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Libertyville Independent, 1 Aug 1918, p. 1

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LIBERTY VILLE. LAKM COUNTY INDEPENDENI' INDEPENDENT VOL. XXVI.-NO. 31 TWECLVEI PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, -LLIÉO1S, TIIIRS3D.Y, AUGUST 1, 1918 ONE TC EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN.AMV DEVISE WAYS AND MEANS TO IIARVI3ST IJUGE WIIEAT CROP -Meeting of County Committee of Defense Held to Save MANY HELPERS NEEDED Heaviest Crop in History Re- mains to Be Harvested- WiIl You Help Anetngor tii' Ç',,îniy <,,nnttee of1 )e fnse a wsqIed rilav art 'r- P h. I'h icicii oI l. ri'ont, the eounty chairman* prep-id 'nc'TIir.ý was a -O()d retIre- i-nYtiatlon frointhtie difrent parts of th' c,îurtv, Nr. We!ron, Blbnton. i. O Irockmiv ', P. 1, Persn.. ttonî- (,î,e ný I' Smpson. of .Ney i triho' Warren. il C-net. V\aucnnda. Hén'rvtElcr, Liherts vilipe if I. Sandwîrk. fIîî Ii aid . îgist ' hrwin :lnd NMr.Pretin A:. rti)Pl, f ' t.la mtî ci fn', f'r tC- har iui, ii , l ; mau wr di ,,e Trýs who, an! .î,'to hlia ivacatio ,ns d 'rT llig ib; î1 î , rue n al, urgpd f0 wimn'. r il, Iuiiing the'ir tino ,on t r,, idtnmî. di hirbt reu.th,- e ri<.cît o, iethat b cotirontîng the farmers to g' t thel gra n 'i riîmiPd and thri-shfi Ali! -'!who w:li liîm rf9rý such -e rvî1ce ar( a.sked tm. hand in their nami' to Mr. lll-rv-,y ('uui-on th' n"l'wl V r:ýýpont-i eîr-mitt, oftihe Uoiiîunlty %%'elfirm l hid i, ia.. cons'n ted tu abssti,' ti e Dii use o'nmlttie. Th--farmllrs 1' r,- mi niklap- plicatIlons to Mr. ('oulson for heip, %Ir. Kent of Wau<onda report'd that the farmnerm In that part of the (o(untéý imi hat-vted rhefr wheat and bariey I le pidd shape atl.ouzh one of tIir hiîIp,t crop4 ee."r rais- Md. W Ti 9in îiioe mr tw-,iher and ý4-ne 11) i t im'%V1i1 he j eto get thl, oat 9 harvP,*ted anith.jti threhîii, toile ln goid lim, înd .sav the har-est. PROGRAM 15 OUT FOR FAMERS IN. STITUTE LAKEL F. As cnnaunced le prevlonir issues. ot tire ounty pappesa *Patrlir 1hl li'amera' Institute meting yl ire held ut halteFort-st. Friday, August 2nd, et 2 P. M.A ThliIsq meeting viii ir el aii ethtie Ocventgia Clubr groucilu iln case tire veatirer 19 un-t favorable tire place et meeting wIi ha ciranged ho theaYoungeg Masclub and tire Y. W. C. A. rooma. Tire foi- lavinv prograni iras ireen vorkedf ot bv lhptire ogrem conmilttpe' Star Spangled llanner-Naî-ai Sta- tion tbund. Ad<lru".s ta! Wclcomt-Keena H Addington, Mayor, La.ke Forest. Reiuýponp-Sen. R. B. Swift. 1 Muait- Quartet, Naval Training Station Band. Addrcss M-Nr. Car] Vromamn. assiss tant et-reary of agrculture. Music-Naval Training Station1 Bandi. Addrs-Prot. J. M. Coulter, uni- verslty of Ciicago. Muuic-Quirtet, Naval Training Sgtation Band. Âddret3.-er. Cynil G. Hepitins, 'University ofIllnois. M.usic-'Naval Training Station1 B»a&M Addre-,-Sergeant WV. J. McKie, Canadian Fxwedlllonary Forces. Aneria-Eeding viti tire nev verse: *'God blasa eni- spleejid mec, "B gtirnt sale homo again." MAN 0F FORTY WEDS GIRL 0F SIXaTEEN YEARS Whjukegan, July 26i. A mrruage licen-qa vas isstted to- day le tire county clerk's office fo flarlie E. Jamies of Mlwauktee, ageti 40 years. and Georgia M. Van Pet- tee of Antiocir. daugitar of tire au-. saffsoi- of5ntocirtowcship. Tht- brida,,ieicg but 16 Years old. bcd ta ire act-ompanted te tira lark', ofet eiy irer fatirer wire gave hie consent te lire murriage. AcSrding ta a telegrTs front Springfield, tire Palatine-Waueonde ritroati has fileti ce application vitir thre secretary o! state askng Permis- sion te Issue c lintIted amount ot stock and bonds, l'iis hle li ne vîih tire hondiroder' purciaeplans, te dccvIop the property. FINE PROGIRAME ANNOUNCED FO R THE CIJAUTAUQUA W.itb a trong local organisation per- feected at a meetingiii the îîrt' n lamt Tburi.day evenknu, and au ut bractive array 01 platform l.uinarl.s ofkertug Lîbertyvtill'n 191S'.chaijtanî1ua, e ileh will be beld Auguot 3 to 8, i4 tha beauIîi. Mu park, bds lr oi.- tlever v sueccef4ul. Each on@ if thei huridg-ed member, of tbe am.aiîou le, itven @lx _dulite lieketo and îao ehiidr.-n. tiekhW 'o ftil e, an-td uu Tueéday the Ep tworth IAagtie oi the &ethodi.t îhurch started .eiling ticket@ on a comîîîî.sio bailm. The' foilowing me'n are ut the head of the local organization of te Lincoln chatjtauqua t im >eur. E. A. ISiithop, premitdeib Lyle H1. liorrte,, v, eîreiettand wetcretary. 0. v. liridlet' and F. P. ymiind, titeket t-)Inmitie'e. Julius Trepjtîme (haàrlem. Kaier anid (ieimr.. 'uil.rgriiurimiitcuonîiîtseý c. H-iAvenui, -batrenant etertaiiimeijl cii rri t tee. Thte coipleter priram of the' cbautau-; qna t- i lt- tound c1ere ire le thim issue- î, ti. lîo.'edernî Fanîîrue leuîurer., tiumlCatttand entertaln.-rrewll heu P)u ftd ('1t tt-t,.-rt and wtaern et tiretmop iof tîteir remlitclive profeeslmun# Oitthe- upening cigiti -Cliumhiaa A pekuin. sçatrtmît-ic '.tumed î'i5y. sil Itt le eti ted p Yt he pou ng peo ulleroo tire '-oittiiun. 1 ' rider tihe skilitul <ire,,- tdon utftilb.%arjorie Mamie, 1h,. chltdren have bsec i'iteereng daily. Mjee'Mon- day. et thre titan hall Tht- play' vas arrangerd eupecially tor 4tbe Lincoln chautauqua and abound8 le strng patrittl eatuneâ.thel vOll Sud a responiwe ln tihe rearîs ohfailoyalel cize-tt. Preoident Wilseon ju..tIy termo citeu- teuqua 'an Integral part of the national ".Neveir batore bai chautauqua pnitc Wiral t It @going $0 mean In 1918"," li. t'trte selti reet-tls- in au article ln tire ('hictigo hall) Neuve 'Hero, ln tire free air o! discugmlitn. ai t,.- tîtuveaway te euncie p.iieon gas otfieninian pro. pauat-da. Here the greast commn peuple viii lie lined] np te suppuort, nit I ln su abservloncy but iu discriminât- lng ioyehlty, thre govereiment. Hart' viii aIl guiod causes lied relntor-eument. Here wiul the- greateet criisa rt ever va, lipuaerd upun tire world he tie tri fuser ther heurt& of ou.-people ltutueasturdy loyalby. "Tire irute o! Ciautanque thii year wîll come te tht-i.-places of aisenibhy ln nu mietorlc euaebut alth true and eare«rel ety. "Marchlng ai to ver, 'Aitb the crue. of Jereus "(bing ou betore.' Moat eerneatiy li@te Lincoln cbeu- tauque endeevorieg te measure up tù, Ito bîgir obligation and opportunlly le preeentleg luat sucb a massage and help. lui Influence ai vili marr te maie. tentance oft tirt Intelligent petrlotite, Ww wiîcr ICrane sayet ara aeeded le onde.- tu nike Ainerîca 100 per cent effient Ile her giganlie teAk of! "meklng tire world sate fe)r demucraey. 5 SELECTS LEAVE; OTIIERS 6OSOON Thre local draft board on Wedneeday marnlng sentirhe follovlng men tu Syr- acuoe recrntIug camp,, Syracuse, N. Y.: Peter Neugirlon, Hlgbwaod. William Brown, Lake Foreat. William (leely, Libert-vville. Jacobr Larsen, Liertyvllle. James 0. Jones, Waukagan. Tire local draft hoard bas received a cail for three colorad men ta be sent ta Camp Grant on naît Monday, leavieg here t 2:55 p. mi. The men ace: Les J.. Mitchell, Hollaed, Ill.; John A. Cousins, Milwaukee-; James Allen, Chicago. O. Fridav ir local drat board wilI seuil Clyde W. Wie, of Elghland Park, te tire Raira Auta sehool, and Edvayd L. * ates,, aiLake Foret, te tiretweeney Auto oethool. Bulir achoola are tu Kan. ac Cty, Tirese mane semnt te ii va- canclea nmade by thre rejectIon of two men vira veresent by tire draft 'board several veeka ago. The Indepeadent pute L.bertyvile £rat. HADÈEY CONCERT COMPANY AT CHAUTAIJQUA WIIAT'S THIE WAR WELL KNOWN RES= ASK BRUNDAGU,ý, LABOR BOARD TO IDENT 0f LIBERTY= STOP RACE DO HERE? ANSWER VILLE IS DEAD AT LIBERTY~ 'Director Coulson Issues Com- Jýuî:î rmiro arîima rtLw n OdrLeague à prehensive Statement on , î.athiritam du agnrallu Cooperation of Atton Proposed Plans in Co, be i e(inig cat for th~e p Generai BrundÉge three yearr and wa.i totaliy blind f9r _____ the pai'L >-ar. NO CÔNSCRIPTION PLANNED Mr. Lirop 'as bore ai Tike, . NPA o SEC A NO CÔN'SCRIPTION PLNMËI) Y. onl-eb hi2, béing 79 yea rsA N O LE S, old. lie icas the son olt Mr. and Mrr ______ Qel Lathrop off Vermont. "Honar" of Patriots Is Being oWhlîi living te New York ho wa 8 League Secretary Maket I Appealed to More Than De. E Womîdworth Fiir atimeptheyresided SatigAsrin sir taFore Tem on t art e n'lrginia, ibut haie b' tatlngAsetin; sir toFore Tem esi('1ntsoff Lako couuty for liptu t Charges German plot pi years, living about two 1111111 nortir off Lifiertyville. He wtas a wlil known To tie Editiîr larmier of ntt'irg charactîr and 'rre de PCounty- Law sMd M'ith ýoiir kind ,Irnsi ,n, 1 iiarked industry.tagi a ppad t M maku ri aj-iit(f twaii r.Ftio , unb' his'.! Cenpril dward Erundage top nnd purpoI s or., e eWai r i ,bmrl. ioaduitrtiv.Ni lîia,,teproposer] horse race meet Tirela or c h--n c-tic~, iefC S ,b1'~vle town cierk, berltville frie the lth to tk*e T'h.e adley Concert Company in made Up of firut cla,-, vocâl artiata. Il 1'-,riusr i lii ,o iînfrîintiîîg l"' d1orenbigraiîdcti Ir o.the [lui chrd of August la pre-eminentiy a vocal quartc-t of wlde reputation. Their interpretation lh1 oiutry oax diiro iiiigainfrenly. Aing me:ncrsohe lill a'r h a n OdrI" ofthe best and people will be delighted with the»o real artise. They have front tîda.. \Vî h n iîiiî or,îrat!-m', famîly Airl hgra;IndiErlldr'- are . Tbelaar engInrde »Mg piano, cella auitei liin tccomnvinlmnt. The eeyen membere are soloins. It la four si-ar,., anîd iitîr our natire lablor atrpd rot* 0 e" IrertMtoitcncl a varled conert progran, of thlgheet clam .The persontnel ta. eulqIîm! ilclleted bhith,- ililtiior zne.The cicinit <edied nseverali viiie, last nlght and startllea Grant Hadley. Baritone lThomas Vanneîî. 'r aur hunîjr.d,-m o f tirou,.ands iofnen fuîryirago tions, wlriclr follow, we.re s iniltrai.v ,ri-ice. flic Cnatlinfl ilt eral om i.hfîoi ae Sertr hmsQal lia Caro Lindley, Soprano Elizabeth KartIng, Violin selft iiith, gril)îof a lit'ir fatmille, a homueTrda y afmirLreio t".lae FiraThomatse race t4 Misa May Pe[er, Contralto C. B. Taubikin, Celle the rîtoir critical hour of!it s xsten,1 iofTusa tenna Fr-httercemt ý (~r Coenrn, lanat îîiiito ii.vîae tns,',i-oIock, the <Re.TE. l1p-ni oiat- nerf by LotOs Peters, vetera This company will appear twice on the foiirtle day aithte Cbattauqn»a M the t nited States Nmîi,.niI nt S 1 aî,rtî ie rMemrs of the' G. A. Cireat L.ake. and soldiern fioe aboutit hive lauum.e Mudic"ces. lice mof tire iepartmé-,nt of ha mor wst-i atreoded the tunenal. Mrr La- Sheridan. organrizcild df fwe ire 10 raise an tlrop hâvi.eg ieen a memirer or the ecn-Thatî fHuna" t£roc- armcd force et ,bî)îýiîî,, 1t1ie for lIlnion army for four years during tira cousin are maingat ýc eo ahrnad, and if it l13 truc iiiit for r-ii war. forrt to furtrer autocracy =ta (%rv mîan on tire lring liiii.- fro i Anothê.- Realdent Dies. Iîy sending Immoral girls htbe SX ix ote nîen are reqtii rem(lIo 10 i PROGiRAMME FOR LINCOLN CIIAUTAU= a \ u. i t tiiore aiîabr i:n tn.illonmira. H airnthr.DofMrs. .J. cTir-Tha ont' suicideaadù ýo ai-tîîmîî viri effort 11111>ttfur hlne near Libertyi ille. Suitday * rai disbonionble dIscharges AIT . ic i il iprm-î cnt 1mîmmr %iaste- tirmrntttg. They forinerly llîed zit service have resulted. QUÀA T IDERTVV IL di3= r, 't Lit as iteh i' a. tosijýie litoRavenswood and have apent thirAct On Race Meet. rii inii S<if f-ru.ntiaI Iniiîitry: to summers abtout two miles fromML- -Tire Law aed Order Leaffl. ce iai il - siacker te lîanislied froin etvle ntri a-mfti at powered Secrctary Quayle te c lr mid st. andl that eci-r'. can. wone%%,few-are. The remains were taken uihatever Bieesnacear t0S ae andmi i lii.se fair as ixsirsbie, doc'r ta Rivcnswood for huril. nace meet. He wa nstruo FIRST DAY h,'. fuil share ioward tie winning conter wih Attorney Genend' 1(141<a i Alitlct a.. lineomf tte imir.II~ dage te ascertain If the state lau 2.30 tpi,-m -prtng EiFelse-Condýuc-tiil v Piati',raî r.uperlnitendent Tii- lri-id,-nt leniris procIun if n EXIRA!IJi1aS pe'rmit tire holding of a race- * 24. p ni-Eti,- tahîrnenrt of Must,.an] Mrtît-TI,,. Iraven Faniily te otf Jm iatS.19Rciortniadar.eiosn ta ' JI AN1< i heatony aeri Orche-, ra tti-,killed lahbor from a., fir ealit s PaUr NCH PIN ,HOLJjES ta stop thre proltosad mee"t-~ 3.30 p n.-hecture-"The Potter and theIay i 'I a 1 and China Piijf.slo, and Ni-w York as tirrmtest retary Quayle .will hae m Deuossatos-înDh[lnron. as the 'Mississippi; men tratelir nJfJJPiCA -f~eplay the' neice.ssary deteeV Aiitî]onsin 11< ivartetacents I Iv j tgima ý and legal adviaors ta vgithet U dimsuINui 27; rtot2 and i3: tuta! 24) and a30incgentsnesNtoFRUtIT î io nTOPSA e conditions thaet were ohtaîne ai .1 ~d obigtapnsma 7:301)m i-Pagpanît-Columbia*o Awakeiittei-Prmsented by Young 'udor doors. Entpioynrent agencle ______vIolatrc Peopie of thi l oitimuerlty ineder direction ot Juniomr -lupervlqor and Ies i'niv.' b,-et active le holding out fiai- Quayle Stortis Audwreue4 Paulit t-- %ar.tmiîi terIng endu'ements ta lahor ta move Ta' hi apnn Mr. Quayle told a imIîetiS ~ ~p. ni -Pimpular %Musical Enterreeiemettt Tii- Iraven Orchestre. iither and thîther. This has. rpsiit- Ta' his Hapenin in that Germen proandista a, Adihnlsmion 11< and :i16; wer tari 2 and 4; total -10 andi 40 cents. ii ie conge-iting tire rilroadr. lnit Evanston; Libertyville Wo. living ln WitsOnIn.1 w_ o i h b s i e ît d i a t r o u r t e o t ir t h e t' n -iiip a in t e d itc e d f e m a l e " i t. SEO<ONO DAY ployer rend empioye, toa'.'y nothlng men Complain connty ta further the auetci 10:00 a ni -Atilt-lc and (lame,, or tire ieri le in %hicli it place.. tire __-rjicy. Mr. Quayle sadIMO 2 lu îm u -l.-l<litii tiêicae-Mm lirsc.-Iliu itieldaierwliole nation. dier thadt comanttedslit.s T:01 n-)lgtu uiae-de rclaiIiilafr it.- xiew lairor sitlilihyitig ptograinT el~lU ~ rimn eteU .arI 3:15 î n1) etueTieAab Heap-iir . C Mitchell. ot thle ni't<ieyment serv ice wau; he OPS ARE UEFECTIVE ruclived dishonorable dlai .drtttrtion IN< and 27; vIar taI 2 and 31; total 2, and 30 cenWs conducted in accordance wiîtir tire ____ cause of the visita o fUime. é:304 p. in.-IE'ntertannet-Sketche. and 1-aiîigs, Jessie Bowmar foiiowieg four cardinal prineiples: tta the Waukegsn distrIt. Rickýtt ,1. War work muet have mnc 5 emtMi-. Quayle did aMot mir W0Ëi 8:5 ) Tr- riâs'Cjier-me(.ac al Ilelaf é.vn cost.mna Pin noles Pri Air ta Reaoh teIlîng et bis startUng Ue. An:15 î n -t18 tatdt6;' oier 4;t-tal 20Hallnid ents 2. Witirdrawals of worker., from Preserves; Reauli Fermen- andhlaid ut those assembl=ed females train Wisconsin ver Admeson a nd THIv r tx2eD 4 ttl tied 0 eton-îssentiai industries wiii ire equal- tation Sets Ini employas ot Garman plotters e THIR DAYized. ttîey did net taka money e 10:.00 a. nri -AtiJ.tics and (Games. . Tire volunteer pricciple wit ie diers or sailors. foliowcd In deallng with tire Induid NeOrrotLw 2:30 f i m-Erntertahutnt-Francie 1. Hendr.s Company. tual worker. Runiors et Germnt propaganda lu Nep ed nder, Not LwB.8* 3:15 p ni.-Nacoomee-ledian Vioiinist. A. Oniy fit men glir e rset te te manutacture of tops for canuneg Statp Sanator Rodneyb. 8et Adwmion 1 M and] 27; wer tai 2 and '; tut i 2euad 30 cents. . vr Industries. jars which wera fouet! te ho datec- spebersi, vsaohr c ,7:30 p mi -En tertain men t-Hendry Co. andiSm.i<jeeNe- muet and wiii vin thîs var. but tiveandc cause thea contents ta speil spek er. - f a t 8:15 p. m et e-ur,- From tievagary to itvllil,<t,uu-Chlef Tabac. we cannot niaintain a lance figirtleu, are helng ireard le ail North Short' ci- V. h pe n tycon tolava hte Adiso 7ad5; a a n ;tta oad5 et.firci, le France unîcsour wan in- îCes. nvditi reie conditosva Amnielo 2 nd50 erta ad5;tmti li ud55cnt.drtstrics are kept nunning autoip Housevives ot Uhertyvill e vra ertr ilase à FOURTH DAY sperd. let erder to do tis tire go%*-tire i"t-sta10compîcie et the decetvlva ecrY.et.ar C. IiAns c19.. I th 10:0 . n - rieles ndGam@.ereteent, tirrougir titisdepartiment tops lIn a few days tua compîntit, Lak lerg. . .and B.P. Se 113:00 a i -.Attietics aed(lame.. wiI wiiirdraw woirkers fo-inO ive s-ri- herd le ail north short' cils. Lake Fore-st. onndd e 2:30t p)nm - Plar Cs oncert-BEldiey Concert i. -ehiaiproduction virereair t i Mrs. George S. Kingsley, hend of Quayle for iis . lattiete Adtei-eion 18 and 361; ver tair 2 andi 4; tmotasl 2iand 40 centi,.bire nectsiary te provide in adleqte lire Evanston Community kitchen, aithtie training station. - 7:303 p ini -trand t'oncert-Batiîes Concert Co, stipiply off lair for lirese eîtgaged le asked virether the atory luit defc.___________ 8.;30 p. nm -Addnesa-"The War"-Lleut. %V.It. M ~acDonald, of Can- . - enlialiindusiry. Tha is iliredon,,1ti'.e tope have been discovered le adliait Expcditioucnry Forces. otlY iren necessary, and Il s hep- Evanston wa, truc deciincd ta vert'y nonM REflfhAP PII that whirn sut-h catis are made the statement. but asscrtad tirai t JYL'FtA 8 Adniiaaloe 27 and 50; war tai 3 and 5; total 3ii and 55 cent,. tirat irath employer and cntphove will many complainte hild ireen nacalved - FIFTH DAY realîze tiaItirhe nead Is real, and iry ier that tire tops purcirasad in I SM T Et that they wii!dcem Ilutireir patriotic Piant-ton were round ta have pluin 4O 10:00 a. n.-AthloecGenes. duty ho respond wltirout compiaint. bolieW ar vere otlxcrwqe defeck.lve 2:30) p. ni -Mtiiand Eetertainmeet-irpeiiii Concert Comipany. Tire eomnitnity may rest assuremi and tirat hy penmuting adr to raci 8:15 p. ni-Healtir Studiea--"ILiealth Atteinei nd Malntained," vitir tiat tire local broard ail! give matter4 tire preserves or jau tire canner! an AX I)emouetatlos-Ur. and M.-.. C. Roncker Adamii. oet tiis kiemi canetul censideration ire- ticlea spoled. An investigation la fore ta'<inz action'f i letuitber ho bicng made In ail coi-tirshore cillea AdmissIon 18 and 27; ver tel 2 and 3; totîal 20) and 30 cents,.ihe noted t(bat every effort wiI iho Waultegan hotesewiveaehould ex. 7:810 p. m.-Popular Musical Entertainment--Orp)heuni Concert Co. made ho equalîze these withdrawale, amine tire top'. for pin holas m se as olit-r, vire comanerorain 8:lSp ni -hectu--MlralesoElectrclty-.l.atettcentficDlacoverlee and tuai no 'non-esa.rential industi-y nat ta vaille r frulb and the augar. visit their jeckle sonis at Great'- Deiotnted-It.eo B. Weibourn. Willire strI-ppad o? ifs monvirile ahIlfiedt a place In, iricirtle Admssin 2 ae 50 wa ta 3aed5; ota 3< an 55cen,.anotirer escapes or contributes omly îîer<'s a »mn ewiro cama ail tire stop over night. get 'a mea or-. oiml@t) 7 n 5; a ti3 n otl 1 ad55cnt.intea salit dgrêe. wey front Antchorage, Alaska, taenc- le fnct, finit a tenporarY h.- SIXTM DAY Anothjur ttorir tirat mutiie un- 1sf In tire tavy at Great Laites. Ht' cottage clng fitt-d fer thàt 10:00ea. ni-Athetliceand Clame.. itffl'<1,i that fins la In no sense I., Loffard Alexander Veitcir. and ls ut L.ake Foeset, near tire t ut encriptloe of labor. In deaitng now a nienîher ot companry P, 3d negi- tien. William J. QiglOY. a 2:30p. .-Te Het l Muic-be Cleaii m<ncrt rtifs.iît thetindividual vork-er. an apl- metnt. lie dclares tira people et tire go interlon decor-hrrho 3:15 p ine--Lacture---'l7ad Lions"-14r. hlncmli MeConneil. triieust iremade taobinsmanhood land (et rnow and gold area anong Un. Lake Foi-est, la making thia Admieiou 18 and 361; van tex 2 and 4; total 240 and 40 cents. anml intrlotism *His family, frindi, cilu Sas ". a patriotiretctizens. Hoteairerated a cottage Mnn 7:0p .T@Atse'CnetACmayofClbite. e gpnerulairotid urge upen hlm rire -playirouse and reu.r t~g. Chicagto Concert Artîit. necesty off complylng wîtir the re- irand In tueur naines, acd we ahIl n-I town w-iich heoilafiàIale, 8:30 P ni-L.ecture--"The levlland tire Kaiser," Dr. Lincoln MetConnaîl. qttestote agovarrientn netot Ov 'diavor to place then, In t rscnfiulvlI ire accommodationsa ef Admiasion 27 and 50- van tex 8 aed 5; total 30 and 55 cent@., for bis ove god, but for tireironor empylyrnent. If cor munipal au- vomen at a tlme May e": Nol-Prgrni ubjette hane.off iis family. Tira attitude of men tiroriles. cdubs, iodgcs. '.ochah and meal and dine as they VOuM Not-Prgra sujet t chngecad vomnen durlng this ver wyul long industrial tsâoOtaicong and lmdii lui- Mr. Qulgley ýnwaý a irenremmerod, and thoRe who -o rual., generàlly wiul get logetiter avii tome tb sec theirbysv - on record nov as obutrucfionisa t iliroost tbis service, they wil!irecrî'nt. or about teaire sqe aysti ie reuoinded oe t imany fîmes n in l,-,dering subistaetiat assistatnce ln win- m nîany et thre mothers tire îear-, to coma. nin gtha van. and Iiretel bills inidenit te". LIBERTYVIIE MAN GROWS (FE TERM FOR JACKfiEWHO Tire Waukegan Cemmucity Lutter le conclusion let me aak everybody trip ara a big Item. At Uice KILL.EO GREAT LAKES BOY Board ceinsista of Mr. Sam"es Hayes. ta exorcise as mut-l patientce as ns-te' raecy expensa vili ho C ORN NINE FEET _HMG represecting thre employer, Mi-. Joliii Bible.This la a npw venture and foom as sire cans te huY At t John Dael Claude, former cekle ait9. Wallr. prasident ofthtie Aliiu'ithlire department is enideaijsninz ta de- andi prapare for hrself andE TItdie~ Traden. reprencntleg lau,-r veleju a syslmutm itir verY 11111ele t are te and fromtta » F. . Hddl.onbragir a peaen rea Late. va setenatite îteandi ntýilf, andi va raspectfuliy int. tir a v of prececient for guidance. Great haltes. tflaexeti Of "pnide of North" corn ta Ibis office Pantentlary f0r lits by Judga Ker- vite thre onoeration cnd afflettan ,. As va'go a long tire sYste i yl de-. tage will 10 ready for oeg taa, the taîke of vhici meaaured stan ln Chicago, Thursday. He pleati- of tire people of Watekegan. Nothtiivlop andtIniprove and va hope te weak. nine Wes blgh and euhi on. bore ed guilty ta murdering Jackie voh -thicago and tira surroundlng district. have a qmffthi worklng machine in thys are eracfco, irek.~~0fA.Becker, Nov. t7. 1117. --hrAns-o e st-rng ainlolyment short d a rirart tim'. lThe IndepodWet'ogre viricirparsl of v o rn , he*oo fman involved hbaIM tbon arrastad. ha directed ta thnIa office, cnd a-.vnpVeytu ors whc eu wl ldout. tLe corn HO le belived te1holth the Cana- seelring heip shonld 10 sent hart'as a Me of Rt'. COULSON h. bmenplantcd ctty a, dlan torces l l I!IOe. - - li. If >youn eov of any slsckers, Chairman Consitunitir Labor Bd..tant&. Lake Countýv'-, Big Weekly ';ir#Â.aIo W e atc in eda 0" WSes ie n Gouty CoIIIbed WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN

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