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Libertyville Independent, 1 Aug 1918, p. 12

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~Â~E WflT~ ~ ~ a LIBERTYVIJILE INDEPENDENT.,THtTRSDÂY. AUIlST .11 * *'-~ N' t' . - ------- - .- - -, -, 7.Zbertyv leIndependenSEVENUJ. 0 tuecouri I umkpnet -WaJkega W eekly Sun -CAPNESW I BtaX 'sAttrny ich may soon b. going up in the 'OUT AT STATION arWihe's een "h the air" before an dtherefore he sboulda't have much trouble acclimatlng blmself to the Men Who Are Dissafistied Be- uw eperience, While he's going up h. mîght take a few cause they Dont Get Tralis- local political aspirants with him and then they'd' actually portation, Quit Work know what it means to b. there-and Bave themselves- time and effort in the campaign that's hiuing. . GET 5,CENTS ÔVER'SCALE It ji8 a tre.gic thing.that happened at Elgin wherein aApparance of New irat violent patient murdred a Lake county woman when the portationthe Cause guards we.re but a few feet away. It seems an impossible happening yet the tacts speak for themgelves. How the (,.vprnmfnt MWkeas nef- 8 .authorities.would permit a woenan of such violent aith at Grea aI .kpq station to<iy Mmfflua e go-£bA-h j1IýnJece It hîî8ot ocrpéntéa, isat guarded, is liaMd to understand. It seems Uike a piece of lasfied wlIh the workJng arrangenleuItt iegOgen aa* tt e oeabout it<Ofthey had with Pascen Brathers, the *eglgene a.. ..ts O.~... US M~55'U~ JJL4 A.'~big Chicrago contraeiorq, went on a 10o1rW t la the fret tine such a thinghau happened, butsiX ai 11) oclock dreeiing fo Z 1~4fth-.n"y attendanta maintained at the state j" iuîj~n.ndeg.ýqtênzb44h- utittlojher shuldhavebee no"fre tie."reacited wherrby tltéy are in be pajd _.-,ptuUo,_ér soud av benno"frs tne11 fhtrtrnsoratont from Chics- What's this?- Seven hundred carpenters strike at. Gret Lakea because some other contractor than the one th.y're working for is paying their transportation? The 1dm! .The boys over ini the trenches are waiting for the boys to be trained in THOSE buildings which are affeçted by tire walkout at'Great Lakes. THOSE PEL5LOWS OVECR THEREC haven't tried to strike, excepting to « utike AT the kaiser. And these feflows at home, inste&d of strlking AT the kaiser are wiuling, if even.for a day or for an hour, to strike. WITH the kaiser. 13hame, men, *>aeon you1 Think of, the Americans over there doing thuir ohare while you-?? ÇQPAATVEPRIOUý ON P00DB AS PAID BY> - EhAILEE AND CHAIGED TO CUSTOMEIS. 1. olcwlng are fair prices for fondi laitek county for thé curreet WAck. cu deterhdeiletiy thée'footi administration. Namés etn ail deniers aelllng at Prices ousîde oet tiis rangée ouiti té reportéd te G. C. Gridleyp Aurai fondi admlnlstrater for Lie c ouety, or 1e township atiministratora V" clU lake te proper action: ning Atigunt 2, 118. Reai rice îstemer shoulti pap for té taglen a eai oulti not ças.A the foilowieg. The vosht10 lite retaler of neh article cieo la gIvrA. j CosIt teRetalier Prie beconsumer ,emnuite.d Su-jar (In buIs)......Pur 100 lta.-IlS.27 9 1-2e 44quistsd Suger (in2-1b. cartons).. Per carton-18e 20e , cy Wrapped Bread ............ Per lb. loof-11 10e %White Fleur ...................... Per 1-8 harrel 150-1.55 155 1.;0 WVht. Fleur (in buiS) ............. 5 îba.-3ae îlse ltp. Fleur (ln baga) ................b ibs-;.-3339e *» MPlur ........................ Per 1-8 barre-Ill.40-1.70 5.S-l.S5 *llek Wheat Flour ...............5.lb. bag-32 1-2,0 37c 2 L Fleur ............ 5-lM bag-320 37e mo" Or................. Per 5-b. bag-lIc 38e fIlle Fleur ........................ 5-1b. bag-33c 39C Vine Fleur................. ...... Per MS-11-12c 12-5c (ilader lte-Preuidènt's proclamation rtatllrs muât sert anti con- amerar mueI bup wlth eacit pounti af wite goeur a poueti of somé suit- atstue. Consumera have eholce ef corn-eal, corn atareit. corn tour, homlny vite. bcrlep gour, rice., ice fgeur, otuèci, rolieti oalp, tuek- *italfour, potatoé foeur. sweet potato gour, sop iten gour anti te- -tuart ire and meale. Rye tour la net cesaldered a aubsttut* for white gour.) Cam. Meal- (white buIS)........... Per 100 Ibs.-Si.75. Cfel Meal (yellew buiS).......... Per 100 Ibo -8b.76 Mami (whole) .................. Per lb-33e Buses (test gradea) .... .......... Per lb. I&c »oMMme mdi6m grades) ..........Per lb-toc gBueS., Squares (whole) ............ Per lb-30c l ar" (bostgradescrton) ......... pr lb. 30C Sld(lik)..................... Per Ib.-2¶tc CI ee- (full cresmeu ct te orulér) aid Per lb.-33o Olseee. (full crem, eut ho order, new) Per ib.-261 Ohlleege(full 'reamn. brick) .........Per. l.-31c ÎS111111e4(50 t ................. Per Ib.-14c Oeume(60 te 70)................. Per i-lIc Plrmese (90 te 1001 .............. Per lb-lc . ...p...................... Per 180 lba.-$7.25 ~lee <fnéy>...............Pr 100 h-$lt mu. (Wu@ rose)................. Per 100 Itia-89.00 - Ici (navy, hand pickcd) ......... Per 10 a.$1 Ml hli ghetgrades) ............ lic llk (msedium grades)............ 17c HUit (evmporated, not awceteneti) -_I1 1le Illutcr. (crommery, extra, buiS) ...47e (On. cent hlgher ln cartIons thon ln tube) Swues (tandard graces, cartona>. Pen ib. -31c *,tteOWlne (standard grade, relie) . ..-Per lb-,19 SUfaterlne (medilum) rol@and blI. .Pér lb.-2g8a. 111M (Otrictly treeh, candîsti)... ozen-45c 70 7e 36C 54e 44o 350 36Ce 35C 400 35c-4le 180 160 16e lb. Icelb. 18C ne ift 15C 52e 36e Ste lb 49C Ptutues (flew) ....................er 10) lba- 8 pk. of 15 ibs. 6.)c 10w TUE RUSSIAN CZAR DIEI) SIOT, PROPPED TO POST Ansalerdam. Hoîlanti, luI.%. :p tîîm .liéas informedtihue exeelîhlan woîîilà becarriéti ouItentwo hours. Collapséeln Hia Bedroom. Thé former umpuror, It lsa tddél, r'-céîvéîlthe announcémeut oftirlb :1encp of desthit -lsgret -eaîn- uti.but wbén heréturnéti ta his lied- 10o1t1 ac coilapact inlea rliair. Aller a té-,w minutes lie asisét for a prie8t, witb wbam lhé cas allowpdti tru- eu. auéttpdp -,.qu.....tIy lié PaRchén Bros. have been paylng ibeir carpénterg 80c an heur, whieh la Se aboyé thé union sae. but this contracting flrm badti.0 heen pty- lng the transportation ot thé mon l0 Great Laites trom Chicago snd oth- ùr points. A new conracter bas juat arriveti. on thé job nt Gréat lAkus beuret ane of the buildings, lb' had dltmetil- ty gettIng men anti Se offere te 1pîay thé aime pricé Vint Paschen Bra. lied bée paytng. 80e an Sour. but hé Inctuduti transporta tien as weli. Aceordlngly this brought dissatis- faction amcfg the carpenters wSa were worklng.for.Pascheg Bras., îvho insistai they sa na reason why shouldt blo e paid théir transporta. lion thé samneris men wbo aéré working for thé néw contracter. Trroublé began bréwing yésterday afiérnoon anti culiInated titIs morn- ing when about 700 of tbém quit work ai 10 o'clack, Inslsting tbey wouldn't work aey longer until an arrange- ment had beén madie satisfactery ln uil, wbérety ail woré te hé placeti on an equal basin. Juat wbat the attitude of thé gov- ernment wiii he toward thé ment walking off goverement wark rp, mains te hé s"en. One of théeoffi- ciaie at Grat Laites today saiti: "Il appears te bé a storm in a teapot anti thé malter ciii hé adjustét i e- sbly. 1 teléve. tomarrow murning, whén a meeting of ail the, contrac- terasbas teecallét Inlethé office r)t the luutile Worlca department.» It lu 'récalléti that about a y-*3r sgo a tew mien started trouble la Camp Pérry when the wor"i cas pro- gréstng téré rathér satistactortlv and ttncle Sam's officiais tépp-J luI and starteti them on thé rue Ac- cording te one officiai they are util 'runnlng" It la a certe.lnty that 17necle Sain wiii net tfflérate lengtiii interferenre. wItS thé. progrpsa of caris at Gréat Laktes beausé the buildings are lu sucS hig tiémanti and are neeted se tatiiy Juat at Ibis lime. Thé gov- eremèent on tSu nther bandt, accord- Iug teaun official at' thé station, cati- flot sée its cay cléar ta pay .5c an hour mare for carpénters employeti Ibère, as that la chat it manes in case transportatIon le alocéti. Thus thé situation ai the préet lime ls atmIer menarlng béosluse thèt csrpentérs by tbéir strlke tits more- Ing, lied up a great amount et woi<. It cannot',bé reatimet i ntil soe sort of an arrangements ta made whéreby théy fare wlling te accept thé terms which are satistactory ta thé con- tractors. Tiis lis the firffitsériotîs sIike of any consequencé that Sas oceurreti at Gréat Laites since thé nec expansions have beén starteti. itlais trikes ot titis kind on goveremet work that huas breugitt about thé agitation througbout thé couetry thoreisé the. draft tpge up te 45 or éven 50 le ortier that ail corismén of ail kinds coîuit corné undér govèrnent centrai anai thug strîkes etfitis charactér wauld bé impossible. One report hali It tita considér- ahlefilghting anti violence generally tati progrésond et thé station, Sut lnqulrY of oflceurit brougbt forth an. emeitic déniai Ibat such was te case A&s one official salai: "Nobody better sîart anytbing doce hère lIn the way of trouble orthè,rne wll Wîtis twe hours aIs-en lenaSic hte wroté 1t-erritters. Urmething Wioine P#eParé for the endi, NieSalar, Renian Ibitu thé éseoltrt amnît l aise As a resait1t he sIise ofthé 7()o «,. Ormer Ruasian émperor, s-as tath hlm tethe Placé, oft é#itttn Nicho- carpentcn, il méana 'tiat practlcallv e« eut by bis éxetutionerb ia a bstte las -attélt tt îrisf, - om bis chair, al caris on thé big Improvements Of auch Collapse ibat il cas uecesss ry- but. va, snet able.Tî pia aîi Progncaslîîg opposite thé Northwést. hoQ prephlmsga4nurt a post, sa'y h slié wr.a Tîgt he pip hlmndétern déPot aI thé North ChicagoE ced IokAl Ânzelgér of Blinît. chicît to hSu, ptetThé toatemneti macn dées oft hé station, la a a standtitihi10 ettims t10 havé r-eetîétj fr,m a igii t-él iîl(,stairq cilS tifficultýanti de-. The carpéaters gatheréti about lAssIan personagu- an aicont of thé once So ettlt doan. 22nti street this noon anti cen" taitç- eMprors laI houna. ing (mters oven. Théré -cas noa tilsca ecawakenp t ai acloo-it Shot an H- Trie@ le Speas. trouble but Ihéy seemeti determJneti Me Mi.norning of thé day of bis oe-c As hc was, utabtulélu ind ittiou, hathé mé nursit n plitéheccméra eghion b>' s patrai o!fsalion commis- support %alin thé Placé 0 Xlu the eoncoknti orsthenerohers alofl ocer nd ix mn. if ed. o ws pippe aganst'aéré equaly positive they caulti net tuho tires anti cas thon ti{é b patH raii,éd is banda anti malté thé, lecrèaaé begùse Unclé 'OOus Wiere thé dee4lloinécfthé an. -réed Io b tlryîng tn apeais, but th ls tati acantiedtihem c contract vintéoucB ve emmtlîcaéd iu nllé apasé lutiliefr11ticîl. baséti on certain figurés ant i elpet- . ....... réd tbém to carryIl througit. Walter Atitinnon, North Chicago, 25; Margaret Mciearn, saaie, 22. Augusta Réase. Kenosha, 27; Ma- tiel Watts, saine. 18. IlDugene'e-Dérmttt.,iwtké 8 liarriet l.yech, marne, . Geo. Dismourca. Milwaukee, 3 %Marthiý- Serocyns'..i, Saperton, Wt.., 1Rudoklh Winzer, Great, Lakes, 42; EmilIy tursi. Caria. Afrîca, .23 Reneboid Dahmèr, Chicago, 3 Julia M Boer, samne, 18. Arcitie Meredith, Milwauakee, LIt .Rose Laliock, ('udabay, l9. Rous Baker,. liwaukee, 21- Ez.. PaYne same, 23. Peter Fettig, Illgchwood, 18; Pearl G à!+îty, same.-W--- -- -,. l"orest Cummings, Iighwool, 22; Florence Browrn, samé, 18. "L M. C."ISfOUND; MRS. I(ILBANE SAYS - LYDIA CLEVELAND] Mrs. Martin Kilbane Mames -Womnan, Charges She- En- ticed Husband Away Lb.NF. C.'» thr' mysteions womanj named as vo-respontlént rect-ntiy' citen Mms. Nartea Kilhane epplietut te circuit court for a bil of separ aie maintenance, lit.s héén dlacov- ered. turs. KRUbane saya itlml Ltl Clevelandi" andi bécatîsé of le.dla*.q actioens tocarti Mértén, Mra. RuSant' today tbrough Attorney Beaultien, filai a $5,000) damage suit againaf thé mystéry corn. ler bIi 1 oo tînumual Intere8t bécabse ahé laye c.11 thé blame for the domesîle trosiule., at the KRubane tome on tlie Cleve- land ceman rather than on Rulbane. le tctthe Cleveland coman um pic- tured s a regular kidnaipper ot Mer- ben who la a mtrapping e fline andi wéigba about 215 polînds. But te cité oaapsthé coman bas ènticéd hlm trom home andihtas réjectéd cith score ber pons that sbe surrenulur beér hbsanti te ber, but she refuses. The bill -ontains many Ihinga of Interéal, among tem thé follewtng: T*hé aaid defendant, Lydita Chéré. land, lntendlng te Injure lte pista- tiff anti deprîvé hér oetIhe uonfort, féilowahtp anti supiport of thé platol tilrs sald bueband, Martin Rubane. anti of bis aid and asstanct iu ber tloméstic affaire andi husîn8sa, did int thé month of JanuarY, 1919, anti tromn théncé until the pri'aent timé, wmongttifly and injurtouiuly entir- tand persuadé hlm. théesa"ihuabanti of te qalti plaînîIf. unlawfullv and witheut léavé and aitatnst te w!)l o! thé rptîintiffr, te départ anti copar até bimuipit ftram thé plainîiff anti tram te dwélling-hotîse of the planý tilt, andtielacontinué te an iuawfully absent himmelf frôm the piaintitf, hi.4 wité, anti cîthot behr icave. la cansequènce of whlch uhiactîti enticémént of the détendant lheé cati huahanti of the planliff afîérwanuls, 10 ait, on the ttuy lest aforèaaid. wîthout leave anti againat thé wiiI of thé plaintIff deparitid anti sepArîtA htmself fromlte plaîntih! anti front thé tièlleg-itouséof thé piaint-itf anti trm intéence"hitherto. te thé prés- ent date, continuedte g o tînlawtîîlly absent imself. Whércby thé plalnliff durtng ail ut that timé bas wholly lest ant i a, been déprived of thée omfort, fellow- Bhlp anti support of ber aciti uabanci andi ot bis aid anti assigtancé tn ier, doméstie affaira antibusiness chicSl abe,. turing ail Ibat timé ougb'ta I bave hati anti ceultihavé hat anti Anti whéreas, hérétafare, to-wit, oiî the day afoesaiti. thé huBbanti <f thé plainfiff ueiawfully anti tethotît thé consent anti agianet thee clîl of thé plaintif!, déparIai anti absentet i bm- self frem tée plaintlff, anti afterwartis lo-cit, on tbé samé day, cent andi came to thé defeetialt. Yét té défendant, te cli know- lng thé mattera alforesald. Ihe andi thére ieiawfully harbereti antid é céivéti thé said huabanti of the Plain- tiff anti dîi from Ibeece itithèrta, un- tii thé preet datéeab<illy r'éfusé ta reélore hum ta thé pintiff, tai-1 thougit réquesteti 50 to de by tie plaintiff, but thé deféndant titi wrang- fuliy ant iinjus'iously secret aliti bar-1 bar the ata hushissiioetthé pilnilf trom the plaintlIfftiurlng ait *itlcb tOrnelte plaintif ii wholIy losé anti cas deprivai et théesomtort anti fellowasMp of ber sait itîsbanti anti et hIe aid anti assistance le her do- mnestle affaireancd lbusiness whluh abé ougit tehobave and üAmIgbt anti. coulti otherwise bavé tati, to the tiamage of thé plain tiff oft vréThon. Band Dollars ($9,000), anti there4ore Kbe brîngs suit, éetc. AS CANN1*SkSON AID FDD~ftK N13RSENDHERE That there weuld ýb. fewerpenalties Increase of One Cent to the fo ilations f gveeme fo 1~ Consumer is Indîcated in ullosI eopié would makte more use of thé public librarli.tu h@bellot NewftvStillement of thé United Staes *ood Admina- tion.1 Do pou1 know the amouet 0f sugar 1919, PRICE- TO BE FIXED Fou are entitled 10 use a wm*Jl >0. pou know how to secure Four IlizI nient ef sugar'for preservingt ýo An inereas tlathé là ne~of one pou lknowý lte ked and amount ofcentapue1Pl,.0thé îIe t r ugr l wbéae substitutes pou must purchase indtctd u I. astvaecmgn lauPd 0o wlth Four "leat houri If Dot. Four day by thé citairmn dl thé interna- public library c»e furelsh titis inior-' tlonal saugar commutte. Thim rutaie- motion. mn was made fclewlng a confe--» In addition te valuabie worke on aili one wth repreBcntatlvpe t0V lii'ii ~ t ~ h.. .nvrnMen .Rrilni s-- ~ 'c h u a nil-Loérnei gatherlng Ced preservation oftem. *îîme ewsîg'unCX C< .puilciiberls cn freiit nformua-, te décide on thé 1919 augar prit-e. lion on fond end le regulattous which The annouicefnt th t an IncruaMt4 ore of vital Interest te evevponc. late be madie lnthéeî,rice ut suga, 'rlh.gowérneî bülieties on fo d uh- nieg season in Waukegan.. A xi«-aý jeets sued, as substitut.« for articles pércentage of thé bouscwkvc.a aI t lii' formerIyp tiougitt Indispensable, mette. Ilocality have coMllpeted *the' sa l1 ode of preparleg dîshinl novel mau.- tak cf preaérvieg tii. amailer f ru lis.,1 ners andi preservtion er fruits ced. but thé peacit seieon la just cominr vegetables. __________ T.ach Uos of Subatitmflb. Whitiithé goyeremeutte. ulungthe war. regulatIng cnd controiling foodi _______________ le a manneér noyer baera eoetempIat. eti. Il leaciao alding lte public le fied- BI&heit Q it leg lte uséeulneseof varions materiais _____________ wicithavé heretcforé been but lim1e used. and witich, ln many cass, are better anti cheaper titanlte producte prevlously employed for lte saie pur- poes._$I r Fror Instance. a large manufacturer Of lait wan usling many hhouends oi pouede of suVwstela lkimg the umem. Mat aUPPlp Of "Pgr bains enttrely cnt 1This 18 the Iast Off, ho was cOmpellete to ntia substi- tut. and waê ald.d by lt. governnent J l l a lnn Bedng a mtiufa.ory subttut. y C i a whtcb, aisa, was rOucit ehesper tita - the sugar, while servieg lte mmm. pur. If Y0ou have cep sueh problem nsef W i t titis, go'10 the Public Ubrarp cd ed pouCID Eq wiil untloubtedlp hé amsltéd le solv-1 leg ltée Mme. C If you shouid desirs 10 moite a "OCre.-t U J ises cooker." or e "ieisse réfrigéra-;5 tcr," te raine pouitrp or itoga. or cren bées or Belgian hares ln pour tock yard, te dry vegetablet, or store A lR fidrt tbexe; toesaitfAt or piekîs ment; te A l e rg at do aii mmneer ef cannipg or pras".v Fôur peece UÀbrary Sce i lng; te keow what te de for tlu.'Fue a oces e fant's weifere. or 50w te feèd ltefimm- ueOaRokrgn Ilp satisfactorily on lh. "substtut«s, 4 C t i............ for méat. wbeat. fats and sugar." le 4nro abesi et fotte do aimontat ying 1 Eteein alerio-et moto or eteserve lte national ro ingCaroleak source@, pour l"boibe library" will hé gladte h give pou tihe Informationte 15%. D iscount red rthe cddrèssof he celleg* e whlit pyou can write for frse litera' Bcd Roo. Sets in ture on thte subecet. îvory finish ut prie-es belom FOOD VIOLATORS BROUGHT TO Alcazar Ranges. Se! JUSTICE1 Over 2000 cases of violations of tih. United States Food Administration roi- lnge have been inventlgat.d durtag the Vaut three months by the. Bureau of L>. vestigation and BEforeenentopeatmg muder the Illinois Division of th. Food Admnistration. These violators included whoieuJe and retifl grocers. owners of publie eating place., bakers, and mllk andite distributors. As a recuit of thée .h@arlngs. $W,. 000 bas beau turned ever to te Amert. can Red res. bY Intractors wbo ds.. Ciplinw tbemseive. for cselintoutr le excessive quantitie. or wititout lte proper &Mount of snbsltute, seiliog too mucit sugar. servleg more bread titan theY should wlth Msais. exceed- Ing titeir gour allotuent, or evercharg. lng for licsnsed commodtie. The atuot jortion et thecoua- tributtona came trots violators of the. 50-50l doncrerllng aed the. limited sugar ruling. .Mont of te violatora proclaimed Ig- norance on the cbanged food ruilega. and practically alh expresasd a destre to e"-perate wlith. Food Adminta. trallon le evsry way. HINTS TO HOMMWIES On OPA&Àimum Cinning With Minimum sucar." "Maximum Canning with msniut'M gugar" ilte latent Conservation slo- gan of the United iltatea, Food Ad- mJnistration. Honsewen are belng urged to can ail possibl# fruite aed vegestables, but to use itlto or ho augor. On@ of ltIe suggestions lea tut fruit julces b. bottled now and made Inte JelUes next wlnter, vissn il la probable tiiere wtiilhe a more plentiful supply of sugar on hand. Canning without sugar wUI beo suc- cesaful iW te Ingredienta are cooked twlce un long as nuai. Bulletin' on acentfle cmethods or Canning wtbout sugar are Issued by the United State Departmelit of Ag- rleulture. fres chag.adeo beodrdby number. 9Wolowng Le lte Un ofcfblletins and the*subjeces HOW to neutraliseaRid fruit Jule wlth carbonate of lime. sterillize and bottle wlthout uugar-Buietin SU9. jHow ho sterilis. fruit Jule wlthont sfugar, -bottlé, fer jelly inakieg, whee sugar le more ptentltuL-BuiletineSU88 and 858. How to maire a tarit fruit butter witbout sugar.--Builetlns 858 and 900. By esting more gerishablebere ahý home we mai mav. ohers from perleh. ing "over ibèe." ln 5 mo.InlSéugar wil beuaéd 4mt the canilbixaof 1hiti great frUiL, WaukqvLfl inerchanta daim tat IlonsiwW.'e5have desimted -ln tiiéte (.&miM1gn,, to -put Iéoniethins -or" merchantÀ hy threaIVIIIII9 to quit trading with theni if they refubB tu &ccede to thelr sug1r dennds. One of Che yoilnger aoci"tLY l(ad'rK who 1, mi ,restpd ta Red Cro4s andl othpr war aetivities waai amon4ïl those wimo piocurred sugar lit tw or ihree stores. lier fnafiewag Mj" pli o thue food 3dniin!-strator andilie threatens to' iOSecute ir the piu- (Icftjerla ac -GET AT IT NOW e t i -o waasegoD. C., isaues a irce bk ecneieg cnd drying. wli.ch may be hmd upon application, eac-os- ang two Ccnts for postage. bééé4~644éé644éé~ Lowest Prices tWeek ofgr- rante Sale ke Yime tc 'rs at 25% Diset. as Iow as ....... $22.45 Umine SPanish Ieath- ... . . .. .. . 7.35 sOlidoak.upfrom.. 14.85 id fuaned finish.... 2.95 -on Ail Rugs -mahogany. oak and old W wbolesaIe cost of to-day. liera Kitchen Cab~inets VVVVVV,,V~q9qq'q,9*,*qp*q~' Mr. Williani A. Rosiüg of Antioch, Ils. announces is candidacy for Coiouty Treas- urey of Lake County. Four years ago, hie re- ccived the very loyal support of a great group of friends -and acquaintances. Sin<'e tlîat time, hie has btîilt up a substantial busiiiess ini Antiocli, lls., and belieives that ail whc i sîî- ported hlm four years ago, should support hlm at the present time. He proposes to c'onduct a cleau eut e.aîn- paign, using no personalities. If eleeted, hie promises the voters of Lake County to, place the County money in safe dep ositories, and to obtain for the public money the largcst coni- mercial rate of interest possible.- He may not be able to. iieet ail l th voters of Lake County but promises as- efficient ad- ministration of the office of C'outv Treasîtrer, if elected, as hli as maintained il, the trans- action of bis own business. * WILLIAM A. ROSIrlo ---Dd-tôo epungu - --- . - . r Lýl .1 i 1 -L lý, IWIWIWIq ý 1 -

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