Large Gatherung ini are maklng efforts to obtain tis cf- Local Armorv Tuesday forts of at leasi 1,000 lackles fromnthe ri naval stationi ta assist In making the9 raid". Thse Volunteer Training comn- PRAISED FOR AIDING TEDDY t bo.y of Waukegnnaiso cul be out - la untform to rendi:r what assistancea Il. cai, provldlng thse nceary ar- Senator Swift and J. G. Welch t rangemepnt.i an lie made. d (loverument officiaIsno are cossu. Laud Candidate; Swift gllug an aiphabetirai liât ofthe s'.u f iso rcgiatefed for thp draft. Sucli Deserts Foss a altnevr - bibeen complled hbo.- It la feît li' te feléral nien that "If Il that Mcdii lcCtt(ormlck bas F there wo'uldi le InnumeralF edlavs ta apologize for la bi sospport o! 4 Il it cas necpx.sry ta cbeck tbrouithiTiscodore Roosevelt in 1912, i con-v tise entîre uI t o! reglitral lotis mL-s-i grxtulate hlm.' tbe usimes appeared in alpiabetiallThis waag the Introduction that iý order. Il le admitted tisat this in an- States Attorney' Jamies G. Webchl otiser Ihi ng w bicis bas preven'od'h mae in tise Waukegan Armory drive froin b<iug started. Tuesias nlgist. ias !resetî ar t-p "If we were a ble ta get more '-i reàsnan McCormlek ta a Lake catin- t ,aniser belp ce coulId tic able te ty 8udienee tn tise game bhalIn puoceed In better ishape.' one gavera- cicisM~ayor Thompson baitapolfenq ment nman smitItoday. "A" 4 l-, %-e Mondas' nigisî. are gettini aloni au cclias possitilie Thiss'aâone of the Incidents tisat but ane alocer In gtlng resuIts thi brouglit the entissistie crowd talits -re wosiid le under different circuni- feet K its a demonstration that cas etanDe" decldedly pro-RoosevelItian. lise plan under chic-b bbc drive The otiier cas the unequivocal viii b. conducted ciii be ta position talcon 1w(Mâte Senator Eoi- chseck up tiie enloyes of ectitlac- neY 13. Swift o!fllbertvillic-ereto- tory evt the saine.Lime. in otisîr fore a Atrong personal fntend and cOrda. hIt l>feit biatIit ciii he easier supporéer of eouijgesman Fo&i-- In te choc-k up ail tise employeg a th- boisai!of McCormIck. cire miii tIsa h could b. ta cadets-- Swft for tdcCrmlck. or to mect altises4e men on tise Seuator Scift, speaking Juist bc' uireet. Tise plan tiset dli ho fol- fore Mr McCormick, sali: "Mîr. Fos loceti. accordtng ta govérnment menu, bas beef My' personalfrlend. but la ta bloc'i the main gaie te lise sire' McCormlck In tise àtro-.geet .imnDci1 milI and then require tise enrloyes tisas. ho are presentcd ta the caon-f ta pas-i out in sMagie file go tisaithosideration of Illinoais Rejsublicatsî fori son be chalîongod more readiîy. 1hr the âenatorsisip. I kaoc o! no spot1 dlib.jakis udmebes ! ise In fuir. McCormick's record iai dis-1 home glird on band ta sep that .is qilfe lm. He la the candidate1 men ciso failto preseiit registrastiontise Repuhicans of IllinoLs ashouli crarda or bIîrtis certiitIlas are talopen support. Unequlvocalîs and s'bolp-1 ta thé jalilaliere or ta soin. ociller beartedls', sîthougit Imarn luCongrea-I plae chic-b Is desIgnateti is a place' man Fons district. i sas' biet Mr.1 o! detentice. 1?dcfCrmieioungist tei b.nomînaitd liv A simiar courge wciii ho foilowed tbe Repuhicens la September sud1 In the difforeut factorles in thse c-Lb.'. eletted in November."1 Apologhzes for Thompson. Washington. D. V'.. JlIs 24.-"The Statcs Attorney Welcb. lu intro- naval personnel nos' numnbera 503,792 ducing Congrescmans ScCormick, officers and mcn in ail branches, Sec- went 'a bit furiiser. retars' I)nioix annonceti - iodas'. "For maay moatha." lie sai, -It Tbere are 219.156 ofilcers and men In 1have heen apologlzlag ta ms' fetiow v tihe regmlar navs'. 'e.,62 officers andI citizens for Mayor Thompson. siso1 amen In the marine corps, 219.ff36 ouit- bappens ta b. owr Republican nation- cers and men In lthe naval reeerve a! commtteemtan. I had isopei tisati force and 6.6065 olllcers sud men In lue couid inve found tise opportuii3 thse coasi gua.rd. ta retlract co.,e1! th. utternacea tisa be made &onmetilme âge. I arn socry Ton ibousani jackles at Gr est thst lie dld netsan reirsct. Proiuably 1 Laktes cerpe ntertsined Tuesdas' nigist 'mI la nos' too ]ate. I have no bestl' isy Russian dancors frontbise Patios' ianc>' chatever In pregeutlng Mfr.: and Oukransks' lset. Tisere coco MeCurmicis as an Auericin of un-1 12 dancers su addition ta tise tc questioned andI usdaubteti loyalis'."1 prials. Tise otertaiamnsat ,, Tise Waukea. meeting ses tise1 iscl lathe pen ir hseatr lut irei entra.Dce maie lis'Congreasmani baulac.n hi s'easir aeb'isaihé Mc-Cormic-k luto Coagreetman Fons'i Cra Hus'ck. searaeta'o! tse ener-'congressional district. Mc. McCor-1 talinnent committee o! tise car camp> land ok tni800.becen 10 eonsmususts' service organîzation. - ud80 ficers Are Prosent. 1r lI tise audience ceea my men ifommanier William A. Mtoffoitt of'land comaen front along tise nortài tise Great ILbVies Naval Training sa- isore, lacludlng a represesitatlve del-' thon reccived orders Tucaday tfroin egation of offilcera fromt Grvit LaItes Secretars' of tise Navs' Danîcîs ta os-- and army mcnainrom Port Sheriaun. ttbliau a naval auxîliars' reserve Particular attention lIas directed achoui te train 2,000 sahiors aud luety hy tise army andi navy men te Mr. officere for tise nmèeant marine. McCormik's cecitai o! conditions as Work cl lie started ai once. Coin- be liad foutu theai on tise Eliropean miandant Moffeti itabeti Tucaday b iatile fronts chan lhe cas acroas lest slgbt and the scisool wclîl ha luoper- is-nter. lits addrase cas devold of ation lis'Sept. 1. It l i lie ocated ipolitics and cesricted estrely te dis- s'est o! Camîp Dewey and sauts o' cussion of tise car andi lis problents. FIve Points roed In the Great lAItes He gave a montIlntereeiing rafar- preserva. ene la is expericuces la bihe car zone cisen lie vlsited tise front as The destruction o!. a number o! guesi o! tise Frenchs govetihnent mse tree aithe naval station. andi tise usonthq âe- . He sas' tiinga irai treepessaîng upon land ocaieti lis ci-I handed andi le decrlb.d casas' thi-l vilisas adiaeant to'tise station, blis' nlag experleaces lieisati duing lt tes' bluelackets s'orklng parties have journcs' tisougis the variens camps draca forth comment In orders f rontanaid fronts. thse commadant's office. Offeacca are caruci. and tisat meana ibat ce- Dr. P. C. Wolcott isas heen ap- peatedi offenses.dli Dt bl ise a. pointeitiseiranan o! a car camp coin- - uunits' service communite. for 1gh-1 t lsnd Park and the vIcinit>' by tise The storm cwhic-h iit Lakie counts' war recreatlon board o! Uste .sate Tuestiay wsas accompaDied hy severe cosîncilo! defense. This coçimitee haU near LaIah's corners and D:ru ces cwll have charge of iau ctiities la Lakte vicinîts'. Tise hall came downa1 ighadPr& gw n h la suc-h a torrent Uati lbIo>id tisa1 vilage o! Ravinia. Il *11U uPAltâala trop. sere laid low In mans' places,;tise arms' andi navy ceqoer aet Hgis especlalîs' near tise Foies' tarte. *'go si Ps-c a ftvorite meeting place ceves'. one e«MWuit drive a homse t la"orbip ae"' ram i-Tr Ss t If lie bLd ta," sasid, WgilainKa( or theuu, 114di rovie ate!rane hi~~fo tellio!1 LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, JWJY 25, 1918 MDORIKASR AND ,WIN W* Se S. PRIZES Final Awards Made to Varlous Young People Who ýCon- ducted MotCampaign LIBERTYVILLE LEADS RACE North Chicago Girl Led Entire County With Lberyville Girl as Second: The War SajýWg, SI=Dal County Prize' contest tulcladlng 202 contes- tants resultedinl approxlmately $42,- 425.~ pldgcdthro7iont- the couD- £y, as the result of thse acttvitles or the seh"ool dren parttcipating, I iOuî PAGES the content.t Eleven poeiofice districts luto1 wbicis bbc content casivlded out cf atotal o! 28 dli net participate. Per- sape tise MostIimportant o! these sere Lake Zuricis, Antiocis, Lakte Vil- Ia Fox Lake and Round Lake. Tiiere are seveuti resasns forn tis. principalis' due to tIse fact that tha scioola la Use rural districts bai cloeed ad Use organization s'as, not intact. la thse case o!ftLake Zurich 4 tisai district bas far out-iistascd tise balante o! tise postolllce districts sud isos' diid ot feel lisat ht was nece-ca tacs' ta p>&Iripatie ln tise rize co-Ou tcsft. The 17 participatitsg postoflice districts did on tise main exception- als' ceil, as s'Ili be notei from tise Lobai amouint o! pleiges above set down. TIse cinueor thlie Capital Prizes for tise two gpesraI subdivisions arc ais folIoce: IN RURAL DISTRICTS - k'irat Prize ôf $125., matrnts' value o! e,. S. S. to Doris Kiaser o! libertyville-; chose total return s'as t:.2lî he ec-oui capital prime of $100 ma' -uri- .Y value W. S. S. to Tous' Masolu of Prairie Vuiew, chose total refuaru culs $3,115, and tise third capital prite of $75 mabunits' value W. S. S. to Morub Nev ille, o! Gras'slalce whose total pleiges amonted to $2.- q571.25. NORTH SHORE DISTRICT-The frat prize cas securcd bs' Docoilis Brsascts o! NorChl iicago, maîturits' value W. S. S., $19,5.,ciose total Pletiges aauinied to $3,564;: seonî, mabucits' value, $100, W. S. S., tu, Loutis MôConneli, of Lake Forest, sisoee total pledges amountedti 1 $2,002.72, ad tiird, maturits' value W. S. S.. 175. to, Walter Nec ierry. LakeO For-est, chose total pleiges amunutci to $1.529,46. The balance o! pletiges over $51)0 ýad b chomsivaltsshlcmerchandise primes have been acardei, are as foUjocs: Cathserine Morse. Lîbertys-ille. Pldeig. 81.5,33.25; EImer Benéon, Lake Forest, pleige., $1,289.ù7; Eleanor Walde, Ubertlîvîlle, $1,261).- 40; Eleanor JolIes'. NortsCicago, $1.007.25; Helen Langies'. Wauconda. $796; Florence Loveti. Uhertyville, $752.50; GbuisPluton. Derfted. $682: Williard J. Goldriag, Deerfieid, $665; Hlëeu Ponciser, Waukegan. $637; Edina Werden, Wauconda, $661. Tise halante o! tise contestants se- curci pleiges totaliaig !romn $479l to $500,.ad mercisandise primes bave been aurdad to !uUly fourtls-dftlsi o! the participan%tsirougi tise libeal. ILs' o! Use mercisants and mnufae- tuners througisout Use county. Tise Ilime bîgiesi froua North Ci- cago district cere Florence Braasc'i, iticanor JolIes' and Gladys DeYoe. Tise bure. sigist fromt Lake Bluff, usera lrene Moeoclck, Rosallue Ta- tor tissd Editit Hansen. The tisree igsgt fraost Lake Forcit cere LouIs McConnell, Walter Necberrs' andi Bina Bpnson. The ico hiigiscat from Prairie Viec cere Teddy Mason and Summier Sprague. Tise tisree isigli. est f rontl)eerfield cere Glailys Es- ton, Willlard J. Goldring and Ray'- mond Mey'er. Tise tbre hlgheat f rom Highilani Park. cere Elîzabats Trib- bIc, Ruth Warncr aid Alvina Schnei- der. Tisce hlagist froua Wauc-onda caca Helen Le.ngies', Etina Wecdca anti Wiina Paraorts. Tise tbrce higisest froin LIb.rts'vilie cern Doris Kaiser, Katiscyn Morse aud Eleminr Waldo. Tise two higst. froua Waiu- worth cere Eîlen <saliagher andi Nideas Ames. Tise ico highest front Ruselcere Gladys Howard, Arvîn E. Reevea. Tise tisrce higs- est frointZMon Clity. cere Baser IL Wledman. Minnie McPhersoc andi Ar- chie Sicartagranher. Tise iighest froua Wintisrop Harbor cas Danil Larsen. Tise ts'o highiset from ua stc nee cars Arthsur Howard ad Esther L. Felon. Tise higist from Gras- laIte cee Mecuis Neville. The thre Isigsaif rom Waukegaa ceca Helen Poucher, Gservais Hansen and Clar- ente Hutclsinson. Tise co igbst front Area, cere Helen Russell and Hai-riet E. Hotige. Tisera cern ilve tontestan«a frocs Reundout s'iUs no preferenCe sisoWa. lb s'ill blie ct berefore tisai Dor- othy Braeiso! North Cicago Ici aUà or the contestants&cististe total pleige o! $3,564, chiie tise postoffice district of Libertyvîlle led theis. Is trIct. dii bisetotal aggrogata pledge o! $7,622.40. 3. R. Allerman la pont- asaiter of lbarts'vile. nhe taipétal pr'ime* are gshngout la today's mail and other prises have iseesi asigned lad contesiate cill ho be.dvlaed Rf Useir pM»iSe" ii ?(li'! same durini thse 111t fev d"Y&. Tisis macb-decocated Auet-la general lbat bis jo o .auae et'tis failure o! Use Austrlaa- 41vo Accocdiug t tatialstios 'Issutidat New York by tbie Insurance Prssa. life Insurance compaulcesandiaesse- c-jablons o! tise United (taies anti Canada peud out $240.000 la Swuur- ente te citizen& o! Rockfori durinx tise 'e-ar 1917. The entireamaratit- cf- distriliuIion lu tise country' approil- mastai 877S1.00,0)00, and tise langeii claini cas W~,3.500. Tise laie Jatiga Arthsur Il. Irroèt cariicitUe !ruts snourat o! Ihsuratiete b b.paitioui Itu tisis City. imat o! 818'000. JACKJES IAPY; NAVY MA4Y TAUE MERCIINT FLUET Tise la rejolîngSa Great Laites, folawlne'a rumor President w-,îin mas'laIte avec Use merolsant uwff.e anti man ths hipsdis enlsted mon. Tise marc-lant marine service bas heen hanubcapped,, h la sesL h.- c-scesacceca ln morne cse% . lse cefusadte iotake veusliOUt, 0f POM&s ID c-ase tisegovaruinleittakes over tise mercisant marinaUe &oussss4s'of jacisies ai Gr-est 'LW,*$s li si S epportunlit ybeoiW ses.. _____________ a CAUSE HIE WAS lm- IoI JURED IN COUNTY Chica- Western Union As st. li Pinned Beneath Auto Man__Isid :D i9dSiZ o'ave e Waukegan M "nTa ËesExa - Afetdb th xe- _s'oned Second Lieuten~p Unly 16Ws ako opera lor for theWetr Union, com- WORK IS VERY DANGEROUS td suicide early Tueiiday niglit by F hootlng himi;elf through the heart Frank Keeley, Who nmade hîi. home lu the bedrom of hie home iu the ln Waukegan for a number of 'vais, Presence Of bie wife. but Who hms beeti away for ihe last Mrs. Llndley told the police ýind, two years, will b. makîng gas ho-i 4ley>was lnjured recently ln an autV for the United States oprnn mobile accident ln LibertyvIlle and withln a short Umne, provlding he had acted strangely since then. lie Panses the fedrai examInation whileh gave no warning of the art, she said, he tool, ln Chicago a, few days ago. but drew the revolver as If in exarn- That he -will pas the. exarnfna: o ne ILt. there la littie doubt as lhe Il, rî,rdl- The. automobile ac'cdent happened ed as an expert chemiat. Njr Koýey Mondas'. Whlle drivtng hie car sc- wili be the lirat Waukegan lîjan ta roippanied by a friend the automo-1 enter tbis bighls' important îl,ýpart- bile turned over and Llndley wag ment in the goverament sorvic.i- hel bcneath it four boum bhefore aid Mr. Keeiey le a son-ia4aw of Franîk rea0ed hlm. T. Fowier who ai one time ,ïti wh o h ff eea.d the North Shore flairy -- n b"t' E T been the gullding spirit i hi l;in- PLAN LAILNDED mrto rom pany. Mr o-c a The PaSseng of the exainnation h O RZ rubtedtôhold himself in niadi- K00,0 EN nées la depart for France wjthirn he thet ,wowelcM povlInSecretary Baker to Prisent Thie making Of gaz she]ls iro- New Demands to Congres garded as a hazardou. oCcîI)jo-Tioîî h cas f the îboleonous natuî.- o: 1he in the Near Future chemicals which are used, For ihîis- reason it was nece. sary for N\.lr eel- n '.Jl'2. eo to col ob vo t Iune r for theonDraft a9p limite are golng up sasweil beore lTIne o volunmjte r for îheas down. and the govorament la pro- tior. Tileaoerrntr-ia Parlflg 10 increase tic army tf0a Mr. Keeley wsas employd at the111 srengtb o!f from 5.000000o to 6,0f)0,0. Pearce drug .-,ore in WaIkitan ror Tein ilh«.sny ciwihu severai Yeers and gave up the poeii- depedents a -3n e eonwill b. tion te hecome a traveling il(,i§man dpnet n vr n iib for a large Puidt concern.i [lc la set t France, if necessary, to van-t bac inWauega no fo a isi Qush heHua. The goverum*nt of1bacL orn wauk kjega o re a viitdoca fot contemplate the invasion of Inf 10 days or -to .wek, fraetlc-'the' deferred clsi 1ficatilong of thse lng~ .us-.urk ~rIllt ~n ramnt damt for at seant two ypars, if nt FÀRNI 14 ING "There flibe, bowever, an Ices FARMERS ngly rigorous combing of the de- ferred classifications for men ta take B uPLANS FOR Lke plThe oin or figbt order will be ex- ~ UE~U1FUiWT1 tcntled ta many additional occupa- fThe plan for the 5.000.000 egrmy wilibe presented tb congress citlilu Presence of Assistant Cecre tpflextayBkrs he would rc tary of Agriculture to Be Big Omimend de4lnite age limita, lowerlag the minimum belos' 21 and nisîng Feature of Session the maximum above 21. Age limita whlch have been under consideration As prevloualy annouîired tiiere will are18to 45, but Secretars' Baker pre- . lieo'yh-reeommessded 19 sa.tbe be a meeting of tto- Lake Counte minmmîf i n i a FasraneiuInstitute ai ILake Forest, ul m eitâead e my Auguat 2«.nd. at 2p. ni. The prlnci- adola thet minimum as elil as a Pal»Peker a ths metng illbemaximum siort of 46. asalâtant secretars of agriculture, OrAm et ron. Mr. Carl Vrocsman. ,In officer of the The armed forces of the United Britiash dr Frech arnîletistattoned States aoc total 3,074.572, ibis nuom- ln tibia Country and àko acime othpber comprising 2,51070mnl h speaker of atate and national pro.armYad 503,792 mca la the navy. ne s long agricuitlmi nes. CoOd The arn»' in France, includung the munie cRI ahuo be ftirnislbcd. marines, total a little over 1,20,0 FaMnera and butinoss men of Lakce men, of whogn approximateW 804,044 ecîmtb' icOuld hardis' -,Pend la hall are combatants. The lest oSfical r-> day's Urne more proitatuiy thaît by s eate ta 300.000 Amoricans attending luis, one of the most lm. icers On the flring Une. There are portant agriculturaini ttings tb eleI pproximaiciy 1.300.000 men lai the held lu Lakte couniy îhL-u gear. Tt irainisg campa laibhis country. Les very seldomi fhat we cen get speakers of! aucii nltil promin- ecec. Watch for comiplète programi la next coek's is.,ue. Posters an-IJUDGiE FROST CAR. nOuncinglthe speak.riand principal Points of Interest wilit hodistrlbuted ln Lake counts' within a fes' das's. RIED 189000 INSU1t- Waich for these annotîncements. Federal Reserve Bank Off iciais Announce That Only Essen-à tials Can Go On Tise committea o! tise fetiarîl ce-t serve banî chiclibs aoversighi o! outlayâ lavoiving public improve-1 mente, public huildingo, si-cet pa'- à lng, park plan,. public uc-bcd builti.d Ings and otiser proguoainsdependlngi né tise publiec credit or extra taxation I notifies Use country' biai cveryiising. of Use kinti muaitlbe suipeadetifoc thue perlot o! tise car unles ibisaitre-1 emptorils' naeded. Tise objection ia. biasa ns stpsiong tiSai Une tranchuesm on resourees chic-h are reqireti foc het suceaful prosccutîon o! tise car.à F racs nos' on Use governmoai 'oans cUll b. mucis ieavici- iban tiose ai-J rtiadys placeti. Tise one c-aUang la Octolier chl probahîs' bc ai lesi i per cent in~ exceso! tise lest, posai- lily double. Tbat gauges Use require-a mentislantise bacs tisa icli have teb lie placet! nexi; spring and Use iollew-t lng ailtoumit le expectation la tha ai 1ai tfour isesvs' bans cl havea to ho proulded for ai latervls of six months. Tises' arc larger tisa have felleus ta ans' otiser nation. Tisa succesâful prosecustion o! tise car1 rselon tieseuc-ceuciii *WàtbI~ biseedemanda are niat. Tisatclii lie né arnal airain on aur financltialre- sources. E-rer>' penny mutib. ce.-à servati for bisese ceals. Hence It dli lie oui o!fte question té provide fore more than bie most pressing necesil-1 ties la other bhisnga. Ail outlas's or a cbaracteruisat oalie tefer-e i cl bave ta remnain in suspense billa!fier tisa car. Tisus situation applies la Wsaukegaa as caii as avecycisare clos. A nuua-C ber o! undertakbsngs o! tis City' chic-bà coulti have licen put under cas' ibis year hava airestis gones' ytise boardt foc Use present. (libers cUll bave ta lic issu citis la the Bamne ca'. RSt las o.sly Usose improvenwat& . clis ai- matie nec-essai-s by thése ess.i of the ai-ms'camp a"tiotiserlemergen- eIes of!a£ Slnd that eca=it h. defer-. ced whicis are te have atitios no3V.1 FOSSEQOES TIIRU KANKAXE COUNTY;, II166JLY PLEA3MD Kankake. III., Julyi> 4-C reas- man George E. Fons matie a touc bisiougli Kauskake ousit>' Tues")a' anti lust nigist spoke té a large crocti hec..fia reviaeti brieiaY bis 22 yeara' service In conoresa anM bis' expeclence upon Use naval comrmit.- tec anti commutte, on foreiaalfairs. "Tise senatoahip ta tise greaiesi of- lice la tise gifi O! tisa people o!fbise4 atate o! llllnoe' lbe sali. It bas been ihled bli' usis>'gréât mes Who ARever.2,wlred -'e-Stu eat *e*. unfiW bs' ac able le present a rec- ard of long and ti iiiful service to tise country' anidltu se parts'." Later M-. Fosa dlscîissed bise car, sas'Itng ce muai moblize our MON, autr materlal. our uaonc',ý andtihie greai spiritual farces o!, Aierl-a maaaisoud andiàAmerlan comatihoot la 014»1 t. vIa. $1.50 PER YEÂAR IN A»V$ Se rgt. Ed Durkin'Telîs Brotsr - Captain Joe Jlow Guns in UeAre Different "MAP WORK" GETS Hle Wants the Real Action Rallie Than Studylng the M»Si, Assigned Gis Maslcs Il WAS A HOT DAY S0 MISS CLARA WARM CAME TO WAUKEGAN FROM MIL- WAUKEE-AND GOT MAR- BlED Waukegan, Juls' 24. Whqe, s a fw yeare &go as tihe mercur y ws down below zero Grover, Winter of Waukegan. 'want to, the license bureau te qat the wri wich aIloweg. hlm to gai marricd, h. had hothing on this couple here exceptlng thse difference in the esasns witis thé thermometer standing at 84 ta' the shade at the- court bouie this.-afiernoon et 2 o'ciocis. I musi hsave take oinme. nerve for on5e of LIscle SuiVi soldiers vo ltate anto isiacîfa efe by thc naine chici she happened to hear Wltl tise weathcr su warm. don't you tliink It requirci the couiragel of a trench Jumper to steP up to thse niarriageï license bureau at thse court boue and ask- tise clcr<c for a il- cense anlie could marcs' a girl ?ay tisenaine of Clara Warma? Well. thats w'btat Fred J. Cramer. a soldier from Camp 1-lumphrey. Va.,. d id ihis afternoon. He took Claîra Wam tothe court houise and despite tise heat, had thc courage, thse forti- tîsie snd the determinatlon to get tise neceecars papers. The application showpd Uic s'as from, Milw-aukee andI was 21 years oid. that lue was 2. Tis, if there lm anYthlng lnaa aime, if there la anythtng In tise bccu a bot time for MIlss Warru as. wlpln& the perspiration. froin ber broc. ase heid back meekly 'ail ber bui4band-to-be, banded In ber Dame tu tise clerk., SCIJOOL IMPR0VE. MRENTS TO §ERED UP PENDINEi WAR --r- ............................................................................................................................................................-. Capt. Joe Dunkin of Wasucegaa, ha. receiveti au intenaels' iusereaiuslek ber frons bis brother, Sergt. Md iDur.- kin. cho soc le in France. Sent-, Durkin nos'lalaintise Stumur AI-i ler>' scisool, France, liaving bees sent them' fromi a soutseca training camp chere lie recelved i bs t-alaio& IMal 'leiter telle o!fis expesioneea - golag over andi alter ielîai-al, a folloca: To sastclith Joe, your o14 3-lacis' ituif la ho good. You préhabs know, liés Use army have adopte th@is Freci artilers'. Tisa reault bpbig -- tisai mucis o! aur cOrk muaâtlie do» Over. Ai tiret it matie me alek to thlak of ail our s'ork cit tise tluresê- incisera belng mei aside anti baiia1 tise ganse ail over; but as the cenhi go0s on Ihure liecome more Md more Interesiei anti I betteve I1sa golag to like It botter tissar nli plaeS. Tihe chiange la very g-est la Use ico gune ara mucs differai sMM on top of tisai i c» put lath isi 5 which le about tise cme, as-Our glu.- lacs, four dlais but ngufld s. dhed a lot different. YOU neyer àa, vers' mucis experiecce la tise isaVy ami!, did YsOu? Hocreevr, you have - seen lots of iL. Weil Usis 165 la huilt up muoli Iigiser tissa Ouri-x,: luch, andI helag a hocitaer, i et,- course bas a long rage. Our au'b munition la not fixed but la nains 18 ce tau cisoose trons several differnat. klnda o! *belleanssgaliirece hame different charges and different fuses. At a glansse 'OU can se" uts a tsi'... was' coubabton and tise verleby la vers' great. We have about 12 difterub shila , anti six different c.hai-ges ad over 11 dii! ereat fuses. Oae thlag la 154'. tblg Iman "Lime" ans' Matil of a âa& Vttb oe lti h*ree-laclsers, St vas - asell Or shrapnel, lberse lbjla 11 r. r- deu a < OL *Itf ai a bar, s'ou ma eU for imoat anythng you ie, "l Yoac sheila aisd fuses &ad oeIl for chatever osai-g. sou w&ML ,yoaurex.- Perlence la attlleOr>"I l et 7041 ae. chat a great atudy w.eare u &aidat Onie tblag vers' duReront bier% la- ail Frenceh pleese (raval on thse lnsteai o!of n a Pivot. 'Ms son s»_ Li-es,puts their &un andti Lail M lune.» No %winging Use tube ai a-.. gIes wUstiste tral. Tlâe aigIsb apparatus, i bblnk, S&MI far halos' Ours, but tisecoumagalW cîsion isauisat hdoasseZe cor &Wl cOatu b ile. Their B. C. iauati..w are abiout tise saie. ODe une -if cark I don't lite ai that la mai, worit. Soseisoc I1i- . haie tise stuif and itlbett. a bsig SAur. à how*cvors other day ce go ont la-> te counrs' anti uake a tivs'Iu w 8aaudY thse country' freMa deIISgareads'matie. Muk diI 1 1190 Illess, butei t ei lhlag te do il ateetUe best o! St. 4%or ce ai-e given tn untiersa"mitI PlSays b ig Part lIs Use oem. o our atandingat vAile c&rrylag out - tis cork ce rld e "isek." 0.- s'es,' 1 am Usera -èhen ilcornes te abi-aveling ove. land on a bike, a lit. ils different thotîghin ltbie back seat of tise oic os*&.-- IWO speai twa das's ont on il. range Irlng avers' ceeS, a"i tiser. la wisere bise cori anti proliless ar v- en Use men as Ihes' coulti oecur et tise &Ont. Ail our ltrenc f tu are men ciso bave been B, oî,'.t tise front for ico or more yeman' sd - Joe, It couic do your heart ied te licar tisem bell o! tbalr.lite Do o<Uan tiuring a clisonof b! lemifl IUS - ta bell of ibis- or tisaichiétât place. Mas'he acas' hock la 5< 1.Belleve me Use boys latihe liss aIl ait up andi yéiou ud iser . In drap cisile toMryor preuteca . tai. 'Fiscs' orS Ushe itot~~ anti you tantait aUl son ]Une è= t he triai't itbut thse ffeaéusali lb on usnchsen. h cornés te tu» cork ta play. Tm iknoc th" i upon hile cwr an a grest it slg andi dth. &Il tisesarroc ami a@«W lug the la a lot o! sport 18 U«» juil- yhiatgdeas tisiOrne Ot be l int a story --aithtie *fi- Me 1 ý Jý,, LOBES HIS JOB OVEI DRIVE FAILURE-,

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