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Libertyville Independent, 1 Aug 1918, p. 10

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-' ~ 2' ~ >u'- mPnT?'.K1 -7 :'" ni à- ~~ Final Instructions pmitibitlng mcm- bers of.te local draft- licèe rdsrm = Ca IM Quoe mem for eultst-1 th uvY &WatI aine corps Srecelved Iodai' fi-ouW"asig- 'l'. order also Instructs tat 1917 or 1t$ rgist rants la cléassone shail on t e emergençy fleet ilet- -I" meâtas (bat t-he aras>'w ll el aild obseone menafroitIls date Zt Gra Lates now there are close 46 .- en .Manypqf a . oasibe ën ~ GC daft. Tfiey chose tse navy aver lh aM>'bogieg to set loto reaf se- !L n, m1y casse, bonwever, they Winî. A. Moffett igan1il.s t o t- in 2,000 marines At Great lekee, durlng Au- guet. Théesmsen arc -now quartereti aI te aténn. sud titey are the finegt1 built lIotot mes ever sees ln these pMis. To loIn thte marines one must b. itysicaly perfect, AUTO OWNÈRS MUST PAY 910 *asbington, Aug. .-A tai .nn gasolla sud an excise tai on teitrne o! butomobiles nere adopted by te *uya snd means co»mt-to tody fer tse. $,000,000,000 revenue Mi. thle gasoline tsi nIll be 2 cents a gallon, to be paitib>' tse prodtier or, menufe-rer. The automobileIa, viicit tlarr additioan, t he10 per cent tax au tanafaturers' saen, agreeti on Yen torday, nil be pslti b> the orner or liAe aw, sud wnUl range from $10 on s $B01) ar te $140 on a car ýcoS"g be- lyes 84,600 antI 85,M0. STrucks lame au Autos. Motor truacks rAil psy according te IM snescitedule as atutomobiles. On masotorcycles titere wIl be a Il-at lea of $5 a year. Anotiter las pro babl, nIll be devisedte bit deaîers inved car. l la çgtlmated tat the tax on gase- *lige viii bringlng betreen 840,000,- M60asd 8$00,000. Thte automobile t5x e estimatedtie1 praduce net lIsse iias 1135,000,000. Titesesverstce only items on t. trisuri' depsrtment's luxury list dip- cimedt Ida>'. To sîpedîte action on 4110r Items te committee auîtoriod tlrhm ltchen te appoint- a s',b- glsattee. TI* comsnlttee. Représentatives Bull of Tennessee, Hlvering o! Kau- Ma and Moorp et Pennsylvanie, raiq db»CWedte report- Det Iter titan fiat- Tex on Fît-st Cozl. ~IMe automobile lax w>ld be as- sesseti accordlng taetee xtall itt Ute ofe thlie car at the tinte o! manu- facture. Titere vtll te ne detuction fer age of tse car or for te lengtb et tmInt t bas been la use. Heue a Mc otlag 83.000 In 1910 nIl py JusI «emucit as a iM Smoel costlng tsesame amount. The tax viii have te ho paiti b>' tue ovuer ritet-ier t-be car la in use or Os. "ers rit0 Isi'titeir cars up. sla'PPlsgtem of tires. nillt et- Came*te tas. te collecter lill cet thea1! Ifteovu wncar@. even If the mcant rua around thte blockt. &@hedute of Taxes. Tite sebedule sgt-cet upen ts. QaSz cotlag $500 or Issu --....teI erm SmOOteo$70...... .....15 Frout $750 te 11,000 ........... 2(1 ptom $11.000 te $1,600 ......;; Prom m 0ta> $2,000 .........4#1 Pront $2.000 te 2.500...... 601 ProMM421W t 0 l ...00 ...... >0 4rm 3.000 ta $3.00 .......Qj rrom 83500 te 14,000 ......... 15(1 From 44,000 te $4,500 .......Jet Prom 84.50lte $500......140 Waukegan men ant inien as elI = t o h andle ttelr starlitei cacîytiis seeslon. Ye.. the wri-hast necetallatedti t gqardet caeco! bbe lîdz Becore t-be fltlng tatIstquântltlc a! brit »i 'sImporteti fromt BeWgumn d in ffltzerlaad, wrich la tut-a obtaineti tier t-enmat-et-talqfrointItal> Titis st-mn mas manufacluret Inoto bat-e in tliç-n#, but te soit et tbis ce'n- try la excellent for tse arase ng ef ' vlabor ka ton blgb te mnake the efgelry pgy. Nom the sbraw fields efLlDslgum aSt-spkanted i nth Cet-iss ,ot4fand tI ly la raeing houas f l eamrThn'lere tan lie ne sip- ofeitta titis count-y until a Me o~r 0aflt- ite rt-etnti T"."h duad for ttc Mexhcan straw, om~brproa. cîceeda the supli'. Il May i' e tat Waakegan nl -aêt tus eset-It-ute, * paper bat f pota Jpaes- paper. ' ynin euare bhroucb vith W4 5Ur, PIN*s il bct'cfil tan be m MM«, . ,, W4y44" lhe girls of W»uK*ogan jike 9,k baiebwsk r1,r or shae. charmer* at a cheous?7, What ha@ osus.d Skie sver-growlng tendoYte makêý-uuay et hq oqits falrest ltti. félkas and ldr folk* as wilI look< like lthe wlndsw of il pet. &hop? laWl Il Mwttl? Why do partnts toiersts il? Whou feul I. lat? Ira t5he paents cand lteparents on. ly.. .1051 non when there Is so tnuch 1011< &bout conservation, l seemu as titough one place vitere conaiderable saving could he made le La thte metter of face portIer andI fart- paint that is bebeg used no profusely titrougitout tL t Lake County Girl Writes Verse about the Famous, Lotus BedÈ at Grass Lake, Lake Courty; is-Applied to Music, Dd You i er ,kn that a IA"t county girl wrowth ie wSrts andi MU& le ln hQItýOnr t lie famoja$ bolaus4W' ers vitila bloom i rla sp m, Lte Oounty? 8UCh t'ho teCase. Thes girl la quesioa lais *uma flucitann 0 Long Laite. Mer sonu la entittisd. te couatry. "Wb-endu Lotns Are ln Bloo.aý l Itlàte getting 10 ho a frlghtful con- bas been publaletIand clrculateà dit" of aft4irs viten one look*t lle .- temiiely ardudad specsyeuag an Because fleloalacrt1h of tiem brî n !théir les ~iiapp t in oth, paiting and powderln< la a ianner foyeFrt, viticit Just snwame. ta bloonm, t-bat mires t-itlook Dike clwnlYre Sa it ere' of bà0ÏÏtitlilitti. *Irls in Waukegan '0 D Iliiiieola BRay'caaoelng, nito are spoiatiteir fealures andi SnetJImurtas Oti'go coyly vooln' spolling thier general ntake-,jp by 'Wharate teair l ecented rit-h Ibat ltse appication etfgreat quantîties of frt ~perfume, jiaint and porder to face, ei'ea, eye- Whea the doew la sofîli' failltg, Ilds and-"eye-lasites,ad teunfor' AndtI lts WIIP-lioor'rills are calling, tunate part of I lba ttbat titeir pa- Oer thbe utters ensPrittem b 54(go iabea and i e te Lotus are In Bloom do IL Mie. way paint and portier inI p C RGltiS' iag 48ubed aIl over tse faces,0f tisse young- folks tala w k«gn la grad- GOWootittiIndilait roiLake bowre, ually manttg tse femînîne populace Dear oltI Grass Lake'a fragrant of Wukogiln to look ll'<s a btanch or oea cîrcus pee'ormers. To stand la one Malts one's heurt rebount and boom. 01 thbe store doors andi sectse crowds When tse Lotus are la Bloom. pas up antI dora t-be street anti I nlote te acial expressions or the Aad vues te sunlight'. brightl> daulibeti up faces la reasU>' about as stresaiig, amosing as ît le b go to a cîrc's And te SUlver Basare gleaming, sund watch lte ant-les of clowns wbq la the5 waters of tbe'Nlppersln'<i La- make a apeciaLiti'o! the art of paint' goon, IDÈ their Lees. Certainly thc aver. Wbea Plstakee's skies are glowing, age clown bai notblng on t.e youagc noisn et Waetkegan rito are appli'- tîtg tiIastaff go profuseli'. Itlei. tatienough thoe ste aduit meanhers o!ft etinîne cîrceeso! Waukegan applying paint antI pon - der se profuseli' but niten oneseces Il se apparent on te yeung girls of the tonu, sont. of them 13, 14 anti i'nti-5 of age, it- makes anc stop andi monderwvitlthe. couatry la rom- la.g t-o. Non la ail sinceriti'. doe«n'ti it seent as thouait quit-e a conserva- tion coulti ho madeIs f t-begavera- ment voulti take Btepa te elinaste t-be manufacture o!tis face portier anti utîlize that energy terard some- thilg taI là useful anti ascessary lni siead of permltting tsemanufacture o! sntmeting tuiat Io aet onli' nuner- essari' but- rbicb laso obacîtous t-bat it Je gstttng on t-be nervea of those rito abitore sucli a titing. KAKE SLUFF ALSO TO ACT Capt. Moffett o! Great Laites sta- lIon la one man rit-h Ides, lu tact, ite bas t-iem»sefatctanti seot-en t-bat Il la bard for bis aides and lits triends ta keep aface nîit hlm. Ma 5Suggestion recentli'te Waakega's counctl t-at tbeY change the Msse Marlon st-et-etaleSeuth Shteridan Rosti ras accompnled ly a'.slmilar fleusat te NotlbChicago andI Lake Bluff that te main art-et-. les lhro<igb h te places siso be changedtito Sherildan Roat. la titis rai' Capti..MoffetI bopes t-o have a stralgitb Une up trom Ciz-a- go knovn as Sheridan Reat.il t 8eems t-at Years &go Capt. Rose, niten at- Great Lites st-ationn. as com- mandant, b>' anit-der ellmlaglté Sheritian Roat. Bloc@ t.hat- tue il bas heiointi of existence no fat- es properti' near t-li station goeasud.it aeeme âtlng for Capt. Moffett. aise a commander at the station,.lt est-or n t-be name. Titerefore, ho titi 19 0 fer as tse rS4. ruizintg patibGreat- La',es atâ- t-Io v;entý andtiktng thte malter ovsr hi felt as thoug Itlit ouIt .e a .gwm ti -ig tget Iiîke Bluff ba do lb. sanie Ibin andt -bn Nert-Chi- cago anti Wauitcgan blan t-be cx- ample. Waubegan igs lken official itc- tIon, North Chiceago te soon te de sa andti la Isexpectei t-bat Lake Bluff wIll fait Lnsne.When titis la done, Sheridian Road wmIl be the main drive clear t ram Chcago Wta'hit etats lUns ant ill be an unbt-okeilt rond nhicit can castly bie foloret l>y autompobiles traveling betreen Ch!- cage andtihIe claIe lhe. HUNTING SEASON f The huntning seanon lnIlîlinois epen.t Aîg. 1. upan nitici date sslulr- telsa>' ybe astt-.e-bsopen seast4tt lasting until Jan.-11. Mournlng tiaveli mai' ho ahat att-st- Ag. ", but not later than Aug. 31. Spilpe anti plevet- mai'tbp illedtfram Sept. 1 to Dec. 15, andth ie samne seasn applie te ýi ducks andI gesse.RIbaitîtamat> ho ,tbilledtfront sept. 1 ta Jan. 31. Otiter httir-itearlng animale at-e prôt-el iu ý- , 1 it Nov. -1-- Comtty>'Cler-t-Heaueebias Iota supplisti uis leut-tg liAssas.. AMtI tse crrent gently florlng, - la August, When the Lotus are ln Bloomt. 1 Titea you cen bear Roiteman's laugit1 ter, Sure sudlarncy Island), citatter. Witere real mirtit sud lOY antI glad-i- .nef. citansegloont, Wbere anl nature prompts romancing As tseraves go merr'ly dancing, Oe'r tsewaters, WhethetsLotus are la Bloont. t Se bothIn lasun santitmoon andi star-1 Ugbt, AI by eveaings dimlI t tlght, We'll go flotlng titru tbat flon'ry landecape bon, WIt pure lov's eyss fontitg amîl- tng. Days andi nigbts anti bout-s begutl- On te waters, Wbsn lte Lotus are la Bloom. MI.RDER TO BRING RESTRAINTS EIgln, Aug. 1.-T'e Jury callet byf Coronler flugene H. Norton ta Inves-1 tigate lte deatit of Ruby Sisti', nho1 vas strangîsti by a negress at- tce Stats Hositlal Tuestia>' met at 9:301 yestertiay moraing antI recommnined titat mechâtulcal restrainte ho useti on violent patients, andti lt the dangerous ones ho pacetiln solitar>' confinement. No Law te Pt-avent. Thet a-te lama aller site gitamins anti secîution but Ibmi ln the Elgin institution a-as abi b>' a former adminittration. Thq tirgeti lte preýsent su8rntcndcr L T. Hînt-on, te reste,lihte tres. T1%e Jury foundti Iat ltep "rame te lier deatb on te 30t cf ,Juîi' b>'strangulatton by ta of abeetIug lied at-oued 'ber viktte te evidence .sitoned donseby'a patient oe! »14 inst b> lte, rupp i o Iattie Brsia1e '«On açeount of t-e bs hrtageý tendants st satt Inistit-ution, ws jury. recemmiendti-at th1e super tient anti-.phyplclans be glven. tîscretion I ltie use. of tat- restreint& anti Indilvitiual sechui unusual cases, thsse aautesh been absiltshsd b>' a fermer lxâ administ-ration, alt-iosgthUts lama eallon l. We recmmend tse order o! the.former boardb cintietia 9 tir as il aoppltest straînts ant iseclusion' Hosptal Noede Attendani A member of t-be iJury' tatec aftet-nooo ftal 36 patients tlatt lent rard .vere la charge ef regular attendtigts asti an extr nManurWtocame lnat aimes. AI wet-e lnthe narti ritein occurreti, but- lite>' re.aIl buïl dit net- notice lie Ire ranis onl Into lte aide ruent. Tite tal tormerly kept seven ailenai titIs yard, but t-bey at-e non la 60 of titeir usual number of To reisi>'thiislacI tosonme te hospilal eau igtailîmiastaniç eirsini ' g det tees sticb asn oti ims use andi mers used, hbs Rbalishet hy te fourner hbei te Patients are placedtri ia sel rotm *wben thelc i' telfi bsigi ir tise Le jury ct, Dr me.s- patient lbh day a ttece I .k~~O!l,.rssi .Wd~~rn a -u-'vt~,- -~ eses~'-.. ~ -- -v... - ÔIrFICIALLY WItI-IRAWW -W*ubegwu # toaslvÊ who d aoî *y*,t»mgelveu o!t te, opiutiig epjMhmeas 25 pounds of sugar for C5kapurposes are Ilkely ta itÇve tilayéesr unlesa they,-use lte coL:i tapIJiot expluuively . fer At wtfi 'nâ e10impossible for ltentat. Puchas. sugar for titis purpose. Jol'o S., la*.Waukaaafoodl administra- for. anitucsdtedy t4iat.lte 16-lk.. anga alltmea for ing purpoi. 55 'bas.been *ltitdrawn foliowing or- tIssu t.yepu Waishington. -. ta cases where It lis absolutely net,~ cSsary, accordlng to NMr. Clark, bouse. vivea miay, by applying to hlm and ÇOnvfocfo hlm t-bey have no sugar et aV in tbclrrhomes,aSt an order for 10 à m de for cannlag purtroes. TiI la lise largest illoment thatl i li'e 4àeto anyone, lie $78 and titose IPUA llun'lotmont vilt, st- b. able te IPet 4 second ai *pst Mr.,Cark buas tve< Instructions Di, Ma" ybougenives bave iseglectsd t.q 9MBtai tUic 25potsd allotmeut and 49on AMd themueîves la a serions pro- -Tii. tnse o! sugar la Wac'<qan and, lenitere IlA 1iter clwtDed hi.s orde iMlîbcit places lte mal i. loAt of sugar at t-vopou»nds per Persos lansteati of Ilirse peuntis asi iteretoors. Tiis sas rule applies t-e restau r- aats antI other eatlng bouses. It vili asean a mare rlgld conservation Witen t-be plan of alloning lîuc iwo pountis per inonti pe« person .aa C 41aet ofa irees or 50 '"q lb won belleveti that 1he rule roule* be elastte, betng put iup to te peciple is a patriotlc measureMrn Clark as- serte ltatIlb nom bas been matie Iran- bound. Ouly oas change lanlte price of footistuifs ras matie atht-e tfeod meeting Wetneatiay ntgbt. The prier' et brick cheesc mas increassd lIt-e ceats per paunti. Situation Acute, Gridley. Count>' Foot Atmnistrater GridIe>' untier date of Jttiy 31, issiues bhideot-. ficlal notice: "Due te a decreaset suppli of 5su. gar tSi. public le calîsîie upon w> confine titeir boussialtinuse 0f sugar ta tw'b pounts per pst-son for thte nionth of August anti ail dealers al- lotmeats vill bs reduced ta a cor- respondln bansste Mt-citants con ss1I sugar for Can- ning only upon the rritten approval of their local food atimlalstrutor. The>' mai' t-en use sucb cannlng cer- tificates as nei as certificates of the' A, B, C antI D-clans, recelvet f ronm restaurants antI ot-ier large censtîm- erg for put-citassla jaddition te al lot-ment-s for bouseitoit use. Ver' lîttîs sugar nil! be obtatnable for cannlng. Alil fruit sitoulti bc pro- serveti however, anti cveri'ones avini fruit shoulti commnocate ritb thelr local foot admlaitlrator or ment- bers etft-be Slste <4ouncillof flefense as to the best met-bot o! preservtng fruit vitheut- sugar. Sugar ntay be svujlable bi' ltse Imp the fruit ,te lucedeti fer consumption. but nheth- ert- la or net, lt-la te pat-itlle tti et eevryoue itaving fruit te conserve It lu the bout manner possible. "Sugar la scarce and cae are ilgh "Se dry, dry, dry. 'WelcofltcneNs lasmat hand for farmere lailg lteir or'n nieat for fleur. The promise of a billion buahel mbest crop bas promptedth ie rata- Ing ai the farmers vbeat flour ai- lolmeut toelsglit 'petids per pprson per montb antI delveres may he madetistesuppli' bis itousehaîtiuntl Octohe o. InI the case of- euch d-' OI~1JTOB1ES Afer .-Pýîd-tpvy -I8 $20 TO M$OfIe4WMENDED Theat-eç a d1ypT pket,.As- Wasilngton, July 31.- A tai of 10 9eg cent on sale priceso! ail automo- biles wau wrttea la thle new revenue blit today. notoat-r cks, on accouaI of titeir gre*ý usefqlneu lau ver vork, nIl be taxed cl i i et-cent. ite tax nIli lacluded also in the 1Q per cent scitedule nUl be player pianos. graph- aphones, Phonographe. tslklng ma- chInes, sportlng goode, inoludlng baseball bats, 'golf clubs, flsbing rodes snd racla: pool sud -illard ta- bIes, perfumes, cosmetiles ' -tantes, proPrlelary ,medicines and- camera». ÂII except coametici and proprie- talrT medicines non are taxeti 3 pr cent. about $70.000,000. Thte .1gper cent tax soir la forcefle calculateti te yleld $32,000.000 durlng lte current fiscal In addition la lte I0 per cent 'tac agresti -Won today, Citairman Kîtchin aut-horlzet the positive announce- ment te commiltenIl limpose an- Jotiter tex, collecteti froni users af tbe automobile. Titis taxill be ln lte nature ot a tederal license, collectilîsaus tate licenses as'. non. Kitchin declinedto1 predJet ho N- hlgh lOese rates nilgitt run. Treaatury departminut recommentiet iront 82o t0 $teO, accordilng ta coet- ef car. Double Amusement Tex Tax on gasolne bas not been con- sidered by te commlbtee. Ot-ber tisx- es sgt-ced upon nere a doublIng o! adm4uijaikIntax t-o theat-ers, operas. mot-ton pict-ure shors aud sîmila, places o! amusement. Thes preséal tsi ln 10 ver cent; under the reviseti achettule tIl roltbe 20. Tit ai applies teaail admissions of 10 cents or over. To get- at tht smaller prîceti houses tîte commnttte teatatlvely decitedti t impose a tax of 1 cent on ever>' admission up t-o anti including 7 cent-s. Hesvy Tax on Stilettoë. The commit-tee deieldtateplace s iteavy tai upon ail klnds of ilrearnis' lacludlng a prohibitive ts x cf b.. pr cent on tlr'<a, *stillettos. sheatit knlves ant i lmiîar deadli' neapons. Thte tai on abot-guns anti rifles mas fixeti at- 10 pet- cent, anti on jevol- vers anti pocket pistais 25 per cent. rit-b tbe ltiea of discouraging tbeir use. KIt-chia announcedtht-e sommlbtee toniorrow nlll take lup t-be luxur>' fax suggestitos> »cently' suittotteti b> the Treaaury Department. Titese inclutie recomlnentiatinns for a 50 pet- cent tax on al sales ot er- elry, and taxes on clot-bing et ail tindrs, iousebolti furalture. pprsonal servants, lociluting chauffeurs,.-et-c. The tebacco' tà,x sebedule ras pouluone t tP iCthe cowmlitteTe- ecives stalisties asked of t-be treasuri' departmest. WAR 18 MAKING MEN SCARCE r neck Jllveres t-bsraltlier must ln al ln- TiSes oitIb. enougit men ta 1 wtan stances labo a written staternént go arounti If thte nar ase for moe lt-ut-Ion, front tainers &ast-o requlrement-, r md blan a year longer. ts5, rîli reqitest pledge froun t-he farier ThaÇs tei dire propheci' of an ! O! at- te cul dora t-he use aifriteat fleur as Itallan profeasot- et sociolOgY anti we, t-b*e fat- as pestIbie. The names eoftpIi alatistica vbho bas just- publisitetia t-mIe-n. farmers refumIntg to takîng the pldetige Iarneti lrtk entilleti "The War anti - aOiS must-lie reporîti t-o thes Unit-et Population." hAfical States foid atinittsraIon. Reiegures that- If t-be rsr endsin l sien in Ownera o! fat-mast-stin; thorn>-)an1919 Ibere rlIli e 121 romen he- baving @hares are net- enltîti ta receiv'- treen t-le ages ot 20 anti 44 le evet-> iard a!rfGeur in eicbaa<e for a-heat. 100 men of lte samseacs la Eng- state lanti. la '1910 lte trortJpn vad td that Slt s.leDtLgu. 108 t0 100. be rels- ÂIlug t Qil B. LUt-.Oor la FranCe t-l ieltuabien wnu hoý te re- ow bis pputiipelluite Citnistiau cal. even more tirtitul. Titere nIlIl be enasr ta o asmé«-;of. bise onBorn 124 nomteli te eveyy100 men. lu la-. la a fulle'suop là1u 'PlpiialCilleia. German>', viere lits sexes vere ai- d t-Is George eeeartvuio i n ¶'sttate liitîsifmost eveal>' balanceti beforè t-be rt. be vie- Stiit tees 580.iti hm blUsrV le1 aAt. tiere nîlI be onli' 19 surplus romen h bree terlal Skiest,'»- M; e edually ri»6te eveey l1t0 men-iarienaugb, t-a na- tritntbis iglma eltmurly. (G1b50 lte anîhor sayo, le malts polygàmny Il four @Ms lt-at a lgegli'sgeOutraet for nmupratc PlYlog lte s21 Iimt baoo.profeiprcl cl iturdet- uûder lits qpfql$ 1 uîeuaemqm nla Ttc scisentiit is tbe conifort-able s>' andi mine of uuellibut- ltaS bwas, on doctrine ltaI ugenicalli lte race 'n sltp Uthdii esyet lb» disheneet prac. îl Iimpreve aff ert-hIe -ar. ,becatîae boxt- dte, cmpe efSe ib l c ountry. Ibere rIli he o se an>'1 vomen tor- auto oni ever>' min ta chone a nife froint t-at lackla g 'lie wIlî citoose thebeiealtlilcat, hanti. 1. 4pIp. --samest anti streflgst.' degrep o! violence, aceordins btte lui ymn. Tite Young mca vil! hoe remat-kabl>' Ial tr'- qîtoet, gsît elidents ianu 1*as-oit- fil, a>'.-te autitor, bec-saseven sr as-e.-thougit tisablet hi' nennts and mu-. ae ont-il -Thtejury consstd of GeorgeR. lisations, the>' -Il lie wrtUta 10et-r?, arti. If Titospson, fereman,. JQe H. Joue#, on lterate, owlng 1t teir itygrente parat-. lSd. IManu, Geolga Aulletige, Sidney fIl!.taulte openandthie elulary dis- r--«àsiff Birtissil and A. Z.LiU'dgê. -cIfMifte eta M e it. - r FO~YLIhI$EIP4SP',ON SEAU Wàsajogans spai~,by proxy", la Whieb b. conr4tiÏtla; parties are »naI83 ,Rudobh& Wincer of' Great I4kesand Miess£MIlY Orisi of Cairù. INgyp, Wnul, It te satd.be the langemtî drawn out cersbnony", on record. The parties to this unusual colia. pact wilt totay bogie tle bgaI elepe witicit, lnabout thi-emontha ru! tcu-I milnate ln the knot belng jollty mli PEnalgn WInzer lves Rt 107 North Park avenue. Hia wire diedt uni!" HE DIES SUDDENLY, STORY, menthe ago and ho han a son in 1h" - Davy. Thim ta a etory of the war and a The lcenne which spee eured remaricable tortins.iejler as told by at .Waukegan, Wednesday, mirât l'O a Gelieva -Wttn tu an Aurora màlled ta Cabre and, Immedlaiely àr friend' and told by ber tasa group ln. terneoirig I Wenesay he roaii.a tea roin and told by them far ai t-e sobâring tIWeonesl;day. th grocaII.wire exctlng th ronder and boire to-b atartd i on ts ay.Whp itof a multitude. reaches Catro wlth Winzers powt- I Yesterd&Y, Bc ruasu this tale, a Tricl of attorney Mise Oral will choo>s. Iwonm from Chicago, wkh sundry Imre ntPL relative» andrç tj 4Im Rtid ~ ~ ~ ~ i nhr u eaPoycrno> ~ ~ ï otaire ta Cenev. -ct .,bea Prxy eremnyvisil, ber fainlly whloh therf-tn resides Mies Orsi *111 receive a cstdî'eoî. I On the way or pet'aPN tire return, lime today InférmIng her of th I the party wasspiniig along tlit' - -- ~ xWej:rgirad. +-,eè ~.-h~. one in -ai-re and sond filta Wlnzç'r, One of tlit' dark kiinorit aom'-a or With ber payer of attorney Winz,,q' lysery approachedt the' pimKinz 'car will choose a woman to reprenant lit.,sad offered ta foreteli the futuro'r, krid. Ad thre ilihe aottt-rthe usual bit of ilvê'r. The' rtc; lLrle. nd her nu li ltotl'r oman laugheci fur as she Ral, âtil cercptony. Then thcac records nuýi asn't isuperstitious,"but eh.' noujit bol duplicated and a Ile' kolit Ir admit a bit or eurlosity. .4o fil. Waukegan. Saine tfin i n('airo. KP xîPlfn was cromg--d andi the Mina Oril nantm ta corne ta Ain-rt future ws unfolded. "The iar wil end in Aiilgut%,,fl,",h ea as the bride or Ensigu WInz,'r i, seer saad. Andti he' rch womnan ibis lis the reason for tilr( arria»., i5ughed again and i o1.ervt.d tirai ;lmc' bvy proxy. The c(lianc"s are' wiet hoped ,o. mthe arrives they'lî la' mearrlf.d 1a il "As surely." the dsughi.-r or t':gî pI ove agin.centlnued. "as that - our i lawif. i ocer again. Ill drap deati br'ferp ton] rit k. 'rbey met tirithe' ihadidnwoft'lt(-';,Y- thpr townthe mer wl n dlctri a N ramids when the ensign mas asItg ne ut. " Then euurvl<ely augh(ert, ý ed t th Il ssgn'chauffeur loudest- or att.Th#! itmg cd t theIl.S. S. North ('arolina. ear drove on. Mtiss Orsi IR the daughtpr or an ëng- And so runs the tlie, br'ferptho-v lish mnother and an Italtan marqiuIs, reached the next town (liet lu.u who becamne Anglicîzed InluAI.-xa»- as dend. ri B%>none ef the hh)peflit und,ýrta, dria. EKYPt. They eîqa'ct te live. InI ers has.the' bodiy. I!l te chaîjn'.-ir Chicago. dted lie vanlaledi In a cloiffl or (ii.t. Thtun,a&.4,isA Orasl has i>11(0 lie ras4. It neulti aup-ar, a sort o! cured a Iliense in Egypt whlch la$ l"1>lng Iutbran. bee strtd o li wiy a Aieira Mirs. Il. W. Iltawkinéz(f<n"e been tartd onils ri- t Amu i, aId sue l.rew Ihat 1hý, chauffeur had the chances are thetwto lImporî~tnt iîrt because 81w b ail If front a good> documentesmii 00ss on the' high w;-- source but she diti net know the 1- one eastbound, one wo s>hutil, !>>.t: > ce>o'dn' niani or plat o(f his na> sehird a 1h n oreg>e flot t' >ail Shetought ftict' nmater',, naina' aau bepe ferfutue îrlpîp' jThayer andtit »>tht' 4ýo.- lil t h LoPen or fuure hIjpInt. .'hioae-Auror8 lb-sean Npwq AUiUST THE IST. ýA Gypsy Dîd and ýAlso thal a, Was to Expire y NEW 10 aMutcar ql»illiBier, GlIut g, i Ol e ticket sdmldta, muIdestug, Mifio - Doar idieuutaider »10, bal!1 ~ ai10 ~ 5Iflum taflcd iy e r wfIflNn.udeentt lo mu- -dent, In w ci> far-t but Wnl lik'- ii 1 IWIii t i. oI miti ot-il.i rin, I ln >- forPi "Il, it and >ai pro-il! i.iIiir.s l b. Wsrd TImrdI1. Oiii B-Circui this year. Tenta at W. Washing. ington St. Show Ground. TREE R. . TRAINS-72 CARS Reserved and Admission Tickets on Sale Circus day at CurIees5 D rug Store at same Prices as at Show Groud w;r.. 77- :-, -W. 1 -T 1 ' Il 1

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